HomeMy WebLinkAboutIII Tab 3 Site Utility Study• • liAPZT A 3535 HIAPTAEL AVENUE MIAMI 7L( RIBA SITE UTILITY' STUDY PREPARED gY : ZAMORA & AS SOt 71, TES, INC. ' d 617-17S 0 L SOE quad Jeqaa doc:-17,0 so LO Aow • 1. SITE DESCR TION: The property will be developed as follows; frcntiug on Hiawatha Avenue consisti zg of 18 Townhouses fronting Weyt Glencoe. a residential building condominiums and 5 new The site is located south of Ba 'a: ore Drive at the south end Hiawatha Avenue. Hiawatha Avenue is ju•.at west of Mercy Hospital. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract "B" and Tract "C", of "STEE E F. Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat B Records of Miami -Dade County, Flori Northeasterly 5.0 feet thereof, in E: the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida. 2. DRAINAGE: of RK SUBDIVISION',according to the .)ok G3 at Page 85 of the Public :ia and; Lots 8 and 9 Iess the ock 4 of "GLENCOE", according to Book 5 at Page 119 of the Public Once the project has been fully developed the site will consist of 80 impervious areas and 20 o pervious areas. This site will have a stormwater runoff from the building roof, paved surface areas, deck areas and landscape areas. The weighted runoff coefficient as ng the Rational Miethod is as follows/ Cw; Description Pervious Impervious Total Area 0.28 1.06 1.34 c !.4 1.9 (A) (c) 0.11 0.95 1.06 Cw = 1.i6 / 1.34 = 0.80 The site will be developed with sere) out to collect the stormwater. The _. towards these proposed catch basins b these catch basins. Furthermore, they piped to the catch basins thru storm d: Once the stormwater has been collecte be directed via storm pipes to the drainage wells will then dispose of t soil strata. The proposed veils will c their corresponding collection boxes. This stormwater drainage system will Miami Public Works Department and Resources Management (DERM) standard pc The calculations will be based on a 5 note that the proposed stormwater drai requirement of providing pollution zeta al catch basins (inlets) through :ain.£al2 runoff will be directed sloping the paved areas towards oof runoff will be collected and ainage pipes. 1 at the catch basins, they will proposed drainage wells. These :e s tormwa ter into the underlying >nsist of 24" diameter wells with be designed as per the City of .he .Department of .Environmental Iicies for stormwater retention. year 1-day storm event. Please cage system will comply with the _dart baffles. d Eb4S OfrL SOE ,uo J Jeyag d©E :170 SO LO AQN • • The following is the preliminary dr.ai: age calculations for this project using the 5 year storm event. Total Net Area: 3.34 acres Weighted Runoff Coefficient: 0.80 Intensity of Rainfall: 6.7 inches Tel hour Runoff Q = c i a (0.30) (6.7) (1..74) 7.18 cfs = 3,222 gallons per minute Based on the standard usage of I wel per acre, this site will provide a minimum of 2 wells. Please note that once construction do'uments are prepared the number of wells may increase to three if :he existing and proposed site elevations dictate it. WATER DISTRIBUTION; Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department NI -4WD) records show that site currently has an existing four: (4) inch water main along property frontage on Hiawatha Avenue. Based on the current standards irc. Department, a water main improvement along Eiawatha Avenue. The current s:: development as well as commercial oev: inch water main abutting all publicY would be on Baysllore Drive where a exists. With respect to the Townho us water main fronting each townhous+. requirements will be determined u1 availability letter from the departmen The proposed building water and fir new twelve (12) inch water main. F. hydrants (if required) will also b? water main or the new water main imp-ro The anticipated water demand based or follows; Apartments: 200 gallons per day per dpk the the the Miami -Dade Water & Sewer would .most likely be required andards require that a high rise slopments must have a twelve (12) rontage. The point of connection twenty-four (24) inch water main 's, they have atwelve (12) inch on West Glencoe. The actual on receiving a. water & sewer Services will be connected to the Lease note that additional fire connected to either the existing rPmen is . current M-DWASD standards is as tment (gpd) Townhouses: 250 gallons per day per <<a<: rtment (gpd) Therefore the total water usage demaid for this project is as follows; Apartments 18 units 200 gpd 3,600 gpd E bS QbL SOE dQE :47Q 0 LQ AON • Townhouses 5 units @ 250 gpd 4. SANITARY SEWER DISTJIfUTION: 1,250 gpd TOTAL 4,850 gpd The site currently has a ten (10) .nch gravity sanitary sewer along West Glencoe. There is no sanitary s,>wer available on Hiawatha Avenue. The new Townhouse can connect to he existing sewer main on West Glencoe. The new condominiums will require providing a new sanitary sewer extension from Bayshore drive. This new sewer main would be a minimum of eight (8) ,inches and woi1 i connect to an existing ten (10) inch gravity sewer mama at bayshore Di ive. The anticipated sewer demand based o s current :cN-DWASD standards is as follows; Apartments: 200 gallons per day per al artment (gpd) Townhouses: 250 gallons per day per alartment (gpd) Therefore the total water usage demnc: for this project Is as follows; Apartments 18 units @ 200 gpd Townhouses 5 units ® 250 grad = 3,600 gpd 1,250 gpd TOTAL: 4,850 gpd Using a peak factor of 2.5 this site will generate a total sewage demand of 12,125 gallons per day. 5. SOLID WASTE GENERATION: Solid Waste generated from this prcpc trash dumpster containers for both service will be provided Chru a Aril. City of Miami Solid Waste Department. The total daily volume„ from this sit follows; led project will be collected in refuse and recycling. Regular ate hauling company or tiiru the :e for solid waste disposal is as RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS & TOWNHOUSES: Rate 1.5 tons per year per Apartmer is and Townhouses 23 units x 1.5 toms/year r 34.5 tons per year (units) EivIYS ©t►L OE lurid - ulag dTE=1.O SO LO • • _ < 1.10 togs per day vU 14.)s per day 9'd Ebt'S a'L SOE -4.uoj Jetlag di6:4.0 SO 0 now