HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 2• 4°INT Eit,019149910fintEMEAl r 111 prIstuy,1 ri1/4RBoT_jip, GLE /slip Q ?, VS N 6 111 r : . Tips JoirrrrAxiiievATipil APaBMBNT.("Agipeuterft"). made this cifle day of 190, by nd beuveen Marni-bade County ("COunfy"),: apoLItka1 tathdivialon of the State- of Florida, actiffig. by and through lite Ccattibilierialler; with:the aPPiovil of the -beard . biCountY CeinsOoners; MA the City of Mituni ("City"), A municipal corporal:1On or theState of Florida, acting by and through the City Manager, with the approval of the. City Comnission, RUCIT49, INUEREAS, the Miami. -Dade County Board of County Comnasstoners has inchcatelt.n$ hitent. tO.Dirthcrlie Ite:-.0693.ttivPiPeterte en* for fc-$ctetiglii 108 Irclan0.41`49geo ("Loan") from the U S bApaitnattit Of tiOntilitg. and VO. air 1.5.il,telOnient" Jukie end Gardens .of Watson Wand, Inn_ ("parrot Aitigio in the amount of Twintr4hve-Mlifori.Vollars; WItEREAS, such intent is subject to scvend conditions which directly impost the City of wiituni; IVY/ rif:firg0fittE, in otonsitlizi*ion ;of the foregoing, the . polity and the City tio'. Itchy covenant and • agrc. to the subrniiiion..iir the County's Loan Opikiation, subject to the -ibnowing-tr.Fht and corillitionSi' A. The Coinfty..Loan shall bcprOVided..16 Parrot. Jungle in accord with Ae *brats and - conditions of that- aatnin Seotion .1.08 application for the COunty Loan and such other documenti and ibiii111610111 cvidnving a securing the County Loan (011eedvely the 'Loan Pocuments"). The Ow stall substitute itself as a 'guarantor fbr eighty per cent. of the county: Loan, :revanyt1ee4..ephr.ente6r), provided -the• following conditions precedent ("Conditions " - . • - . . • . . . . time as the Ourainteelikepigenrpt is to ovine; the•giate.of FlOrida Financial Oversight Board Oveiseeing ibe City is dissolved ar fbur (4y year has :elapsed .11-oto: the. date ofapproval by -HUD of the County :Loan. application; whiefiever.13rst occurs; ' . b. The City has- a total.CPBO Section 1.08 Loan capacity to subitituta itself as n guarlintor, - • - • r. The County Loan is current and no event nf. -default is in existence under the County Loan at such time as the Guarantee Replacement OCClirS;- And • d. The Loan Documents have been properly assigned," endorsed, and tnutsferred without recourse to the City anddelivered to the city by the County, subject tit the continuing interest therein as a guarantor of twenty per•rent (20%). of the County Loan. Pursuant to the mutual understanding of the pfirties- hereto, the Loan DoeuMents shell clearly set forth the Conditions Precedentand Ja1t specifi -that in the event all of. said Conditions Precedent are not fully satished, the City shall not be • obligated to proceed• with the. tinartmtee, .Replecernent. • 2. Until tea tirnse as- the Guarantee ft.tpleCtnnent occurs, in the' event-Ormaneniop riaelbulr) by 1111761 Jungle under the• terms of the County L�an the City's finandal bhflation in-redueing the. amount -of sad Defatilt-thel be to pay toAlta County m proportknine • amount of the amount, owed by Pairpt•Jungie ("Defisult•Paytnentl; bastgl 1ion thildneUhtritihri ,payments paid to. the city by Parrot Jungle ("tease Payment:el. LI S'it forth 11, dui' 'Ciislain • tease; and Development Agreement between -the city of•lyharni, Florida, and •Perrot Jungle: and bardens Inc.. &did SepteMber 2, 15)97 ('Le -se Agreement)), exclusive OM/Lefty); paymente, to the Ste of Florida Iritetnal improvement Trust tundi, and the amount the County,ala taceUre from Parrot Juilsle:tisithe Miami -Dade Zoo Avaly, ("City Peptic/ti): The Payment thaltbe rraidecitOrn the eity!iceimirritOty DeVelopment Block Grant rinds and -only in the event the.debt svktestry GYont establiShed for the County Loan•lias beendeisleted. -3. 11t)t*ifkg:inntling.the. proviSionsto forth in Paragraph 2 .:herebf,-. the County.koan }nU• be!iejepit5sly subeei and .suberdinete to all .eonditienatrid:covenants. oft& Lease Agkettnient and to thvrighti of flit. Cky n.eonneetion with Perrot JUngles .development oithefreittt .1bnciwn 'Parrot Jungle & Gardens Of Watson Island." Agreement constitutes the entire "agreement and understanding between the. ilarat :with res0G1- 14? OP* ;41Ne.cf• -matter hareot aH pir negodatipins between the panierbelaii *iviedado' this Are*r.111,and therentc nO.;proiiiiieN- Weritienai cOlditiOnsk undUlaiting*: Yiarriiiniis opntiuiops,- oral or written, expeess, or. implit4Iveetween Or anie44hent- ether than aaiet•fbrthhn. change or modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing 'anti . signed by.the duly eulhorikcd"offleia/s of the Parties hereto-, No waiver of any of the provisions of This Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and signed by the party against whom it is sought •to be entbrced. Parsnaid to that certain Parthil Modthestion of Restrictions io Med No. 19447 dated August 18, 997..-the City is obligated to pay to the Slate of noricla Internal improvemmt Trilst Fund a portion or the Least Paynteriti. LEK V/243.1-t1(.14iintA,B,irrnrilildoc- • f : 7_ The State of Reticle has appointed an Eynergenv Vinanc5a1 Oversig,ht .Board (the ()versight Bciattrf'Which is Onpowere4 to review and appi:OtpsU pending : City cOritta$3, A a result, contracts shallnot be binding on the City until 'such tiitti? as they hive -ben appitiMatty ihr 'Oversight tbS7i1:: Execution,of ts Agtectnant by the Cityldatiaget shall constitute elAdenec of its a'pptuvalliple Ovectight Board.II • wrrNEss wHEREbF, this Aweement has b'peri.exemterl by the duly atuhotized officials ofKaiiii-Oade County and the City °claim* .A0444. miumvo COUINITY, a political subdivision of thc.SIn1b KfTPST: - macrw24i 'LXX 1713434-1.3WotasNviarbeign doe By: • Waren R. Stcirhoim Oeuntylviltnager CITY OF lyttAlon, a. municipal corporation ofthe tatc.-001. it! ivE0 <0 , . War ihiw Cdtylyitotaga •