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Exhibit 6
REVENUES NAFNTENANCE 3C1 • CRY CONTRIBUTION 3C: HJRRRICANE REIMBURSEMENT 332 GRANTS 30c . FPL FOUNTAIN CONTRIBUTION 305- Mu: CURRY GIFT TO CHALLENGER MEMORIAL 30C CITY CONTRIBUTION FOR conk. IMPRD'JEMENI TOTAL MAINTENANCE REVENUES £AYFPONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 206;22007 Budget F`.2006107 Approved 'BuOpet F+.' 2005106 Projected Actual FY 2005106 Approved 6udpet FY 20o1I05 Audits° Actual 'fY 2004105 s 1,oe5,000 s 1085,000 1 125,000 1 9e5,400 1 S 3 $ 3 S S s 1 S $ 80,000 0 bo,000 S s S $ s s $ 5 3 1.0E5,000 $ 1,0E5,000 $ 1,04E,000 1 1,045,000 EXPENSES ArMNTE NANCE 3301 • Park Maintenance Supervisor 3302 • Maintenance Asustani! 3305 - Meintenance lssrsiani u 3304 - Maintenance Assistant In 3305 - Maintenance Assistant IV 3305.1 • Maintenance Assrsfanl V 3305.2 • Maintenance Acsistant VI 3305.3- Maintenance Assiilanl Wi 3306 - tor, and irrigation Special's! 3307 • Peyrol4np Cast 33137.1- Meinlenance Depanmenr Overlent 330E - i ial1A and Den:ai Insurance C.onribuhor; 3135.1 • Empiorees Retaernenr Plan 3305 • Cha6enger Memaul Flower Maintenance 3310 - krhitoqurai 1dvisor 3311 • Architeciural Advisor Special Projects 3312 •'urCReplacement 3310 • New Landscape Plants 3314 - Sucentennia: Park Mowing 3315 - Bicentennial Pork Fence and Site improvements 331E - 6ougainviliee'rimming 3317 • Exterminaror 331E • Fertilizer 6 Chemicals 3315 • Signage 3320 • Gonna' Park Contractor 3321. Office Cieaning E Maintenance Sern_es 3322 • Pressure Cleaning 3323.1icketlrailer Maintenance • Purchase 3324 • Paining ond,Rccessories 332E • Uneorms 5326 • Park Ver icie Maintenance and Repair 3327 • Purchase di a Nev: Pickup lrucl. 3327 • Furcnom off New Closed Van 3320 • Eouipment Leasing and Rentals 332E 7 - Eouipmeni Purchase 2126.2 • leurpmen: Repair: 3325 • Miscelianeoue Supplws 3330 • Gelor Maintenance and Repairs 3331 • Park E lecaitian Ongoing Maintenance 3332 - 1.111 Station and Fur% Service Cont-act 3322 •'Eie:Vice Main er,an:e Meterrals 3334 . bulbs, Frs1ures anc Panes 333E • AP Cendilioner Replaseeeni Coal 333E • AP Conditioning Maintenance Contort 3337 • Alarm Monitoring Services 333E • Dade County water and Sewer 3339 - FPL Ulilrlres EAYFRONT F'ARK MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 200612007 Requested Budget 01'2006307 75933 • 3 4D,D00 40,000 3 36000 3 3 C.000 ! 27,00D 3 2F,0C10 1 25,630 47,00D 3 24,00D 3 31.000 42,030 3 1,500 10,309 ! 1 7,500 3 1:,00D 1 20,30G $ 11,039 3 1,030 1 2C,000 3 4;500 3 IC,000 3 13.000 3 1,000 3 19,000 3 100D , S 1.000 3 10,03D F 030 3 10,00D 3 1.000 ! 2L000 3 r.000- 3 10,000 3 E,000 S 10,000 1 1.000 S 2,500 60,000 149,300 Approved Protected Approved Audited Budget Actual Budget 14Beel FY 2025106 FY 2005106 FY 2004191 FY 2000105 S 52.000 3 52000 5 '41,000 3 46:673 3 3E,300 1 32,000 3 33,030 3 30!425 3 35,300 3 33.000 3 33,000 3 32,310 3 30,250 3 77,500 3 27,500 1 21,109 3 32.250 3 21000 3 27,500 3 25431 1 25,500 3 19.603 3 21400 3 13,501 3 26.400 1 S 3 3 - 3 3 3 - S 42,500 3 36,000 3 43.500 3 36,011 3 24,000 3 24,030 1 23,790 3 19,736 3 30,000 3 30,035 3 30,000 5 22615 3 42900 3 39,000 3 31,000 3 25,741 S E,350 3 3,000 3 7,230 5 3,552 3 3 4 3 3 50,00D 3 4 3 3 - 3 • 3 - 3 3 5.000 3 0 000 3 3,330 1 3 12,000 3 2,500 1 12,000 3 21E29 1 16,009 3 13.000 3 16,000 3 11;095 3 11,000 3 15,000 3 13,000 3 .6,049 3 3 • 3 - 3 3 E.000 3 E,000 3 1.030 3 '4;990 3 20.000 3 13,000 3 20000 3 15,94E 3 4,530 S 3.000 S 4;500 $ 1,620 3 E:-,0D0 3 51,000 3 5C000 1 4F,DE? 4 15,000 S 1:,000 S 71,000 3 5 5E5 4 2,000 3 2,000 3 2,000 3 1.29E 5 4 - 3 3 - 3 0,000 1 7.000 3 ',ODD 3 4.657 3 4,000 1 3,500 3 4,030 3 2,941 3 5;030 3 4,560 1 5 030 3 4,300 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 6,000 3 1000 3 7000 3 E!1E 3 4,000 3 4.00D 1 3,000 3 911 S F,000 3 1.000 3 6,000 5 1;967 3 10,002' 1 16.002 3 10:000 3 4,905 3 1,500 3 5.000 3 6;000 3 4,503 3 17,000 3 11,033 3-20,000 8 14,464 3 1,000 3 3.000 3 4,600 4 2,321 3 12,030 3 F 300 4 11,000 3 4.453 3 10,000 3 . 0,030 3 1E900 '3 7,512 S 13,003 1 5,000 3 7,000 S 3,720 3 1,000 1 3.330 3 E,000 4 2,500 1 . 3500 3 3,500 3 3;500 3 2,991 3 60.000 3 40,000 5 E3,000 3 49,962 S 120,000 3 103,000 1 120,000 1 11381E 35 EXPENSES MAINTENANCE 3340.1rash Remcwal Fee 23a1 • Friole 1ras4 HayIinp 2347 - Maintenance o' bash Compactor 3345 • New Garhape 6aneis 3344 • Pali. Vehicle Insurance 3345 • Chemicals 3346 • Cieaninp Supprles - 0Iher 3345.1 - Traci. asps 3345.2 • Hand Towels 5346.3 • Tali lissut 33464 • Hand Soap 3347 • Tool Purchases 3347.1 • fwet nut - MicceltaneouE 3349 Genera' Plumhinp Repel! and MainlenancE• 5350 • Maurienante 011rrlpali0n Pump: 3351 - Turf andVripahor. Sucplles 2352 • Grivaie Security 2353 • Purchase el Hand Radios 2254 • Maintenance and Repro p1 i:anc Radios 3355 • Paymeni 01 Loan ir City 3355 • Malnlenance Saiety Tri runp 3:56 • Facllrties Ceanmp Contractor 3357 • InlraatrucIore Studies 6 Expenses 9601- Capi;ar knprovemereExpenses LASER TOWER 4401 - Contractual Services 4407 - Compurer Repalrm • 4405 • Ele:trice'' Servi:er e 404 - Laser Tube Feplacemenl a46E - Wilt' Sealing F00INT9.1N : 5501 . Foyntarri Coroacl and Service:. 55C2 • Compute' Maintenance 55055 - Chemicals 5504 • ;ale, anc Screens 3503 -Mraceeaneous Maintenance 107AL MAINTENANCE EXPENSES £AYFRONT Fr4R.K MANAGEMENT TRUST OPERATING BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 200612007 Requested 5udget Fl1006101 ' 09C 2.000 12.50C 3 S 700 3 12,000 Z5001 2;500 2,000 2,50D 3 17,00D } 5000 , 3 ,DDD 3 2,50D 3 13,000 3 140,000 3 S 1.000 3 3 :.06C' 3 12C.000 S 3 3C,00D $ 1 7,000 S 1C,00C 3 1.3E :0,200 Approved projected Approved Audited 6udpel Actual budge Actual FY 1005106 FY 209510E F 7004105 FY 200005 3 5.00C, 3 50C 3 5.000 3 360 3 3 3 3 S76 3 3 3 $ 3 7,000 3 1,000 3 2.000 3 600 3 5,500 3 7,000 3 7,500 3 5,913 3 3 3 - $ 3 700 $ 3 700 3 3 3,500 3 3,000 3 3.500 3 -4,332 3 1,50D 5 1,000 $ 1.500 $ 646 3 1,-50D 3 '500 3 1,500 3 446 3 1,000 3 '900 3 500 3 205 3 2.000 3 2,50C 3 4,000 S 1,746 3 7,250 $ 12,005 3 E,400 5 7,727 3 6,000 3 5,000 3 6,000 3 1,895 3 5.000 3 4,5D0 3 5,000 3 3,717 3 2,500 3 1,000 3 0;500 3 694 3 5,000 3 6.001. 3 E,000 3 3,467 5 110,000 3 23,000 3 020,000 3 96,761 $ 3 3 • 1 • 3 2.000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 3 771 3 3 $ - $ • 3 5,000 3 2,006 3 3r000 $ 1,610 3 95,000 3 55,00C 3 05,000 $ <E,7.42 3 65,000 3 63,00C 3 60,000 3 67,275 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 $ 3 - 3 5 - 3 3 5 1 $ 30,000 5 20,00C 5 30.020 3 1600 3 3 3 7,00C. 3 7,000 3 2,000 3 6,9130 3 3 3 10,000 3 703C 3 12,1700 3 6900 1,7E1,300 911;900 4 1, =_,020 3 9031.90 20