HomeMy WebLinkAboutF Deed Tax Printout, 18874FC38.I C fiEC. Property Appraiser's 99R597751 1999 NOV 23 10 58 Parcel ID #s: Grantee's Tax ID #: DOCSTPDEE 15,000.00 SURTX 11,250.00 HARVEY RUVIN► CLERK DADE COUNTY, FL SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED made this /P day of November, 1999, between DADE BEHRING INC., a Delaware corporation (the "Grantor'), whose post office address is 1717 Deerfield Road, Deerfield, Illinois 60015, and A+ MINI STORAGE AIRPORT EAST, L.L.C., a Florida limited liability company (the "Grantee"), whose post office address is 12345 S.W.117th Court, Miami, Florida 33186. WITNESSETH: THAT the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NOI100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and confirms unto . Grantee, all that certain land situate in Dade County, Florida, and more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Property"). THIS conveyance is subject to the following: I. Taxes and assessments for the year 1999, and subsequent years. 2. All of the matters set forth in Exhibit R attached hereto and made a part hereof. TOGETHER, with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. AND Grantor hereby covenants with Grantee that Grantor is lawfully seized of the Property in fee simple, that Grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey the Property; and that Grantor does hereby warrant the title to the Property and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through or under Grantor, but against none others. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused this Special Warranty Deed to be executed inits naive and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed by its proper officer thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. r- 4 %"1 r :L 4 in the presence of: Print Name: Print Name: ottiSC S,J`6gvSc STATE OF ILLINOIS) ,f )SS: COUNTY OF--) kg: 1887_4P038.0 .1, REC. Signed, sealed and delivered DADE BEHRING INC., a Delaware corporation By: 1T. Print N Title: Se, P►P .11 foregoinginstrument was acknowled by , as afthe oration, on behalf f the corporation. He/ as identification. This instrument was prepared by: Gregg H. Fierman, Esq. McDermott, Will & Emery 201 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2200 Miami, Florida 33131 2 [CORPORATE SEAL1 8•1 ' _}, r' ed before me this I day of November, 1999, f DADE BEHRING INC., a Delaware e is personally known to me `I Print Name: .b , f 4WD NOTARY PUBLIC State of Illinois at Large My Commission Expires: 5/g(o OFFICIAL SEAL GLOR1A D BLAND NOTARY PUSL[C, STATE OF ILLINOIS MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:MS OMS ��F.. 1 b8T4 3 1_G Rt:C EXHIBIT A 1EC L DESCRIPTIQNQF THE PROP!RTY PARCEL I: Tract "A", DADE REAGENTS, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 70, Page 56, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PARCEL II: The West 61 feet of Lot 1, as shown on plat of TWIN RIVER ISLAND, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 84, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PARCEL III: That portion of Tract "D" and Lot 84, as shown on that plat of DELAWARE PARK, SECTION ONE, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 17, Public Records of Dade County, Florida, which lies Northeasterly of that part of said Delaware Park, Section One, replotted as DADE REAGENTS, recorded in Plat Book 70, Page 56, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PARCEL IV: That portion of Tracts "D" and "E" of DELAWARE PARK, SECTION ONE, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 17, Public Records of Dade County, Florida, which lies Southeasterly of that part of said Delaware Park, Section One replotted as DADE REAGENTS, recorded in Plat Book 70, Page 56, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PARCEL V: Tract F, DELAWARE PARK, SECTION ONE, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 17, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 'L"`';3l-SM ,4 °�f• I8874PC38.i.3 NIBIT B PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS 1. The lien of the taxes for the year 2000 and all subsequent years, which are not yet due and payable. 2. Subject to any and all matters as recited on the Plat of DELAWARE PARK, SECTION ONE recorded in Plat Book 40, Page(s) 17, as affected by: Amendment recorded in Plat Book 2138, Page 415; and Amendment recorded in Plat Book 2543, Page 37, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 3. Subject to any and all matters as recited on the Plat of TWIN RIVER ISLAND recorded in Plat Book 40, Page(s) 84, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 4. Subject to any and all matters as recited on the Plat of DADE REAGENTS recorded in Plat Book 70, Page(s) 56, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 5. Terms and conditions of the Agreement between Dade Reagents, Inc., a Florida corporation and the City of Miami, dated 2/18/64, recorded 4/30/64 in Official Records Book 4120, Page 259, Public Records of Dade County; Florida. 6. Covenant to Run with the Land by Dade Reagents, Inc., dated 3/4/60, recorded 10/21/60 in Official Records Book 2310, Page 582, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. NOTE: Provides for a possible lien on property for improvements ordered to be constructed, 7. Drainage Easement granted to County of Dade, from German American Building, Inc., dated 7/18/62, recorded 8/31/62 in Official Records Book 3306, Page 458, Public Records of Dade Count+, Florida, 8. Covenant to Run with the Land between American Hospital Supply Corporation and the City of Miami, dated 1/22/80, recorded 6/13/80 in. Official Records Book 10778, Page 1284, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. NOTE: Provides for a possible lien on propertyfor improvements ordered to be constructed.. 9. Easement granted to Florida Power & Light Company, from Baxter Healthcare Corporation, dated 9/14/89, recorded 11/15/89 in Official Records Book 14326, Page 2283, Public Records of Dade County, Florida, 10. Easement granted to Florida Power & Light Company, from Baxter Healthcare Corporation, dated 10/25/89, recorded 11/15/89 in Official Records Book 14326, Page 2286, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 4 Wc. { 6@T4 38.1_4 11. Survey by A.R. TOUSSAINT & ASSOCIATES, INC., last dated 12/12/94, discloses the following; a) Building A (3 story "main building") and one story building (1B) encroach onto 20 foot zoning line along SW property line. (As to Parcel I) b) Existing trailer and existing concrete slab for trailer encroach over and across the SE property line.. (As to Parcel V) c) Five foot chain link fence encroaches on, over and across property line along the NE and East property lines and onto adjoining property. (As to Parcels I, IV & V) d) Florida Power Line transformer located on subject property. (As to Parcel I) e) Power pole located outside of easement to Florida Power Corporation, (As to Parcels I and III) Building and concrete work encroach onto 10 foot Florida Power Corporation easement recorded in Official Records Book 14326, Page 2283, along NE property line. (As to Parcel 1) Vault room encroaches onto 8 foot FPL easement recorded 14326, Page 2286 along the SE property line. (As to Parcel V) Office trailer encroaches onto 8 foot FPL easement recorded in Official Records Book 14326, Page 2286 along SE property line. (As to Parcel V) 12. A portion of the premises herein described being land created either by accretion, reliction or artificial means or land created through avulsion, in what was formerly navigable water, this policy excepts the rights of the United States Government and the State of Florida arising by reason of the United States Government's control over navigable waters and the inalienable rights of the State of Florida in the lands and waters of such character. g) h) MIA 163984-1041694.0011 5 RFcaPto o1No zzAt fircogast]C�OyI t'F oA^E COUNT~; FLOW& ht.'CO1 3 vE+ar E0 HARVEY RUVIN G:.tRK CIRCUIT COURT Miami -Dade My Home Page 1 of 2 My Home • Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item Property Appraiser Tax EstiEmator Summary Details: Folio No.: 01-3133-036-0120 Property: 2990 NW SOUTH RIVER DR Mailing Address: A+MINI STORAGE AIRPORT EAST LLC 12345 SW 117 CT MIAMI FL 33186-3934 Property Information: Primary one: 6600 LIBERAL COMMERCIAL UC: 0081 VACANT LAND s/Baths: 0/0 oors: 0 Living Units:.0 dj SO Footage: 0 Lot Size: ' 11,460 SC/ FT ear Built: 0 Legal Description: 33 53 41 .26 ALL OF THAT PART TR D AND LOT 84 OF DELAWARE PARK SEC 1 PB 40-17 DESC AS FOLLOWS: BEG AT NE OCR OF LOT 83. THENCE SLY ALONG E LINE OF SAID LOT: AND EAST LINE PRODUC Sale Information: Sate 0/R: 18874-3810 Sale Date: 11/1999 Sale Amount: $2,500,000 Assessment Information: Year: 2005 2004 Land Value: $229,200 $45,840 Building Value: $0 $0 Market Value: $229,200 $45,840 Assessed Value: $229,200 $45,840 Total Exemptions: $0 $0 Taxable Value: $229,200 $45,840 Digital Orthophotography - 2005 We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our su3 My Home I Prop formation I Property Taxes I My i eighloo:h€sod I Property App.Ta.iser 114ft Home I Using Our Sste I About j Pfaorie .srectc:y I eriy4gy I pisCieiir e If you experience technical difficulties with the Property information application, please click. here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webrnaster Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Fve Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water http:/1gisims2.co.miami-dade.fl. us/MyHome/propmap.asp?app=none&bytool=none&cmd=SELECT&cmd... 3/ 16/200( Miami -Dade My Home 0 My Home Show Me: Property Information Search By: !Select Item ext only Color Aeria, Photography - 2004 Cif{ta€ Orthop otoeraphy - 2003 rcperty ,Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No.: Property: Mla€ling Address: 0 ;-3133-047-00) 0 1851 DELAWARE PKWY A+MINI STORAGE AIRPORT EAST LLC 11) Property information: mary Zone: 6600 LIBERAL COMMERCIAL 12345 SW 117 CT MIAMI FL 33186-3934 CLUC: 0037 WAREHOUSE OR STORAGE Beds/Baths: 0/0 Floors: 2 Living Units: Adj Sq :Footage: 0 192,966 Lot Size: 285,754 SQ FT Year Built: 1953 Legal Description: 33 53 41 6.56 AC MIL DADE REAGENTS PB 70-56 PARCEL A LOT SIZE 285754 SQUARE FEET OR 18874- 3810 1199 2 (5) Sale Information: Sale 0/R: 18874-3810 Sale Date: 11/1999 Sale Amount: $2,500,000 Assessment Information: Year: 2005 i 2004 Land Value: $2,857,540 $942,900 Building Value: $2,064,840$1.951,100 Market Value: $4,922,380 $2,894,000 Assessed Value: $4,922,389$2,894,000 $0 $0 Total Exemptions: Taxable Value: _ $4,922,380 $$2.894,000 'ACTIVE :'1l OCIU Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 -7 We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our su vey, My Fiore I Property information I Property Taxes I My Neighborhood 1 Property Appraiser Home I Using Our Site I About 1 Phone D/rectory I Privacy 1 Disclaimer 5- 180 ft if you experience technical difficulties with the Property information application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webrnaster Web Site 0 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 2 Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water h l.tp://gisims2.co. miami-lade.fl.us/MyHome/propmap.asp?app—none&bytool=mane&cmd=SELECT&cmd... 2/13 /200( Miami -Dade My Home 0 My Home Show Me: Property Information Search By: .Select Item] Text only Color AeriaE Photogap 2004 D gitai Oft' notograph1 - 2003 op Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No.: 01-3133-006-09Z1 Property; 1825 DELAWARE PKWY Mailing Address: 41 Property Information: mary Zone: '6600 LIBERAL COMMERCIAL A+MINI STORAGE AIRPORT EAST LLC 12345 SW 117 CT MIAMI FL 33186-3934 CLUC: Beds/Baths: Floors: 0081 VACANT LAND 0/0 0 Living Units: 0 Adj Sq Footage: 0 Lot Size: Year Built 17,801 SQ FT 0 Legal Description: 33 53 41 .41 AC M/L DELAWARE PARK SEC 1 PB 40-17 THAT PORTION OF TR D LYG SELY OF A LINE PARR TO & 125FTSELY OF SELY R/W/L OF NW 18TH TERR LOT SIZE 17801 SQUARE FEET Sale information: Sale O/R: 18874-3810 Sale Date: 11/1999 [Sale Amount; $2,500,000 Assessment information: ear: Land Value: Building Value: Market Value: ssessed Value: otal Exemptions: axable Value: 2005 $213,612 $0 $213,612 $213,612 $0 $213,612 2004 $58,743 $0 $58,743 $58,743 $0 $58,743 ACTIV Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 0 180ft We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our survey. My Home !Property I€sformettprs I Properly Taxes [ My Nelghbcrhood ( Property Appraiser Home I Using Our Site I About 1 Phone Directory I Privacy I Disclaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know. E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to Webmaster Web Site O 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Page 1. of 2 Legend Property Boundary Selected Property 67, Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water http://gisims2.co.miami-dale. fl.us/MyHome/propmap.asp?app=none&bytoo1=none&cmd=SELECT&cmd... 2/13 /200t Miami -Dade My Home 0 My Home Show Me: Property Information Search By: 3 Select Item Text ,'af. Color Aera:: graphy 2004 ��ig to O cp1 Biography - 2003 Property Appraiser Tax Estimator Summary Details: Folio No.: Property: 01 3133.006-0930 1801 DELAWARE PKWY Mailing Address: A+MINI STORAGE AIRPORT EAST LLC ilProperty Information: mart' Zone: 6600 LIBERAL COMMERCIAL 12345 SW 117 CT MIAMI FL 33186-3934 CLUC: 0081 VACANT LAND Beds/Baths: Floors: 0/0 0 Living Units: Adj Sq Footage: Lot Size: 0 0 133,592 SO FT Year Built: 0 Legal Description: 33 53 41 3.12 AC MIL DELAWARE PARK SEC 1 PB 40-17 TR E LESS THAT PORT LYG NWLY OF E LINE PARR TO & 125FTSELY OF SELY RNW/L OF NW 18 TERR LOT SIZE 133592 SQUARE FEET Sale Information: Sale O/R: 18874-3810 Sale Date: 11/1999 Sale Amount: 52,500,000 Assessment Information: 'Year: Land Value: Building Value: Market Value: 2005 '$1,335,920 $0 '$1,335,920 2004 $440,854 $0 $440,854 Assessed Value: Total Exemptions: S1,335,920 So $440,854, $0 Taxable Value: $1,335, 920 $440,854 Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 0 180ft We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our survey. My Home I Property information I Property Taxes I My Neighborhood I Property Appraiser Hume I Using Our Site ( About j Phone Directory 1 privacy I Disclaimer If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know. Email your comments, questions and suggestions to Webrnaster Web Site O 2002 Miami -Dade County. Ali rights reserved. Page 1 of 2 Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water http://gisims2.co.miami-lade.fl.us/MyHome/propmap.asp?appmmnone&bytool=none&cmd=SELECT&cmd... 2/13/2001 Miami -Dade My Horne 0 My Home Show Me: Property Information Search By: Select Item: Text only " i r Aerial Photag aphy - 2004 Dicita? Orthophato0raphy -2003 roperty Appraiser Tax EYiirrmator. Summary Details: Folio No.: 01.3133-006-094C Property: 1701 DELAWARE PKWY Mailing Address: A+MINI STORAGE AIRPORT EAST LLC 12345 SW 117 CT MIAMI FL 33186-3934 Property information: ary one: 6600 LIBERAL COMMERCIAL CLUC; 0032 LIGHT MANUFACTURING Beds/Baths: :0/0 �1 Floors: Living Units: 0 Adj Sq Footage: 20,939 Lot Size: 76,750 SQ FT Year Built: 1957 Legal Description: 33 53 41 1,76 AC DELAWARE PARK SEC 1 PB 40-17 TRACT F LOT SIZE 76750 SQUARE FEET OR 18874-3810 1199 2 (5) Sale Information: Sale O/R: 18874-3810 Sale Date: 11/1999 Sale Amount: $2,500,000 Assessment information: Year: 2005 2004 Land Value: $921,000 $253,200 Building Value: $193,460 $165,800 Market Value: $1,114,460 $419,000 Assessed Value: $1,114,460 $419,000 Total Exemptions: $0 $0 ;Taxable Value: $1,114.460 $419,000 ACTIVE TOO ELECT Aerial Photography - AirPhoto USA 2004 0 180ft We appreciate your feedback, please take a minute to complete our stiNey. My Home l Property in ft rotation I Property Taxes [ My Neighborhood I Property Appraiser Horne 1 Using Our Site I About I Phone Directory 1 Privacy 1 Discta If you experience technical difficulties with the Property Information application, please click here to let us know, E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to We boaster Web Site O 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. ee Page 1 of 2 Legend Property Boundary Selected Property Street Highway Miami -Dade County Water http://gi sim.s2.co.miami-dade. fl.us/MyHome/propmap.asp?app=none&bytool=none&cmd=SELECT&cmd... 2/ 13/200(