HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice= y t �`'V' •y * sem , Ilrrrr dull Q 11 11 'Z`ae a �5,. ,,.(' L.VI IVnVi III • i.+OlJu,,, NI I1Y _..._..... ._...._._ .,.. �y Community , '' l ti%IM Development PUBLIC NOTICE Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 10:30 A.M. City of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Federal regulations governing COBG and other HUD programs require that a participating Iurisdichon provide citizens with reasonable notice of and an opportunity to comment on any amendments 10 funding of HJD programs. In addition, the public is advised of the proposed amandmem(a)1c the landing of the City program(s) Intlleatetl below: # # Diecusalon and Proposed Resolutions authorizing the acceptance and/or lronsler of lands for the following agenda I ems: t # Recommended Distribution of funds to Aotivlty Name Amesml Sources al Allocation AoencleelProoram American Dream City of Miami, Community Development First Time Homeauyer Down Payment $68,512.00 Downpaymenl Initlehve Assistance ("ADDI1-2006.2007 Total: $68,512.00 State Housing Initiatives City of Miami, Community Development • Administration $227,016.00 Partnership ("SHIP)- 2008- 2007 • Housing Activitlesr Single $2,048,541.00 Family Rehabilitation, Single Family Replacement Homes, Homebuyers Financing Program, Homeownership Development Program Total: $2,276,157.00 Section 8 Moderate City al Miami, Community Development Section 8 Moderate Rehabilifallon $4,760,000,00 Rehabilitation Program- Program 2006-2007 Total: 54,780,000.00 Emergency Shelter Grant City of Miami Citric° of Homeless Program: NET Homeless Program. Eaeential 3950,644.33 ("ESG1. 2006.2007 Supportive Services City of Miami, Community Development Administration $10,844.67 Total: $361,460.00 924Year Community City of Miami, Community Development • Administration $1,690,000.00 Development Block ()rent • Publlo'Service $1,567.554.00 ('CDBG") • Economic Development $3,960,000.00 • Section 108 Debt $1,100,000.00 • . Housing $842,609.00 • Lot Clearing Pro(ecls 550,000.00 • Demolition $100,000.00 Total: 69,45,0J 357,00 Community Development Black City of Miami, Community Development 53,BOQ,000.00 Grant - 32" Year Economic Development Category Total: 53,000,000.00 Community'Deve opnrenl Clly of Miami, Community Development $10,567,564.00 Block Grant-92nd Year Public Service Category Total: $1,6437,ee4.00 Housing Opportunities for t. City of Miami, Community Development Program Administration $235,670.00 Pinola with AIOS ('HOPWA") 2606.2007 2. Propel. Based Rental Subaldy or Operating Support • Miami Beach Commonly Devellopmenl Corporatlon, Inc. • Fernwodd Apartments $57,600.00 • Melbourne Apartments $76,600,00 • Westchester Apartments $19,200.00 • SAME Development Corporation of South • Bethel Arms Apartments S38,400.00 Florida. Inc. 3, Long Term Tenant Rental Assistance Program (LTRA) • Center of Information & Orientation, Inc. Houeing Specialist & lnspecllons $342,000.00 • Douglas Gardena Community Mental Houeing Specialist 8 Inspections $171,000.00 Health Center of Mleml Beach, Incorporated • Empower 9J", Inc. Housing Speclallel 8 Inspections S3e4,750.Ro • Jamas E. Scott Community Association, Inc. Housing Specialist & Inspections 642,750.00 • Miami Beach Community Development Housing Specialist & Inepscliona $213,760.00 Corporation, Inc. • MOVERS, Inc. Housing Specialist & inspections $42,750.00 • Spanish American Basic Educallon and Housing Specialist 8 Inspections $384,760.00 Rehabilitation, Inc. • Sunehfne for All, Inc. Housing Specialist & Inspections $171,000.00 6. City of M1amI Deportment of Community landlord Payments $8,768,580.00 Development 6. Appl.Tree Perspectives, Inc. Technical Assistance 5100,000.00 7.Sunshine tor All, Inc. Food Service $150.000.00 Total: 511,159,000,00 Home Investment City of Miami, Community Development • Administration 2464,389.00 Pertnerahipa Program • Little Havana Homeownership $1,500,000.00 ("HOME") Advisory Board • Rental Housing 5669,875.00 • Homeownership 52.000.624.00 Total: $4,643,860.00 Discussion and Proposed resolution approving the City 01 Miemra Annual Public Housing Agency ("PHA") Plan for fiscal year 2005, In connection with the implementation and adminieiretlon of the City's Section 6 Moderate Rehabilitation Program. t $ Sources at Allocation Bm2g11 Recommended Rediatitullon of Activity Name 9014i101 /undo to AoencleslPraorem Haitian American 941,000.00 Catholic Charities o1 the Provide After School and $21,000.00 Foundation, Inc. Archdioceses of Miami, IncJNolre Summar Program Servicea 4101501924) Dame Day Care IIDI9e1015) Catholic Charities o1 the Provide Sided,/ Services and $•gl; Arc11t80cesea of Miami, Inc/ Little Haiti Senior Center Meats Toter: $41,000.00 Tote!: $41,000.00 ' The adoption of this Ordinance/Resolution, by the City Commieelon, authorizes the City Manager to amend the appropriate City of Miami annual Action Plan. t This amereimantal wlti ba available for public c0mMentand review Tor a period of no less then 30 days. The review and common! period begins Tuesday, May 9, 2006 and ends June 7, 2008. The proposed amendment(s) will be presented to City Commission or approval on Thursday, Juno 08, 2006 (public hearing). # Dian copies will be available el the City al Miami Department of Community Development office located 41444 SW 2nd Avenue, and floor, Miami, Florida, 33130. Commsna to the amendments must be submitted in writing to: 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 2nd floor, Miami, Florida, 33130: Attn: Axel Alia. Interested Individuals are encouraged to attend thla Public Hearing. The meeting site Is acceeaIWe to the handicapped. Requests or special acc0mmodallons may be directed t0 the Department of Community Development al (305) 416.2080 no Saes Than Three (3) business days prior to the Public Hearing dale- (Ad 114382) haAl tflc e a, Piro mpg qo; rg Di Fleet F1o� dxa r L GtslY opA / wr.Cammunitr # 1eE1la es�rfe - 1q 4 d��kt ,� City of Miami • Department of le � A - Development PUBLIC NOTICE Thursday, June 6, 2006 at 10:30 A.M. City of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Federal regulations governing CDBG and other HUD programs require that a participating Jurisdiction provide citizens with reasonable notice of and an opportunity to comment on any amendments to funding of HUD programs. In addition, the public Is advised of the proposed amendment(s) to the funding of the City program(s). Indicated below: t t Discussion and Proposed Resolutions authorizing the acceptance and/or transfer of funds for the following agenda Items: t: fias dtlream a11uA Cilyda Miaml�Depammerltrof Comm m er n Down Payment ea no Tonal 566,6�'2.50 $BBb12A0 l�inedcaa DownpeymeMlnmelive rA0011.2000.2007 State Housing Initlailvee Farhr.rahi' (' SN.:r i 2006.200r1 city of Miami - pepamneet al Community Development • • Adminlmrallorl • Howling Adlv0ea. Stogie Family Rehah01Me6pn, Slagle Family Replacement Hones, Hmne1uyem FMa ncI g Program, Homeownership Development 10ldm $227.616.00 S2,040.541.00 e2,2711.157.00 Seetlon 6 Moderate Rehabl9gtinn Program- 2006-2007 City of Miami • Department of Community Development Section 6 Moderate RehabiMelion Program Total $4,700,000.00 $4,760,OODAO Emehgerwy Sheller Grant 7ES6•)- 2006-2007 City o1571and O5Rce of Homeless Program' NET COy al Miami Department of Community Development Home'easProgram Essential Supportive Services Adminietation Total S350,644,33 $10,644.67 $361,469.00 92nd veer Development Block Grant t"COBS"/ • City of MINT) Department of Community Development • AdmidlMllon • Public Service • Economic Development • Section 108 Debt • Homing • Lot Clearing Projects • Demolition Total $1,860,000,00 51,567,564,C4 $3,900,000.00 61,100,000.00 $842,e03.00 $50,000.00 56,��7.R0 Community Development Block 6ren1-32nd Year Economic Development Category City el Miami Deportment of Community Development Total i3,290,000.00 Community Development Block Drool-32nd Year Public Service Wagon/ City el 1l0ml Department of• Community DevetrpmeM Total $1.667J164.O9 Howling OPpomrnitlea for Panama wllh AIDS MOM") 2006.2007 1. Cayal Mimi Department of Community Development 2. Proeot Baeed Rental Subsidy Opening Support MIamV Beach Community Development Corporation, Inc. BAME Development Corporation of South Florida, Inc. a. long Terns Tenets Rental Assistance Program (LTIW • Center o1 iMOmfadan & Odentetion, Inc. • Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center of Miami Beech, Incorporated • Empower •D', Inc. • James F.Scdt Commend? Association, Inc. • Dever enonl 0 mmurity I c Corporation, Inc, Development MOVERS, Inc. • Spanish n and en Brlc • Education Eunshinn or , Inc.bfllletlon, Inc. • Sunshine for AP, u1 5, City of Mieml Departmental Community Devyppment 6.Appie Res 1'erson.tvee. Mc. 7. SuneMns torAl, Inc. Program Almmetraaan • Elmwood Apartments • Sh1eoume Apartment! • Wemche5tar Apehmenls • Bethel Arms Apartments Housing Specialist 3 Inspections Housing Spectalkst3lnIPlpt0m WYNN Spscllilat 6 Inspections Housing Speclallat & inspections Housing Specalim a inapaclions Hoaetg Speclellp & inspections landhld Payrrente Technical Assistance 'Food Smoke 7agt $295,670.00 S37,6011.00 676.600.00 $)9200.00 538,400,00 5392,ODO.00 S) 71,0410.00 , ,71iCA0 $33B404,750.00 5210,750.00 642,75000 S364,750,00 S771,000.00 68,768,560.00 • S100,000.00 111189,009,00 lone Investment Rrtnmahlpa Program 'HOME"' City of Miami. Department of Communfl Development • A0minlstrabon *Letts Havana - HomBOYMershlp .Advisory Board • Rends! Roueinp7 • Homemwharehp Total: $464,308,00 01,500,000.00 5668,875,04) 32,009,624.00 54 .843$11,00 ro • 19 57 ad, In alt to xte inn ing e st one ers ow tic ict da mg to de- as- lecussion and Proposed ree01UOon approving She City of Allude Annual Public Housing Agency rsstA't Pion for Racal year 2006, In ca0necllon with the Impiementedoe and dmmlat102n d the C1N'e Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation prapram. t 3 ad Puma M Al9Citl9R 6naW14l Ae00IN Nuns MOM Wan American 541,000.00 471d :- a Provide elderly services 521.000.00 iodation, Inc. Archdloem ce01 Mark pia. and meals IISa19241- Mote Dame Day Dere PO15110151 . Catholic Childers 01 file Provide Agar &Moot and $20,000.00 Archdioceses el Mlunl, Inc/ uaHe Here Senior Center Summer Pargmm Services Tool: S41,000.00 141.1l: $41,000.00 The emotion of Iola ardinanceilgaolulion. by the OW Comm1efan, authorizes fit Clly Manager to amend the approprtira City of Miami annual Action Men. ___,_— fins , 2 00.The imposed poll ea amens of )Mil a press edit review for a padnd or no then e. new win , ne7,2pleo The09099I@ and00555 willmp eprtm0IoIymmunit51 D lotapproval ecThu ey, June O6,22nd Auhlkhearin trait cdpke will e avaMaola at tine Din d Miami Department a1 Community Oeve menl.of6ce located at 4M SW end Avenue, end Noon Mlaml, Floelde, aata0. Comments to r amendment. ravel be 0uemtted n writing to !mated Individuals ere encouraged to 19a04 11111 Puhc Hmrnhg. lne moe lin 8 soca 40 Ppad, 0380 i for ape0lol l0Cemmo491dne may be directed In the 'entrant of Community Development al (305) 410.2080 no ter than three ( beamees days coif fa the Public Hearin dale. N14.3M21 're FME hlahI HERALD J MIamlHelald.corn DEATHS I ANGEL ESPINOSA METRO 8 STATE TRANSPORTATION FRIDAY,HAY 26, 20061 EIS Client Name: 738500001 CITY OF MIAMI-PURCHASING Advertiser: 738500001 Section/Page/Zone: Metro And State1B51Dade 0 .0 u) a U ♦ 4.0 Owned, founded dry-cleaning store in Grove BY MAROARIA FICM1Ma1 ▪ brhteng• emiHraldcan 15 wee at as usual Thursday t coconut Grove Laundry he Cleaners, } t ate Angel Espinosa would have wanted. repltmla, who opened the busmen In 1961, the year he brought hie family from Cuba, died Wednesday at Jackson Memorial Hoeplml's Ryder Trump Center. He was on hia way to work thee morn- ing, as always, when hi" or crashed Into a Coral Gables ponce cruiser. He wee 76. "We've had people coming in ail day, all day yesterday," Espinosa s son Romulo "aid. "He war here (or 45 years, to he Md a lot of Mende" "I went by there this morn- ing," longtime customer Janet McAllley eald Thuuday. "1 war pill OF51141, "ad. Angel was just such a sweat, good Inman being." He alto war an anchor, one of the neighborhood's most durable (ixtures, his Grand Avenue More with its open door on the corner mom from the elementary school a pereletent remnant of the old day. when the Grove Mill retained its sio-mo, low-ri.e village Intimacy and qusiat' news. So many of the Grove's old landmarks - Adam's Apple, The Country Store, Bert'. market, the dime store, The Village Inn, I Ching, the Tom Thumb - have become tattered tn.marle. But Espinosa Bayed put. "He saw it all, and he cleaned everybody's clothes and knew all of the cMrac- lere," said Manuel Esppinosa, another coo. "His /"lends Included the people who picked up the garbage and the movers and shaker., ... He relied to both with the same -- enthuelaem and sincerity, He liked the fact that people were friendly to e.ch other." And he did not like 11 when they were not. When an Afri- can•Amerlcan employee refused to work the counter because some white palram disapproved, Espinosa told her, -Well, Ifthe customer has ▪ problem with that, then we don't want him." "Miami Ives tough back then," Manuel Eepinose geld. "Sometime. the only while face at a black funeral would be my d0d's " A liege, jolly man se unpre- leaden he did not even wear a watch because "Decree a clock an the wail,' Ropiness was born In Ciego de Avila, Cube, but moved to Sancti Spirting es 'child. After grad- ating from Helen, the Jesuit preparatory .ohool In Havana, he worked with hi" brother In a Lumber -processing business. When he arrived In Miami with children, parents and in- law. to support, he looked around for burin.:" he could afford and bought 'coin Warn" dry. A' the years passed, ha upgraded P into a dry -cleating eetablhhment and bought not only the building, which houses other businesses, but also a small, "discard strip with a convenience .lore and two restaurants. "He would work in the Gore all day end then 10 far end wide picking up clothes and deltearIng clothes, and he wouldn't get borne until 10 15 midnight," Manuel Laid. "He would h.ve a quick Metier, and then bat hack at the afore at 640 In the morning." McA1Gey, a former Miami. Dade School Board member, remembers that back in the mid-1910o, "he and one of H9pinneve sons had an argu- ment over some polltically Inflammatory school lasue, "He lust lit into me when 1 brought my clothes ln....1 gal so .agry 1 didn't go there for et Couple of yams, and I tried dif- ferent Menem around, and all f them were terrible." Over time, tempers cooled, "and 0 lot of the remain for that," McAIU.y say, " Angela" Espinosa': wife, Maria Bravo, died In 1992. In addition ter Romulo and Manuel, Espi- nosa Is survived by daughter CrlstLna Espinosa and sone Angel Espinosa Jr. end Chulea Espinosa; lister An. Muria Garcia; and brother M.nolo Espinosa. A viewing will be from 6 to mldolght tonight et Caballero Rlvero Woodlawn Meter.] Home, 82010 SW 40th St., Miami, with a Man al 12:45 p.m. Saturday at SI, Brendan Catholic Church. 0721 SW 32nd St., Miami Burial will !al- low at Miami Memorial Lark, 6200 SW 77th Ave. The family .,agnate memorial gifts to the International EMI Syndrome A.ocWllon RRSA), 9121 PWca- tawey Rd., 2E, Clinton, MD, 20735, Sunday's Ads suchen highlights local entertainment for year. Theiter, movies, id and mu* etc reviewed weekly. OBITUARIES • MEMORIALS' SERVICES w w llamilimeld.comlebilu.dm othur roe 505273,890t I Demi 03/.331319B dial €arc 1:906:96ae0;0,0•1. aa4l 'mshml•h ir.rellr411I10 rhm rnta�dAGpL rp1y0010016pel P19 t , AARON IIRndAe epwi�tyaApllraleMCpaUal.Al es-3aAFx-ladie� 4�A�30-r�-g�ppil �7,7y7 55 !P aa3a00. Rvwele!"e+"l537e.uutto o.ae�aFriria ahlmN rk Mai 7yx76.18ti far a0 "cur. Data. n6tt7Ace a0r�.hraI.+a�iJ.i8it°solo atlermcalalRl�Nnuw� �Rt1yI ir10116116I4$&0RM1. 7p - ei a igeai o00 M . w nfa[i 7pa.a:L9e�A Eof Nfaex70W6:bp49�.tell 4 wwt Fla wleeamlle a,l Cenkro zw g�p2LAt/nalm3'r3a9-mu p 7a.9m30g. .t190 ogegeroil. FERDINAND FUNERAL HOME �eanddCREMATORY "Fenlpe4dlgleZ i.��. 305b31-0001 Ihbrydm'try nwl4ypm d,e er.0Ra r7 7''".•I Oa m0Y a "¢oat Whose Ashes Are in the urn? Ywrbved py�� eyerle.wswrom Rondarimer n-1n&ARm.* a k"im r1an 171Ye rail WH1Y. awte°0du"o�to"rori«sl a°Mmllai i/anl.oir�■ 39dw�eaMeett ial JII /.h.�klyw7A0a0eploeu j'�pyeal7p✓i�a14t '•7 jiyetzp-eei 1'1; J0�6w"130.aplo�d[g6MVI Il 1141 v� s•emsm/tail. eT�A`Nlrlton. s4apa both aec•07malo41�•crW117.4414 19$41971.7 1 k5pfElit g cand0leacc9. See eke oaifoary K/d0•I et Plan for Overtown I-95 ramps is killed Br TRDMTOM IMMIR AM LAR0e LJ9mWtTS ta.ntelenueneh wd:emn A Miami -Dude transporta- tion planning group, as expected, voted Thursday to kill a BIG million state plea to build lneretate 95 an- and off -ramps in the heart of Overeaten, the hlitoac black Village that was decimated by the internee' construction In the early 1960a The Metropo1411an Planning Organisation had agreed In Machin wipe the unpopular ramp plan off the Make at the urging of County Commie - stoner Audrey Edmon,on. who represents the area. The Blotide Department of Transportation Bald the orlgi- nil plan wan hatched in the The Florida Department of Transportation said the original plan to build the ramps through the heart of Overtown was hatched in the late 1990s. late 1990. In reoponse to en MPO .tudy showing that many Ovedown redden!'" felt they were cut off from the intimates and wanted better access. PDOT officlele and their consultants thought they had garnered widespread commu- nity support for the rump pro- } cts, end eider se in applica- tion* they eubmhted late last year Administration. otheFederal Highway That stirred a swift back- lash from longtime resldenta, Booker T. Washington High School alumni, student' and and -poverty community organizers el Power U, who 'aid PDOT was greenly mis• repre'enling commends -yin. t1ment. "1 think It wee to evident that It wee s Mai, bad project," Power U director Denise Perry laid after the vote. Opponents feared IMI the 1-95 ramp' would bring addi- tional traffic Into an area where a large number of reel - dents walk or side bike.. Other opponent" claimed the range were being built to benefit the wealthy patrons of the Miami Performing Arts Center, which le rising aloe blocks due east of the inter - elate, and the high -"ire con- dos going up along the Di"- -myna corridor. Although the 14th Street ramp' are dead, FOOT will be back in the community Inter this year trying to garner con - semis for the racon•tnecdan of IMeretate395. 1-95 and 1.395 were con- stnected right through Over, town. Thousands of home, and bust were bull- dozed More then 20Aa0 peo- ple heft or were forced our, PUBLIC NOTICE Thursday, June 8, 2006 at 10:30 A.M. City of Miami Commission Chamber 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 Cons nanny eve aprna 1 Fateral regulations governing CD6G and other HUD programs require that a pardclpeung lurbaddlon provide caimans with reasonable notice 01 and an opportunity to comment on any lending 91 HUD programs. In addition, the public le adelled of the proposed funding allocations of the City program(a) Indlceled halm: t # Dlsculelon and Named Resolutions authorizing the acceptance and/or arane}erol funds for the following agenda iternu: t Becommend.d DlstrIbutlon of funds to Auricles/Program Toe of ProorJaf taw! sty Development Block Grant - 91nd Year Economk Deve mentor Public FaCilitlee a bmMtwement Category 7u rmll� I� • Cowl ell MIAMI do hi EMU UnaluelneI6Mr4000 • De m Lan money Oewloomed • Mace P"nlopm.n d0MSm,nc. • Cmeala, h.000. Canter, loc. • Farm ANrrffeers)�Nur Mimi, lac: • Iteg0L,006,dWI har,E • He e a "AhW''hM • Anse Rive ddegb/l9pAk,e,e 0. • lin Ural MA g law Sankt D�q� • DualutaleZtoorarrhy Mc. • F Wfeyy loge oup • Made elate ulOAls Frnlh Bea' lelon • Femora Sac ventral lac. • Wad M:ml .dW Calf Cho Rio • WORM neal"Ken Lang • 1dFA 11111lndluk, •re. • MIN GMm 9nc • aeOWA. relo!'7flfer' Cpm*" • Lsmh Mope dl.1a Bean Moen' • Ent" Gm 40e/e Entree hasty helm • Ganlmrodmenl,6TAnepenent. e.1hh Pony Gnaw Wenem • Yolks Prince dada edam. lrvnmawrk1mlr • Ireemallond Ralnhew Produce Madut, low. • orq' erar•a earaeee, Inc. • rAk Dote Plate. • htudw W#WWreen,klc. (AIM' mg CIA. etc.dlkinantel's Lame • ellirb ire eridoDp.rhl Bitimde • Sweet Jeau0O '", /M+aNu Chera.�q (1 pnt0.{ th°liakepd •• Dern Vanessa'. OH, . ku • Wield Goa a isInc.sechlee Inc: • Dewm oolorfammts/Omoatlt e Walla Beene Dank., hr. • (maInc- • Ca Mirtel Facade Floanm • Technics! Aeelaa ce • Mlcm Enema E&Wrenn • Public Finlike Impravennn14 1120,900.00 .9eatq 14mam 2 m I16q90a00 15,001151 Amum 155E100 g&000,Oo i1R900,00 mom $7 Oa00 0A0900 Am00 000,W 16.900,m polo 7,3mm 000A0 ,mom 000m aaa AO 590A0 lit 1m,000m E62MA61.00 Tdek 83,®,mo.00 Community 0n010On1e111 Sbck t- 32ndYear Publk SmolcO Category • Mlap h Crn�rpprml4t1 Mien, Inc. • Bellefonte Taeolcy Ceniw`f • Catholic CMdllee of Me Archdlmlm of 4dhm1, Inc. C9rmlkNgi0teqll CatollooW Vera Sary55,1 • Catholic Chwillen of ha lac loceee d Wan, Inc. Centre Hakr Chiltern Cordes • Candle Ghent,. nitre kchdlocese of Mimi, Inc. aemim0 for Ilia FAdO"44ESN • Cation Challlm the Archdiocese of Mimi, Inc. Notre Dame Ile Care C.Mer • Canada Grad In of Me ArcldWce/e el Miami, Inc. Sainte Famlea Odd Dere Center • 6W.ATAInncg. • Oh Mytsil NOM reek" ORnn Cuwrunl78krprokN femcWNm.kw: • u' drove Ceres km • e I M.aafv dl� • Pe Ip ro. • Dr, r n ar .Inc. • Fan n men Nen Mlleml.lno • Jarring .&sit Carmine( AmocWWWM, Inc. • a006 child Co, Inc. • UCI HDa la kdv1Oe1 etiotr(0n sows 01 Den county Inc, • Alevi Frofddmice Dave meat Center, Mc. • Our aim Wily, • P1 Ieemiv Ndan Community Denkome*Comore0on, Inc. • Nis Haw. len • SliiddddWWaaaers end Brothers rater"" Ina. • 00plhw5sl Soul Besvke. Fragra t, Imp, • St.. Al(an'e p• Nursory,Inc. • Smell-- w Demo. • T"cduy Ecgrmm(1 Development C,nparlmn, Inc. • The Maratha Rotuma, Inc. • The MmclaUon for Development or Me Ercepdend;lns • The Em&ace Found un IrO. • The Liberty Oh Opplfmlet dub of Raid', Inc. • the SOAR Fgmdatlan pre. • Theod0rp Rowave6 afberd Mmna0F1 FWD,lnm. • Wodtl LlleraaccyY Damde o1 fond", Inc. • Youth of Anadei Inc. Eldeny 0erWcm Yarq cee Child Cam 6m hos Child Care Berate.. Warty Same. Child Care genius Gr4d nue Santee PuW1c Service. Youth Servllgk Bw� ` Eldedv Bw Ygthbgpdcm 'Moth hrelcaa p11,011A0 I,dmm g1T9M37 imam Mum i1a000A0 f3R00401 a16dh0m v2080am Elderly Serfdom Child Care Dodoes _pity Sautes tl am4 a cea Dlaid Gem JMedy Sondem Chid Dare 6grfdmee E140 Omnif se Deans ElBOma _shlg Srvkes Undo 6eMem Youth Bar It Me =Byes. Eta:, ulh BLr0ca n Seryko' 04 91g0 04 JpAOam m m 61Y607O00 amen ,2010 .m I .00 Omar r m,c, m md.m Herrn Matt,Om 2a Al Loma � m oe Telah $1,1101m0.00 • Tie adope elMaw pdnanolle .AIm,M O. MyfenvelIW�mr,, rrmrlaw Me Gh WcnaWemne Means ooplete Meal Wen reveal k6mt Man. t1M p omen mwdm•mlel sail 0e presented a au oomman., for anon on Thorsen Oa, 2001103,14 OMNI. I Drat mgimwll be reelable al hegy al Mild ['manual al community ✓>ro Dent Wu 401.00 el/u De Moil avenue, A BeareMWm1, muds illS0 .realm he tmevdmads mud be when° n Meng to art atIOaf Artmue, Ind Ilea, MWN, mrMa,1x190 Abe Anil Rlw. .,maned 0dddmp ens meowed W Hoard M14runt rleweq, nu 1. 999 me 4 999.9114119 MO IUMnorged. p%Nueea la 0010J,0 .mvmnetnee mg he dkdd ie e•bap.mnmt8 Camne net orae9pmwtal n0b141e-7040 mim can nee p}hudn.m days Maria to Public e•wfrq dirt". www.hrrahl warlohin,nic.