HomeMy WebLinkAboutPre-LegislationJ-0a2-1403 .01/23/02 ORDINANCE N'O . - 1(1it;v) • AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE MI MI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 12128, AS AMENDED, THE ANNUAL AL APPROPRIATIONS ORDINANCE. TO INCREASE CERTAIN OPERATIONAL AND BUDGETARY APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPT.EMBER 30, 2002, TO REFLECT CHANGES POR :HE ADDITION OF TWO FIRE -RESCUE UNITS; FURTHER APPROVING CHANGES TO THE TASLE OF ORGANIZATION ADOPTED ; E TZ:fSER 25, •2001 FOR FISCAL YEAR =N ^Nt 'St?'I'EM3ER 30, 2002; A_!-: DT__''-_ ORDII ;k CT NO. 4 2- ED OC^ 25, 209"_, TO ?.Z'T cT A RrVISION IN - -;,NDI G SCARCE REI TrD TO FLAC'' ER FIRST CO?;DOM_NIUM PROJECT; CONTAINING A REPEALER PRO :'I S : C':: .t NT' .A ' V ' RAT-' I i i 71 CLAUSE . T/'i 7 77..S, the C_t:' Comm'csion ==do . d r=di.^anr.e No. 12121S as amended, the x.::=e'' A-r: ropr:-n Se zerner 25, ZOOS, es_eL=_s i 2 =e•:er,_es 'and appropriations for the City of Xiami,Florid _ - r 2002; and WHEREAS, the f`_7•. v;C o: trf• :it . Commission .t add two rescue units to the Fire -Rescue Deper:.,.,ery`: to improve emergency resper.se time; and WHEREAS, :t is necessary to hire twenty-six (2 ) additional uniformed personnel to operate the two rescue nits; and 7.4wOt WHEREAS, it is necessary :o increase the budget for the Fire -Rescue Department :n the amount of $9OO, OO to cover the expenses associated with: 21 new positions and =other operational costs related to the addition of the two rescue units; and wH7REAS, .c n 25, 2001, the City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 12:44 appropriating $900,000 of Strategic nC. =Say nitiative Reserve Funds for the : lagier First Condominium Project; and Wrr.t-'S, _t is n oo--es3'-v ro -emend Crdinanc•e No. 12144 by ounci'.. +g.: u ce identified for the F1 acl+er First rondomin' u pro:e'Ct from S---_ zEg:c Initiative Reserve funds to S•.i_ c_^.arc revenue; p_ev_tiusly identified for the F1 -�' ¢r First st Condominium Project deployment end operational costs c_ the two additional rescue units; and W-ER_AS, it 1s necessary to increase appropriations in the 'Charges for Services' revenue category to reflect the 19.00,000 of Parkirc Surcraroe revenue identified for the ?1ag?er First Condominium P , Project; and WHEREAS, the proposed revisions include a change in positions set forth in the :able of Crgeni=.ation to reflect An increase of twenty -sir. (2E) permanent positions in the Fire - Rescue Department; Page f '5 12182 NOW, T E REF ORE , BE IT r 1DAINED 3Y THE COMMISSION OF TEr CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted by reference and incorporated a5 if fully set for;.h in this Section. Section 2. Ordinance No. 121•2e, a9 amended, •adopted September 25, 200., the Annual Xppropriatio::s Ordinance `air Fscal ending Se tem 2002, is further ameended in the following 1/ Vclr Fire-nesr•_e 'C_d:ntncs \c. 12.:f S.6:tion .'e tpprcpria:i.=t ass merle :4zr c e •.. nic::ra: _ra!::c of .he :enera: rl.:-d •fc= i_5:a: ':ear .er,d_n g September ::+. 2:02: V rN=F L ! . Ar=r, rria:: ws +;artmen:e. _ _s, Cff:::es: IWM 4y,et7,J:i • TO:0.. C E:A:. :•.: $ 30, 02,03, i f • 5ertion 2. The above aperop_iaZicne for the General rural are made �aaed cn the foilvdt.ne f•;L'rcei of rev'::;:es for Fieca3 Year an din; September 3•C, 1002 : 1% words and/or figures stricken through shall be deleted. Underscored words and/or figures shall be added. The remaining provisions are •now in effect .,and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unchanc d material. Pace 3 not S 12182 NOW, THEREFORE, ":E_ ORE, 7.E 1 T ORDAINED BY THE CO'•LM SSION OF TEE 'CITY .OF :IAMI , FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findia s contained ;,. the Preamble to this Ordinance are adopted by reference and incorporated as if f•.�11y .set forth in this Section. Section 2. Ordinance No. 1212e, .as amended, adopted September 25, 2001, the AZrt:,a_ Appropriations Ordinance for F"ca'_ Year ending ce- ter er . ^ 2002 is rtre r � :± � r- amended i:7 the following particziaz-s : J 'Cr-::a-ce tic. 12_:E ^a_ Sertin .0 The o...w`n: L 8�. .6�.9::F tre made for '.� '.-•era_,the •se,7. terser fcr i_ _ -al Year t:tW_-; L r•AIE Lk i urz Zerar:ment•e. _ :a_ds 4.n _ C`f • re= Fire-Reacte o AL -GENERAL t .rnD • r r • • .L._..r. rr: a t f nt s 45, E17,'9SZ S 330, 02.02/ • Sera cn 2. :he Lbc•:•e an. opr :aticne `cr the Ge::erel nand aro made itased -c . :J*4 fol leaving r•:.:rc'a of re•: t=es fcr Finei: Year :ending Septe:tc- 3C, 2002: 3.1 Words and/cr figures stricken ts; Underscored wordsand/or fi r rough shall he deleted..es shall be added. The remaining provisions era now in effect and remain unchanged. Asterisks indicate omitted and unckaneed r;aterial. Pace 3.of 5 12182 ,t:EgrKAL FUND Taxes Lkt.e=s,ts And ?e:'Zt•s Inter-gcver:..;,en t.: ;even :es Cts._ets fcr Services Files and Forfeits miscellaneous X*Ven..:43 ;San -revenues Internv .cue rands Revenues b :4 7� 4— ,�? , S 4,1234S0 31,462,720 73.470.12'S s,Pls,00•0 :5,.2e,t0S :s,437./17 3'S, 111,414 SC7'hL C- ::=rla: TJ:] ' s 334,402,437 • i • ♦w Section ? . Ordinance No, :2 44, adopted October 25, 2002, :£ amended t. ,e_`lect ••a change r. the funding .r ^' �:iQ source f.r the . _az...el- .First Condominium Strategic Initiati-:e Reserve _`..:nds tc :a_r:ng Surcharge Revenue. Section 4. The increase :.f twenty-six !26 positions :- the Gene -a: . ::.:r'- for the r e :epartment, funded by Strategic :nitiative +e a ve as set forth Orcani2•ation, is Section 5. insofar as they are are resealed. at pro v Ad. � r r.' l ordinances or parts of rralri`a.Rces, conflict 'w:tr provisions of this Section f. if any section, Fart of section, clause, phrase or Word cf this Ordinance is declared invalid, the. remaining provision of this Ordnance shall not be affect;e-d. Section 7. This 'Ordinance is deci:ared to be an emergency measure on the orounds of urcent pub?: reed for the preservation of peace, heath, safety, .e,:r1 property of the City of .0lie,mi, and upon further grounds of the necessity to make the required and necessary payments to its •.e.m;pl,oyees .and officers, payment cf its debts, necessary and required purchases of goods and supplies and ?ag.e 4 of ,.5 12182 to generally carry on the 'functions and duties of municipal affairs. Section .S The requirements of reading this Ordinance on two separate days is dispersed with by in affirmative vote of rant less than four -fifths of the membere of the Commission. Section 9. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption and signature of the.Mayor.a' PASSED AND ADOPTED EY TITLE ONLY this 24th 4oy of January► ATTEST: WAL -CITY 0 , 2002. A.NL"sL A. D I AZ . MAY CITY CLERK LkR= LLO TOPS_Y 03:tr:ernes:LP:S� sI COR.tECTN`.ES This Ordinance shell become effective as specified vetoed by the Mayor within ten days fromr, the date and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, i effective immediately upon override of the veto Commission or upon the •effective date stated herein later. herein unless it was passed t shall become by the City , whichever is Page 5 of 5 TOTAL