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Application and Supporting Documents
cyCi OF CtyofMiani �t _ ♦ , Plannig Di ramtert & Office of Zoning lox h, 1 r iaigxaQ n'olanale F mod:epla ngaiiria t*v.com C o R A Piarmit-,(3051416-I400 Zoning (305)416-1495 RE:inning Application Rcqucst Nutter Application 1'/ i.3-15991 The submittal needs to be screed,. for a pubic head,. ccortlence ve. ttmeunm sel forth In the My. Wang code. me spoke 6ecimon-males,g body wlll review Me Informallon at the pt.. deed,. to render a recommend.. or a final heurron. PZ-23-15998 i SIAM! ITER INFORM TR)\ First Name: Domingo ("Bob") 1: BdeleFuenteaLehtinen-Schultz.eom Last vane: de Pa Fuente I'RI�I.%RN l['14.IC.l\'I'IN1.0101I-IION Fitst Name: Domingo ('Bob") Corporation: Lehtinen Schultz PLLC .Address:1200 Bricks!! Ave,. Susie 507, Gn-: Miami State: Florida Fimil: BdelaFuenle@Lehtmen-Schultz_com Pbone: 395-760-8515 Last Nane: de la Fuente bp: 33131 First Ram: Last Name: Corporation: STW Real Estate LLC Address: 1560 Lenox Avenue ON; Miami Beach State:Florida Zip 33139 Erna bdelafuentet lehtinen-schultz cam Phone: 305-760-13515 PROJECT IN FORM.VI I'I O \ Project Name: Project Address: City: Master Folio Number. STW REAL ESTATE - Rezoning 1300N W 38 ST Miatri 0131230375000 State. Fbri:b Unit Number. Zrp 33142 �04/08/24 i`cr otr.:r,Lry. dechrt tlt4ailttxrttimrutrt1nnBarednthhpcnt.M+tt.dtasnaccurne1uI}>LI.i,rtr1'knir•ttil • 111X \11 uc ti or 11•113 atarrt ur1 i.tnnanc prier to dx t+.uvre nt a httkInp perms and Iha ag uurk till fk r rkgrrd ur nue! Ile ,Gualtnl,,rf all kw" 4�ulnttrd ootisttatam anal Acting an t r. tart..lairrn • •a ,etatlr1,cl+rr.•t,-,1xtiimu u„r# tcththe ,._np,•a,ft1r.•NTT rrl.tlrt•r}rrI\leun' c,rk.aral;rdrrat-rappl.ahEL,uti,•re_t7drtE,rra,t•caitrlarel onirr�;s:t. • Ilut ali rrtimmism gcn rdll tr a itrate and that all wt,rt ++ a he ,Lme n ci millnrce unit ail applrahic two, rtj Litre: t 14 :u m ant nintrg, • dlut xirtrate nu} b: rtqurtd trl'.e w} n'rt+ tf c,ncr LI uth 1h: subntewl uitlu, ,:pplcttrrrt • nut then: nu} he Watt -nail p3rtis rtyund htnrt uthr crtrr•. • 1 .shah t'\ pati pr1 t to ih .: nrarw aril 1.1/4ii111x • fang 11, an. ntrrnfitrl.ahk 1I'I1.It A\ I rust \ante: Domingo ("Bob") Sigmlure: Date: 01.24.2024 I nsl titla': MINI .I2 [M11\I:It I21_PRI:1I \I 1I11I Flnl de la Fuente \arn: Domingo ("B Situr'al1IIC: Oak: 01.24.2024 Fact Nam.: de la Fuente In a¢oreen¢ wM emellnm ve[ronn In rneuelrymn9 PZ-23-15998rev. Ifielnformatlon at the public Aesrhg to ref., refineldecIslon 04/08/24 G O 4- 4 PU$// INDEX NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade decision -mating bodywill renew the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 3710 NW 13th Avenue & 1300 NW 38th Street — Change of Zoning Classification ' PZD-0 Index PAP-1 Signed Rezoning Application PZD-1 Signed Letter of Intent PZD-2 Application Analysis PZD-3 Preapplication Summary Report PZD-4 List of all Folio Numbers PZD-5 Existing Zoning Map PZD-6 Proposed Zoning Map PZD-7 Legal Description & Sketch of Proposed New Zoning Survey V 1 Survey — 3710 NW 13th Street V 2 Survey — 1300 NW 38th Avenue PHO-1 Context Photo PHO-2 Context Photo PHO-3 Context Photo PHO-4 Context Photo PHO-5 Context Photo PHO-6 Context Photo PHO-7 Context Photo PHO-8 Context Photo HB-2 Acknowledgement by Applicant HB-3 Lobbyist Registration 44, eV/EW COQ PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 PU$// HB-4 HB-5 HB-6 HB-7 HB-8 HB-9 HB-11 HB-13 HB-14 HB-15 Signed and Notarized Affidavit or Authority to Act Disclosure of Agreement to Support or Withhold Disclosure of Ownership Disclosure of Contract Purchasers Certificate of Status from Tallahassee Corporate Resolution List of Board of Directors Certified Letter of List of Property Owners within 500' 500' Radius Map List of Property Owners within 500' NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade decision -mating body will renew the Information al the pubc hearing to render s recommendation or a final decision. 44, ReVI EW CO Q PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 LEHTINEN SCHULTZ VIA ePlan LEHTINEN SCHULTZ RIEDI DE LA FUENTE January 29, 2024 David Snow, Interim Director City of Miami Planning Department 444S.W. 2nd Avenue, 4th Floor Miami Riverside Center Miami, FL 33130 BOB DE LA FUENTE 305.760.8540 BDELAFUENTE@LEHTINEN-SCHULTZ.COM RE: Letter of Intent in Support of an Application for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Change of Zoning Classification Dear Mr. Snow: This subrn tal needs to be Khufu Led fora public hearing In accord ance wiUi timelines set forth In the City or Mlarni Cole. The appka decision -making body Mil review the intormaton at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Please accept this correspondence as our letter of intent pursuant to City Code Section 62- 8 and Section 7 .1.2.8 of the Miami 21 Code. The undersigned serves as special land use counsel to STW Real Estate, L.L.C., a Florida limited liability company (the "Applicant"). This request is submitted in accordance with the requirements applicable to the City of Miami's Land Use and Rezoning Cycle for the Fall of 2023. The Applicant respectfully submits the attached application to amend the Future Land Use Map of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan ("MCNP") and the accompanying application to change the zoning classification for the properties located at 3710 NW 13th Ave. and 1300 NW 38 Street, Miami, Florida (collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Subject Properties"). The Subject Properties collectively comprise 0.59+ acres. STW Real Estate, LLC. is the fee owner of both properties. The property located at 3710 NW 13th Ave is currently improved with an apartment complex comprising 4 dwelling units constructed in 1974. The property located at 1300 NW 38 Street is currently vacant. The properties are planned to be unified to form a single -site redevelopment program. The planned redevelopment program, provided that the above referenced applications are approved, is envisioned to include a multifamily product innovatively designed in a contemporary style of architecture, complementing the emerging architectural trend in the surrounding area and the City of Miami as a whole. The redevelopment program would incorporate the design criterion and building placement configurations prescribed by the Miami 21 Code. The benefits associated with urban design regulations prescribed to redevelopment programs by the Miami 21 Code would be enhanced with the addition of a multifamily housing product that enhances the available housing stock in the area. 1200 Brickell Avenue Suite 507 Miami, Florida 33131 Tel. 305 760 8544 Fax. 305 356 5720 www.Lehtinen-Schultz.com REQUESTED LAND USE AMENDMENT AND CONSISTENCY ANALYSI The MCNP currently classifies the land use designation of the Subject Properties as Duplex Residential. To the south of the Subject Properties, directly across NW 37th Street, the MCNP classifies those properties as Low Density Restricted Commercial. The Applicant proposes an amendment to the City's Future Land Use Map to create consistency among proximate land uses, including the land use across the abutting roadway and to reflect the character of the neighborhood as well as increasing demand for available housing opportunities within the City of Miami. The following chart provides a summary of the existing and proposed land use designations for each parcel comprising the Subject Properties !Address Existing Land Use Designation Requested Amendment 1300 NW 38 Street Duplex Residential Low Den. Restricted Commercial Den. Restricted Duplex Residential [Commercial Commercial 3710 NW l3th Ave The requested land use amendments are consistent with the City's vision and plans for the area Pursuant to Article of Miami 21, we provide general planning principles and the goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan finding that the proposed amendment and rezoning of the Subject Properties are in conformity with the MCNP, the established land use pattern for the adjacent properties, and in scale with the needs of the nearby community. At a minimum, the information below supports the Applicant's proposal as one that is consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the MCNP. Goal LU-1: Maintain a land use pattern that (1) protects and enhances the quality of life in the City's neighborhoods; (2) fosters redevelopment and revitalization of blighted or declining areas; (3) promotes and facilitates economic development and the growth of j ob opportunities in the city; (4) fosters the growth and development of downtown as a regional center of domestic and international commerce, culture and entertainment; (5) promotes the efficient use of land and minimizes land use conflicts while protecting and preserving residential sections within neighborhoods; (6) protects and conserves the city's significant natural and coastal resources; and (7)protects the integrity and quality of the City's existing neighborhoods by insuring public notice, input and appellant rights regarding changes in existing zoning and land use regulations. Policy LU- The City will continue to encourage a development pattern that enhances existing neighborhoods by developing a balance mix of uses including areas for employment, shopping, housing, and recreation in close proximity to each other. Policy LU-1.1.7: Land development regulations and policies will allow for the development and redevelopment of well -designed mixed -use neighborhoods that provide for the full range of residential, office, live/workspaces, neighborhood retail, and community facilities in a walkable area and that are amenable to a variety of transportation modes, including pedestrianism, bicycles, automobiles, and mass transit. Goal HO-2: Achieve a livable city center with a variety of urban housing types for persons of all income levels in a walkable mixed -use, urban environment. Objective HO-2.1: Design and create pedestrian friendly environments and neighborhoods with varied housing prototypes and amenities catering to persons of diverse social, economic and cultural backgrounds, with a variety of urban housing types for persons of all income levels including those of extremely low-, very low-, low-, and moderate -income households (in accordance with the current standards and regulations of HUD and the State of Florida) provided in a walkable, mixed -use, urban environment. Policy HO-2.1.2: The City will continue to revise residential zoning district regulations to provide greater flexibility for the design and development of a variety of contemporary housing types and mixed -use developments with the application of new higher density zoning in accordance with neighborhood specific design and development standards that might be adopted as a result of amendments to the City's land development regulations and other neighborhood planning initiatives. As depicted on the exhibits made a part of the application and further described below, the proposed extension of the Restricted Commercial land use designation to the Subject Properties promotes the Goals, Policies and Objectives of the MCNP by, among other things, by encouraging a development pattern that enhances the existing neighborhood by developing a balance mix of uses including areas for employment, shopping, housing, and recreation near each other. In this case, employment centers are located immediately north of the Subject Properties by the housing stock has remained nearly, if not wholly, unchanged since the 70s. REQUESTED CHANGE OF ZONING CLASSIFICATION AND COMP AT ABILITY ANALYSIS As a companion application, the Applicant respectfully requests a zoning change for the Subject Properties in accordance with the table below. ddress Existing Zoning Classification Proposed Zoning Classification 1300 NW 38 Street T3-O T4-L 3710 NW 13th Ave T3-O fT4-L The surrounding area is predominantly defined with zoning classifications comprising T3- 0, TS-Land T6-8-0. The Subject Properties are across the street from properties in the TS-Land T6-8-0 zoning districts. In keeping with the aforementioned guidelines of urban form, which rests at the core of the Miami 21 Code, the Applicant is proposing to extend the existing transect zones situated to the south of the Subject Properties with a pattern that scales down from the major arterial frontage to the interior residential community. For example, lying directly south of the Subject Properties is the TS-L zoning district that, in turn, abuts a T6-8-0 district. There currently is not a transition lying between the TS-L zoning district from the T3-0 district. This application seeks Subject Properties is the TS-L zoning district that, in turn, abuts a T6-8-O district. There currently is not a transition lying between the TS-L zoning district from the T3-O district. This application seeks to establish that transition that will provide a height, massing, volume and density stepdown pattern that begins with the T6-8-O district and then moves to lower intensities by stepping down to TS-L, followed by T4-L (provided that this application is approved) to the T3 low density residential community lying to the north. In addition to the foregoing, it should be stated that this property does not seek to rezone properties that are being used for residential uses into retail, office or other non -housing commercial uses. Instead, the approval of this application will benefit the general welfare by increasing the availability of housing products, at a time when the City is facing a shortage of housing for its residents. Based on the foregoing and the supportive documentation attached hereto, we respectfully request your support of this application and are available to answer any question and address any comments that you may have regarding the foregoing and the materials attached hereto. If you have any questions regarding the foregoing of the attachments, please do not hesitate to contact me at (305) 760-8540. We look forward to working with your professional staff throughout the application review process and we thank you for your consideration. Yours truly, LEHTINEN SCHULTZ PLLC By: STATE OF FLORJDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Bob de la Fuente, P.A. 0 pUBL, tiC) op 611.9 NOTICE This submttal needs to be scheduleti fora public hearing accordance wTh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appllratte decision -making body will renew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 REV/Ew CO Q The foregoing affidavit was sworn to and subscribed before me thi day of January , 2024 by Domingo "Bob" de la Fuente, who is personalty known to m t who has produced / -'/h as identification. SOFIA M. CAMPO Notary Public•Stat• of Florida 0611•" Commission itHH 291274 Z1111, MY Commission Expires e4rorr.V September 10, 2028 Public ame of Notary ) 0 Application Analysis as a Supplement to Applicants' Letter of Intent Aerial showing the Subject Properties and the surrounding neighborhood. The property bound in blue below is located at 3710 NW 18th Avenue and is owned by the Applicant, STW Real Estate, LLC. The property to the North, located at 1300 NW 38 Street and bound in yellow, and is under contract to be purchased by the Applicant. The Subject Properties are planned to be unified to form a single - site redevelopment program. ThIs submRtal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance whh timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. The appllcabe de<islon-making body will review the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decison. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Existing Zoning Classification TiId Mon., need,. beacheduled tor pubdc Meng the City. reuierribeirdounatlon hearing, render a PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 The Applicant is requesting a zoning change for the Subject Properties from T3-O to T4-L. The surrounding area is predominantly defined with zoning classifications comprising T3-O, T5-L and T6-8-O. The Subject Properties are across the street from properties in the T5-L and T6-8-O zoning districts. 7 .14-%: ( v ./ N1M1P i �1 act - �. t N 10 I.�.I''� I.J. ��I ®Issf '—�� G� L� r'r��_ ti•�� �Y� Z4 1 ` ` i.� .� ! ! i�Q -.IJ•�-J�rrr✓• .r �L. L fir.:Y�L.��. `L" ,)-' . L�`r` t + 1 r ,�,J �J ,� ' 4151 ! , 1 IA �� ��1.1M4-�•r�r.r s _ �'L� j.L-L �` �, ` 1d 1..`�L� 4 4/4-*.# ;jderr.r,.'wr1_ ivVJ 40t1 i St fv vv Willi at ;/� S // 9i St NW 39th D1 \._` jy.1.,% , ,..:, 6.J r - 1 - ?... \ i 1 i 7 S ,1 '! :1 t ,! 1..� > IL- ! pl 3 th St J Te-L /7:i/ �, t t t a ' �I f 1 1 I ! -� J � , ,,� ma's "•. L �r 1...V � +� 1. ! Z " _1`�. ■ i u l.-L-�+.f ------L.---LW T6-8-O N 36th St Li fin, - INVV JfLFI t ,rt, fed\AJ -I-h Ct 1 L` NW3 thSt Lam` hi3Al -2 tapattah !c 40th St - • geral Commercial A►.-kJ Existing Future Land Use Designation sulwyklal needs to tre scheduled for pub!. hewing In accordance I:1 manes set,. in the City or Mum code The app... 0/aclElon leIng Locly1011. review.. Inf.:ma-eon MO, healIng to render in recornmendat on PZ-23rfinal 15998 02/21/24 The Applicant is requesting an amendment to the City's Future Land Use Map to create consistency among proximate land uses, including the land use across the abutting roadway and to reflect the character of the neighborhood. The requested amendment is to change the land use designation from Duplex Residential to Low Density Restricted Commercial. To the south of the Subject Properties, directly across NW 37th Street, The MCNP classifies those properties as Restricted Commercial. .1d-1r=� �+`�°..� J ��--�w�,�rJ .r1J — ---- J ti.J 41s[St JJ.r'� 0th NW 40th St : ...— `c y 0. Lr1....-1 .r �.1.- -'`o t LL. t ` N— 4.--t NI !\ ++..``I_ `4k: . L L-�`r* ��_ Jyn..—rr� �n ` 6.. `.r�i�� 4-1...1_ '1_-L=1.. '�1.r` %_ NW 40th St NW 39th-St - t. / i i Duplex - Resid al Z —� • J � � s it T NV! 371irs4 Major st, Public Facilitie =2.1nriU WFC FN1 Restricted • Coi•nmercial NO it+ 4 t I NW 34th St • L 38th St NW 37th St L eneral Commercial 17— L_ ZL—J `L:L � yam• M -'or Inst, Pu 1_acili ies, Trans NW 34th L\ 1 1 .1 1- 1 Dens Resi This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing accordancein veth timelines set forth In the City of MiarnCode. The appliea late deeision-making body will renew theinfonna0on at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final deciaon. Properties s� PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Smith Elem School T - Subject Aerial Showing Building Elevations to the North of the iriSfierEash Aerial Showing Building Elevations to the West of the Subject Properties 1 This submRtal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance whh tl melines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appliutte decision -making body will renew the information at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final decision. 1300 PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Aerial Showing Building Elevations to the South of the Subject Properties 3 ire. Social Securityi Administrat one This submRtal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance whh tl melines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applIca decision -ma king body renew the information at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final decision. Aerial Showing Building Elevations to the East of the Subject Properties wt ks NOTICE This submRtal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance whh tl melines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appliutte decision -making bodywill renew the information at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final decision. ir h. -- Corpus Christi Catholic Ch r ch e ° Social Secu ity. LLF Administration • irr , r 1 001:NIV138th as- d �'it ..w 4 . Baumgardner. W s"� A9oTS A• eft. L a>ti� Meter+Academof� Internatio l Studie r , L0J Google Street view photography showing building elevations facing North to the Subject Properties along NW 37th Street 4 �^ This submRtal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance whh tl melines set forth In the City of Miami Code. The appliutte decision -making body will renew the information at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-15998 s 1300 NW 38tAjtaok.''02/21/24 13O0 NW 38th St, h. 25.81°N,8O.22°WtVIEW CC ls. '��-ems +_t. .: 0 rs Googe Street view photography showing building elevations facing West to the Subject Properties along NW 13th Avenue This submRtal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance whh tl melines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The appliutte decision -making bodywill renew the information at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final decision. 9 4`� 02/21 /24 N* ' 13Q0 1300 NW 38th St Revs EW CO- 1 •Miarr 1300 NW 38th St, Nlia... Street view photography showing building elevations facing South to the Subject Properties along NW 13th Avenue Nua 0 • • ri NOTICE This subrntaL needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance wth Iirne[ines set forth in the City of Mi.arn1 Code. The applicable deusion-rna king body will review the i rriorrnation at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a finaL decision. 1300 rsiw 381h St, Mia PUBLIC Street view photography showing building elevations facing East to the Subject Properties along NW 37th Street G 0 .tlor NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Cede. The applicable decision -making body will renew the infonnabon at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 1300 NW 38th St, Mia... 25.81'N, 80.22°W PZ-23-15998 44, 02/21/24 9‘14/ Ew CO City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary [REZONES Pre -Application Meeting ePlan ID.: PREAPP-22-0264 Tuesday, December 13, 2022 General Informatior Project Manager Name: Darren Murphy Title: Planner II Email: dmurphy@miamigov.com Telephone No: 305-416-1428 -Ms sub n tat needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wet dmanes set forth In the City of Marrs Code. The atoneable clannon-ma nog body eon renew Me Inbanadon at the public hearing to render recommentletion or a neat beds on. PZ-23-15998 Meeting Attendees: 02/21/24 Name Email Telephone number William W. Riley, Jr. w.riley@rileyfirm.org 786-282-9899 Enter Text Enter Text Enter Text Enter Text Enter Text Enter Text Enter Text Enter Text Enter Text Enter Text Enter Text Enter Text Property Information: Applicant /Property Owner: STW Real Estate, LLC Contact Info: 786-282-9899 Owner Representative: William W. Riley, Jr. Contact Info: 786-282-9899 Commission District: D-1 (Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla) Neighborhood Service Center (f/k/a NET District): Allapattah #2 (the old Allapattah NET) / D1 District Office Properties involved: 1. 1317 NW 37 ST Information to Review for All Applications Do any of the properties involved fall within the following areas? (Select Yes/No) 1. A DRI area: No 3.An Historic designated area: No 5. A High Hazard Area: No 7. A CRA: No 9. Miami River: No 11. Little River: Noose an item. 2. Urban Central Business District: No 4. Residential Density Increase Areas: No 6. Edgewater Intensity Increase Area: No 8. Health/Civic Center District: No 10. Wellfield Protection Area: No 12. An Arch. or Environmental Protected Area: No 1 4 PU$// City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary 13. Regional Activity Center: Buena Vista Yards or Health District Regional Activity Center (DHRAC): No G 0 4- a. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica decision -mating body will renew the Information al the pubc hearing to render s recommendation or a final decision. 44, RSV! Ew CO - PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 If the answer to any of the above is yes, consider if there are any special considerations relative to the above. Submitting applications/pre-applications into ePlan. - Be mindful of the City's online checklists. These provide guidance as to specific requirements, especially important administrative requirements for successful applications. Important updates are made from time to time. Be sure to use the checklists that are accessed online and avoid saving checklists locally so that you avoid relying on outdated information. - Become familiar with the naming conventions that are referred to on the checklists. Failure to comply with these naming conventions will significantly delay your application. Use the Pre -Application meeting time to ensure there is clarity on naming conventions. - Access information on checklists here: https://www.miamigov.com/Services/Building- Permittinq/Permitting-Forms-Documents Rezone Request For requests to change the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) or the Zoning Atlas, summarize the request in the table below. # Address Lot Size (sq. ft) FLU designation Zoning classification Existing Proposed Existing Proposed 1 1317 NW 37 ST 18,000 sq. ft. Duplex - Residential Restricted Commercial T3-O (Sub -Urban Transect Zone - Open) T4-L (General Urban Transect Zone - Limited) Sub -Total and Total per request 18,000 sq. ft. About the Rezone Is a single change to the zoning atlas requested? Rezoning to more than one Transect Is the requested Transect Zone compatible with No the existing FLU designation? FLU change requested, if any? FLU change required for rezone? Analysis for Code Compliance Compliance with Section (a Yes Yes Criteria Yes No Is the rezoning proposed to a lesser Transect Zone? • • Is the rezoning proposed within the same Transect Zone to a greater or lesser intensity? • • Is the rezoning proposed to the next higher Transect Zone? © • Rev. 2/1/2022 2 4 PU$// City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Is the rezoning proposed through a Special Area Plan? Compliance with Section (c NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica decision -mating body will renew the Information al the pubc hearing to render s recommendation or a final decision. 44, V RFVI EW CO�Q PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 The rezoning of property(ies) Yes No Involve(s) an extension of an existing Transect boundary ■ • Involve(s) more than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of land area • • Has two hundred (200) feet of street Frontage on one (1) street. • el Table for Reviewer Reference: Successional Zoning TRANSECT ZONE FLR SUCCESSIONAL ZONE FLR. T1 -- T1 -- T2 -- N/A -- T3 -- T4, CI -- T4 -- T5, CI -- T5 -- T6-8, CI 6 T6-8 5 T6-12. CI 8 T6-12 8 T6-24a, CI 7 T6-24a 7 T6-24b, T6-36a, CI 16 T6-24b 16 T6-36a, Cl 12 T6-36a 12 T6-60a, CI 11 T6-48a 11 T6-60a, CI 11 T6-60a 11 T6-60b, CI 18 T6-48b 18 T6-60b, CI 18 T6-36b 22 T6-60b, CI 18 T6-60b 18 N/A, CI -- T6-80 24 N/A, CI -- CI -- Abutting Zones CI -HD 8 T6-24 7 Di -- T6-8*, T5, CI, D2 5 (To-8r or -- ail others D2 -- D1, CI -- D3 -- T6-8L, T6-8 0, CI -- * The Planning Department shall make a recommendation as to which Transect Zone will yield the most coherent pattern given the established zoning pattern and context in the immediate vicinity Compliance with Section c.2 Note: Yes * implies partial compliance. Some modifications may be required. Rev. 2/1/2022 3 4 PU$// City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary A Correspondence able: Zoning and buture Lana Use Map, for Reviewer Reference NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica decision -mating body will renew the Information at the pubc hearing to render s recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Transect Miami 21 Transect October 2009 MCNP Future Land Use DU/ AC (Max) T3 (R, L) Sub -Urban Single -Family Residential 9 du/ac T3 0 Duplex Residential 18 du/ac T4 R General Urban Low Density Multifamily Residential 36 du/ac T4 (L, 0) Low Density Restricted Commercial 36 du/ac T5 R Urban Center Medium Density Multifamily Residential 65 du/ac T5 (L, 0) Medium Density Restricted Commercial 65 du/ac T6-(8 — 48) R Urban Core High Density Multifamily Residential 150 du/ac T6-(8 — 48) L, 0 Restricted Commercial / General Commercial D1 Work Place Light Industrial 36 du/ac D2 Industrial Industrial N/A D3 Marine Industrial N/A T6-80 (R, L, 0) Urban Core Central Business District 1000 du/ac CI Civic Institutional Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, And Utilities 150 du/sic CI HD Civic Institution — Health District Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation, And Utilities 150 du/sic CS Civic Space/Parks Public Parks And Recreation N/A Commercial Recreation N/A T1 Natural Conservation N/A Items to Address in a Pre -Application Meeting for a Rezone, SAP (FLUM if applicable Questions and Discussion Items during Pre- Application Meeting City Staff Comments/Feedback for Final Submittal 1. Will a covenant be proffered? Yes or No 2. What is the history of the site (e.g. are there any existing covenants, liens, other encumbrances?) • • • Hearing Boards, required documents: Acknowledgement by Applicant Lobbyist Registration Signed and Notarized Affidavit of Authority to Act Rev. 2/1/2022 4 City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary This submittal needs to be scheduled bra public hewing accordance vs. 4 mellow set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision hos Ming holy will reviewthe inforrnahon at the public hearing to render a recPZ-23-15998 02/21/24 • Disclosure of Agreement to Support o '1'i Withhold • Objection Disclosure of Ownership • Certificate of Status from Tallahassee • Corporate Resolution or Power of Attorney ("POA") • Disclosure Affidavit of No Monies Due to the City • Code Enforcement and Lien Report 3. Has any neighborhood outreach occurred? Please summarize. Contact the relevant Neighborhood Service Center for assistance. It is highly recommended that the applicant coordinates with City Commissioner: Alex Diaz de la Portilla's Office for a minimum of one (1) public outreach meeting: • Home Owner Association (HOA) Allapattah: https://www.miamigov.com/My-Home- Neighborhood/Homeowners-Associations- HOA/HOA-Association-Allapattah • District 1, Commissioner Alex Diaz De La Portilla: https://www.miamigov.com/My- Govern ment/City-Officials/District-1- Commissioner-Alex-Diaz-de-la-Portilla 4. Include in your analysis an explanation of why the existing zoning classification is inappropriate for the subject property(ies), and how this request will benefit the immediate neighborhood or the entire city. 5. Is the surrounding neighborhood a stable area or is it changing? Substantiate. 6. Explain the relationship of the proposed amendment to the goals, objectives, and policies of the MCNP, with appropriate consideration as to whether the proposed change will further the goals, objectives, and policies of the MCNP, Miami 21 Code, and other City regulations (Sec. 7. Elaborate on the need and justification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions, that make the passage of the proposed change necessary. Rev. 2/1/2022 5 4 PU$// City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary G 0 4- a. 8. If the request involves a density increase, the application will require a test of school concurrency. Staff will automatically submit this. Be sure to timely pay your fees to Miami -Dade County Public Schools to prevent delays. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica decision -mating body will renew the Information at the pubc hearing to render s recommendation or a final decision. 44, RSVI EW CO' PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 9. Review the City's updated checklists online. The checklists are updated from time to time —be sure to use the checklists from the City's website (do not rely on copies you may save locally). We have supplied naming conventions. Be sure to strictly follow the naming conventions as listed on the checklists for all applications. Comments from Other Disciplines If staff from other City Departments have reviewed materials provided by the applicant for this Pre -Application Meeting, the Project Manager shall present all comments here, as applicable. NOTE: All comments are merely provided for consideration for an eventual application submittal and they do not construe any approval nor do they imply future approval. Department Status Notes, if applicable (Paste from Project Dox) Environmental Resources Choose an item. Planning Department See Notes Miami 21 Zoning Code, Article 7, Section — Successional Zoning: TRANSECT ZONE FLR SUCCESSIONAL ZONE FLR T3 -- T4, CI -- Miami 21 Zoning Code, Article 7, Section Except where the proposal for the rezoning of property involves an extension of an existing Transect boundary, no rezoning of land shall be considered which involves less than forty thousand (40,000) square feet of land area or two hundred (200) feet of street Frontage on one (1) street. Miami 21 Zoning Code, Article 7, Section For all amendments: (a) The relationship of the proposed amendment to the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan, with appropriate consideration as to whether the proposed change will further the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; the Miami 21 Code; and other city regulations. Rev. 2/1/2022 6 City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary This aubmRtal needs. be achedukb fir a public bearing h In the Otur anewrecommend. tl n ��dpnrtmaany.,Prt nu form on °nor a final fncheedecision renhera /7 PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 (b) The need and justification for the proposed change, including changed or changing conditions that make the passage of the proposed change necessary. Survey • The Survey (V-1) refers to Miami -Dade County's address (3710 NW 13 AV). This needs to be corrected to the City of Miami's address: 1317 NW 37 ST. Zoning Department Choose an item. Historic Preservation Choose an item. Resilience and Public Works Choose an item. Building Department Choose an item. Additional Discussion and Special Recommendations Additional Discussion Planner should detail any additional information discussed during the meeting here. Be sure to include any questions raised by the prospective applicant and any requests for additional information that may need to be provided after the conclusion of the meeting. RECOMMENDATION: • T3-O to T4-L • Duplex Residential to Low Density Restricted Commercial Special Recommendations Planner should detail any special recommendations that were made during this meeting. Recommendations may include the provision of additional information from the prospective applicant, the application of additional permits, changes (i.e., in the event a prospective applicant has assumed a specific permit is needed to accomplish a desired outcome, if a different approach may accomplish the outcome, that information should be detailed here). Recommendations for correspondence from other agencies or neighborhood associations should be detailed here. Planner Certification of Pre -Application Meeting The signed copy of this form certifies that you, Pre-App Meeting Requestor Name, have attended a Pre - Application meeting to discuss your interest in Name of permit/Application Request. If you are eligible for the permit you seek, you may qualify for a $250 credit toward the application fee if you submit your application within 90 days from your Pre -Application Meeting. Failure to submit that application within this time period will result in the forfeiture of any credit due to you from this meeting toward your application fees. Please note, neither your attendance to this meeting nor the comments here construe the City of Miami's approval of your request. Rev. 2/1/2022 7 City of Miami Planning Department Pre -Application Meeting Summary Thls submittal needs to he scheduled for a deem hearing In accordance ve.4 meths, set tor. In the Clty of Warn code e applies. deeklon-meld, body enrender W II rew dthe WM, hearing to renders nb mendaon or a final deeson. PZ-23-15998 Be sure to include this document with your application submittal to ePlan as your Pre -Application Form. 02/21/24 If you have additional questions, please contact me at the email address listed on the front page of this document. The City of Miami looks forward to working with you on this application and we are happy to assist you in any way we can. Sincerely, Murphy Digitally signed by Murphy, Darren Darren Date: 2022.12.13 17:18:20 -05'00' Darren Murphy Planner II Rev. 2/1/2022 8 4 O 4- PU$// ADDRESS AND FOLIO NUMBER Address: 1317 NW 37th Street, Miami, FL 33142 Folio Number: 0131230375080 Address: 1300 NW 38th Street, Miami, FL 33142 Folio Number: 0131230375000 NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade decision -mating bodywlll renew the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, ReVI EW CO Q PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Existing Zoning Map: The zoning classification of the Subject Properties located at 3710 NW 13th Avenue & 1300 NW 38th Street Is currently T3-0 3Eith Si 4 I 3 .0 r NW 38th S T3,0 - 7 7 1,,V3711 Sr- ---------merffrsr- %rn Proposed Zoning Map: The zoning classification of the Subject Properties located at 3710NW 13 Avenue & 1300NW 38 Street is proposed to be changed from T3-O to T4-L. NOTICE This submRtal needs to be schedu Led for a public hearing In accordance whh timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. The appliutte decision -making body will renew the information at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final decision. J� TS-L z .J 1 PU$// EXHIBIT "A" SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION: The external area of a circular curve lying within Lot 12, Block 55, of NORTH MIAMI ESTATES, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 48 of the Public Records of Miami —Dade County, Florida. Said circular curve being concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 25.00 feet, and tangents which are 25 feet West of and parallel with the centerline of N.W. 13th Avenue and 30 feet North of and parallel with the centerline of N.W. 37th Street. Containing approximately 134 square feet. BLOCK 55 0) 0 J LOT 3 150.00' LOT 10 SOUTH LINE OF LOT 10-\,\ u7 t "NORTH MIAMI ESTATES" P.B. 5, PG. 48 LOT 2, BLOCK 55 P/L LOT 11 "NORTH MIAMI ESTATE" P.B. 5, PG. 48 BLOCK 55 SOUTH LINE OF LOT 11 150.00'(P) R/W LOT 1 N 0 J LOT 12 W z_ J W R=25.00' A=39.27' A=90°00'22" SOUTH LINE OF LOT 12 N.W. 37th STREET SURVEYOR'S NOTES: Date:01-19-2023 Job # 23-01062 This Sketch is not a Survey No valid without the signature and the original raised seal of Florida FormTech Land Surveying, Inc. State of Florida LB # 7980 12955 S.W. 42nd Street, Suite 3. Miami, Florida. 33175 Ph: (786)429-3034 (786)443-0285 (786)443-0678 www.formtechsurveyors.com email:info@formtechsurveyors.com Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. Scale: 1" = 30' 0' 15' 30' GRAPHIC SCALE G 0 4- a. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica decision -mating body will renew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 ''VIEW CO' Seal: Date. 5' N.W. l3th AVENUE LEGEND P.B. Plat Book PG. Page Centerline R Radius A Arc Length 0 Central Angle M Measured Digitally signed by Eugenia L. Formoso Date: Professional Surveyor and Mapper 2023.01.23 State of Florida LS # 6660 08:40:29 -05'00' 01-19-2023 Eugenia L. Formoso, P.S.M. State of Florida LS # 6660 Page 1 of 1 0 PU$// EXHIBIT "A" SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION: The external area of a circular curve lying within Lot 1, Block 55, of NORTH MIAMI ESTATES, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 48 of the Public Records of Miami —Dade County, Florida. Said circular curve being concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 25.00 feet, and tangents which are 25 feet West of and parallel with the centerline of N.W. 13th Avenue and 30 feet South of and parallel with the centerline of N.W. 38th Street. Containing approximately 134 square feet. — —T-- NORTH LINE OF LOT 2 - N.W. 38th STREET PORTION OF LOT 2 RIGHT—OF—WAY DEDICATION 75.00' R/W 5' G 0 4- a. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica decision -mating body will renew the information al the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 ''VIEW CO - NORTH LINE OF LOT 1 R=25.00' A=39.26' A=89°59'14" LOT 1 0 J 0 W "NORTH MIAMI ESTATES" z P.B. 5, PG. 48 BLOCK 55cn � Q w +OUTH LINE OF LOT 2 LOT 11 SOUTH LINE OF LOT 1 75.00' P/L LOT 12 "NORTH r4IAMI ESTATES" P.B.I5, PG. 48 BLOCK 55 SURVEYOR'S NOTES: Date:01-19-2023 Job # 23-01061 This Sketch is not a Survey No valid without the signature and the original raised 13th AVENUE I I z 5' LEGEND P.B. Plat Book PG. Page Centerline R Radius A Arc Length Central Angle M Measured Scale: 1" = 30' 0' 15' 30' GRAPHIC SCALE Professional Surveyor and Mapper State of Florida LS # 6660 Digitally signed by seal of Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. Eugenia L. Formoso FormTech Seal: Date: 2023.01.23 08:42:03-05'00' Land Surveying, Inc. State of Florida LB # 7980 12955 S.W. 42nd Street, Suite 3. Miami, Florida. 33175 Ph: (786)429-3034 (786)443-0285 (786)443-0678 www.formtechsurveyors.com email:info@formtechsurveyors.com Date. 01-19-2023 Eugenia L. Formoso, P.S.M. State of Florida LS # 6660 Page 1 of 1 Street View Looking South from NW 13th Avenue with the Subject Property located at 3710 NW 13th Avenue elaia•.1 • �� F Ths mantel needs to he scheduled for a dune hearino In accordance en Ornellrm set forth In the Cat of Mlaml Lode The annuls. darn 'ratline body WU recommendaton PZ-23—1nn 5998i 02/21/24 Street View Looking East from NW 37th Street with the Subject Property located at 3710 NW 13th Avenue The eulaintlaineeds ...Piled tor plibbc hearlop In accordance with Pmelines set for. In the Clly or Marra Code The applicable deals. oolong Pody oral Inforrnaton the pubic hearlop to ranee, a recoinmendet on or earl, deco. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Street View Looking North from NW 37th Street with the Subject Property located at 3710 NW 13th Avenue ANIS, 11174110 Street View Looking West from NW 13th Avenue with the Subjec Property located at 3710 NW 13th Avenue Street View Looking South from NW 38th Street with the Subjec Property located at 1300 NW 38th Street •s 1' ¢ � "fin. ,.- 4 m Tad• 4�1 NOTICE ..e me=.n.o� a�p� \X[^• PZ 23-155998Yµ 02/21 /24 1300 NW 38th St,. MJ¢... 25.81'N, 80.22'W Street View Looking West from NW 13th Avenue with the Subject Property located at 1300 NW 38th Street Street View Looking East from NW 38th Street with the Subject Property located at 1300 NW 38th Street '4...01•101m011°.' ;:gclii II ir .. , ------__ _. . -.-. , , . • • '4".._ ...P. r,, _:, _ - , PZ-23-15998 02/21/2 Street View Looking North from NW 13th Avenue with the Subject Property located at 1300 NW 38th Street NOTICE PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 LOT 3 6' CHAIN FND.I.R.o1/2' `LINK FENCE (NO ID.) I (0 N.W. 13th PLACE 6 7 N.W.38th STREET 5 8 4 9 3 2 N.W. 37th STREET N.W. 13th AVENUE ' WOOD FENCE CL. 6'1' SOD FENC 95, m 4 4 m m 4' 4 6' W000 FENC 6' W000 FENCE 6' W000 FENCE ^ 5' CHAIN LINK FENCE N ND.N&9 (NO ID.) I LOCATION SKETCH NOT TO SCALE J �� m m C:.1 0 'iti E 4 l .OT 3i:? cL. j s. 1 5. 6' CHAIN wry P/L I y.0:00T T 4 LINK.FENCT\ . '25 ' wooD'-1 d 4 4 4 pi, FENCE SOD m m m SOD M^m CL f WM m m m m ma '`n 4 4 4 e m m I ' m ' m / soD n T 4 ';'1, 4' g60 4 4 ^ m m m m A/F 4 m m m 01 4 4 T T 4 4HAIN LINK GATE R/W 150.00' 15' PARKWAY PARKING GRID PAYERS 24' ASPHALT PAVEMENT N.W. 37th STREET (60' TOTAL .R/W)- 2, 0 o END .l P.m • tiCiP (MD MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1317 N.W. 37th Street, City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, FL 33142 Folio # 01-3123-037-5080 Scale: 1"= 20' 0' 10' 20' 40' GRAPHIC SCALE Professional Surveys and Mapper State of Florida LS # 6660 This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applooble decision -making body will review the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. SURVEYOR'S REPORT: 1. MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY, Fieldwork date of data acquisition: January 19th, 2023. 2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 10 to 12 inclusive, Block 55, of NORTH MIAMI ESTATES, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 48, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 3. AREA: Containing 18,000 Square Feet or 0.41 Acres more or less by calculations. 4. ACCURACY: The accuracy obtained by measurement and calculations of a closed geometric figure was found to exceed this requirement. Linear 1 toolin 7,500 feel. 5. DATA OF SOURCES: HORIZONTAL CONTROL: - The Legal Description was furnished by client. - North Arrow as per Plot Book 5, Page 48, of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. - City of Miami Municipal Atlas Sheet 17 P. 6. FLOOD INFORMATION: By scale determination this property is located in Flood Zone x, as per Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), NFIP Community Name: City of Miami and Community Number 120650 Map/Panel Number 12D86C0311, Suffix L, FIRM Panel Effective/Revised Dote 09-11-2009. 7. LIMITATIONS: No research was made for other instruments than the existing in the plat and provided by client. No determination was made as to how the site con be served with utilities. Fences and walls ownership by visual means only; legal ownership not determined. No underground utilities and/or structures(foundations) was located within or abutting the Subject property. Digitally signed by SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: Eugenia L. Formoso Date: 2023.04.06 15:39:39 -04'00' I certify: This Map of Boundary Survey meets all applicable requirements of the Florida Minimum Technical Standards as contained Chapter 5J-17. Unless indicated to the contrary, the measured distance and directions shown on the Mop of Boundary Survey ore the same s the deed distances and directions. Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. Additions or deletions to Mop of Boundary Survey by other than signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. ABBREVIATIONS & LEGEND ACA Wa 0.€044BLVD. BOLAISFRO Ca CHORD BEalla CD. CLEAN CUT elan./ Iwwa[ Drama mas a ®RAM IOW OW.[xwfOE ®DMw r, HATERDLw F.F.E. FELOMLLCOR Fa FRE HYDRANT r LP. FON) IRON PRE vEyEL Oa RESOLVE V.V.VE VALVE LP RCN PPE LR DM 'A.L LEGAL VERTICAL WM ®NN w.alruU P[MNrt4 0 uam Pa[ aN. dx/x 411P 1110INVENT P.R.w POPMENT PLA PROFESSIONAL Pl. PONY Or .Or. x ; MMUS a PONT OF Dana x, :xPw, . , C Papa Or R/R �n .4P< 0 AD D. NOT OF.FADLE P.C. PONT Cf CUIDATPRE la ILLS NMFATHER ;�[E PoW we axAL. RECORD x10 *PPP METAL [ [u• METE [mr [[ 08laxx� x `ly NNm 100E ® 01045 via POLE .4 Srol SIR. SIT MN DEBAR EASOKNT TERPOIRRY KWH sr RAPER VALVE EL ELEPHOW TSP. TYPICAL ^^-FT—FT— DETAL FENCE x000 Yl [ — FO — oLr — OVEN.) ImM urE Form Tech Land Surveying, Inc. Slate of Flaka LB 4 7560 12955 S.W.42rd Street. Suite 3, Miami. Florida, 33175 Ph: (786)429-3034 (786)443-0285 (786)443-0678 unn.lorrlechsurveyors.cor emailforrlechsurveycrs@BTail.ccrn Seal: Job # 23-01062 Date: 1-19-2023 Eugenia L. Formes°. F.S.M. Statccf Floifaa I 5 s f56'6 Page 1 of MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1300 N.W. 38th Street, City of Miami, Miami -Dade County, FL 33142 Folio # 01-3123-037-5000 SURVEYOR'S REPORT: 1. MAP OF BOUNDARY SURVEY, Fieldwork date of data acquisition: January 19th, 2023. 2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 and the East 25 feet of Lot 2, Block 55, of NORTH MIAMI ESTATES, according to the plot thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 48, of the Public Records of Miami —Dade County, Florida. 3. AREA: Containing 7,500 Square Feet or 0.17 Acres more or less by calculations. 4. ACCURACY: The accuracy obtained by measurement and calculations of a closed geometric figure was found to exceed this requirement. Linear 1 foot in 7,500 feet. 5. DATA OF SOURCES: HORIZONTAL CONTROL: — The Legal Description was furnished by client. — North Arrow as per Plat Book 5, Page 48, of the Public Records of Miami —Dade County, Florida. — City of Miami Municipal Atlas Sheet 17 P. 6. FLOOD INFORMATION: By scale determination this property is located in Flood Zone X, as per Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), NFIP Community Name: City of Miami and Community Number 120650 Map/Panel Number 12086C0311, Suffix L, FIRM Panel Effective/Revised Date 09-11-2009. 7. LIMITATIONS: No research was made for other instruments than the existing in the plat and provided by client. No determination was made as to how the site can be served with utilities. Fences and walls ownership by visual means only; legal ownership not determined. No underground utilities and/or structures(foundations) was located within or abutting the Subject property. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION: I certify: This Map of Boundary Survey meets all applicable requirements of the Florida Minimum Technical Standards as contained Chapter 5J-17. Unless indicated to the contrary, the measured distance and directions shown on the Map of Boundary Survey are the same as the deed distances and directions. Not valid without the signature and the original raised seal of Florida Licensed Surveyor and Mapper. Additions or deletions to Map of Boundary Survey by other than signing party or parties is prohibited without written consent of the signing party or parties. FormTech Land Surveying, Inc. State of Florida LB # 7980 12955 S.VV. 42nd Street, Suite 3, Miami, Florida, 33175 Ph: (786)429-3034 (786)443-0285 (786)443-0678 wwm.formtechsurveyors.com email:info5;formtechsurveyors.corn Seal: Job # 23-01061 Date: 01-19-2023 Eugenia L. Formoso, State of Florida LS # 6660 N.W. 38th STREET 6 7 5 a 4 9 EAST 3 10 5 2 11 12 N.W.37th STREET LOCATION SKETCH NOT TO SCALE N.W.13th AVENUE 0' 10' 20' GRAPHIC SCALE (60' TOTAL R/W) N.W. 38th STREET 24' ASPHALT PAVEMENT 14' PARKWA`F`;v o ° Pgj2KING GRIP PAVERS - 1no ino mn —p.,— SuL ouL° oVL p gm_ ouy. OUL OUL 75:00 FND.I Q.01 5'RIDEWALK °. ° R/W . B9 25m 5T 4j. CFjAlj,s LINK I[ENCE m FND.I. P.01 /2" (N0 ID.) z r aL m O �a0 Nap 0 Lri m m m m m 'SLID m m m SOD T T T 'h(NO ID.) 50`�P) 0.3, m m m CL m T SOD4' * T m m m O0 ▪ 4, m m T ' CHAIN LINK FENCE T SOD T 4,m m m m m m m m m m 'la`.::- i, k.. m ><h m h to T SOD ENC. T ry°+N T T FND.I. R.01/2' 25'T 45ON P (NO ID.) _le 9 N--xxNl P/LT m m;::> m m m SOD m m T T SOD T T �T T 5m 9"'. T s° u z 0.4'> 2ab 4' DETECTABLE WARNING ❑mUL 25 0 a 00 �CLP 0 M T75.00T z ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND A ARC LB. ND N NA BA BE. uW GxFxa[ ELEV. ELEV.V. NEC.CIE CE. MOM CBI CONCRETE Burs STRuCluRE Cat CORNER • CLEAR C.O. CLEAN OUT OX NEV. NEM. ENT DC E.RREIM. FR FM NEB. FPL FZENI POSER NM FOUNII IRON REM FM FN. LP INN PIPE klt MBAR UNKNOWN LNNI0LE SEDER LANHOIE TELEPHCHE MANHOLE DRAIN DATER METER TRITER VALVE CCHIROL VALVE DASOLPIE VALVE CATCH BASIN I NN RACNFLOW PRO/ENTER FIRE HYDRANT { LIGHT POLE CNLP NETPL LIGHT POLE 'Q> UIILOV POLE •CLP CONCRETE LIGHT POLE E ELECTRIC 101 ® PROPERTY CORNER LP $ —x—x— CHAIN LINN FENCE x Y AavR — ss — DCOD FENCE 010 N ETPL FENCE DL — DUL — OVERHEAD 11LITY LINE NI xi/ABER MS. MT TO MILE INIL BCC WEB OFF. REMO CN/PL ON PROP.' P.C. MT Cr CURVATURE P.C.C. PONT OF CCICCOME) CURVATURE 'St SW WM. YAPPER Cf TAN COML. MINtraCt4O—I roe ro PE PVT 0714.11CY RRUCS R1 • "°" n" Digitally signed by Eugenia L. Formoso ®a<a<R ®z ® ® e Professional Surveyor and Mapper Sste of Florida LS x 6660 1.111 T Date: 2023.01.24 14:00:00 -05'00' op NETER POW SS NLI.P. NEM In.m ICE Page 1 of 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY APPLICANT PZ-2315998 ^ 02/21/24 1. The Department of Resilience and Public Works, Transportation, Coordinated Review Committee and other City and County agencies review zoning public hearing requests and provide input, which may affect the scheduling and outcome of my hearing. These reviews may require additional hearings before other City and County boards, which may result in the modification of plans, studies and/or the proffering of agreements to be recorded. The submission and acceptance of a request for public hearing means that the application is ready to be scheduled for public hearing. I am also aware that I must comply promptly with any City or County conditions and notify the Hearing Boards (Hearing Boards) in writing if my public hearing application will be withdrawn. 2. Filing fees may not bethe total cost ofmhearing. Some requests require notices to be mailed to property owners up to a mile from the subject property and I am responsible for paying the additional radius mailing costs. In addition to mailing costs, I am responsible for additional fees related to application changes, plan revisions, deferrals, re+advwdim|ng.etc. that may beincurred. | understand that fees must bepaid promptly. The only fees that will berefunded ofterthe submission and acceptance ofanapplication for public hearing has occurred will be the surcharge fees related to appeals, as expressly listed in Chapter 62 of the City Code (Code). 3. Requests for public hearing will bescheduled bythe Hearing Boards inaccordance with the scheduling timeline set forth in the Code and the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami (Miami 21), as applicable. I must submit any requests toreschedule, continue ordefer myhearing date hmthe attention ofthe decision -making body for its consideration and vote stthe public hearing onwhich my application imscheduled tobeheard. | understand that any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1.O00.00fee, owper the Code. 4` Applicable Florida Building Code requirements, or other applicable requirements, may affect my ability to obtain a building permit even if my zoning application is approved; and a building permit will probably be required. I am responsible for obtaining any required permits and inspections for all structures and additions proposed, or built, without permits. In addition, a Certificate of Use (C.U.) must be obtained for the use of the property after it has been approved at a zoning public hearing. Failure to obtain the required permits and/or C.U., Certificates of Completion (C.C.), or Certificate of Occupancy (C.O.) will result in an enforcement action against any occupant and owner. Submittal ofthe zoning public hearing request may not forestall enforcement action against the property. 5. Ifnnyrequest is denied, deferred, or otherwise not approved, I understand that I will not be reimbursed for any fees paid. 6, Any requests by the applicant to reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur $1,000.00 fee, as per the Code. 7. Any covenant tobevoluntarily proffered must besubmitted inword format tothe Planning Department and hP the Office of the City Attorney through ePlan for review and comments from the Planning Department, Office of the City Attorney. and any other City departments as deemed necessary. The covenant will be reviewed in ePlan and the applicant will be notified of any necessary changes, corrections or comments through ePlan. Once the covenant receives a recommendation of approval from the Planning department and as to legal form, Hearing Boards staff will extract the approved covenant directly from ePlan to include as part of the agenda. The applicant ioresponsible bzsubmit tothe Hearing Boards the signed covenant with acurrent Opinion ofTitle no|aterthontwo(2)weohophortothainiUo|pub|icheorin8.|undenstondthmtanyrequeotobytheopp|ioantho reschedule, continue or defer the hearing date that are granted shall incur a $1,000.00 fee, per instance, as per the Code. Acknowledgment by Applicant 8. Any and all documents submitted must be accompanied by a cover letter indicating the subject matte application number and hearing date. Domingo ("Bob") de la Fuente Applicant(s) Name Printed �l/ I2 ilz-ez,1 Applicant(s) Signature and STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means ot�physical presence or CI online notarization, thi Ylt/ny`j/� , 20 'vy by 4i 0,9 0 j ivaAe,_whierliirne of person acknowiedgin who is personally know me or who has produced identification. as [Notary Seal] Notary P „,�::,„.,, SOFIA M. CAMPO 4.‘"s Notary Public -State of Florida Commission 0 HH 291274 `iliiMy Commission Expires '',inn+` September 10, 2026 f ! 0,14411 Name typed, printed or stamped My Commission Expires:'] . 10 • 2,01,,G' STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of ❑ physical presence or 0 online notarization, this _ , 20 by (name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent), of (name of corporation acknowledging), a State of Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/she is personally known to me or has produced as identification, [Notary Seal] Notary Public Name typed, printed or stamped Acknowledgment by Applicant Updated 08.13.2020 Page 2 of 4 Thla submittal needs W to scheduled fora outdo nearing In accordance vell, mares set forth in the City, Miami Dv...Thee spoke de decision -meting body., rage -tie inform., atthe public hearing to render a ommen.on or a final dodo.. rocPZ-23-15998 i 02/21/24 My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of ❑ physical presence or 0 online notarization, this 20_ by (name of member, manager, officer or agent, title of member, manager, officer or agent), produced as identification. [Notary Seal] Notary Public STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of 0 physical presence or 0 online notarization, this , 20_ by (name of acknowledging partner or agent), partner (or agent) on behalf of (name of partnership), a partnership. He/she is personally known to me or has produced as identification. [Notary Seal] Acknowledgment by Applicant Updated 08.13.2020 Page 3 of 4 This subm1tal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth in the Clty of Miami Code. The applicable decision -making baby will rewew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendati on or a final decision PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of 0 physical presence or 0 online notarization, this , 20 by (name of attorney in fact) as attorney in fact, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification on behalf of (name of principal). [Notary Seal] Notary Public Name typed, printed or stamped My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by means of 0 physical presence or 0 online notarization, this , 20 by (name and title of position), who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification. [Notary Seal] Notary Public Name typed, printed or stamped My Commission Expires: Acknowledgment by Applicant Updated 08.13.2020 Page 4 of 4 Sal Tax $ ieived frAress: 110 For: -10-- 5_) This Receipt not VALID unless dated, filled in and signed by authorized em- ployee of department or division des- ignated hereon and until the City has collected the proceeds of any checks tendered as payment herein. FN/TM 402 Rev. 03/03 J City of Miami OFFICIAL RECEIPT Totai $ i (0 c Reference By: L� Departme F 1 Division: No. Date: Distribution: White - Customer: Canary - Finance; Pink - Issuing Department LEHTINEN SCHULTZ PLLC 01/26/2024 City of Miami, Office of the City Clerk Lobbyist registration issue Bank Accounts:Operating (Primary) - x 93* 50504? 2tliA1-57 /100 Dollars CI1 NOTICE 105.00 3305 105.00 W.WCC PLICKC CCn&B ,5rA Note: Annual Registration Expires on 12/31/2024 CITY OF MIAMI LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Instructions: Please complete all sections of this form and submit the completed form, with the app e fee(s), to the Office of the City Clerk. If you need more space to complete a section, use a separate sheet(s) of paper. If you have nothing to report in a particular section, you must type or print "None" or "N/A" in that section. IF ANY SECTION IS LEFT BLANK, THE FORM WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Important: It is the responsibility of the lobbyist to ensure that ALL active lobbyist registration forms, including active lobbyist registration forms submitted in previous years, remain up to date. (1) Lobbyist Name: de la Fuente, Domingo "Bob", G. (Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial) Business Phone: 305-760-8540 Email: BdelaFuente@Lehtinen-Schultz.com Business Address (include Zip Code): 1200 Brickell Ave Ste 507, Miami Florida 33131 (2) Principal Represented: STW Real Estate, LLC (Name of corporation, partnership, trust, etc., you are representing) Business Address (include Zip Code): 1560 Lenox Ave, Suite 304, Miami Beach FL (3) Are you the Principal of the corporation, partnership, trust, etc.? YES r' NO (vou must check YES or NO) NOTE: Principal means the person, firm, corporation, or other entity that performs lobbying activity on behalf of itself or that has designated, employed, or retained a lobbyist to lobby on its behalf. The term "principal" also includes the person, firm, corporation, or other entity receiving the benefit of the lobbying effort and on whose behalf the lobbyist is lobbying, even if the lobbyist is retained, engaged, or employed by a third -party for such purposes. IF YOU PROVIDED INFORMATION IN SECTION 2 ABOVE, PLEASE REVIEW THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. If a lobbyist represents a corporation, partnership or trust, the lobbyist must disclose the name and business address of the chief officer, partner or beneficiary of the corporation, partnership or trust, and the names and addresses of all persons holding, directly or indirectly, at least five percent (5%) ownership interest in said corporation, partnership or trust. Attach separate sheet if needed. If this section"=is nokipplicable you must type or print "None" or "N/A". "'' N/A clr;el se+ •-•-1 ••11 x, rJ (4) Specific issue associated with lobbying. Describe with as much detail as is practical. AttachAttaclAlseparlite sheet if needed. If you are using this form for your Annual Registration, please write "Annual Regis 'oli3 and the year that you are registering for (ex: Annual Registration 2024). Land use, Zoning and development entitlement relating to the properties located at 1300 NW 38 ST & 3710 NW 13 Ave. Page 1 of 2 Office of the City Clerk, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, FL 33133 / Phone: (305) 250-5361 / Email: clerks@miamigov.com CM-LRF (Rev. 12/2023) (5) Lobbyists shall be required to state the existence of any direct or indirect business association, partnership, or financial relationship with the Mayor, any member of the City Commission, any member of a City board, the City Manager or a member of the City staff before whom he/she lobbies or intends to lobby. Attach separate sheet if needed. If this section is not applicable You must type or print "None" or "N/A". N/A Lobbyists, as defined in City Code Section 2-653, shall pay an annual registration fee of $525.00, plus $105.00 for each principal represented for each issue lobbied on behalf of any one principal. Each issue associated with lobbying shall be described with as much detail as is practical. The City Clerk, or the City Clerk's designee, shall reject any registration statement that does not provide a clear description of the specific issue on which such lobbyist has been retained to lobby or if any section of this form is left blank. Regardless of the date of the annual registration, all lobbyists' annual registrations shall expire December 31 of each calendar year and shall be renewed on a calendar year basis. Each Lobbyist shall, within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist, submit to the Office of the City Clerk a certificate of completion of an ethics course offered by the Miami -Dade County Commission on Ethics & Public Trust ("Ethics Commission"). Lobbyists who have completed the initial ethics course mandated by the preceding sentence and have continuously registered as a lobbyist thereafter shall be required to complete a refresher ethics course offered by the Ethics Commission every two (2) years. Each lobbyist who has completed a refresher ethics course shall submit a certificate of completion within sixty (60) days after registering as a lobbyist. Lobbyists shall file amendments to their registration forms within fifteen (15) days of any change of information required to be set forth on their registration forms. (Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-11.1(s)(3)(h)) Each lobbyist shall file a form with the City Clerk within thirty (30) days after ceasing all lobbying activities with a principal. (Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-11.1(s)(3)(i)) C. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts are true and correct, and I have read. , tm `.fSmilidr with the provisions contained in Chapter 2, Article VI, Sections 2-651 through 2-658 of the Miami y Coe, a Amended, and Miami -Dade County Code Section 2-11.1(s). STATE OF p D 1,f ocv,u COUNTY OF M 1Uri) — Vcz.dL Sworn to (or affirmed) and subsed before me by means ofphysical presence or online notarization, this of a �,v .�. .� a' re of Notary Public Per .•n-IIy Known: OR Produced Identification: Type of Identification Produced: day (Name of person making statement) Name of Notary Typed, Printed or Stamped 7- Tq € M. CAMPO No ery PPu o-State of Florida Commission i HH 291274 My Commission Expires September 10, 2026 r FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Check # Receipt # CM-LRF (Rev. 12/2023) Page 2 of 2 AFFIDAVIT OF AUTHORITY TO ACT Before me this day, the undersigned personally appeared Domingo "Bob" de la Fuente who being by me first deposes and says: 1. That he/she is the owner or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the public hearing application as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as listed on the foregoing pages. 2. That all owners who he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, IR including or ❑ not including responses to day-to-day City staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing and following pages are part of this affidavit and contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions of the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. That the facts, as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit, are true and correct. 5. That a refund, if any, by the City is to be issued to the following person at the address indicated: This submittal needs to bescheduled for a public hearing In accordance with Umelhmsset font, In the City of Mlaml Code. The appllcade Gecl,Wn making body ut review the InfonnaUon al the p,Ibtic heartng to render a recommendatlon ar a foal decision. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 STW Real Estate LLC 1580 Lenox Ave., Ste. 304 Miami Beach, FL 33139 Further Affiant sayeth not, Domingo "Bob" de la Fuente Applicant(s) Name Printed Applicant(s) Signature STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE �],, 1 4 day of � �Gi.� I%Q The foregoing was acknowledged before me this �`t 20 S/E l' ' , by 110ryki,- ,o 'e Tc;„-, " c - i cr, F--t j ee— who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She i ersopally known to me or ❑ who has produced _ as identification and who ;EL did id not take an oath. (Stamp) SOFIA M. CAMPO .1TR U r •Vi.Notery Public -State of Florida Commission ! HH 291274 My Commission Expires September 10, 2028 ature Rev. i0-18 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION The City of Miami requires any person or entity requesting approval relief or other action from the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees, to disclose at the commencement (or continuance) of the hearing(s) on the issue, any consideration provided or committed, directly or on its behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action. "Consideration" includes any gift, payment, contribution, donation, fee, commission, promise or grant of any money, property, service, credit or financial assistance of any kind or value, whether direct or implied, or any promise or agreement to provide any of the foregoing in the future. Individuals retained or employed by a principal as a lobbyist as defined in Sec. 2- 653, and appearing before the City Commission or any of its boards, authorities, agencies, councils or committees solely in the capacity of a lobbyist and not as the applicant, or owners' legal representative are not required to fill out this form. Name: First Name: Domingo "Bob" Middle Name: G. Last Name: de la Fuente Home Address: Home Address Line 1: Home Address Line 2: City: Miami 1200 Brickell Ave Ste 507 State: Florida Zip: FL 33131 Contact Information: Home Phone Number: 305-760-8515 Cell Phone Number:305-760-8540 Fax Number: 305-356-5720 Email: BdelaFuente@Lehtinen-Schultz.com BUSSINESS or APPLICANT or ENTITY NAME Address Line 1: STW Real Estate LLC NOTICE This submittal needs to he scheduled fora public hearing accordancein with timelines set forth In the City of 1 MiamCode. The applicable decision -ma king boslywill renew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a fine deciaon. Address Line 2: 1560 Lenox Avenue, Suite 304, Miami Beach FI 33139 PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Doc. No.:86543 Page 1 of 3 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION Please describe the issue for which you are seeking approval, relief or other action from the City Commission, board, authority, agency, council, or committee. Land use amendment and change of zoning classification from the City Commission Has any consideration been provided or committed, directly or on your behalf, to any entity or person for an agreement to support or withhold objection to the requested approval, relief or action? NO If your answer to Question 2 is No, do not answer questions 3, 4 & 5 proceed to read and execute the Acknowledgment. If your answer to Question 2 is Yes, please answer questions 3, 4 & 5 and read and execute the Acknowledgement. 1. Please provide the name, address and phone number of the person(s) or entities to whom consideration has been provided or committed. • Name of Person/Entity: N/A • Phone Number of Person/Entity: N/A • Address of Person/Entity: N/A 2. Please describe the nature of the consideration N/A This submhtal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -making bodywlll review the Information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 3. Describe what is being requested in exchange for the consideration. N/A Doc. No.:86543 Page 2 of 3 CITY OFMIAMI DISCLOSURE OF CONSIDERATION PROVIDED OR COMMITTED FOR AGREEMENT TO SUPPORT OR WITHHOLD OBJECTION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COMPLIANCE hereby acknowledge that it is unlawful to employ any device, scheme or artifice to circumvent the disclosure requirements of Ordinance 12918 and such circumvention shall be deemed a violation of the Ordinance; and that in addition to the criminal or civil penalties that may be imposed under the City Code, upon determination by the City Commission that the foregoing disclosure requirement was not fully and timely satisfied the following may occur: 1. the application or order, as applicable, shall be deemed void without further force or effect; and 2. no application from any person or entity for the same issue shall be reviewed or considered by the applicable board(s) until expiration of a period of one year after the nullification of the application or order. PERSON SUBMITTING DISCLOSURE: Print Name Domingo "Bob: de la Fuente Signature Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2'1--t day of U The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by who has produced Cdiid not take an oath. STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MAMMY COMMISSION EXPIRES: as identification and/o ` ersonaly known to me a 5/ who , 20t4 . c4 - I a. SOFIA M. CAMPO fl` %Notary Public -State of Florida Commission / HH 291274 ;�r4iT? My Commission Expires `, ,,,,, September 10, 2026 o push o 0 o- a NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled for a public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code.The applicable decision -making body will re,lewthe Information of the public hearing to render a recommentlai on or a final deed on. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 44► it° 'VIEW C°'� Doc. No.:86543 Page 3 of 3 DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires all parties making any presentation, formal request or petition to the City Commission or any City board with respect to any real property to make full disclosure, in writing, of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, in the subject matter of said presentation, formal request or petition. Such disclosure shall include, but not be limited to, disclosure of all natural persons having an ownership interest, direct or indirect, in the subject real property. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Owner's Name(s) STW Real Estate, LLC Percentage of Ownership 100% Subject Property Address(es) 3710 NW 13th Avenue, Miami, FL 33142 1300 NW 38th St., Miami, FL PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 List all street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property located within 500 feet of the subject property owned by any and all parties listed in question #1 above. Please supply additional lists, if necessary. Street Address(es): N/A Legal Description(s): N/A Domingo"Bob" de la Fuente Owner(s) or Attorney Name Owner(s) or Attorney Sign.ture STATE OF FLORIDA -- COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this 1/-1' day of .10.11, vai- n N , by ,heyruieU c I` `r cb''c' [e 64eAir e-- who is a(n) individual artner/agent/c Q rporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is 0,personally known to me or 0 who has produced as identification and who ,II, did 0 did not take an oath. Sign. Mre 01111 4, SOFIA M. CAMPO s Notary Public -State of Florida Commission ! NH 291274 ,nn�otii"� ;MON' My Commissio September 1) 4 PU$// 0 o. THE RILEY FIRM, LLC ATTORNEYS AT LAW NOTICE This submttal needs to be scheduled bra public hearing in accordance wTh tlmellnes set forth in the City of Mlaml Code. The applicable decision -making body wilt retdew the intonnation at the public hearing to render a recornmentlat on or a final decision. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 04- EWCO' 786.282.9899 w.riley{ct�,rilevfirm.org January 10, 2023 VIA ePlan Lakisha Hull, Director City of Miami Planning Department 44 4 S. W. 2nd Avenue, 4th Floor Miami Riverside Center Miami, FL 33130 RE: Disclosure of Contract Purchaser Dear Ms. Hull: Please be advised that the property located at 3710 NW 13th Avenue, Miami, Florida is owned by STW Real Estate, LLC, a Florida limited liability company. The other property made part of this application, 1300 NW 38th Street, Miami, Florida is subject to a contract for purchase. Attached hereto as Exhibit "A" is the aforementioned contract for purchase between STW Real Estate, LLC and Beene Construction, LLC. If you have any questions regarding the foregoing or the attachments, please do not hesitate to contact me at (786) 282-9899. We look forward to working with your professional staff throughout the application review process and we thank you for your consideration. STATE OF FLORIDA ss. COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Very Troy Yours, i/ ✓ v Will' m W. Riley, Jr., Esq. The foregoing affidavit was sworn to and sub .,;: ire me this r0f'day of January, 2023, by William W. Riley, Jr.. Esq., who is sonally known t. me or who has produced as identification. Notary Public �ne of Notary typed) G'+ 4 s- 8 9 11 12- 13 Vacant Land Contract 1. 1. Sale and, Purchas- "Contract"): '' ,✓/ fl Le.:12e/f /ZZ-e_ 2- and (the "parties") agree to sell and buy on the terms and conditions specified below the property ("Property") described as: In accordance INV timelines „ of n the Mane Cotle. The pp s Icable tlleen Mimaking xlU recommendeton PZ-23 r15998 02/21/24 Address: ei3 /VGigc&fir i T} a, L Legal Description: )64/ 6/0,/,, Nv /' r9r?i, AV _5-- 5,"cP lof/ fL/4 /OD SEC /TWP r IRNG of //7/42N,,aa,Xounty, Florida. Real Property ID No.: including all improvements existing on the Property and the following additional property: 14 2. Purchase Price: (U.S. currency) 15 16' 17` 18' 19" 20- 21 22- 2;' 24 - 2 26- 27' 28 28' 30 31- 32` 33- 34 35 36 37- All deposits will be made payable to "Escrowp,gent" named below and held in escrow row by: Escrow Agents Name: A- M Escrow Agents Contact Pars.n. Escrow Agent's Address: Escrow Agents Phone: Escrow Agent's Email: (a) Initial deposit (SO if left blank) (Check if applicable) 0 accompanies offer `'will be delivered to Escrow Agent within .. days (3 days if left blank) after Effective Date .. ,wnxa amcK (b) Additional deposit will be delivered to Escrow Agent (Check if applicable; 17 within days (10 days if left blank) after Effective Date 0 within days (3 days if left blank) after expiration of Due Diligence Period ... (c) Total Financing (see Paragraph 6) (express as a dollar amount or percentage) (d) Other (e) Balance to close (not including Buyer's closing costs. prepaid items. and prorations) (f) to be paid at closing by wire transfer or other Collected funds s /4 06v11e " S S '- S 0 (Complete only if purchase price will be determined based on a per unit cost instead of a fixed price.) The unit used to determine the purchase price is 0 lot ❑ acre 0 square foot ❑ other (specify): prorating areas of less than a full unit. The purchase price will be S per unit based on a calculation of total area of the Property as certified to Seller and Buyer by a Florida licensed surveyor in accordance with Paragraph 8(c). The following rights of way and other areas will be excluded from the calculation: 38 3. Time for Acceptance; Effective Date; U less is offer is signed by Seller and Buyer and an executed copy 39- delivered to all parties on or before /O/fr aaVa2 , this offer will be withdrawn and Buyer's deposit. if 40 any. will be returned. The time for acce tanc of any counter-offer will be 3 days after the date the counter-offer is 41 delivered. The "Effective Date" of this Contract is the date on which the last one of the Seller and Buyer 42 has signed or initialed and delivered this offer or the final counter-offer. 43' 4. Closing Date_ This transaction will close on /.52,44' gg5ifi 'Ll g ate ). unless specifically 44 extended by other provisions of this Contract. The Closing Date wit prevail over all other time periods including. 45 but not Iimrted to. Financing and Due Diligence periods. However. if the Closing Date occurs en a Saturday. 46 Sunday. or national legal holiday, it will extend to 5:00 p.m. (where the Property is located) of the next business 47 day. In the event insurance underwriting is suspended on Closing Date and Buyer is unable to obtain property 48 insurance. Buyer may postpone closing for up to 5 days after the insurance underwriting suspension is lifted. if 49 this transaction does not close for any reason. Buyer will immediately return all Seller provided documents and 50 other items, 51 5. Extension of Closing Date: If Paragraph 6(b) is checked and Closing Funds from Buyer's lender(s) are not 52 available on Closing Date due to Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Closing Disclosure delivery requirements Buyer (i] ) tiR Rev 922 P8501 d Seiler ) acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page. which is 1 of 8 pages. 2022 Fro-.aa Realm's. Ce It NOTICE 53 ("CFPB Requirements"). if applicable. then Closing Data shall be extended for such period necessary to satisfy 54 CFPB Requirements. provided such period shall not exceed 10 days. 55 S. iFinerrcing: (Check as applicable) 56' (a) Buyer will pay cash for the Property with no financing contingency. 57 • (bThis Contract is contingent on Buyer qualifying for and obtaining the ccmmitment(s) or approval(s) 58" specified below ("Financing") within days after Effective Date (Closing Date or 30 days after Effective 59 ' Date. whichever occurs first. if left blank) ("Financing Period"). Buyer will apply for Financing within 60 days after Effective Date (5 days if !eft blank) and will timely provide any and all credit. employment. financial. ei and other information required by the lender. If Buyer. after using diligence and good faith. cannot obtain the 62 Financing within the Financing Period. either party may terminate this Contract and Buyer's deposit(s) will be 63 returned. 64- (1) 0 New Financing: Buyer wii! secure a commitment for new third party financing for S 65- or % of the purchase price at (Check one) 0 a fixed rate not exceeding % Le an 666 • adjustable interest rate not exceeding % at origination (a fixed rate at the prevailing interest rate 67 based on Buyer's creditworthiness if neither choice is selected). Buyer will keep Seller and Broker fully 68 informed of the loan application status and progress and authorizes the lender or mortgage broker to 69 disclose all such information to Seller and Broker. ?c: (2) 0 Seller Financing: Buyer will execute a 0 first 0 second purchase money note and mortgage to Seller in the amount of S . bearing annual interest at % and payable as follows: 72_ 73 The mortgage. note. and any security agreement will be in a form acceptable to Seiler and will follow 74 forms generally accepted in the county where the Property is located: will provide for a late payment fee 75 and acceleration at the mortgagees option if Buyer defaults: will give Buyer the right to prepay without 76 penalty all or part of the principal at any time(s) with interest only to date of payment: will be due on 77. conveyance or safe: will provide for release of contiguous parcels. if applicable: and will require Buyer to 78 keep liability insurance on the Property. with Seller as additional named insured. Buyer authorizes Seller 79' to obtain credit, employment. and other necessary information to determine creditworthiness for the 80 financing. Seller will. within 10 days after Effective Date, give Buyer written notice of whether or not Seller 31 will make the loan. 82- (3) 0 Mortgage Assumption: Buyer will take title subject to and assume and pay existing first mortgage to 83" 64- !Jett in the approximate amount of S currently payable at 85- S per month. including principal. interest, 0 taxes and insurance. and having a 86- ❑ fixed 0 other (describe) 87 • interest rate of % which 0 will 0 will not escalate upon assumption. Any variance in the mortgage 88 will be adjusted in the balance due at closing with no adjustment to purchase price. Buyer will purchase - Seller's escrow account dollar for dollar. If the interest rate upon transfer exceeds % or the 9o- assumption/transfer fee exceeds S . either party may elect to pay the excess. failing 91 which this Contract will terminate; and Buyer's deposit(s) will be returned. If the lender disapproves 92 Buyer. this Contract will terminate: and Buyer's deposit(s) will be returned. 93' 7. Assignability: (Check one) Buyer 0 may assign and thereby be released from any further liability under this 94- Contract. 0 may assign but not be released from liability under this Contract. orIa, may not assign this Contract. 95 ' B. Title: Seller has the legal capacity to and will convey marketable title to the Property bystatutory warranty 96- deed fl special warranty deed Mother (specify) . free of liens. easements. 97 and encumbrances of record or known to Seller. but subject to property taxes for the year of closing: covenants. 98 restrictions. and public utility easements of record: existing zoning and governmental regulations: and (list any 99' other matters to which title wilt be subject) too provided there exists at closing no violation of the foregoing. ici (a) Title Evidence: The party who pays for the owner's title insurance policy will select the closing agent and pay 102 for the title search. including tax and lien search (including municipal lien search) if performed. and all other fees charged by closing agent. Seller will deliver to Buyer. at 104' (Check one) ❑ Seller's XBuyer's expense and �r5 (Check one) 0 within days after Effective Date 0 at least days before Closing Date. 10G (Check one) 107 - (1)'ga title insurance commitment by a Florida licensed title insurer setting forth those matters to be �9e discharged by Seller at or before closing and. upon Buyer recording the deed. an owner's policy In the d Seller { ) acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page. which is 2 of 8 pages. .. 2022 Fo-sr,P Rea.to,s• NOTICE PZ-23-15998 �02/21 /24 109 amount of the purchase price for fee simple title subject only to the exceptions stated above. if Buyer is 110 paying for the owner's title insurance policy and Seller has an owner's policy. Seller will deliver a copy to ? 1 ? Buyer within 15 days after Effective Date. 112 (2) ❑ an abstract of title. prepared or brought current by an existing abstract firm or certified as correct by an • 133 existing firm, However. if such an abstract is not available to Seller. then a prior owners title policy 114 acceptable to the proposed insurer as a base for reissuance of coverage may be used. The prior policy will 115 include copies of all policy exceptions and an update in a format acceptable to Buyer from the policy 116 effective date and certified to Buyer or Buyer's dosing agent together with copies of al! documents 117 recited in the prior policy and in the update. If such an abstract or prior policy is not available to Seller 115 then (1) above will be the title evidence. 1?s (b) Title Examination: After receipt of the title evidence. Buyer will, within /' days (10 days if left blank) but 120 no later than Closing Date. deliver written notice to Seller of title defects. Title will be deemed acceptable to 121 Buyer if (i) Buyer fails to deli r proper notice of defects or (ii) Buyer delivers proper written notice and Seller 122- cures the defects within ,9 V days (30 days if left blank) ("Cure Period') after receipt of the notice. If the 123 defects are cured within the Cure Period. closing will occur within 10 days after receipt by Buyer of notice of 124 such cure. Seller may elect not to cure defects if Seller reasonably believes any defect cannot be cured within 125 the Cure Period. If the defects are not cured within the Cure Period. Buyer will have 10 days after receipt of 126 notice of Seller's inability to cure the defects to elect whether to terminate this Contract or accept title subject 127' to existing defects and close the transaction without reduction in purchase price. lee (c) Survey: Buyer may. at Buyer's expense. have the Property surveyed and must deliver written notice to 129 Seller. within 5 days after receiving survey but not later than 5 days before Closing Date. of any 130 encroachments on the Property. encroachments by the Property's improvements on other lands. or deed 131 restriction or zoning violations. Any such encroachment or violation will be treated in the same manner as a 132 title defect and Seller's and Buyer's obligations will be determined in accordance with Paragraph 8(b). 133 (d) Ingress and Egress: Seller warrants that the Property presently has ingress and egress. 134 9. Property Condition: Seller will deliver the Property to Buyer at closing in its present "as is" condition, with 135. conditions resulting from Buyer's Inspections and casualty damage. if any, excepted. Seller will not engage in or 136 permit any activity that would materially alter the Property's condition without the Buyer's prior written consent. 137 (a) Inspections: (Check (1) or (2)) 133 (1) .Due Diligence Period: Buyer will. at Buyer's expense and within egiO days (30 days if left blank) 139 ("Due Diligence Period") after Effective Date and in Buyer's sole and absolute discretion. determine 141 whether the Property is suitable for Buyer's intended use. During the Due Diligence Period. Buyer may 141 conduct a Phase 1 environmental assessment and any other tests. analyses. surveys. and investigations 12 ("Inspections") that Buyer deems necessary to determine to Buyer's satisfaction the Property's 143 engineering, architectural. and environmental properties: zoning and zoning restrictions: subdivision 1 7 statutes: soil and grade: availability of access to public roads. water. and other utilities: consistency with 145 local, state. and regional growth management plans: availability of permits, government approvals. and 146 licenses: and other inspections that Buyer deems appropriate. If the Property must be rezoned. Buyer wild 147 obtain the rezoning from the appropriate government agencies. Seller will sign all documents Buyer is 148 required to file in connection with development or rezoning approvals, Seller gives Buyer. its agents. 149 contractors. and assigns. the right to enter the Property at any time during the Due Diligence Period for 150 the purpose of conducting Inspections, provided. however that Buyer, its agents. contractors. and assigns 151 enter the Property and conduct Inspections at their own risk. Buyer will indemnify and hold Seller 152 harmless from losses. damages. costs. claims. and expenses of any nature, including attorneys' fees. 153 expenses. and liability incurred in application for rezoning or related proceedings. and from liability to any 154 person. arising from the conduct of any and all Inspections or any work authorized by Buyer. Buyer will 155 not engage in any activity that could result in a construction lien being filed against the Property without 156 Seller's prior written consent. If this transaction does not close. Buyer will. at Buyer's expense. (i) repair 157 all damages to the Property resulting from the Inspections and return the Property to the condition it was in 155 before conducting the inspections and (ii) release to Seller all reports and other work generated as a 159 result of the Inspections. 160 Before expiration of the Due Diligence Period. Buyer must deliver written notice to Seller of Buyer's 161 determination of whether or not the Property is acceptable. Buyer's failure to comply with this notice 162 requirement will constitute acceptance of the Property as suitable for Buyer's intended use in its "as is" 163 condition. If the Property is unacceptable to Buyer and written notice of this fact is timely delivered to 164 Seller. this Contract will be deemed terminated. and Buyer's deposit(s) will be returned. Buyer (�./[) t— VAC-,afi Revs 22 C. Seiler 1 f )• acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page. which is 3 of $ pages .2022. F a^ca Rea4ors' 165 (2) ❑ No Due Diligence Period: Buyer is satisfied that the Property is suitable for Buyer's purposes, 166 including being satisfied that either public sewerage and water are available to the Property or the 157 Property will, be approved for the installation of a well andffor private sewerage disposal system and that 168. existing zoning and other pertinent regulations and restrictions, such as subdivision or deed restrictions, 159 concurrency. growth management, and environmental conditions, are acceptable to Buyer. This 17o Contract is not contingent on Buyer conducting any further investigations. 171 (b) Government Regulations: Changes in government regulations and levels of service which affect Buyer's 172 intended use of the Property will not be grounds for terminating this Contract if the Due Diligence Period has 173 expired or if Paragraph 9(a)(2) is selected. 174 (c) Flood Zone: Buyer is advised to verify by survey, with the tender. and with appropriate government agencies 175 which flood zone the Property is in. whether flood insurance is required. and what restrictions apply to 175 improving the Property and rebuilding in the event of casualty. 17e (d) Coastal Construction Control Line ("CCCL"): If any part of the Property lies seaward of the CCCL as 17$ defined in Section 161.053. Florida Statutes. Seiler will provide Buyer with an affidavit or survey as required 179 by law delineating the line's location on the Property. unless Buyer waives this requirement in writing. The 18(1 Property being purchased may be subject to coastal erosion and to federal, state. or local regulations that 101 govern coastal property, including delineation of the CCCL. rigid coastal protection structures, beach 182 nourishment. and the protection of marine turtles. Additional information can be obtained from the Florida 1&3 Department of Environmental Protection, including whether there are significant erosion conditions associated 18.4 with the shore line of the Property being purchased. 185- DBuyer waives the right to receive a CCCL affidavit or survey. 1s6 10- Closing Procedure; Costs: Closing will take place in the county where the Property is located and may be 187 conducted by mail or electronic means. If title insurance insures Buyer for title defects arising between the titre 1E3 binder effective date and recording of Buyer's deed. closing agent will disburse at closing the net sate proceeds to 189 Seller (in local cashier's check if Seiler requests in writing at least 5 days before closing) and brokerage fees to i90. Broker as per Paragraph 21. in addition to other expenses provided in this Contract. Seiler and Buyer will pay the 191. costs indicated below. 192 (a) Seiler Costs: 193 Taxes on deed 194 Recording fees for documents needed to cure title 195 Title evidence (if applicable under Paragraph 8) 9c Estoppel Fee(s) // ,,�tiel �� f 97 Other: , (� 192 1(b) Buyer Costs: /� 199 Taxes and recording fees on notes and mortgages 200 Recording fees on the deed and financing statements 201 Loan expenses 202 Titre evidence (if applicable under Paragraph 8) 203 Lender's title policy at the simultaneous issue rate 204 Inspections 205 Survey 206 Insurance 207' Other: 20a (c) 209 210 211 212 (d) 213 214 215 216' 217 212 219 220 221 (e) NOTICE PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Prorations: The following items will be made current and prorated as of the day before Closing Date: real estate taxes (including special benefit tax liens imposed by a CDD). interest, bonds. assessments. leases. and other Property expenses and revenues. If taxes and assessments for the current year cannot be determined, the previous years rates will be used with adjustment for any exemptions. Special Assessment by Public Body: Regarding special assessments imposed by a public body. Seller will pay (I) the full amount of liens that are certified. confirmed. and ratified before closing and (ii) the amount of the last estimate of the assessment if an improvement is substantially completed as of Effective Date but has not resulted in a lien before dosing: and Buyer will pay all other amounts. If special assessments may be paid in installments, ..Seller [ Buyer (Buyer if left blank) will pay installments due after closing. If Seller is checked. Seller will pay the assessment in full before or at the time of closing. Public body does not include a Homeowners' or Condorninium Association, PROPERTY TAX DISCLOSURE SUMMARY: BUYER SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE SELLER'S CURRENT PROPERTY TAXES AS THE AMOUNT OF PROPERTY TAXES THAT BUYER MAY BE OBLIGATED TO PAY IN THE YEAR SUBSEQUENT TO PURCHASE, A CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OR PROPERTY *� ��BuyertI5 } (( s1,�-7Sn Fiev a 22 045572-2501 Seiler ackrowiedge receipt of a copy of this page. which is 4 of 8 pages .- 2322 Florra Rea.icrc: 222 IMPROVEMENTS TRIGGERS REASSESSMENTS OF THE PROPERTY THAT COULD RESULT III HIGHE 223 PROPERTY TAXES. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING VALUATION. CONTACT THE 224 COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER'S OFFICE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. 225 (f) Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act ("F!RPTA"): If Seller is a '"foreign person" as defined by 226 FIRPTA. Seller and Buyer will comply with FlRET& which may require Seller to provide additional cash at 227 closing. 228 (g) 1031 Exchange: If either Seller or Buyer wish to enter into a like -kind exchange (either simultaneously with 229 closing or after) under Section 1031 of the internal Revenue Code ("Exchange"), the other party will cooperate 230 in all reasonable respects to effectuate the Exchange including executing documents, provided, however, that 231 the cooperating party will incur no liability or cost related to the Exchange and that the closing will not be 232 contingent upon. extended, or delayed by the Exchange. 22311. Computation of Time: Calendar days will be used when computing time periods. except time periods of 5 days 234 or less- Time periods of 5 days or less will be computed without including Saturday, Sunday. or national legal 235 holidays specified in 5 U.S.C. 6103(a). Other than time for acceptance and Effective Date as set forth in Paragraph 236 3. any time periods provided for or dates specified in this Contract, whether preprinted. handwritten. typewritten or 237 inserted herein. which shall end or occur on a Saturday. Sunday. or national legal holiday (see 5 U.S.C. 6103) 238 shall extend until 5:00 p.m. (where the Property is located) of the next business day. Time is of the essence in 239 this Contract. 240 12. Risk of Loss; Eminent Domain: If any portion of the Property is materially damaged by casualty before closing 241 or Seller negotiates with a governmental authority to transfer all or part of the Property in lieu of eminent domain 242 proceedings or an eminent domain proceeding is initiated. Seller will promptly inform Buyer. Either party may 243 terminate this Contract by written notice to the other within 10 days after Buyer's receipt of Seller's notification. 244 and Buyer's deposit(s) will be returned, failing which Buyer will close in accordance with this Contract and 245 receive all payments made by the governmental authority or insurance company. if any. tad 13. Force Majeure: Seller or Buyer will not be required to perform any obligation under this Contract or be liable to 247 each other for damages so long as the performance or non-performance of the obligation is delayed. caused, or 248 prevented by an act of God or force majeure. An "act of God or "force majeure" is defined as hurricanes. 29 earthquakes, floods. fire. unusual transportation delays. wars. insurrections, and any other cause not reasonably 253 within the control of Seller or Buyer and which by the exercise of due diligence the non -performing party is unable 25i in whole or in part to prevent or overcome. All time periods. including Closing Date. will be extended for the period 252 that the act of God or force majeure is in place. However. in the event that such act of God or force majeure event 253 continues beyond 30 days. either party may terminate this Contract by delivering written notice to the other: and 254 Buyer's deposits) will be returned. 255 14. Notices: Ail notices will be in writing and delivered to the parties and Broker by mail. personal delivery. or 256 electronic means. Buyer's failure to timely deliver written notice to Seller, when such notice is required by 257 this Contract, regarding any contingency will render that contingency null and void, and this Contract will 258 be construed as if the contingency did not exist. Any notice, document, or item delivered to or received by 259 an attorney or licensee (including a transactions broker) representing a party will be as effective as if 260 delivered to or received by that party, 261 1 55_ Complete Agreement; Persons Bounce: This Contract is the entire agreement between Seller and Buyer. 262 Except for brokerage agreements, no prior or present agreements will bind Seller, Buyer, or Broker unless 293 incorporated into this Contract. Modifications of this Contract will not be binding unless in writing. signed or 23 F initialed. and delivered by the party to be bound. Electronic signatures will be acceptable and binding. This 255 Contract. signatures. initials, documents referenced in this Contract. counterparts. and written modifications 266 communicated electronically or on paper will be acceptable for all purposes. including delivery. and will be binding. 267 Handwritten or typewritten terms inserted in or attached to this Contract prevail over preprinted terms. If any 268 provision of this Contract is or becomes invalid or unenforceable. all remaining provisions will continue to be fully 269 effective. Seller and Buyer will use diligence and good faith in perforrning all obligations under this Contract. This 270 Contract will not be recorded in any public record. The terms "Seller." 'Buyer." and "Broker" may be singular or plural. This Contract is binding on the heirs. administrators. executors, personal representatives. and assigns. if 271 272 permitted. of Seller. Buyer. and Broker. 273 16. Default and Dispute Resolution: This Contract will be construed under Florida law. This Paragraph will survive 274 _closing or termination of this Contract. 275 (a) Seller Default: If Seller fails. neglects. er refuses to perform Seller's obligations under this Contract. Buyer 276' may lett to receive a return of Buyer's deposit(s) without thereby waiving any action for damages resulting yer Buyer f Sr!—i an Seller U 1 { j acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page. which is 5 of 8 pages. -4ax Rev 0455724001613.1e18501 2022 Ford Ras:tcrs'' 277 from Seller's breach and may seek to recover such damages or seek specific performance. Seller will also be 278 liable for the full amount of the brokerage fee. 27s (le) Buyer Default: If Buyer fails, neglects. or refuses to performBuyer's obligations under this Contract, 280 including payment of deposits). within the time(s) specified. Seller may elect to recover and retain the .281 depostt(s). paid and agreed to be paid. for the account of Seller as agreed upon liquidated damages. 2282 consideration for execution of this Contract. and in full settlement of any claims. whereupon Seller and Buyer 283 will be relieved from all further obligations under this Contract: or Seiler, at Seller's option. may proceed in 284 equity to enforce Seller's rights under this Contract. 2s 17. Attorney's Fees; Costs: In any litigation permitted by this Contract. the prevailing party shall be entitled to 388 recover from the non -prevailing party costs and fees. including reasonable attomey's fees. incurred in conducting 387 the litigation. This Paragraph 17 shall survive Closing or termination of this Contract. 288 18. Escrow Agent; Closing Agent: Seiler and Buyer authorize Escrow Agent and closing agent (collectively 289 "Agent") to receive. deposit. and hold funds and other items in escrow and. subject to Collection. disburse them 290 upon proper authorization and in accordance with Florida law and the terms of this Contract. including disbursing 291 brokerage fees. "Collection" or "Collected" means any checks tendered or received have become actually and 292 finally collected and deposited in the account of Agent. The parties agree that Agent will not be liable to any person 293 for misdelivery of escrowed items to Seller or Buyer. unless the rnisdelivery is due to Agent's willful breach of this 29 Contract or gross negligence. If Agent interpleads the subject matter of the escrow, Agent will pay the filing fees 295 and costs from the deposit and will recover reasonable attorneys. fees and costs to be paid from the escrowed 298 funds or equivalent and charged and awarded as court costs in favor of the prevailing party, 297 19. Professional Advice; Broker Liability: Broker advises Seller and Buyer to verify all facts and representations 298 that are important to them and to consult an appropriate professional for legal advice (for example_ interpreting this 292 Contract. determining the effect of laws on the Property and this transaction, status of title, foreign investor 300 reporting requirements. the effect of property lying partially or totally seaward of the CCCL. etc.) and for tax. 301 property condition. environmental. and other specialized advice. Buyer acknowledges that all representations 302 . (oral. written. or otherwise) by Broker are based on Seller representations or public records. Buyer agrees to 303 rely solely on Seller, professional inspectors, and government agencies for verification of the Property 304 condition and facts that materially affect Property value. Seller and Buyer respectively will pay all costs and 305 expenses. including reasonable attorneys' fees at all levels. incurred by Broker and Brokers officers. directors. 306 agents. and employees in connection with or arising from Seller's or Buyer's misstatement or failure to perform 307 contractual obligations. Seller and Buyer hold harmless and release Broker and Broker's officers. directors. 308 agents. and employees frorri all liability for loss or damage based on (i) Seller's or Buyer's misstatement or 3cs failure to perform contractual obligations: (ii) the use or display of listing data by third parties_ including. but not 310 limited to. photographs. images, graphics. video recordings_ virtual tours, drawings. written descriptions. and 3'11 remarks related to the Property: (iii) Broker's performance. at Seller's or Buyer's request. of any task beyond the 312 scope of services regulated by Chapter 475, Florida Statutes, as amended. including Broker's referral. 313 recommendation. or retention of any vendor: (iv) products or services provided by any vendor: and (v) expenses sei incurred by any vendor. Seller and Buyer each assume full responsibility for selecting and compensating their 315 respective vendors. This Paragraph will not relieve Broker of statutory obligations. For purposes of this 316 Paragraph. Broker will be treated as a party to this Contract. This Paragraph will survive closing 317 20. Commercial Real Estate Sales Commission Lien Act: If the Property is commercial real estate as defined by 318 Section 475.701. Florida Statutes. the following disclosure will apply: The Florida Commercial Real Estate Sales 319 Commission Lien Act provides that when a broker has earned a commission by performing licensed services 320 under a brokerage agreement with you. the broker may claim a lien against your net sales proceeds for the 321 broker's commission. The brokers lien rights under the act cannot be waived before the commission is earned. v22 21. Brokers: The licensee(s) and brokerage(s) named below are collectively referred to as "Broker."' Instruction to 323 closing agent: Seller and Buyer direct Closing Agent to disburse at Closing the full amount of the brokerage 324 fees as specified in separate brokerage agreements with the parties and cooperative agreements between the 325 Brokers. except to the extent Broker has retained such fees from the escrowed funds. This Paragraph will not be 326 used to modify any MLS or other offer of compensation made by Seller or listing broker to cooperating brokers. 327` 328 Seller's Sales AssociatelLicense No. Buyer ( (..) an '•1RC.-'4x Re. n 22 Sc=. Buyer's Sales Associate/License No. 1 acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page. which is 6 of 8 pages. 2022 Fonda Rea3ore' .4© PUBLic 329 - 330 331 332- 333 334 335 337 338- 33E $0/2%e Ngi"ae- 7 y r Seller's Sales Associate Email Address Seller's Sales Associate Phone l umber Listing Brokerage Listing Brokerage Actress Ci O 4 Buyer's Sales Associate Email Addres Buyer's Sales Associate Phone Number or It NOTICE This submttal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicat/e decision -making body Anil renew the information at the public hearing to rendera recommendation or a final deco on. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 RE 1,1$‘'4 rEW C°' Buyer's Brokerage Buyer's Brokerage Address 340 22. Addenda: The following additional terms are included in the attached addenda and incorporated into this Contract 341 (Check if applicable) .342 - ❑ A. Back-up Contract j�3 - 7 8. Kick Out CI use , f 3-44 - C. Other ,'" ,7%%C�r/ l2gE'r-!�t 345- 34E 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 23. ddonal Terms: 47f A4 COUNTER-OFFER/REJECTION 362- ❑ Seller counters Buyers offer (to accept the counter-offer, Buyer must sign or initial the counter -offered terms and 363 deliver a copy of the acceptance to Seller) 3e4 r ❑ Seller rejects Buyer's offer 36'5 This is intended to be a 368 signing. 367' Buyer:, 368 359' 379- Print Harm Buyer: Print name: egaity tract_ If not fully understood, seek the advice of an attorney before Date: /,/Vzz Date: 371 Buyer's address for purpose of notice: 372- Address: 1560 Lenox Ave, Suite 304, Miami Beach, FL, 33139 373 Phone:305 2_9798 Fax: Email:dstembleque cr outlook.com 374- Seller: 375 Print name: 376- Seller: 045572-209166•a618501 Cate: /0/3 / Jaoo2 Date: Seiler t (i acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page. which is 7 of 8 pages. • 302 F-aeFz.: 378 Seller's address for purpose of notice: 379- Address: q4 0 SW 1 L fee- r1 If 4-M 1 3 ilti seo Phone:.. . ' Fax: EmaiI ?'`r'�)66 e ar,6_04574 7/1 ° z 30Ej-1O7—L/ad? Ronde REALTORS ::-tikes ra :c.oresentauor as lc :h- Irsc -' Va1W'y or adequacy of any oforsron oI. this form in any snee flc ira,*sacton This standar6zec fcr r shoJd not be ::sed _IT cort:iiex t'a^.iaci'Crs c''.Ylih e>,er sive de or ?.Cdit €Ins This 9orm Is a dalsb?e for use uy the entire tea: estate r custry and is not intended tc ioentt} the USG!' as REALTOR' REALTOR' OR- is a regisec, :.cl eott.e te' hership me , ,.Inch may be used duty by leal estate ecensees ..ho are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCiA T IOC! OF REALTORS' end who se:oscsloe ;o its Code of Ettvcs The copyright iasys of Ust,ed Sates i t 7 U S Code: forbid the w:^a;:t:`or;zea fepfoduction of in s ',urn-. o; a^.v smears in:.it:csng facs rr.=e or cor,pu!ertzed `crms Buyer I-----i an O-14x Rev 9. 22 34557 at Seller {; ) acknowledge recetpt of a copy of this pagewhich is 8 of 8 pages. This submittal needs to is scheduled fora public hearing in cord ance whh timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applied Ile decision -making bcdyvwill renew the information at the public hearing to render a recommendation or finaldeci[ion. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 : 201 F:oraca Reallcrs' TRANSACTION BROKER NOTICE As a transaction broker. I /41__ '/ 7, �i J` '1 2;7'`i»�� end' Its associates provides to you a hilted, ted form of representation that includes the following duties, ,•�`� 1. Dealinc honestly: and fairly: 2. Accounting for ail funds 3. Usino skill care. and ellrgence in the transaction 4. Disclosing ail known facts that materally affect the value of resrdentiai real property and are not readily observable to the buyer: 5 Presenting all offers and cou:hero€fe.rs In a timely manner, unless a party has prevtousty directed the licensee otherwise in .vritinc: 6. Limited confider':iiallty, unless waived in i":rrt:rig by a party. This limited confidentiality w R prevent disclosure that the seller will accept a ;dice less than the asking o; listed price. that the ou yer :':Ili pay a price greater than the price submitted in a written offer of the motivation of any party for selling or buying property. that a seller or buyer will agree to financing terns other than those offered_ or of any other information requested by a party to remain confidential: and 7 Anty additional uutses that are entered into by this or by separate .kiritten agreement. Limited representation, means that a buyer or seises is not responsible for the acts of the licensee. Adcitionallv'. parties are giving up their rights to the undivided loyalty of the licensee. This aspect of limited representation allows a licensee to facilitate a real estate transaction by ass sting both the buyer and the seller but a licensee will not ta.ork to represent one part; tic the detriment of the other party when acting as a transaction broker to both part 1 0/31 /2022 Date _ Signature .. I Copy returned to Customer on the day of _ _ __�_ by: Opersanal delivery'E}tnailLijE-mall tJfacsimile Flcr.de REALTORS makes ro re in asentatler. as :o the legal vaiidlty or adeGWac; of any picvisic ; of ;his form .r car; spetrf,c framed -nor T s stardamizec form 5'3ou;c ^v: oe use:: II` ;,cmoIex transactions or veth &x;orsve ride's Cr arr'ditons This form is avaiiab!e toi use b1 the er fe '&a` estate r.f :srrn and _ .<.,t :nterded tc r,ert'y fee _se: a: REALTOR' REALTOR' :s a re.g-srere cc: ! : e rnemoe'ship mark s•!„ch may be ::sea el '; by !ea, estate .icer^sees _.ho are members & t e NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS a ad :vho suascri;e to Its Code at Ethics. The cocyr:ght laws of United States i 1? U S. Code forbid the unauthorized reerodu:t:on a' :Iss form ry. an} rnea- s incILci^eats mule or cnmpute:zea tows 0 R NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wM timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body will review the information at the public hearing to render a recommenbahon or a final decision. v #FviEW GO�� PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Seller 4 "y { ) acknowledge receipt of a copy of this page. which is Page 3 of 3 Pages. F :Qr F ot..da Rea ,t., rs' State of Florida Department of State This submRtal nee. to be scheduled fora put, bearing in accordancep timelines set forth in the City of a Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body WI renewfie Information at the publx bearing to renderI recommend. on or a final aecia on. PZ-23-15998 i 02/21/24 I certify from the records of this office that STW REAL ESTATE, LLC is a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed on July 24, 2015, effective July 20, 2015. The document number of this limited liability company is L15000126938. I further certify that said limited liability company has paid all fees due this office through December 31, 2022, that its most recent annual report was filed on January 31, 2022, and that its status is active. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Tenth day of January, 2023 Secretary of t ate Tracking Number: 1967002894CU To authenticate this certificate,visit the following site,enter this number, and then follow the instructions displayed. https://services.sunbiz.org/Filings/CertificateOfstatus/CertificateAuthentication OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION TO CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA FLUM AND ZONING CHANGE APPLICATION STW Real Estate, LLC ("Owner") is the owner of that certain real property located Avenue identified by Folio N o . 01312303754080 and that certain real property located 38th Street identified by Folio No. 0131230375000 (hereinafter collectively referred t Properties"). This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance witii timelines set forth in the City of Miami Ccde. The applicade decision -making body will renew the information at the pubbc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. Owner hereby authorizes Lehtinen-Schultz, P L LC, and Amanda Hand, Esq. with offices at 1200 Brickell Ave Ste 507, Florida 33131 to file applications with the City of Miami for Future Land Use Map Amendment(s) and Change ofaring Classification(s) concerning the Property. The foregoing was acknowledged this,4.of January, 2024. BY: STW Real Estate, LLC. a Florida limited liability company BY: 'Mv 9-M794 1-44! Print Name and Titl eb Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of Janualy, 2024. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by FL DL as identification and/or is personally known to me and who did/did not take an oath. STATE OF FLORIDA CITY OF MIAMI MY COMMISSION EXPIRES : 0 645 /20 27 Mci-iz Vi110.I6 MATIAS EZEQjIEL VILLALBA Notary public - State of Florida '`•162 o! ti ojr My Comm, ifExpires sion # Hun 115,12027 Bonded through National Notary Assn. OPERATING AGREEMENT of STW Real Estate LLC This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public bearing in accordance with timelines set both in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -malting body will renewing lnboonalon at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final deoidon. This Operating Agreement (the "Agreement") made and entered into this 20th day of July, 2015 (the "Execution Date"), BY: David Sanchez-Tembleque of 2030 N Bay Rd, Miami Beach, FL 33140, USA (the "Member"). BACKGROUND: A. The Member wishes to be the sole member of a limited liability company. B. The terms and conditions of this Agreement will govern the Member within the limited liability company. IN CONSIDERATION OF and as a condition of the Member entering into this Agreement and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged, the Member agrees as follows: Formation 1. By this Agreement, the Member forms a Limited Liability Company (the "Company") in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. The rights and obligations of the Member will be as stated in the Florida Limited Liability Company Act (the "Act") except as otherwise provided in this agreement. Name 2. The name of the Company will be STW Real Estate LLC. Sole Member 3. While the Company consists only of one Member, any reference in this Agreement to two or more Members and that requires the majority consent or unanimous consent of Members, or that requires a certain percentage vote of Members, should be interpreted as only requiring the Page 1 of 14 LLC Operating Agreement consent or vote of the sole Member. ills submittal needs to be scheduled for a pubUc hearing In accordance whh drnehnea set forth In the Cityof Mani Code. The applicable dsislon-ma Xing body will renewfhe Information at the publle hearing to render rsommendadon or a Inal deedon. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Purpose 4. The Company's purpose is to acquire, buid and rent Real Estate of any kind, as well as to originate, underwrite, service and invest in all type of debt instruments, which can be backed or not by Real Estate. Term 5. The Company will continue until terminated as provided in this Agreement or may dissolve under conditions provided in the Act. Place of Business 6. The Principal Office of the Company will be located at 1560 Lenox Ave, Suite 304, Miami Beach, FL 33139, USA or such other place as the Members may from time to time designate. Capital Contributions 7. The following table shows the Initial Contributions of the Member. The Member agrees to make the Initial Contributions to the Company in full, according to the following terms: Member Contribution Description Value of Contribution David Sanchez- Tembleque David Sanchez-Tembleque will contribute US$2,000,000 cash and will also provide general administration services $2,000,000.00 Allocation of Profits/Losses 8. Subject to the other provisions of this Agreement, the Net Profits or Losses, for both accounting and tax purposes, will accrue to and be borne by the sole Member: David Sanchez-Tembleque of 2030 N Bay Rd, Miami Beach, FL 33140, USA. 9. No Member will have priority over any other Member for the distribution of Net Profits or Losses. LLC Operating Agreement Pag Nature of Interest 10. A Member's interest in the Company will be considered personal property, and will at no time be considered real property. Withdrawal of Contribution 11. No Member will withdraw any portion of their Capital Contribution without the unanimous consent of the other Members. Liability for Contribution 12. A Member's obligation to make their required Capital Contribution can only be compromised or released with the consent of all remaining Members or as described elsewhere in this Agreement. If a Member does not make the Capital Contribution when it is due, he is obligated at the option of any remaining Members to contribute cash equal to the agreed value of the Capital Contribution. This option is in addition to and not in lieu of any others rights, including the right to specific performance that the Company may have against the Member. Additional Contributions 13. Capital Contributions may be amended from time to time, according to the business needs of the Company. However if additional capital is determined to be required and an individual Member is unwilling or unable to meet the additional contribution requirement within a reasonable period, the remaining Members may contribute in proportion to their existing Capital Contributions to resolve the amount in default. In such case, the allocation of Net Profits or Losses and the distribution of assets on dissociation or dissolution will be adjusted accordingly. 14. Any advance of money to the Company by any Member in excess of the amounts provided for in this Agreement or subsequently agreed to, will be deemed a debt due from the Company rather than an increase in the Capital Contribution of the Member. This liability will be repaid with interest at such rates and times to be determined by a majority of the Members. This liability will not entitle the lending Member to any increased share of the Company's profits nor to a greater voting power. Repayment of such debts will have priority over any other payments to Members. Capital Accounts 15. An individual capital account will be maintained for each Member and their initial Capital Contribution will be credited to this account. Any Additional Contributions made by any Member will be credited to that Member's individual Capital Account. LLC Operating Agreement Interest on Capital 16. No borrowing charge or loan interest will be due or payable to any Member on their agreed Capital Contribution inclusive of any agreed Additional Contributions. NOTICE PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Management 17. Management of the Company is vested in the following managers (individually the "Manager" and collectively the "Managers") until such time as they are removed by the Members or withdraw from the position: - David Sanchez-Tembleque - Elizabeth Robin Wood 18. A Manager will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses directly related to the operation of the Company. 19. The Members will be consulted and the advice and opinions of the Members will be obtained as much as is practicable. However, the Managers will have management and control of the day-to- day business of the Company for the purposes stated in this Agreement. All matters outside the day-to-day business of the Company will be decided by the Members as outlined elsewhere in this Agreement. 20. In addition to day-to-day management tasks and any other duties and responsibilities already identified in this Agreement, the Managers' duties will include keeping, or causing to be kept, full and accurate business records for the Company according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), and overseeing the preparation of any reports considered reasonably necessary to keep the Members informed of the business performance of the Company. 21. A Manager will not be liable to the Members for any action or failure to act resulting in loss or harm to the Company except in the case of gross negligence or willful misconduct. 22. Each Manager will devote such time and attention to the business of the Company as required to carry out their duties and responsibilities for the conduct of the Company's business. LLC Operating Agreement Authority to Bind Company 23. Only the following individuals have authority to act for or bind the Company in contract: - David Sanchez-Tembleque Elizabeth Robin Wood. Thls submittal needs to be,cheOuLed tor a In accordance whIrh rnehnes set forth in the City Atarn1 Code The spolicalie decision making bay. recommendation or On, cleolslon PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 Duty of Loyalty 24. Any Member or Manager may invest in or engage in any business of any type, including without limitation, a business that is similar to the business of the Company whether or not in direct competition with the Company and whether or not within the established or contemplated market regions of the Company. Neither the Company nor any Member will have any right to that opportunity or any income derived from that opportunity. Duty to Devote Time 25. Each Member will devote such time and attention to the business of the Company as the majority of the Members will from time to time reasonably determine for the conduct of the Company business. Member Meetings 26. A meeting may be called by any Member providing that reasonable notice has been provided to the other Members. 27. Member meetings will be held at any location that the Members may from time to time designate. 28. Regular Member meetings will be held only as required. Voting 29. Where the Company consists of two or more Members, each Member will be entitled to cast votes on any matter based upon the proportion of that Member's Capital Contributions in the Company. Admission of New Members 30. A new Member may only be admitted to the Company with a unanimous vote of the existing Members. LLC Operating Agreement 31. The new Member agrees to be bound by all the covenants, terms, and conditions of this Agreement, inclusive of all current and future amendments. Further, a new Member will execute such documents as are needed to effect the admission of the new Member. Any new Member will receive such business interest in the Company as determined by a unanimous decision of the other Members. NOTICE Voluntary Withdrawal of a Member 32. Where the Company consists of two or more Members, the voluntary withdrawal of a Member will have no effect upon the continuance of the Company. 33. It remains incumbent on the withdrawing Member to exercise this dissociation in good faith and to minimize any present or future harm done to the remaining Members as a result of the withdrawal. Involuntary Withdrawal of a Member 34. Where the Company consists of two or more Members, events leading to the involuntary withdrawal of a Member from the Company will include but not be limited to: death of a Member; Member mental incapacity; Member disability preventing reasonable participation in the Company; Member incompetence; breach of fiduciary duties by a Member; criminal conviction of a Member; Operation of Law against a Member or a legal judgment against a Member that can reasonably be expected to bring the business or societal reputation of the Company into disrepute. Expulsion of a Member can also occur on application by the Company or another Member, where it has been judicially determined that the Member: has engaged in wrongful conduct that adversely and materially affected the Company's business; has willfully or persistently committed a material breach of the Operating Agreement or of a duty owed to the Company or to the other Members; or has engaged in conduct relating to the Company's business that makes it not reasonably practicable to carry on the business with the Member. 35. Where the Company consists of two or more Members, the involuntary withdrawal of a Member will have no effect upon the continuance of the Company. Dissociation of a Member 36. Where the Company consists of two or more Members, in the event of either a voluntary or involuntary withdrawal of a Member, if the remaining Members elect to purchase the interest of the withdrawing Member, the remaining Members will serve written notice of such election, including the purchase price and method and schedule of payment for the withdrawing Member's LLC Operating Agreement Pag interest, upon the withdrawing Member, their executor, administrator, trustee, committee or analogous fiduciary within a reasonable period after acquiring knowledge of the change in circumstance to the affected Member. The purchase amount of any buyout of a Member's interest will be determined as set out in the Valuation of Interest section of this Agreement. NOTICE 37. The remaining Members retain the right to seek damages from a dissociated Member where the dissociation resulted from a malicious or criminal act by the dissociated Member or where the dissociated Member had breached their fiduciary duty to the Company or was in breach of this Agreement or had acted in a way that could reasonably be foreseen to bring harm or damage to the Company or to the reputation of the Company. 38. A dissociated Member will only have liability for Company obligations that were incurred during their time as a Member. On dissociation of a Member, the Company will prepare, file, serve, and publish all notices required by law to protect the dissociated Member from liability for future Company obligations. 39. Where the remaining Members have purchased the interest of a dissociated Member, the purchase amount will be paid in full, but without interest, within 90 days of the date of withdrawal. The Company will retain exclusive rights to use of the trade name and firm name and all related brand and model names of the Company. Right of First Purchase 40. Where the Company consists of two or more Members, in the event that a Member's Interest in the Company is or will be sold, due to any reason, the remaining Members will have a right of first purchase of that Member's Interest. The value of that interest in the Company will be the lower of the value set out in the Valuation of Interest section of this Agreement and any third party offer that the Member wishes to accept. Assignment of Interest 41. A Member's financial interest in the Company can only be assigned to another Member and cannot be assigned to a third party except with the unanimous consent of the remaining Members. 42. In the event that a Member's interest in the company is transferred or assigned as the result of a court order or Operation of Law, the trustee in bankruptcy or other person acquiring that Member's interest in the Company will only acquire that Member's economic rights and interests and will not acquire any other rights of that Member or be admitted as a Member of the Company 4 PUs/t LLC Operating Agreement or have the right to exercise any management or voting interests. Valuation of Interest 43. A Member's financial interest in the Company will be in proportion to their Capital Contributions, inclusive of any Additional Capital Contributions. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora pubic hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applica decision -mating body will renew the Information al the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, REV! Ew COY PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 44. In the absence of a written agreement setting a value, the value of the Company will be based on the fair market value appraisal of all Company assets (less liabilities) determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). This appraisal will be conducted by an independent accounting firm agreed to by all Members. An appraiser will be appointed within a reasonable period of the date of withdrawal or dissolution. The results of the appraisal will be binding on all Members. The intent of this section is to ensure the survival of the Company despite the withdrawal of any individual Member. 45. No allowance will be made for goodwill, trade name, patents or other intangible assets, except where those assets have been reflected on the Company books immediately prior to valuation. Dissolution 46. The Company may be dissolved by a unanimous vote of the Members. The Company will also be dissolved on the occurrence of events specified in the Act. 47. Upon Dissolution of the Company and liquidation of Company property, and after payment of all selling costs and expenses, the liquidator will distribute the Company assets to the following groups according to the following order of priority: a. in satisfaction of liabilities to creditors except Company obligations to current Members; b. in satisfaction of Company debt obligations to current Members; and then c. to the Members based on Member financial interest, as set out in the Valuation of Interest section of this Agreement. Records 48. The Company will at all times maintain accurate records of the following: a. Information regarding the status of the business and the financial condition of the G3 LLC Operating Agreement Company; b. A copy of the Company federal, state, and local income taxes for each year; c. Name and last known business, residential, or mailing address of each Member and Manager, as well as the date that person became a Member or Manager; This submttal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth In the City of Miami Code. The applica Pie decision -making body mil reNew theintormation at the public hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. d. A copy of this Agreement and any articles or certificate of formation, as well as all amendments, together with any executed copies of any written powers of attorney pursuant to which this Agreement, articles or certificate, and any amendments have been executed; and e. The cash, property, and services contributed to the Company by each Member, along with a description and value, and any contributions that have been agreed to be made in the future. 49. Each Member has the right to demand, within a reasonable period of time, a copy of any of the above documents for any purpose reasonably related to their interest as a Member of the Company, at their expense. 50. Each Manager has the right to examine the above documents for any purpose reasonably related to their position as Manager of the Company. Books of Account 51. Accurate and complete books of account of the transactions of the Company will be kept in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and at all reasonable times will be available and open to inspection and examination by any Member. The books and records of the Company will reflect all the Company's transactions and will be appropriate and adequate for the business conducted by the Company. Banking and Company Funds 52. The funds of the Company will be placed in such investments and banking accounts as will be designated by the Members. All withdrawals from these accounts will be made by the duly authorized agent or agents of the Company as appointed by unanimous consent of the Members. Company funds will be held in the name of the Company and will not be commingled with those of any other person or entity. LLC Operating Agreement Pag Audit 53. Any Member will have the right to request an audit of the Company books. The cost of the audit will be borne by the Company. The audit will be performed by an accounting firm acceptable to all the Members. Where the Company consists of two or more Members, not more than one (1) audit will be required by any or all of the Members for any fiscal year. Tax Treatment 54. This Company is intended to be treated as a disregarded entity for the purposes of Federal and State Income Tax. Annual Report 55. As soon as practicable after the close of each fiscal year, the Company will furnish to each Member an annual report showing a full and complete account of the condition of the Company including all information as will be necessary for the preparation of each Member's income or other tax returns. This report will consist of at least: a. A copy of the Company's federal income tax returns for that fiscal year; b. Balance sheet; and c. Income statement. Goodwill 56. The goodwill of the Company will be assessed at an amount to be determined by appraisal using generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Governing Law 57. The Members submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Florida for the enforcement of this Agreement or any arbitration award or decision arising from this Agreement. Forbidden Acts 58. No Member may do any act in contravention of this Agreement. 59. No Member may permit, intentionally or unintentionally, the assignment of express, implied or apparent authority to a third party that is not a Member of the Company. LLC Operating Agreement Page 1 60. No Member may do any act that would make it impossible to carry on the ordinary business of the Company. 61. No Member will have the right or authority to bind or obligate the Company to any extent with regard to any matter outside the intended purpose of the Company. 62. No Member may confess a judgment against the Company. 63. Any violation of the above forbidden acts will be deemed an Involuntary Withdrawal of the offending Member and may be treated accordingly by the remaining Members. Indemnification 64. All Members will be indemnified and held harmless by the Company from and against any and all claims of any nature, whatsoever, arising out of a Member's participation in Company affairs. A Member will not be entitled to indemnification under this section for liability arising out of gross negligence or willful misconduct of the Member or the breach by the Member of any provisions of this Agreement. Liability 65. A Member or any employee will not be liable to the Company or to any other Member for any mistake or error in judgment or for any act or omission believed in good faith to be within the scope of authority conferred or implied by this Agreement or the Company. The Member or employee will be liable only for any and all acts and omissions involving intentional wrongdoing. Liability Insurance 66. The Company may acquire insurance on behalf of any Member, employee, agent or other person engaged in the business interest of the Company against any liability asserted against them or incurred by them while acting in good faith on behalf of the Company. Life Insurance 67. The Company will have the right to acquire life insurance on the lives of any or all of the Members, whenever it is deemed necessary by the Company. Each Member will cooperate fully with the Company in obtaining any such policies of life insurance. LLC Operating Agreement Pag Actions Requiring Unanimous Consent 68. Actions requiring the unanimous consent of all Members will include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Sell, merge, consolidate, exchange or otherwise dispose of all or substantially all of the Property of the Company; b. Sell, loan or otherwise endanger the ownership or possession of any Company property; c. Release any Company claim or debt except for payment in full; and d. Alter the rights, duties or obligations of any class or series of Members. Amendment of Operating Agreement 69. No amendment or modification of this Agreement will be valid or effective unless in writing and signed by all Members. Title to Company Property 70. Title to all Company property will remain in the name of the Company. No Member or group of Members will have any ownership interest in Company property in whole or in part. Miscellaneous 71. Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 72. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts. 73. Headings are inserted for the convenience of the parties only and are not to be considered when interpreting this Agreement. Words in the singular mean and include the plural and vice versa. Words in the masculine gender include the feminine gender and vice versa. Words in a neutral gender include the masculine gender and the feminine gender and vice versa. 74. If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void or unenforceable, it is the parties' intent that such provision be reduced in scope by the court only to the extent deemed necessary by that court to render the provision reasonable and enforceable and the remainder of the provisions of this Agreement will in no way be affected, impaired or invalidated as a result. LLC Operating Agreement 75. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the parties. All negotiations and understandings have been included in this Agreement. Statements or representations that may have been made by any party to this Agreement in the negotiation stages of this Agreement may in some way be inconsistent with this final written Agreement. All such statements have no force or effect in respect to this Agreement. Only the written terms of this Agreement will bind the parties. 76. This Agreement and the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement apply to and are binding upon the Member's successors, assigns, executors, administrators, beneficiaries, and representatives. 77. Any notices or delivery required here will be deemed completed when hand -delivered, delivered by agent, or seven (7) days after being placed in the post, postage prepaid, to the parties at the addresses contained in this Agreement or as the parties may later designate in writing. 78. All of the rights, remedies and benefits provided by this Agreement will be cumulative and will not be exclusive of any other such rights, remedies and benefits allowed by law. Definitions 79. For the purpose of this Agreement, the following terms are defined as follows: a. "Additional Contribution" means Capital Contributions, other than Initial Contributions, made by a Member to the Company. b. "Capital Contribution" means the total amount of cash, property, or services contributed to the Company by any one Member. c. "Initial Contribution" means Capital Contributions made by a Member to acquire an interest in the Company. d. "Member's Interests" means the Member's collective rights, including but not limited to, the Member's right to share in profits, Member's right to a share of Company assets on dissolution of the Company, Member's voting rights, and Member's rights to participate in the management of the Company. LLC Operating Agreement Page 14 of 14 e. "Net Profits or Losses" means the net profits or losses of the Company as determined by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). f. "Operation of Law" means rights or duties that are cast upon a party by the law, without any act or agreement on the part of the individual including, but not limited to, an assignment for the benefit of creditors, a divorce, or a bankruptcy. g. "Principal Office" means the office whether inside or outside the State of Florida where the executive or management of the Company maintain their primary office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Member has duly affixed their signature under hand and seal on this 20th day of July, 2015. David Sanchez-Tembleque (Member) This subrn tal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in cooraance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body rill review the information at the public hearing to render recommentla0 on or a final deciv on. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 rdr miami I public hearing notification services certified lists of property owners within a specific radius + radius maps + mailing labels + mailouts + notice of public hearing site posting rdrmiami.com I diana@rdrmiami.com 1305.498.1614 January 9, 2023 City of Miami Hearing Boards Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 3rd Floor Miami, FL 33130 Re: Property owner information required for public hearing mail noticing (500' radius): 3710 NW 13 Avenue, Miami, FL 33142 (Folio: 01-3123-037-5080) 1300 NW 38 Street, Miami, FL 33142 (Folio: 01-3123-037-5000) Total number of property owners, excluding individual condos, including associations: 105 I certify that the attached ownership list and map are a complete and accurate representation of the real estate property and property owners within a 500-foot radius of the subject property listed above. This information reflects the most current records on file in the Miami -Dade County Tax Assessor's Office. also understand that a new list will be requested by the City of Miami Hearing Boards if it is determined the property owner information list initially submitted is older than six (6) months. Sincerely, Diana B. Rio RDR Miami I Rio Development Resources 305.498.1614 diana@rdrmiami.com This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicable decision -making body will rexew the infonnaton at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final deciaon. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 rdr miami I public hearing notification services certified lists of property owners within a specific radius + radius maps + mailing labels + mailouts + notice of public hearing site posting rdrmiami.com I diana@rdrmiami.com 1305.498.1614 500' RADIUS MAP (N.T.S.) 3710 NW 13 Avenue, Miami, FL 33142 (Folio: 01-3123-037-5080) 1300 NW 38 Street, Miami, FL 33142 (Folio: 01-3123-037-5000) ihis submRtal needs to be schebuieb fora public hearing in accordance with timelines set forth In the City of Miami Co;fe. The applicable decision -making body V ll review the information at the public hearing to render recommendation or a final beciaon. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 OWNER'S NAME(S) I NOTIC This aobmihal needs to be scheduled for In accordance wM1h timelines set forth 1245 NW 38TH LLC 1391 PRIME LLC Kap, Code.ormalion at the pobdo decision, eviowtodeTheaonattlekeal recommendation or a final de ADVANCE AUTO PARTS JA PZ-23-1599 ALAIN FERNANDEZ JENNYFER FERNANDEZ 9,�. 02/21/24 ALBENA LILLY SUMNER DAMON GERARD BROWN �R4-VIEW G ALLAPATTAH RESIDENTIAL LP AMAZING GRACE K F E LLC AMBAR RIVERVIEW LTD ANDREW ALEXANDER FONTE CINTHYA CAROLINA FONTE APRN PROPERTIES LLC ARIEL QUINTERO CLEMENTE SILVANIAYESCAS BEATRICE R DIXON YVONNE DIXON ETALS BEENE CONTRUCTION LLC BETTY L BURKES BIVIANA CARDONA BIVIANA CARDONA BLAL INC CARLOS A CARMONA SR GLIDYS CARMONA CARMEN M RODRIGUEZ CELIA E EASON HALL CHALED V LLC CINTHIA PAOLA RODRIGUEZ PATRIA REYES CITY OF MIAMI CONCEPCION GONZALEZ CONCEPCION SANCHEZ EDYTRUJILLO DANIEL AUGUSTIN GARY BRESIER SUZETTE BRESIER DEBRA WITHERSPOON PHILLIP WIGGINS DENIS GARCIA DIANA NEWBOLD DLC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT LLC DOLORES DAMARIS TROCHEZ DOROTHY S MEJIA EDENDERRY PROPERTIES LLC EDNOR BERTRAND &W CLAUDETTE DESSENCLOS ELISA FERNANDEZ EMILIO S BRUSCANTINI &W REGINA ESTEBAN PUPO & MARLING CASCO EVELYN L DAVIS DELL F JOINER II FRANCISCA RAMIREZ FRANKLIN 0 CABRERA GLADYS P REYES JTRS NIVIA FLOR PEREZ JTRS RUBERLEISI DEL VALLE JTRS HECTOR J EUSEBIO &W GLADYS HERSCHELL M SMITH INDEPENDENT EGLISE DE DIEU PAR LE ST ESPRIT INC IRIS SMITH JACQUELINE J KNOWLES JCQ QUALITY CONSTRUCTION CORP E a pubLic heating in the City of a Xing body will ing to renders JCQ QUALITY CONSTRUCTION CORP NOTIC JERI P SOROSKY TRS JERI P SOROSKY REV TRUST DANA K BARDFELD This aabmidalneeds tobescheduled for In accordance wM1h timelines set forth JERI P SOROSKY TRS JERI P SOROSKY REV TRUST DANA K BARDFELD TSR M„wtheInTheaonattepanenm the Information alion at the pobdo heal recommendation or a final del JERI P SOROSKY TRS JERI P SOROSKY REV TR DANA K BARDFELD TRS JA PZ-23-1599 JOHN A REED 9,�. 02/21/24 JUAN B HERRERA �R4-VIEW C JUAN CARLOS RIVEROS JUAN RODRIGUEZ GLORIA RODRIGUEZ KEYPOINT INVESTMENTS LLC KIPAC CORPORATION KIPAC CORPORATION KIPAC CORPORATION LOUISE WASHINGTON LUCERNE HOME LLC LUIS DE LA CRUZ LUIS FIGUEIRA PEBBLES CAMACHO LUIS R NUNEZ FILOMENA FAMILIA LUISA HERNANDEZ M A S CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC MANUEL T REYES &W MARIA NATHANIEL CAIN NOBIRTH BURKE ODESSA S FELDER FREDERICA WILSON PABLO RAMIREZ PASCALIN LLC PINETREE VILLA LLC PLUS 1261 LLC POMPILIO PEREZ MEYRLIM PEREZ PROLIFIC TECHNOLOGIES LLC RAMON MADERAL &W HAYDEE RATHGAR 36 LLC RATHGAR 36 LLC RATHGAR 36 LLC RATHGAR 36 LLC REGINALD R BRADFORD &W PANCHETA L YOUNG BRADFORD RENE PIN ELL ROBERT LEE CALDWELL JR ROBIN L JOHNSON & ROBERTA L HAYNES JTRS ROSALINA OROZCO JONATHAN ANTONIO OROZCO SAINT—ELOI LUCEL SAMUEL MEYER LEVY SANDRA I PICHARDO SARAH A BROWN EST OF SHIRLEY ADESHINA MARVIN P HINTON SKA NO 2 CORP SOTO HOLDINGS AND INVESTMENTS INC STW REAL ESTATE LLC STW REAL ESTATE LLC E pubLic heating in the City of a Xing body will inngto render ision STW REAL ESTATE LLC NOTIC SUSANA TAVERA This aobmidal needs to be scheduled for In accordance wM1h timelines set forth TANGELA SWEETING TRS TANGELA SWEETING LIVING TRUST M„wl CodeTheaatdie decision, TANGELAthe Information .The at the pobdo heal recommendation or a final de TERESA C MIRABAL kr. PZ-23-1599 TRI CTY COMMUNITY DEV CORP INC 4v, 02/21/24 URBIZA INVESTMENTS LLC �RtVIEW C WILLIE J PIERCE JTRS YAMISLEIDYS MOMPELLER YAUGER VIRGILIO ESPINAL JTRS MERCEDES HENRIQUEZ DE ESPINAL ZEPPERINE E BELL E a pubLic heating in the City of a Xing body will ing to renders MAILING STREET ADDRESS CITY STA" • I T 168 LA QUINTA HOLMDEL NJ 15476 NW 77 CT STE 252 MIAMI LAKES FL PO BOX 2710 ROANOKE VA J,N, 1360 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 1 1360 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 158 SAWGRASS CORPORATE PKWY 100 FORT LAUDERDALE FL 1981 NW 47 ST MIAMI FL 3030 HARTLEY RD STE 310 JACKSONVILLE FL 1342 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 475 NW 42 ST MIAMI FL 1284 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 1370 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 8430 SW 8 ST 504 MIAMI FL 1260 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 15628 SW 62 ST MIAMI FL 15628 NW 62 ST MIAMI FL 1391 NW 36 ST MIAMI FL 9960 SW 14 TER MIAMI FL 1318 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 5 COPELAND PARK BOSTON MA 5000 W 12 AVE HIALEAH FL 1229 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 444 SW 2 AVE MIAMI FL 1335 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 1261 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 1390 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 841 BURLINGTON ST OPA LOCKA FL 1320 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 949 NEAR CREEK DR BLYTHEWOOD SC 14225 NW 1 AVE MIAMI FL 1224 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 1370 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 850 THIRD AVE 13 FLR NEWYORK NY 1371 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 1259 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 14311 SW 38 TERR MIAMI FL PO BOX 421114 MIAMI FL 1378NW38ST MIAMI FL 1281 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 3815NW13AVE MIAMI FL 1311 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 1334 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 1274 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 1290 NW 36 ST MIAMI FL 1253 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 1335 NW 35 ST MIAMI FL 1680 NE 191 ST 100 MIAMI FL NOTICE Is submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of I'arm Code. The applicade decision-maXing bodywlll ,new the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 1290 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL * / T 16124 EMERALD ESTATES DR WESTON FL 16124 EMERALD ESTATES DR WESTON FL 16124 EMERALD ISLES ESTATES DR 11 WESTON FL 1380 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 1355 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 1240 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 1310 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 30 N GOULD STREET STE R SHERIDAN WY PO BOX 420950 MIAMI FL PO BOX 420950 MIAMI FL PO BOX 420950 MIAMI FL 1296 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 6151 M I RAMAR PKWY 306 M I RAMAR FL 14225 NW 1 AVE MIAMI FL 7412 NW 107 PL DORAL FL 1275 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 1392 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 5110 NW 4 ST MIAMI FL 1256 NW 25 ST MIAMI FL 1331 NW 207 ST MIAMI FL 1061 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 6633 NW 174 TER MIAMI FL 1791 NW 33 ST MIAMI FL 7410 SW 147 CT MIAMI FL PO BOX 163225 MIAMI FL 7412 NW 107 PL DORAL FL 1334 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 1500 BAY RD 1002 MIAMI BEACH FL 1381 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 850 3 AVE 13TH FL NEWYORK NY 850 3 AVE 13TH FL NEWYORK NY 850 3 AVE 13TH FL NEWYORK NY 850 3 AVE 13TH FL NEWYORK NY 1237 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 1268 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 1352 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 1237 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 1377 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 530 NE 173 ST NO MIAMI BEACH FL 1328 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 1343 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 1355 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL 8845 NW 35 AVE RD MIAMI FL 7402 NW 108 AVE PARKLAND FL 7285 W 34 LN HIALEAH FL 1560 LENOX AVE STE 304 MIAMI BEACH FL 1560 LENOX AVE STE 304 MIAMI BEACH FL NOTICE vIs submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of N'arm Code. The applicade decision -making bodywkl anew the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 1560 LENOX AVE STE 304 MIAMI BEACH FL 1319 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 2240 NW 175 ST MIAMI GARDENS FL r 1933 NW 34 ST MIAMI FL `\ 12400 SW 33 ST M I RAMAR FL 8517NW7ST MIAMI FL 1349 NW 38 ST MIAMI FL 1244 NW 39 ST MIAMI FL 3711 NW 14 AVE MIAMI FL 1246 NW 37 ST MIAMI FL NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade decision-maXing bodywlll anew the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 4 PU$// ZIP CODE COUNTRY FOLIO NUMBER FOLIO NUMBER 07733 USA ' 0131230374740 ' 0131230374740 33016 USA ' 0131230374470 ' 0131230374470 24001 USA ' 0131230375430 ' 0131230375430 33142 USA ' 0131230374430 ' 0131230374430 33142 USA 0131230375180 0131230375180 33323 USA 01-31260870020 01-31260870020 33142 USA ' 0131230374590 ' 0131230374590 32257 USA ' 0131260390190 ' 0131260390190 33142 USA ' 0131230374550 ' 0131230374550 33127 USA ' 0131230375091 ' 0131230375091 33142 USA ' 0131230250030 ' 0131230250030 33142-4897 USA ' 0131230375100 ' 0131230375100 33144 USA ' 0131230375000 ' 0131230375000 33142-4868 USA ' 0131230374610 ' 0131230374610 33193-2572 USA ' 0131230374940 ' 0131230374940 33193 USA ' 0131230374945 ' 0131230374945 33142 USA ' 0131230375210 ' 0131230375210 33174 USA ' 0131230374561 ' 0131230374561 33142-4828 USA ' 0131230375010 ' 0131230375010 02119 USA ' 0131230374930 ' 0131230374930 33012 USA ' 0131260392900 ' 0131260392900 33142 USA ' 0131230374760 ' 0131230374760 33130 USA ' 0131230374721 ' 0131230374721 33142-5563 USA ' 0131230375060 ' 0131230375060 33142-4825 USA ' 0131230374660 ' 0131230374660 33142 USA ' 0131230375200 ' 0131230375200 33054 USA ' 0131230374830 ' 0131230374830 33142 USA ' 0131230374530 ' 0131230374530 29016-6906 USA ' 0131230450030 ' 0131230450030 33186 USA ' 0131260392820 ' 0131260392820 33142 USA ' 0131230374810 ' 0131230374810 33142-5564 USA ' 0131230375190 ' 0131230375190 10022 USA ' 0131230375330 ' 0131230375330 33142-5577 USA ' 0131230375140 ' 0131230375140 33142-5578 USA ' 0131230374990 ' 0131230374990 33175-7808 USA ' 0131260390170 ' 0131260390170 33242 USA ' 0131230374950 ' 0131230374950 33142 USA 0131230375110 0131230375110 33142 USA ' 0131230374640 ' 0131230374640 33142-4817 USA ' 0131230374630 ' 0131230374630 33142 USA ' 0131230374580 ' 0131230374580 33142-4828 USA ' 0131230375030 ' 0131230375030 33142 USA ' 0131230250050 ' 0131230250050 33142-5554 USA ' 0131260390150 ' 0131260390150 33142-4825 USA ' 0131230374670 ' 0131230374670 33142 USA 01-3126-039-2810 01-3126-039-2810 33179 USA ' 0131230250040 ' 0131230250040 Co 0 4- Q. NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade decision -mating bodywlll renew the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, ReVI EW CO PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 4 PU$// 33142 USA ' 0131230250020 ' 0131230250020 33331 USA ' 0131230375230 ' 0131230375230 33331 USA ' 0131230375220 ' 0131230375220 33331 USA ' 0131260392910 ' 0131260392910 33142 USA ' 0131230374450 ' 0131230374450 33142-4827 USA ' 0131230374510 ' 0131230374510 33142 USA ' 0131230374820 ' 0131230374820 33142-4833 USA ' 0131230374525 ' 0131230374525 82801 USA 0131230374650 0131230374650 33242 USA ' 0131260392930 ' 0131260392930 33242-0950 USA ' 0131260392800 ' 0131260392800 33242 USA ' 0131260392790 ' 0131260392790 33142-4868 USA ' 0131230250010 ' 0131230250010 33023 USA ' 0131230374520 ' 0131230374520 33168-4852 USA ' 0131260392920 ' 0131260392920 33178 USA ' 0131230374970 ' 0131230374970 33142-5578 USA ' 0131230374960 ' 0131230374960 33142 USA ' 0131230374460 ' 0131230374460 33126 USA ' 0131230374600 ' 0131230374600 33142-7636 USA ' 0131260390180 ' 0131260390180 33169 USA ' 0131230375410 ' 0131230375410 33127 USA ' 0131230375400 ' 0131230375400 33015 USA ' 0131230450010 ' 0131230450010 33142 USA ' 0131230375150 ' 0131230375150 33193 USA ' 0131230374920 ' 0131230374920 33116 USA ' 0131230374840 ' 0131230374840 33178 USA ' 0131230374980 ' 0131230374980 33142 USA ' 0131230374540 ' 0131230374540 33139 USA ' 0131230375040 ' 0131230375040 33142-5577 USA ' 0131230375130 ' 0131230375130 10022 USA ' 0131230375170 ' 0131230375170 10022 USA ' 0131230375240 ' 0131230375240 10022 USA ' 0131230375250 ' 0131230375250 10022 USA ' 0131230375260 ' 0131230375260 33142-4898 USA ' 0131230374750 ' 0131230374750 33142-4868 USA ' 0131230374620 ' 0131230374620 33142-4833 USA ' 0131230374420 ' 0131230374420 33142-5561 USA ' 0131230374850 ' 0131230374850 33142 USA ' 0131230374490 ' 0131230374490 33162-1953 USA ' 0131230374531 ' 0131230374531 33142 USA ' 0131230375020 ' 0131230375020 33142-5563 USA ' 0131230375050 ' 0131230375050 33142-5577 USA ' 0131230375160 ' 0131230375160 33147 USA ' 0131230374500 ' 0131230374500 33076 USA ' 0131230374635 ' 0131230374635 33127 USA ' 0131230375070 ' 0131230375070 33139 USA ' 0131230374900 ' 0131230374900 33139 USA ' 0131230375080 ' 0131230375080 NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade decision -mating bodywlll renew the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, ReVI EW CO PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 4 PU$// 33139 USA ' 0131230375090 ' 0131230375090 33142-4827 USA ' 0131230374570 ' 0131230374570 33056 USA ' 0131230374480 ' 0131230374480 33142 USA ' 0131230374910 ' 0131230374910 33027-2911 USA ' 0131230374860 ' 0131230374860 33126 USA ' 0131230374440 ' 0131230374440 33142 USA ' 0131230374560 ' 0131230374560 33142 USA ' 0131230374730 ' 0131230374730 33142 USA ' 0131230450020 ' 0131230450020 33142-5562 USA ' 0131230375420 ' 0131230375420 NOTICE This submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade decision -mating bodywlll renew the information at the pubc hearing to render a recommendation or a final decision. 44, V ReVI EW CO Q PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 LEGAL DESCRIPTION NOTICE N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 7 BLK 52 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 PROBATE 02-2580-ThIssubmeal needs m be scheduke for a pubbc hearing in accoreanre wan timelines se<tonn in the city m N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 7 & W19FT LOT 8 BLK 49 LESS EXT AREA OF CURV: " ."°°emea°P�i°adade i,i°° aXingbodYwi�` me �nro�edon at ma Pew° nearing t° renaer a reendanon or anr,ai eedaon. N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOTS 7 THRU 12 LESS El OFT LOT 12 FOR ST BLK 60 LOT ,r+A PZ-23-15998 �4, , N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 El 1 FT LOT 3 & W4OFT LOT 2 BLK 49 LOT SIZE 51.000 X 100 IA., 02/21/24 `w, 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 2 BLK 57 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 75R36447 FRtviEw COO WEST END PARK AMD PB 6-142 LOT 22 LESS N 10FT BLK 15 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 113 OR 1 A .- I 1089 2 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 12 BLK 50 OR 14924-1862 0191 4 WESTEND PARK AMD PL PB 6-142 LOTS 22 & 23 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 98.000 X 113 OR 18556-3465 0499 4 (3) CC N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 6 BLK 50 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 2 BLK 56 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 13941-156 1288 1 23 53 41 REILLY SUB PB 19-29 LOT 3 & 10FT ALLEY LYG S & ADJ CLOSED PER ORD 13492 LOT SIZE 30.00 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 3 BLK 56 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 COC 23036-4964 01 2005 4 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 1 & E25FT LOT 2 BLK 55 LOT SIZE 75.000 X 100 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 2 BLK 51 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 5 BLK 54 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 18993-3353 0200 4 COC 24859-1466 25: N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 6 BLK 54 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 F/A/U 01 3123 037 4945 OR 18993-3353 020 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 7 & 8 BLK 57 LOT SIZE 91.500 X 150 OR 16616-3444 1294 1 NO MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 9 BLK 50 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 18447-4634 0199 4 COC 25951-4870 09 2C 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 3 & W25FT OF LOT 2 BLK 55 LOT SIZE 75.000 X 100 OR 19543-090 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 4 BLK 54 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 18993-3240 02 2000 4 COC 22926-3139 WEST END PARK AMD PB 6-142 LOT 23 BLK 15 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 113 OR 9740 0193 0677 5 COC 23735-47: N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 9 LESS BEG NE COR LOT 9 TH W28.36FT SELY43.34FT TO E/L OF LOT 9 N35.2 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 5 LESS BEG NW COR OF LOT 5 E50FT S75.11 FT N 45 DEG W72.01 FT N23.32F1 NO MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 8 BLK 55 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 20899-0575 12 2002 1 COC 22753-2739 1C 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 11 BLK 51 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 19936-3435 08 2001 1 COC 22066 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 5 & 6 BLK 57 LOT SIZE 91.450 X 100 OR 17646-1008 1096 5 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 6 BLK 53 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 13013-939/25521-4799 0886 1 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 3 BLK 50 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 20839-1906 11 2002 1 COC 24512-3646 04 2 23 53 41 MALYK SUB PB 75-57 LOT 3 LOT SIZE 75.000 X 91 OR 13131-2902 1286 4 WEST END PARK AMD PB 6-142 LOT 9 & LOTS 25 & 26 LESS N10FT FOR ST BLK 15 LOT SIZE IRREGULAR N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 4 BLK 53 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOTS 3 & 4 BLK 57 LOT SIZE 100.000 X 100 OR 19974-3579 1001 4 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOTS 1 THRU 12 LESS EXT AREA OF CURVE IN LOTS 1 & 6 FOR R/W BLK 59 LOT S 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 10 BLK 56 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 17935-0390 1297 1 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 12 BLK 54 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 18923-3527 0998 4 WESTEND PARK AMD PL PB 6-142 LOT 20 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 49.000 X 113 OR 14335-1166 1189 4 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 7 & 8 BLK 54 OR 16405-1793 0992 4 COC 25351-3243 01 2007 4 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 4 BLK 56 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 9 BLK 51 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 COC 23922-4706 09 2005 1 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOTS 7 BLK 51 LOT SIZE 100.000 X 100 OR 21335-0476 05 2003 2(2) COC 26093-288' N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 11 BLK 50 LOT SIZE 50 X 100 OR 12383-1606 0185 5 NO MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 5 BLK 55 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 15096-3228 0791 3 REILLY SUB PB 19-29 LOT 5 & 10 FT ALLEY LYG S & ADJ CLOSED PER ORD 13492 LOT SIZE 30.000 X 100 WESTEND PARK AMD PL PB 6-142 LOTS 16 THRU 19 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 20288 SQ FT N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 12 BLK 51 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 21120-2321 03 2003 1 WEST END PARK AMD PB 6-142 LOT 8 BLK 15 73R-92994 LOT SIZE 6250 SQ FT OR 17909-0238 1297 4 23 53 41 REILLY SUB PB 19-29 LOT 4 & 10FT ALLEY LYG S & ADJ CLOSED PER ORD 13492 LOT SIZE 30.00 REILLY SUB PB 19-29 LOT 2 & 10 FT ALLEY LYG S &ADJ CLOSED PER ORD 134 NOTICE N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 10 BLK 57 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 150 OR 19147-149. Thl.,ubmntaLneeds mbe scheduled for aPubkhear n9 ccortlance wM1h hmellnes sH forth in the Cary of NORTH MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 9 BLK 57 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 150 OR 19147 "'am linia°°"�aedriEma"'n°b�a,w" wewme �nb'm�aon a� me P�ba� neenn9 m rena�r recommen9ation or z nnai aeciaon. WEST END PARK AMD PB 6-142 LOT 24 BLK 15 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 113 OR 19147- ,r, PZ-23-15998 �4, N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 W29FT LOT 4 & E31 FT LOT-5 BLK 49 LOT SIZE 60.000 X 100 9 02/21/24 ,v �l'ReviEw N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 12 LESS EXT AREA OF CURVE IN SE COR & E10FT LOT C0�Q�. 5E N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 5 BLK 53 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 73R-102040 COC 25484-0338 1 we N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 2 BLK 50 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 FAU 01 3123 037 4520 COC 25236-0867 10 200E N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 10 BLK 51 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 WEST END PARK AMD PB 6-142 LOT 28 LESS N10FT FOR ST BLK 15 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 113 OR 10577-670 WEST END PARK AMD PB 6-142 LOT 6 & 7 BLK 15 LOT SIZE 12330 SQUARE FEET 73R170251 OR 17728-27 WEST END PARK AMD PB 6-142 LOTS 1 TO 5 INC LESS SSFT LOT 5 TO CITY BLK 15 LOT SIZE IRREGULAF REILLY SUB PB 19-29 LOT 1 & 10FT ALLEY LYG S & ADJ CLOSED PER ORD 13492 LOT SIZE 30.000 X 100 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 1 BLK 50 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 23489-0615 0605 2 COC 25001-3518 09 2001 WEST END PARK AMD PB 6-142 LOT 27 BLK 15 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 113 OR 16933-0964/66/67 0995 1 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 10 BLK 54 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 12921-2249 0586 4 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 9 BLK 54 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 19748-1648 06 2001 4 COC 21829-0196 06 2 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 W19FT OF LOT 5 & LOT 6 BLK 49 LOT SIZE 60.450 X 100 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 1 BLK 51 LESS EXT AREA OF CURVE IN NE COR FOR R/W LOT SIZE 4866 FT N WESTEND PARK AMD PL PB 6-142 LOT 21 BLK 1 LOT SIZE 49.000 X 113 OR 14235-1875 0889 1 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 5 BLK 60 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 15742-3271 1292 4 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 4 BLK 60 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 23 53 41 MALYK SUB PB 75-57 LOT 1 LOT SIZE 75.000 X 91 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 11 BLK 56 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 COC 24350-3168 03 2006 1 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 3 BLK 54 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 16387-2491 0694 3 COC 24443-0004 03 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 7 BLK 53 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 COC 22420-0254 04 2004 4 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 11 BLK 54 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 5 BLK 50 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 21926-3654 11 2003 1 NO MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 6 BLK 55 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 COC 21574-1952 07 2003 4 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 9 BLK 56 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 18157-4744 0698 4 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 1 BLK 57 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 17012-2704 1195 2 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 11 BLK 57 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 150 OR 16515-1731 0994 4 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 12 BLK 57 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 150 OR 16515/1731 0994 4 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOTS 1 THRU 12 LESS SSFT OF LOTS 9 & 10 BLK 58 LOT SIZE 74500 SQ FT OR N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 8 BLK 52 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 18030-3563 0497 4 COC 25748-0528 06 200. N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 3 BLK 51 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 COC 26340-3510 03 2008 1 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 1 & E10FT LOT 2 BLK 49 LOT SIZE 60.000 X 100 OR 19575-1225 03 2001 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 8 BLK 53 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 COC 24406-1265 12 2005 5 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 E21FT LOT 9 & W39FT LOT 10 BLK 49 LOT SIZE 60.000 X 100 CF 75R-124300 COC 2 NO MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 4 BLK 50 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 13925-486 1288 4 NO MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 4 BLK 55 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 7 BLK 55 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 10666-606 1279 4 COC 22492-1114 07 2004 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 12 BLK 56 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 E11 FT OF LOT 10 & W40FT LOT 11 BLK 49 LOT SIZE 51.000 X 100 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 8 BLK 51 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 21335-0476 05 2003 2(2) COC 26043-0524 1 NO MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 9 BLK 55 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 OR 19982-2244 10 2001 4 COC 26290-457 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 1 BLK 54 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 12921-2249 0586 4 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 10 TO 12 INC BLK 55 LOT SIZE 150.000 X 120 OR 12921-2249 0586 4 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 1 BLK 56 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 12921-2249 058 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 10 BLK 50 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR 21074-3261 02 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 E31 FT LOT 8 & W29FT LOT 9 BLK 49 LOT SIZE 60.000 X 1 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 2 BLK 54 OR 15932-1331 0593 1 COC 22222-1654 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 9 BLK 53 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 120 COC 25065-0 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 W39FT LOT 3 & E21 FT LOT 4 BLK 49 LOT SIZE 60.000 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOTS 7 & 8 BLK 50 LOT SIZE 100.000 X 100 OR 11713-1146 ThIs submittal needs to be scheduled fora public hearing In accordance wM1h timelines set forth in the City of Miami Code. The applicade decision-maltng body will review The Informa4os at the public hearing :n render a recommendaton or a final decigon. PZ-23-15998 02/21/24 -36: N MIAMI ESTS PB 5-48 LOT 6 BLK 52 LESS BEG NE COR LOT 6 W25.05FT SE34.23FT TO A PT ON E/L OF U 23 53 41 MALYK SUB PB 75-57 LOT 2 LOT SIZE 70.010 X 91 OR 17980-0533 0198 4 23 53 41 N MIAMI ESTATES PB 5-48 LOT 6 BLK 60 LOT SIZE 50.000 X 100 OR-9477-41 DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT OF NO MONIES DUE TO THE CITY 03-05-2021 This submMal needs to bescherlOof bra public hearing In accord anoe wee nmellnes set forth In the City of Miami Cure. The apple,. decision-meeing holy will review -Cie information et the public hearing trecornme15998 23o render a .m PZ 02/15/24 In accordance with Section 2-208 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, ("City Code") titled, "New permits prohibited, non- homestead properties", permits shall not be issued for a non -homestead property with any outstanding code enforcement violations, building violations, or any relevant city lien or invoice due and owing to the City. Permits required to cure life safety issues, permits which are required to bring outstanding violations into compliance, or permits for any properties owned by a governmental entity are exempted from this prohibition. Each owner for each address listed as a party to the application needs to sign and submit this disclosure/affidavit. If an omission is the result of City of Miami oversight, then the City will notify the applicant and provide time for the applicant to resolve the issue within ninety (90) days. The project can be terminated by the City of Miami after the 90'" day. Note: If you are a lessee on City of Miami -owned property, you must contact the Department of Real Estate and Asset Management to have this form completed by an authorized person. Name (title and name of entity as well, if applicable): STW Real Estate, LLC Address/ City / State / Zip: 3710 NW 13 Avenue, Miami, FL Phone No: Email: w.riley@rileyf`irm.org 1, David Sanchez Tembleque (please check one of the following): ( ] homestead properties. , hereby certify that all the addresses listed on this application are [X] non -homestead properties, and that there are no open code enforcement violations, building violations, City liens, or invoices due and owing to the City on any of the addresses listed on this application, I certify that any City of Miami covenants on the properties are In full compliance and no associated monies due to the City. I certify there are no past due rent payments or associated Interest due to the City for any of the addresses listed on this application. [ ] non -homestead properties that have open code enforcement violations, building violations, City liens, and/or invoices due and owing to the City. Please explain (required): I understand this application shall be terminated after ninety (90) days should any of the addresses listed on this application be found to not be In compliance with Section 2-208 of the City Code or with any covenant conditions attached to the land. SIgnrltuneatThaTrmp rty Owner } Stab of Florida } [uurlly of Mlnrnl•Dlnrin Swlnra 1u and wubiuill,d beforu nit by means of Julluurr 20 2.t by type of anon produced 1/19/2023 Date physical presence OR_ online notarization this 19 day of Davit, tilrrrclrrr.'larnahir.luc Personally known ( ) or Produced Identification et ' '�I ,YYY 11Y1 Y111+� J,+ !4 M!lese;Page 1 of 1 1 ` '4