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• ATTACHMENT mod Miami - atEn City al Meng Dop Community F - - 0 AGENCt $YI s9 PORMOSANS Y '• i R5 2F9 FOR DisMn DasnlS9osdSu Dleadotl psOkt2 0losec43 Oldtfet4 DYdhict5Roa . 9 A�1r o ns Prpm/b44"41 saws 404 Inc Bded,Trrlspo09108Swims 112 - S 100900.03 $ 10.000.03 $ 10.00010 S 10.000.00 $ 10.900.00 $ 10.00000 5 50.11011 1 AcSonCams* Color. 2 Agpallah CoarReiyACYae, lac. A 8de1y serail= 1 p $ 399,700.00 S 3e5200.00 3 310.20010 $ - S - $ - S - 1 341,21050 . 3 Bobbie Taod i Color, be Yeah Sertiels 5 93 5 25900.00 $ iO4,30600 3 - S - S - $ - S 25.000.00 $ 25,99010 4 r•srs -G1•dirieMadooned�rirri loc.Edo* Srioes for lheMelody Pepped Unions 1 90 $ 6400100 S 03.000.00 S 82.000A0 5 - $ - S - $ - 3 i%00000 5 GS�oieChOdbesdrMRaidocsssdlirr Inc. 5w1be51GrMreV** (GMT 9Sarioss 2 Si $ 35.030.00 s 41.000.00 $ - $ 35.900= $ - $ - 5 - $ 35A1010 S Capaoic°1ai6dsr aagarri.MC. Caro Maly Clddrare Carr Chies Mil 3 92 S 50.000.00 S 5.760-00 S - S - 5 50AOOA0 $ - 5 - _ $ 5.00090 Coe7 C dtbe Araldacaaa of 09asR IOC. EmeigenqrSonices Family EmrsDarg Ser akes 3 91 $ 20900110 $ 43.16300 $ - S - $ 2000090 $ - $ - $ MIME r at ea Aradocaural1 kr_ S =carri lio Chid US a 2 1a S 11.350m s 25,935.00 3 - $ 12.000 s - S - 3 - S 1211011911 \GM101c i05caldma0dCxServices Mats dsre/Ydrdiact9esf0f11lrf.loc. Mew tie Far* Carder VOA 50rdeos 2 99 $ - $ 100.20100 5 - S 10900.00 S - $ - S - $ 10p0010 Csrroie Ctrdios d9rsAtrsrdnarpe dweird be 10 14drs DPW Chid Can Corder cap Cayse vices 5 1s $ - S 49932-00 S - $ - $ - S - $ 10.00010 $ 19,000A0 11 CaRn6G 7rs dfla a Man*inc, Sogoada FamiaChidCue Cooler ChM Cone Sonic 3 CZ S 50.100.00 S 75000.00 $ - 5 - S 5090000 $ - $ - S 51.981110. 12rCirrrlr Halloo Swags. bc. Blot/ a. pia's 5 - S - $ 132364.00 S - S - S - S - S 10.00000 $ 10.90010 13rCoc .4GrowCoe;arc YaNeSaMxs 2 OS $ 20,00090 S 20000.00 5 - 5 25.000.03 $ - 3 - $ - 5 25,000.0e 14 DeHc000s3riorCaita,0 . Bdwyswrrrs 2.5 IS S 100,000.00 $ 145=1.00 S - S 95,000_00 3 - $ - 0 15.00090 $ 110/0016 15 Dr. ROW A.Pawtadrark. be Yates Swims 3 Appeal $ 20,000.00 $ 50.00010 5 - S - $ 20.,000.00 $ - $ - 5 AIMS 15 Fano44ajiar:n Want Mc. YouS:5aricer 5 75 S 70.500A0 S 153,00010 5 - S - $ - S S 70.000.00 - 3 70,15001 .17 FmyFineYews iUp, Inc. Slog Unions 4 $4 S 50,000.00 $ 100.00010 S - $ - S - $ 50.000.00 $ - S 50000A11 19 Ftcre�oe l.i Ynret [:Ay Qre TowingDanceSacra Carapan% Sao - 5 Appeal S - $ 00010D0 S - S - S - S - S 10.000.00 S 19.10039 IS Halloo Pawl= Fotoololon.aac EkleySonic= 5 7s 5 41,00000 i 10900.00 $ - $ - i - $ - $ 41.000.00 $ 41.999A9 2$ James E. Scc•Ca=weeiy?-.-- -..ire ElderySimiprs 5 51 S 147.0000 S 47900100 S - $ - $ - S - $ 90.020.00 $ r_�r Ferndatipq 21 Josef* Pew de Casten Kidney bG !deals Meech Salim 3 Ti S 5.00010 $ 2f.000.00 $ - S - S 10,00010 S - S - S 1990A0 22 imCo odd Care. trrc. Goad Care Services 2 St $ 49J160.00 S 50,43100 3 - 5 50,000.00 S - $ - S - S 5111MAr 7a Mk inc. MasB� Acia;eS3 Nisdlirn Combos a Dade Casty, fly % z 3. 4 sS S 2112400.00 3 274.13000 5 - s 30A00m s 200.000.00 1 15.00020 $ - S 2459r10 24 Romis Hausa. e1C Chidrarce Serri = 3 d2 $ 15p00.00 S 4514510 $ - $ - $ 15900,00 5 - S - $ 154901A1. 25 moped & Orceras Fear, Inc. Brett' Sari 3 Nora S 3090090 3 30.00010 5 - $ - $ 30,000110 $ - $ - $ 30,0e0.M 2$ SAWN liar PA11c 9daly5rvims 5 A1rpael S - 1 - S - S - 1 - 1 - $ 10p00.00 $ 7Y,/OpAti 27 SW9OISstSocial Sonia P100a0s, Inc. 1991Y Swim 4 15 3 137.O .00 $ 157.00200 S - S - 3 - S 140.000 00 $ - $ 1411,9SOA0 29 lied Yr e....._.. Inc. Job Malang 3, 4, 5 95 3 - 1 PUMAS $ - $ - $ 4990:00 S 2,000.00 S 4.000 00 $ 1=114A0 29 Ile Alossooloo POMPOM IS= YouS* Ssnwss 5 Appd $ 40.000.10 $ 102000.00 S - S - 3 - S - 3 40 o00A0 $ 4a5001e S2S200=1=42POI y ofMiorri - Deportment Community Development ATTACHMENT '4,4" City of Miami Deremmt etCt.me Divelopant AsalcE51050201 ENDEDFORRPUBLICSEMICESFtrMOFOR=N,lM l Draaeem a/Bowlm 71Ytld Ts Sew "wim0 Furded ouli Diode Meld E:aga3 District MUMS r as ts 30 The A Ite Ofteincroint e0:06$$$1.13C. ►eMita,a.dSmoks 34.5 OS $ M4S5.00 5 sJt4.O0 $ - $ - 5 22=00 $ JTeD $ 10.O0OA0 5 SWIM atice of Itse MS The Liberty Clay Optimist Cluo a Remo. 1 YaahSaMomc 5 Iygo! 5 - $ uSumam $ - $ $ - $ - $ .000A0 $ *MGM 32 The Nm45sercePineal USA, bc. You& Sena= 5 12 $ 10y00D0 $ 10Q0000 S - $ - $ - S - $ 10.006A0 $ 100ee.1* 33 iheodple Roosevelt Mete 1lemxill Ft L11G EOM Se d= 2 17 5 f0IOm S 10,000:00 $ - S 10,00= S - $ - S - $ Sa sMAi . $ l ost314,se. $ 3.i iuszzo 5 crust.= 5 znfloom $ 0e0dee $ 237 5 440,0eeJe 5 1,ee420SJ! 52520051MZAY