Approximately 1200 NW lst Avenue and
115 NW 12th Street.
CASE NO: 2005-1033
Pursuant to Article 4, Section 401 of Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the
City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal has been reviewed for an amendment to the Zoning
Atlas as follows:
The request is to change the Zoning designation as follows:
Lots 6 and 7 Block 10, "ALICE BALDWIN ET AL SUBDIVISION", Plat Book6, Page 43
from R-3 "Multifamily Medium -Density Residential" to SD 16.1 "Southeast Overtown-
Park West Commercial -Residential District".
The following findings have been made:
• Et is found that the area north, south and west of the subject site is designated R-3
".Multifamily Medium -Density Residential" and the area to the east is designated SD-
16.1 "Southeast Overtown-Park West Commercial -Residential District"
• It is found that the character of this section of NW 12`h Street is residential, specifically
R-3 "Multifamily Medium -Density Residential."
• It is found that the change to S.D 16.1 "Southeast Overtown -Park West Commercial -
Residential District" promotes a mix of market rate and affordable housing units types,
including rental units, ownership units, multifamily units to accommodate the diversity
and lifestyles of future residents.
• It is found that any change in the current zoning to SD-16.1 "Southeast Overtown-Park
West Commercial -Residential District" shall clearly show the intent to integrate and
stimulate a positive shaping of the urban space. It is also important to note, that the
backup information presented in this application do not demonstrate sufficient
assurances that the applicant will comply with the above mentioned requirement of a
sound urban design, attractive buildings and streetscapes which are key for the
redevelopment an intent of the "Southeast Overtown/Park West Community
Redevelopment .Plan".
• It is found that the R-3 -Multifamily Medium -Density Residential" designation allows 65
residential units per acre and the requested S.D 16.1 "Southeast Overtown-Park West
Commercial -Residential District" designation will allow a maximum of 300 residential
units per acre.
Based on these findings, the Planning Department is recommending denial of the
application as presented.
Yes No N/A
CASE NO. 2005-1033
In harmony with Comp. Plan; does not require amendment.
In harmony with established land use.
is related to adjacent and nearby districts.
Is within scale with needs of neighborhood or City.
Maintains similar population density pattern.
Existing district boundaries are illogically drawn.
Changes or changing conditions that make change necessary.
Positively influences living conditions in neighborhood.
Has similar impact on traffic; does not affect public safety.
Has similar impact on drainage.
Has similar impact on light and air to adjacent areas.
Has similar impact on property values in adjacent areas.
Contributes to improvement or development of adjacent property.
Conveys same treatment as to owners within same classification.
Property is unfairly limited under existing zoning.
Difficult to find other adequate sites in surrounding area.