HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit, 17ia.mi Sports and Exhibition Authorit37 OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2006/2007 301 North Biscayne Blvd., Miami EL 33132 (305) 3'5'8-7550 Fax (305) 358-1211 MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 200612*07 Table of Contents I. MSEA Members I. Letter of Introduction III. Budget. Summary IV. MSEA Operating Budget V.Organization•al Chart MIAM1 SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mayor Manuel A. Diaz, Chairman Tomas Regaiado, Vice -Chairman Joe Sanchez, Commissioner Angel Gonzalez, Commissioner Samuel W. Gentry Eli Feinberg John Harris Allan Rubin Diego Garcia Jr. Bob Beaman EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Timothy F. Schmand t 3u]y 31, 2006 oi,e441,01.1 Honorable Mayor Diaz and Members of the City Commission; The Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority (MSEA) was established in 19'83, pursuant to Florida Statute 212.057, as an independent and autonomous agency and instrumentality of the City of Miami. MSEA was created to promotesports, conventions and .exhibitions and to strive to generate community support to achievethis purpose. It was further given the authority to exercise any power usually possessed by private corporations performing similar functions that are not in conflict with the Florida constitution or law. Pursuant to that mandate, MSEA continues to serve the community through the redirection of its portion of CDT funding for the Orange Bowl Renovation Project, and as the landlord ,of the Gh.ildren's Museum and the Chalk's seaplane operation on Watson Island. It.also has primary responsibility in the Watson island heliport negotiations. In the past two years MSEA has successfully auctioned off the Miami Arena and other associated properties, reaping over S36,004,000 from the sales as well as returning those properties to the tax rolls. The attached budget will enable MSEA to continue in its current mode, while the board contemplates future opportunities. The budget was unanitnously•approv.edby the MSEA. board at its May 30, 2006, meeting, and I would respectfully request that you do the same. Thank you in advance for your assistanoe. Executive Director Enc. Cc: file 30] north Biscayne Blvd., Miami FL 33132 (305) 358-7550 Fax (305) 35,8-1211 Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority Operatin g Bud -get Nodes to Approved Budget for 2006/2 5 7 General ReVentae Interest Income: Income based on projected revenue from MSEA funds held in interestearning accounts. Gen-eral Expenses 1. Payroll, Taxes and Benefits Executive Director: proposed $50.000. The Executive Director provides overall management for the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority. Project :4 anaeer: proposed $40,000. The Project Manager is responsible for MSEA's finance, bookkeeping and accounting functions and assists the Executive Director with the management of Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority. Bookkeeper: proposed "$30,000. The Bookkeeper reports to the Project Manager and is responsible for daily maintenance of MSEA's financi-al records. II. Operating Expenses Business Meeting Expenses: proposed $3,500. These funds will be used for expenses associated with the quarterly Board Meetings of Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority. ContinRencles: proposed $1,000. These funds will be used for any unforeseen expenses incurred during the year. Courier 1 Delivery: proposed $ 1.500. These funds will be used forcourier services. General insurance SI Directors Liabilii' Insurance: proposed $33,000. These funds will be used to purchase General Insurance it Directors Liability Insurance for Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority. Office E uwmnent / Maintenance: proposed $1,200. These funds will be used for office equipment rental, lease and maintenance contracts. Office Supplies: proposed $1,000. These funds will be used to purchase office supplies. Postage: proposed $1,200. These funds will be used to purchase postage. Telephone: proposed $1,000. These funds will be used for telephone services. ELI. Professional Services Audit: proposed $40,000. These funds will be used to pay for the annual audit of MSEA°s finances. Professional Services /proiects: proposed $20,000. These funds will be used to pay for professional services and projects for MSEA. MI.&\B WORTS AND tXH!3IT4ON AUTHORITY Approved Budget ftSCAL YEAR 2008-2007 Approved DESCRIPTION 2007 Budget 1. Payroll, Taxes and Benefits COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS 1 Executive Director 50,000 2 Project Manager 40,000 Marketing Manager. Executive Assistant 3 Bookkeeper 30,000, 1,20;000 4 'Group Insurance -- 5 'SS/Medicare Contribution 9,200. 6 Retirement Plan 6.200, Total Payroll, Tams and Benefits E 137,400 II.Operating Expenses 7 Business Meeting Expenses 222,500 Business Travel Car Allowance/Celphone, Mileage Conference Registration 8 Contingencies 1,000 9 'Courier/Delivery 1,500 'Event Sponsorship 10 General Insurance .& Directors Liability Insurance 33,000' Memberships/Subscriptions Miscellaneous Warehouse Expenses 11 Office Equipment/Maintenance 1,200 12 Office Supplies 1,000 13 Postage 1,200 Printing Promotions/Marketing 14 Telephone 1,000 Major Citywide 'Event TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 43,400 II1. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 15 Audit 40,000 1.6 Legal Support MSEA - WASTON ISLAND - City Attorney 17 Professional Services/ Temp 18 Professional Services/projects 2,0 000 ,. TOTAL. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 60,0o0 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET 240,800 ' IV. CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 19 OFFICE EQUIPMENT PURCHASES .24 Furniture $ Fixtures 21 •Melreese Golf Clubhouse TOTAL CAPITALEXPENDITURES ,1 - TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET Wl CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 240;800. ''i Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority ORGANIZATIONAL CHART FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 Miami City Commission 1 Hoard of Directors J 1 Executive Director i Project Manager Bookkeeper