HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice.0 1
Karr, Lepart,rrent Of
Com- nunity
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 10:30 A.M.
City of Miami Commission Chamber
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, frt 39133
Federal regulations governing CODS and other HUD programs require Thar a participating jurisdiction provide citizens with reasonable notice ol and an
lurtdirtq of
opportunity to comment on any amendments to funding el HUD programs. In addition, the public is advised 01 the proposed amendment{&) to the
the Cily itrogramis) indicated below.
'Discussion and Proposed resolution authorizing the conveyance, with -parcel reverter provisions, of one City owned parcel of land located at 1700 Northwest
58 Street, Miami, Florida to the City of Miami Department of Oft -Street Parking, for the construction ol a suriace parking loft
'Discussion and Proposed resolution granting an extension, until September 30, 2005, to Rafael Hernandez Housing and Economic Development Corporation
to oblain the required certificate 01 occupancy and sell one new single family home al 3290 Northwest 9 Court, Miami, Florida to a qualified low" moderate
income family t 3.
' Discussion and Proposed resolution amending the COBS program fund policies for Single Family Rehabilitation Program to Indude waiving insurance
requirements for eligible elderly persons participating in the City's Single Family Rehabilitation Prtgramt 4. ,
' Discussion and Proposed resolution amending Resolution Nc. 05-0577, adopted September 22, 2005, modifying the reimbursement schedule to relied the
the City It the
deletion of the declining rale schedule and replacing it with a five year covenant where participating property owners are required 10 reimburse
property is said until live years after the contract expiration detet 4.
'Discussion and Proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to declare surplus the City- owned reel property located at 1240 NW 61 street, Miami
Florida and convey ft, with parcel reverter provisions, to New Horizons Community Mental Heath Center, Inc.; further authorizing the acceptance of a quit claim
deed born, said agency 1m the parcel ol land located al t 15 NW 60 Street, Miami, Florida to the City of Miami t 3.
• Discussion and Proposed resolution amending the City of Miami Department of Community Development's 31st Year Housing Program Policies toy
• Homeownership Activities t S.
* Discussion and Proposed ordinance amending Chapter 2, Article X, Section 2-617 ol the Code at the City of Miami, Florida as amended, modifying subsection
(hi relating to loans end liens on properties used for the development at affordable housing, and create a new subsection (i) 01 Section 2.817 providing for
reimbursement to developers of amounts paid to the City to release liens placed on properties used for the development of aflurdabte housing II certain
conditions are met t 4.
' Discussion and Proposed Resolutions authorizing the transfer al funds for the following agenda Ilemst 4.
Sources of ARpcaUon
Aecommended -
Activity Name
/ledistributiors 01 funds tp
City pl Miami Revolving Loan
S185,000.00 -
The Ahemativef'rograms, Inc.
Public Facilities end Improvement Activities: -
Account 1101S11952)
Rehabilitate the Facility located el 151 NW fi0
Street, Miami, Florida
.._ ... ...... ...... ... Tdtal:
City of Miami Revolving Loan
Program (iDISt 1852)
500,000.00 -
Better Way at Miami, Inc.
Rehabllaatior, for their long term homeless facility
located at fi75 NW 17 Street, Miami, Florida
Center Iv Independent Living, Inc. .
Center o1 Information and
Lang Term Rental Assistance
S30,000.00 •
Onentalion, Inc. (t01So1966}
Empower "U", Inc. (101511725)
Empower "U", Inc-
Long Terre Rental Assistance
. Total:
City of Miami Revolving Loan
Program (iDtsa1952)
Section 108 Debi Service
(i0ISt 1940)
To adjust lc- actual expenditures for the year as a
resuh of increased interest payment en variable
$52,000,00 -
City ol Miami Department at
Spanish American Basle
Long Term Rental Assistance
Comnlunhy Development Long
Term Rental Assistance Program
(SDISe 1715)
Education & Rehabilitation,
• The adoption DI this Ordinance/Resolulion, by the City Commission, authorizes the City Manager to emend the appropriate City of Miami annual Action Plan.
t This smendment(sl will be available far public comment and review fora period 01 no less than 30 days. The review and comment period begins Tuesday, Auguel 13,
200E and ends September 11, 2005. The proposed amendsnenlle) will be presented to City Commission for approval on Thursday, Septembrel2, 200E (public hearing).
4 Draft copies will be available ai the City of Miami Department at Community Development office located al 444 6W 2nd Avenue, 2nd floor, Miami, florlda, 33130.
Comments to the amendments must be submitted in writing le. 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd floor, Miami, Florida, 33130: Attn., Axel 'Mao. Interested individuals ere
encouraged to attend this Public Hearing. The meeting alto is accessible t0 the handicapped. Requests for special eceommodelisns may be directed Io the Department
of Community Development at (395) 415-2080 no less than three 13) business days prior Witte Public Hearing date.
(AO 1143831