HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 3T14E CITY OF MtAMI, FLORIDA CEP ARTMENT OF PUBLIC WOKS AUGUST 11, 2006 REPORT OF PROPOSED RECORD PLAT OF Mao PLAZA LOCATED ALONG S.W. 46 ROAD 43ETVVEEN SW. 1 AVENUE AND 1-25 AND SW. 2 AVENUE • The accompanying Plat entitled fv1ELO PLAZA was prepared by Peninsular Land Surveyors, 4nc. It is in correct form for submission to the City Commission and is forwarded with a recommendation that it rk, be approved. PERTINENT INFORMATION REGARDING THE PLAT: 0) The property platted is a subdivision of the property described in the attached Legal Description. The area platted consists of one (1) tract containing approximately 54,389 square feet (1.27t acres). It is zoned O. 42) The location of the streets and their widths •cortform4o the standards of the 'Deparntof Public Works of the City of Miami, Florida. 43) As certified to by NestorG. Rodriguez, Registered Surveyor and Mapper, this Plat complies with the plat filing laws of the State of 'Florida. 44) The City Zoning Board of Miami, Florida, after Public Hearing, has recommended the dosing of that portion of S.W. 18 Road lying between SW. 1 Avenue and 1-95; and 2) that por ion'of S.W. 2 Avenue lying between 1 5 and the Northwesterly extension of the southwesterly line of tiot 8, 8iock.42, South Miami, Plat Book 1 at Page 67.This action was confirmed by City Commission Resolution No. R-06-0192.� (5) The Certificate of Title °Examination dated .../��i/� .2fT 74 , signed byIr.47Z /ire ,�. %1�f��4„ , Attorney, indicates that the fee simple title to the property platted is cony vested in One Plaza Corp., a Floridacorporation, and that the Flat has been correctly executed. 6) The area platted is encumbered by a mortgage and the mortgage holder has executed the plat and joined in,dts dedications. '(7) In aocordanoe,with the requirements of Chapters'54 and 65 of the Code of the City of IMfiarni, Florida, .a Cashiers Check, in the amount of $22,214:OO, has been tendered by One Plaza Corp., owner, for the subdivision improvements at MELO PLAZA. The Cashier.'s Check will accompany the Agreement between the City of Miami and One Plaza Corp. to guarantee the following: 1 REMOVE EXISTING CONS SIDEWALK- APPROXIMATELY 1,275 SQUARE FEET 2 REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT- APPROXIMATELY 75 SQUARE YARDS CONSTRUCT NEW 4-INCH CONCRETE SIDEWALK (INCLUDING HANDICAP RAMPS)- APPROXIMATELY 1,350 SQUARE FEET 4 CONSTRUCT NEW T INCH CONCRETE SIDEWALK - APPROXIMATELY 100 SQUARE FEET 5 CONSTRUCT NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT(1-INCH ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND 8-INCH LIMEROCIC BASE) - APPROXIMATELY 136 SQUARE YARDS fi CONSTRUCT NEW ASPHALT PAVEMENT (1-INCH ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVEMENT AMD'6 NCH LIMEROCK BASE) - APPROXIMATELY 34 LINEAR 'FEET 7 PROVIDE AND INSTALL GUARD RAIL - APPROXIMATELY 40 LINEAR FEET 8 PROVIDE AND INSTALL SOLID SOO (INCLUDING PLANTING SOIL TOP DRESSING) - APPROXIMATELY � 077 SQUARE FEET 9 PROVIDE AND PLANT PINK TRUMPET TREES (TABEBUIA HE'i'EROPI1Y A) - 40 PROVIDE AND INSTALL ONE" PLUG 0) The attached Resolution has been prepare for the acceptanoe of the flat by the City Commission of Miami, Florida. Frank R. Mc! on Jr., .S.f�l City Surveyor 0/0