HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 20Table 1C Sumrnary of Specific Homeless/Special Needs Objectives (Table 1A/1B Continuation Sheet) Obj li Specific Objectives Performance Expected Actual Measures Units Units 30th 1'rogrnm (5 Years) (Previous Year 2004-2005 5 Years) S ie'ctal Needs Housln _ for Individuals with Hl. /AI �. :=. € F ',` E a ,!. 1 ° .'.` ' i :o .: Ecf { 2SN (a) Tenant -based Rental Housing: Provide 10 erm tenant -based rental subsidy and the supp, a Housing Specialist to individuals livin. aS and their families and increase the current nu sf households that can be served by the program fr , 1,200 households to1,250 ho . -holds per year. YEARS 1-5 Households comprised of 1 + come persons • g with AIDS and their family members provided ant -based rent e. 1,250 • ouseholds per year. 2SN (b) Project -based Rental Subsidy: =�an ef.::: ber of project -based rent -subsidized u ,.ate for Is ''. ••>, «?._ - persons living w' IDS and their '"g, i ' 1-5 P t-based rent- .sidized units restricted to housing low income persons living with AIDS and their family members. 80 units per year. 60 units per year. 2SN (c) HOPWA Erne ' ` , Q� ' • , rental, ° gage, anassistance for indivi i l t ' HI • . YEARS 1-5 Low income persons living with AIDS provided emergency assistance. 150 persons per year. 2SN (d) ousing lnfor . [=•in, R= -rral and Advocacy: ' tain recentl a plemented housing information, r and advs - y services (including a web- base, ing r al site) for persons living with AIDS t : • ntract with a community -based organizatl EARS 1-5 Low income persons living with AIDS provided housing information to access or maintain housing. 400 persons per year. na 2006-2007 Action Plan 88 Obj Specific Objectives 11 4 SN (a) 4 SN (b) 4 SN (c) 4 SN (d) 4 SN (e) Homeless Objectives- Reduce Chronic Homelessness Homeless Prevention Strategy: Develop a homeless prevention strategy for City residents — YEAR 2 Limit Street Feeding: Develop a plan to limit street feeding — YEAR 1 Outreach Services: Expand outreach services — YEAR 1 Low/Demand Haven Beds: Expand the availability of low-demand/safe haven beds — YEAR 2 Mental Health Services: Fund the availabili• mental health services on a street level —Y ' 2 4 SN (f) 4 SN (g) Collaboration with Miami Police: St •ng communication of collaborative efforts with t Miami Police Department —YEAR 1 Follow-up on all placements Performance Measures 30th Program Year 2004-2005 Adopt a plan to end chronic homelessness Enact legislature Ma • I cets an• 4500 ents yearly Hire an L came part of th ye ly training sessions ire an additional nager Expected Units (5 Years) na na na 80 na Acl ins Units (Previous 5 Years) na na na 0 0 40 na The City of Miami only provides outreach services Mess ►_ ae, • Is and families and as such will, implement its objective wit year of the p As Housi nits become available within Miami - Dade County Continuu of Services, e hope to e iminate homelessness by year 2012. 0 0 2006-2007 Action Plan 89