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Variance ZB Reso
Miami Zoning Board Resolution No.: 06-1161 Monday, March 27, 2006 Mr. Joseph H. Ganguzza offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolution: AFTER CONSIDERING THE FACTORS SET FORTH IN SECTION 1903.1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 11000, THE ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDED DENIAL TO THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE VARIANCE AS PART OF A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT FOR THE 1080 BRICKELL PROJECT, FROM ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ARTICLE 6, SPECIAL DISTRICTS GENERAL PROVISIONS, SECTION 605.8, MINIMUM YARDS, SETBACKS, OPEN SPACE, THROUGH BLOCK CONNECTIONS, WATERFRONT WALKWAYS SUBSECTION 605.8.1(2), TO ALLOW A FRONT YARD SETBACK OF 10'0" (20`0" REQUIRED) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 1110 BRICKELL AVENUE, LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS EXHIBIT "A" (HEREBY ATTACHED), PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ZONED SD-5 BRICKELL AVENUE AREA RESIDENTIAL -OFFICE DISTRICT. Upon being seconded by Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: Mr. Ron Cordon Yes Mr. Miguel Gabela No Mr. Joseph H. Ganguzza Yes Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia Yes Ms. Ileana Hernandez -Acosta Yes Ms. Chloe Keidaish Away Mr. Carlos Martell Away Mr. Juvenal A. Pine Away Mr. Angel Urquiola No AYE: 4 NAY: 2 ABSTENTIONS: 0 NO VOTES: 0 ABSENT: 3 Ms. Fernandez: Motion carries 4-2 r Teresita L. Fernandez, Executive.- cretary Hearing Boards File ID#: 06-00419v Z.13 ,Ii1.FI"1' `' tf"-0 Drro.voittly t'PAfrt~.t2 1.k 4t3Rty0 fret of Lot 6, less the Easrsrty 1Q.t7C] fret thereof. A portion al the Southerly 2ex tag fleet o! the Northerty AMP o f Lot crowding t to the rty .00fthereof. as Bade tii0S. A, p MAP C 8RiCKaL'S A0c lcY TO 71tEFtarithe lot more parttcuiorty ,ordyd in Plat Hook 8. of Poe 113, of the Public Records of Arian#-0ade Co+untyG described as Farrows. CallieNCE of the Northeast comer of said Lot 6 thence South 1.7'7058' west. along the Easterly trou dory of said Lot 6, a distance of 247.50 fort. thence North 76'4 ' 8* West said Cot g a tins distance of 0.47 ©aetet taSO h of. OF ce n'.o ued of right angles ti% the Norlhsrty boundary fit ica the 8Et wwvC� Mona* South r.r20ff58 llkst. Wang a fine tying 70.00 het West of, as measured at right ',noire Easterly boundary of sold Lot 6 a Ostrom, of 15250 feet; thence North 776i`d4L4 d ono d+stontgi afang a ni7U l9 4 0.00 fist South at, as m4osursd at F1 ringfes tag the Northerly boundary tan a f 170ce of 55, 44 thence North 1J"18'0J" East, Wang the easterly face of an existing concrete block garage wartfleet; thence North 76'.37"J7" AWL Wang the South -arty lacy of a concrete block office buJd 9. o distance of 013 Feet, thence North tJ'227J' East. along o Witeterty face al said concrete block office budding, a distance of 1,17 feet; thence North A6'J9'1J. West ato+ng a Southerly face of said concrete bloc* officer beading, o distance of 1.20 feet; thence North tr2O'47" East. along o MMsterty face of said concrete block office building. a distance of 84,76 feet; thence .South 76'3TJ7" fast. Wang a Ncethc i'y face al said coronets block office twitting, a distance of 1.24 the Easterly foes of on toting concrete block storage wail. a distance of feat; fp*t North I.T't9i759. 1'4t. Wong fine tying 247.50 feet South o1 ors measured of right orgies to, lit t4 halt; trnw►Ce South 7�,'ir'4tj" East along o 1*^g the Northerly boundary of said Lot 6. a d+stOfte• of t7031 fret to the PC7tNT Or BEGtNNWC, AM of the foregoing containing on orwo of 26.070 square fret (0.598 acres). morn or less, 4 Fria rirgraltsw1W3ht 60Afti' ir1 (0APACE) A fordo l of the Southerly 200.10 feet a/ the Northerly 40000 feet of Lot 6. less th 'ost fly10.00 fired thereof, 8todr ttX33 AMENDED MAP Or gF CKE2t'S ADOO/Ot TO, MAs P � ARAM!,$ Floridatoth being thereof,more Parrsicuk y recorded in Plat Book Q at Pop 113, of the Piddle adsorbed as follows. COMMENCE at the Northeast canner of so.d Lot 6; thence South 1370'58* West Wong the Easterly boundary of sold Lot is.. a distance of 200.00 feet; thence North 76•41'48- West adistance g1leg 200.00 tfetr tine t South o. cis measured at rightt angles to, the Northerly boundary osaid Lot 6a distance of Inche POINT CIF thence 8e riANI0' thence continuo North75'47'4$" WeWang ong the last desuitrsd course. Sou South 13'20'47` Woet. Wong the isesterry boundary al sold Lot 6, a orioles t►20 00 feet;y behrn ce ofth 7 Lot E.' Eosf,, along o tine tying 40R00 het South of, as measured at right n9t a distort -Cs of t77.6.J feet; thence North 1.3'15'03 East, Wong the Easterly foci of on westing concrete block garage wait a distance of 56.44 fret; thane( North 76'37'37- West :Yang the Southerly face of a concrete block office buidirrp, a oilstone. of 0.13 butt; thence North t3`22'23" East. Wong a West. y foci her of aof i dd cocncrete block office es :wicking. a distance of 1.17 feet; thence North 7S'39'1J" West along burn¢ a distance of 1.20 fKt: hence North 13•20'47" East along a Westerly force of said concrete block office building, o distance of 84.76 feet; thence South 76'J77r East, olrrn �o Northerly y locoface off of sn ld concrete onexistinr t e No s b office nd bdein¢ o distance of 1.24 feet. thence North 7J 19 09" East along ck goroge waif and the Northerly estension thereof, a distonn of 57.63 feet to the PCNT C 8E01NN1N0 Containing on area of 34,200 sguor( legit (0.785 ones). more or less ANT (8RFCXELL AVE ACCESS PARCEL PCR T7O 4 A portion of the Southerly 20d00 fret of the Northerly 40000 feet of Lot 6. less the Eastsr*y 10.00 fest thereof. glad 1005. AMENDED MAP Of' BRfCa(EU. S ADptPt1W 7Ct THE MAP Or At1AAft, according f"torid0. o the Plat thereof, Pa ticutarty recorded in Prot Book B.of Pegs 71,. o/ the Public Records of kharni-0ade County; 9 described as follower COMMENCE at the Northeast corner of said Lot 6; thence South 1J'20'58` West, along the Easterly boundary of said Lot 6, a distance of 20000 Islet; thence North 75'41'48" West oatong 0 line tying 200.00 fort South of. as rrreaat+red of right angles to. the Northerly boundary of said Lot 5 a distance of 10.00 feet to the PONT Ce 8600hWihta thence Continue North 76'41.48` West, along the last elescribsd course. wall and the Nar7t0-13 fest th nce Wong South 13'tg09" Arse the Easterly face of on existing concrete block goraga Mentor( a distance of 47.50 feet; thence South 76'41'48" East, along o fine tying 247.50 feet South of. as measured at right a ngies to the Northerly boundary of said Lot 6, o distance of 171131 feet; thence North 1,1'20'58" East. otong a tine lying 70.00 hest west of, ors measured of right angles to, the East boundary of sold Lot 6. a distance of 47.50 feet to the PQNT t7f BEt;NNINO Cantoning on area al 8,090 square feet (0.186 acres), more or less. Att of the foregoing containing on aggragats area of 42290 srtuore .`lest (0.971 acres), more or less.