HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit 16XIV Monitoring
Outcome -based Community Development
The Community Development Director, Assistant Director and Program Managers oversee the planning
process and budgeting process to ensure that projects are developed consistent with grant requirements.
This planning process also ensures that each funded project is consistent with the Consolidated Plan and
makes progress toward identified community development objectives, forementioned staff members
make certain that projects are being completed in a timely manner a at expenditure deadlines for
various grants are being met.
CDBG- Sub -recipient Contracts
For sub -recipient contracts, the Contract Complian
the contract analyst engages in contract negotiat
needs identified in the Consolidated Plan. This proc
HUD guidelines. Then, the plan is reviewed by the pro
exercised and that the plan coincides with program direct
contract consistent with applicable la .d guiding princip
Upon, the Law Department endorsing th
program operations. The agency will then
Department. The Fiscal Assistants will pro
eligibility, compliance,,.,.sonableness
been processed by in =Y . i, - partment, it
The Contract
secure that the work
out an
and reimb
outreach is
ce per yea
ency with sign
e future. All re
ifying the be
ent repo
• g in
e Anal
ernal con
s pa
scope o
iven to th
nalysts approves the scd
nsistent ' .'th HUD regulati
'11 ens i ompliance with
age ho makes stlfe conformity is
inally, the City Law Department prepares a
on o
res for
service. As a result,
with the priority
licable laws and
es the agency will commence
mbursement to the Fiscal
w the information rendered for
ice. Once a payment reimbursement has
ssistant Director for final approval.
also administe p,Iementation of the funded request for proposal, to
cordance the guidelines stipulated in the contract. The
red at a minimum of once per year for compliance with
idelines. The targeted goal for compliance monitoring will
t findi on such a monitoring will be typically monitored, on a more frequent
ent a: ncies must provide periodic reports which describe the activities carried
iciaries for the project. Moreover, the agencies must also submit performance
n a monthly basis. These reports help to identify and ensure that minority
formity with HUD's program objectives.
HOME- Contract Execution Pre -requisite
For projects carried out with the use of HOME funds Contract Compliance Analysts are assigned to
monitor the progress of each project and submit invoices for payment. All payment requests for HOME
construction projects will be cleared and verified by City of Miami Inspectors. The inspectors will assume
responsibility for inspecting construction projects prior to authorization of payment. Payments for
reimbursement are reviewed and approved by the Fiscal Assistants, whom obtain the final approval from
the Finance Assistant Director. This operation protocol preserves a checks and balance system that
minimizes overpayment and promotes sound fiscal management practices. In addition, the Contract Analyst
assures that all prerequisites have been finalized, as it concerns environmental reviews, Section 3
compliance, and Davis -Bacon monitoring in an attempt to coincide with Federal Regulations.
2006-2007 Action Plan
Consequently, all pertinent documentation will be in accordance with Federal Mandates prior to submission
for reimbursement and payment.
The Department of Community Development will implement and outcome -based Consolidated Plan. The .
goal of this initiative is to increase the focus, accountability, impact, and ease of monitoring funded
projects. Funds expended through the fiscal years will be tied to performance benchmarks. A forma
monitoring strategy will de developed to evaluate the viability, reliability and impact of funded projects.
The decision to provide continuing funding for an organization should be shaped, in large part, upon review
of their success in meeting established outcomes.
The City understands that all efforts using Federal, State and Local resources must be in accordance with
established laws, regulations, and sound management accounting practices. ; programs awarded Federal
monies will be monitored and reported according to the program statutoulatory rules of those
Affordable housing programs will be monitored on an ongoing s by ct compliance analysts. The
Department of Community Development will establish a s *-re. ient mo >+= plan at a minimum
establishing the submission of periodic reports and audite ' a statements.
A description of the standards and procedures that t
furtherance of the plan and will ensure long term i m
including minority business outreach. The objectives o
monitoring system are:
to monitor activitt out in
irements of the p s involved,
of Communi 1 evelopment's
• To minimize the City's liabili _ tifying and corre ajor program deficiencies
before resulting in financial pay ing sanctions.
To conduct production monitoring part o <' _ 1 proce
• To conduct qu. ' ntrol and comp 1' onitor : assessing the quality of the process
and produc
• CD wi rue to c sly with HUD equirements by preparing the following
➢ Five Year
This se
and Enfor
con Prevails
rovides a b
t Objecti
mance and Evaluation Report
overview of Davis -Bacon Streamlining and Labor Standards Administration
• Apply i - abor standards properly. Make certain that labor standards, including
Davis-Ba prevailing wage rates, are applied where required. Ensure that any
exempti.ns or exclusions are identified.
• Through education and advice, support contractor compliance with labor standards.
Provide basic training and technical support to contractors to ensure that they understand
their obligations under prevailing wage and reporting requirements.
• Monitor contractor performance. Perform reviews of payroll submissions and other
information to help ensure contractor compliance with labor standards provisions and the
payment of prevailing wages to workers.
■ Investigate probable violations and complaints of underpayment. Thoroughly explore any
evidence of violations, especially allegations of underpayment.
2006-2007 Action Plan
• Pursue debarment against repeat labor standards violators. HUD will not tolerate
contractors who violate the law.
The Davis -Bacon Act (DBA). The Davis -Bacon Act requires the payment of prevailing wage rates (which'
are determined by the U.S. Department of Labor) to all laborers and mechanics on Federal construction
projects in excess of $2,000. Construction includes alteration and/or repair, including painting and
decorating, of public buildings or public works.
As stated a prevailing wage must be paid to laborers when federal funds are used to pay labor costs for any
project over $2,000 or any multi -family project over eight units. The prevailing wage is usually higher than
competitive wages, raising the cost of housing production and rehabilitat'on activities. Davis -Bacon
requires extensive paperwork that adds to housing costs by requiring . - ntation of the prevailing
wages for compliance with labor monitoring requirement. Additio feder:'paperwork requirements are
extensive, which increase housing costs. While the objective of -vailing wage requirements is to
protect workers from being paid less than their labor is worth - in cost results in higher housing
construction expenses.
These requirements often restrict participation by sm
workers hired for such projects are better paid attr
income limited skilled workers who are intend
Miami will continue to enforce Davis -Bacon compli
Section 3
In compliance with the Code of Federa
demonstrated compliance with the "grea
set forth for providing training, employme
3 business sectors.
Under Section 3 of
is give for housi
be given to res' ' e
employment or contr
help give ' ' - s depri
mic oppo
t feasible". Th
matic require
The environ
Regulations 2
environmental re
National Environ
of Mt
rocess for entitlement jurisdictions is outlined in the Code of Federal
he procedures outlined in this regulation are used by entities that assume HUD's
responsibilities in determining program compliance with the intent of satisfying the
ental Policy Act (NEPA). Jurisdictions must assume this responsibility in all applicable
federal programs through a system of enforced rules and policies.
The Department of Community Development maintains an effective system of communication with HUD
to sustain departmental regulatory compliance. The City endows compliance monitoring by adhering to the
following categories:
nd Urban De
s in that area.
and Urba
ed to Da
he bene
ons 24 CFR 1
sible" requi
ty contractors. ersely, many of the
is -Bacon require . T 's is vital for low
aries of this fede . The City of
st extent pract • .ble.
ipie is and covered contractors must
of Section 3 by meeting the goals
ities to section 3 residents and section
lopment A of 1968, wherever HUD financial assistance
the greatest extent feasible, economic opportunities will
sistance may be in the form of job training,
velopment Act was amended by Congress in 1994 to
creased access to employment and job training. The
HUD and the contractors they employ to ensure that the
the expenditures go to benefit low-income persons "To the greatest
continue to enforce Section 3 compliance in all applicable
1 revie
• Exempt
• Categorically Excluded
> Not Subject to 58.5
> Subject to 58.5
2006-2007 Action Plan
■ Environmental Review Assessment
The City's Environmental Review Process is explained in detail the subsequent flowchart.
2006-2007 Action Plan