HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchedule of Bid Prices 21 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Traffic Circles Furnish all equipment, labor and material necessary for mowing, weeding, trimming (ground cover and grass areas inside the traffic circle location), mulching, fertilizing, herbicide spraying (including all landscaping and brick area), insect spraying the entire area, cutting/trimming the dead frond of the palm trees, and litter pick up, for 22 traffic circle locations, on a "bi-weekly" basis. Contractor shall remove all debris and trash bags from the aree, the same day of the work being performed. Replacement of 500 shrubs— 3 gal by removal deceased shrubs/plants and planting new shrubs — sarre as existing (24" ht. — 3 gal), watering, fertilize and mulch around affected area, at any t-aflic circle. New planting to occur at 36" off the back of walk way. Installation o: 100 cubic yard of top soil, 50/50 mix to be place at any of the traffic circle locations. Replanting/ resetting of 50 existing tree (25 gal), including guide wire, or wood stand, as required by the Engineer. Furnishing al: labor, material and equipment necessary for installing 64 new palm trees (20 gal.) — Bismarckia nobilis, Bishmarck palm, including watering and 1 year warrantee. Installation of 500 reflective pavement marking (rpm), mono directional yellow at any traffic circle location. Installation of 500 reflective pavement marking (rpm), double yellow at any traffic circle location. d m bi-directional white/red at any traffic Installation o 500 reflective pavement marking (rpm), circle location. Installation of 50 traffic signs at any traffic circle, including furnishing all appurtenances for a new pole (<12'), new stand, all hardware, concrete for the base, etc. This price does not contain the price for the actual traffic signage. 10 11 Furnish 20 Yield sign, R1-2, 36"x36" Furnish 20 traffic circle ahead sign, W2-6, 30"x30" 12 Furnish 20 15 m.p.h. sign, W13-1, 18"x18" 13 14 15 Furnish 20 Keep Right sign, R4-7a, 24"x30" Furnish 20 pedestrian crossing sign, W11-2, 24"x24" Furnish 20 W16-7P, 24"x12", regulatory sign 55' ti 9 $r $7ji: $-745 • 22 traffic 26 times a circles year 500 shrub 100 cubic yard 50 existing tree 64 new palm trees 500 rpm 500 rpm 500 rpm 50 sign pole and stand 20 sign 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 20 sign 1 20 sign 20 sign 20 sign 20 sign 1 1 1 1 $ 1C4 $flc` $ f ,' Bid No. 05-06-065 Page 26 1:a Reset 50 traf tc marking/ signage at any traffic circle of any kind, including assembly, 16 concrete for base, all hardware, and existing sign. Reset 1,000 .square foot of 3 ft. wide brick paved band, (4"widex 8"length x 2"thick) 17 including resetting the base and fine sand. Install 1000 cubic yard of cypress mulch, at any traffic circle location, including removal of 18 the existing_piulching, if necessary. Installation of 1,000 square ft. of solid sod "Floratam" — Refer to DIVISION 2B- SODDING Street Barriers Furnish all equipment, labor and material necessary for mowing, weeding, trimming (ground cove--r and grass areas inside the barriers), mulching, fertilizing, herbicide spraying (including all landscaping areas), insect spraying the entire area, cutting/trimming the dead frond of the palm trees or tree limbs, and litter pick up, for 27 street barrier locations, on a "monthly" basis. Contractor shall remove all debris and trash bags from the area, the ?0 same day of the work being performed. Installation of 50 traffic signs at any location citywide, including furnishing all appurtenances for a new pole (<12'), new stand, all hardware, concrete for the base, etc., 21 including 50 traffic signs, 0M4-1, 18"x18", diagonal red with 9 red reflectors, typical. 22 Fumish 20 guide signs, 0M4-1, 18"X18", diagonal red with 9 red reflectors, typical Reset 50 traffic marking/ signage at any location of any kind, including assembly, concrete 23 for base, all hardware, and existing sign. 24 25 26 27 28 Other Landscaping Maintenance Items Erecting/ Staking and Bracing 40 fallen trees/palms (less than to 12" caliper) including all appurtenances on an "as needed" basis. Erecting/ St king and Bracing 20 fallen trees/palms (more than to 13" caliper) including all appurtenances on an "as needed" basis. 50 stump removal, 0"-12" trunk diameter, including root removal and surface restoration, at citywide locations 50 Stump retnoval, 13 =24" trunk diameter, including root removal and surface restoration at locations citywide 50 Stump removal, 25"-36" trunk diameter, including root removal and surface restoration at locations 'citywide 50 sign Li 5-- $2 -I $ 95 1,000 sq. ft. brick paver 1000 cubic yard 1,000 sq. foot 27,oct E 1 M 2i $ 7a- Z15' Soo 27 locations 50 poles with 50 signs $3555, 20 sign 50 sign 40 20 50 50 50 12 times a year / ` J /0:15� $ /o r !G, 6,70 Bid No. 05-06-065 Page 27 29 -30 31 32 50 Stump removal, more than 37" in trunk diameter, including root removal and surface restoration at 'ocations ci ide Install 1,000 uare feet of St. Augustine Grass (Floratam) Solid Sod including fine sand, water, etc. at :°cations citywide, as per Division 2B Furnishing all labor, material and equipment necessary for installing 50 new Gumbo Limbo trees, (30 gal 10'-12' clear trunk), including watering and 1 year warrantee. 2D5 Furnishing all labor, material and equipment necessary for installing 20 new Royal palms — $ Roystonea elata, (30 gal, 6'-8' gw), including watering and 1 year warrantee. OCZ‘. 33 SPECIAL PROVISIONS = Contingency Allowance 1,000 sq. ft 50 new tree 20 new alms 1 Bid Uo. 05-06-065 Page 28 unit prices not necessarily the quantities shoe-L ' 1e4 .(10 F urn ( and g� a� inside line term ritds fie). trwtd'M+9. �• 4ErE: Approval of€diis contract € use e by the City o€I► mi,s accep Approved: (Cfo one) . vES car ❑ NO $r- ctl tiw mowing, weeding, ish al equipment, labor and material necessani herbicide spraying (rid end litter pickup. fee22 tr c and tiddc area). insect spraying the entire area. the deal f alive pain tees. circle .s, an a " %� b Cerdractor s� Mira al debris and trash bags ft xfl the ergs' the same , - att re walk being permed Replacernere of 500 shrubs-- 3 gal. by removal nts a p new shrubs es exra�9 (24' t-3 tom,, few � amend allecded f at an r• is ode. Near , , teacart at 36 � the back �y the ay.halcxde hi On u't20 cubic yard at top soil mix ki be plena a€ anlf pOng of 50 eidst ig tree gal.), guide ce, or wood star«!, as l $� equiFnerd necessary frwing64i palkntrams(2D furnishing the Engineer- - dam` s. , hrdq watering and 1 ye& warrantee. �ptr et Sao refieve pavement marking (rpm). IMMO tireclional yellow et any S man' pavement wig (rpm). double yeI W at ali traffic chile Installation al � � installation dale reflective pavement marl* (pm), bt-dkedixml vnleired el aay traffic S., _,. low. 8 catia location. installation cd 60 tame signs el any traffic circle, Inducing furnisbkig all aroudenances for . $ a newt pole (021 new uric#, all hardware, concrete for the base. etc. This price does not 16 g rrrai the . •. for the artual traffic y. Ftriislti 20 Yield sign. R4 2. 36 Furnish 20 traffic aid sign, W2 8 e30(30• -13 Funr 20 Keep Ri sign. R47a. 24 ' 14 Furnish 20 � erg sign, I t71 2, 244' 15 Furnish 20 W16-7P' 24-x1 ', regulator/ gid tab. 05-06-065 szi•l< $ Pe26 22 traffic 26 trees a droles year 500 shrub 100 odic rd 64 new palm trees ago rpm SiD pm 500 rpm 54sigri fele end stand 20 sign 1 2 SOO i data t Cif tQ w 0 0 0 0 0 711 fl 0 D S N xI 0 tn 0 m 8L2T9T17seC:01 o!MSmi,means 9 CeO [' 'y .r' mot prices not i eeessaiiiy q� shown. NOTE; e'�� oldie contact for use by � Cityj�] ,� NO #3y: Dale: C• ! f . cI2 pppriaired: (Check one) LK YES or Russet ent r ^. ,--;_kReset� LL hark this any kiwi. including 5t tragic acrid tsie any a 1_� ~_ - • ��� - and Reset 1,000 square kat of 3 8. iside brick paved band, Wwidex 8iengih x 2'thick) r -- _- a . the base and Masud. install 1000 odic yard d cress match, at any traffic dole localion, inclurfing removal of theme • - p installation of 1.000 square it. of solid sod £Fforalarn' —Refer to DIVISION 2B- SODDING S t Ft as ecuipmaftlabor and necessary for mo+ fig,trn rg (ground emir and grass arm inside the barriers), -mulching, fagging, herbicide sxayir9 - the did iedud all landscaping areas), insect spraying the erg ere4 frond cit the pakn trees or tee limbs, and itter pick up, for 27 street harrier Watkins, on a may" basis. G onbactor shall remove al debris and trash bags from the area, the s • = of the c . • . including furnishing all nc4 50 traffic signs at any location appurtenances for a now pole (Ci 2'l, MO1r eland, alhaidware. ccocrete forte base, ' 501radiic 0114-1 18"x18` >-„ - red WM9 red reftecto ' Erecting/ Staling and Or rig 40 fawn neestpairns Vass than to 12` caliper' inducing all � p ring and graving 2D fallen treasfpalms (more than to 17 cafrper) iadudin►g all rtenances on an "as needed' basis. 50 stump realtreat, e"-12' trunk diameter, ircu+in9 root removad and surface restoration at -;. locations 50 Stump reinoual. #3 -24" ivnk diatoms, inducing toot removal and surface ream -AM 2Rlocasons ,- 50 Stuop removal. 25--36 franc diameter, including root removal and surface restoratJon at locations it •i Page 27 Bid No. �065 BL2T9T17 :01 50 Sump moo{;.mote fll8tl 3i'i in beak og rootrerimersod, IMP"- teitalli,000 ii 1 s _ .-}.... Sod iiiduthn t■re sifeet of St: Aar Gress �? 9 motet .etc. at ititrvIdei depot Ui�fssioe ?B ` • . Furnishing all tabor. mated and a wY tor instairig) 56 new Limbo t :. -.11Y-17 doer and 4 . win mente . g2-n�v ooalpaims- $ ail iel6as' _ rna�ai sml eQuiprr�t --. -- �- � NW. 3001 S'-tr yii}, inoludiepmeterin9 died 1- !id too. 05-06-065 18 JUN-19--2006 09:04A FROM:SANCHEZ RRANG SLST9SKOE:01