TO Pete Hernandez
Chief Administrator/City Manager
William W. Bryson, Director
Department of Fire -Rescue
July 21.2006
Request for Waiver of Competitive
Bidding — Two (2) Trailers
Fire Stations 13: 14
The Department of Fire -Rescue is requesting a Waiver of Competitive Bidding for the purchase of two
(2) trailers for Fire Stations 13 & 14. from GE Capital Modular Space, located at 5000 N.W. 72nd
Avenue. Miami. Florida. 33166. for the purpose of housing Stations 13 & 14 while construction of the
new Fire Stations are in progress. The cost of purchasing said trailers is S134,912 from account code
109001. 2 8090 5.6.1340.
Currently. the Department of Fire -Rescue has realized that -the procedures of obtaining -land, designing
stations. securing proper funding and Commission approval, is time-consuming, but required to properly,
legally. and successfully complete all the processes. This has resulted in the Department of Fire -Rescue
continuing to have the need of these trailers until completion of the various Fire Stations. A cost analysis
comparing lease versus purchase supports the business decision that it would be practicable.
advantageous. and in the City's best interest to purchase these trailers.
The analysis weighed the factors on whether to rent the trailers for another three (3) years totaling
$99.504 in expenditures and possibly having to incur recurring cost in lease fees at the end of three (3)
years, if the project -is not completed in comparison to purchasing the trailers for a total amount not to
exceed $134912 and keeping them for future Fire -Rescue operational needs or possibly fug City
needs. The scale tips in favor of the latter.
Placing additional weight to support the latter is the fact that it is more prudent for the City to purchase
the trailers currently in the possession of the Department of Fire -Rescue, without formal competitive
sealed bids, in order to avoid wasting -additional money on site work required With the purchase of new
trailers and eliminating potential Fire service disruptions (i.e. negative effect on Response time to Fires.
Cardiac Arrests, -and other Emergency incidents) caused' by moving -operational -crews -off site while' the
work to exchange current trailers for new trailers was -being completed.
FM 036.dor
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