HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDRC Comments (1.18.06)0 F M 1 A 1)1,ANNIN(; 1) p R m ft,N4,r 1) It - A 1'1 1 C ( ) N SIGN it 1,, V I 1,, V' C NI NI N M A j () R. 1Ji S P C I A 1. 1) I; M I 't MIAMI RIVER RAPIDS DIA,AWARN PARKWAY lif,Twf;PN NW 281" & NW 30"A N D 1-18.06 City of Nliarni Vision Statement: 'To Be an InternationalCO, which Embodies Diversity, Economic Opportunity, Pledive Customer Service and a ElijnVy Rated Quality y7...4/-e" COMMENTS: The following comments \vere generated following the LIDRB meeting onj;inuary .18, 2006 representing the Plant Department and ULM member's unified vision and conditions for Major Use Special Permit approval. 71he City of Miami strives to achieve diverse pedestrian -friendly distinct neighborhoods, promote transit connections, and provide contextual, safe, and comfortable buildings, blocks, streets, and parks that contribute to a prosperous city for all residents to enjoy. Submittal .Due to the large scale and complexity of this project the Department would like additional clarification and details submitted to be able to make final recommendations for Major -Use Special Permit application. • The overall schematic site plan is helpful in understanding the entire site however; staff is trying to determine the impact of the proposed project on the surrounding areas, As previously stated, provide a 3-1,) site analysis of the proposed site and adjacent properties. • Please add a materials and details sheet(s) to show all special features and screens so that staff may properly evaluate. (including balconies, grills, louvers, lighting, benches, gazebos, decorative paver colors/materials, etc.) We generally like the variety and generic materials depicted. • Please clearly mark. all plans (especially blow-ups) with street names and immediate context-- back of curbs, sidewalks, outline of adjacent proposed building, landscape depicting in greater detail the landscape plan, detail. street & sidewalk widths. (Example: ALL1-7...) Architecture/ Urban Design The project's unique location and size provides a great opportunity for the applicant to contribute to the life and beauty of the City of Miami. • Tfhe property is located within an Archaeological Conservation Area and approval by the flistoric and Environmental Preservation Board is required —an archaeological management plan must be submitted for approval. Contact Kathleen Kauffman, the City of Miami Preservation Officer, 305-416-1403. • The applicant will need to conduct a traffic study and meet with Mary Conway, Capital Improvements and Transportation Director, 305416-1027, regarding traffic circulation and access to the site. • We appreciate the gazebo structures and plaza spaces along the northern edge terminating the entry streets and adding to the character and distinct areas along the park and river rapids. • The proposed buildings provide continuous urban street frontages however; the massing of the towers and articulation of architecture do not complement the surrounding area or contribute to an enhanced defined neighborhood within this district. As previously stated, provide a different architectural character and massing to each building in order to provide variety in the building's appearances, unit mix, pedestrian experience and spaces created. 'file grouping of these structures should create an interesting cornposition. Heights and setbacks should vary and be largest in the center of the project. • The long continuous tower facades along Delaware Parkway should be divided toto individual towers. • The continuous street frontage along Delaware Parkway should be divided by adding a larger entry street with a median or larger sidewalks, etc between buildings 2 and 3 providing enhanced access from the community and It is our intention with these comments to aid in expediting Special Permit applications with your voluntary efforts in making the necessary changes; thereby, avoiding any preventable delays particularly prior to a project's submission to the Large Scale Development Committee or the Urban Development Review Board. Page 1 of3 Delaware Parkway to the river rapids fountain and City of Miami park. These access streets for the garages and service have been lined nicely and should be celebrated as streets not alleys. • Building 5 needs to be divided on each side of the 28'h venue extension and provide a continuous pedestrian access between the building and the water to the north and south of the building. The plaza created between the two sides is ;I very inviting space however, the massing, lack of heights, and view corridor obstruction in the present proposal diminishes the value of this site being surrounded by the water, park and plaza. • The buildings along Delaware Parkway need to step back in massing from Delaware Avenue and return to a lower scale along the inner unnamed street as previously shown in the Midtown Miami sections (see Iigure 1). • Provide elevations at a legible scale with heights indicated in NGVD uid above grade format for \11../SP application. • Provide elevations of the buildings faeing the interior main street. Parking Garage • The portions of the parking garages that are unlined need to further be addressed, 1hese areas shall be architecturally articulated to complement the rest of the building. • Please show perspectives through the interior roadway between buildings. The elevations of Buildings 1 and 4 especially do not show the true experience through this area. 'Buildings 2 and 3 show a much lighter crosswalk. Riverfront • The project's unique location and size provides a great opportunity for the applicant to contribute to the life and beauty of the (tty of Nliatni. 'Hie applicant shall provide clear public access to all waterfront portions of the site, articulating these areas as natural parks or public plazas, as appropriate. • 'Hie applicant shall develop a rivenvalk along portions of NW South River Drive adjacent to the project site as for the benefit of the public. Refer to the City of Miami Baywalk/Riverwalk Design Guidelines for ideas on further developing this area. • Please provide a boat landing area along the Miami Riverwalk integrating this designdesigis intothe connection to the public plaza/ NW 28°'' Avenue extension / Buildings 5. Pedestrian Realm • Provide clear pedestrian sidewalks of at least 8' in width along NW 28th Avenue that will cross over the bridge and lead directly to the plaza along NI South River Drive. This pedestrian path will be enhanced bythe townhouse units along the garage of Building 5, and will improve the life of the community. • Provide clear pedestrian crossings for NW South River Drive in order to improve connections between the public plaza/ building 5 and the Nliami River. These pedestrian crossings can be articulated with a continuous material. • What is being proposed on the parcel bounded by NW 171' Terrace, NAV 28th Ave, and Delaware Parkway? 'This area was used in the FAR calculations, however there are no improvements shown. Landscaping • Complete a full landscape plan consulting a landscape architect. o Update the Overall Site Plan to include the landscaping and streetscaping along the unnamed intenc main street. o Update all landscape plans to include the proposed landscape planters for trees mci ground cover. o Revise the Main Street Landscape Plan, relocating the shade tree planters between the townhouse stoops rather than directly in front of diem, This will provide direct physical and visual access to the townhouses' street entrance. • Provide a complete tree survey of existing conditions including species, diameter and spread including all trees in the right-of-way. Please refer to the City of Miami tree protection ordinance passed in J;inuary 2005 and indicate how tree mitigation will be achieved. Please note that the City calculates tree replacement by die "sum. of inches" of tree trunk at breast height, while the county uses square footage of tree canopy. It is our intention with these comments to aid in expediting Special Permit applications with your voluntary efforts in making the necessary changes; thereby, avoiding any preventable delays particularly prior to a project's submission to the Large Scale Development Committee or the Urban Development Review Board. Page 2 of 3 Figure 1 . rams used fir iVtidloo'n Tgulalins code illustrale buildiqmahiq which shy's away to allow 401 penetralion ink) the this of way and lower levels of the buildings. Diagrams & Illustrations ASW Buena Vista Avenue (North of 34th) 34dt Street (‘Nest of Midtown Boulevard) AVM Xith, 32nd & 35th 41 fixtti:rorn BintitYrd (North of 34th) 34th Street {East 0 Midtown Ekn4er.3rdl )41 S 33rd (Esti at Midtown Boulevard) (East of Midtown Boulevard) 3tath Street Wrt Yoch Sirroor (VVrTst of Midtown &miler -art/ ECU of Midtown eetr4id, Mvirown Boulevard (SOuth of )4(h) East Coast Avenoe rtc :in 11,10 Strrol f.vorr..44-ci 29zh (EA s( of 1^1,0towo Boosr,rm The Planning Department reserves the right to comment further On the project as details and/or explanations are provided and may revise previous comments based on this additional information. Please note that the Planning Department reviews Special Permit proposals based on architectural design, site planning and urban design issues. The project still needs to be reviewed and comply with other department's requirements. It is our intention with these comments to aid in expediting Special Permit applications with your voluntary efforts in making the necessary changes; thereby, avoiding any preventable delays particularly prior to a project's submission to the Large Scale Development Committee or the Urban Development Review Board. Page 3 01°3