HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetterJUL-21-2006 16:41 CITY OF MIAMI 305 954 4001 P.02 July 5, 2006 Officer ,H irvp CnrrmltteE David L m eiii. ir, Chair Dr. Will. Blechman Vice Chair Valrip C. Screen Secretary Octave; F. Verdoja Trea:turer Isabel Atanador Exectinw committee Marla A. Alonzo, Chair FiuwnimPnt Committee Ciraribse Granr, +:hair Proprsin Services cnmrnittee Dr. Wen E. Mardi, Chair Human Recoul Let !rJg Rasa of Directors nr. Nelson Adams rvette Alem7n Karen Aronowitz Dr. I inn Wanton George M. Burgess Ivelisile Castro DI. Rudy crew Luis A. Gadl'uF Hon. Normal' S. CPrctein Den F. Gilbert Jr. 3osee Greq*iit Sara e. Nereid Hon. Eorbore Jordon Dr. Martin Karp Hon. Lester Langer Amelia Maffei Dr. DePPie Noyuerea Rep. Juan -Carlos "].G," Pianos wiiien Rivera 3ackye Russell 'Hon. Isaac Salvor Dr. n.rrry 5r_haechter Genii K. Schwartz hr. 1r .e Vicente 'lint Zi rlln debit) E. Ar1F.ry esidenl & CEc lty Attc+l'naY Office of Counsel Tha ChildreresTrust Ms, Lisa Martlrle7 City of Miami, Office of the Miiytlr 3M4b Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 RE: Contract TM SSO -193 -Miami Youth Council Dear Ms. Martinez; We are i:iiease to Inform you that the The Children's Trust board has approved renewal funding of your prevention contract for program year 2006-2007. Your rontrdct will be renewed for an amount up to i172,715.0o, wrath includes a 4.7% cost of living increase. We are looking froward to working with you in an effort to promote positive child and family dev+slopment and quality prevention proCrdrnming. Your assigned program coordinator will be contacting you to SChedult a coati r,rt negotiation .meeting to occur by July 14, 2004. In preparation for the contract negotiation meeting, your agency will need to adhcrc.to the following: Submission of response/uprrLLte i to the contract pre - negotiation issues that arc attached to this letter. N" Complete and return the electronic annotated Scope of Seivlte matrix (attachment A to the rontrdct). Complete r,nri return the attached electronic 1 Z month budget and budget narrative (attachment B to the contract). Comply and submit all items identified inpending deliverables (cum) letter. Complete and Submit the program Coriliirt and site location form. The above item; arc to be provided h'r your program coordinator In eIe :I.rnnis format three day, prior to the scheduled contract negotiation meeting. F-mail submission is the preferred method of submission to the program conrdir'rator. The budget form noted a hove can aiSo be downloaded from The,Children's Trust webslte. We are encouraging your ageric'y and/or your legal counsel to review JUL-21-2006 1 E : 41 CITY OF M1AM1 305 854 4001 P.03 the core contract, eceip which contract act from The Trust s'iouldted on The Trust eold Review educing possible delays prior La the receipt o4 the in contract execution. Your assigned program cow-dim:tar is Robert Feller and 00. rohPrr ttjech3drenstrust.orr and by phone at 505-571-57 can be reached at Plea6e be astiured that The Trust will work with your agf.ncy expeditiously to execute your contract. Again, we look forward to working with you and ynur agency in successful irriplementation of your prevention program. Since' ely, Marilyn Roman Lead hr09ram Coordinator ottachrnents: pre-Negntiatlon guide Evaluation Matrix P&P Budget form Budget Instructions Provider Contoct & Site Luc.nt.ion form