HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 5Bayfront Pad: Management Trust Operating Budget Notes to Proposed Budget for 201216/21107 EXHIBIT 200 Special Event and Mar4:eting Revenue 201 Event Rental lncorne: proposed S420,000. Rental income reflects a projected 60-date event calendar. 202 Venue Sponsorship: proposed S00. 'Staff is pursuing a new venue sponsor. 203 'Special Event Sponsorship: proposed $100,000. Special Event Sponsorship is based on projected joint events to be done by the Trust, which would attract additional outside sponsorship. 204 Tent. Rental: proposed $200,000. Tent rental revenue is based on a projected 60 events scheduled in Bayfront Park in 2006/2007. 2005 Beer Location Fees: proposed $25,000. Beer Location Fees revenue is based on a projected 60 events scheduled in Bayfront Park in 2006/2007. 2436 Food and Soda Location Fees: proposed $30,000. Food and Soda Location Fees revenge is based on a projected 60 events scheduled in Bayfront Park in 2006/2007. 207 Arts & Crafts Location Fees: proposed $10,0000. Arts & Crafts Location Fees revenue is based on a projected 60 events scheduled in Bayfront Park in 2006/2007. 208 Special .Event Electrical: proposed $25,000. Special Event Electrical revenue is based on a projected 60 events scheduled in Bayfront Park in 2006/2007. 209'BPAMT Show Staffing: proposed $2,500. BPMT Show Staffing revenue is based on events scheduled in Bayfront Park in 2006/2007 where event staff charges are not included in rental fees. 210 Box Office Staff and Tv; anatetrment: proposedS00. Box Office Staff and Management are 11 included in rental fees. 211 Special Event Contracted Services: proposed $250,000. Special EventContractedServices are security and parking personnel required at all Trust hosted events. The revenue .is based on a projected 60 events scheduled in Bayfront Park in 2006/2007. 212 Special Event Clean -Lip Services: proposed$150,000. 'Special Event Clean -Up Services revenue is based on a projected 60 events scheduled in Bayfront Park in 2006/2007. 213 CitY of Miami Police: proposed $200,000. City of Miami Police revenue is basedon a projected 60 events scheduled in Bayfront Park in 2006/2007. 214 City of Miami Vire: proposed $100,000. City of Miami Fire revenue is based orf a projected 60 events scheduled in Bayfront Park in 2006./2007. 215 Parking Space Rental: proposed S2,500. This revenue represents fees charged to promoters for additional parking locations rented from City of Miami Department of Off -Street Parking. 2] 6 Special Event Eoui.pment Rental: proposed $10,000. Special Event Equipment` Rental revenue is based on a projected 60 events scheduled in Bayfront Park in 2005/2006. 217 Fourth of Ju!v: proposed $75,000. Revenue represents income from the Trust's annual July 4th celebration. 218 Fourth of July Citv Services: proposed S0O. The City of Miami no longer provides police, fire rescue and solid waste services for the Trust' s annual July 4th-celebration. 220Miscellaneous Services: proposed $100,000. Represents income from various services Trust provides promoters outside of those listed above. 221 Park Damage - Events: proposed $20,000. Represents fees charged to promoters for 12 damages in Bayfront or Bicentennial Parks resulting from Special Events. 222 Special Event .Grants: proposed $60,000. Figure represents •amount to be generated through grant applications for Trust sponsored special events. �3 Special Event and Marketing Expenses 2201 Event Coordinator: proposed S60,000. The Event Coordinator is responsible for special event related activities undertaken by the Trust. 2203 Marketing & Special Event Assistant: proposed S40,000. The Event Assistant will provide assistance for marketing & special events at Bayfront & Bicentennial Parks. 2204 Marketing Director: proposed S75,000. The Marketing Director is responsible for increasing awareness -of and facility rentals for the Trust, 2245 Payrolling Costs: proposed S15,000. These funds will be used for the payrolling costs of the Special Event employees. 220644eaid & .Dental Insurance Contribution: proposed S18,000. These funds will be used to purchase health, dental, life and dismemberment insurance for Trust Special Event and Marketing employees. 2246.] Employee Retirement Plan: proposed S4,200. Funds will be used for a maximum 3% match to full tirne Bayfront Park special event and .marketingemployees' contributions to a 401A. 22'07 Day° of Show Staffine: proposed $35,000. These funds will be used to pay staff needed for set-up, teardowr, end maintenance of events. 2208 Special Event. Contracted Personnel: proposed'5210,000. These funds will be used to pay contracted personnel who provide special event parking and .security^services, as well as Alcohol ID wrist banding personnel. 2249 Box Office Personnel and Management: proposed 524,500. These funds will be used to pay box office and ticket auditing crew. 14 2210 Special Event Electric -al Services: proposed $18,000. These funds will be used to pay the Trust-s certified electrician, who is required on -site during ,all special events to connect house power to the promoter's equipment, and these fees are charged back to the promoter. 2211 City of Miami Fire Rescue Service: proposed S100,000. Fire Rescue Service is required at al] special events to ensure the safety and well being of park visitors. 2212 City of Miami Police: proposed $200,000. City of Miami Police representatives are required at all special -events to ensure the security and well-being of park visitors. 2213 Event Cleanup Services: proposed $120,000. These funds will be used to pay during event and after -event cleaning contractor. 2214 Parking Space Rental: proposed $2,500. These fees will be used to obtain additional parking locations, as needed, from the City of Miami Department of Off Street Parking. 2215 Special Event E,oui,pnnent Purchase: proposed $5,000. These funds will be used to purchase event related equipment (under 5750) for rental to the park' s promoters. 2236 Special Event Tent°Rental: proposed $150,000. These funds will be used to rent tents, tables, chairs, lights, side -walls and table skirts from the Trust' s lent contractor. 2217 Special Event. Equipment Rental: proposed S40,000. These funds will be used to rent equipment from various vendors required for special -events. 2218 31 MT Sponsored Events: proposed $60,000. These funds will be used to -sponsor various community events supported and approved by the Bayfront Park Management Trust. 2238.] BPMT S_potrsored Nonprofit Community _Events: proposed "$100,000. These funds will be used to sponsor various non-profit and for -profit community based events through direct -grants generally not to exceed $5,000 per event. 2218.2 BPMT Sponsored Holiday Events: proposed S50,000. These funds will be used fore production costs -of the Holiday Tree and Menorah events. 2218.3 BPMT Sponsored New Year's Eve: proposed 3150,000. These funds will be used for the production costs of the Trust' s annual New Year's Eve celebration. 2219 Fourth of JuIv: proposed'S75,000. These funds will be used for the production costs oldie Trust' s annual July 4th celebration. 2220 Fourth of July City Services: proposed $50,000. This •expense represents the.aostofCity of Miami services, police, fire rescue, trash removal, for the Trust' s annual July 4th celebration. 2221 Insurance: proposed $3,000. These funds will be used to purchase general liability and third party alcohol insurance for Trust produced events. 2222 Website Design and Production: proposed $00. 2222.1 Event Booking Softw are: proposed S7,500. These funds will be used•toacquire an event booking software. 2223 Website Hosting. Revision and Maintenance: proposed S3.500. These funds will be used to pay for website hosting, necessary revisions and maintenance services for the Bayfront Park Management Trust website. 2224 Marketing Opportunkv Fund: proposed S20,000. These funds will be usedto undertrake special events, promotions, or other marketing opportunities to further increase the Trust's services to the community. 2225 Print Advertising: proposed S 16,000. These funds will be used to purchase print 1.6 advertising to support Trust sponsored events, or to promote Bayfront Park as a desirable destination for the general public, as well as event planners and promoters. 2226 Broadcast .Advertising: proposed $5,000. These funds will be used to purchase broadcast advertisine to support Trust sponsored events, or to promote Bayfront Park as a desirable destination for the general public, as well as event planners and promoters. 2227 Design and Graphics: proposed $10,000. These funds will be used to contract with a designer to create brochures and packets to support Bayfront Park Management Trust sponsored events, or to promote Bayfront Park as a desirable destination for the general public, as well es • event planners and promoters. 2228 Photosraphic and Video Services: proposed $6,000. These funds will be used to purchase and develop film and contract with photographers and videographers to document events at Bayfront Park. 2229 Brochure and Promoter' s Packet Printing: proposed $12,000. These funds will be used to contract with a firm to print Bayfront Park brochures and promoter' s packets. 2230 Promotional: proposed S5,000. These funds will be used to purchase promotional items, which promote Bayfront Park as a desirable destination for the general public, as well as event planners and promoters. 223] Special Event Miscellaneous Expenses: proposed'$30,000. These funds will be used to make miscellaneous purchases that .arise in the course of doing special events. 2232$ecial Event Damakes: proposed $00. 17