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June 29, 2006
In June, 2006, PBS&.1 completed the Draft TMDL for Wagner Creek for the City of
Miami for submittal to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP).
During development of the Draft TMDL limited water quality monitoring was performed.
FDEP is responsible for the TMDL program in Florida FDEP is also responsible for the
National Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Program in Florida. The City of Miami
operates under the requirements of an NPDES Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System
(MS4) Permit. The TMDL and NPDES programs have similar modeling and monitoring
requirements. The information gathered for the TMDL program can also be used to help
satisfy the NPDES program requirements.
The City of Miami MS4 permit includes monitoring and reporting requirements for the
City's 391 outfalls. The following describes the project tasks to be conducted by PBS&J
to support the TMDL program requirements and the requirements of the NPDES MS4
Permit for the City of Miami. The objectives ofthis project are to collect and evaluate
existing water quality data, estimate annual .mass pollutant loads and event mean
oonoontratiorss Isa,ed en the 64,ialiii data, prepare a water quality monitoring plan,
perform water quality monitoring, refine annual mass pollutant Toads and event mean
concentrations based on the proposed monitoring, prepare a monitoring report for year
2006 and attend project meetings. This work will be performed for the City of Miami.
Task 1: Pkta Cotlestion aqd Review
Data to be collected by the ENGINEER as part of this project includes:
I) Existing surface water quality data in close proximity to outfall discharges
2) NPDES permit monitoring requirements
3) Previous NPDES permit monitoring and annual reports
4) Existing outfall annual runoff volumes
5) Existing outfall EMCs
6) Existing outfall or watershed annual mass pollutant loads
PBS&J collected available water quality data for the Wagner Creek watershed during the
development of the Draft TMDL. Much of this data will be used in support of the
additional services. Additional available water quality data for the Wagner Creek
watershed and surrounding areas will be collected from the City of Miami, Miami Dade
JUN-29-2006 01:23PM FAX:8132810954
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County, SFWMD and FDEP for the period from 1997-2006. The successful completion
of this task along with subsequent tasks and adherence to the project schedule relies on
the cooperation of the City of Miami, Miami Dade County, SFWMD and FDEP to
provide available information in a timely manner, This relates only to providing existing
data and does not expect additional field monitoring to be performed by these entities.
The pollutants of primary concern include biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical
oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), total
nitrogen (TN), total ammonia plus organic nitrogen (TKN), total phosphorus (TP),
soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total copper (TCu), total lead (TPb), total zinc (TZn),
total cadmium (TCa) and fecal coliform bacteria.
Task 2: Evaluate Water ()panty Data
The ENGINEER will review the available water quality data from 1997 through 2006
and tabulate for each station the cumulative mean, minimum and maximum values for
each constituent. Since water quality data may be subject to variations, the ENGINEER
will add median and quartile values in order to represent data more accurately, The
ENGINEER will tabulate mean values for each year and analyze the data collected at
each station and collection points to deterrtxine if patters or water quality trends can be
established from the available data at the different stations and sampling sites. Based on
available local EMC, other pertinent EMC data, and annual stonnwater runoff volumes
for each stormsewer outfall, the ENGINEER will estimate annual mass pollutant loads
and EMCs for each storm sewer outfall, The ENGINEER will meet with City staff to
discuss data results and data needs to be addressed by future water quality monitoring,
'ask 3: erenart; Water Ouahyy Monitoring Plan
Based on the results of Tasks 1 and 2 and discussions with the City and FDEP, the
ENGINEER will develop a proposed water quality monitoring plan to be undertaken at
the end of the 2006 wet season. The ENGINEER will include a monitoring plan for
Wagner Creek in conjunction with the citywide monitoring plan. The water quality plan
may include the collection of surface water, stonnwater runoff, bascflow and/or sediment
samples. The ENGINEER will submit a Draft Water Quality Monitoring Plan to the City
and FDEP for review and comment. The monitoring plan will be developed to satisfy the
requirements of the NPDES permit and future TMDL requirements, if needed.
The ENGINEER will prepare a Final Water Quality Monitoring Flan based on comments
received from the reviewers. The Final Water Quality Monitoring Plan shall be submitted
to the City and FDEP for approval prior to initiation of monitoring.
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Lapj5J1S,and Water Ouplity Monitoring
The ENGINEER will conduct surface water, stormwater runoff, baseflow and/or
sediment quality monitoring in accordance with the approved water quality monitoring
plan. This may include the collection and laboratory analysis of surface water,
stormwatcr runoff, baseflow and/or sediments for the parameters listed in Task 1.
This project budget includes the collection and analysis of up to 60 discrete (grab) water
samples and/or discrete (grab) sediment samples. if additional monitoring is required or
additional parameters are to be analyzed, the contract amount will need to be modified.
Talk 5: Prepare Water it oni ring 1teport
The ENGINEER will prepare a water quality monitoring report for the year 2006 which
includes a summary of the results of Tasks 1-4. Annual mass pollutant loads and EMCs
for each stormsewer outfall will be updated based on the results of the field sampling
program. A Draft Water Quality Monitoring Report will be prepared and submitted to the
City. Upon receipt of comments from the City ort the Draft Water Quality Monitoring
Report, a Final Water Quality Monitoring Report will be prepared and submitted to the
Task : F ject anagement nd Meetin
Project management activities will include general project management activities
including preparation of monthly progress reports. The project budget includes attending
a total of 6 project meetings or presentations with City staff', FDEP, and other project
Proiect Schedub
The project schedule (based on a Notice to Proceed dated July 7, 2006 and the receipt of
all data referenced in Task 1 by July 27, 2006) forthe main deliverables are as follows. if
the Notice to Proceed is delayed, then the project schedule will be adjusted accordingly:
2) Submit Evaluation of Water Quality Data Report August 25, 2006
3) Submit Draft Water Quality Monitoring Plan September 15, 2006
4) Submit Final Water Quality Monitoring Plan October 13, 2006
5) Submit Draft Water Quality Monitoring Report April 27, 2007
6) Submit Final Water Quality Monitoring Report May 25, 2007
This schedule assumes comments will be received on draft documents within 2 weeks of
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