HomeMy WebLinkAboutTab 3 - Site Utility Studyo Site Utility Study 1080 BRICKELL DEVELOPMENT Submitted to: 1080 BRICKELL LLC 848 Brickell Avenue, Suite #1010 Miami, Florida 33131 • Prepared by: PBS&J 2001 N,W. 107th Avenue Miami, Florida 33172 January 2006 • • • • TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. General 1 2. Storm Drainage System 2 3. Water Distribution System 3 4. Wastewater Collection System ...4 5. Other Utilities ... 5 EXHIBITS: "A" Storm Drainage Well Calculations "B" Water/Wastewater Demand Calculation "C" Miami -Dade Water & Sewer Department Letter of Availability Application "D" Sewer Atlas Page "E" Water Atlas Page "F" Utility Letter: FPL, Bellsouth, Miami TCI, Peoples Gas • 1. GENERAL 1080 BRICKELL DEVELOPMENT SITE UTILITY STUDY A. Project Location and Size: The proposed development consists of a residential tower and parking garage. The parent tract of the project is located at the southerly 200.00 feet of the northerly 400.00 feet of lot 6, less the easterly 10.0 feet thereof, block 100S, amended map of Brickell's addition to the map of Miami, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book B, at page 113, of the public records of Miami - Dade County, Florida, in Section 12, Township 54 South, and Range 41 East, The site is bounded by Brickell Avenue to the east, and SE Miami Avenue to the west, an adjacent building to the south, a parking lot to the north, and consists of 1.569 acres more or less. The parent site is currently occupied by a parking garage and a nine story office building. The existing office building will remain, and the parking garage will be demolished to accommodate the new 1080 Brickell Development. B. The development program for the project is as follows: Apartments: 315 PBS&J January 2006 • • • 2. STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM A. Existing Storm Drainage System The City of Miami presently maintains the roadway drainage system around the site. The storm water runoff from the existing roadway is directed and conveyed into the City drainage system. The existing parent site is occupied by a nine story office building and two level parking garage. A concrete sidewalk abuts Brickell Avenue, and SE Miami Avenue. The site has an asphalt parking area adjacent to the existing building with catch basins, and does not appear to contribute any significant amount of storm water run-off into the public roadway system. B. Proposed On -Site Storm Drainage System Storm water discharge from the proposed development area will consist mainly of building roofs, building walls, driveways and landscape area run-off. After development the site is assumed to be approximately 95% impervious. The primary drainage system for the project will consist of drainage wells. The rainfall runoff will be conveyed by the series of roof drains, rain -water leaders and plumbing pipes to the drainage wells. It is anticipated that an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) will not be required for stormwater runoff, as the site area is less than two acres. However, it is assumed that for the site drainage permit the 5-year, 25-year and 100-year, 3-day storm events are to be considered. The total contributing area for stormwater will consist of the site area, and 30% of two sides of building wall area which are exposed to the rain at any given time. This criteria would be used for determining the number of wells. Based on data provided by local experienced well drilling companies, a 600 to 750 gpm per foot head of discharge rate can be expected, for the wells. C. Storm Drainage Wells: Based on the above criteria and assumptions, three (3) drainage wells would be required for the site, depending on the actual yields obtained during the well drilling operations. For storm drainage calculations refer to the attached Exhibit `A'. PBS&J Page 2 January 2006 • • • WATER DISTRIBUTION A. Existing Water System Facilities: The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MD-WASD) owns and operates the following water mains in the vicinity of the project. Location Between Water Main(s) Diameter SE Miami Ave. SE 12th St to SE 8th Street 12" Brickell Avenue SE 13th St to SE 8th Street 20" and 6" The project sites are surrounded by water mains of 12" and larger diameter. At locations of two water mains on the same street, WASD will require connection to the larger diameter water main. The water extensions if required would be determined by MD-WASD. A fire hydrant flow test is recommended. B. Water Demand The anticipated water demand for the project is 63,000 gpd, The development plan with its water demands is shown in Exhibit B'. C. Required Water System Improvements: An application has been made to the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department for the water and sewer availability letter. This would outline the points of connection for the water and sewer. Any water main extensions constructed by the developer as a requirement of this project would have to be conveyed to MD-WASD. PBS&J Page 3 January 2006 • • • 4. WASTEWATER COLLECTION A. Existing Sanitary Sewer Collection System: The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MD-WASD) owns and operates the following gravity sewer collection mains in the vicinity of the project, Location Between Sewer Main(s) Diameter Brickef Ave. SE 13th St SE 8th Street 10" So Miami Ave SE 12th St and SE 11th St 8" The wastewater collection system flows by gravity and connects to the regional WASD pump station 30-0008 or 30-0001. B. Projected Waste Water Demand: Average Daily Flow (from Table 1) 63,000 gpd Average Flow (gallons per minute) 44 gpm Projected Peak Flow (3.5 peak factor) 154 gpm C. MD-WASD Availability letter: An application has been made to the Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department for the sewer availability letter, for the project. PBS&J Page 4 January 2006 • • • OTHER UTILITIES FPL The electric company FPL provides service to the Brickeil Avenue Miami area at the site location. BELLSOUTH The telephone service to the site is provided by Bellsouth. M1AMI TCI The cable provider for the site is Miami TCI. PEOPLES GAS The gas company providing service to the site is Peoples Gas. PBS&J Page 5 January 2006 • EXHIBIT "A" STORM DRAINAGE WELL CALCULATIONS 1080 BRICKELL DEVELOPMENT • • • • • PROJECT NAME: DATE 01-04-06 DRAINAGE AREA: 1080 BRICKELL DEVELOPMENT ENTIRE SITE SITE DATA: SITE DATA= CONTRIBUTING BUILDING WALL AREA= 0.79 AC 0.99 AC TOTAL CONTRIBUTING AREA= 1.78 AC REQUIRED VOLUME FOR 90 SEC. DETENTION TIME: DISCHARGED RATE (EACH WELL)= REQUIRED DETENTION VOLUME= 2000 gal/min 3000 gal/min 402 cu ft TANK LENGTH= 14 TANK WIDTH= 7 TANK BOTTOM ELEV= 0 TOP OF WEIR ELEV= 3 STORAGE DEPTH= 4.1 DETENTION VOLUME PROVIDED= 402 cu ft • • PROJECT NAME: 1080 BRICKELL DEVELOPMENT DATE: 01-04-06 DRAINAGE AREA: ENTIRE SITE BUILDING WALL AREA CALCULATIONS: THIS AREA WILL INCLUDE THE TWO SIDES OF THE PROPOSED BUILDING WHICH ARE EXPOSED TO THE RAIN AT ANYONE TIME BUILDING ( NORTH OR SOUTH FACE): PARKING GARAGE AREA WALL LENGTH: STRUCTURE HEIGHT: WALL AREA: RESIDENTIAL TOWER AREA WALL LENGTH: STRUCTURE HEIGHT: WALL AREA: RESIDENTIAL TOWER (EAST OR WEST FACE): WALL LENGTH: STRUCTURE HEIGHT: WALL AREA: 69.83 FT 135 FT 9,427 SF 75.67 FT 491 FT 37,154 SF 170 FT 491 FT 83,470 SF TOTAL EXPOSED WALL AREA: 130,051 SF THE CONTRIBUTING AREA IS ONE THIRD OF THE EXPOSED WALL AREA CONTRIBUTING AREA: 43,530 SF 0.99 ACRES SITE DATA: SITE AREA CONTRIBUTING WALL AREA= TOTAL CONTRIBUTING AREA 0.79 AC 0.99 AC 1.78 AC • • • PROJECT NAME: 1080 BRICKELL DEVELOPMENT DATE: 01-04-06 DRAINAGE AREA: ENTIRE SITE DRAINAGE WELL DATA: WELL DIAMETER= WELL DISCHARGE RATE PER FT OF HEAD= AVAILABLE HEAD= DISCHARGE RATE PER WELL= 24 INCHES 750 GPM 2.67 FT 2,000 GPM DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS PEAK RUNOFF TOTAL AREA 1.78 (SITE) IMPERVIOUS (95%) 1.69 AC PERVIOUS (5%) 0.09 AC WEIGHTED RUNOFF COEFFICIENT G= (1.69x0.90+0.09x0.25)/1.78=0.87 DESIGN STORM 5 YEARS TIME OF CONCENTRATION 10 MINUTES RAINFALL INTENSITY 6.1 IN/HR PEAK RUNOFF (Q=CIA) Q=0.87x6.1x1.78=9.45 CFS ASSUME EACH 24" DIAMETER WELL FLOWS AT 2000 GPM=4.45 CFS NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED 9.45/4.45=2.2 WELLS TOTAL NUMBER OF WELLS REQUIRED 3 WELLS EXHIBIT .B 1080 RRICKELL DEVELOPMENT ak PROJECTED WATER I WASTEWATER DEMAND BASE BID NUMBER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM UNIT FLOW QUANTITY TOTAL FLO TOTAL EACH SITE 0 A APARTMENT UNITS 200 315 63000 0 TOTA[, 63000 6300 TOTAL 63000 • • 2 12/30/2005 10/01/03 1429 FAX 3056897699 a If-Oi!AST} NEW BUBINEss EXHIBIT 'C' M;AM1 AUE WAT .AND SEWER DEPARTMENT NEW BUSINESS SECTION P.0, Box 33031,6, Miami, Por!da 33233-0316 • Tel: 305-669-7701 LETTER DE AVAILABILITY REQUEST FORM WATER SERVICE AREA ONLY SEWER SERVICE AREA ONLY WATER AND SEWER SERVICE AREA (If the Project 1s in a water service area ONLY) (if the Project Is in a sewer service area ONLY) (if the Project is in a water and sewer service area) Sewer 1. Please make check Paysurve ble to: nf the property ale required ed And Proof of 2. A CERTIFIED boundary Y Munictpality(faxed requests are not acceptable) 3. Points of connection can ONLY be provided in a Letter of Avaitability. Name: 1080 Brickell LLC - Address: cto Rilea Group, Inc. Attn. Mr. Victor H. Nieves 848 Brickell Ave., Suite #1010 State: FL City: Miami Work Phone: 305-371-5254 Cell Phone: Address of proposed or existing property: Folio Number £t Zoning (Proposed or Existing): Type of Units to be Constructed: Usage: (Square footage, no. of seats /units) Comments: Zip: 33131 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 nt. Zoning from Beeper: Phone2: 786-281-3135 1080 Brickell Ave., Miami, FL Folio #01-0209-090-1320 / SD-5 City of Miami Apartment Building 315 Units scSing!'ram! Retrdrnca; Cisics SuitarsE Regtwrint. Etc . PROCESSING TIME WIU. BE APPROXIMATELY 3 TO 6 WEEKS FROM SUBMITAL. Additional, processing time may be required based on the project taxation, size, pumping station, complexity and incomplete information. Date: 12-12-05 4 43 EXHIBIT `D' 1080 BRICKELL SEWER ATLAS Brickell Ave Page 1 of 2 EXHIBIT `D' — PAGE 2 • • • Vohra, Pat From: Sylvester, ma (DERM) [SylveW@miamidade.gov) Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 6:03 PM To: Vohra, Pat Subject: RE: Brickell Ave BOTH WILL GO TO 30-0008 PROJ NAPOT 6.81 HR IF YOU USE SEWERS ON MIAMI AVE IT GOES TO 30-0001 NAPOT AT 6.89 HR Original Message From: Vohra, Pat [mailto:pvohra@pbsj.com] Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 5:54 PM To: Sylvester, Wilma (DERM) Cc: Ortiz, Efrain Subject: RE: Brickell Ave Hello Wilma, Thanks for the information. Does 1080 Brickell also flow to Pump 30-0008 ? What is the elapsed time on the pump. Please advise, regards, Pat Vohra PBS&J 305-514-3434 From: Sylvester, Wilma (DERM) [mailto:SylveW@miamidade.gov] Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 3:36 PM To: Vohra, Pat Subject: Brickell Ave 1450 Brickell Ave 0008 1080 Brickell Ave Pump 30- n r►ionnl 30"STEEL. CASING 1080 BRICKELL WATER ATLAS ��I' ` EXHIBIT `E' • • • EXHIBIT 'F' December 19, 2005 Kareem Brantley FP&L Central Distribution & Maintenance Department 122 S.W. 3ra Street Miami, Florida 33130 Re: 1080 Brickell Development Project Address: 1080 Brickell Dear Mr. Brantley: PBS&J is in the process of designing improvements to the above referenced project. The development program consists of a 315 apartment units. Please advise of the adequacy and availability of FPL service to the project. Also, provide "As -Built" or Record Drawings of your company's facilities located along the roadways as highlighted in the attached Location Map, including any service line and easements within the project site. Site Information: Site Address: 1080 Brickell Develpment Development Program: 315 Apartment Units Zoning: SD-5 - City of Miami If you have any questions, please call me at 305-514-3431, Fax No. 305-599-0448, E-mail: eortiz@pbsj.com. Very truly yours, Dr : L Efrain Ortiz Civil Engineering Department Cc: V. Nieves (Rilea Group) 2001 Northwest 1070 Avenue, Miami, Florida 33172-2507 • Telephone (305) 592-7275 • www.pbsj,com • December 19, 2005 Janet Valencia Bell South 7325 SW 48 Street Miami, Florida 33155 Re: 1080 BrickelI Development Project Address: 1080 Brickell Dear Ms. Valencia: PBS&J is in the process of designing improvements to the above referenced project. The development program consists of a 315 apartment units. Please advise of the adequacy and availability of FPL service to the project. Also, provide "As -Built" or Record Drawings of your company's facilities located along the roadways as highlighted in the attached Location Map, including any service line and easements within the project site. Site Information: Site Address: 1080 Brickell Develpment Development Program: 315 Apartment Units Zoning: SD-5 - City of Miami If you have any questions, please call me at 305-514-3431, Fax No. 305-599-0448, E-mail: eortiz@pbsj.com. Very truly yours, ak, Efrain Ortiz Civil Engineering Department Cc: V. Nieves (Rilea Group) 2001 Northwest 107th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33172-2507 • Telephone (305) 592-7275 • www.pbsj.eom • • • Pag December 19, 2005 Mike Slater Miami TCI 1306 NW 7tn Avenue Miami, Florida 33136 Re: 1080 Brickell Development Project Address: 1080 Brickell Dear Mr. Slater: PBS&J is in the process of designing improvements to the above referenced project. The development program consists.. of a 315 apartment units. Please advise of the adequacy and availability of FPL service to the project. Also, provide "As -Built" or Record Drawings of your company's facilities located along the roadways as highlighted in the attached Location Map, including any service line and easements within the project site. Site Information: Site Address: 1080 Brickell Develpment Development Program: 315 Apartment Units Zoning: SD-5 - City of Miami If you have any questions, please call me at 305-514-3431, Fax No. 305-599-0448, E-mail: eortiz@pbsj.com. Very truly yours, Efrain Ortiz Civil Engineering Department Cc: V. Nieves (Rilea Group) 2001 Northwest 107m Avenue, Miami, Florida 33172-2507 • Telephone (305) 592-7275 + www.pbsj.com • • • PBSI December 19, 2005 Angel Guant Peoples Gas 15779 West Dixie Highway North Miami, Florida 33162 Re: 1080 Brickell Development Project Address: 1080 Brickell Dear Mr. Guant: PBS&J is in the process of designing improvements to the above referenced project. The development program consists of a 315 apartment units. Please advise of the adequacy and availability of FPL service to the project. Also, provide "As -Built" or Record Drawings of your company's facilities located along the roadways as highlighted in the attached Location Map, including any service line and easements within the project site. Site Information: Site Address: 1080 Brickell Develpment Development Program: 315 Apartment Units Zoning: SD-5 - City of Miami If you have any questions, please call me at 305-514-3431, Fax No. 305-599-0448, E-mail: eortiz@pbsj.com. Very truly yours, P Efrain Ortiz f Civil Engineering Department Cc: V. Nieves (Rilea Group) 2001 Northwest 107th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33172-2507 • Telephone (305) 592-7275 • www.pbsj.com ii0CAlisiOnr 1080 BRICKELL MIAMI, FLORIDA •