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• HEARING BOARDS 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 7th Floor • Miami, Florida 33130 Telephone 305-416-2030 • Fax 305-416-2035 www.miamigay.com PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN • Welcome to Hearing Boards! This application is intended to serve as a guide in acquainting you with our public hearing process. By any means, please feel free to contact us at the number above, should you have any questions. CITY OF MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 11469, CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI OF THE CITY CODE STATES THAT ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. Copies of lobbyist documentation with proof of payment must be submitted with the complete application. The responses to this application must be typed and must be signed in black ink. The deadline to file the complete application, along with pertinent documents, is the first five working days (1-5) of each month —unless extended because of a holiday —from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm. If you like, you could bring the materials to our office for staff review before the deadline to ensure the application is complete. Please note that the cashier on the 4th floor will close at 4:00 pm; therefore, a paid receipt must be submitted before the deadline. You will be responsible, if needed, to bring an interpreter for the English language to any presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. A valid power of attorney will be required if neither applicant or legal counsel representing the applicant execute the application or desire to make a presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. Copies of City Commission resolutions can be obtained at our website through the "Legislative Hub", or for certified copies, contact the City Clerk's Office at 305-250-5360. Applications for Zoning Change (Amendment to Zoning Atlas andfor Overlay District) and Land . Use Change (Amend the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan) will not be accepted unless it is signed or initialed and dated by the Planning Department designee. Rev DB-15 O5 Section 62-32 Periodic review of the adopted comprehensive plan and adoption of evaluation and appraisal report of the Miami City Code states detailed information about Amendments to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. I, Ben Fernandez, Esq. on behalf of Premier Management and investments Company, Inc, hereby apply to the Miami City Commission for approval in accordance with Sec 62-32 of the Miami City Code, and in support of that request, furnish the following: 1. Obtain signature or initial and date by the Planning Department designee prior to submittal. 2. Address(es) and folio(s) of property: 3921 West Flagler Street Folio 01-4105-011-1190 Current designation: Medium Density Multifamily Residential and Single Family Residential Future designation: Restricted Commercial 4. Has the designation of this property been changed in the last year? If so, when? No. 5. Do you own any other prope°rty within 200 feet of the subject property? No. If yes, has the property been granted a change in plan designation within the last year? 6. Two (2) 11x17" original surveys of the property prepared by a State of Florida registered land surveyor within six (6) months from the date of the application. 7. The property/location listed does not have any open code enforcementilien violations. 8. At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). 9. A cleat and legible copy of the recorded warranty deed and tax forms of the most current year that shows the present owner(s) and legal description of the property. 10. A clear and legible copy of the subject property address and legal description on a separate sheet of paper, labeled as "Exhibit A". 11. What is the acreage of the project/property site? 1,12 acres 12. is the property within the boundaries of a historic site, historic district or archeological zone? Please contact the Planning Department on the 3`d Floor for information. No. 13. Is the property within the boundaries of an Environmental Preservation District? Please contact the Planning Department on the 3rd Floor for information. No. 14. If only filing this application and not a change of zoning, please submit a (an): a) Affidavit b) Disclosure of Ownership c) List of owners of property within 500 feet of the subject property • • • Rev. 08-15-05 2 • • 15. For vorporat:ons and partnerships, the following documents are to be submitted_ a) Articles of incorporation ter) Certificate from Tallahassee less than one (1) year old showing good standing c) Corporate Reso ution or a Power of Attorney signed by the secretary of the Corporation authorizing the person who signed the application to do so d) For non-profit organizations only: A list of Board of Directors less than one (1) year old 16. All documents, reports, studies, exhibits (8 Yz x11") or other materials to be submitted at the hearing shall be submitted with this application and will be kept as part of the record. 17. Cost of processing according to Section 62-156 of the Miami City Code: Conservation, recreation, single family, duplex $ 300.00 Residential medium density multifamily $ 450.00 Residential high density multifamily, office, major public facilities, transportation/utilities $ 550.00 Commercia/restricted, commercial/general and industrial $ 650.00 Commercial (CBD) $ 1,200,00 Surcharge for advertising each item $ 1,200.00 Public hearing and public meeting mail notice fees, including cost of handling an mailing per notice Signature $ 3.50 Address 200 South Biscayne Blvd. # 850 `Name Ben Fernandez, EsteMiami, FL 33131 Telephone 305-377-6235 Date December E-mail Address BFernandez[a,brzoninalaw.com STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE 2005 The foregoing was acknowledged before me this -< day of December, 2005, by Ben Fernandez, EsQ. who is an agent of Premier Management and Investments Company, Inc. a corporation. He is personally known to me and who did not4ke Oja--41_/: (Stamp) Sihature BET -Pr' LLERENA MY COMMISSION # DD 095947 EXPIRES: February 27, 2006 1.8�T.34407AAY FL Nollty Ce & 6Mn' EnZ Ir,C, Rev. G -15-05 3 LEGAL Df SL:Ufyr.0, : A Parcel of i,.aud, the sante being all of Lots 7 Mid 8 and a portion of Lots 6 and 9, Black la ClflsftCkil"LL ESTATES. according to the flat Boole 44, ill Page 64 of the Public Rstaord; of 1vfiatui-Daa1c County, Florida, more particularly described as follows. BEGINNING at a pOintUn the Southerly line of Block 10 of "CHURCHILL ESTATES" Plat Book 44, at Page 64 of the Public Rccotrts of ;at Carol -Dade County, Florida, 44.00 cast of the Southeast corner of Lot a, Block 10 aforesaid, CHURCHILL ESTATES; thence West along the Southerly line of aforesaid Block 10, 89.46 feet to the Y.C. of circular curve to the nglu having for its elements a central angle of 88°55'31" a radius of 25.00 feet and a tangent of 24,54 feet; thk-ncc along the arc of said curie to the right a distance of 38,80 feet to the P.T. of aforesaid curve; thence North 01°0429' Wcst along the westerly line of aforesaid Block 10, a distance of 149.99 feel to the P.C. ofa circular curve to the: right, having for its clement- a ccnirsl angle of 91°04'29" a radius of 25.00 feet and a ungcnl of 25.47 feet; thence along the arc of said curve to the right a distance of 39.74 feet ro the P.T. of aforesaid cu.r ie, thence East along the Northerly line of aforesaid Black 10, a distance of 92.28 feet; thence South perpendicular to dx North line of aforesa 4 Block 10, 199.965 feet to thc POINT OF BEGENNlNG. and A Parcat of Land, the same bci^g all of Lots 5 and 10 and a portion of Lots 4, 6, 9 and 11, Block f0 of CHURC1ULL ESTATES, according ut the Plat Book 44, at Page 64 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point of the Southerly line of Block 10, aforesaid, CBRIRCHILL ESTATES; 26.0(1 feet West of the Southwest corner of Lot 10, Block 10, aforesaid. CHURCHILL ESTATES; thence North perpendicular to the South lint of aforesaid Block 10, 199.9'65 feel to the northerly line of aforesaid Block i0; thence last along the northerly tint of aforesaid Block 10, 130,00 feet; thence South perpendicular so the North line of aforesaid Block 10, 199.965 feet to the Southcrty line of aforesaid Block 10: thence West along the Southerly tine of aforesaid Block 10, 130.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. also Known as the West 34 feet of Lors 4 & 11, and Lot 5 and 10 Inclusive, Block 10 CHURCHILL ESTATES according to thc Plat Thereof as Recorded In Plat Book 44 u1 Pagt 64 of the Public Records ❑f Miami -Dade Couuty, Flonda. 8 AFFIDAVIT Before me, the undersigned, this day personally appeared e r c" who being by me first deposes and says: 1. That he/she is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Honda, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as described and listed on the foregoing pages of this affidavit and made a part thereof. 2. That all owners which he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, /including or 0 not including responses to day to day staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing pages are made a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions for the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Ben Fernandez, Esq Applicant Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of December, 2005, by Ben Fernandez, Esq. who is an agent of Premier Managem nt and Inv stments Company, Inca corporation. He is personally known to me and who did not th/ (Stamp) BETTY LLE N MV COMM1SION #-e- Rev. 08-08-05 Signature L DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, with respect to a presentation, request or petition. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if applicable. Owner's Name(es) Premier Management and Investments Company, Inc. (Carlos Gil 100%) Subject Property Address(es) 3921 W. Flaqler Street Telephone Number (305) 374-5300 E-mail Address bfemandez[rrbrzoninglaw.com 2. Street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property: a) Owned by any party listed in answer to question #1; and b) Located within 500 feet of the subject property. Please supply additional lists, if applicable. Street Address lV/A . Ben Fernandez, Esq. Owner or Attorney Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Legal Description Owner or Attorne Signature The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of December, 2005. by Ben Fernandez, Esq. who is an agent of Premier Manageme t In .stments Company, lnc.a corporation.. He is personally known to me and who did not;fa (Stamp) BETTY LLERENA MY c'JMtr413S!atd 4 op oe5e7 EXPIRES', FebnAary 27.200E t- NOTARY F.t. Now), vEc* Mr nZ irc. f ti 14r SiO' nature Rev. 08-08-05 5 E2 97 6 3 t 1480 TrY4 iroV,.irAtt3pra3avad by oa vi:do u,e 0,,po i;o, of tared attar €": a3!no ehov1d by ishtrnnd € )_ Anpa:i,< rh, 7"rUjtiia. E54uir5 G uonnbnry T u4trp, 1221134>aen Avenue Oia;tt;. Flo6,3a 32131 Parrot t-0 tJe_ Cl:4105,0 1::_1100 V 1 IR 7 1. fa 'MIA . 1.1L. 110CN'l3E 13339it.2i1 SIIP.TX 4,79.7,50 11riktVEY I1UtJ;H, CLEMMM; €:fit){, 'CiJ01Y, FL (Sp<ca neearved for iark of Court SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED THIS SPECIAL 'WARRANTY DEED is made and entered into as of the u2 day of July, 2001, by G1JMEN1CK FAMILY INVESTMENTS NO. A, 1:ID., a Florida limited panncrship ('C;rusitor"), whose moiling address is 900 West Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida. 33139, to PREMIER MANAGEMENT AND 1NVESTM)NfS�capty ,NY, INC., 4 Florida corporation ("Grantee"), whose employer identification number is Sr ``J/J ll �`//dd ncl whose.,niailing address is 409 hest Son Marino Drive, Miami Beach, Florida, 33i39. Wherever used herein, the terms "Grantor' and "Grants,:" shall inciudc all of the parties to this instrument and their successors and assigns, wiTNESSETIL GRANTOR, For and in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars (S10.00) and other good and vnlunble consideration paid by Grantee to a Qualified Intermediary as part of a § 103) deferred exchange, the rcccip', and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents does grant, bargain and sell, to Grantee, and Grantee's successors and assigns forever, all of -Grantor's right, title and interest in and to the following propeny located in Miarni-Dude County, Florida (the "Property"), to -wit: SEE EXHIBIT"A" ATTACKED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF THIS CONVEYANCE is subject to: (n) taxrs end assessments fur the year 2001 and subsequent years; (It) all Iaws, ordinances, regulations, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed by governmental authority, including, but not lintitcd to, all applicable building, zoning, land use and environmental ordinances and regulations; (c) casements, conditions, restrictions, matters, limitations and reservations of record, if any, but this reference shall not operate to reimpose same; (d) rights of parties in possession as tenants only under unrecorded leases; and fc) matters which would be reflected on an accurate survey of the Property. TO HAVE AND TO }101,t) unto Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns iri fce simple forcvcr. Grantor hereby specially warrants the title tc the Property subject to the foregoing matters and will defend rho same against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, through ur under Grantor and nn others, 17ruji}}oxl0)19444v00.6/7.0?01 'J`1' NESS WFIEREOr, Grantor has exe4ified this Dce;I ns of the day and year rust ubovc COUNTY OF GLThilENICK FAMILY INVESTMENTS TMENTS NO. 4, LTD., n Florida limited partnership fly_ Gunter -Ask 1r}vcstnlcnts No. 4, Inc., a Florida corporation, its general mariner 13y, Name: rome Gumenick I'ille: Presidcni CORPORATE SEAL] } } ss: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ..2 day of i. ._._, , 2001, by Jerome Gusncnick, as President of Gurncnick Investments No, 4, lac., a Florida crirparation, the general mariner of Gumcnick Family Invcstmcnis No. 4, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership, on behalf of the corporation and the limited partnership. Ile is personally known to me or produced as identification. Name: 7/2 Notary Pubi> Sta;c of 3'r Commission No. \trO i..ti1133k4144'+a1\E/Za/0? [Notarial Seal] • • REFc 10 7 6 3 PC,. 12 EMU i33T''A' EC1AL DESCRIPTION A parcel of hind, the sank being it)] of Lois 7 and 8 and a portion of Lois 6 inid 9, Black it 0, CHURCHILL ESTATES, according to Plat Bock 44, at Paga 64 of the Public Records of Dade ('aunty, Florida, here particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Block 10, CHURCHILL ESTATES, Plat Book 44, at Page 64 of Ilse Public Records of Dade County, Florida, 44.00 feet fast of the Southeast corner of Los 8, Block i0, aforesaid, CHURCHILL ESTATES; thence West along the southerly line of aforesaid Block I0, 89,4E feet to the P.C. of n circulor curve to the right, Craving for its elements a central angle of 88°55+31", a radius oS 25.0 feel and a tangent of 24.54 feet; thence along the arc of said curve to Ilse right a distance of 38,80 feet to the P.T. of rtfdn:sail curve; thence Norsk I°04'29" West along the westerly line of aforesaid Block 10, a distance of 149.99 fret to the P.C. of a circular curve to the right, having for its elements it central ❑nglc of 91'04'29" a radius of 25.0 feet and a tiingeni of 25.47 feet; thence along the arc of said carve to the right, a distonce of 39.74 feet to the P.7', of aforesaid curve; thence East along the northerly line of -aforesaid Block 10, ct distance 13f92,28 feet; thence Soatli perpendicular to the North line of aforesaid Block 10, 199.965 feet to the point of besinning; and A parcel of land, the same being all of Lacs 5 and 10 and a portion of Lots 4, 6, 9 and 11, Block 10, CHURCHILL ESTATES, according to Plat Book 44. at Page 64 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Beginning; al a point on the southerly lint of Block 10, aforesaid, CHURCHILL ESTATES, 26.00 feet4 West of the Southwest comer of Lot 10, Block 10, aforesaid, CHURCHILL ESTATES; thence North perpendicular to the South lire of nforesaid Block 10, 199.965 feel to the northerly line of aforesaid Block 10; thci cc Last along the northerly line of aforesaid Block 10, 130.00 feet; thence South perpendicular to the North tine of aforesaid Block /0, 199.965 feet so the southerly line of aforesaid Block 10; thence West along; the southerly line of aforesaid Block 10, 130.00 feet to the point of beginning, � I�n•S It�OirIr hlI°,���11t! I t v0itti11t)J0Ir .Ix11.^04 tr©i tG1p(. GC, H1v, !tf COM, riF,r>t7 tiAREY FtUVIN CI1n#ClliCuJI r.Orttir