HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 78ayl'ront Park Management Trust Operating Budget
Notes to Proposed 1Brrtlgaetior 2 6/2007
EX44t81T 301:1 A4 aitr#en ante
301 'City Contribution: proposed $1,085,000. This figure represents City of Miami oontribution
to Bayfront Park ?Management Trust.
302 Hurricane Reimbursement: proposed SOO. Line item is included in the budget in the event
of a hurricane.
303-Grants: proposed $00.
304 FPL Fountain Contribution: proposed $00. This revenue represents annual FPL
contribution to support the electricity usage of the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain.
305 Curry Gift to Challenger Memorial: proposed $10,000. This figu a represents the
estimated amount contributed by Lamar Louise Curry for replanting at the Challenger Memorial.
306 City Contribution for Capital lmprovernenits: proposed S00. The administration projects
$00 from the City of Miami for capital -improvements in FY 2006/2007.
Maintet;nice ,Ex Sees
3301 Park Maintenance Supervisor: proposed $70,000. The Park Maintenance Supervisor is
responsible for the management and coordination of all maintenance crews and related activities
of the Trust.
33:02 Maintenance Assistant I: proposed S40,000. The Maintenance Assistant 1 reports to the
Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Bayfront Park.
3303 Maintenance Assistant 11: proposed S40,000. The Maintenance Assistant 11 reports to the
Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Bayfront Park.
3304 Maintenance Assistant HI: proposed S35,000. The Maintenance Assistant 1711 reports to
the Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Bayfront
3305 Maintenance Assistant IV: proposed S35,000. The Maintenance Assistant IV reports to
the Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Bayfront
3305.1 Maintenance Assistant V: proposed S27,000. The Maintenance Assistant V reports to
the Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Beyfront
3305.2 Maintenance Assistant V1: proposed S29,000. The Maintenance Assistant VI reports to
the Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenance of Bayfront
33,95.3 Maintenance Assistant VII: proposed S29,000. The Maintenance Assistant VII reports
-to the Park Maintenance Supervisor and is responsible for the ongoing maintenanoeofBayf'ront
33O6 Turf & 1rrieatio.n Specialist: proposed $47,000. The Turf & itrigationSpecialist reports
to the Park Maintenance Supervisor, and works to ensure the health and vitality ofthe flora in
Bayfront Park.
3307 Pavroliin2 Costs: proposed S24,000. These funds will be used for the payroliing costs.of
the Maintenance Department employees.
33'07.1 Maintenance Department Overtime: proposed $35,000. These funds will be used for
overtime hours worked by the Maintenance Department employees necessary for maintaining
Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks.
3308 'Health and Dental insurance Contribution: proposed $42,000. These funds will be used
to purchase health, dental, life and dismemberment insurance for the Maintenance Department
330S.1 Employee Retirement Plan: proposed $8,500. These funds will be used for amaximum
3% match to Bayfront Park maintenance employees' contributions to a 401A.
3309 Challen_2er Memorial Flower Maintenance: proposed $10,000. These funds will be used
to purchase flowers for the Challenger Memorial, supported by Lamar Louise Curry's donations.
3310 Architectural Adviser: proposed $00..
3311 Architectural Adviser - Special Proiects: proposed "$00.
3312 Turf Replacement: proposed $7,500. These funds will be used to purchase replacement
turf on. an es needed b-asis.
3313 New Landscape Plants: proposed $12,000. Theses funds will be used to replace damaged
or dying plants as needed.
3314 Bicentennial Mowing Services: proposed $20,000. These funds wall be used to mow
Bicentennial Park once per month, December through April and Twice per month March through
3315•Bicentenniai Fence and Site Improvements: proposed $15,000. These funds will be -used
to maintain the fence surrounding Bicentennial Park, the newly installed soccer field, and
additional site improvements necessary to increase its usage.
333 6 .Bougainvillaea Trimming: proposed S00.
3317 Exterminator: proposed S6,000. These funds will be used for a contract exterminator, -to
keep rodents and insects to a minimum in Bayfront Park.
3318 Fertilizer & Chemicals: proposed S20,000. These funds will be used to fertilize the turf,
paims, shrubs and deciduous trees in Bayfront rand Bicentennial Parks.
3319 Sign age: proposed S4,500. These funds will be used to continue the informational end
directional signage program in Bayfront Park.
3320 rGeneral Park Contractor: proposed S70,000. These funds will be used to contract with a
City of Miami approved General Contractors for necessary and ongoing repairs required,to
maintain Bayfront Park.
3323 Office Cleaning & Maintenance: proposed S15,000. These funds will be used to contract
a cleaning service provider to clean the Bayfront Park Offices.
3322 Pressure Cleaning FguipmentM•Matey ance: proposed $6,000. These funds will be used
to maintain pressure and steam cleaners owned by the Trust..
3323 Ticket Trailers Maintenance and PurciFase: prop.osed$00.
3324 Painting & Accessories: proposed 310,000. These funds will be used to maintain Bayfront
Park' s structures.
3325 Uniforms: proposed $5,000. These funds are used to purchase and maintain uniforms for
the park maintenance staff.
3326 Park Vehicle Mairaenante and Repairs: proposed '$8 000. These funds will be used for
routine maintenance and repairs of the Park's pick-up trucks. This will include tires, tune-ups 'and
complete vehicle maintenance.
3327 Purchase of New "Steep Van: proposed SOO. •
3328 Eiuipment Leasing & Renta s: proposed $8,000. These funds will cover costs to lease
andlor relit equipment associated with Park upkeep and maintenance.
3328.3 EAuipment Purchase: proposed $10,000, These funds will cover the cost of a wide ranee
of equipment purchases (under $750) necessary for the ongoing maintenance -of Bayfront -and
Bicentennial Parks.
3328.2 Euuiprnenl Repairs: proposed $8,000. These funds will cover the cost ofa wide range of
equipment repairs necessary for the ongoing maintenance of Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks.
3329 Misceidaneous Supplies: proposed $10,000. These funds will allow designated staff
members to purchase miscellaneous -supplies as the need arises.
3330 Gatjor Maintenance & Repairs: proposed$6,000. These funds will be used for
maintenance and repair of the Trust's five John Deere.Gators.
3331 Park Electrician Ongoing Maintenance: proposed $25,000. These funds will be used to
alloy.' the park electrician to develop and maintain maintenance and upgrade schedule of the
park' s electrical system.
3332 Lift Station and Pump Service Contract: proposed `$4,000. These funds would be used
to enter into a maintenance contract with a local pump service company to maintain Bayfront
Park' s lift stations and pit pumps.
3333 Electrical Maintenance ]►9ateri-ais: proposed $10,000. These funds will be used to
purchase lamps, fuses, receptacles, switches, and miscellaneous hardware related to the Bayfront
Park electrical system. This will cover most fixtures within park buildings -- administrative
offices, service buildings, maintenance buildings, and the •amphitheater. Fluorescent bulbs,
standard incandescent bulbs, wall duplex receptacles, single -pole switches, cover plates, and
small -amperage fuse breakers are the only materials involved.
3334 Bulb Fixtures & Poles: proposed $15,000. These funds will be used to replace burnt out
bulbs and damaged and missing electrical poles in Bayfront Park.
3335 Air Conditioner Replacement Cost: proposedS10,000. These funds will be used to
purchase new air conditioning units for the Light Tower and the Fountain Control Booth.
3336 Mr Conditioning Maintenance Contract: proposed S5,000. These funds will be used4to
enter into a service contract with a vendor to provide air conditioning maintenance in the park' s
administrative offices, amphitheater, laser tower, fountain booth and south end service building.
3337 Alarm Monitoring Services: proposed $3,500. These funds will be used for alarm
monitoring services in the administrative offices, the fountain control booth and the south end
service building.
3338 Miarni-Dade County Water and Sewer: proposed $60,000. These funds will be used for
all water and sewage services 'supplied by Miami -Dade County Water & Sewer Department.
3339 FP&L Utilities: proposed $140,000. These funds will be used to purchaseelectrical
services from FP&L.
3340 Trash Removal Fee: proposed S5,000. These funds will cover costs imposed °bytile city to
transport trash from the park to appropriate disposal sites.
3343 Private Trash Pauline: proposed $00.
3342 Maintenance of Trash Compactfor: proposed SOO.
3343 New Garbage Barrels: proposed S2,000. These funds will be used to purchase tiew plastic
garbage barrels for B ayfront Park.
3344 Park Vehicle Insurance: proposed $12,500. These funds will be used to purchase
insurance for the Park' s trucks.
3345 Chemicals: proposed S00.
3346 Cleaning Su : proposed '$700. These funds will be used to purchase cleaning supplies
and other materials needed to keep the park' s administrative offices clean.
3346.1 Trash Bats: proposed S12,000. These funds will be used to purchase try bags for all
park needs.
3346.2 Hand Towels: proposed S2,500. These funds will be used to purchase hand towels for
use in park' s restrooms.
3346.3 Toilet Tissue: proposed $2,500. These funds will be used to purchase toilet tissue for use
in park' s restrooms.
3346.4 Hand So40: proposed S2,000. These funds will be used to purchase hand -soap for use in
parks restrooms.
3347 Tool Purchases: proposed S2,500. These funds will be used to purchase all tools necessary
to maintain Bayfront Park. This includes hand or power tools needed for routine maintenance.
3347.1 Fuel: proposed S17,000. These funds will be used to purchase fuel for park' s vehicles
and power equipment.
3348 Miscellaneous: proposed S6,000. These funds will be used for emergency purchases of
non -line item goods or services essential to the Bayfront Park Management Trust's operation.
3349 General Plurnbin2 Repair and Maitrtenonce: proposedS6,000. These funds will be used
for plumbing repair and maintenance throughout Bayfront Park, all restrooms, toilets, sinks, and
showers in the amphitheater, south end service building; light tower complex, and administrative
3350 Maintenance of Irrigation Pumps: proposed S2,500. These funds will be used to maintain
the Park' s irrigation pumps, located in the pump station adjacent to the Mildred & Claude Pepper
Fountain and the south end service building..
3351 Turf and Irrigation Su,pplie's: proposed $ 16,000. These funds will be used to maintain and
upgrade Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks' turf and irrigation system.
3352 Private Security: proposed'S140,000. These funds will be used to hire private security,
from an existing City of Miami contractor, to provide 24-hour security in Bayfront Park.
3353 Purchase of Pi and -Radios: proposed SOO.
3354 Maintenance and Repair of'f and-iRa1lios: proposed S1,000. These funds will be used to
maintain newly purchased two-way radio system, for use by park staff and for rental to promoters.
3355 Maintenance Saietv Training,: proposed S3,000. These funds will be used for safety
training classes for the park's maintenance staff.
3356 Facilities Cleating Contractor: proposed S] 20,000. These funds will be used to contract
a maintenance company for daily cleaning of Bayfront and Bicentennial Parks.
3357 infrastructure Studies and Expenses: propcsed'500.
Light Tower
440] Laser Tower Contracted Services: proposed $00.
4402 Computer Repairs: proposed 5O0.
4403 Electrical Services: proposed SO0.
4404 Laser Tube Replacement: proposed $00.
4405 Laser Tower Water Sealing: proposed 5O0.
Mildred & Claude Pepper Fountain
550] Fountain Maintenance Service Contract: proposed S30,OOO. These funds will be used to
continue the fountain maintenance service contract for the operation of the Mildred and Claude
Pepper Fountain in Bayfront Park.
5502 Fountain Computer Maintenance: proposed` 00.
5503 Chemicals: proposed $7,000. These funds will be used to purchase chlorine for the.
Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain in Bayfront Park.
5504 Filters and Screens: proposed S00.
5505 Miscellaneous Maintenance: proposed $30,000. These funds will be used for unforeseen
expenses associated with the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain in Bayfront Park.
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