HomeMy WebLinkAboutProject AnalysisPROJECT ANALYSIS FORM Department of Capital Improvements City of Miami Date Prepared: 12128/2004 Revised pate: Revised Date: . Revised Date: PROJECT NAME: NW lath Street Project ' ADDRESS 'LOCATION: NW 14th Street from NW 22 Avenue to 34th Avenue PROJECT No.: B-50688 NET OFFICE: Allapattah DISTRICT: ' D3 CLIENT DEPT; EST, PROJECT COST; $3,360,904 CLIENT CONTACT: TEL.: ALLOCATED FUNDS: $2,887,001 PROJECT MANAGER: Alvaro Alonso TEL.: (305) 418.1219 PROCUREMENT: Formal BPd • CONSTR. MANAGER: Ed Herald TEL.: (305} 418.1290 PROJECT TEAM; Streets INSPECTOR1 CEO: Ramon Liana TEL.: (305) 477.7575 EST. DESIGN START: 2/8/2004 EST. DESIGN END: 4)512004 EST. BID ADV.: 7/2/2004 EST. AWARD DATE: 8/3/2004 EST. CONSTRUCTION START: 1/112005 EST, CONSTRUCTION END: 9/5/2004 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE PRODUCTION PHASE A. Design Svcs. - Outside Consultant 1 Basic Fees: 2 Additional Services: Prime Consultant: Percentage 5,8% $130,950 11.3% $254,516 B. Design Svcs, - CIP 1 In-house Basic Design Fee: 2 In-house Additional Desig Services: C Production Management Services 1 Prod. Mgmt. of Outside Consultant by C1P: 2 Prod. Mimt, of Outside Consultant by Industry Partner; D Miscellaneous Services 1 Survey: Vendor; 2 Re -plat: Vendor: 3 Gectechnical Testln;: vendor, 4 Utility Locations (Soft Digs): 5 Asbestos Survey: 6 Energy / HVAC Calculations: Vendor. Vendor: Vendor: 7 Phase I Environmental: vendor: SUB -TOTAL: $385,466 0.0 6 $O 0.0% SUBTOTAL: $0 $0 0.5% $11,250 0,514 511,250 SUBTOTAL: S22,500 8 Phase it Environmental: 9 Structural Testing: 10 Archeological Survey: Vendor. Vender: Vendor. 11 Other; Vendor: E Special Fees 1 Assessments: 1 DERM (Plans review, environmental permits, etc.): 2 Miami -Dade County Water and Sewer DepartmenJPlan review) 3 Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Permits); 4 FOOT (Plans review, inspections, etc,): 5 South Florida Water Management District (Permits): B U.S. Army Carps of Engineers (Plans review, permits): 7 HRS (Plans review, Inspections. etc.): 8 Other: Fee Waiver r, SUBTOTAL: $0 SUB -TOTAL: SO . 'PRODUCTION ,PHASE TOTAL: $407,966 CONSTRUCTION PHASE F Construction: JOC Contractor: N/A 1 Construction Estimate: $2,250,000 2 Contingency Allowance: 10.0% $225,000 3 Data & Telecommunication Systems (IT Dept.): 4 Fixtures, Furniture and Equipment: 5 WASA System Betterment: 6 FPL Contribution -In -Aid -of Construction: 7 Other Additional header curb for swats block $200,000 SUBTOTAL: $2,875,600 Page 1 of 2 - NW t41th Street Project . t3-50S86 ur 6- k w 01 p U v W �' G tl- a. G City and other Gov't Agencies Permit Fees 1 •y of Miami Permits: e1d4, Dept. r Public Worke r 2 Miami -Dade County Impact Fees: . 3 Mleml-Dade County Archeological Monitoring: 4 Other. elite -TOTAL: • ..'.:G4lrSTRUCT1ON...•....•TOTAL: • $0 $2,975,000 CONSTRUCTION H I J K ' .. ADMINISTRATION j Construction Inspection Services - CIP: • 0.6% $11 250 Construction Mgmt.-Industry partner: 0,5% $11 250 Construction Engineering Observer (CEO) - Industry Partner 7.35% $165 438 JOC Administration 0 0% $0 . • • •.. • i . .:CQly3TF:I tCT1ON'ADHIINrSTRATtON TOTAL: $1 t37,5s"0 ADMINISTRATIVE L 1:4 • r EXPENSES ' • CIP Dept. (Mgmt./Bud{Let/Procurement/Comr . 3,014 $67 500 Indust Partner Pro rem M mt. Su ort: 1,0% $22 500 i . ' •• •, Af:?MINk3TRATIVE EXPENSES TOTAL: $90,000 LAND N 0 ' ACQUISITION EXPENSES Land Cost. • • Transaction Costs: r • ry n,/ ' •I-AiNPACQUISI ION'rCiTAL; ' •$0 GRAND TOTAL - ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: $3,360,904 VALIDATION The project consists of the milling and resurfacing es waft as other miscellaneous sheet improvements Including sidewalk repairs, upgrade of $wale are$s to provide parking and/or tt)rf blocks, pavement markings. For the following reads: • NW 14th Street from NW 3481 Avenue to NW 2241 Avenue • NW 34th Avenue from NW 13th Street to NW 14tti Street • • NW 24th Avenue from NW 14th Street to NW 18t1� Street Road • NW 23rd Avenue from NW 141h Street to NW 15 Street, • NW 26th Avenue from NW 14th Street to NW 16t1= Street Road • NW 25th Avenue from NW 14th Street to NW l6th Street Road • NW 15th Street from NW 25th Avenue to NW 240 Avenue • NW 241h Court from NW 15th Street to NW 16th Street Road The project will also Include the construction of star n drainage system as needed. The scope of Fund: 358001 - Local Option Gas Tax i CIP # 341183 Fund: 359100- Assestment Lien Revenues CIP A 341183 Fund: 367001 - Impact Fees Ord. 10273 P i CIP # 341330 Fund: 385200-1 - 2002 Homeland Defense Sepses 1 CIP # 311711 Fund: 888930 - Transit Half -Cent Surtax CIP 4 341330 Fund: CIP # Project Manager. Sr. Project Manager: ' Reviewed by Lr<i►rrca C C""11 t,a1J sisal OIP Budget Adminlslrelar Rexpled by: /k Director the bent Osborn i TbT Noel Year Available Amount: Amount: Amount: Amount: Amount: Amount: ALLOCATED.AMOUNT: $1,159,200 $475,800 $152,001 $600,000 3500,000 $2,887,001 Detc: / L— I O — * Date: f �f /� ]y Clete: I L -'50 'U Deis: / Copies To: CLIENT DEPARTMENT, ALL MP SECTION CHIEFS, CIP SENIOR ACCOUNTANT, HOR PROGRAM MANAGER 4 Page 2 cf 2