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r official newsletter 4, the Miami Chapter of the American institute of Architects
2: Group pommy curing worx1e514011 oevero0rnp cowl s mri
its:AIA 8oarp Memoirs inc saner mbtri front ein ono r pr a I
M Of PrNenleo
Moot AIA Miami Design Armin
Pharopraphy Exhibition
2001 Awaros & installation Banquet
The Network
Executive Messayt
Mtmber hews
New Members
Calentrar of Events
fail-winfer 200
Officials Air the Need for 4th Airport
Iry M cnser rummer Transooranon Weer'
Ina emote ano-arro en r1e Dc coer
M. 2007 Ramon or in South Florins
Sun•Srnnn.l. one coy snot Me
Repionar transit Vision Aesipn
Worksnop orpanuro oy AIA Aims. rl
it rrnnnreo wrm Perinass nl worn r►r-
Soutn Fiona Sun•S-nsrr*I.
The hrst time avretion othcials
said a new commercial anion
was neeoec in Sown Flange was
1955. The onpinal terminal at Fort
Lauoeroale• Hollywood
International Airport was nothing
more man a glorified careen. with
outdoor gates one a hip hips
--"7. fence to separate passenpars
tram planes.
The new airport proposal was
rejected by voters in 1955. And at
Mast seven other proposals sine
men nave met tin same fate.
Transponatrn Whheals, arcnnecis
and residents from Broward.
Palm Beach and M em,- Dave
counties revisited me controver-
sial issue Saturday. as pan of &
daylong patnenng to Pension
seas for me trt• county regions
airport needs tnroupn the rest al
01e century.
The workshop sponsored by the
Amencan Instnute of Architects
was a follow up to the Ciuslales
Prowl. a sells a1 stones in the
Sun -Sentinel last'yeer that exam-
inee how the region could plan
better to accommocale the 6.3
minion peopre, expected to call
peps 4
Wpr 2
wee 2
p.m 3
pogo i
peg- T
Page 7
WO 7
Paw s
South Flonaa home by 2020.
Saturdays event was set Detail
the Seplernoer 11 attacks. wnia
cameo stesd amps In pre num-
Ders et passengers flying and
forced eirpons around Me coun-
try to retnink their expansion
But most in attendance agreed
Mat airpon panning can stop
because pre aysaban industry will
evenluelly make a strong come-
'The aviation 'nativity is wound -
ea. but not tonally wounded.'
said Gary DeIlapa. a tanner
Miami Dears avraton director who
moderated film drsuusaran,'1 firm-
ly behove It will rebind stronger
than ever.'
With airport treble forecast Ice
rouble over the next decade. It's
especial all twee of trte mgion'a
rnarn alrporu will be operating
oeyonc c,eraraty by 2020. A run-
way atone can fake 15 10 2d
years to beta from the time it is
Nannder Jolly. assistant orraetor
of the Miami•Dude Aviation
Depanment. said the region fr11t:1
Dian Ior new technology that will
bnnp larger pianos that can seat
more man 500 people. ''How you
plan tor runways and terminals is
totally diherent than the design
tor 727a or 747s ' JDlry sax
Two groups favored ouirow
haw jetoon in the auga' 11
sotnneast of Lake Oneecnapa
soutn Palm Beam Cam'
ConneCknp it to the metro a
east of pie Evergraaes via n
aD•e0 rail.
The Diner iwo groups Dreier
improving the three exist
major swoons fo tnalr lull
00tential and llnkelg them to
areal' seaports with reelable 1r
alt''iervaie before •xnionng I
need for. iourin deport.
Dr. Peter Magyar, toundrng an
for and protestor of me Ftor
Atlantic University School
ArVnn•ct11n1. said Saturday$
posse weren't bnorng but ins
to spur the rearms povemmen
to pet aefous about addraaar
long-iemt transportation neeoi.
•This pets In. community's an!
flan.' he said.
An airport as Homestead is nett
•scary. Miami. Dade Whoa'
have argued. because Mon
International Airport is expects
10 be at capacity within 15 year
with ktlle room to expand. Ba
environmental groups have tour
tend the aorpon would enaanpr
nearly Biscayne and Evergiad*i
national perks.
As we approach e1e aid d the poet,
I rate= no orvy n tree oast year but
aso on 1r1e 0la0 a swami at aloe
1 txcanle whey r yrned. Mures
has alarlpe° aro morays'.
For era years. I have veinessec ac-
cess/re grows- tn Pre manors pro.
grams and rnenroersrep. Our
newsieeer has gone ham an 5.5 by
11 rat tome r to a sick Inc imps
pubiszatcn wive tar more orient and a warm wage v e
can ae eraup d. VW are &bra to alai it to 0yter orparttl'e.
Dons nor rely as a pudic mama tad. 12a M0fp rpm -
tansy as a rTws'i o to erasers erld rauertpe wars an piste•
fats taken by Inc cram. We hove seen Prdarc
Awareness Nigni evoke Iron a weak apmoiocrcal art/
Prow e1cositlon 1° one year row razes a vast delay
01 rectos OluS Pie
aaxses c an merttoen:nal The Graf iaxrament calm -
ties 10 alma more d ow mempefyp arc soma wadi.
and prwtDes u5 vi1 1 a Peasant and kit melee Pee perar•
apes ire ar o Ieronsnc. E ceielr new manna
nave been re -son d abet nark, yaws d QXrnerrS.y.
Rii1M1 Siam. *IA
Arailectae week has been brvtt I NO van a trashartd
rorari Try. A s nd tansial b ace asencierLw r11
huarm al tare nary mares d Arcrsie AJR Wasik aid
see events of Architecture Week berg woofed OUr
td®l Pius. The amual Marry Neat' Weer' Yes gale its
asset greater aixaewe. and traritti tb member tetra
generous sptrrsnrsn0. sends an edu:searW nlaiaape ID
tie wake smut =reacts. anmeanure. and ease Of
Livabitiy. A is prrnerey became of tie lee derarltp prodded
01r Oaspeslberes arld heir macaw warn d armors
tat Mese •p ltgri strides hew own made possible.
Worry Mina to tram.
I henna tee slew leas also brckgre abDu nee ametop•
trans kr Cu enactor. As taped ore awes fro screw wring prlifWips test yttf
rratrexMsrrp ID Matra a
new arld grater Ida on moues of Livability, or Srllert
Grown tor eta carrrrtany. I scaled Cu lslque praiaete:►
a OderOrrs as armadas and urban Designers. aria our
chimes to ► ep •ilea ensige.1 am reSPY to report flex ere
row araady begin n make a rirleferroe. Enna,
thle veer, the ALA help s r c a ,,n_e seseai W Pp
Face abmeos imations aver he n Boerserreei Pant ex
a new t easeptl sttnun. Our enza__ Palate pnsiarnel iD
2001 Meritorius Service Awards
• • • • • • •
AIA Miami
CAA• Leon. Sidle tOl
rat Gables. FL 33134
1e6; (3051 445 74aa
Fat.: 1305144E-0136
rmr13• wononeum.net
Paige! Suto. AIA
Graphics Editor
Fora. Associate AIA
lion Coordinators
Mete Brazrascry
Europium Moreno
'solo M. Salazar. AIA
Adrertlein9 Sales
13051 446-7415
t 01tcrN newsMmN of
sr Di me American
is aria is 'lemmata D.
Ks 10 AIA rrierllotte
aovenisiny Inowrms
Me Cna0.Rf 011e. el
Mons ono enn1no.-
Marenai muss Icier
O Ine 1p7: sir ire
Glean In cram 10 00
morning 1e'ue Ai;
1e Ice 'Dace .no Cam.
CUDilaheo mime
. 1M o0lnlona gel•
'ethers. All *porn
Ieeureeyi heeteeel.
Ms AM nor 11m
ae heel Marta for
ermea lreetea. the
' ana asoluns of
ess: In eaflorrai,
fens Dees nol
Amason et the AM
Inal1 ON 10 oreanlse
tie memoirs or Ine
igo or0n10le eIe
3 anneal l fain en.
wwvana iris
q ano wowing Dy
1 0r ersrueeotural
moon: l0 oDoroi
v ano the wows.
sure me &owner.
loyal or p1p0K
lnvsonmenl; Inc
i1 ever•Inusweine
a of Architects
Jag in 1929
AIA Miami nerd IU 471h annual
Awards and installation Banoutet
On November 15. 2001 at the
Bmmore Hotel In Coral Gables.
Over Iwo honored and fifteen
cnaoier members ano supporters
enjoyed an Men -air reception
overlooking the p001. music by
Gruoo Haoanero, line dining and
ire ambiance for which the
Bmmore IS so well known.
Tne goal of the awards Program Is
to recognize and promote good
architectural assign by identifying
ana Dubscizing worthy protects
ano Inolvlouais.
it's a new category of sunacing
materials and a new brand from
DuPont. Zodiatl) Quartz surfaces
Introduces new possabilillea for
surface abductions an commer-
cial ana re5rdenllat interiors.
Combining ncn. °ratinctrve aes-
thetics with reliable penormance.
Zooiagfdr otters expanoeo oppor-
tunities for Cresdvny ano assign
Quartz is one of the earth's most
aaunoant rnalenals and also one
of the most mtnguing. Queen
Crystal makes oaZZirig rewalry,
Daley Alvarez - Mike Brosletrslly
Viry!!!o Campanella, Assoc. AM - Juan Cresol. MA
Javier Cruz. AM - Martin Dias-Yabor. AIA
David Feinberg. AM - %loran,* Flier. MIA
Bruce Ford. Assoc. MA - Bernard Motorize. AM
Michael KaehtEen. Atty. • Edward Lewis. AM
Michael Kerwin. MA 'Dorge Kuper ten. AM
Christopher Lanav , ASSOC. AM - David Wallbern. AM
Photography Exhibition to Highlight Boom Time
by PISMO / C. Amman Jr
Belore the Vietnam War. before
Watergate. before Reaganomics.
there erved an era 01 infinite opti-
mism. unnamed decadence and
Ine pursuit of tun. This layilic time.
from 1945 to 1955, was captured
in the architectural style of Miami
Modem, or MIMo.
Even more whimsical than the An
Deco of South Beach. the MIMo al
North Beech. Surlsioe and Bat
Harbour. as well as areas of
Biscayne Bouievartt. featured
boomerangs. accoroion hn walls
ono cneese•nole masonry, yet
was sleek ono elegant With Cann
angles and Tines. Shining exam-
ples Include Miami Baaen's
Fontalneoleu Hilton. Eosin Roc
and Carillon motels,
Tne boloness ana whimsy of this
era is highlighted in an exhibition
series entitled Miami Modem
Ar'chltecture • A Photography
Exhibition from October 1•
Dscemper 16. 2001. at the
Seymour. the new Home of Inc
Miami Beach Community
Development Corporation, SA5
Pennsylvania Avenue in Miami
Beach as can of Design +
Architecture Day 2001. The exhi-
brtion fsatures the wildly einrava•
pant tropical modem arcnnecture
of Miami and its New York
The exhibition semis celebrates
architecture from the 1950s and
early 1960s. a time of widespread
opiimiem and naive canhdence lit
the tlrlun. This unlouely Amencan
assign Style was erunonaazeo m
nunoreos of buildings. ranging
from single-Iarnily homes to apart.
menu buildings 10 Synagogues and
hotels. m ire North Beach section
of Miami Beach Inc even several
New York City bullornps. mcivaing
the Metropolitan and Americana
hotels. tnrougn the work of Moms
This is a terrific opportunity for
Norm Beach.` said Deny tJobm,
president 01 the North Beach
Development Corporation. 'The
exhibition provides a strong
endorsement to the architecture Of
North Beam, which will promote
tourism, investment, ana prude in
our community. We know what
histonC preservation and archaic.
tore did tor South Beach. and now
We nave the Same ocipanunih it
Nonn Beach.'
The sines well De oisptaveo al the
Municioai An Society to New YDr1
Day m spring 2002. after which n
will return to Miami for an exoano-
ed e3hebita0n.
Miami Modem Architecture • A
Photography Exhibition is ore -
minted by the Urban Ans
Cammrpee 01 Miami Beach. a
civic group which craws attention
t0 Die built environment. The
Committee worts with Hs afhkalsa
organisations. inctuaing Miami
Boson Community Development
Corporation, Miami Deargn
Preservation League. marlin
Creek Association. and North
Beach Development Corporation
2001 Awards and Installation Banquet
by Jinn &Ma AA4
Thinytive swards ware handed
OUI in categories including
Architecture. Interior Design.
Landscape Archil.Cture.
Engineering. Preservation,
Contracting. Development.
Photography, Education.
Government and Public Service.
Mammon of the South Fronde
Design community were 9110 rec-
ognized for their ouistanoing con•
inbullons to the prolusion.
Protestor Jaime Canaves. FAiA
of the FIU Scnoot el An hiteeture
was awaroed Inc Seive► Medal for
Service, ire repro': honor
bestowed upon a nlerhlper. for Ma
exemplary service ano oedwa-
Among the new
awards tiles
year was the
Leadership tor
Awaro presenl•
e0 to Dr.
Mooesto A. S.
Your Vision. reflected ZODIAQD
won to power the most accurate.
timepieces. Quartz u extremely
hard. with unusual strength,
dtplh. clamy and raosance.
These are some of Itte reasons
why DuPont Chose quart/ as the
Core 'women! tor Zodiacilt.
2ooladj has its own tiepin and
character. warn unique aesthetics
suggesting a leering of enlight-
ened luxury and an attnuoe of
bold soonastics ion. Cool. tnnqull
Inc sparking. ZoctiaerZ catches
ono reheats light. capturing the
raalance of Guar¢ maim'
and consisten-
Cy m color;
auslities etyt
offer boundless
potential in hor-
uontsl and ver•
heal surtactng
Zodlaseb a
by supenor
strength end
Because it is
composed of aueret. 20 iaq®
This was inc first year mat AIA
membership was not required for
continued on PAGE 3
hominess scale...This MAWS. M
AIA .:
•+.its: Lear
Dumas M.sm..Daoe 100 i : 331:
r• i.awnow
Your source for
planers. media.
supphem 6 manias
sera ROW writ firm lawn
N7ene:77 NI dr!pia
;MI)" ±alias Rower.
:e: Car ii.r a Evawitior.
atrg C. OM/ISnCI Ev weator.
Cade enrorcemen:
►mc tnfpe:mons
Ac ssibil,n Consulting Firm
Swiping rrrsaegars
Olin Suam1ners
usanNRyiAccesslbillty Sneclarrsl
Stare G*Mrel Commons
voq : %v. ,.. v Ali .prig ►1+45u. FLwuoA 3312P.
] i a 3n5.211=."]'3 1 �ti 3014•2115.361
+.i+a1j41:1ir7 LR.1.'051•E•\ui;: OI1.ac7710%1■ aaaari1C
t;.coNsu coal
:W�� :•rvslti7Af17f ,5ANr•
' Digital Drafting Systems
Cramp..., •IgrY 6ftwrep + Ora/tine sieluerinie
Nei works
305) 44 A_AA Dn
• by Mum &ass ivasy
September 11, 2001 brought rinse new worda•to
our vocabulary, TERRORRISM. SAFETY i
SECURITY. This theme has been prevalent time
after tame en everything we no en our deny involve-
ment and in wnat ever we 00. As a matter Of tart.
AJA National is coming out with a new oambltiel
about security. The new way we design structures
and buildings will be available at our o}licss. 11 you
would like one lust call us and we wilt put aside a
copy to be picked up. This is a tree service we are
providing to our memoirs and we ask you to be krnd'nougat to peg
by 10 pidu them up. The chapter is being merged for morn. and your
coming by will help us astray the mailing colt. We appreciate your
cooperation. Laws must go on as we recuperate hum pre horror Of
the' tragedy that nee nutmeg all of us so close 10 honla.
our Chapter hasn't slowed down in our activism. The last cough of
mornns have been as busy as we have ever been. between electing
a new Board of Directors. which as taking ohms on January Znc 2002.
Archneclure Week , and the Regional Trauma vision is took at the
transponatron needs of the tulure of the In -county area with a loGtas
on aviation}. our work tote and those of our volunteer mamma has
peen nan•atop. We also recently hosted our 47th Annual end Awahla
This Design Awards
Comcetmon brought our the
Deal of the Crop and the
largest number pt entries
tnas hasn't been seen for a
while. And tor the grand --
linear our Deaign Award
Presentation and Installation
Dinner was very welt atteno-
ea. and most everyone was
very pleased with angntoy-
ante evening that was snort
Inc sweet. What we have m
store for next year are new
programs expanding on
what we have catered m the
peal. Stay tuned and
PLEASE reao our taxes and
ow reminders. Don't pro-
crastinate - get involved. we
need your support. As we
approach the ono of 2001 we
wish you a Healthy and
Happy New Year lull of pros -
Panty. health. and that the
tra{teny of September lath
will never Happen apaen.
An Executive Message
wage abeam snaps Or pas wemep
envy m awe AIA Arpinepure elk
Sinacos,* ibrrpeaaon
Installation Banquet
Submission enhough members received a signilicant discount tot sub-
mission tees.
The furors for this years design awards were Enrique honer'. of TEN
Araunectos. inc Enrique Larrahaga of the Unewersny of Caracas m Venezuela. courtesy of Fiona' international Unwersr,ys School of
Arcnilecture. The jurors were very impressed wren the overall wetly Of
Ina swamies.
Afl awaro winners were also mentioned in a subiepuent ar1Cie 1n Ile.
Sown Flnrtns
2001 0ffrders and Din
Ratite, Sitrtc
John Forbes
Bernard r.
Candid° 01110 ens.
Angel i•aqul, ll. .
was r4ms•
Pekes M. Salazar.
Nairrroad Soto.
Degree Gum.
Martin Diez-Yabor.
Michael Kenitra.
Lourees bears.
Jorge S. kcuwnnan. I
Marlys hispornecher.
Stale Directo
Jane Druz. A
Jamie Canvas. FA
Edward Lewes. A
.Mien Grose Al
Inanedlele Aesf Pewee: en
Solvent Lewis. AS
Regional Stele Diners
fio0en Jerome Flier. FAi/
Associate Dirwctoni
Mums Ford. Assoc AM
Vapkio Campenena, Amite Airs
Jerry Con. ASA
Honorary *1eAsbetle
been Elizetasm Plalah2yberk, FAIA
Un wereity et Monai.
Series, el Answeeuw
Dann .Mean Amino Buono, ASI A
Fence Masmetionar Uni stun r
Scow D Arclaaecene
Chapter Stiff
` iiol (Mike) Braz1aysky