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Add Emotion cor o your Ernails Click Here Submitted In' irteecmor(.1 .5PrisciUa Download Attachment: CE2006012388-1-RoMartinez.JPG ilttp://webmail.bellsouth.net/agent/mobrnain?msgvw-=AEYAHgAPADoAfgAxACwAPwB... nc,-v/553 public 'th City Clerk 8/1 7/2006 Submitted Into the public.' record in c.--4.• • - witt? item 2:4,3 c. ct-jA 040 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk EF!-:oT,on !cons to your Emails Click Here Download Attachment: CE2006012388-1-RoMartinez.JPG http://webmail.bellsouth.net/agent/mobmain?msgvw—AEYAHgAPADoAfgAxACwArvB... 8/17/2006 /(C: 4-- OI 553 FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER MIAMI HOMEOWNERS WILL NOW BE ABLE TO GET RID OF THEIR BULKY ITEMS AND TRASH ANY DAY OF THE WEEK! The City of Miami Mini -Dump is open seven days a week, making it convenient for households to discard large items right away. Location 1290 NW 20 Street Phone 305-575-5107 Hours 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Mon. -Sun. Closed Martin Luther King; Christmas Day ACCEPTABLE MATERIALS • Houshold Trash: Bulky items • Clean Yard Trash • White Goods: Large Appliances • Construction or Demolition Debris • Up to 4 Automobile Tires: No Rims PROHIBITED MATERIALS • Household garbage • Hazardous Waste: Chemicals • Automobile Parts: Batteries, GasTanks, Cylinders or Drums • Paint Containers This svrvice ,s provaded r_ r.r[y residents who are serviced by the solid waste Department. individuals orTginq Their items to 7fie Itiirnr- Dump must provide proof of residency fprivers Lrtense, Dean,: Dill, Weirel"BM, etc.)). 17i�l.USSi on INI-VERTEDER• iPQR PRIMERA VEZ LOS PROPIETARIOS RESIDENCIALES DE MIAMI PODRAN BOTAR SUS ARTICULOS PESADOS Y DESPERDICIOS CUALQUIER DfA DE LA SEMANAI El Mini-Vertedero de la Ciudad de Miami ya esta convenientemente abierto siete dias de la semana, para facilitar descartar articulos pesados sin espera. Lugar 1290 NW 20 Calle Telefono 305-575-5107 Horario 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Lun.-Dom. Cerrado Feriado de Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Dia de Navidad MATER{ALES ACEPTABLES • Desperdicios del Hagar: Articulos Pesados d Desperdicios de Jardin ▪ Electrodomesticos • Materiales de Construction o Escombros • Hasta 4 gomas de automovil: No Ilantas MATERIALES PROHIBID©S • Basura regular de la casa • Materiales Peligrosos: Qurmicos Y Partes de Automoviles: Rater/as, Tanques de Gasolina, Cilindr0s o Recipiente de Aceite Contenedores de Pintura Esle serv,o,.- v., propurcr00a a has resr3entes de la Cridnd serv+rrc, r et Denar;amenro de Sarrrdad de la f.,ud'aci de M1;; lnd:viduos clue u[,I,cen el Mnr verterjeru con :J.! r:utns p2ra sec desechar os ddhen presenter rni+esurr de residen(i+ en !a C:,udld krrenc,a rfn cor,ducrr, Ceenta de Luz. Cuer ra de Accra, arr.,9