HomeMy WebLinkAboutEvaluation of External Auditing ServicesEVALUATION OF REP NO. 03-04-099 EXTERNAL AUDITING SERVICES Area Evaluation Criteria Max Pnlnts: KPMC Rachlln Cohen TOTAL; 40 Points 1 McanIngnti governmental auditing experience of partners, managers, other key staff members, and other supervisory staff assigned to the City's account. 20.00 196.00 176.00 2 Sub -Consultants' qualifications and experience in governmental auditing. 10.00 3 Overall relevant auditing experience of firm for at least threo (3) years, particularly governmental auditing experience. including grant audits. 10,00 Subtotal 40.00_ 196.00 176,00 1 Ability and Capability to Perform TOTAL: 35 Paints Overall ability and capability to provide required services stipulated in Section 2.0 Scope of Work, including detailed responses to City requirements. 10,00 169.00 160.00 2 Current and projected workload of Proposer, and auditor' assigned to the Ciiy'a account. 5.00 - 3 Provision of two (2) recent external quality control reviews, and results of any federal or state desk review or now audits, during past three (3) year'. 4.00 - Ability to provide analysis of currant developments of GASH and FASB 4 pronouncements; description of the audit proceduroe to be followed, and tentative schedule for parfomting key aspects of audit. 5.00 - - Any litigation or proceeding' against Proposer, its partners, managers, other key staff members, within the past three (3) years; impediments to independence, if 5 any, & any circumstances and status deny disciplinary actions taken or pending against the Proposer. Its partner', managers, other key staff members. Note: Inverse scale for points (i.e., no occurrence gels 3 points). 3.00 - - Subtotal 35.00 169.00 160.00 TOTAL; 20 Points t Flat Fees Proposal for Services. 15,00 93.00 95.00 2 Fees for additional services, including hourly rate. 5.00 Subtotal 20,00 93.00 95.00 TOTAL; 10 Points 1 Oftice located within the City of Miami corporate limits. 5.00 25.00 25.00 Subtotal 5,00 25,00 25.00 . TOTAL AVAILABLE POINTS: 100,00 TOTAL POINTS BY PROPOSER; 463.00 456.00 Evaluated by: Data; EVALUATION OF RFP NO. 03-04-099 EXTERNAL AUDITING SERVICES Area Evaluation Criteria Max Points KPMG Rachlln Cohen TOTAL; 40 Points 1 Meaningful governmental auditing experience of partners. managers, other key staff members, and other supervisory staff assigned to the City's account. 20.00 39.20 35.20 2 Sub -Consultants" qualifications and experience in governmental auditing. 10.00 3 Overall relevant auditing experience of firm for at least three (3) years, particularly governmental auditing experience, including gmnt audits. 10.00 Subtotal 40.00 39.20 35.20 J o ea Ar o 2- d4 ,o et t' iE st ' TOTAL; 35 Paints 1 Overall ability and capability to provide required services stipulated in Section 2.0 Scope of Work, including detailed reaponses to City requirements. 18.00 33.80 J 32.00 Current and projected workload of Proposer, and auditors assigned to the City's 2 account. 5 - 3 Provision of two (2) recent extemal quality control reviews, and results of any federal or state desk review or field audits, during past three (3) years. 4.00 - Ability to provide analysis of current developments of GASH and FASB pronouncements; description of the audit procedures to be followed, and tentative schedule for performing key aspects of audit. 5.00 _ - - Any litigation or proceedings against Proposer, its partners, managers, other key staff members, within the past three (3) years; impediments to independence, if 5 any; & any circumstances and status of any disciplinary actions taken or pending against the Proposer, its partners, managers, other key staff members. Note: Inverse scale for points (I.e., no occurrence gets 3 point.). 3.00 - • - Subtotal 35.00 33.80 32.00 Am 8 TOTAL; 20 Points 1 Flat Fees Proposal for Services. 15.00 18.60 19.00 2 Fees for additional services, including hourly rate. 5.00 Subtotal 20.00 18.60 19.00 TOTAL: 10 Points 1 Oftioe located within the City of Miami corporate limits. 5:00 5.00 5.00 Subtotal 5.00 5.00 5.00 TOTAL AVAILABLE POINTS: 100.00 TOTAL POINTS BY PROPOSER: 96.60 91,201 Evaluated by: Date;