HomeMy WebLinkAboutArt I Tab N - Summary of Approvals600 Brickell 600-680 Brickell Avenue SD-5/ BRICKELL AVENUE AREA OFFICE -RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT & SD-7/CENTRAL BRICKELL RAPID TRANSIT COMMERCIAL -RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT AS PER ARTICLE 17. MAYOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS; DETAILED REQUIREMENTS AND FOR AMEDMENT TO THE ZONING ATLAS AS PER ARTICLE 22. AMENDMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE 11000 Pursuant to Ordinance 11000, as amended, Supplement 13, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal for 600 BRICKELL at 600 - 680 Brickell Ave., Miami, Florida has been submitted with a request for an Amendment to the Zoning Atlas and Overlay District from SD-5. Brickell Avenue Area Office - Residential District to SD-7. Central Brickell Rapid Transit Commercial' - Residential District, and SD-7. Central Brickell Rapid Transit Commercial - Residential District to SD-7. Central Brickell Rapid Transit Commercial - Residential District with SD-19. Designated F.A.R. Overlay District allowing a Residential F.A.R of 3.00 and a Non -Residential F.A.R of 3.25 and has been reviewed to allow application for the following Major Use Special Permit subject to all the applicable criteria. The proposed project will be comprised in two phases with open space and residential recreation space. Phase I, a building structure with approximately 6,070 SF of Retail space, approximately 7,960 SF of Restaurant use, approximately 490,126 SF of Office use, approximately 1,147 SF of Pavillions, a maximum height of 483'6" A.G.L. and providing 927 parking spaces. Phase II, a building structure with 134 Residential .Units, approximately 3,917 SF of Retail space, approximately 463,483 SF of Office use, 360 Hotel rooms, a maximum height of 903' A.G.L. and providing 988 parking spaces. AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ATLAS, as per ARTICLE 22. AMENDMENTS, for lots 3 through 7 (inclusive) and lots 13 throughl7 (inclusive), of the property's Legal Description, from SD-5. Brickell Avenue Area Office - Residential District to SD-7. Central Brickell Rapid Transit Commercial - Residen tial District; AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ATLAS, as per ARTICLE 22. AMENDMENTS, for lots 3 through 17 (inclusive), of the property's Legal Description, to modify the underlying SD-7 Central Brickell Rapid Transit Commercial - Residential District (which allows a Residential F.A.R. of 6.0 and a Non-residential F.A.R. of 2.25) by adding SD-19 Designated F.A.R. Overlay District (to allow a Residential F.A.R. of 3.00 and a Non-residential F.A.R. of 3.25); MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT as per ARTICLE 17. MAYOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS; DETAILED REQUIREMENTS, Section 1701. Definition (9) and ARTICLE 5. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT to establish a Planned Unit Development; MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT as per ARTICLE 17. MAYOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS; DETAILED REQUIREMENTS, Section 1701. Definition (9) and ARTICLE 5. PLANNED UNIT. DEVELOPMENT, Section 502. PUD districts; minimum area, maximum densities and maximum floor area ratios .permitted (a),(c), to allow in SD-7. Central Brickell Rapid Transit Commercial - Residential District, up to 20 % increase of floor area ratio, for an increase of approximately 207,360 square feet of floor area; MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 17. MAYOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS; DETAILED REQUIREMENTS, Section 1701. Definition (2), to allow for development of approximately 972,703 SF of non-residential floor area; MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 17. MAYOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS; DETAILED REQUIREMENTS, Section 1701. Definition (3), to allow for development of 360 hotel rooms; MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 17. -MAYOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS; DETAILED REQUIREMENTS, Section 1701. Definition (7) for development of uses that require approximately 1,442 parking spaces and propose approximately 1,915 parking spaces; This Permit also includes the following requests: SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9. GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 917.1.2. Valet Parking Generally, to allow valet parking to serve Hotel and Restaurant uses for up to 50.% (5 parking spaces for Restaurant and 45 parking spaces for hotel uses) of the required parking; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 6. SD SPECIAL DISTRICTS GENERAL PROVISIONS, Section 605.3. Class II Special Permits, to allow for development of ` new construction building within the SD-5. Brickell Avenue Area Office Residential District; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT,as per ARTICLE 6. SD SPECIAL DISTRICTS GENERAL PROVISIONS, Section 605.5. Accessory uses and structures (2), to allow all accessory uses visible from any right-of-way such as roofed sheltered areas, open at the side and for at least forty (40) percent of perimeter of coverage, and facilities for outdoors service of food or drinks may be permitted in appropriate locations in urban plazas or other open space in a development not and shall be not included in floor area limited by F.A.R. on the property, or counted in computing off-street parking requirements; and neither shall exceed twenty-five (25) percent of total open space required in relation to the property; 2 CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 6. SD SPECIAL DISTRICTS GENERAL PROVISIONS, Section 605.5.1. Sales display and outdoor within open, or partially open space, to allow sheltered structures areas within open space such as a coffee shop for outdoor dining areas; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per AR?.ICLE 6. SD SPECIAL DISTRICTS GENERAL PROVISIONS, Section 605.8.3. Maximum ground floor setbacks, to allow for development with open space as urban plaza that provides setback exceeding maximum ground floor setback of twenty (20) feet; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 6. SD SPECIAL DISTRICTS GENERAL PROVISIONS, Section 607.3. Class II Special Permit, to allow the erection of a new building structure within the Central Brickell Rapid Transit Commercial -Residential District; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 6. SD SPECIAL DISTRICTS GENERAL PROVISIONS, Section 607.8.3. Open Space and residential recreation space, to allow development of residential recreation space as urban plaza and shall conform to. "The City of Miami Design Guides and Standards for Open Space and Residential Recreation Space" and the following special standards; - Generally, open space and urban gardens shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the lineal frontage of the development site on any street. - At least fifty (50). percent of the lineal footage of perimeter walls enclosing an atrium space shall contain ground level uses permitted in section 607.4.1. CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9. GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 908.2. Access, to allow driveways of width greater than twenty-five (25) feet subject to the criteria in section 908.2 and the applicable criteria listed in Section 1305; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9. GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 917.3.2. , to allow temporary surface parking on the West portion of the property prior to commencing construction on Phase II subject to the Off-street parking guides and standards listed in section 917.3.2 and in addition to the " The City of Miami Off-street Parking Guides and Standards"; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9. GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 917.4. Class I Special Permits required for substantial modification of existing facilities including ten (10) or more spaces, to allow substantial modification of the existing parking facility; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9. GENERALLY AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 923. Off-street loading, detailed requirements, Sub -Section 923.2. Dimensions of stalls or berths, generally, Sub -Section 923.2.1. Reduction in stall dimensions by Class II Special Permit; criteria and limitations on reductions, to allow reduction in dimensions of required stalls specified in sub -section 923.2 from three (3) 12'x55'x15' to three (3) 13'x35'x15'subject to the applicable criteria in Section 1305and the criteria set forth herein; That the manner of operation proposed is such that stalls of dimensions generally required are unnecessary because, among other matters, the size, character and operation of the use will not normally involve service by motor vehicle requiring the dimensions of an off-street space specified by sub -section 923.2; and That the uses involved are likely to continue or to be succeeded by others for which the same stall dimensions will be adequate, or that any additional loading space necessary could be provided in a logical location without creating violations of other requirements of this regulations. CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9. GENERALLY AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 927. Temporary structures, occupancies, and uses during construction, criteria for special permits, to allow temporary structures, occupancies, and uses reasonably necessary for construction such as construction fence, covered walkway and if. encroaching public property must be approved by other city departments prior to the issuance of a Class II Special Permit and temporary occupancy and use of two (2) loading bays within a portion of the north west retail area of Phase I building during construction of Phase II building, and temporary off -site parking subject to the applicable criteria in Section 1305 and to the following criteria, it may be located only in districts more or equally permissive as to the one where the principal use is to be served is located. Such parking is only to be permitted where there are practical difficulties orhardships, involved in providing the required parking on the site during construction. In addition, subject to the following criteria: - The applicant shall provide to the City a copy of the lease or other parking agreement which will fulfill the parking requirement during construction. - In cases where the parking is offsite, the parking for commercial project shall only be provided in a commercial zoning district and parking for a residential project shall only be provided in a commercial or more permissive residential zoning district; Relocation of required parking shall be limited to specific length of time (i.e., one (1) year with one (1) year renewal) or limited to the duration of the construction up to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, whichever is less; and - The distance between the principal entrances of the parking facility and the use being served shall be limited to six hundred (600) feet. CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per. ARTICLE 9. GENERALLY AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 906. Accessory uses and structures, Sub - Section 906.9. Temporary special events; special permits; criteria, to allow temporary carnival, festival, fair or similar type event on privately owned or City -owned land such as a ground breaking ceremony, shall be subject to the applicable criteria in Section 1305. In addition, the following conditions, criteria and limitations shall apply; - Adjacent property owners and residents shall be notified of the temporary event by the applicant, and the applicant shall submit to the Zoning Administrator an affidavit signed by the residents certifying such notice. - Temporary events proposed on public property must be approved by other city departments, prior to issuance of a Class I Special Permit. - The City Manager is authorized to establish required procedures and to attach any further limitations or conditions deemed essential for the health and general welfare of the public. CLASS II SPECIAL PERViIT, as per ARTICLE 9. GENERALLY AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 908.8. Fences, walls, and hedges, Sub - Section 908.8.2. Fences, walls, and hedges, to allow barbed wire fences, or used of barbed wire along the top of a fence or wall, upon making a written finding that its use and placement are reasonably necessary to the safety, welfare and security of the property and/or its occupants and subject to the applicable criteria in Section 1305; . CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per ARTICLE 9. GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 908. Lot measurement, Sub -Section 908.12. Bus passenger shelters; bus benches; telephone booths,; mail and newspaper boxes, to allow bus passenger shelter within required yard subject to restriction set forth at section 908.11 and criteria set forth herein; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per ARTICLE 9. GENERAL AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 916. Interim Parking, Sub -Section 916.2.1. Temporary special event parking, to allow temporary special event parking for groundbreaking ceremonies subject to criteria set forth herein; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9. GENERALLY AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 918. Offsite Parking, Sub -Section 918.2. Temporary off-street offsite parking forconstruction crews, criteria,- to allow temporary off-street offsite parking for construction crews with same conditions as in Section 927. In addition, subject to the following criteria; - The parking capacity for temporary off-street offsite parking shall be limited to four hundred (400) spaces. CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per ARTICLE 9. GENERALLY AND SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS, Section 920. Parking and/or storage of certain vehicles prohibited or limited in specified districts; limitations on occupancy, Sub -Section 920.1.2. Limitations on occupancy of mobile homes, to allow parking of mobile homes, trailers or manufactured homes, when authorized for security or other purposes in connection with land development such as construction trailer(s) and other temporary construction offices such as watchman's quarters, leasing and sales centers. - Other than when authorized for use as -temporary office in connection with land development, construction or other purposes, such parking of mobile homes, trailers or manufactured homes shall be allowed for a maximum of one (1) year with the option to request one (1) extension for an additional one (1) year. CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per ARTICLE 10. SIGN REGULATIONS, Section and Sub -Section SD-5. Brickell Avenue Area Residential -Office District, to allow temporary signs for construction and/or development in conjunction with such construction signs, not exceeding one construction sign or thirty (30) square feet in area for each lot adjacent to a street; REQUEST, for waiver of CHAPTER 36. NOISE, Section 36-6. Construction Equipment (a) permitting the operation of construction equipment exceeding the sound level of a reading of 0.79 weighted average dBA at any time and/or day subject to the City Manager Exception pursuant to Section 36-6 (c) and all the applicable criteria; REQUEST, as per ARTICLE 25. DEFINITIONS, Section 2502. Specific definitions, to allow a development having a minimum of three (3) acres of land, as a phased project subject to approval by the director of the planning department and the criteria set forth herein; 6 REQUEST for applicable MAYOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, that the following conditions be required at the time of issuance of Shell Permit instead of at issuance of Foundation Permit; - The requirement to record in the Public Records a Declaration of Covenants and/or Restrictions providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner and/or a mandatory property owner association; - And the requirement to record in the Public Records a Unity of Title or a covenant in lieu of a Unity of Title. 1' Zoning Development Supervisor 7 per/O.?/O % Date