HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit A (Legal Description)EXHIBIT " SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY) r� LEGAL DESCRIPTION: TRACT "C" Lots 13 through 19, Block 3: Lots 12 through la Block 4; the 15 foot wide alleys lying west of and adjacent to sold blocks 3 and 4, and portions of N W. 16th Street and N.W. 6th Place, all occording to the plot of ROBERTS AND GREN TNER ADDITION os recorded in pfot book 10, page 56 of the public records of Miami -Dade County, Florida and being more porticulorty described as follows: Commence at the N W corner of Section .36, Township 53 South, Range 41 East; thence N87'45'00"E along North line of the Northwest one -quarter (NW Y4 ) of said Section 36 a distance of 35.01 feet; thence SO1 D3'55E along the Westerly lines of Blocks 5, 6, 7, and 8 of said plot and the Northerly and Southerly prolongations thereof, a distance of 1366,55 feet to a paint: thence N 87'38'46"E a distance of 100.00 feet to the Northeast corner of fat 11, said block 4 and the Point of Beginning of the porcel of land hereinofter described thence continue N87'38'46'E along the Northerly lines of tots 12 and 13. Block 4 and the Easterly and Westerly prolongations thereof a distance of 115.00 feel to the point of intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the Easterly line of said tot i3: thence S78'29'20"E a distance of 46. €1 feet to the point of the intersection with the Northerly prolongation of the Westerty line of lot 32, Block 10 said Roberts and Crentner Addition; thence SOi'03'55-E along the Westerly line of sold Block 10 and the Northerly Prolongation thereof a distonce of 481.54 feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 22, said black 10; thence S16'38'20"W a d;stonce of 1d8 00 feet to the point of intersection of the Southerly prolongotion of the East line of said block 3 with the Eosterly prolongation of South line of soid block 3; thence 587'36'00'W along the South line of sold block 3 and its Eosterly and Westerly prolongations o distance of 115.00 feel; thence N01 03.55"W along the Westerly tine of soid 15 foot wide ottey and across N.W 16th Street a distonce al 632 66 feet to the Point of Beginning, Said lands being in the City of Miami, Miami -Dade County. Florida and containing 97,798 squore feet (2.2 acres), mare or foss. Bearings shown hereon ore based on an assumed beoring of N87'45'00"E °tong the North line of the Northwest one -quarter (NW Y4) of said Section 36 os shown on said plot. PDS IS:MOT A SURVEY BISCAYNE ENGINEeRING COMPANY, INC. 529 'WEST FL AGL£R STREET M1AM1, FL. 33130 (305) 324-7671 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION EB-0000129 LB-0000129 9jo IKE 2, 8 7rHOLOMEW 0 TE: PROFE5S10NA#-' SURyEY0R AND MAPPER No 5666 STATE. F FLORIDA BISCAYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY, INC. Consulting engineers -Planners -surveyors 529 WES1 VLAGLER STREET A11AMt. FLORIDA 3310 ORDER No.: 03-77135 DRAWING No.: 2090-SS-15 Florida Department Item / Segment No.: W.P.I. No.: State Project No.: Federal Project No.: State Road No.: County: Of Transportation, District VI 2516381 6141870 87270-2477 N/A o or Miami- Dade Sheet 2 of 5 OA nt Extl NJ 3�._.�'� moans Etzicx LEGAL DESCRIP TION: TRACT 'A" Lots 1.2 through 79, Block 8; the 75 foot wide alley lying Easterly of and contiguous with lots - through 77 of said Block 8; lots 7 through 8 and the Northerly 30 feet of lot 9, Block 9, together with those portions of N_ W. 79th Terrace and N. W 6th Place, all according to the plot of ROBERTS AND GRENTNER ADDITION as recorded in Plat Book 10. Page 56 of the public records of Miami --Dade County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows. Commence at the N. W corner of Section 36, Township 53 South, Range 41 East; thence run N8745'00"E along the center line of N.W. 20th Street for 135.07 feet thence run S7'03'55 E for 35_07 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said 75 foot wide alley and the Point of Beginning of the parcel of land hereinafter described; thence run N87'45'O0E across said 75 foot wide alley, N.W 5th Place, and along the Northerly lines of lots 12 through 15, Block 8 and lots 1 through 4 Block 9 for 254.35 feet to the Northeasterly corner of lot 4, Block 9,- thence run S1'15'55"E along the Easterly line of lots 4 through 8 and the Northerly 30 feet of lot 9, Block 9 for 294.99 feet; thence run 587'45'00"W along the South line of the Northerly 30 feet of lot 9, Block.. 9. and the -center. line of N. W. 1-9th Terrace and the Easterly prolongation thereof for 255.39 feet; thence run Ni 03'S5"W along the Westerly line of said 15 foot olley and the Southerly prolongation thereof for 295.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, lying in the City of Miami, Miami ---Dade County, Florida and containing 75, 174 square feet, 1.7 acres more or less_ TRACT -B- AH of Blocks 6 and 7 the South 70 feet of Lot 9, Block 9 and Lots 10 through 21, Block 9, the North 12 Feet of Lot 22, Block 9 and the West 10 feet of Lots 22 through 24, Block 9 and portions of adjacent Right of Ways, being o portion of ROBERTS AND GRENTNER ADDITION". according to the Plot thereof as recorded in the Plot Book 10, Page 56 of the Public Records of Miami —Dade County, Florida tieing more particularly described as follows: Commence of the Northwest corner of Section 36, Township 53 South. Range 41 East; thence run South 01 03'37" East along the West line of said Section .36 for a distance of 330.08 feet; thence North 87 40'53" East for o distance of 135.07 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described Parcel- thence continue North 87'40'53" East for a distance of 255.27 feet to the Westerly Right of Way line of Interstate Highway Number 95; thence South 01'16.04" East along sold Westerly Right of Woy line a distance of 502.09 feet; thence South 8740.53" West for a distance of 87.09 feet; thence South 01 0337" Eost for o distance of 708.03 feet; thence South 87'40'S3" West for a distonce of 70.00 feet; thence South 01'03'37" East for a distance of 70.02 feet; thence South 67'40.53" West for a distance of 760.00 feet; thence North 07'03.37" West for a distonce of 20.00 feet; thence South 87'40'53" West for a distance of 74.44 feet to a point of curvature on a curve to the right, having a radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 91'15'30'; thence along the orc of said curve for o distance of 39.82 feet to a point of tangency on the East Right of Woy line of NW 7th Avenue; thence North 0103.37" west along said East Right of Way. line for a distance of 590.16 feet to a paint of curvature of a curve to the right having a radius of 25.00 feet and a central angle of 8844 30'; thence along the arc of said curve for o distance of 38.72 feet to o point of tangency, thence North 87'4-0'53" East for o distance of 75.54 feet; thence North 01'03'.37" West for a distance of 20.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Less and excepts the West 5.0 feet thereof Containing 278,842 square feet or 5.02 acres, more or less. TRACT "C" Lots 12 through 78, Block 5; the 15 foot alley lying Easterly of and contiguous with lots 1 through 11 of said Block 5, together with those portions of N.W 17th Street, N.W. 18th Street and M.W. 6th Place, all according to the plot of ROBERTS AND GRENTNER ADDlfl0N recorded in Plot Book 10, Page 56 of the public records of Miami --Dade County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the N.W. Corner of Section 36, Township 53 South, Range 41 East. Thence run N8745'O0'E along the center line of N,W. 20th Street for 35.07 feet; thence run Si 0355"E along the Easterly line of N.W. 7th Avenue, being coincident with the Westerly lines of Blocks 6, 7, and 8 of said plat for 7070_O3 feet to the center line of said N.W 18th Street; thence run N8745'00 E along said center line for 100.00 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel of land hereinafter described. Thence continue N8745'00 E an said center line and the Easterly prolongation thereof for 760.00 feet to a paint on the Westerly line of Block 9 of said plot; thence run 57'03 55 E along said Westerly line for 317.23 feet to the point of intersection of the Southerly and Westerly lines of lot 32 of said Block 9,- thence run N782832"W for 46.11 feet to a point or the intersection of the Southerly prolongation of the Easterly line of lot 18 Block 5 and the Easterly prolongation of the Southerly line of said lot 18; thence run 58738`46"W along the Southerly lines of lots 17 and 78 and across the said 15 foot alley and the Easterly prolongation thereof. for 115.00 feet to a point an the Westerly line of said alley, being coincident with the Southeasterly corner of lot 1 of said Block 5; thence run Ni D3 55W along the Westerly line of said alley and the Northerly prolongation thereof for 306.46 feet to the Point of Beginning, lying in the City of Miami, Miami --Dole County, Florida and containing 49,250 square feet, 1.1 acres more or less.