Approximately 1701, :1.801, 1825, 1.851 Delaware Parkway
Application No. LU- 2006-019
File ID 06-006151u1
The proposal has been reviewed for a change to the Future Land Use Map of the Miami
Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan from "Single -Family Residential", "General Commercial"
and "Office" to "Restricted Commercial." The subject property is comprised of a one (1) foot
strip of land fronting Delaware Parkway (A complete legal description is on file at the Hearing
Boards Office).
Miami Comprehensive. Neighborhood Plan (MCNP) Policy LU-1.6.1 established future land use
categories according to the Future Land Use Plan Map and the "interpretation of the Future Land
Use Plan Map."
The "Single Family Residential" land use category allows single family structures of one
dwelling unit each, to a maximum density of 9 dwelling units per acre, subject to the detailed
provisions of the applicable land development regulations and the maintenance of required levels
of service for facilities and services included in the City's adopted concurrency management
Supporting services such as foster homes and family day care homes for children and/or adults;
and community based residential facilities (6 clients or less, not including drug, alcohol or
correctional rehabilitation facilities also will be allowed pursuant to applicable state law. Places
of worship, primary and secondary schools, child day care centers and adult day care centers are
permissible in suitable locations within single family residential areas.
Professional offices, tourist and guest homes, museums., and private clubs or lodges are allowed
only in contributing structures within historic sites or historic districts that have been designated
by the Historical and Environmental Preservation Board and are in suitable locations within
single family residential areas, pursuant to applicable land development regulations and the
maintenance of required levels of service for such uses. Density and intensity limitations for said
uses shall be restricted to those of the contributing structure(s).
The "General Commercial" land use category allows all activities included in the "Office" and
the "Restricted Commercial" designations, as well as wholesaling and distribution activities that
generally serve the needs of other businesses; generally require on and off loading facilities; and
benefit from close proximity to industrial areas. These commercial activities include retailing of
second hand items, automotive repair services, new and used vehicle sales, parking lots and
garages, heavy equipment sales and service, building material sales and storage, wholesaling,
warehousing, distribution and transport related services, light manufacturing and assembly and
other activities whose scale of operation and land use impacts are similar to those uses described
above. Multifamily residential structures of a density equal to R-3 or higher, but not to exceed a
maximum of 150 units per acre, are allowed by Special Exception only, upon finding that the
proposed site's proximity to other residentially zoned property makes it a logical extension or
continuation of existing residential development, and that adequate services and amenities exist
in the adjacent area to accommodate the needs of potential residents. This category also allows
commercial marinas and living quarters on vessels for transients.
The "Office" designation allows resiciential uses to a maximum density equivalent to "High
Density Multifamily Residential" subject to the same limiting conditions; transitory residential
facilities such as hotels and motels; general office use; clinics and laboratories; and limited
commercial activities incidental to principal activities in designated areas. Supporting facilities
such as auditoriums, libraries, convention facilities, places of worship, and primary and
secondary schools may be allowed with the "Office" designation.
The Restricted Commercial: Areas designated as "Restricted Commercial" allow residential
uses (excepting rescue missions) to a maximum density equivalent to "High Density Multifamily
Residential" subject to the same limiting conditions; any activity included in the "Office"
designation as well as commercial activities that generally serve the daily retailing and service
needs of the public, typically requiring easy access by personal auto, and often located along
arterial or collector roadways, which include: general retailing, personal and professional
services, real estate, banking and other financial services, restaurants, saloons and cafes, general
entertainment facilities, private clubs and recreation facilities, major sports and exhibition or
entertainment facilities and other commercial activities whose scale and land use impacts are
similar in nature to those uses described above, places of worship, and primary and secondary
schools. This category also includes commercial marinas and living quarters on vessels as
The subject site is approximately 9.32 acres (405, 979sq.ft.) including a one (1) foot strip of land
parallel to Delaware Parkway in the Flagami NET area. The site is currently designated "Single -
Family Residential", "General Commercial" and "Office" and the same designations are; to the
Northwest(Single-Family), North, (General Commerciapand to the Southeast (Office).
The Planning Department recommends APPROVAL of the application as presented based
on the following findings:
• It is found that lots immediately east of the subject parcel is designated Restricted
• It is found that the character of the north side of Delaware Parkway is not residential or
• It is found that a change to Restricted Commercial will permit a more cohesive mixed use
project that would allow the ability for residents to walk to services at the ground level which
activates the streets. It is also found, that the proposed project is part of the Miami River
Rapids MUSP which will allow, through it design, for a transition from the residential, across
Delaware Parkway, to commercial and residential components in a way that does not
negatively impact the existing low density residential area.
• It is found that Goal LU-1(3) promotes and facilitates economic development and the growth
ofjob opportunities in the city.
It is found that Policy LU 1.3.6 continues to encourage a diversification in the mix of
industrial and commercial activities.
These findings support the position that the existing land use pattern in this neighborhood should
be changed.