HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 8Scope of Work Information
Abstract DescripfioD: Briefly but completely describe the problem to be addressed and the project solution to
the problem. Please limit to one page.
Watson Island is a spoil island located in Biscayne Bay, Miami. The Island's Master Development Plan and the Ciry
of Miami's comprehensive plan reserve the majority of Watson Island for recreational /and uses. Towards this goal,
the City proposes to build a Baywalk on the island to increase public use and implement coastal protection goals.
The Baywalk will include an innovative combination of a functional retaining wall, which will build-up and level the
upland slope, combined with a seating area for visitors along the Baywalk, The City has consulted with penrur-ring
agency staff and, expects the permitting process to be completed prior to onset of the grant award in July 2005. As a
result of the consultation, the Ciry was advised to design the project to be constructed landward of wetlands and the
rnean high water line in order to avoid environmental impacts and regulatory concerns. Otherwise, lithe .
construction would impact wetlands, it would require an Environmental Resource Permit and mitigation. Also,
construction waterward of the mean high water line would ttiggcr submerged state lands issues and require a lease
from the Board of Trustees, which would likely be denied.
DEPAgreement $ c. CZ613, Atrarhment A, Page 2 of 5
DEP 55.J36 (04/05)
Prolecl Objectives and Related Tasks and Deliverables: List project objective(s) and tasks that will
accomplish each objccovc. Indicate the quarter in which these tasks will occur and will be delivered. Deliverables
or work products must be listed.
Objective 1: Pre -construction Activities
Task I; Site Gcarance
Task 1: Design
Deliverable: Conceptual Design
Task 3: Preliminary Approvals & Comments
Deliverable: Review Corniiients
Task 4: Design
Task 5: Regulatory Approva Is/Permitting
Deliverable: Permirred Construction Drawings
Objective Yr Contractor
Task I: Bid document preparation, connacio► selection
Objective 3: Construction
Task 1: Stan of -Construction
Deliverable: Start of Retaining Wall Construction pictures
Task2: Construction
Task 3: Final Inspection/Punch List Hems
DE.P Agreement rVo. Cl613, Attachment A, Page 3 of 5
DEP SS•236 (0005)
Praiecl Bud Eel Schedule; Type dollar amounts only in applicable categories (round to the nearest dollar; no
cents) and leave other categories blank. If your grant Agreement requires match, it must equal the FCMP funds
requested, or one hundred percent (100%). A budget transfer of Funds (within approved budget categories), in an
amount not to exceed 10 percent of the FCMP total budget, is allowed without requesting an official amendment.
• I3udRer Cate,Pory , FCMP Funds MATCH Funds
t. Salaries
2. Fringe Benefits
3. Travel
4, Equipment Purchases
5. Supplies
6. Contractual Services 50.000.00 50.000.00
7. Construction
B. Other Expenses
9. indirect Charges
FCMP Total 50.000.00
Match Total 10.000.00
Total Project Cost; S 100,000.00
DEP Agreement No, C2413, Alrachment A, Pagt 4 ut 5
DEP 55.2) (0005)
Project Budfet Narrative; Describe line hems for each applicable budget categary shown on the budget
schedule. Provide sufficient detail to show cost relationship TO project activities. Complete for both FCMP and
,Hatch items, if applicable. If in -kind match is being provided by a third parry, a letter from that parry confirming the
amount and type of that match must be included with this project work plan. Note; indirect costs are not allowed
as match.
RCMP Fundi Ivi1J be used for Conrracrual Services
S50,000 concrete retaining wall, construction & materials
match Funds
The ciry will provide match in the amount of $50,000.00 also in conrracruaI services for Earthwork & Site
Preparation, Bsywatk paving, site drainage, archuecrure and engineering services.
DEP Agreement No. CZ6I3, Attachment A, Page 5 of 5
DEP 5S•736 (06/04J