HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 14Virginia Key beach rack Trust Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Revenues & Expenditures Museum & Cultural Center Revenues: Contribution From The City Of Miami Carryover Fund Balance Income on investments Grants, Contributions, & Other Revenues Total Revenues Expenditures: Salaries & Wages Other Employee Benefits Professional and Technical Services Purchased Property Services Purchased Other Services Purchased Supplies Property & Equipment Capital Outlay Total Expenditu Revenues Less Expenditure Explanation of Variance FY 2006 Budget reflects a reduction of $82,000 that was transferred to General Admin. for the Mini -Train FY 2006-Forecast reflects the addition of the Museum Director in June 2006 with remaining staff added in. Jan. 0 FY 2007 Budget Total FY 2006 Forecast Total FY07 Budget vs FY06 Forecast Total FY 2006 Budget Total FY 2006 Fcst. Vs FY 2006 Bud. Total 266,449 147,437 L 119,012 147,437 - $ 266,449 $ 147,437 $ 119,012 $ 147,437 $ - 143,930 _._ *•15, 16 _ . 7 00Q. 57,503 +.<.,..., 7,500 5,000 21,540 ti a 4,358 18,130 ,5. 2,000 - (122,390) ; '(158} ' . (7000) (39,373) 1(5500) (5,000) 41,654 <` . x. 31,620'; 7,000 56,663 u 7,500:.... 3,000 20,114 27 262 ,; 7„000 38,533 5,500' 3,000 $ 266,449 $ 46,028 $ (220,421) $ 147,437 $ 101,409 $ (0) $ 101,409 $ (101,409) $ - $ 101,409 3 1 (2) 3 2 1 Z:1Riverside\VKBPT\LRobinson\Budget\FY 071Museum Template 07 6/12/2006 9:25 AM Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Museum B Cultural Center?` - = Type Major Minor Minor Description Revenue 601 094 INTEREST ON INVESTMENT 749 807 713 192 .903 GAIN/LOSS INVESTMENTS PRIOR YEAR-EI4C-ROLLOVER CONTRIBUTION FROM SPA- COM 905 968 OPERATING GRANTS 8 CONTRIBUTIONS 905 CAPITAL GRANTS 9 CONTRIBUTIONS Revenue Total OTHER REVENUES 288.449 14,498 18.558 14348 - 26,536 Full Year Oct Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget 266,449 14,498 18,556 348 38 100 010 SALARIES - UNCLASSIFIED 012 SALARIES - PERM. PART-TIME 013 SALARIES TEMPORARY '25,238 2007 Full May. Jun. Aug. Sep. Year ludsiet Budget Jul. Budget Budget Budget Encumb. Budget 33,811 23,33T 23,552. . 23,877 `:`22,115 268.449 33.811 23,337 22.552 23.477 22,115 . - . 266,448 143,930 ::`5573 :,...8,380-.<.5,573 7.12681 12,881 1,000 10,956 711 27,240 958 19,321 13,231 ` ` ' 13,450 13,450 13,450 : _ - 143,930 50 1,015 178 2,724 as 50 1,015 17B 2,724 89 200 083 CAR ALLOWANCE-- 100 SOCIAL SECURITY CONTRIBUTION ...' 426 - . 540 426 985 9ffi ::: 9ffi :: - 965 1 476 999 - 1 a15 - ' 10,958 110 RETIREMENT CONTRIBUTION 130 GROUP INSURANCE CONTRIB. 908 :.:906 '`.908 2,724 '�.2 774 2,724 - 2,724 2,724 r . 2724 2,724 - 27,240 150 WORMERS COMPENSATION - 37 55 37 -- 65 85 B5 ffi 128 67 B9 - . 950 160 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION :' 2,159 .. lt4`125 84 193 193 793 193 290 198.202 202 202 - 2,159 180 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT- 185 FRINGE BENEFITS-OTHER 214 PENSION CONTRIBUTION -OTHER ED 410 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM TRAINING 500 1 506 . SERVICES - ARCHIT - - - - - - Rt)FE55101VALSERVICES-OTHER 300 230 PR OFESSIONAL 270 P 280 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ACCTG 400 340 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - 0 610 RENT OF EDUIPMENT - OUTSIDE 620 RENT BUILDINGS 635 RENT OTHERS 870 REPAIRS 8 MAINTENANCE 801 SOUD WASTE SERVICES 835 LANDSCAPING 500 287 ADVERTISING 420 TRAVEL AND PER DIEM - OTHER 470 ENTERTAINMENT 495 PARKING EXPENSE 510 COMMUNICATIONS SERV. TELEPH. 0 530 TRANSPORTATION 532 ROAD TOLLS 534 DELIVERY SERVICES 640 INSURANCE -PROPERTY 643 SPECIAL EVENTS INSURANCE 661 PUBLIC OFFICIALS LIABILITY 880 PRINTING/BINDING - OUTSIDE 690 PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES 727 PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS 755 REPRODUCTION SERVICE 773 INTERNAL SERV CHGES PRINT SHOP 600 533 POSTAGE 540 t111UTY SERVICES - ELECTRICITY .. ..= 580 UTILITY SERVICES - WATER 700 OFFICE SUPPLIES 705 HOUSEKEEPING ! SANFTATTON SUPP ZlRive sid.WKBPT11.RobinsontBudget%FY 071Museum Template 07 Museum and Cuterral Center 2 a zk try: d 200 --, 100 100 .-, 2.000 8l12/2005 9:25 AM Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Museum 8. Guttural Canter Type Major Minor Minor Description 718 PARTS AND MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 722 MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES 780 BOOKS PUBLICATIONS MEMBERSHIPS Fun Year Budget OcL Nov. Budget Bud eft 500 Dec. Jan. Budget Budget Feb Mar. Budget Budget Apr. Budget May. Budget Jut Budget Jul_ Budget 000 Aug - Budget 1 2607 Fuu Sep. Year Budget Eneumb. Budget 1.500 4 000 700 830 IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDING 840 EQUIPMENT - NEW 841 OFFICE FURNITURE - NEW 860 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 885 CAPITAL LEASE-TELF.PHONE EQUIP 800 97B BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 996 BUDGET RESERVE 5i000 Express Tafef Revenues Over Expenditures 1700810 o1 FuR Time Stiff - 200,4/9 • 14,496 10,558 12,348 28538 • 25.238 20,030 21,730--'33,011 300 --.i 360 23,337 23,552 300 23,877 22,115 5,000 208,4[9 Z- RiversidetVl®PT1LRobinsord9udgenFY O7i6MlseumTemplate 07 3 1 Museum and Cultural Gender 3 3 . 3 3 5/12/2006 9:25AM 10 12 13 83 100 110 130 150 160 180 185 214 270 280 287 340 410 420 470 Revenues Salaries - Unclassified Salaries -Perm. Part -Time Salaries Temporary Car Allowance Social Security27.65% Retirement Contribution Group Insurance Contribution Workers Compensation Unemployment Compensation Tuition reimbursement Fringe Benefits - Other Executive Retirement Plan Contribution Professional Services - Consultanls Professional Services - Accounting Advertising Other Contractual Services Travel and Per Diem - Training Travel and Per Diem - Other (Conferences) Entertainment Grants/Contributions & other Revenues Full-time staff Interns) Temp help as needed VKBPT staff vehicle reimbursements & ED car allowance VKBPT staff Social Security deductions Retirement fund for qualifying FT employees Health Berets for VKBPT staff Workers' Compensation for VKBPT staff VKBPT staff unemployment compensation insurance Employee reimbursement for job related studies Other Employee Benefits Exearlive Director personal retirement fund Consulting services of a professional nature Audit Fees related to the annual audit of the Trust. Print, Radio, and other media. advertising General maintenance and operationat service contracts VKBPT Staff or Trustee training sessions/conferences VKBPT Staff or Trustee sessions/conferences and business travel Generalbusiness entertainment of non -employee Vir¢�inia Key 15eA,.....de Trust Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Museum Cultural Center Funding from COM and Fund Balance See Salaries worksheet for Individual staff details. Salary Budget assumes a 6.5% merit Increase and 3.5 COLA for each fulttime staff member. 10,956 `711 950 2.159 10,000 Mileage for VKBPT staff is paid in the amount of 48.5 cents per mile for travel connected to Trust business. Social Security paid07.65% on budgeted salaries cost Major medical, Dental, Vision, long-term disabtlltyTnsurance for permanent staff; estimates reflect VKBPT staff size, needs and requirement,. Assumptions are monthly cost of $908 per fulitimme employee, and all employees will participate. Workers' Compensation Benefits for VKBPT staff; estimates reflect VKBPT staff sire, needs and requirements. 2.000 Unemployment Compensation premiums estimate reflect staff size and requirements Local & National Museum specific advertising. Also could be used for museum RFQs RFPs adverting regarding museum specific projects. Other potential contractual services including but not limited to, museum specific software maintenance Travel related to various Museum, Historical conferences. 495 510 530 532 533 534 Parking Expense Communication Services Transportation Road Tolls 540 Postage Parking Expense related to local travel Cellular Telephone Services Group Transportation expenses related to staff events 300 2,340 Paidcell phone Blackberry charges Miami -Dade County Toil Road at causeways Delivery Services Utility Services Electricity General Postage 2,000 Special shipping and delivery and overnight shipping services Electricity usage Z:1Riverside1VKBPT\LRobinsonLBudgetlFY 0TMuseum Template 07 Shipping and delivery charges related Museum artifacts Museum and Culturl Center 4 6/12/2006 9:25 AM . 560 619 620 635 640 643 661 0 680 690 700 718 722 Utility Services Water Equipment Rental -Outside Building Rental Rent - Other Property 'Insurance Special Insurance Directors Liability/General Liability/Workers Comp Repairs & maintenance Printing Promotional Activities Office Supplies HouskeepirglSanitation Supplies Parts & maintenance Supplies Miscellaneous Expenses Water usage Tents, Lighting, etc and other equipment rentals related to Trust events Used only for rental of primary office space for the Trust Storage space, other items Property Insurance for VKBPT office VKBPT Sponsored Special Events Workers' Compensation for VKBPT Directors & Trustees Routine repairs to property and equipment External design and printing of promotional materials Cost related to various promotional activities such as booths, parade floats, catering for events etc. General office supplies for VKBPT staff Supplies for sanitation/cleanup of premises Pads & maintenance supplies for equipment Expenses that can not be readily allocated to any other category. Should be minor in amount Vir. KA, - ,rkTn t Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Museum Cultural Center Equipment needs for Museum specific events and functions Brochures and other literature aimed at promoting the Museum. Museum specific promotional events aimed at building awareness in the focal community as well as nationally. Miscellaneous museum office related expenditure 727 755 760 773 801 Promotional Materials Reproduction Services Books, Publications and Memberships Print Shop Solid Waste Services Special give aways such as shirts, raps, bags, souvenirs. Copying & reproduction of existing materials - e.g. Kinkos, DVDs, VHS tapes etc, Publications and subscriptions to any periodicals as well as membership to professional associations_ Letterhead; Bus. Cards; Images, Signs, Posters produced internally by GSA Park Clean-up 10 588 Promotional give -a ways such as hats, shirts, pens etc. to build awareness and promote the museum. Reproduction of such things as the Museum design concept and other rspmduc ton needs Membership in various Museum specific associations, as well as books and various periodicals. 830 835 Improvements Other than Buildings Landscaping Park site Capital Improvements General Grounds Keeping Z:1RiversidetVKBPTtLRobinson\BudgettFY 071Museum Template 07 Museum and Colton Center 5 6/12/2006 9:25AM 840 841 Equipment - New Office Furniture Computers & Software. Printers, Digital Camera, Fax, Scanner, Color Laser Printer, etc. Desks, tables, bookr es, etc. Virg „ia Kcy 5. :kTrust Fiscal Year 2007 Budget Museum Cultural Center Estimated cost for licensing software application for managing Museum artifacts collection. 860 885 Construction in Progress Capital Lease -Telephone Equipment Park site Capital Improvements Phone Equipment 996 Budget Adjustments Used to balance the budget for any carry over variance Z:V2iversideWKBPT1LRobinsontBudgetlFY 07\Museum Template 07 Museum and Culturi Center 6 6/12/2006 9:25AM