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CItyC;tKiln-, Duo a.Irrentof
Ltcla Community
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 10;30 A.M.
City of Miami Commission Chamber
3500 Pan American Dries
Miami, -FL 33133
Federal regulations governing COBG end other HUD programs require that a participating Jurisdiction provide citizens with reasonable notice of and an
opportunity to comment on any amendments to funding of HUD programs, In addition, the public is advised of the proposed amendmentfs) to the landing of
the City programis) indicated below:
'Discussion and Proposed resolution authorizing the conveyance, with parcel reverter provisions, of one City owned parcel of land located at 1700 Northwest
58 Street, Miami, Florida to the City of Miami Department of Off -Street Partying, tat the OenSt action al a surface parking loft S.
'Discussion and Proposed resolution granting en extension, until September 30, 2005, to Rated Hernandez Housing and Economic Development Corporation
a obtain the required certllicate of occupancy and sell one new single family home a1 3290 Northwest 9 Court, Miami, Florida to a qualified low/ moderate
income family 11.
• Discussion and Proposed resolution amending the COBS program fund policies tar Single Family Rehabilitation Program to include waiving insurance
requirements tot eligible elderly persons participating in the City'a Single Family Rehabilitation Programa 4.
• Discussion and Proposed resolution amending Resolution No, 0543577, adopted September 22, 2005, modifying the reimbursement schedule to retied the
deletion of the dedining rate schedule and reptacing it with a five year covenant where participating property owners ere required to reimburse the City It the
property is sold until five years atter the conned expiration datet t.
'Discussion and Proposed resolution authorizing the City Manager to declare surplus the City- owned real property located at 1240 NW 61 street, Miami
Florida and convey it, with parcel reverter previsions, to New Horizons Community Mental Heath Center, Inc,; further authorizing the acceptance al a quit claim
deed Iron said agency for the parcel of land located at 115 NW 60 Street, Miami, Florida In the City of Miami S t.
' Discussion and Proposed resolution amending the City at Miami Department al Community Development's 31sl Year Housing Program Policies lot
Homeownership Activities 1 a-
' Discussion and Proposed ordinance amending Chapter 2,Arlicle X, Section 2-e17.ot Ine Code of the City al Miami, Fluids as amended, modifying subsection
on relating to loans and liens on properties Used far Use development of affordable housing, end create a now subsection (f) 01 Section 2-e17 providing for
reimbursement to developers of amounts paid to the City to release liens placed on properties used for the development of affordable noosing R certain
conditions are mel I t.
• Discussion and Proposed Resolutions authorizing the transfer of funds far the following agenda ftemst t.
Sources of Alloeatesn
Redistribution of funds to
Activity Name
City of Miami Revolving Loan
Account II019519521
The Altemalive Programs, Inc.
Public Facilities and Improvement Activities;
Rehabilitate the facility faceted e1151 riw 60 _-
Street, Miami, Florida -
- - - •
City or Miami Revolving Loan
Program liOISr19521
. $80,000.e0
eraser Way of Miami. Inc.
Rehabilitation for their lone term homeless facility
located el 675 NW 17 Street, Miami, Ftoride
580,000:00 .
Center for independent thing, Inc.
Empower `U', inc. pDtse17251
Center of ,rdormafion and
Orientation, Inc. f131Sei966)
Empower "U'. ate,
(IDISw 19681
Loop Term Rental Assistance
Long Term Rental Assistance
City of Miami Revolving Loan
Program 0015y 19521
Section 106 Debt Service
To adjust to actual expenditures or the year as a
result of increased interval payment on variable '
City of Miami Department al
Community Development Long
Term Rental Assistance Program
(IDtSC 1715)
Spanish Americenbasic
Education 8 Rehabilitation,
Long Term Rental Assistance
• The adoption al this ordinanra/Resolurion, by the City Commission, authorizes the City Manager Is amend the appropriate City of Miami annual Action plan.
1 This amandmentla) will be available for public comment and review for a period of no lees than 30days. The review and comment period begins Tuesday, August 13, '
2006 and ends September 11, 2006. The proposed amendment(I) will be presanlsd lo-Ciry Commission for approver on Thuraday, Septemberl2, 2006 (pubic hearing).
4 Draft copies will be available at the City of Miami Department of Community Development -office located at 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd floor, Miami, florid', 33130. '
Comments to the amendments must be submitted In writing to: 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd floor, Miami, Florida, 33130: Ann: Axel Rico. Intereeted individuals are .
encouraged In anew this Public Hearing. The meeting she Is accessible to the handicapped. Requests fa: special ecaommadalions maybe dlrecled to the Department
of Community Development al (305) 416.2080 no leas than three (3) business days prior to the -Public hearing date.
lee 04393)