HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 4BUILDING BETTER COMMUNITIES GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PROGRAM AD J1 IINISTRATIVE RULES TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE 1 - GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTION 1. BACKGROUND SECTION 2. SCOPE SECTION 3. GENERAL SECTION 4. DEFINITIONS ARTICLE 11 -FUNDING SECTION 1. SECTION 2. SECTION 3. SECTION 4. Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 PROCEDURES Page 5 FUNDING CYCLES; APPLICATION SUBMISSION PERIODS Page 5 FUNDING APPLICATION Page 6 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Page 7 ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION AND EVALUATION Page 9 ARTICLE IJI -.GRANT ADMINISTRATION SECTION 1. FUNDING ALLOCATION ADMINISTRATION & REIMBURSEMENT POLICY SECTION 2. COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBILITIES SECTION 3. REPORTS SECTION 4. PROJECT CLOSE-OUT SECTION 5. INTERPRET.ATION; ADMINISTRATION Page 11 Payee 11 Page 18 Page 21 Page 21 Page 22 Bui]ding better Cor, munitiv .Adtninistmtive Ruie,s 1 of22 .ARTICLE 1 - GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTI1ON 1. BACKGROUND These administrative rules govern the implementation by Miami -Dade County (the "County") of its Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond Program as established by Ordinance No. 05-47 (the "Ordinance"). SECTION 2. SCOPE These administrative rules have been prepared to address the administration and allocation of funds for the projects and programs identified in the Building Better Communities Genera] Obligation Bond Program (BBC GOB Program). In addition to the funding of Projects specifically listed in the BBC GOB Program, eligible projects may be funded through the application process described in these administrative rules with monies from four (4) funds. The funds are the Historical Preservation Fund; the Economic Development Fund, the Not -for -Profit Community Organization Capital Fund and the Primary Health Care Facilities Fund (collectively, the "Funds"). -SECTION 3. GENER4`L All recipients of funding for specific projects identified in the BBC GOB Program, and for projects approved for funding from one of the Funds are required to follow these administrative rules. Failure to do so may lead to disqualification. Additional copies of the. administrative rules and/or -application materials may be obtained by contacting the County Manager's Office. All inquiries, correspondence and applications for the BBC GOB Program should be addressed to: Miami -Dade County County Manager's Office 111 NW 1 Street Suite 2910 Miami. Florida 33128 Attention: Roger T. Hemstadt or to a Department or agency of Miami -Dade County, serving as the County Manager's Designated Representative. SECTION 4. DEFINITIONS The following is a list of terms and definitions that .are used in these administrative rules: "Acquisition" means the act of obtaining real property and/or capital assets or interests and rights in real property and/or capital assets by various legal means to serve public purpose. "Applicant" means a Public Agency, not -for -profit organization, Municipality or other entity eligible to participate in the BBC GOB Program, which submits a Funding Application Package to the County during an announced Application Submission Period. Building Better Comr unitieE Administrative Rules 2 of 22 "Application" means the process described in these rules to make a formal request for 'Funding Allocation which remains open until the execution of a Grant Agreement or Interlocal Agreement, as the case may be, or a decision by the. County -not to provide -a Total Funding Allocation. ".Application Submission Period" means the formally announced period of time for the submission of a Funding Application Package in a given Funding Cycle. "f3oard of County Commissioners" or "Board" means the. legislative and the governing body of the County. "Community -Bayed Organization (CBOT shall refer to any not -for -profit 5O1(c)(3) agency, group, organization. society, association, partnership or individual whose primary purpose is to provide a community service designed to improve or enhance the well-being of the community of Miami -Dade County at large or to improve or enhance the well-being of certain individuals within this community who have special needs. "County" means Miami -Dade County, Florida. "County Manager" or "Manager" means the head of the administrative branchofthe County government or his/her designated representative. "Development" means the act of physically improving an:area, facility, resource or site to increase its ability or capacity to serve the public. "Designate.d Pt-oiects" means the specific Projects approved by the Board in the Ordinance and the electors on November 2. 2004 for inclusion in the BBC GOB Program. "Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment (FF&E)" means 1) Fixtures - items that are permanently affixed to the building or property, i.e., doors, bathroom stalls, A/C units, etc.; 2) Furniture - indoor furnishings needed to allow proper 'use of a building, i.e.. desks, chairs, tables, workstations, etc.; and 3) Equipment - non -consumable tangible property with a life of at least one year that is directly related to the funded protect, such as bleachers. for courts, -audio/visual equipment for community rooms, computers for computer labs, portable basketball goals for gymnasiums. -etc. "Fund Projects" means the specific Projects approved by the County pursuant •to these administrative rules for a Funding Allocation from one of the Fund:. "Funds" means any and/or all of the following four funds included in the BBC GOB Program to address grant requests for Fund Projects: the Economic Development Fund, the Historical Preservation Fund. the ?got -for -Profit Community Organization Capita] Fund and the Primary Healthcare Facilities Fund. "Funding Cycle Allocation" means Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond funds .approved by the Board it a given year for use by a Recipient for implementation of a Project pursuant to these administrative rules. "Funding Allocation" means (i) the total amount of Building Better Communities 'General Obligation Bond funds approved by the Board on July 20, 2004 for use by a Recipient for especific Building Better Communnie; Adm nist mtive Rules 3 of 22 Project: or (ii) the total amount approved hv the County from a Fund for use by a Recipient for a specific Project. "Fundtn:g Application Forth" means the base application form provided by the County Manager to be completed by the Applicant and submitted as part of the Funding Application Package. "Funding Application Package" means the complete submittal package required by these administrative rule: and submitted by an Applicant for a Project. (See Article 1l, Section 2). "Funds Cycle" means the time between the opening of an Application Submission, Period .and the approval by the Board of the Projects to receive a Funding Cycle Allocation from the next series of general obligation bonds. "Grant .Agreement" means an executed grant agreement between the County and a Recipient (other than a grant to a Municipality or Public Agency, which grant will be evidenced by an executed tnt.erlocal Agreement) setting forth mutual obligations regarding a Funding Cycle Allocation for a Project. "lnterlocal Agreement" means an executed grant agreement between the County and a 'Recipient that is a Municipality or Public Agency setting forth mutual obligations regarding a Funding Cycle Allocation for a Project. "ll4ateb" means cash committed by the Recipient, as stipulated in the approved Grant Agreement or the lnterlocal Agreement, as the case may be, to complement funding awarded from the BBC GOB Program. "Municipality" means a political unit, such as a city, town, or village, incorporated for local self- government within the confines of Miami -Dade County. "Ordinance" means the Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond Ordinance No. 05- .7. "Pre -Agreement Expenses" means eligible expenses identified in Article Ili, Section 3(B) of these rules incurred by a Recipient for accomplishment of a Project prior to full execution of a Grant Agreement or an lnterlocal Agreement, as the case may be. "Project" means each Designated Project or Fund Project; as the case may be, identified in a Funding Application Package and approved by the County for a Funding Allocation. "Public Agency or Public Agencies" means an agency or agencies or administrative division or divisions of the United States government, the State of Florida, the County, or any municipality within the County. "Recipient" means an entity receiving a Funding, Allocation. "Soft Costs" means real and verifiable expenditures for administration; project management (not related toconstruction supervision), indirect costs (accountingrpur chasing/personnel, etc.), imposed fees (e.g., permit processing fees) and those costs NOT related to construction material, labor, .equipment or construction sub -contractors. Soft Costs for the purpose of this Program are classified Building )=terser Cornmunine= Adavnisrrative Rules 4oI2 by the following three areas: Project Administration - administration, project management (not related to construction supervision), indirect costs (accounting/purchasing/personnel, etc.) .and imposed fees (e.g., Professional Services Agreement selection/permit processing fees). Project management t• elated to construction supervision is not considered a soft cost; and Planning Services - Mast el. Plan development and approval and feasibility studies; and Design Services - schematic design, design development, construction documents, bidding or negotiation and as built drawings. Construction supervision and/or inspection are not considered soft costs. All costs associated with land acquisition such as: appraisals, due diligence, cost of land, project administration related to land purchase, legal fees, etc. are not part of the soft costs. "Targeted Urban Areas" or "TUA" means the geographical communities which have been designated by the Board of County Commissioners. "UMSA" means Unincorporated Municipal Service Area of the County, for which the County provides municipal services. Projects occurring within areas defined as U?v1SA are subject to the same administrative rules as any other project seeking Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond funding, regardless of the entity involved in the project. ARTICLE 11 — FUNDING PROCEDURES SECTION 1. FUNDING CYCLES; APPLICATION SUBNOSS3.ON PERIODS .A Funding Cycle shall be established by the Board one periodic basis related to the sale -of bonds, provided there are Building Better Communities General Obligation Bonds remaining to be sold. Each Project may be funded during one or more Funding Cycles through a Funding Allocation. Eligible entities must apply for these Funding Allocations. Eligible entities existing on/.or before July 20rh, 2004, the date the Genera] Obligation Bond Resolutions were approved by the Board, will receive priority consideration for Project approval and Funding Allocation. A Grant Agreement or lnterlocal Agreement between the County and the Recipient, -as the case may be, implements the Funding Allocations, The Funding Application package shall be delivered on or before the last day .of the announced Application 'Submission Period. The County may announce an additional Application Submission Period if funds remain or become available after the preceding Application SubmissionPeriod is complete. Each Application Submission Period and other pertinent application information shell be publicly announced in newspapers of general circulation in the County at ]east one (I) month prior to the deadline for submission of the Funding Application Package, unless otherwise waived by the Board. Building Bever Communities Adminir ratite Rules 5 of 22 SECTION 2. FUNDING .APPLICATION An Applicant must submit a complete Funding Application in order to be eligible to receive a Funding. Allocation award. A complete Funding Application Package means one that meets all the requirements of the Ordinance and these administrative rules and is supported by proper documentation required by these administrative rules. The Funding Application Package shall consist of: 1) Completed Funding Application Form. 2) Completed line item budget. The. line item budget must be submitted with budget justifications for the Construction and Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment line items. The justification should provide detailed descriptions of the project elements. Reimbursement for Fixtures. Furniture & Equipment is contingent upon prior inclusion and approval of these expenses in the Grant Agreement. (See Article III, Section 1(C)). 3) Letter(s) of commitment for matching funds that complement the Funding Allocation request as may be required by the Application. 4) Projected completion date for the Project and if the Project will be constructed .in phases, the completion date of each phase. 5) Project location map. 6) For Development Projects, certification of ownership of a site by the Applicant or evidence of land tenure sufficient to satisfy the County that the Project may be developed 'on the designated site. 7) Written evidence (resolution or other legally required documentation), which at a Minimum: (i) authorizes the execution of the GrantAgreementor the lnerloca] Agseernent, as the case may be; (ii) commits the Applicant to complete the Project; (iii) as applicable, coma its the Applicant to provide operating, maintenance and programming funds upon completion .of the Project, to the extent allowed by law; and (iv) provides that the Funding Allocation, shall not be used in substitution of other capital project funding available to the Applicant. S) Any other documentation that the Board may require from time to time. An Applicant may request funding for a major Project in phases. Each phase shall constitute a distinct portion of the proposed Project. Each Applicant requesting funding for a Project in phases shall commit to completing the Project as defined in the Grant Agreement or the Interloca] Agreement, as the case may be, unless otherwise modified by approval of the Board in -accordance with these rules and the Ordinance. 3n the event an applicant intends to submit a request for pre -agreement reimbursement, the applicant shall comply with Article III. Section 1(B)). Buitdir Better Correriunities Administrative Rules 6 of 22 SECTION 3. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS A) Designated Projects Eligibility requirements for Applicants • Active and duly registered Florida not -for -profit 501(c)(3) corporation. Comply with the County's Administrative Order-15. • Active and duly registered Florida for -profit corporation or recognized business entity. • Municipal entity or agency based in Mianni-Dade County. • Owner or ]essee. of residential or commercial property located within Miarni-Dade County on which the Designated Project shall be situated. • Financially stable including financial commitments to complete the Designated Project. B) Fund Projects ] . Funds Objectives The Economic Development Fund (the "EDF") is a component of the Building Better Communities Bond Program and is available for the purpose of providing infrastructure improvements to spur economic development and attract new businesses to thecommunity in order to create jobs. The EDF includes S75 million that is available countywide and S15 million that is specifically focused on the County's designated Targeted Urban Areas. Eligible uses of the EDF include but are not limited to: infrastructure funding for road construction, water and sewer lines, fencing, sidewalks, entryways, lighting, and handicap accessibility; acquisition of land or buildings; and new construction of buildings; renovation of buildings. ineligible uses of the EDF include but are not limited to: working capita]; furniture and fixtures; office equipment; and other non -capital related expenses. The Historical Preser+ation Fund. the Primary Healthcare Facilities Fund -and the Not -for - Profit Community Organization Capita] Fund are a component of the Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond initiative for the purpose of funding projects that. support the County's historic preservation, primary healthcare, -and community agency infrastructure needs. These are capital projects that improve the quality of life for the County's citizens, enhance medical facilities: rehabilitate historic properties, save irreplaceable historic venues.. and serve as a catalyst for preserving and protecting Miami - Dade County's future. Medical institutions, historically and culturally significant properties: and Community -Based Organizations needing capital funds for construction, renovation, and expansion of facilities within the community that meet the criteria for the following programs may be eligible for assistance from these funds. 2) Program Descriptions and Criteria a) Economic Development Fund. Building Bener Commsrnines Adrniniscative Rules 7 of22 This program includes S i5 million that is •available countywide and S15 million that is specifically focused on the County's designated Targeted Urban Areas to spur economic development and attract new businesses in order to create jobs. Eligibility Requirements for Applicants: • Active and duly registered Florida not -for -profit 501(c)(3) corporation. • Active and duly registered Florida for -profit corporation or recognized business entity. • Municipal entity or agency based in Miami -Dade County. • Owner or lessee of residential or commercial property located within Miami -Dade County on which the Designated Projects will be situated. • Financially stable including financial commitments to complete the Designated Project. • Those listed in any Request For Proposal's related to this Fund. b) Historic Preservation Fund This prograrn includes S ] 0 million and is intended to provide matching funds to private property owners, private nonprofit organizations, and municipal government agencies for the acquisition, relocation and rehabilitation of designated historic properties, or properties eligible for designation as a historic property or as a contributing historic district property, which has applied for such a designation within Miami -Dade County. Eligibility Requirements for Applicants: • Active -and duly registered Florida not -for -profit 501(c)(3) corporation. • Active and duly registered Florida for -profit corporation or recognized business entity. • Municipal entity or agency based in Miami -Dade County. • -Omer of residential or commercial property located within Miami -Dade County. • Individually listed as municipal, County. State or National Register of historic property located in Miami -Dade County. • Contributing Property within a designated municipal, County, State or national historic district located in Miami -Dade County. • Property determined eligible for listing as an individual historicsite or as a contributing historic district property, and which has applied for such designation, in a Municipality, County, State or National Register. -and located within Miami -Dade County. • Those listed in any Request For Proposal's related to this Fund. c) Not -for -Profit Community Organization Capital Fund The objective of this fund is to build and sustain the capability and capacity of the not - for -profit sector and support entities that enhance the quality of life of Miami -Da -de County by delivering needed services. The S30 million allocated to this fund recognizes the importance and continuing contributions that these organizations make to the future of Miami -Dade County. Bever Communities Administrative Rules 8of2% Eiieibility Requirements for Applicants: • Legally incorporated 501(c)(3) not -for -profit organization lacking access to government sources of capital funding. • Demonstrable financial stability. • Organization's mission is consistent with goals identified in the Miami -Dade County Strategic Plan. • Demonstrate ownership of or intent to purchase e facility. • Letter of Commitment confirming the resources necessary•to accomplish the project. • Architectural engineering study and'or equipment specifications -and professional cost estimate. • Two (2) year management and budget plan for the facility. • Those listed in any Request For Proposal's related to this Fund. c) Primary Healthcare Facilities Fund The objective of this fund is to build and sustain the capability and capacity of the not - for -profit sector and support entities that enhance the duality of primary healthcare within Miami -Dade County by delivering needed services. The $25 -million allocated to this fund recognizes the importance ar,d continuing contributions that these organizations, and the care that they provide, make to the future of Miami -Dade County. Eligibility Requirements for Applicants: • Legally incorporated 50] (c)(3) not -for -profit organization lacking access to government sources of capital funding. • Demonstrable financial stability. • Organization's mission is consistent with goals identified in the Miami -Dade County Strategic Plan. • Demonstrate ownership of or intent to purchase a facility. • Letter of Commitment confirming the resources necessary to accomplish the project. • Architectural/engineering study and/or equipment specifications and professional cost estimate. • Two (2) year management and budget plan for the facility. • Those listed in any Request For Proposal's related to this Fund. 'SECTION 4. ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION AND EVALUAT3ON Following closure of an Application Submission Period, the County Manager will review and evaluate each Funding Application Package for funding eligibility or ineligibility, The County Manager may use entities such as the following to .assist him in the review and -to create Project Review Committees. Economic -Development Fund • Empowerment Zone Trust Board • Miami -Dade Empowerment Trust • Office of Community and Economic Development Building..B ter Comnunsties Administrative Rules 9of22 • Coalition of Chambers of Commerce • Task: Force on urban Revitalization • Metro Miami Action Plan Trust • Beacon Council • Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce • Dade League of Cities Historic Preservation Fund • Dade Heritage Trust • Historic Preservation Board Not -for -Profit Community Organization Capital Fund • Alliance for Human Services • Dade Community Foundation Primary Healthcare Facilities Fund • Office of Countywide Health Care Planning Any such entity shall adhere to public record protocols specified under Administrative Order No. 3- 31. Funding Allocations for eligible projects may be recommended to the County Manager by the Project Review Committee. The County Manager and the Project Review Committee may determine that a Funding Application Package be classified as: A) Ineligible. Declaration that the Project identified in a Fording Application Package is ineligible. B) Conditionally Eligible. The Board may determine that a Project is eligible for funding upon satisfaction of specified conditions. In the event that conditional approval is given, Board staff •shal] verify that the conditions have been satisfied prior to executing a Grant Agreement or an lnterloca] Agreement, as the case may be. C) Eligible. Declaration that a Project identified in a Funding Application Package is fully eligible. Funding Application Package: determined to be Eligible or Conditionally E1i•gible shall be reviewed and competitively evaluated to recommend bond funding -allocations. A listing of all Funding Application Packages shall be reviewed by the GOB Sub -committee and presented to the Board by the County Manager in the form of a Resolution stating.the eligibility determination, presenting he County Manager's funding recommendations based on the competitive evaluation and seeking approval for the disbursement of funds. Building Benei CornmunitieE _Adrninistra1ive Rues 10 of 22 ARTICLE i11 — GRANT ADMINISTRATION SECTION 1. FUNDING ALLOCATION ADMINISTRATION & 4'.EIMEI t'S£MENT POLICY A) Grant Agreement or Interlocal Agreement 1) As a condition of award of a Funding Allocation. the BBC GOB Program -and the Recipient shall enter into e Grant Agreement or an lnterlocel Agreement, as the case may be. which sets fonh the responsibilities and duties of each regarding administration of the approved Project and approved Funding .Allocation. 2) The Grant Agreement or the Inter]ocal Agreement; as the case may be, shall specify the following, and shall incorporate such other terms and conditions as may be required by particular circumstances: a) A Project Narrative;Description of Project, including location of Project, and beginning and end dates; b) An overall budget for the Final Project, identifying additional sources of revenue; c) A Funding Allocation line item budget (proposed use of BBC GOB funds); d) If the Recipient is a Community -Based Organization or other entity (not a Municipality or Public Agency, a letter of commitment of matching funds validly executed committing the organization to raise any additional capital funds necessary to complete the Project; and committing to provide operating, maintenance and programming funds upon completion of the Project, el] as authorized and approved by the Recipient's Board of Directors or governing entity; e) If the Recipient is a Municipality or Public Agency: a letter of commitment of snatching funds validly executed committing the organization to appropriate capital funds necessary to complete the Project and to provide operating, maintenance and programming funds upon completion of the Project; all as authorized and -approved by the governing board of such Municipality or Public Agency; f) Certification of ownership, or evidence of lease or other use -agreement for a minimum un-expired term of 25 years; .g) Business plan and/or operating pro -forma: defining and identifying strategies to address the impact the Project will have on the organization's operational structure; and h) A list of consultants that will be involved in the development of the Project .(e.g., Owner's project manager(s). Architecture and Engineering team, Specialty Consultants, Developers, Genera] Contractor or Construction Manager, etc.) as they become available. ------S;a41d4g..;€5;e- Communataei Adrrani=U2t ve Rules 11 of22 B) Pre -.Agreement Expenses. The incurring of Pre -Agreement Expenses creates no obligation on the County to execute a Grant Agreement or lnterlocal Agreement, as the case may be, or otherwise satisfy those expenses. However, prior to the effective date of the Grant Agreement or lnterlocal Agreement, as the case may be,. a Recipient may incur eligible Pre -Agreement Expenses as defined in Article ] - Section 4, and then after the effective date of the Grant .Agreement or lnterlocal Agreement. as the case may be, be reimbursed for those costs, provided that: 1) The costs :and activities are funded as pan of the Funding Allocation award and are in compliance with the requirements of the Ordinance and these rules. 2) For those Projects funded by bond proceeds from bond -sales subsequent to the sale of the Series 2005 Bonds, reimbursement of Pre -.Agreement Expenses is limited to those Pre - Agreement Expenses incurred one (1) year prior to the first day of the Application Submission Period, unless previously approved by the Board. 3) The Recipient has notified the County Manager in writing of the intent to submit eligible Pre -.Agreement expenses for reimbursement within 30-days of a Grant Agreement or lnterlocal Agreement being executed. Recipients shall send a letter addressed to the County Manager for his review and approval of eligible expenses. C) Payment. Recipients are paid allocated funds subject -to the following conditions: ] Cosi of Issuance of Bonds. Not more than one percent (1%) of the value of each Funding Allocation award may be earmarked for al] costs incidental to the preparation, issuance and administration of the BBC GOB Program. 2 Timing. Project costs eligible for reimbursement -shall be incurred between the effective, date -of, and the Project completion date identified in, the Grant Agreement or the lnterlocal Agreement, as the case may be, with the exception of Pre -Agreement Expenses. 3) Soft Cost Limits. Project Soft Costs for Planning Services, Design Services and Project Administration, as defined in Article 1 Section 4, "Soft Costs", -are eligible for funding provided that bond proceeds utilized to pay for such costs do not exceed -seventeen percent (l i%) of the total bond proceeds allocated to a given Project. This limitation may be waived by the Board. Where a major Project is funded in phases, this cost limit may not necessarily -apply to each individual Project phase, but must apply to the Funding Allocation for the Project. 4) Recipients will implement their own procurement process; however, they shall comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations, including the County ordinances and regulations. 5) Recipients are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of Funding Allocation supported activities, and maintaining communications with the County Manager regarding the Proj-ect. Recipients must monitor Funding Allocation supported activities -to assure compliance with the Ordinance, these rules, the Grant Agreement or interlocal Agreement, as the case may be, and all applicable Federal, State and local requirements. Building Bener Communities Adnvnisnranve Rules 12 of22 6) Payments to the Recipient may be withheld at any time that the Recipient fails o oornply with the terms of the Grant Agreement or the 1nterlocal Agreement, as the case may be. Funds withheld for failure to comply with the terms of the Grant Agreement -or (he Interinocal Agreement, as the case may be, but without suspension of the Funding Allocation Mall be released to the Recipient upon subsequent compliance. Recipients will not be required to reimburse the County for payments already received by the County from the Recipient unless the Recipient fails to develop and/or operate the Project for the purpose described in the Funding Application Package. 7) Recipient's must complete the authorized signature form (Exhibit A). 5) In general: payment shall be made on a reimbursement basis. A Funding Allocation Recipient may submit a Request for Advance Payment fonn (Exhibit B) for review and approval by the County Manager. Approved recipients may receive an advance payment no more that ] SO days in advance of the allocation schedule approved by the Boarid, for up to 25% of the value of the Funding Allocation for the subject Project. All advance payments received by a Recipient shall be maintained in a separate interest bearing account and may not be co -mingled with other funds. All advances must be fully accounted for within one (1) year of the date of the approval and before subsequent reimbursement requests are paid. The recipient will be required to close the account and submit a check io the 'County for the interest earned accompanied by an interest Earned on Advance Fortis (Exhibit `C). Upon receipt of the check and supporting documentation all subsequent reimbursement requests can be paid. Check must be made payable to Miami -Dade County Board of .County Commissioners and forwarded to the Office of the County Manager. 9) Recipients must submit reimbursement/payment-requests -no later -than ..quarterly. If a Recipient is unable to submit a reitnbursernentipayment request by -the quarterly deadline, a written justification indicating the reason for the delay and expected submission date is required to be submitted by the deadline. Failure to comply with this -requirement shall render the Recipient in non-compliance with the Administrative Rules and may -result in reduction or forfeiture of payment, at the discretion of the County Manager. Failure to submit two consecutive requests shall be deemed a forfeiture of all rights unlessspeciftcally waived by the County Manager. The Recipient must submit a written explanation for such delays in order to be considered for a waiver of this requirement and all such waivers shad be made at the sole discretion of the County Manager. 10) Recipients shall complete, sign, and submit to the County the appropriate Reimbursement Request forms as necessary (Exhibits D through H) accompanied by.supporting documentation (i.e., copies of invoices, receipts and check payments). 11) Reimbursement requests for Fixtures, Furniture & Equipment items must be included and approved in the Grant Agreement or the lnterloca] .Agreement, as the case may be, prior to acquisition. Written requests for Fixtures. Furniture 41 Equipment approval must be accompanied by Exhibit H. 12) In accordance with State law, five (5%) of the value of the Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond funding for a given Project shall be retained by the County for all projects in excess of S 100,000, unless otherwise recommended in writing by staff and approved by the Board. Upon completion of a Project, a signed project completion Building Better Communities Admini{trative Rules 13 of 22 c.ertif}care (Exhibit I) must be submitted with the final reimbursement request forms in order for the remaining retainage to be released. 13) The County Manager may require that reimbursement requests far any Funding Allocations requiring, a cash match must be accompanied by documentation of the expenditure of committed match funds (i.e., copies of invoices, canceled checks; etc.). 14) Each Recipient will ensure that all contractors and consultants perform in accordance with the terms, conditions, drawings and specifications of their contracts or purchase orders and that al] Federal; State and local contracting rules apply. 15) Each Recipient shall maintain an accounting system, which meets generally accepted accounting principles, and shal] maintain all required financi-al records to properly account for all Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond funds and any supplemental funds. used for the Project. The Recipient shal] at al] times maintain a separate accounting of a]] Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond funds. 1 b) Each Recipient shall be responsible for reporting, on a continuous, on -going basis, any contractual relationship established to perform work on the project, start dates, progress payments, completion dates, etc. in the system provided by the County. 17) The Recipient shall be responsible for completing the Project. lithe total cost of the Project exceeds the value of the Funding Allocation, then the Recipient must provide any supplemental funds required. In the event that supplemental funds are necessary for completion of a Project, as of the point in time that it is known that supplemental funds are needed; the Recipient must demonstrate that such supplemental funds have been committed to the Project prior to and as a condition of disbursement or further disbursement of Funding .Allocations. The requirement for a Recipient to provide supplemental funds may be modified, in pan or whole, by the Board, to the .extent that it approves in writing any reduction or change to the Project scope of work in accordance with the Ordinance. Approval of -arty reduction or change in scope of work is at the sole discretion of the Board. D) .Acquisition Projects. Guidelines and requirements for administering Acquisition Project Funding Allocations are as follows: 1 Appraisal Required. Prior to •acquisition of a Project site, a Recipient must obtain ,an appraisal or appraisals supporting the fair market value of the land to -be acquired. Pursuant to State law, if the property is S500,000 or less in appraised value, one appraisal is required. If the property exceeds $500,000 in appraised value; two appraisals are required. 2 Amount Authorized for Payrnent. The amount of Funding Allocation authorized for payment for land acquisition.shall in no case exceed the Funding Allocation available for the Project. In the event that the negotiated acquisition price exceeds by ten percent or ,greater the appraised value of the land, the disbursement of Funding Allocation shall be -conditioned upon a written justification for the purchase price and other conditions attendant to the proposed purchase, which justification is declared satisfactory by the Board inwriting. Appraisal costs are eligible Funding Allocation costs as long as the appraised property is being rea]istically•and seriously considered for Acquisition, regardless of the outcome. �___w BuiJd:n �3erar Communities AdministretiN'e Rule_ 14 of 22 3 Environmental Survey. The Recipient may tint acquire land for a BBC GOB Program funded Project until a Phase 1 environmental survey is completed, which demonstrates That the property is suitable for its intended general use and for the specific Project. GOB funds may be used for the necessary clean-up a Phase II environmental survey may require provided the 'scope of the project is not impacted. Changes to the scope°of The project require BCC approval. 4 Signage. For six months following an Acquisition, the County shall post a sign, in the general design provided by the County, containing the Building Bever Communities General Obligation Bond logo, identifying the source of Project funding. The oast ofsuch a sign is eligible for payn-,ent from the Funding .Allocation. 5) Ownership. Title to land acquired with BBC GOB Program funds or facilities r.onstructedideveloped with Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond funds shall vest with a Public Agency or a legally incorporated 5O1ic)(3) not -for -profit Community -Based Organization. E) Development Projects. Guidelines and requirements for administering Development Project Funding Allocations are as follows: I) Licensed Contractors; Contractor Bonds. Duly licensed contractors shall perform all construction. Construction contracts for work in excess of the threshold amounts established in Section 255.20 of the Florida Statutes shall require payment and performance bonds, which comply with the requirements of Section 255.05, Florida Statutes. 2) Cost Elements. a) Construction Equipment. Recipients are required to use their own equipment, if available. if a Recipient's equipment is used, the maximum Funding Allocation payment shall cover operating and routine maintenance costs of such equipment; the Funding Allocation .excludes any depreciation ,or replacement cost from payment. if a Recipient's equipment is used, a report or source document must describe the work performed, indicate the hours used and be related to the Project. if a Recipient does not have needed construction equipment available, then the Recipient may rent such eq uiprtent. b) Construction Supplies and Materi-als. Supplies and materials may be purchased for a specific Project or may be drawn from a central stock, providing they are claimed at a cost no higher than that which the Recipient paid. When supplies an elior materials are purchased with the intention of constructing a piece of equipment, structure or part of a structure, the costs that are charged as supplies and materials may be capitalized according to the Recipient's normal practice or policy.. If capitalized, only the cost reasonably attributable to the Project may be claimed under the Project. c) Personnel or Employee Services. Services of the Recipient's employees who perform work directly related to the accomplishment of the Project are eligible costs payable from the Funding .Allocation. These costs must be .computed according to the Recipient's prevailing wage or salary scales and may include fringe benefit costs, such as. vacations, sick leave, FJC.A, MICA, health :and life insurance, and workers compensation Building Better Communities Administrative Rules 35 of 22 the Recipient's established fringe benefit rate. Costs charged to the Project must be computed on the basis of actual time spent on the Project, and supported by time and attendance records describing the work performed an the Project. Overtime costs may be allowed under the Recipient's established policy, provided that the regular work time %vas devoted to the same Project. Salaries and wages claimed for employees working on allocation -funded Projects must not exceed the Recipient's established rates for similar positions or rates per industry standards. Alternative methodologies for established wage rates must be pre -approved by the Board. d) Consultant Services. The costs of consultant services necessary for the Project are eligible for payment from the Funding Allocation. The Recipient must pay consultants according to the Recipient's customary or established method and rate. No consultant fee may be paid to the Recipient's own employees. 3) Cost Activities. a) Construction activities. The cost of all necessary construction activities, from site preparation (including demolition; survey, excavation and other site work) to the completion of a structure is eligible for payment from the Funding Allocation. b) Fixtures; Furniture and Equipment. The cosi of Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment necessary to operate the facility are eligible for payment from the Funding Allocation if approved in the Grant Agreement or the interlocal Agreement, as the case may be, and a detailed list of eligible items is submitted in writing -and approved by the County Manager prior to its purchase (See Article Ill, Section l (c)). Costs for consumable goods shall not be considered eligible for payrnient from the Funding Allocation. Also, refer to Article 1, Section 4 fora detailed definition of Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment. c) Interpretive. Signs and Aids. The cost of signs, display boards or other interpretive aids relating to the Project are eligible for payment from the Funding Allocation. d) Signage. During the time period of Development, the County shall post a sign in a prominent location at the Project site in the general design provided by the County depicting the Building Better Communities Genera] Obligation Bond logo and identifying the source of funding for the Project. The cost of such a sign iseligible for payment from the Funding AIlocation. Recipients are encouraged to use value -engineering clauses in contracts for construction projects of sufficient size to offer reasonable opportunities for cost reductions. 4) The following is a nonexclusive list of costs ineligible for payment from the Funding Allocation: a) Funding Application costs. b) Ceremonial expenses. c) Expenses for publicity. Buiidine Bette: Communities Adrninistraiive Rules lb of 22 d) Bonus payments unless specifically authorized by the Board. e) Charges in excess of the lowest responsive and responsible bid or proposal in accordance with the governing rules and procedures of the Recipient, when the law requires the Recipient to utilize competitive selection. In the event a selection process is used, other than a low bid process any cost in excess of the cost of the highest ranked firm shall be considered ineligible. fj Charges for deficits or overdrafts. g) Charges incurred contrary to the policies and practices of the Recipient. h) interest expense (May be reimbursed at the discretion of the Board if incurred during the construction period and is attributable only to the construction period). i) Litigation expenses or judgments. j) The cost of services, material or equipment obtained under any other program. 1<) Costs of discounts not taken. 1) The cost of purchasing a non-refundable .option when acquiring land. F) Budget Changes. 1) Recipients shall adjust their Project budgets to reflect actual costs and updated cost estimates and shall submit adjusted Project budgets to the County Manager as soon as the recipient is aware of a material budget change. 21 Budget adjustments may not exceed the ] 7% Soft Cost limitation for design, planning, and ..,cram administration, nor exceed the Project Funding. Allocation without approval of -the • 3) Recipients . the prior writter. approval of the ..,:.never budget auJustrs,L..,s are anticipated as ; tquest must be in the same budget format the Recipient use( , .Jrant Agreement or interlocal Agreement, as the case may be, end shall be accompanied by a narrative justification .for the proposed revision. 'Such request for adjustment shall, if approved, amend the Grant Agreement or interlocal Agreement, as the case may be. Requests for budget changes shall be considered whenever any of the following adjustments are required: a) For any Project involving both Acquisition and Deve budget transfers from Development to Acquisitio r:. b) Any • •nsci- • .. • u; the scope or objectives of the Project (regardless ,C whei; is an associated bur get adjustment) that substantially changes the original intent of project. - -Building Brener Communities AdrvnistrEtive Rules 17 of 22 c) Any change that \vouid increase Soft Costs for planning, design, and project administration which exceeds the limit specift,ed in .Article II1 Section 3 (c)(1). In the event that a Recipient has completed the approved scope of work for a Project and has unexpended funds, the Recipient may submit a request to the County Manager's Office toexpend these funds in an existing or new budget line item for the Project. The County Manager is authorized to approve such budget changes and expenses not to exceed 15% of the totalbudget. G) Cost Overruns. During the execution of work on a Project, the Recipient may find that actual Project costs exceed the approved budget. For cost overruns that will require additional funding for the Protect, or otherwise require a budget adjustment for which prior Board approval is required pursuant to paragraph E above, the Recipient shall: 1) Provide a justification for the additional costs; 2) identify available funds for the completion of the Project; and, if necessary 3) Request from the Board a change or revision in the Projectscope consistent with the terms of the Ordinance. The Board, at its discretion, may authorize in writing a change or revision in the scope of the Project: (i) where change or revision of the scope is consistent with the Ordinance; and (ii) where the change or revision is justified by the Recipient; and (iii) where the Recipient does not have sufficient funds to complete the Project with the -available funds. Under those circumstances, the Board, in its sole discretion, may identify other funds.available under the Ordinance for_ the Project. SECTION 2. COMPLIANCE RESPONSIBILITIES The following constitute general requirements for program compliance: A) An annual independent audit of the Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond funds must be submitted by all Recipients to the County Manager's Office no later than six months after the close of the Recipient's fiscal year for which a Funding Allocation was received and each year thereafter until Project completion. The audit report must include the Fund Summary Status Report. Exhibit J. The audit must be performed by certified independent auditors and include the following: ]) Test for compliance with the Grant Agreement or interlocal Agreement, as the case may be, Miami -Dade County Ordinance No. OS-47, applicable resolutions and the Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond Administrative Rules. 2) Test to verify compliance with advance requirements. 3) Sufficient tests, as determined by the independent auditor to verify true and accurate reflection of Project expenditures. 4) Tests to verify expenditure of required match dollars. 5) Verification of the Fund 'Summary Status Report. Buildirte Dc .er Communities .Adrrunistrative Rules ]Sof22 B) Land and facilities acquired. developed, improved or rehabilitated by Funding Allocation shall be dedicated and maintained in perpetuity for the use and benefit of the general public except where leases are in effect. Any land, facilities; or equipment acquired with Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond funds may not be sold or transferred without the written consent of the County and May require an equitable reimbursement of bond funding based on residual value. All projects shall be open to the public at reasonable times and shall be ,managed in a safe and attractive manner appropriate for public use. C) Funding Allocation for the purposes of development; improvement, rehabilitation or restoration shall be expended for these purposes only on lands owned by -a Recipient or on lands for which the Recipient holds a lease or other use agreement. Such lease or other use agreement must be for an unexpired minimum term of 25 years. The Funding Allocation Recipient may demonstrate the eligibility of the Project to the reasonable satisfaction of the Board, through a joint ownership, use, franchise. or other agreement, evidencing that the lands and/or the Project will be utilized for the public benefit, consistent with the terrns of this Ordinance, for a term of at least 25 years in duration. The lease must not be revocable at will. D) Recipient shall maintain al] financial and programmatic records, supporting documents .and other records pertinent to the Funding Allocation for a period of three years from the starting date defined below. If any litigation, claim, negotiation, audit or -other action involving the records has been started before the expiration of the three year period, the records muss be retained until completion of the action and resolution of all issues which arise from it, or until the end of the regular three year period, whichever is later. When Funding Allocation support is continued or renewed at annual .or other intervals, the retention period for the records of each funding period starts on the day the Recipient submits to the County its single or last expenditure report for that period. In all other cases, the retention period starts on the day the Recipient submits its final .expenditure report. E.) The Board and the County, or any of their authorized representatives, shall have the right of access to any pertinent books, documents, papers or other records of the Recipient in order to make audits, examinations, excerpts and transcripts. Office of the Miarni-Dade County Inspector General (3G) (MDC 'Code Section 2-1076) shall have the authority and power to review past, present and proposed County programs, .accounts, records_ contracts and transactions. The IG shall have the power to subpoena witnesses, . administer oaths and require the production of records. Upon ten (10) days written notice to the Recipient from IG, the Recipient shall make al] requested records and documents available to the 3G for inspection and copying. The 1G shall have the power to report anchor recommend to the Board whether a particular project, program, contract or transaction is or was necessary and, if deemed necessary, whether the method used for implementing the project or program is or was efficient both financially and operationally. Monitoring of an existing project or program may include reporting whether the project is on time, within budget and in conformity with plans, specifications; and applicable law. The 1G shall have the power to analyze the need for, and reasonableness of, proposed change orders. The 1G may, on a random basis, perform audits on all County contracts throughout the duration of said contract (hereinafter "random audits"). This random audit is separate and distinct from any other audit by the County. To pay for the functions of the Office of the Inspector General, Buildine Bete Communities .administrative Rules 19 of 22 any and all payments to be made to the Recipient .under the Grant Agreement will be assessed one quarter of one percent of the total amount of the payment, to be. deducted from each progress payment as the same becomes due unless, as stated in the Code or the Grant Agreement, the Project is federally or state funded and federal or state law or regulations preclude such a charge. The Recipient shall in stating its agreed prices be mindful of this assessment. The 3G shall have the power to retain and coordinate the services of an independent private sector inspector general (IPSIG) who may be engaged to perform said random audits, es well=as audit, investigate, monitor, oversee; inspect, and review the operations, activities and performance and procurement process including, but not limited to, project design, establishment of bid specifications, bid submittals, activities of the contractor, its officers, agents and employees, lobbyists, County staff and elected officials in order to ensure compliance with contract specifications and detect corruption and fraud. F) if a Recipient materially fails to comply with any term of -an award, the Board or the County Manager may take one or more of the following actions, as appropriate in the circumstances: 1) Temporarily withhold cash payments pending correction of the deficiency by the Recipient; 2) Disallow al] or part of the cost of the ,activity or action not in compliance; 3) Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the current award for the Recipient's Project; 4) Withhold further Funding Allocation awards from the Recipient; or 5) Take other remedies -that may be.legally available. G) Any of the enforcement actions listed in paragraph F above, taken by the County Manager, which are contested and unresolved between the Recipient and the County within thirty days of such action, will result in the Board providing the Recipient with an opportunity to be heard on the issue. Said hearing will occur within sixty days of the Board receiving the Recipient's written request. Staff will recommend appropriate action to the Board. H) Costs to Recipient resulting from obligations incurred by the Recipient during a suspension or after termination of an award are not eligible for reimbursement unless the County Manager expressly authorizes them in the notice of suspension or termination or subsequently authorizes reimbursement in writing. Other costs incurred by the Recipient during suspension or after termination which are necessary and not reasonably avoidable are eligible for reimbursement if: I) The costs result from obligations which were properly incurred by the Recipient before the effective date of suspension or termination, were not in anticipation of it, and in the case of a termination, are non -cancelable; and 2) The costs would be eligible for reimbursement if the award was not suspended or if the award expired nor rally at the end of the funding period in which the termination takes effect. I) inspections. Staff of the Board or the County, or both, shall periodically inspect each Project to Building Bezel Communities Adtninr trative'Rues 20 of 22 ensure compliance with these rules, the Ordinance, and the Grant Agreement or 1nterlooal .Agreement, as the case may be. Staff shall perform an inspection of the Project site do ensure compliance prior to release of the final Funding Allocation payment. SECTION 3. 'REPORTS Recipients are required to submit the Project Status Report no later than monthly (Exhibit E), in the format stipulated by the County Manager. Additional reports that shall be .due upon; request of the County Manager may include, but are not limited to: A) Actual accomplishments of each Fundine Allocation; B) Problems encountered in implementation of each Funding Allocation; and C) Anticipated start and/or completion dates of each Funding Allocation. Recipient may be required to meet with the Board 10 discuss the Project. SECTION 4. PROJECT CLOSE-OUT A) A Recipient has up to forty-five (45) days after the -expiration or termination of the Funding Allocation to submit all final documentation including final reimbursement requests and project completion certificates. B) The close-out of a Funding Allocation does not affect: 1) The County's right to disallow costs and recover funds on the basis of a later audit or review; 2) The Recipient's obligation to return any funds due as a result of later refunds, corrections -or other transactions; 3) Records retention responsibilities set forth above; 4) Continuing responsibilities set forth in the Ordinance and these rules; and 5) Audit rights set forth in these rules. C) Any amounts paid to Recipient in excess of the amount to which The Recipient is finally determined to be entitled under the terms of the Grant Agreement or interlacal Agreement, as the case may be, constitute a debt to the County. if not paid within a reasonable period after demand, the County may reduce the debt by: 1) Making an administrative offset against other requests for reimbursement; 2) Withholding payments otherwise due to the Recipient; or 3) Taking other action provided by law. Any overdue debt of the Recipient shall accrue interest at the maximum rate allowed by law. SECTION 5. INTERPRETATION; ADMINISTRATION These administrative rules have been promulgated under the Ordinance. In the event of a conflict Building Better Communities Administrative Rules 21 of22