HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal DescriptionLEGAL DCRIPTiON Lot tii, la !leak SS, of BRICKELL UNRECORDED PLAT ice'sount MIAMI, more psrtlenlettl r described u ibilowst Bela Odle rood Northeri, writer at Lai i, in Nock +#, erPLATor SOUTH MIS oeoesidtratio the plot tors(, at recorded In Plat Boots 1, al Pop 8X or at t'eblk Record. of Dade Comfy, Florid/ new icno+ses as decal -Dad. nt), MAI* cheats Is a Northemstettrdlncdea atom the proleniatioa ofike Northeastern, iMrs of said Lot 1, in Sleek 42 a distance of $ thettee4a a tterothwosteriy dined* parallel to the Northwestern Hat of said Plod 42, ss diseases of 1N #N#o OutPebrt of �t of ttse.tom described i of.iatodi from said t of ss iinlult, ereatl tents ss 8ortkeestert$ direction dent a list parallel to steed 8! Pec distant !lone Bald North line of Block 41 for a distract of SO feet to a , thcso 4u t Northwest** dttes at smart angles4 the lot mentioned mores !bra distorts of 10 deetio a past; -tinsee-in a Northeastern dlrectiao parallel to the i s wane r distaste of SO toot .lea peiat; Stuteclo a Soo dwtaretes4 directive tors diatomite( Doi to the Fatal outlines! and Ode POLLY Lela sONL110146 mum* M 1 ens. in Mills ow Immo are blisol4Mit C. .P moo giotflooloift illstictillod so Moo Cootootemo it tlbe 'mow ofLot 4 is Ilse 2114 of 14 ;tom MIK mooridios #r die FM Omer, es recorded 'Pio .'hook 11, at rep 214 of Mir Tilha Monk of Dab Cow% Pier* Row teen to Com% 1101.04 exam reit Lek UN Ind demi die if lee er add Let 4* d Illartbristarb, lbw at 1111V1 dieme eSeetesieterir Si i. 5 Phollnaskit be WI IOW I knewai IN some Let G# theses` no Ifesthweeirly tit feet And* of ths onexcik Mai of seht Lai 4 eta Oa featiceesatertg emir et Wit Lai 4 omit rate Itterthsexak di OM obis at Ifeedisesisfe erode Lai 4 da lb. OW WI deft doe termed is ex Lot 11, to Midi * es till to *a toalearded pletik et Macy Ihichalk sidded. Piet ere pot eras -CIO sr Awl t as i PLC 01 SOUTH $41.4341;1" reedstieCitt ££ti +Ord Is Book titin if5k itersrdr.t