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Application Documents
(i(3)/61- HEARING BOARDS 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 7th Floor • Miami, Florida 33130 Telephone 305-416-2030 • Fax 305-416-2035 www.miamigov.com PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATION FOR AN AMENDMENT TO THE MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN Welcome to Hearing Boards! This application is intended to serve as a guide in acquainting you with our public hearing process. By any means, please feel free to contact us at the number above, should you have any questions. CITY 01 MIAMI ORDINANCE NO. 11469, CODIFIED IN CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE VI OF THE CITY CODE STATES THAT ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN ANIERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. Copies of lobbyist documentation with proof of payment must be submitted with the complete application. The deadline to file the complete application with supporting documents is the first five working days (1-5) of each month from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm. The responses to this application must be typed and signed in black ink. Please note that pursuant to Section 1304.2.2 of the Miami Zoning Ordinance, no application shall be deemed to have been filed unless and until the applications shall have been completed. All pertinent and accurate information/documentation; i.e., the plans, reports, exhibits, shall be presented at the time of filing, in addition to the paid receipt. The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the application and all supporting materials. If you like, you could bring the materials to our office for staff review before the deadline to ensure the application is complete. Upon submittal, this application must be accompanied with a signed Zoning Referral. You will be responsible, if needed, to bring an interpreter for the English language to any presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. A valid power of attorney will be required if neither applicant or legal counsel representing the applicant execute the application or desire to make a presentation before city boards, committees and the city commission. Copies of City Commission resolutions can be obtained at our website through the "Legislative Hub", or for certified copies, contact the City Clerk's Office at 305-250-5360. Applications for Zoning Change (Amendment to Zoning Atlas and/or Overlay District) and Land Use Change (Amend the Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan) will not be accepted unless it is signed or initialed and dated by the Planning Department designee. Rev. 01-06-06 Section 62-32 Periodic review of the adopted comprehensive plan and adoption of evaluation and appraisal report of the Miami City Code states detailed information about Amendments to the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. I, Adrienne F. Pardo, on behalf of North Miami Avenue, LLC hereby apply to the Miami City Commission for approval in accordance with Sec 62-32 of the Miami City Code, and in support of that request, furnish the following: 1. Obtain signature or initial and date by the Planning Department designee prior to submittal. 2. Address(es) and folio(s) of property: approx. 27 NW 34 Terr., 29 NW 34 Terr., and 34 NW 35 Street 3. Current designation: Future designation: Duplex Residential and Multi Family Medium Density Residential General Commercial 4. Has the designation of this property been changed in the last year? No If so, when? 5. Do you own any other property within 200 feet of the subject property? Yes If yes, has the property been granted a change in plan designation within the last year? No 6. Two (2) 11x17" original surveys of the property prepared by a State of Florida registered land surveyor within six (6) months from the date of the application. 7. The property/location listed does not have any open code enforcement/lien violations. 8. At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). 9. A clear and legible copy of the recorded warranty deed and tax forms of the most current year that shows the present owner(s) and legal description of the property. 10. A clear and legible copy of the subject property address and legal description on a separate sheet of paper, labeled as "Exhibit A". 11. What is the acreage of the project/property site? R-2 approx. 0.43 acres R-3 approx .011 acres 12. Is the property within the boundaries of a historic site, historic district or archeological zone? No Please contact the Planning Department on the 3`d Floor for information. 13. Is the property within the boundaries of an Environmental Preservation District? No Please contact the Planning Department on the 3rd Floor for information. 14. If only filing this application and not a change of zoning, please submit a (an): a) Affidavit b) Disclosure of Ownership c) List of owners of property within 500 feet of the subject property Rev. 01-06-06 2 15. For corporations and partnerships, the following documents are to be submitted: a) Articles of Incorporation b) Certificate from Tallahassee less than one (1) year old showing good standing c) Corporate Resolution or a Power of Attorney signed by the secretary of the Corporation authorizing the person who signed the application to do so d) For non-profit organizations only: A list of Board of Directors less than one (1) year old 16. All documents, reports, studies, exhibits (8 % x11 ") or other materials to be submitted at the hearing shall be submitted with this application and will be kept as part of the record. 17. Cost of processing according to Section 62-156 of the Miami City Code: Conservation, recreation, single family, duplex Residential medium density multifamily Residential high density multifamily, office, major public facilities, transportation/utilities Commercial/restrPcted, commercial/general and industrial Commercial (CBD) Surcharge for advertising each item Public hearing and public meeting mail notice fees, including cost of handling and mailing per notice Signature Name Telephone $ 300.00 $ 450.00 $ 550.00 $ 650.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 3.50 Address 1221 Brickell Avenue Adrienne F. Pardo 305-579-0683 Date E-mail Address pardoa(a�gtlaw.com STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Miami, Florida 33131 The foregoing was acknowledged before me this :>C) day of _ 20 0,C. , by Adrienne F. Pardo is i a(n) individual/partner/agent/corporation of - a(n) individual/partnership/corporation. He/She is personally known to me o_ r who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) Rev. 01-06-06 Signature MARISOL R GONZAJ.F7 td NOTARY Y PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. DDI48882 -.. `f-'y(.J;VA.4r�JiO,N ,EXY S PT 7=7..)YUi EXHIBIT 'A' REZONING LEGAL DESCRIPTION ONLY LEGAL OECRIP1ON LOT 11 AND LOTS 26 THROUGH 28, BLOCK 6, "WYNDWOOD PARK"; ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5 AT PAGE 23, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING AND BEING IN THE CITY OF MAX MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. xN ■ N.W. 10 10 110 10 11 u N. W. W. 97, 0 i\ 29 ST N. .1 el 13 lv n, nIl • ST. 6�C Edo Men rpM��pp■■1JJ1Idprrot_5 MC • 7.1 If • BOOB�ELEE en HIGH �/ SCHOOL 31 11 1 3 .... �..3 O a 0 le 36 ST. !skirt IMMO; . a ®N. E. 3 sip alx mac NA CIMINO 511. el ST sn\j • ST . .. LI. 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