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BILZIN SUMBERG BAENA PRICE & AXELROLD LLP A PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS OQ SOUTH $ISCAYNE BOULEVARD SUITE Z$OO • MIAM1, FLORIDA 33131-534Q TELEPHONE: (305) 374--7580 • FAX: i345) 374-7593 E-MAIL: INPOOBILZIN.COM • WWW.BILZiN.COM MIAMI • TALLAHASSEE November 4, 20(. 5 V IA HAND -DELI IF:RY Teresita Fernandez, Director Hearing Board Section City of Miami Seventh Floor 444 S.W. Second Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Amendment to the Zoning Atlas and Amendment to the Comprehensive Man for 1720 and 1771 N.W. 33"' Streets Dear Ms. Fernandez: Please accept this Application for Amendments to the Zoning Atlas and Comprehensive Plans for the properties located at 1720 and 1771 N.W. 33r1 Streets (the "Property"). Allapattah Baptist Church currently owns the Property. This firm represents the prospective buyer, Tower Development Group ("Tower"), of the Property. The Property is currently designated as Government and Institutional ("G/I") and Two- Farnily Residential ("R-2") under the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. The current zoning is inappropriate on several grounds. First, the Property is no longer used as a church; therefore, G/1 zoning is no longer appropriate. Second, the Property is not suitable for R-2 type development. The Property abuts Restricted Commercial (C-1) to the east and faces a highly trafficked street to the north, N.W. 33r3 Street. Due to its proximity to C-1 and its location on N.W. 33r`I Street, the Property makes a suitable location for Restricted Commercial. Further, N.W. 17th Avenue is located directly to the east of the Property and is another highly trafficked street where numerous commercial uses are located. The overall general commercial nature of the area is not favorable towards low density residential development. Evidence of that trend is demonstrated by the multi family high density residential use directly to the north of the Property across N.W. 33rd Street. Tower proposes a change from the existing zoning to C-1, similar to the abutting property to the east. A change in zoning to C-1 is appropriate for several reasons. First, the Property is located adjacent to an existing C-1 use which makes a continuance of the C-1 designation logical and compatible with the existing use. I.n addition, the fact that the property is located on one highly trafficked street, N.W. 33" Street, and within close proximity to another highly trafficked street, N.W. 17th Avenue, also makes the Property a suitable location for restricted commercial development. BILZIN SUI ERG BAENA PRICE & AXELROD LLP Ms. Teresita Fernandez November 4 2005 Page 2 The Property is currently designated as Major Institutional, Public Facilities, Transportation and Utilities and 'Duplex Residential by the Comprehensive Plan and Tower proposes a change to Restricted Commercial. The Restricted Commercial designation is consistent with the Future Land Use policies set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. First, the change will be compatible with Goal LU-I, "Maintain a land use pattern that ... (5.) promotes the efficient use of land and minimizes land use conflicts." The change to Restricted Commercial will be in harmony with the existing commercial nature of the neighborhood and adjacent property. Second, the proposed designation will be consistent with Objective LU-1.3 "[t]he City will continue to encourage commercial, office, and industrial development within existing commercial, office, and industrial areas; increase the utilization and enhance the physical character and appearance of the existing buildings..." Restricted Commercial will complement the existing commercial to the east of the property and along N.W. 171h Avenue. Therefore, the proposed change will be consistent with the ComprehensivePlan. Thank you for your consideration of this Application. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or require any additional information. Respectfully submitted, . Proctor JBP:ALD/id cc: Rafael Gomez Alexandra Deas, Esq. M IAMI 93 5087.1 7627324183 • • .-2 -: i' ^r. 315 s' 45 OF HEARING BOARDS 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 7th FIcor • Miami, Florida 33130 Telephone 305-416-2030 • Fax 305-416-2035 emu." iamigov.corn PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TQTHE MIAMI COMPRHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN WeicUme to Hearng Boards! This appticaticn is intended to serve as a guide in acquan-.ing you with our public hearing process. By any means, please feel free tc contact us at the number above, should you have any questions. CITY CF MIAMI' QRD`NANCE NO. 11463, CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI CF THE CITY CODE STATES THAT ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES C©MPENSATQN, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONCUCTNG LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGIS [ER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES EIS AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. Copies of lobbyist doci;mer,tation with proof of payment must be submitted with the complete appiica5on. The responses to this application; must be typed and must be signed in black ink_ The deadline to file the complete application, along with pertinent documents, is the first fve working days 0- of each m nth --unless extended because of a holiday --from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm. if you like, you could bring the materials to our office for staff review before the deadline to ensure the Epp fication is cmpiete. Please note that the cashier on the 4th floor will close at, 4:00 pm; therefore, a pad reoipt must be submitted before the deadline. You will be responsible, if needed, to bring an interpreter for the English language to any presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. A valid power of attorney will be required tf neither applicant or legal counsel representing the applicant execute the application or desire to make a presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. Copies of City Commission resolutions can be obtained at our website through the 'Legislative Hub", cr for certified copies, contact the City Cleric's Office at 305-250-5360. Applicetior�s for Zoning Change (Amendment to Zoning Atlas and/Or Overlay District) and Land Use Change (Amend the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan) will not be accepted unless it is signed or initialed and dated by the Planning Debarirrrent designee. Section 62-32 Periodic review of the adopted comprehensive plan and adoption of evaluation and appraisal report of the Miami City Code states detailed information about Amendments to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. Rvv. 08-15-05 MIAMI 9'2112. 7627324183 331 3r 43 P w.! 13 E•8z • • [. e Allapattah Baptist Chtarch hereby apply to the Miami City Commission for approval in accordance, with Sec 62-32 of e Miami City Code, and in support of that request, furnish the rolloMng: �. Obtain signature or initial and date by the Planning Department designee prior to submittal. 2. Address(cs) and folio(s) of property! 1720 and 1771 NW aT.1 Street 7-Gry5-0C81 and 01-3 7-005-01 tC Current des gnarion: DuRlex Residential and Major Institutional Pubilc Facilities Transcgrtation and Utility Future designation: Restricted Commercial 4. Has the designation of this property been changed in the last year? if so, when? W. Do you own any other property within 200 feet of the subject property? If yes, has the property been granted a change in play designation within the last year? 6. Two (2) 11x17" original surveys of the property prepared by a State of Florida registered land surveyor wfthin six (6) months from the date of the application. 7 The property/location listed does not have any open code enforcernenti'lien violations. At least twO photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). 9. A clear and legible copy of the recorded warranty deed end tax forms of the most current year that shows the present owner(s) and legal description of the property. 10. A clear and legible copy of the Subject property address and legal description on a separate shoot of paper, labeled as "Exhibit A. 11. What is the acreage of the projeo 'property site? .46± 12. is the property within the boundaries of a historic site, historic district or archeological zone? Please contact the Planning Deparanent on the 3rd Fioor for information. NO 13. Is the property within the boundaries of an Environmental Preservation District? Please contact the Planning Department on the 3rd Floor for information. NO 14, tf only filing this application and not a change of zoning, please submit a (an): a) Afffrdavfr b) Disclosure of Ownership c) Lst of owners of property within 500 feet of the subject property Rev. 08• 15-06 tv IAM 942', 12.1 7627324183 2 => 3T5 614 53 svt,:ls v�� For corporations and partnerships, the fr iJ wing document .re to be subr itte€i: a) Articles of Incorporation b) Certificate from Tallahassee Jess than one (1) year old showing goo standrg c) Corporate Resolution or a Power of Attorney signed by the secretary of the Corporation ar thanzing the person who signed the ap;,l cation to do so d For non-profit organizations only: A list of Board of Directors Jess than one (I) year old 16. All documents, reports, studies, exhibits (8 % x11 ") or other ma eria s to be submitted at the hearing shall be submitted with this application and wil! be kept as .part or the record, 17. Dust of prooessirg according t. Section 62-156 of the Miami City Code: Conservation, recreation, single family, clapex Residential medium density rrullrf milt' Residential high density multifamily, office, major public facifitzts, transpertation!utilities Commercial/restricted cornmercaligeneral and industrial $ 300.00 $ 450.00 $ 550.00 650.00 Commercial (CO) $ 1,200,00 Surcharge for.i3dvertising each item $ 1,200.00 Public hearing and pub.-, meeting mail notice fees, including cost of handling and mailing per notice $ 3.50 'ter Signature � �i .. %' !{"'�;ddress p i F 1 -r //S- o ! ,s Name Ifc � H r� r L i� f� - 1J iC E^'; �� } vv- r 't t Telep``fcne >i `a 7'75- /3 0 7 Date //- ;L - t� E-mail Address STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAM!-DADE 20 The foregoing was acknowledged before me this who is a(n) individual?partnerfagenticorporation of _ lndividaalipartneraniplcorporaion. HeiShe is personally known to me day of firi-ern (Stamp) Rev. c8-i 5--o5 M IAMI 942112.1 72 7324183 as identification and who did (did Signature 4$' N4( Ana moronta •riy•My CommiSsion D8238E380 {?or wd/ Expires November 11, 200? a(n) o has produced th. 3 • • AFFIDAVIT Before me, the undersigned, this day personally appeared c l mc. f-7r1 \„' who being by me first deposes and says: That he/she is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as described and listed on the foregoing pages of this affidavit and made a part thereof. 2 That all owners which he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, ❑ including or ❑ not including responses to day to day staff inquires. 3. That the foregoing pages are made a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions for the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. ALLAPTTAH BAPTIST CHUR, INC. 'chard A. Pankey, residen STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Applicant Signature The foregoing was acknowledged before me this -7 day of November 2005, by jZ [ C//1 E4-f2D p, -N k_-Cy who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally known to me or who has produced as .identification and who did (did not) oath. (Stamp) • atevii.p4,1,Ana Maronta My Commission D©238680 ‘or ry�r Expires November 11. 2007 Signature n O ( c A • • • DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP List the owv,,,wner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, with respect to a presentation, request or petition. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if applicable. Owner's Name(es) Allapattah Baptist Church, Inc. Subject Property Address(es) 1720 and 1771 NW 33r`1 Street Telephone Number 305-775-1355 E-mail Address 2. Street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property: a) Owned by any party listed in answer to question #1; and b) Located within 500 feet of the subject property. Please supply additional lists, if applicable. Street Address N/A ALLA` TTAH BAPTI CHURCH, INC. l / 'chard A. ankey, Presi STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Legal Description N/A wner or Attorney Signa The foregoing was acknowledged before me this -1 day of November 2005, by [2-1 c.17 Y -2D f 1 e_j who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally kn to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) t�yr)g th. o'ulet, Ana Momoia y ; My Commissson DD238680 (Stamp) ?oF,,or Expires NovemberS1,2007 Signature ��„ nR_na_nc • AFFIDAVIT Before me, the undersigned, this day personally appeared C .7 , who being by me first deposes and says: That he/she is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by the Code of the City of arni, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as described and listed on the foregoing pages of this affidavit and made a part thereof. That all owners which he/she represents, if any, have given his/her full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the foregoing petition, ❑ including or ❑ not Including responses to day to day staff inquires. 7. That the foregoing pages are made a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions for the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 8. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. LAVONIA PAI-RK LLC Rafael N. Gomez, Managing Partner AppiicaSign. ur STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAIV11-DADE The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of November 2005, by 2Ao . ( CioimC-Z who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is sersonall known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not e .n oath. �►+. Ana Mor©na (Stamp) MyCommissinnD0238880 SI nat ww lhornd� Expires November 11, 2007 g RRv fA_nA.nc iw • DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP List the owner(s) of the subject property and percentage of ownership. Note: The Miami City Code requires disclosure of ail parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect, with respect to a presentation, request or petition. Accordingly, disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their address(es) and proportionate interest are required. Please supply additional lists, if applicable. Owner's Name(es) Lavonia Park LLC Subject Property Address(es) 1720 and 1771 NW 33rd Street, N.liarr i, Florida Telephone Number 305-529-2405 E-mail Address Towergroup bellsouth.net 4. Street address(es) and legal description(s) of any property: a) Owned by any party listed in answer to question #1 ; and b) Located within 500 feet of the subject property. Please supply additional lists, if applicable. Street Address Legal Description NIA NIA LAVONIA PARK LLC Rafael N. Gomez, Managing Partner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Own or ' orne Signature The foregoing was acknowledged before me this ? day of November 2005, by R-q---,4-e.( t)Z— who is a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is sersonally yown to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did ns `;Ae an oath. (Stamp) „Rroutr, Ana Morofda .1•1yMy Commission DC3238680 def Expires November 11. 2007 Sign re cao„ nanAns 7 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 3, LESS the East 6.39 feet and LESS the West 22.51 feet of the East 28.9 feet of the South-30 feet thereof, and all of Lots 4 and 5, In Block 2 of `LAVONIA PARK SDBD'IV1SION', according to the plat thereof as recorded In Plat Book 9, at Page 113, of the Public Records of Miami -Dad.: County, Florida. Property Address: 1720 & 1771 N.W. 33rd. Street, Miami, Florida Tax Folio •0i--3127-005-0081 01--3127-005-0110 200" 3:09PY '1141147311..•.. LI1E ''''•!:.1'1•1' • ••••.':'," AV -Jr.' 44 l'Ibenturf,)44. PIO !talk 404. Siptimber thorn' AzAhmirouff sAnoc•ADVIICIPOOrr "711,04411., aid* OtSikriew kW Of Me ,hsfr erlowida, not tor profit srpier.iffeirreft: kiss it the Caw* hi' Dada *Pd$14).k# . L., and 144 hotharial to tow twigs la tet So t q Figithlo. /shy of th, #11,ros! oaf . amthrailM1 OAPTIOT MACH, 1 rlorida corporation not for profit, at P. 0. mos 1.511, allopottah atstion, !tiled, ?I.-arida :•. .1 6 ; .... 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This deal in given to correct that cartain , Warranty 0000 4ptid •1:1470,7e-Oi 15# 1942, fi1073 Wombat 30, 1942 and recordssirin Dead ??P, page 502, tetween, the parting 'hereto, which wan 10,04:;10, executed and delivared prior' to the 'incorporation of -the 'iginfitee byotikrber .vran tad by the Manorial* Marshall C. Iliselasart, Circuit. ..0u5ge,-.on Jur* 7, 1930; • • 7.• . .1, .41 •'''• '—.'•ti-..l.' - ANI a atai ploy et 'kr lith po Ail kelt y.fitly vim*, thir st• toti Lod. and wil defend the — 'WV 400/1thr �J1WI chtinst s/ all mast whorgothirt ,. , ._ . . ' ' - ,(n Wilma Shawl, thiJiik I pokie, At At. (C1.11 pad it, toad tiro pont IN level is * mow 17 • : • &hp i x pre affttem,to I da tarok rd * I lc glivolathip,.;, I :. othy,ittimhok.ihr Aty oil jr1r,•ithlr'vorthr ; : .1 . .., .. Deyid Totig, ,,,114"--+ ALWAT21141 urns, )ava''tticifirr' • ''''''. 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' 1 furIiR-l't4t 99_ 1 'mot DOf:1.1f_t ij: [)E ':12 \1 Q0.55; w>.Rn+s C11 t;EK � . p0>• Cpw M1A/ apH 7�} P1P2 A, 9 rt�4 '4t 758+1 1.1A14,0 r4A1 �a arrantp •3240 !It I 1atrft11h'P, ,Mndr, this 1st day of April 8640 F,. t. 6 .` A.D. 19 74 . etlltECA1 A.S.C.TPCVERITIES; I1,1031,3S ^M , a corporation Erforrtrx u�ird r t rr0us of the State of Fio,da busiiwu in the County of, LLB aiul lore fully authorized to transact bwirrcss in the State of Florida. pny of the first part. and AI314I3Yi`IAH BAi'TIST CHURCH, a Florida oargoratacn, riot for profit, of the County of 10.rriP pad y of the second parr UitI1 1 riip That tit said party of the first part. for and in a urderatron of the rum of arye rE•11 lar ($1. 00) and other gaod and valuable considerations graruul to it in hand paid by the lard party of the word part. thr area t whereo u harby arknossicel has bargained and sold to the soh! party of the Jamul part. its xnJ Prom the folloK10S dtscrbrd larud situate. lying and being in tltc [aunty of Dade and Starr of .Florida, to i ir A . E CF MAL PFQ r'1 ATTACHED kiEFE10 AND HATE A PART HEREOF Consideration for the conveyance is the assumption of the balance due on all 1Martgages of record and the payment thereof by the Grantee. st jf r to conditions, restrictions, limitations and easements of -record, if any, and all taxes. . harm to trireipat plot of anal Sac of Florida STATE ar- FL.ORIOA DOCUMENTARY-r`- STAMP TAAX1 t EPT_Or RtvEn11E: ... ,W • 414 C1 p• tt - I , �� : t to rI.• air V 0 cs: ^r - ..f pr .„0.�r. ,.L IY if 0 Z r'v♦ itArtie`tpally of dn. pnt pan does ltrrrby fully inuring the rule to laud land and wild defend the -- rl Yisesd claims o f all Irrsunr u lrntnst rl rr. NH rfiltuess srllercaf, the sailIparry oftlxlira' pad has caused these presents co be sigroi in its name by ip proper office -marvel its corporate seal to be affixed, atiar- e d by air srtrrlary, the day and yar abase wst7en_ 1 DEM Scaring. E. r; aeateb pnb drliurreb in present('Of HS: "flat) lttttnmuut pin p reel by: mapL. QtENE ziardnar TRXICIR, TIGN, BOER,. KAMB tros=iieu4soientleat Lau And, ylorida 3313). 't; ,*txdr pi 1nribn, ilartut riot on ibis ]3t ,lay of Naril A 19 74 p +aW 4 1Iy upprord iiraW G. tZL r�;,r! o� rIJuxerf Prrsidrnr and Sccmory rcrpr y a. .CnuebriEst i$ W * ) .;a rorpwul,an under the lows.of' 'thr Stair ,o/ P7,ot-ida, rot for Fit ro nu ittown to k thr *mom wha signed she, farvrnW - cnstrwrrst +a udr of fu is am] xIrmlly ,ukJwv-171;,ad, thr rxru„r,n rhino f to br thr;r /ru Art aarl dad as ruck r dir ran;MI part1111 thr,li: Olt ,uiorirti ono' Ike airy of/urd thrrrto Ihr Orial seal of said lorpara- fias. aa1 that t1r said ndrunrrtt is rl,. as and dad o/ jail torporatron, iIdaSE. ststorurr ur,J a/f;rwl sear al the City of Miami and State of Florida 07. m the Comonty of Gale sire y esd'e'ar 1Gst a foasari i�r cu;>arunvrr orprrcr N ory rSi .State. ' /nRr 1110 nsw,rC ifATI pI ilpr AT i1.la. irrowansom WIRES OCT. e, u� 5 1e`„ ■1 1miNSUW4 UNOi'.MRSftRS A iNct a u 0 8640 PC OS SCHEDULE OF REAL PROPERTY Attaches] to Deed from A.H.C. Properties, Inc., a Florida corporation, not for profit, to Ailapattah Baptist Church, Inc., a Florida' corporation, not for profit, dated April 1, 1974. PARCEL 1. Lots 1, 3, 2,'23 and•the North half of Lot 24, lese West f2T of L. 2,23 and 24, all in Block 2, LAVONIA PARK SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 113, Public Records Dade County, Florida. PARCEL 2. The W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section.6, Township 54 South, Range 39 East, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, and all of Tracts 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 3B, and that portion of Tract 45, lying North of the Tamiami Trail Canal, all in Section 6, Township 54 South, Range 39 East of the Miami Everglades Land Company Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 3, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PARCEL 3. Lot 16, Block 59, of MELROSE HEIGHTS, FOURTH SECTION, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 17, at Page 21, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PARCEL 4. That part of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 53 South, Range 41 East, particularly described as follows, to -wit: Beginning at a point 415 feet west of Northeast corner of SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 53 South, Range 41 East, thence South 165 feet, thence West 50 feet, thence North 165 feet, thence East 50 feet to point of beginning, except the North 25 feetsaidbdescribed in Dade an of decidCld, which is reserved for Public Highway, y g and Florida, AND Measure West 465 feet from the Northeast corner of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 53 South, Range 41 East, parallel with said North line of said Section 27 as a point of beginning; thence measure South at right angles with the North line of said Section 27 a distance of 165 feet; thence West at right angles with the North and South line a distance of 50 feet; thence North parallel with said North and South line a distance of 165 feet, thence East 50 feet to the point of beginning, lying and being in Dade County, Florida. PARCEL 5. From the NE corner of Section ,27, Township 53 South, Range 41 East, run South 335.96 feet to the NE corner of the 5 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 27; thence continue South along the East boundary of said Section 27 a distance of 25 feet; then run West parallel with the North boundary of said S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of said Section 27 a diatance of 235 feet for the point of beginning of the tract here- inafter described; thence run South parallel with the East boundary of said Section 27 a distance of 146.12 feet to a point; thence run West parallel with the South boundary of said S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 27, a distance of 50 feet to a point; thence run North parallel with the East boundary of said Section 27 a distance of 146.155 feet to a point which is 25 feet South of the North boundary of said S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 27; thence run East parallel with the North boundary of said'S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 27, a distance of 50 feet to the point of beginning; 5 st of the eaSO begin cornerat ofapoint Section327,96 feet Townshipo53hand South28Ranget41eNorth East, thence run South a distance of 146.155 feet, the5,West 50 feet, thence North 146.19 feet, thence East 50 feet to the Point of Beginning. TAYLOR, pRION, BJKER, HAMES &' GREENE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW .MFAMI, FtOR10A • TALLAHASSt . FLORIPA 1 109 PARCEL 6'. All that portion of Tract -43 lying North of the Tamiami Canal, in Section 6, Township 54 South, Range 39 East, Miami Everglades Land Co. Subdivision, Plat Book 2, Page 3, Public Records of Dade County,'Florida. PARCEL 7. Tract 4B, lying.North-of Tamiami Canal Right„of Way; Miami Everglades Land Company Subdivision, in Section 6, Township 54 South, Range 39 East, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat .Book 2, at Page 3 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PARCEL 8. Beginning at a,point 235 feet West and 25 feet North of the Southeast corner of the Northeast 1/4 of the Northeaet.1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 27, Township 53 South, Range 41 East, thence run Worth 140 feet; thence West 50 feet; thence South 140 feet; thence East 50 feet to the Point of Beginning. PARCEL 9. The South 50 feet of the North 100 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 64, North, City of Miami, Plat Book B, Page 41, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. PARCEL 10; West 50' of the following: Beginning at a point 235' West and 25' North of SE corner of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 53 South,' Range 41 East, Dade County, Florida; thence run North 140', West 100', South 140' and Eaat 100' to point of beginning. IIMIOSOEG pMihlhf ROWIa. h Os DADS oSOPM. 14Ph1a._ hi[u.n „Initt RICHARD P. BR//vhrtt, CLERK CINCfIif L iR Page Two . Schedule of Reeal'Property. TAY LOP!, RR3oN, au K CRi, HAMES 6 GRE'E N E. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1,41-A44-11 FI113Ax SALLANAS EE F LOSIDA I h1ACE 01 : 05--1200 08;33./2005 07:1:3:22p==: rtJOC: Or'. 1755l911 >, le- or I ahill-XESWIMMDLIZSRaZIKLAX; Joespli Dibartolosso, Esq. 8400 Bird Rosi !Siam, FL 33155 Eaa Jew Di&artolomeo, Esq. 8400 8ix'd Road Miami, lg. 33155 Grants* fl 8.8.41 Grants, i2 S.8.4 Parcel I.D. 9 01-3127-00g -0080 !l2AMTY PI This Indenture, *ads this 30th day of June, 1997, ;strew amain, QU1. *aocaRI amp *I Y MAXIS QUATTsoccaI, his wife, whose post office address Sa 233AporMn 154 of thsCounty of Dade8tata of Florida ,grator and l VL 07112.042. whose post office address la '501.i.oflpt StrFlot. Miami. 33t33145 of the County of Dade S ittaes*s�that maid ggranto*,f*rani inc*nsi*era+i*nof thesumof, ** * * * * •** !Dollars, and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's hairs and nd assigns faraway, the following de■cribed land, situate, lying and in Dade County, Florida, to -wit: Late 1, 2, 23',.and the *forth 1/2 of Lot 24, and the East 5.39 feet of Lot 3, and the fast 28.9 feet of the South 30 fast, lase the Swat 6.39 feat of Lot 3, blocks 2, of L.RVONIA PARR, according to the Plat t, the sfPp lat Book 9, at Public Records of Dade County, Florida.113, of NOsr= Ine Conditions, restriction*, easemants and limitations of record, if any; all applicable Zoning Ordinances, and Taxes for the yar 1997 and subsequent years. SUMO! ALSO to a Purchase honey First Mortgage, from Grant** to grantors of *van date. anti said grantor doss b*r.by fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons Whomsoever. Is ttitauas Wharsol, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. signed, sealed and delivered in prsasnoe cis, TT5511415 97R373341 1997 AUG 18 12a35 40C07PDEE 2,700.00 SURTX 2,025.00 HARVEY RWUh CLERI DADE C0U flt FL witAroa.r At/Me (Priftad or typed name) STATE OF FIDRIDA ) COON= OF 'JADE MIC AEL QtlATTRDCCHI MART MARIE QUAITRGCCEI AMOMONOMOKNOMOMOK to ,'/EY ItMH goo. son" THE 101urAm G IMMO= was acknowledged before me this 6 day of . s , 1997, by MICHAEL QUATTROCCHI and MARY MSARIE QUATTR0CC1ii, his vita, who ire personally known oed entificatiima or oonhand Who ave ddidd talcs an oath. My Commission Zxpir 1,0 Arras, s;e.t atr.x► -► I ►K iDc........_tlt+a o Florida -05-.120 57 08/31/2005 07.13:22pm ❑OC: OR 11 44/79-I Pa9C 1 of 1 -hgconniNfi, return to. Merrill N. Johnson, -800 Harbour. Dr„iZu7les Fr 339A4_ WARRANTY DEED. IT ! 44Q TC 797 T818'INDERTLI118, made this A.B.C. PROPERTIE8,- IHCO profit. of._3300 ..N . W. 17th Ave and day of -:Hay, 1982, between a-Flor-1da corporation not-for- a,,_,gtatti, Florida 33142. grantor, MICHAEL QUATrfoccRI and -MY XARIE QUATTROCCHI, husband and wife,__ ' 2529 3,11. 85th.Avenue, Niami, Florida 33)55, grantees;, . 11ITif888ET11,-.that' the said grantor. for 'and in consideration of---- - tbe, sum of Tees Dollars (310.00) and.otber_good -and valuable IMAGE : ` consideration. to .-the- grantor. in .hand paid. by the granteea,She: 4". robe ipt'"whereof i.e. hereby_ acknonledged,..has- granted, bargained..- a_ and -sold to the said grantees -and their_he:irs..and.assigns forever,. -- the. following described lands situate, lying and being in the County .of Dade, State of Florida, to -wit:- ' Lots 1, 2, 29 and.the-North Na1f.:of•Lot 24'; the East 6.39-feet-of -bnt• 31,-anti tha-.Sffflt`,28:8--feet:of: tha-Sbutti 30 feet, less the &eat 8.39.-1eer- of Lot 3, .Block 2, LAVONIA PARE, according :to . the plat,.: _. r a thereof recorded ia.itlat Book. B, at -page 113, of the Public +p Records -of -bade County, ,Florida,__ TOGETERR.with.all-the tenements, heredicameo te-sod.-appurtenances ra hereto belonging; -or in anywise appertaining, subject to all fU_ reservations,..restrictions. and easements of record, taxes for co the current_ -year, -..and also subject to an existing first mortgage '•' avor off -Union Federal Savings and -Loan -Association of-Itiaml...-. dated..Yarch 28, 197.7,-_lrbich_indebtednese grantees assume and agree to pay. __-•--.-.._.. AND the grantor. hereby covenants witia_the,grantees •:hat -_the grantor-is•lawfully- seized of said lands -in ,fee. simple, .that' the grantor has good right..and lawful -authority,- to sell and convey said lands;, and that, grantor hereby fully warrant& the title to said -lands -and will defend the -same against:the lawful_ a11 persons. whomsoever _. IP WITNESS-INIEREOF, the grantor has caused these presents to be signed. -in its name_by. -its proper officer and its -corporate: seal to be affixed and-attestad-by its secretary the -day and year,firet• . above written., SAT OF FLOR I DA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) ,w-...s....etea— . NCH Wr.1171INIZR, t-or - - A.8;C: PROPERTIES, INCORPORATED --.....--- y tel7 V-eh l Ib i7'/ Vito 1./ ichae . Murray„.2reai t ;RC ATTEST: i32p i • L iy T. Sanders, s ytatq. F" _ The foregoing instruaheat_was .acknowledged before me. this day Of May, 1982., by MICHAEL E. MURRAY, .president. of A.B. PROPERTIES, IRCORPRRATED,,a_Florida oorporation-not-for-profit, on-behalf-oi-.the_corpor-ation. - ,,,�.�' fTry.. PREPARED- BYa Ysrrili •l+t.. Johnson. 800 Harbour.Urive Naples:FL- 40. My -commission .1. pstpra Q 146rtai,. !a. ifvuoiode bow . .,.. `` l-#��€� . l�05 , 0 1. 0 � [ 1MPtG£LI : FL-.y0--12O067 08/31/2005 o :13:22pin� ❑OC: OR I1444i 796 Page 1 Of 1 i RECCADVia, returntoMerrill N. Johnson, 800`Harbour Dr, Naples FL 33BA0- QUITCLAIIM DEED Made :hie f ----cloy of .May, 1982, between SHAR1AND8, fNCOBPt7R.ATED, a..Florida•corporation, of: 10823_Notth.Tamia®1 Trail, Naples, Collier -County., Florida. party--QI the Li._-st part,. And MICHAEL QUATTROCC1II and MARY 1AARIE QUATTROCCHI, heaband-and - wile, 2520 S.11...65th Avenue, ldiami,_Dade County,- Florida 33155, Party • of the, second part , - 1fIT$ESSETH, that the said 'party. -of. the -first: part, for and In consideration of -the -sum of: Ten Dol.lere ($10.00), in-hand..paid by the --aid party of .the -second parr, the. receipt whereof is hereby..R.chnowledged, has remised,.releueed ■nd:qultclaimed, and -to al these presenta_.does remise, rsl-ease and quitclaim unto the -tra said party of the second. part all tbe..rlght, title, interest, _ claim and -demand which the -said party of the first part has in and.' -to the following described lands situate, lying and.bei.ng"in the County,.P1 Dade, 3tate..of Florida, to -wit:- R _ -Lots I, , 23 and the North Half of Lot 24; the East-6.39 feet co of Lot13;',,nd_the.:Enet 28..9 feet -of the South 30.feet, less -the zv- East -6.39..feet of_ Lot 3, . B1ock._2, LAVONIA-PARK, according .to the plat -thereof recorded in Plat Book_9., et page. 113, .of. the Public-.-_ Eecards-of-Dade County, Florida.- N TOGETHER. with all the tenements, bereditemente and .appurtenancesGO ra thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, subject to a11-. o • reservationa,_reetrictions.-and easements of record, taxes for- th- current year,, and, al so subject to an existing first mortgage . .. _ in favor of union Federal Savings and Loan Association nf•Miami dated.March..29, 197.7,_which indebtedness the party of the second part aeaumes-and agrees to pay. TO- HAVE and to hold the same, together.:wi-th_ al land. singular the appurtenances thereuato belonging or-. in anywise appertaining,__ and -all the. estate, rlgb.t-, title, interest and -claim whatsoever of the said party of _the first pant , either -in -law or equity,_ to the.onlyproper uee, benefit_and behoof of the said party of the second-pant..— IH WITNESS 1fHBREOF,-.the.PiantY of -the first -part has CRUsed='these presents to be -Signed -in it name- by its proper officer and its corporate seal=to be. affixed and_attested-by .its secretary day-.and_year first above written. 5ENCE_OF: SHAR$ANDS, INC-RP€:RATED STATE OF FLORIDA 1 COUNTY .OF COLLIER ..) 1' Rei E. Murrly, ATTEST: Lt;roy.d'. Sanders, 'genre parii.Uww P. 16.1.M, firms 54" _ The foregoing_instrument._was-acknowledged.bct ore are this_ day of limy,- 1982,- by-MICHAEL E- MURRAY, president �o"f BHA AN1') ,. INCORPORATED._a_FlorIda corporation) •n- banal f.4f iKe corporation.. wry 'uhAic-a`�1ar_13.1Q'.;�Y; PREPARED BYi My commission e�,4s '�� • Merrill-)t. Johnson- i, 800- Harbour Drive "3 •, 11?N Mhpiee FL- 39010 rrt....coo'- ru.,. �" - ......-..._"......... y� 6.,F, ..,tee.. ' is u € / 3 ' ? OO . 'r .IP-G .i, i'I .. „,' 4, J.. s.._ ;::3 0 O 6: -.... 0 1.�. IMAGEDI : F1,-0 O8731/200 OV: 22pm DOC: OR 113E2/4Ol After recording, please rcturn to: 82 R 59304 11382 - 401 AGR£E'IF.NT FOR DEED alemerlinuecouva lakekakirpupa woo THIS AGRPEFIENT, rade this 22 day of July, 1931, BETWEEN A.Ii.C, Properties, Incorporated, a Florida corporation not for profit, of 3700 N.l. 17th Avenue, itafsi, Ploride 33142, grantor, and Shatsands, Incorporated, a Florida corporation, of 11823 North Tartaui Trail, Naples, Florida 33940, grantee, WITNESSETII, That the said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS (10.U0) and other good and valuable consideration to the grantor in hand paid by the grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby ackeowledged, agrees that an the 1st day of July, 1933 grantor will grant, bargain and sell to the said grantee and grantee's successors and assigns forever, the following des- cribed lands situate, lying and being in Dade County, Lots 1, 2, 23 and the North Half of Lot 24; the East 6.39 feet of Lot 3. and the East 28.9 feet of the South 30 feet, less the East 6.39 feet of Lot 3, Block 2, LAVONIA PARE, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 9, at Page 113, of the Public Records of bade County, Florida. TOGETl1ER h'T7tt all the tenements, hereditatsents and appurtenances thereto belong- ing or in anywise appertaining, subject to all reservations, restrictions and easements of record, tries for the current year, and also subject to an existing first mortgage in favor of Union Federal Savings and Loan Association of Miami dated March 29, 1977, which indebtedness grantee assumes and awes to pay' athe rrhereby cnsietthe grantee rathe srtor ;al lzsdofsaid landsinfee mplthat the grantohas good ightAnd lawfu authority to sell and convey said lands; and that the grantor hereby fully WARRANTS the title to said lands and will defend the same against the lawful claim of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first written, above. A.B.C.PROPERTIES, INCORPORATED Signed in the presence of: q J Op ahard� r+; r �:.3.f,C - y'•`�- � a� ~'•� ,w�,pia�, ri[t1ti17etl, •� ��,•:l NlEJ11ED1P•1llt[" S%, 6 'I evil. Before ne, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Richard A. Parrkey and Rose Puotineo t me well known, and known to be the individuals described in Ind who executed the foregoing warranty deed as the President and Secretary of the above named A.B.C, Properties, dlncorrppo ated, they cod s Oration not ttfor TOfLt• sad they severally acknaviedge that they were agreement for authorized by behalf corporation rf end in to the exiCutefsaidsaid agreementcorporation, far deed, and that said agreement for deby said hef dead is the free act and deed of said corporation, hereunto set hand and affixed my official seal this INday of S9fIER>S}P. 93i �a ff . O prepared by t3. 3o15 ns6 n rtT Lk• *ttoa sy •`•,qu,,.p sear Drive Swifts, Florida 33940 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE tint"aY7 l' sI�CE 1• 0oka'in ,. co W, scion expires aAltf !TA" CS e..07 n. •- r, x;s Mt.= „Ulu tAra.'l i:•-`L wa.,1u rats 01 et sr i . ,.'./:.,' v Pi .. P <a'e . 0 t -_ 0 T 0 IMAGE01 : i L--05- 12006 08, 31/2005 0 7 : 13:22p:m DDOC: Ori 9632/666 BEST COR € t6M r 666 771( 14"S5 f i it:'ti; till Ill isl is 3pec141 oarranty Pied 13th d„T of SOUTHEAST FIRST RATIONAL BANK OF MIAMJ na{!cr cnitrri fits rrrarnar,40 A. B. C. PROPERTIES. INC. trri,mr narteffirr ari.irrrs it 3300 N. W. 17th Avenue. Miami, Florida Inge 1 of 2 „ANCa PLO,* a, December A. I)• 19 76 hr iterrinafErr stir.'tint pram+.: rN3n,.n toed Mose... - ..ar.' 'n.W.I sa3 A�x4 ,fe th. . n'Y hn M.,iwro,Fi WkS trrai .7.-w{A...+ god .WY+`x a xrtnid..t.•snd,hr aer+uan mat wa`-. rr ,an.xaueni iflitil2Ssedi: That the grantor, for and In rnnstdrralton of Om non of St 0.0o and totter wdt/able ran,tderatimu. rnr.frir raiteirui to hereby nrianaarlteitted, hereby grant!. Morse ti.. r«Ue, aligns. rn. u, rrfraare, rontrya ana ..•artiorka unto air prrinfer. afl Ihal rrrtuin tariri aitnatr in County. Flarlrla.07: Lots 1, 2, 23 and the North Nat 6,39 feet of Lot 3, and the Eas South 30 feet. less the East 6, 2, LAVONIA PARK, according to t corded in Plat Book 9, at Page cords of Dade County, Florida. f of Lot 24; the East t 26.9 feet of the 39 feet of Lot 3, Block he Plat thereof, re- 113, of the Public Re - together, with nit for tnnrenrr.is h..mditan:emir end ummirfrnnrtres thereto t.nlonainn oe !a tatty• wise af.prtiainini, To Kw and t# Avid, the ,weir to fre ,inlpir fanner jug thr ntntrtsr horsily rarw•rwnFs ri.uh said grrmlre that the grantor is itio.fiiiy seized of swirl fowl in )agawk; that the fprrnrr r Liu gafai right oral Iad authority la set! anti tvn,ry said lraid> and hrre by warrants list title to srdrt lanes stag will drleort the new fir/trine the iaa•f nt e•irtims of all I.eronna alalmtn9 .... •.ttr.l l.. 60. ihrrn+'9�i++adr�tpan[r�isrs�lher gain 5r<tgtlu.• f i : s'Alj'', la IR-C s iY�of) the 'WI rrrY.rrtat R•i•'H . twi 1 tS hufa ii� r.7a iI i f r7 rmi • fist rthooe iartit.ui. Sta+fd, analog and ,ielirrrol tirpsis prorrter+ of bl ATF, [ tF F1 1{14 (20114 'Y LIT VOW 4 w. SOUTHEAST FIRS/ NAT 'b! Officer or A9en3q ' 'I l,r, 1 HERBS' CERTIFY Owl as this dee. Who tat, an officer duly sr.rlsaeierd ea iu hlalr aforesaid and in the Cousin ,furaaal, to tale srl,wnledm+m", pcnaaatle appeared 0a at lrwsrn to it thr 1,rrte+, drlrtHN/ to sod who enerutrd the Donau./ tints neon sral he Were me %km he tnasuted the wan. K'1T%P.Sli wry batri Gild .!Finial rral in the tonsils and MOW Inn Der embtr A n. 19 78. ,Ratted wu" '" a rat niorm "MRr. indo Versus !t!l<IY�Rr .its GfIB1tmon Pt' -Ctim iss enSu • ...• u -- .,.., rt rarAF f7rr'r'lnvfrrrru7ri fr"7�rttf �Yr dra fial+ftYasq. ter wa,►v TI :. r.r t t,ti- ., lgro ,i,Isla•, Friedman & Britton omen Nei dswar.atnotesystr,• 800 First National Bank Bldg. Mini, Florida 33131 acknowledged ottoman! tins 13th 0)1.1 • cs +• I to Y Pal , State of 7a Page: ;t)>.:S __..0 1 is IMAGED' : '.-05--12OC;€;7 OSf2II2OCI5 07:13:22aimE UGC: OR 9632i666 PEST t0 • week aH di, le..wwa, horn hisrak ,Wd .mkA►srr i AMMO 11.111.0. . M wp• site .....hrion l Ti ri M EA a. IOW Ire gborlar heogyr ik. ow., lew.lq r.r.omii sell !Nikki, erg Ike raw is I..4u1b Maid 11 mai lad i■ he Amok ii.i i . pas** Iwo - ,,il . d irj.i mew* i. sA J e.wq, lad. ad IOW iv k..rwl, fitr iO4 i• ad Ina ma we &demo drew•• mosime ali+ Avail dew .i dE fame swoop ;II#i 1104111011.11 WPM oral?48 /45 .n iii 30 An In 111 wore row as r"w'► 1 N.4 der lath 174 Olcember 4111971111, SOUTHEAST FIRST NATIONAL BARB OF NIAMI iwei lifer d6d air pis. i. A. B. C. PROPERTIES. IBC. atom rw k' wafter alw7i00 B. W. T7ti► AvenMs. Niiff�i, Florida lt.wrm.Ilrr w,Rd iir �r aw.. illibleggeaw RJIt .r. Jwr. ..M, away/Wins 4 iI• .Nw d ii0.0C wall sake ..Lw ! ehip ra .+urnwrists. rist atrwui tr I.w*arks p I+ja iwrir prow. irp.M.w w�8r, skim re, .is. ammo...,{ ... Amu .mlm lir pleb% .tl drl .+warIwaw a m Loll +i. P ra: Late 1. Z. 23 sod tks earth Half of Lot 241 tI East 1.31 feet of Lot S. mid the East 20.1 fait of the South SO feet, lass the East d.SS feet of Lot 3, flock R, tAPORTA PARK, 'cordial to the Plat thereof, re- corded ie Plat Book 1. et Pale 113, of the Public Re- cords of Dade County, Florida. Nam_^► wr•• • &auk we maw rite ,, pow. 11.'4% b �i fir .it ....kr 1we away 1. o► 1 ti lobvi t 1 will Il i Jril +fi allow .sure„ s.iRL mint .ill !+link+& Swat fororrerm • NUTS i 0* TT tQf' 4 SOUTHEAST Flat tR F MiiAMI Officer ar A1et ► spt it = wan {'�ifCTlfy IiY Nil ii, ill, frier Nil, Y in dew mini is Ir Irk Nls...,l .ri Mi WIN Dam ,Ir.N w sir si uminimw.. w aproa rk irks. M kr , hrrm Imola fi M l err► ,east Ir. "wpm low me d s km merit Imo mom 'from .e Wei mm..wr W .,.1 i li► Cray ad M,Mr tat Dieellaar A. a li7i. reek, rPIMwar" rw pik OOPSNM WOO ,> Gni Waif COO T1r.'hlvnafiilln'a^O*P.l. T. blot, Esq. Aare Prierw A Make eia IiD11 first Miami Old Bier. Rteet, forlds 33111 awsoli i' he wfar.riwt lath 11T tarlillilsion lirrei ' ,,•,,• ..r -• rs ae.lerxisvcirrgl +el 5 Mown . r+ii:. graimure 4.1440 PM .. ..e a 009_.0 . 0 16e26,5482 SOUTHEAST FIRS NATIONAL BANK, OF ',LIAM', f/".c/a TI?E FIRS ^ ? K7TIONAL BMOC Oh !IIItMI, d national banking corporation, P atntitf } } A.B.C. PROM R11=S 4 INC., a Florida ccrporattQrs, ,)t a1.■ 1 ik-iend:u s • IMIA E01 . 05-120067 06 31 2005 07:15:2 oC: DR 9512/2063 77 - 30 PM t . fS EC. .951a NNW IN THE CIRCUIT ©OUiiT OF hf ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY CtVil. ACTION NQ. 1r-49C•0 DIVISION ID CEI'I11PICATE OF TITLE CHAPTER 4i' TIE LINDEIt3,GNLI) CLERK =.f the C uvt rtvNiies that he executed and Filed a Certificate of Sale in thin a..-riun an 4'01'1"-;1dl :t 15 , Itj 16 for the prolsr.Yty dctcrib,.'d herein and that ttu nbiecti:nr, to the gait Isarz been filed within the titxtr.{inwedfor flttnb ntijrcticns. The fullwinr, rt,,l,crtt° to Dade C"4.141,11'. Florida: Lots L.2,23 ao, _fort, :al_ o: Lot 20 toil :.tat (,.39 fent c" Lot 3, a.s. L.w ,.aat tiro South 10 .:iOL. Lelia i..tu :;ctsl. :.39 fotut 04 Block 2. LAVOl7J:h Q.1.{K, ;:tccorrlt.u, to tIni Plat ❑ Boors:, =.cordotl in Plat Boot Si at Palo 11.], 0 k HeCarc:I Of ../ac'o County, I'LoE:.* i1. Any sale o: t:s. property Ito r,ti•taftar tleECrlb.t,I. attall b 9:f73joct to the prat/isiona of 2ts U.S.C.ii #2410 [el writ/roils thu ruc:emption purica,: o: trio 11a:t arxei€t E u;xigr tti.a Xnturs,at :WVOlir.Q Law shaI I„ .„),,2 120 Maya. Page u. 2 goon ■ vrsu. 11100101. tow w toys Wang. OWL IOW rim. waa &old ccs: SoUlitErkST FIRST NA`rIoNAX. 1If1= o%' :•iLVttt :A/a ¶M YIRST i$11TI3NAL RANK OF MIa1FiI. c1 ttatlosutt bI&nkint; corporatiertia c/o FRIEDMAN.B BPI.7014 Snit° BOO, Fist national Dattk ftti.lr`Lau, Miami, Florida 32131. WITNESS my hand and the Seal of tkc Cuvrt ut1. 141:1VCIIBEti 30 . 7"z .ice 1: ORICT303 18101 I .AGE01 }'T-- ? 1.2006 Ob/31/200.:5 07:13: _ :E DfC: uL 951:2U(i3 70265462 1'10 OIXITEILAST Mar JAT OSAL t1TC 1'Z1iE ^ i Sall G1' l !iZ'3 I V' ItIl111x, 1 # national potation. 1 war 1t.B.C. pgtPUlt1 5. i1[Cc. al Florida corporation. . ) 1 NI naac 1101.Tr00KilTc1!' viz smarm mica mow OF FLORIDA 11111I0} loft Me column, cave. AcTK1s Ha. 3r-49,00 nrvaaotr 03 1i1111WTI If 1:RE ovrrea • 7111 Iyl0Il0slto1e1 CL19elt of d or Onort eati#ie. tliat ti. ►aec i sad Ma a Coaillt1ru.R r,a>c or tale !w e1r. a:cLin +m. -�.:s'�;� L� �••�•••�•. far die property ♦aedleett rrtrin and ehu au ubjecanat to the ale lave bees Mel mid& due ttraratk>..ei rue Te fulkswIn rarely In War Com!. Mathias Lots 1.3,23 e;.r• the meta ' 1« or U3L 341 L.P i.uat 0.39 feat o Lot !, as t.r) Kant 24.9 nn: o. tho :loath 10:auto loss 441 L'lesL i! taut DC Le. 3. slack 2, LAVONtil AUX, accartii:.y tiot the Plat i`uals,esre r ecardad in Plat 9o0 9, at ids +e 3 2omsdi at .aaeu County, kloziea. day sale of tad prCpart e i fl'elf,g,duper/had shall hu aubjnet tR tlea �y rlesXein the ru.'�ae.eep�tinu Asia.: o: the lieu lsi s. aad.ar the 'Marna/ arna/ Savona° LM•l emit7,ea 120 ay ems• ■ MIA a.MaKeit aloe isun — IOUY1$ ' FIRST 1 IWI' SWOP nutti. alder 11M MST otmeadom MUNOZ am or MALT. a national banking corporation, ale xgaeplL & Bitt; t. MAW 800, Mat National Bank gveilels9. M.10014 Florida 32131. mem heel aai the goat die Own ow— sTail"0 .1!?.� 5 lit'st'et.. tt MINET1111 Heave