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TAB N - Sufficiency Letter and Traffic Study
WEST BRICKELL CENTRE Major Use Special Permit 290 SW 1 Oth Street, 245 SW 11 th Street,240-270 SW 1 Oth Street, 251-253 SW 11 th Street, 255 SW 11 th Street, and 267 SW 11 th Street Sufficiency Letter and Traffic Impact Analysis 02/01/2006 0 44449E36 GL/31/2004 17;10 PAX UK} DAVI D PL U MMERANDASSO PAGE 02 4l4uxruua ORS ,ianuery 31, 2000 Ms, illa i. Medina, AICP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City cf Mta►rni, Office of the City MariegeriTrenspertation 444 SW 21'd Avenue (100' Floor) M. Miami, Florida 33130 Ra►: Wirst ' Confer Sufficiency Latter w. O. # f43 Dear Ms, Medina: Subsequent to our December 20, 2005 re,virwv comments for the subject project, we have mowed a formai response from DOW Plummer mod Associattse Inc. (©PA) J.luGry 16, 2006. W4a heve also received a sattefeicto1y letter (via c4nall) from the FOOT Planning office on December 20, 2005. Photocopies of both the response letter from DPA and e-mail from FOOT are attached herewith. At this prr,e, we conclude that the revised traffic report atorg with the s;ubesquent submittal meets ail that trams requirements and the report is found to be sufficient. Shout you have any questions. phase gall Merit Myatt or me at 064.738188t- Southern Shanm P.E. r Traffic Engineer cac Mr. Kevin Renner r< CRY of PAW* (fax: .705.416.1444) 11ir .uten Eepfnose, PC DP'14e fix: 30.444.4#1* uk►arho'* oomp*2 moo PM Sant Avenue, aft 150 rot utykilirdriL r. ua014a7b TO; 4 730,18a1. �.�: 94.799.1.719 Wev Reickett Ce,fter MtJSP Traffic Impaci Sauiv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Exhibits ii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Study Area 2 1.2 Study Objective 2 2.0 EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 4 2.1 Data Collection 4 2.1.1 Roadway Characteristics 4 2.1.2 Traffic Counts 5 2.1.3 Intersection Data 5 2.2 Corridor Capacity Analysis 8 2.3 intersection Capacity Analysis J 0 3.0 PLANNED AND PROGRAMMED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS 12 4.0 FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 13 4.1 Background Traffic 13 4.2 Committed Developments 13 4.3 Project Traffic 13 4.3.1. Project Trip Generation 13 4.3.2 Project Trip Assignment 16 4.4 Future Corridor Capacity Analysis 20 4.5 Future Intersection Capacity Analysis 20 4.6 Site Access 24 5.0 CONCLUSIONS 25 Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Appendix F: Approved Transportation Methodology & Site Plan Traffic Counts & Signal Timing FDOT's Quality/LOS Handbook — Generalized Tables Downtown Miami DR I Increment II Transit Ridership intersection Capacity Analysis Worksheets Committed Development information Traffic Control Measures Plan Page :7 Welt BfriCkeli Cetuer MUS1 Traffic impact Study LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit Page 1 Location Map 3 2 2005 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 6 3 Existing Lane Configurations 7 4 Existing Corridor and Transit Conditions 9 5 Person -trip Volume and Capacity — Existing Conditions Matrix 11 6 2005 Intersection Capacity Analysis Results 10 7 Committed Development Map 14 8 Future PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes without Project 15 9 PM Peak Hour Project Trip Generation 17 10 Cardinal Distribution 18 11 PM Peak Hour Project Vehicular Trips Assignment 19 12 Person -trip Volume and Capacity — Future Conditions Matrix 21 13 Project PM Peak Hour Vehicular Volumes 22 14 Future with project PM Peak Hour Vehicular Volumes 23 15 Future Intersection Capacity Analysis "0 Page ti West Brickell Ceruer WISP Traffic Impact Study EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The West Brickell Center project is a proposed residential project located at 267 SW 11 Street in Miami, Florida (see Exhibit I). The project consists of 205 residential dwelling units and 2,700 square feet (SF) of retail. An existing residential building with 30 apartments will be removed from the site. Primary access to the site is proposed at SW 10 Street and SW 11 Street via two- way driveways. A copy of the site plan is included in Appendix A. Build out of the project is anticipated by the year 2008. The subject site is located within the boundaries of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI. Existing and future traffic conditions for the project area corridors were established using the person -trip based corridor capacity method. This method, consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan, promotes improved transportation efficiency through increased private vehicle occupancies and makes mass transit a full partner in the urban transportation system. Analysis results show that the project area corridors are projected to operate within the established corridor threshold. The intersection capacity analysis was performed at the intersections under study using vehicular volumes and the Highway Capacity Software (HCS), based on the procedures of the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. Results of the future intersection analysis show that all intersections operate within the standard adopted by the city. Page 1 West Brick& Center WISP Traffic Impact. Study 1.0 INTRODUCTION The West Brickell Center project is a proposed residential project located at 267 SW 11 Street in Miami, Florida (see Exhibit 1). The project consists of 205 residential dwelling units and 2,700 square feet (SF) of retail. An existing residential building with 30 apartments will be removed from the site. Primary access to the site is proposed at SW 10 Street and SW 11 Street via two- way driveways. A copy of the site plan is included in Appendix A. Build out of the project is anticipated by the year 2008. The subject site is located within the boundaries of the Downtown ' Miami Area -wide DRI. 1.1 Study Area Consistent with the approved methodology for this project (See Appendix .A) the traffic study was performed for PM peak conditions. For traffic analysis purposes, the study area has been defined as Miami River to the north, 1-95 to the west, Biscayne Bay to the east and SW 15 Road to the SOW/1. Corridor capacity analysis was performed for several segments of Brickell Avenue, S 8 Street and S 7 Street. intersection capacity analysis was performed for the following intersections: SW 8 Street / SW 2 Avenue SW 10 Street / SW 3 Avenue SW 10 Street / SW 2 Avenue SW .11 Street / SW 3 Avenue SW 11 Street / SW 2 Avenue 1.2 Study Objective The objective of this traffic study is to assess possible PM peak hour impacts on the project area corridors using the person -trip corridor capacity method. This method is designed to meet the challenges posed by Florida's growth management laws: to promote compact urban development, discourage suburban sprawl and improve urban mobility. This method is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and promotes improved transportation efficiency through increased private vehicle occupancies, making mass transit a full partner in the urban transportation system. Page 2 dr' PROIEC1 WEST BRJCKELL CENTER MUSP LOCATION MAP Page 3 EXHIBfl NO 1Vext Brickell Center fr4VSP Traffic Impact Srudy 2.0 EXISTING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 2.1 Data Collection Data collection for this study included roadway characteristics, intersection data, intersection volumes, and signal timing. The data collection effort is described in detail in the following sections. 2.1.1 Roadway Characteristics Brickell Avenue Brickell Avenue (US- 1) is a major arterial that provides north/south access throughout Downtown Miami. Brickell Avenue connects the Central Business District (CBD) with the financial and residential district on Brickell. Between SE 8 Street and SE 5 Street, Brickell Avenue is a two-way 4-lane, divided roadway. Brickell Avenue south of SE 4 Street over the Miami River) operates as a two-way, 5-lane (2-northbound lanes and 3-southbound lanes), divided roadway. The bridge is 6 lanes wide but the northbound lanes narrow to 2 lanes due to right-of-way constraints. The extension of Brickell Avenue north of SE 4 Street is SE 2 Avenue. Northbound traffic on Brickell Avenue must turn right onto eastbound SE 4 Street, which extends east to become Biscayne Boulevard Way. The posted speed limit is 35 mph. On -street parking is not permitted along Brickell Avenue within the study limits. SE/SW 8 Street South 8 Street between SW 1 Avenue and Brickell Avenue is a one-way, 3-lane roadway in the eastbound direction, There is no posted speed limit within the study area. SE/SW 7 Street South 7 Street between SW 1 Avenue and Brickell Avenue is a one-way, 3-lane roadway in the westbound direction. There is no posted speed limit within the study area. On -street parking is not permitted along SW 7 Street within the study limits, Page 4 West Brickelt Center WISP Truffle Impact Stt,nly 2,1.2 Traffic Counts Consistent with the methodology submitted to and approved by the City, peak period vehicle turning movement counts and 24-hour directional counts were collected at the intersections and segments under study. Seasonal adjustment factors were obtained from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Traffic counts are included in Appendix B, Exhibit 2 shows the adjusted 2005 PM peak season, peak hour traffic volumes at the study intersections. 2.1.3 Intersection Data A field survey was conducted to determine the lane configurations for the roadways and intersections under study. Existing signal timing data was obtained from Miami -Dade County for the analyzed intersection. Signal information is included in Appendix B. This information provided the signal phasing and timing used in the intersection capacity analysis. Exhibit 3 shows the existing lane configurations for the intersections and roadways studied. Page 5 ►1 WEST BRICKELL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY EXISTING PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES EXHIBIT No. Page 6 2} u. 95229v 1anecent[4 SW 8 ST SW 9 ST 14 w Q Q < is us tc SW 10 ST SW 11ST PROJECT, WEST 8RICKELL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY TIlLEs EXISTING LANE CONFIGURATIONS Page EXHIBIT Na. 7 3 Wen Rrickell Center M(JSP Tr4:fie impact SuSv 2.2 Corridor Capacity Analysis Existing traffic conditions for the project area corridors have been established using the person - trip based corridor capacity method. The methodology for this analysis is outlined in the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. The existing traffic conditions analysis identifies the person -trip volumes and person -trip capacities of the corridors, establishes existing person -trip usage and identifies whether or not person -trip deficiencies exist. An adopted standard of LOS E applies to the transportation. corridors as measured by the person -trip method. The existing conditions analysis establishes the multi -modal corridor conditions within the project area. The person -trip capacities and volumes for the study corridors have been developed consistent with the approved methodology for this project as described below: Person -Trip Volumes Link volu.mes collected were adjusted to peak season traffic conditions using seasonal adjustment factors provided by FDOT. Peak hour maximum service volumes were obtained from FDOT's 2002 QualitylLevel of Service Handbook. Transit (bus and fixed rail) ridership and capacity were obtained from Increment II of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI. An analysis of existing vehicle roadway and transit conditions is shown in Exhibit 4, supporting information included in Appendix C. Person -Trip Capacity Vehicle occupancy for the person -trip capacity calculations is based upon a comprehensive study performed for the City of Miami. The vehicle occupancy factor of 1.6 persons per vehicle is approved for use as the practical capacity of a private passenger vehicle to determine the person - trip capacity of the vehicular traffic system. Bus and fixed rail capacity for each corridor was determined based an the number of transit vehicles per hour and the person -trip capacity of each Transit vehicle. This information was obtained directly from Increment II of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI. Page 8 Exhibit 4 Existing Corridor and Transit Conditions Corridor Frorn To Brisket) Avenue 5E 4 Street SE 8 Street SE 8 Street SW 13 Street SW 13 Street SW 15 Road SE 7 Street Snake!! Avenue SW 1 Avenue SW 1 Avenue I-95 SE 8 Street Brisket/ Avenue S. Miami Avenue 5. Miami Avenue SW 1 Avenue SW 1 Avenue 1-95 Notes: [1] Peak Hour Directional Maximum Service Volumes are obtained from FOOT's Qua itylLevel e Service Handbook (21 Transit information obtained troll the Downtown Miami PRI Increment It (See Table 21-A5 included in Appendix C) Dir NB SB NB S9 NB Sel WB WB EB EB EB Existing Lanes 2t,0 3LD 2tp 2L0 2LD 21D 3L 3L 3L 3L 4l Roadway Conditions (vehicles) Count Source/ Period DPA - PM DPA - PM DPA • PM DPA - PM DPA-PM DPA-PM DPA - PM DPA•PM DPA - PM Raw PM Peak Hour Volume 1062 1231 947 1335 728 1163 1388 1946 799 1007 1288 Peak Season Factor 1,03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1,03 1.03 t.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1,03 PM Peak Hour Volume 1094 1268 975 1375 750 1196 1430 2006 823 1037 1327 Dir Max Service Volume [1 1660 2490 1660 1880 1660 1660 2988 2988 2988 2988 3900 Total Bus Ridership [2] 365 115 240 119 156 26 24 210 200 268 68 Suss Capacity 121 1346 566 566 566 306 306 276 378 276 810 534 Transit Conditlons (pereoae) Total Metroralt Ridership [2] 276 692 276 692 Metrorail Capacity [2] 1463 1463 1463 1463 Total Metrormover Ridership [2] 164 360 164 360 85 97 Meitomover Capacity [21 960 1920 960 1920 960 960 Total Transit Ridership [2] 529 475 680 1171 517 815 24 210 200 268 68 Transit Capacity [2] 2306 2486 2989 3949 2729 2729 276 378 276 810 534 Lo ce n West Briekell Center MUSE' Trgf is Impact Study Available Person -Trip Capacity The available person -trip capacity for each corridor is shown in Exhibit 5 based on the following: Person -trip capacity — Person -trip volume = Available Person -trip capacity. A general level of service designation is provided for each study corridor based on the calculated available person -trip capacity. A person -trip level of service look -up table was developed based on the ratios derived from the FDOT's 2002 Quality/Level of Service Handbook (see .Appendix C). Based upon the person -trip evaluation for existing traffic conditions, no study corridor operates below the acceptable "person -trip" level of service standards. 2.3 Intersection Capacity Analysis The intersection capacity analysis was performed using vehicular volumes and the Highway Capacity Software (HCS), based on the procedures of the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. Exhibit 6 shows the resulting LOS for existing conditions at the intersections under study, analysis worksheets are included in Appendix D. All three intersections operate within the standard adopted by the city. Exhibit 6 2005 intersection Capacity Analysis Weekday PM Peak Hour Conditions Intersection S/U Existing LOS SW 8 Street I SW 2 .Avenue S B SW 10 Street / SW 2 Avenue �..� U C SW 1 l Street / SW 2 Avenue U C SW 10 Street f SW 3 Avenue U A SW l l Street / SW 3 Avenue U A L = unsignalized S- signalized; Note_ (L) Major/Minor Street LOS LOS for unsignalized intersection is based an the delay of the stop -controlled movements. Pug 10 Exhibit 5 Person -Trip Volume and Capacity Existing Conditions Matrix Corridor From To Roadway Mode Transit Mode Segment Total Bit (a) Roadway Vehicular Capacity (b) Pers-Trip Capacity aPPV=1.6 (a) ' 1.6 (c) Roadway Vehicular Volume (d) Pers-Trip Volume aPPV�1.4 (c). * 1.4 (e) Excess Pers•Trip Capacity (b) - (d) (f) Total Pers-Trip Capacity (9) Total Pers-Trip Volume (h) Pers-Trip Excess Capacity (9'1 (i) Segment Pers-Trip Capacity MO)(, MO)jd}+(g) (1) Segment Pecs -Trip Volume (k) Pers-Trip Excess Capacity () U) (1) Segment Person Trip L©5 vfc (I)!(i) Brickell Avenue 111 [21 [31 (a) ts1 [61 (71 SE 4 Street SE 8 Street NB 1660 2656 1094 1531 t 125 2306 529 1777 4962 2060 2902 0.42 0 SE 8 Street SB 2490 3984 1258 1775 2209 2486 475 2011 6470 2250 4220 0.35 C SW 13 Street NB 1660 2656 975 1365 1291 2989 680 2309 5645 2045 3500 0.36 C SW 13 SB 1660 2656 1375 1924 732 3949 1171 2778 6605 3095 3510 0.47 5 Street SW 15 Road NB 1660 2656 750 1050 1606 2729 517 2212 5385 1567 3818 0.29 C SB 1660 2656 1198 1677 979 2729 815 1914 5385 2492 2893 0.46 Q SE 7 Street Brickell Avenue SW 1 Avenue SW 1 Avenue WB 2988 4781 1430 2001 2779 276 24 252 5057 2025 3031 0.40 C 1-95 WB 2988 4781 2006 2809 1972 378 210 168 5159 3019 2140 0.59 0 SE 8 Street Bric1<etl Avenue S. S. Miami Avenue EB 2988 4781 823 1152 3829 276 200 76 5057 1352 3705 0.27 C Miami Avenue SW 1 Avenue SW 1 Avenue EB 2988 4781 1037 1452 3329 810 268 542 5591 1720 3871 0.31 C 1-95 EB 3900 6240 1327 1857 4383 534 68 466 6774 1925 4849 0.28 C Notes: _ (1) The Roadway Vehicutar Capacity is obtained from Exhibit 4. 12) Person -Trip capacity is derived by applying a 1.6 vehicle occupancy to the vehicular capacity. (3)) The Roadway Vehicular Volume is obtained from Exhibit 4. (41 Person -Trip Volume is derived by applying a 1.4 vehicle occupancy to the vehicular capacity. [5) The Total Transit Person -Trip Capacity is obtained by adding bus, metrarait and metrornover capacities (see Exhibit 4). [6) The Total Transit Person -Trip Volume is obtained by adding bus and metromover volumes (see Exhibit 4). V) The Person Trip LCS is provided consistent with the FOOT's Quality/Levei of Service Handbook (see Appendix C). West Rr(k.!ll Cenier ML:'SP Trap; impact Study 3.0 PLANNED AND PROGRAMMED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS The 2006 Miami -Dade County Transportation improvement Program (TIP) and the 2030 Metro - Dade Transportation Plan Long Range Element, were reviewed to identify any programmed or planned projects within the limits of the study area established. These documents show no officially programmed or planned capacity improvement projects within the study area prior to completion of the proposed project. Page 12 West Bralell Center MUSP Tra/77c Impaci Study 4.0 FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 4.1 Background Traffic Consistent with other traffic studies perfoi Lied in the area, a conservative one (1) percent growth factor was added to existing traffic volumes. This growth rate is intended to account for future growth due to additional developments that have not been identified at this time but occur within the study period. 4.2 Committed Developments A list of projects was obtained from city staff, City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department Report on Private Development From 1996 to Present (Updated through October 2005. These projects are approved and are either under construction or about to break ground. Other projects are approved by City Commission but with no building permits, or in the application stage. The projects in the vicinity of West Brickell Center are shown in Exhibit 7. These projects size and trip generation are included in Appendix E. Traffic generated by these developments was distributed using the Cardinal Distribution from the appropriate TAZ. For esti:mating trip distribution from committed projects, consideration was given to conditions such as the roadway network, roadway available to travel in the desired direction and attractiveness of traveling on a specific roadway. This information and a matrix showing segment volumes from the committed developments are also included in Appendix E. Future traffic volumes were projected for the build -out year 2008. Exhibit 8 shows the projected turning movement volumes without the project 4.3 Project Traffic 4.3.1 Proiect Trip Generation Project trip generation will be based on the calculation of person -trips consistent with the City of Miami Comprehensive Nan. Person -trips generated by the project were established using the Page 13 PROJECT: WEST BRICKELL CENTER MUSP TITLE: SE3ST BR/CKECL. KEY LEGEND 1 - 500 BRICKELL 2 - THE AVENUE 3 - BRICKELL CITtCENTRE 4 - CAPITAL AT BRICKELL 5 - CLUB AT BRICKELL BAY 6 - CORAL STATION 7 - ICON BRICKELL 8 - INFINITY AT BRICKELL 9- tATITUDE ON THE ROVER 10 -MARY BRICKELL VILLAGE 11 - NEO VERTIKA II 12 - PARK PLACE (RESIDENTIAL) 13 - PARK PLACE (OFFICE) 14•THEPOINTE 15 - PREMIERE TOWERS 19 • SOUTH BAYSHORE TOVVER 17 - VILLA MAGNA COMMITTED DEVELOPMENTS EXHIBIT No. Page 14 N.T.S. SW 8 ST r n 0 263 100 -+ 3473 SW 9 ST ILI w Q I-- 29 1D f- J 16 6 7 SW 10 ST - 13 4 1 SW 11ST 2—� 2 I I T 4 — WEST BRICKELL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FUTURE WITHOUT PROJECT PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES EXHI IT No. Page 15 Wen BnaeII Center MUSP Traffic lonpaa Study following procedure consistent with Increment 11 of the Downtown DRI and the approved methodology: • The gross vehicular trip generation for each land use was determined using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation 7 Edition rates or formulas. • Gross vehicular trips were reduced by 16.00% based upon the use of the ITE trip rates (City of Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 perstveh). • Gross vehicular trips were redneed by .14.10% to reflect transit usage based on projected modal splits from Increment II of the Downtown DR!. • Gross vehicular trips were also reduced by 15,00% for pedestrian/bicycle based on estimates from Increment II of the Downtown DRI. • The net external vehicle trips were converted to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. • The vehicular trips assigned to transit were converted back to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. • The net external person -trips were obtained by adding together the project net external person -trigs for the vehicle and transit modes. A trip generation summary for the project is provided in Exhibit 9. 4.3.2 Project Trip Assignment Project traffic was distributed and assigned to the study area using the Cardinal Distribution for TAZ 574, shown in Exhibit 10. The Cardinal Distribution gives a generalized distribution of trips from a TAZ to other parts of Miami -Dade County, For estimating the trip distribution for the project location, consideration was given to conditions such as the roadway network accessed by the project, roadways available to travel in the desired direction, and attractiveness of traveling on a specific roadway, Exhibit 11 shows the project vehicular trip assignment to the impacted roadway segments and intersections. PtIge 16 Exhibit 9 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Specialty Retail Existing - Apartments 205 DU 2,700 SF 30 DU 232 814 220 62% 44% 65% 49 3 -22 38% 56% 35% 29 4 -12 78 7 -34 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 59% 30 41% 21 51 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 0 18.00% of Gross External Trips (1) Transit Trip Reduction 0 14.10% of Gross External Trips (2) Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction ® 15,00% of Gross External Trips (3) 59% 59% 59% 5 4 5 41% 41% 41% 3 3 3 8 7 8 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPSi. 59% 16 41% 72 28 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 0 1,40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using,Transit 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 59% 59% 23 6 41% 41% 16 4 39_ 10 Net External Person Trips vehicles and transit modes 59% 29 41% 20 49 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle s 59% 6 41% 4 11 Notes (1) Per ITE Trip Generation Handbook, March 2001 (2) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. 1TE's 1.2 pers/veh) (3) Transit/Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction based transit service provided. West Britlel! Center M(JSP Traffic Impact Study Exhibit 10 Cardinal Distribution of Trips TAZ 574 Cardinal Direction Distribution TAZ 574 NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW Total 20,86% 12.76% 296% 1.77% 5.33% 21.32% 15.37% 19.62% 100.00% Page 1 8 cl a PROJECT: WEST BRICKELL CENTER MUSP TIRE: PROJECT VEHICULAR TRIP ASSIGNMENT EXHIBIT NO. 1 1 Page 1.9 West Briekell Center MUSP 'Traffic impact Study 4.4 Future Corridor Capacity Analysis The existing -person-trip volumes were combined with the committed development and background growth person -trips to obtain the total year 2008 person -trip volume without project. The net external project person -trips were then added to get the future person -trip volumes with project. These volumes were compared to the future person -trips capacities to determined future level of service. The future person -trip volume and capacity matrix is shown in Exhibit 12. All corridors analyzed are projected to operate within the established LOS E threshold. 4.5 Future Intersection Capacity Analysis Background growth and committed development trips were combined with the adjusted 2005 existing traffic to get the total year 2008 vehicular traffic without project on the study intersections. The project trips were then added to obtain the future with traffic volumes. Exhibit 13 shows the project P.M.peak hour vehicular volumes and Exhibit 14 shows the total (with project) PM peak hour vehicular traffic volumes at the intersections under study. Results of the future intersection analysis show that all intersections operate within the LOS E standard adopted by the city. Exhibit 15 shows the resulting LOS at the intersections under study. Intersection capacity analysis worksheets and a matrix showing the committed development and project trip distribution are provided in Appendix D. Exhibit 15 Future Intersection Capacity Analysis Weekday PM Peak Hour Conditions Intersection StU LOS Future Without Project LOS Future with Project SW 8 Street / SW 2 Avenue S C C ,- SW 10 Street / SW 2 Avenue U C C SW 11 Street / SW 2 Avenue U C C SW 10 Street / SW 3 Avenue U A A SW 11 Street / SW 3 Avenue U A A Source: DPA 1_1= unsignalized S.= signalized Note:(I) Major/Minor Street LOS * Minor Signal Timing Improvements Page 20 Exhibit 12 Person -Trip Volume and Capacity Future Conditions Matrix Corridor From Dir Hrickell Avenue SE 4 Street SE 8 Street NB SB SE 8 Street SW 13 Street NB SB SW 13 Street SW 15 Road NB SB SE 7 Street (3] Bricks lt Avenue SW 1 Avenue SW 1 Avenue 1.95 SE 8 Street flicked Avenue S. Miami Avenue S. Miami Avenue SW 1 Avenue SW 1 Avenue t-95 Notes: ES EB EB {a) Existing Pers-Trip Volumes [l] 2060 2250 2045 3095 1567 2492 2025 3019 1352 1720 1925 (b) Yr 2008 Bkg. pars -Trip 1% 12] 2123 2318 2107 3189 1614 2568 2087 3110 1393 1772 1984 Without ProjeC (c) (d) (e) Committed 2006 Total Projected 0eveiopment Pers-Trip Transit Pers-Trip Volumes Capacity {b)+(c) 882 887 1132 1284 1173 1152 1067 1231 816 629 1104 3004. 3205 3239 4473 2787 3720 3154 4341 2209 2401 3087 [at 1448 -4 -4 -4 8 8 -28 •6 -28 -58 -30 (f) Future Pers-Trip Capacity [4] 6410 6466 5641 6601 5393 5393 5029 5153 5029 5533 6744 t9) Future w/out Proj Pers-Trip vIc (d)/(f) 0.47 0,50 0.57 0.68 0.52 0,69 0.63 0.84 0.44 0.43 0.46 LOS 151 D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (h) Project Pers-Trip Volume 161 2 3 0 0 1 1 3 13 2 3 16 it Project (i) 0) Total Future Pers-Trip Pers-Trip Volumes Capacity (d)+(h) 3006 3208 3239 4473 2788 3721 3157 4355 2211 2404 3104 141 6410 6466 5641 6601 5393 5393 5029 5153 5029 5533 6744 (k) uture with Pro) Pere-T V/c 0.47 0.50 0.57 0.68 0.52 0.69 0.63 0.85 0.44 0,43 0.46 Los [1] The Existing Person Trip Volume is ob ained from Exhibit 5, column (j) [2] Year 2008 Background Person Trip Volume is derived by applying a 1 % growth factor to the existing person -trip voiurne j3] Projected Transit Capacity was obtained from the Downtown Miami DR[ Increment It (4] The Total Future Peak Hour Person Trip Capacity is obtained by adding all modes of transportation (Exhibit 5, column (i)) and the projected transit capacity (Exhibit 12, column e) {51 The Person Trip LOS is provided consistent with the FOOT's Quality/Level of Service Handbook (see Appendix C) [6] Project Person Trip Volumes are derived from Trip Generation Analysis [s] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ., OS22a \p,ra;rpogre SW8 ST 6 SW 9 ST 0 - 10 tr. SW 10 ST Ifi iNt L 2 SW 11ST 0.1 IN = 16 OUT= 29 • WEST BRICKELL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT Page 22 j EXHIBIT No 1 3 WEST BRICKELL CENTER MUSP TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY FUTURE WITH PROJECT PM PEAK TRAFFIC VOLUMES EXHIBIT No. Page 23 14 West Brickell Center WISP leqffie Impart Snrify 4.6 Site Access Prirhary access to the site is proposed on SW 10 Street and SW 11 Street via two-way driveways. The project trips were assigned to the driveways and analyzed, Unsignalized HCS analysis results show adequate operations. The analysis worksheets are included in Appendix D. Page 24 West .B rs c ke lI Center MUSPTrafi Impac: Srudv 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Art assessment of the PM peak hour traffic associated with the development of West Brickell Center was performed in accordance with the approved methodology submitted to the city. Analysis of future (2008) traffic conditions with the project during the PM peak hour shows that the City of Miami's adopted Level of Service standards will not be exceeded. Adequate capacity during the PM peak hour is available to accommodate the proposed project trips within the study area at the intersections and on the transportation corridors segments analyzed. A traffic control measures pla❑ has been developed for this project. The plan is included in Appendix F. musp repart_novO5 dot: Page 25 Appendix A Approved Transportation Methodology Site Plan DAVID PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES, INC. TRANSPORTATION • OVIL • STRUCTURAL • ENVIRONMENTAL To: Affiliation: From: RE: cc: Facsimile Transmission Mr. Raj Shanmugam, PE URS Corporation Juan Espinosa West Brickell Center - #05220 (954) 739-1789 (954) 739-1881 October 14, 2005 3 page(s), including cover Antonio Pardo, Miranda Blogg, Lilia Medina, Ben Fernandez, file Fax #: Phone #: Date: Pages: REVISED October 17, 2005 DenCity Development is pursuing City of Miami approvals for a residential project located at 267 SW 11th Street in Miami, Florida. The project consists of approximately 193 residential dwelling units and supporting retail space. The subject site is located within the limits of the Downtown Miami Area -wide DRI. The study area has been defined as the Miami River to the north, SW 15th Road to the south, Biscayne Bay to the east, and 1-95 to the west. This will serve as our methodology for the subject WISP traffic impact study. Turning movement traffic counts will be collected during the PM (4:00-6:00) peak period at five major intersections in the imrnediate project vicinity. 1. SW 8th Street / SW 2" Avenue (signalized) 2. SW 10th Street / SW 2" Avenue (un-signalized) 3. SW I 111 Street / SW 2" Avenue (un-signalized) 4. SW 10th Street / SW 3rd Avenue (un-signalized) 5, SW 1 1 th Street / SW 3rd Avenue (un-signalized) In addition to these intersections, we will analyze the project driveway(s). X Segment traffic volumes will be collected as 24 hour machine counts at the following locations: L SE 7th Street between Brickell Avenue and SW Avenue 2. SE 7th Street between SW ls' Avenue and 1-95 3. SE 8 Street between Brickell Avenue and S. Miami Avenue 4, SE 8,Street between S. Miami Avenue and SW 1 Avenue 5. SE 8 Street between SW Is' Avenue and 1-95 6. Brickell Avenue between SE 4(h Street and SE 8th Street 1750 PONCE DE LEON BOULEVARD CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 TELEPHONE: 305 447-0900, FAX: 305 444-4986 E-MAIL: dpa@dpluatrner.cOm 7. Brickell Avenue between SE 8th Street and SE 13th Street 8. Brickell Avenue between, SE 131h Street and SE 1 th Road X Available Florida Department of Transportation (F.DOT) counts will be consulted where appropriate. X Raw traffic counts will be adjusted to peak season (for the peak hour period). X The signal timing and phasing at the study,signalized intersections will be obtained from lvliami-Dade County. X Existing and future traffic conditions for the project area corridors will be established using the person -trip method. The methodology for this method is outlined in the Mianzi Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. X Corridor capacity will be estimated using generalized vehicular capacities (converted to person -trips) from the FDOT LOS Manual, or other acceptable equivalent. X Project Traffic — project trip generation will be based on the calculation of person -trips consistent with the city of Miami Comprehensive Plan. Person -trips generated by the project will be established using the following procedure: 1. Determine the gross vehicular trip generation for each land use using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation rates or formulas. 2. Reduce gross vehicular trips by a vehicle occupancy adjustment based upon the use of the ITE trip rates (City of Miami's 1.4 vs. iTE's 1 .2 pers/veh). 3. Reduce gross vehicular trips by a transit reduction based on projected modal splits. 4. Reduce gross vehicular trips by a pedestrian/bicycle reduction. 5. Establish the net external vehicle trips. 6. Convert the net external vehicle trips to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. 7. Convert the vehicular trips assigned to transit back to person -trips using 1.4 persons per vehicle pursuant to City standards. 8. .Add together the project net external person -trips for the vehicle and transit modes. X Background -traffic. A growth factor consistent with historical annual growth in the area will be applied to the existing traffic volumes. X Committed Developments. Will be based on the October 2005 list of relevant projects provided by the city. Only projects that are approved. and are either under construction or about to break ground will be included (see Attachment A). Committed development trips will also be converted to person -trips based on the methodology described above. X Highway Capacity Software (HCS) based on the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) will be used for existing and future intersection capacity analysis. Project and committed development net external vehicle trips (adjusted for transit, pedestrian and occupancy as described above) will be used for the intersection capacity analysis. Intersection capacity analyses will be performed at the three study intersections and the proposed project driveway(s). X Trip Assignment. Net new external project traffic will be assigned to the adjacent street network using the appropriate cardinal distribution from the Metro -Dade Long Range Transportation Plan Update, published by the Metropolitan Planning Organization. Normal traffic patterns will also be considered when assigning project trips. X Per Section 14.182d of the City of Miami Code, a Transportation Control Measures Plan will be included in the report. If you have any questions you can contact me at (305)4-47-0900. 1750 PONCE DE LEON BOULEVAHD CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 TELEPHONE: 305 447-0900, FAX: 305 444-4986 dpa dplummercom di" (l j iUM IMAM 3ed AVENUE err LAN a� aaa•• MIL 3. AE MEET Rd AIRAVAANA rCO aErnu x avc w@,+ wrari.er.r�rmw.c ®Z 11 =j GROUND FLOOR PLAN CIVICA Cu.;MAY VI, Sinn ~AN mvs SA NAM West Biicifsq Cenfre C !i Tine( USA ,.,s..,66 [NICA PROMPT ON 65-13$ PPSR UDAB N. n PUt DENCITY D b `E1.E1'. tr4r fg1C6Y13 f 1.��sn( KA.wPiuni!/N 0.0 Fs4UNO :tA+]R PE. N A-3 Appendix B Traffic Counts Signal Timings Raw Traffic Counts SW 8TH STREET & SW 2ND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: FRANK SANCHEZ S I CxiALI ZED TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY .BFAcu, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL, VEHICLES h PEDS Site Code 00050220 Start Date: 10/20/05 File S.D. 8STR2AVE F+ze' 1 SW 2ND AVENUE I SW STH STREET I SW 2ND AVENUE J SW 8TH STREET From North /From East !Prom South 1From West 4 ( Vehicle Pella Right Thru Left / Peda Right Thru Lett / Peas Right Thru Left 1 Pede Right Thru Lett Total Date 10/20/05--•---»»--._. 16:00 7 0 45 20 I 3 0 0 0 I 3 9 62 0 I 1 78 193 41 468 16:15 2 0 57 19 I 1 0 0 0 1 2 8 57 0 I 12 80 191 22 434 16:30 3 0 43 22 1 1 0 0 0 J 2 15 63 0 p 3 75 216 32 1 486 16:45 3 0 80 26 j 1 0 0 0/ 3 17 90 0 1 9 64 207 46 { 530 H. Total 35 0 245 87 i 6 0 0 0 1 10 49 292 0 / 25 297 807 141 1 1918 17:00 4 0 114 32 I 5 0 0 0 I 4 16 74 0 I 6 53 216 51 556 17:15 3 0 68 20 # 1 0 0 0 1 4 9 74 0 1 5 68 236 52 f 527 17:30 a 0 113 38 i 4 0 0 0 1 4 17 84 0( 7 75 197 47 1 571 17:45 5 0 45 q4 1 4 0 0 0 j 7 15 83 0 1 2 77 253 35 f 592 Hr Total 20 0 380 134 i 14 0 0 0 1 29 57 315 0 1 20 273 902 185 1 2246 *TOTAL* 35 0 625 221 t 20 0 0 0 29 106 607 0 45 570 3799 326 4164 SW STf! STRE.GT & SW 2ND AVENUE MZAM1, FLORIDA COUNTED RY: FRANK SANCHEZ SIGNALIZED TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISES, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELR.AY BEACH, FLORIDA 31444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272.4381 ALL VEHICLES i+ REDS SW 2ND AVENUE lSW 8TH STREET From North IFrnm EaSt Pede Right Thru Left I Peda Right Thru Left Date 10/20/05 (SW 2ND AVENUE (From South ISW 8TH STREET 'From West Site Code : 00050220 Start pater 10/20/05 File I.D. : 8STR2AVE Page : 2 Vehicle Pede Right Thru Left Pede Right Thru. Left ( Total Peak Hour Analysis By Entire intersection for the Period: 16r00 t Peak start 17:00 17:00 Volume - 0 380 134 - 0 0 0 Percent 01 744 264 - 04 04 01 Pk total 514 0 Highest 17:30 16:00 Volume 0 113 38 0 0 0 Hi total 151 0 PHF .65 .0 SW 8TH STREET 0 0 0 20 0 20 185 185 902 0 0 18:00 on 20/20/05 17:00 ( 17:00 57 315 0 P - 273 902 185 - 154 854 04 - 201 661 144 372 j 1360 17:30 ( 17:45 - 17 84 0 77 253 35 101 365 .92 ! .93 SW 2ND AVENUE 380 380 514 134 134 902 1,360 273 273 J 20 20 1,360 1,014 185 315 0 500 • ALL VEHICLES & PEDS 1,093 Intersection Total 2,246 0 380 273 653 1,025 0 0 SW 2ND AVENUE 372 • 315 315 14 14 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 134 1,093 902 57 SW 8TH STREET 57 57 19 19 tu 2 4' i Mt % ► FLAYKI%A oc`3`co' iZ. %et) 4005 NWw N , Mi ciAA€L M \L At Norih ommumerommerillioulla SW 1OTH STREET 6 OW 2ND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: JESUS AUDIFFREC3 NGi SIGNALIZED TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561} 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES @ PEGS Site Code : 00450120 Start Date: 10/20/05 File I.D. : 1OST 2AV Pagt : 1 , SR 2ND AVENUE 1 SW IOTH SMUT I Sit 2ND AVENUE I SM 1DTH STREET From North IFrao East Worn South "From Rest 1 I ( Vehicle Peds Right Thru Left 1 Peda Right Thru Left I Ped.e Right Thru Left I Peds Right Thru Left I Total Date 10/20/05 16.00 2 6 110 D 1 0 5 1 1 I 2 0 90 3 1 3 0 0 1 1 217 16:15 a 6 108 0 1 4 3 3 1 1 6 0 77 1 2 2 0 2 1 203 16:30 0 3 116 0 I 2 7 1 3 1 1 0 78 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 210 16:45 1 9 129 0 1 3 4 1 1 1 0 0 96 1 1 1 0 0 3 1 244 Fir Total 3 24 463 0 1 9 19 6 6 1 9 0 341 5 1 6 3 0 7 874 17:00 0 5 156 D j 3 0 1 3 1 4 0 74 2 1 6 0 0 1 1 242 17:15 2 4 12? 0 1 0 2 2 1 1 2 0 97 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 236 17:30 1 8 170 0 1 8 3 1 2 1 2 0 82 3 1 0 3 0 3 1 275 17:45 3 13 139 0 1 2 7 2 2 1 4 0 83 4 3 0 0 3 1 253 Hr Total 6 30 592 0 I 13 12 6 8 1 12 0 336 11 1 9 4 0 7 1 1006 *TOTAL* 9 54 1055 0 1 22 31 12 14 1 21 0 677 16 15 7 0 14 1 1880 SW 10TH STREET is SW 2ND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY; YESU3S AUDIFFRED NOT EICNAL1266 SW 2ND AVENUE From North Peds Right Thru Date 10/20/0S Peak Hour Analysis By Enure Intersection for the Period; 16:00 t peak start 17:00 1 17:00 Volume 30 592 0 ! 12 Percent - S4 95# 04 1 - 461 Pk total 622 f 26 Highest 17130 1 17145 Volume a 170 0 J 7 Hi total 178 J 11 PHF .87 ( .S9 TRAY?IC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DE1.RAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS 6x.te Code , 00050220 Start L18te: 20/20/05 File 1.11. : LOST 2AV Page ; 2 ^ JSW 10TH STREET !SW 2ND AVENUE 1SW 10TH STREET 1F"om East JErom South JFrom West J J Vehicle Left 1 Peds Right Thru Left J Peels Right Thru Lett J Peds Right Thru belt J Total 6 30 6 30 L SW 10TH STREET 11 6 47 30 7 7 0 0 11 4 4 1 9 1 $ a 238 31# 2 2 18,00 on 10/20/05 17100 0 04 347 17:15 0 99 .88 SW 2ND AVENUE 592 592 622 977 17:00 336 11 4 0 7 97i 3% 364 04 64* 11 17:30 57 2 3 0 3 6 .46 7 336 12 355 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Intersection Total 1,006 951 8 • 11 592 4 604 11 SW 2ND AVENUE 26 26 13 13 • 12 12 6 6 8 0 SW 10TH STREET 0 0 0 StA% 10 • ---k--- o '<17-e, ' t4 la af ttAMt ,FLo JtA Coc."i'oilet.. ►'I , zoo 5 SW 11TH STREET & SW 2ND AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED SY: ISIDRO GONZALEZ NOT SIGNAZ42E17 TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272.4381 ALL VEHICLES 6 8E73S SW 2ND AVENUE 1SW 11TH STREET From North Peds night Date 10/20/05 16:00 16:15 15:30 16:45 HI' Total 17;00 17:15 17:30 17:45 Er Total D 4 2 1 7 3 4 6 4 17 ;From East Thru Left 1 Peds Right Thru Left Pede Right Thru 106 104 103 125 438 3 ( 1 21 1 51 0 5 1 2 15 1 4 1 4 154 4 1 5 3 120 4 1 2 7 157 9 1 1 7 127 3 1 9 21 558 20 1 3 1 2 2 8 •TOTAL* 16 38 996 35 1 12 1Sw 2ND AVENUE (From South 1sw 11TH STREET 1 Frcwn West 1 Vehicle Lett 1 Peds Right Thru Left 1 Total Site Code 00050220 Start Date: 10/20/05 File I.D. : 11S7 2AV Page : 1 O 0 0 O D 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 D 0 1 3 0 4 8 e 5 0 3 16 4 2 3 13 4' 4 8 9 21 87 74 60 100 341 77 105 92 88 362 0 0 ( 24 34 703 61 O 1 O ( 3 91 11 11 11 3 1 61 5 3 5 2 15 4 0 0 2 6 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 0 0 3 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 3 61 6I 01 01 12 01 11 11 1 1 31 217 195 197 243 852 246 240 277 234 997 15 1 21 7 6 15 1 1849 TAZ 579 2010 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 579 NNE 20.49% ENE 7.09% ESE 0.67% SSE 1.02% SSW 3.45% WSW 26.91% WNW 18.80% NNW 21.58% TOTAL 100.01% 40.38% 27.58%) 30.36%, 1.69% #05220 TAZ 579 TAIxis TAZ 579 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ETE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Office Specialty Retail 2,064 ❑U 678,983 SF 83,224 SF 232 710 814 62% 17% 44% 495 143 99 38% 83% 56% 289 697 127 784 840 226 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS l 40% 737 60% 1113 1 1850 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 16.00% of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction @ 14.10% of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction €} 15,00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 40% 40% 40% 118 104 111 60% 60% 60% 178 157 167 296 261 278 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 40% 405 _ 60% , 611 1016 S Net External Person Trips in Vehicles 'Vehicles @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 40% 40% , 566 145 60% 60% 855 220 1422 365 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 40% 712 60% 1075 ,, 1787 t 7 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 40% 155 1 60% _ 234 1 389 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. lTE's 1,2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRl Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami ©R1 increment II (4) TAZ 579 includes Capital at Brickell, Infinity at Brickell, Park Place Phase 1 & 11 # 05220 - TAZ 579 T-gen_ PM.xls West Brickell Center Commited Developments - TAZ 579 Locational information Units Sq Ft, TName}ermit PCapital Address Description Net Area CanRes do Hotel Office Retail at Brickell MUSP 1430 South Miarni Avenue Mixed Use: Residential, Retail, & Office (2 buildings) Downtown 832 0 108.543 47,853 Infinity at Brickelt MUSP MUSP ___.___._..._._ MUSP 34, 40, 60 SW 13 Street 25, 37, 45 SW 14 Street Mixed Use: Residential, Retail, Office, & Restaurant Downtown 459 0 61.540 0 6,727 Park Place at BrickelE (Phase i_residential) 1451 Brickeli Avenue Mixed Use: Residential & Retail Downtown 773 0 17,664 Park Place at SriCke€! (Phase II - office) 1450 Brickell Avenue ______._ Mixed Use: Office & Retail Downtown 0 0 508,900 10,980 Total 2,064 0 678,983 83,224 # 05220 - TAZ 579 Comm_ Developments.xls TAZ 574 2010 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 574 NNE 20.86% ENE 12.76% ESE 2.96% SSE 1.77% SSW 5.33% WSW 21.32% WNW 15,37% NNW 19.62% TOTAL 99.99% #05220 - TAZ 574 TAZ.XtS Coral Station TAZ 574 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Specialty Retail A 481 DU 40,606 SF 232 814 63% 44% 115 48 37% 56°J0 67 62 182 110 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 56% 163 44% 129 292 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ Transit Trip Reduction @ Pedestrian 1 Bicycle Trip Reduction 16.00% of Gross External Trips 14.10% of Gross External Trips 15.00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 56% 56% 56% 26 23 24 44% 44% 44% 21 18 19 47 41 44 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 56% 89 44% 71 160 1 — Net External Person Trips in Vehicles @ Net External Person Trips using Transit @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 56% 56% 125 32 44% 44% 99 25 _ 224 58 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 56% 157 44% 125 282 I — I Net External Person trips walking I using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle (56% 34 1 44% 27 61 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II # 05220 - Coral Station T-gen_PM.xis West Brickell Center Commited Developments - TAZ 574 Locational information Units Sq Ft. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Res / Condo Hotel Office Retail Coral Station at Brickeli Way Village WISP 1470 SW 1 CT Mixed Use' Residential, Retail, and accessory recreational uses • Downtown 481 0 0 i 40,606 Total, 481 0 0 40,606 # 05220 - TAZ 574 Comm_ Developments.xis TAZ 573 2010 Cardinal Distribution DirectionTAZ 573 NNE 19.34% ENE 6.63% ESE 4,13% SSE 1.72% SSW 4,76% WSW 25.04% WNW 1 7,63°/n NNW 20.75% TOTA 100.00% #05220 - TAZ 573 TAZ.xls TAZ 573 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium 1,272 DU 232 62% 305 38% 178 483 Hotel 288 Rooms 310 54%0 89 46% 81 170 Office 87,553 SF 710 17% 22 83% 109 131 Specialty Retail 33,925 SF 814 43% 40 57% 52 92 Shopping Center 229,380 SF 820 48% 520 52% 563 1083 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 50% 976 50% 983 1959 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 0 16.00% of Gross External Trips (1) 50% 156 50% 157 313 ransit Trip Reduction 0 14.10% of Gross External Trips (2) 50% 138 50% 139 276 Pedestrian 1 Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 15.00% of Gross External Tries •(3) 50% 146 50% 147 294 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 550% 536 50% 540 1075 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles ,.F 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 50% 750 50% 756 1506 Net External Person Trips using Transit 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 50% 193 50% 194 387 Net External Person Tries (vehicles and transit modest 50% 94.3 50% 950 1892 pet External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1,40 Persons/ Vehicle 1 50% 205 1 50% 206 '411 Notes (1) A 16%© reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE`s 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment 1€ (4) TAZ 573 includes Mary Brickell Village, The Pointe at Brickell Village and Premiere Towers Briekell Village # 05220 - TAZ 573 T-gen_PM. xls West Brickell Center Commited Developments - TAZ 573 Locations! Information r Units Sg Ft. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Res / Condo Hotel Office Retail Mary Bricked Village MUSP 900 South Miami Avenue Mixed Use: retail, restaurant & hotel Downtown 382 288 0 229,380 The Pointe at Brickell Village MUSP 1100 South Miami Avenue Mixed Use: Residential and Retail Downtown 330 0 41,553 13,659 Premiere Towers Brickell Village MUSP 28-59 SW 9th Street 830-850 South Miami Avenue Mixed Use: Residential, Retail and Office Downtown — 560 0 4£,0O0 r 20,266 4 Totar! 1,272 288 87,553 263,305 # 05220 -TAZ 573 Comm_ Developments.xls TAZ 572 2010 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 572 NNE 17.20% ENE 4.46% ESE 2.78% SSE 2.35% SSW 4.17% WSW 27.8r/a WNW 17A8% NNW 23.69% TOTAL 100.00% #05220 - TAZ 572 TAZ. xis The Avenue TAZ 572 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code • PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Specialty Retail 572 DU 25,000 SF 232 814 62% 44% 137 30 38% 56% 80 38 217 68 GROSSVEHICLE TRIPS 246% 167 174% 118 1 68 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16.00°%0 of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction 0 14.10% of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 15.00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3 246% 246% 246% 27 24 25 174% 174% 174% 19 3 17 18 11 10 10 NET EXTERNAL. VEHICLE TRIPS 246°I0 92 174% 65 37 Net External Person Trips in VehiclesF 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 246% 246% 128 33 174% 174% 91 23 52 13 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 246% 161 174% 114 66 7 Net External Person trips walking / usin9 bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 246% 35 1 174% 25 1 14-1 Notes (1) A A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and focal data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI increment Ii (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment I! t 05220 - TAZ 572 T-gen_PM.xts West Brickelt Center Commited Developments - TAZ 572 Location& Information Units Sq Ft. Name Type of Address DescriptionRes Net Area / Condo Hotel Office Retail The Avenue (1060 Brickell Option A) MUSP 1060 Stickel! Avenue Mixed -use project, residential development in two phases Downtown Total 572 572 0 0 0 0 25,004 25,000 # 05220 - TAZ 572 Comm_ Developments.xfs TAZ 571 2010 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 571 NNE 14.56% ENE 4.61% ESE 0.32% SSE 2.00% SSW 4.15% WSW 28.69% WNW 18.61% NNW ` 27,06% 19.17% 2.32% #05220 - TAZ 571 TAixis The Club at Brickell Bay TAZ 571 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL 0 Tres f % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Office Specialty Retail 641 DU 80,000 SF 12,601 SF 232 710 814 ♦ 62% 17% 44% 154 20 15 38% 83% 56% 90 99 19 244 119 34 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS L 124% 189 136% 208 153 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16.00% of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction @ 14.10% of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 15.00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 124% 124% 124% 30 27 28 136% 136% 136% 33 29 31 24 22 23 LNET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 124% 104 136% 114 84 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit @ 1,40 Persons/ Vehicle 124% 124% 145 37 136% 136% 160 41 118 30 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 124% 183 136% 201 r 148 L I ! 1 I l --i . _._......_-.. Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 124% l ` 40 136% 44 32 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between 1TE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. 1TE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment It # 05220 - TAZ 571 T-gen_PM.xls West Brickell Center Commited Developments - TAZ 571 Locations! Information Units Sq Pt_ Name r Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Res / Condo Hotel Office Retail The Club at Bricked Bay MUSP 1201 BrickeII Avenue Residential w1 accessory recreational and commercial & retail uses Downtown , 641 0 " 80,000 80,000 12,601 Total 641 0 12,601 # 05220 - TAZ 571 Comm_ Developments.xls TAZ 569 2010 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 569 NNE 14.05% ENE 3.92% ESE 1.33% SSE 0.92% SSW 8.87% WSW 25.77% WNW 18.73% NNW 26.41% TOTAL 100.00% 45.14% 17.97% 34.64"/o 2.25% #05220 - TAZ 569 TAZxts Icon Bracket! TAZ 569 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES High -Rise Residential Condominium Hotel Specialty Retail GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment c, Transit Trip Reduction @ Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS r., Net External Person Trips in Vehicles Net External Person Trips using Transit @ Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS - IN OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips 1,705 DU 95 Rooms 25,000 SF 232 310 814 62% 54% 44% 409 29 30 38% 46% 56% 239 27 38 648 56 68 48% 59 52% 65 ( 124 16.00% of Gross External Trips 14.10% of Gross External Trips 15.00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 48% 48% 48% 9 8 9 52% 52% 52% 10 9 10 20 17 19 48% 32 52% 36 68 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 48% 48°/0 45 12 52% 52% 50 13 95 24 48% 57 52% 63 120 w [ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 148% 12 152% 14 I 26 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between 1TE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1,2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment ti (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II # 05220 - TAZ 569 T-gen_PM.xts West Brickelt Center Commited Developments - TAZ 569 Locational information Units Sq Ft. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area Res / Condo Hotel Office Retail Icon Bricked (One Bookell Piaza) ' MUSP 495 + 501 BricKell Avenue Remodel of existing Sheraton Hotel to Residential, Retail & Hotel Downtown A 1,705 95 0 0 25,000 25,000 Total 1,705 95 # 05220 - TAZ 569 Comm_ ©evelopments.xls TAZ 568 2010 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 568 NNE ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW 4.95 % 6.62% 2.11% 4.55% 5,70% 23.86% 18,11% 24.10% TOTAL 00,00% #05220 TAZ 568 TAZ.xis TAZ 568 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL °A Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Office Specialty Retail 3,517 DU 133,721 SF 127,535 SF 232 710 814 62% 17% 44% 844 ' 152 33 38% 83% 56% 492 194 166 1336 346 199 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 34% 185 1 66% 360 545 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment i% 16.00°l° of Gross External Trips (1) Transit Trip Reduction @ 14.10% of Gross External Trips (2) Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 15.00% of Gross External Trips (3) 34% 34% 34% 30 26 28 66% 66°/% 66% 58 51 54 87 77 82 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 34% 102 66% 198 299 [ I 1 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles a 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 34% 34% 142 3. 7 66% 66 %° 277 71 419 108 _ Net External Person Trigs (vehicles and transit modes) 34% 179 66% 348 _ 526 l. 1 1 Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 1 34% 39 66% 76 ! 114 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (4) TAZ 568 includes 500 Brickell, Brickell Station and Brickell CitiCentre (Brickell Commons) # 05220 - TAZ 568 T-gen_PM.xls West Brickell Center Commited Developments - TAZ 568 taxational Information Units Sq Ft. Name Type of Permit Address Description Net Area cgs 1 Condo Hotel Office Retail 500 Brickell & Brickell Station Brickell CitiCentre (Brickell Commons) MUSP 550 Brickell Avenue 65,59,57,51,47,41 SE 6 Street Mixed Use: residential & retail Mixed Use: Residential, retail & Office Downtown 1,093 0 0 133,721 133,721 ✓ 37,199 90,336 127,535 MUSP 700 + 701 S. Miami , Avenue 2,424 0 Total 3,517 0 # 05220 - TAZ 568 Comm_ deveiopments.xis TAZ 567 2010 Cardinal Distribution Direction TAZ 567 NNE 17.36% ENE I 1 20% ESE 4.93% SSE 3.14% SSW 5.04% WSW 20.38% WNW 18.59% NNW 19.37% TOTAL 100.01% 28.56% 8.07% #05220 - TAZ 567 TAZ.xls TAZ 567 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS 1N OUT TOTAL % Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Office Specialty Retail 898 DU 225,000 SF 44,676 SF 232 710 814 62% 17% 44% 216 56 53 38% 83% 56% 126 275 68 342 331 121 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 41% 325 59% 469 794 Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment 16.00% of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction i 14.10% of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 15.00% of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 41% 41% 41% 52 46 49 59% 59% 59% 75 66 70 127 112 119 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 41% 178 59% 257 436 1 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles C 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit 0 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 41% 41% 250 64 59% 59% 360 93 610 157 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 41% 314 594/0 453 767 LNet External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 41°!° 68 (59% 98 167 Notes (1) A 16°/0 reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (4) TAZ 567 includes Latitude on the River and Neo Vertika # 05220 - TAZ 567 T-gen_PM.xls West Brickell Center Commited Developments - TAZ 567 Location Information Units Sq Ft. Name Type of PermitCondo Address Description Net AreaRes / Hotel Olca Retail Lattitude on the River MUSP MUSP 615 SW 2 Avenue Residential, Office & Retaif Downtown 455 0 225,000 20,000 24,676 Neo Vertika (Neo Loft 2) 690 SW 1 Avenue Mixed Use: residential & retail Downtown 443 0 0 Total 898 0 225,000 44,676 # 05220 - TAZ 567 Comm_ Developments.xls West Brickell Center MUSP Committed Develoment Trip Assignment Segment Direction Project From To _ Coral - Total TAZ 567 TAZ 568 Icon The Club The Avenue TAZ 573 Station TAZ 579 TAZ 580 Brickell Ave. SE 4 Street SE 8 Street NB 84 71 59 80 46 190 25 215 112 882 SB 92 88 61 73 64 189 31 142 146 887 SE 8 St. SW 13 St. NB 16 18 9 176 114 94 25 484 196 1132 SB 45 35 9 169 133 284 31 320 256 1284 SW 13 St SW 15 Rd. NB 47 18 9 46 40 94 24 626 269 1173 SB 68 35 9 50 29 95 19 535 312 1152 SE 7 Street Brickell Ave. 6 SW 1 Ave. WB 79 244 28 50 29 285 0 269 84 1067 SW 1 Ave. €-95 WB 298 157 28 50 29 285 31 269 84 1231 SE 8 Street Brickell Ave. S. Miami Ave, EB 113 18 26 46 40 285 0 178 110 816 5. Miami Ave, SW 1 Ave. EB 113 116 26 46 40 0 0 178 110 629 SW 1 Ave. 1-95 EB 255 81 26 46 40 330 39 178 110 1104 TAZ 567 includes: Latitude on the River and Neo Vertika TAZ 568 includes: 500 Brick& , Brickell Sta ion and Brickell CitiCeritre (Brickell Commons) TAZ 573 includes: Mary Brickeit Village, The Pointe at Brickell Village and Premiere Towers Brickell Village TAZ 579 includes: Capital at Brickell, Infinity at Brickell, Park Place Phase I & 11 TAZ 580 includes: South Bayshore Tower and Villa Magna Alstro4hif kowortstioil Non: tong hinge Efemerytte the 62/.2015 1,11P..-Cp 2010 STAGE OF 2015 LRTP - ALTERNATIVE 1CU DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY ORIGIN ZONE 571 512 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 TRIPS PERCtsNT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT NNE ENE CARDINAL DIRECTIONS ESE SSE SSW WSW ;iNw 346 173 273 12.62 6.31 9.96 213 124 189 12.79 7.44 11.34 183 130 199 10.42 7.40 11.33 324 181 203 13.31 7.44 8.34 412 208 332 14.18 7.16 11.43 518 661 755 11.10 14.17 16.18 2263 1622 1793 13.15 9.43 10.42 1281 494 776 17.48 6.74 10.59 924 425 784 17.177.90 14.56 1630 914 1150 18.59 10.43 13.12 2233 2093 886 18.91 17.73 7.50 1528 2159 952 12.34 17.44 7.69 1246 1008 1465 12.90 10.43 15.16 323 147 313 13.77 6.2'7 13.34 532 258 526 12.70 6.16 12.56 538 381 441 19.63 13.90 16.09 20- 256 16,69 12...2 15.37 342 240 256 19.48 13.67 14.58 296 12.16 285 9.81 416 8.92 1119 6.50 393 16.15 414 14.25 563 12.07 2537 14.75 385 1037 5.25 14.15 269 702 5.00 13.04 411 976 4.69 11.13 487 4.12 1119 9.48 420 1052 3.39 8.50 448 917 4.64 9.49 159 6.78 289 6.90 277 11.81 550 13.13 426 17.50 519 17.87 580 12.43 3266 18.98 1356 18.50 966 17.95 1550 17.68 2007 17.00 2301 18.58 1750 18.11 407 17.35 706 16.85 291 10 62 209 12.55 216 12.30 308 12.65 371 12.77 641 13.74 2189 12,72 TOTAL NNW 943 1056 12.87 14.41 619 694 11.50 12.89 1062 1074 12.11 12.25 1500 12.70 1612 13.02 1161 12.02 298 12.70 602 14.37 17.33 298 2741 7.0.87 1666 190 1756 10.82 303 2434 12.45 364 2905 12.53 532 4666 11.40 2416 17205 14.04 7328 5383 8767 1482 11807 12.55 2357 12381 19.04 1666 9661 17.24 422 2346 17.99 726 4189 Motro-Dede fivhsportetioh Pin: long hive Element to the Yee, 201.0 ORIGIN ZONE 556 TRIPS PERCENT 35- 558 559 560 561 562 563 TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT TRIPS PERCENT 564 TRIPS PERCENT 565 TRIPS PERCENT 566 TRIPS PERCENT 567 TRIPS PERCENT 568 TRIPS PERCENT 569 TRIPS PERCENT 570 TRIPS PERCENT 2010 STAGE OF 2015 LRTP - ALTERNATIVE 10U DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY NNE MPC CARDINAL DIRECTIONS ----- --I TOTAL ENE ESE SSE SSW WSW WNW NNW 682 916 1127 10.53 14.15 17.41 E23 542 1,.4 69 :J33 1281 92- 967 12.46 7.32 14.10 9.23 13.'95 17.30 12.44 13.06 406 254 573 301 399 463 401 428 12.59 7.88 17.77 9.33 12.37 14,36 12.43 13.27 898 12.48 390 11.10 542 10.74 366 12.71 579 12.01 464 12.82 406 14.21 272 12,50 156 13.16 230 11.86 947 11.83 716 14.37 525 1069 7.29 14.85 332 681 9.45 19.39 424 906 8.40 17.95 237 425 8.23 14.76 394 667 8.17 13.83 275 485 7.60 13.41 181 234 6.34 8.19 130 176 5.97 8.09 79 100 6.67 8.44 112 73 5.77 3,76 641 955 8,01 11.93 372 414 7.47 8.31 580 733 713 871 853 8.96 11.32 11.C" 13.45 13.17 601 8.35 312 8.88 581 11.51 253 8,78 535 10.47 440 12.16 400 14.00 369 16.96 167 14.09 259 13.35 1307 16.33 854 17.15 998 1278 858 971 13.86 17.75 11.92 13.49 411 473 453 460 11.70 13.47 12.90 13.10 582 830 567 616 11.53 16.44 11.23 12.20 431 486 301 381 14.97 16.88 10.45 13.23 657 830 579 611 13.63 17,21 12.01 12.67 499 608 411 436 13.79 16.80 11.36 12.05 371 523 337 405 12.99 18.31 1.1.80 14.18 309 423 237 260 14.20 19.44 10.89 11.95 220 200 130 133 18.57 16.88 10,97 11.22 338 362 251 315 17.42 18.66 12.94 16.24 1016 1069 1094 976 12.69 13.35 13.67 12.19 650 854 537 584 13.05 17.15 10.78 11.72 6475 7406 3225 7198 3512 5048 2880 4822 3613 2857 2176 1185 1940 P005 4981 Appendix E Committed Development Information Analyst: Ageucy/Co.: Date Performed: Analysis Time Period: Intersection: Jurisdiction: Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 11 STREET North/South Street: DRIVEWAY Intersection Orientation: EW HC52000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY DPA 11/17/2005 FUTURE W PROJECT PM PEAK HOUR SW 11 STREET / DRIVEWAY MIAMI, FL Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes. and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Eastbound Movement 1 2 3 Westbound 4 5 6 Volume Peak -Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type/Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal? 2 0,95 2 2 Undivided 14 0.95 14 0 1 LT No 25 0.95 26 1 0 TR No 2 0.95 2 Minor Street: Approach Movement Northbound 7 8 9 L T R Southbound 10 11 12 L Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage Lanes Configuration 0 2 0.95 2 2 0 0 LR 0 2 0.95 2 2 No Delay, Approach EB Movement 1 Lane Config LT Queue Length, and Level of Service WB 41 9 I 10 11 12 LR Northbound Southbound 7 8 v (vph) C(m) (vph) v/c 95% queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 2 1585 0.00 0.00 7.3 A 4 1004 0.00 0,01 8.6 A 8.6 A HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DFA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W PROJECT PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW 10 STREET / DRIVEWAY Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 10 STREET North/South Street: DRIVEWAY Intersection Orientation: EW Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Eastbound Movement 1 2 3 L T R Westbound 4 5 6 L T R Volume 11 1 10 41 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 11 1 10 43 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channeiized? Lanes 1 0 0 1 Configuration , TR LT Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Movement Northbound Southbound 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 L T R I L T R Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Lanes Configuration 5 2 0.95 0.95 5 2 2 2 0 0 Exists?/Storage No 0 0 LR Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service EB WE Northbound Southbound 1 4 I 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 LT I LR I v (vph) 10 7 C(m) (vph) 1607 960 v/c 0.01 0.01 95% queue length 0.02 0.02 Control Delay 7.3 8.8 LOS A A Approach Delay 8.8 Approach LOS A Project Driveway HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersectiop: SW 11 STREET / SW 3 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 11 STREET North/South Street: SW 3 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 L T R 1 L T R Volume 2 80 11 1 10 1 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 2 84 11 1 10 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 -- Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Westbound Movement 7 8 9 L T R Eastbound 10 11 12 L T R Volume 6 3 13 2 3 2 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0,95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 6 3 13 2 3 2 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage No / No / Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB SE Westbound Eastbound 1 4 1 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 LTR LTR I LTR 1 LTR v (vph) 2 1 22 7 C(m) (vph) 1608 1499 909 866 v/c 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 95% queue length ' 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.02„ Control Delay 7.2 7.4 9.1 9.2 LOS A A A A Approach Delay 9.1 9.2 Approach LOS A A HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW .10 STREET I SW 3 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: WEST ERICKELL CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 10 STREET North/South Street: SW 3 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Movement 1 2 3 L T R Southbound 4 5 6 L T R Volume 81 9 4 1 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 85 9 4 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles -- 2 Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 1 0 0 1 Configuration TR LT Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound — Eastbound 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 L T R I L T R Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage Lanes Configuration 10 0.95 10 2 0 34 0.95 35 2 0 0 No 0 LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SE Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 Lane Config LT 1 1 LR I v (vph) 4 45 C(m) (vph) 1500 952 v/c 0.00 0.05 95% queue length 0.01 0,15 Control Delay 7.4 9.0 LOS A A Approach Delay 9.0 Approach LOS A HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW 11 STREET / SW 2 AVENUE . Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 11 STREET North/South Street: SW 2 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume 10 400 19 19 567 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0,95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 10 421 20 20 596 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- 2 Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 ,Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal? No No 21 0.95 22 Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound 7 8 9 L T R Eastbound 10 11 L T R 12 Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles 9 3 5 0.95 0.95 0.95 9 3 5 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage Lanes 0 1 0 Configuration LTR Approach Movement Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NE SH Westbound Eastbound 1 4 1 7 8 9 10 11 12 LTR LTR LTR v (vph) 10 20 17 C(m) (vph) 962 1119 264 v/c 0.01 0.02 0.06 95% queue length 0.03 0.05 0.21 Control Delay 8.8 8.3 19.6 LOS A A C Approach Delay 19.6 Approach LOS C HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW 10 STREET / SW 2 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 10 STREET North/South Street: SW 2 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 L T R 1 L T R Volume 8 387 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 8 407 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- Median Type/Storage Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal? 0 1 LT No 599 0.95 630 1 0 " TR No 39 0.95 41 Minor Street: Approach Westbothd Movement 7 8 L T Eastbound 9 1 10 11 12 R L Volume 7 6 16 10 4 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 7 6 16 10 4 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage No / No / Lanes 0 2 0 0 0 Configuration LT TR LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 ( i 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 Lane Config LT I LT TR I LR v (vph) 8 10 19 14 C(m) (vph) 919 199 487 222 v/c 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.06 95% queue length 0.03 0.16 0.12 0.20 Control Delay 9.0 24.0 12.7 22.3 LOS A C B C Approach Delay 16.6 22.3 Approach LOS C C HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1e Analyst: DPA Agency: Date: 11/17/2005 Inter.: SW 8 STREET / SW 2 AVENUE Area Type: All other areas Jurisd: MIAMI, FL Period: FUTURE W PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Year : 2008 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 E/W St: SW 8 STREET N/S St: SW 2 AVENUE No. Lanes LGConfig Volume Lane Width RTOR. Vol SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Eastbound Westbound Northbound 0 3 0 LTR 253 1093 309 12.0 0 0 0 0 Southbound L T R 0 2 0 TR 351 58 12.0 0 0 2 LT 182 375 12.0 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EB Left A NB Left Thru A Thru A Right A Right A Peds Peds WB Left SE Left A A Thru Thru A A Right Right Peds Peds NB Right EB Right SB Right WB Right Green 32.0 32.0 5.0 Yellow 4.0 4.0 3.0 All Red 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cycle Length: 80.0 secs Intersection Performance Summary Appr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound LTR 1958 4895 0.89 0.40 27.9 C 27.9 C Westbound Northbound TR 1388 3471 0.31 0.40 16.6 B 16.6 B Southbound LT 1332 3490 0.44 0.51 12.5 B 12.5 B Intersection Delay 22.8 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS 0 Future with Project HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W/0 PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW 11 STREET / SW 3 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER # 05220 East/West Street; SW 11 STREET North/South Street: SW 3 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 L T R 1 L T R Volume 2 80 11 1 10 1 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 2 84 11 1 10 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- 2 -- Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 L T R i L T R Volume 6 1 13 2 1 2 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly .Flow Rate, HFR 6 1 13 2 1 2 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage No / No / Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SE Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 Lane Config LTR LTR I LTR 1 LTR v (vph) 2 1 20 5 C(m) (vph) 1608 1499 925 909 v/c 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.01 95% queue length 0.00 o.op 0.07 0.02 Control Delay 7.2 7.4 9.0 9.0 LOS A A A A Approach Delay 9.0 9.0 Approach LOS A A HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DPA. Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W/0 PROF PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW 10 STREET / SW 3 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 10 STREET North/South Street: SW 3 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R i L T R Volume 81 9 3 1 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 85 9 3 1 Percent Heavy Vehicles - -- 2 Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 1 0 0 1 Configuration TR LT Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street': Approach Movement Westbound Eastbound 7 8 9 ( 10 11 12 L T R 1 L T R Volume 10 29 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 10 30 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage No / Lanes 0 0 Configuration LR Approach Movemen t Lane Config Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB SB Westbound Eastbound 1 4 ( 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 LT 1 LR 1 v (vph) 3 40 C(m) (vph) 1500 950 v/c 0.00 0.04 95% queue length 0.01 '0.13 Control Delay 7.4 9.0 LOS A A Approach Delay 9.0 Approach LOS A HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W/O PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW 11 STREET / SW 2 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 11 STREET North/South Street: SW 2 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Movement 1 2 3 L T R Southbound 4 5 6 L T R Volume 8 400 19 19 567 21 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 8 421 20 20 596 22 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound Eastbound 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 L T R 1 L T R Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage Lanes Configuration 0 8 3 4 0.95 0.95 0.95 8 3 4 2 2 2 0 No 0 1 0 LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 Lane Config LTR LTR. I 1 LTR v (vph) 8 20 15 C(m) (vph) 962 1119 261 v/c 0.01 0.02 0.06 95% queue length 0.03 0.05 0.18 Control Delay 8.8 8.3 19.6 LOS A A C Approach Delay 19.6 Approach LOS C HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: 1DFA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: FUTURE W/0 PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW 10 STREET / SW 2 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2008 Project ID: WEST BRICKELI, CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 10 STREET North/South Street: SW 2 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 I 4 5 6 L T R I L T R Volume 8 386 598 29 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 8 406 629 30 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 1 0 Configuration LT TR Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 L T R I L T R Volume 7 6 16 7 4 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 7 6 16 7 4 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage No No / Lanes 0 2 0 0 0 Configuration LT TR LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SE Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 Lane Config LT I LT TR 1 LR v (vph) 6 10 19 11 C(m) (vph) 929 202 493. 239 v/c 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.05 95% queue length 0.03 . 0.16 0.12 0.14 Control Delay 8.9 23.7 12.6 20.8 LOS A C B C Approach Delay 16.5 20.8 Approach LOS C C HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1e Analyst: DPA Inter.: SW 8 STREET / SW 2 AVENUE Agency: Area Type: All other areas Date: 11/17/2005 Jurisd: MIAMI, FL Period: FUTURE W/0 PROJ PM PEAK HOUR Year ; 2008 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 E/W St: SW 8 STREET N/S St: SW 2 AVENUE No. Lanes LGConfig Volume Lane Width RTOR Vol SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Eastbound Westbound Northbound 0 3 0 2 0 TR 349 57 12.0 0 Southbound L T R 0 2 0 LT 182 370 12.0 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 EB Left A Thru A Right A Peds WB Left Thru Right Peds NB Right SB Right 5 NB Left Thru A Right A Peds SB Left A A Thru A A Right Peds EB Right WB Right 7 8 Green 32.0 32.0 5.0' Yellow 4.0 4.0 3.0 All Red 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cycle Length: 80.0 secs Intersection Performance Summary Appr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound LTR 1959 4897 0.89 0.40 27.6 C 27.6 C Westbound Northbound TR 1389 3472 0.31 0.40 16.5 B 16.5 B Southbound LT 1333 3489 0.44 0.51 12.5 B 12.5 B Intersection Delay = 22.7 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = C Future without Project HCS2000: Unsignalized intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW 11 STREET / SW 3 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2005 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 11 STREET North/South Street: SW 3 AVENUE Intersection 0rientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 Volume Peak -Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR. Percent Heavy Vehicles Median Type/Storage RT Channelzzed? Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal? 2 0.86 2 2 Undivided 78 11 0.86 0.86 90 12 0 1 LTR No 1 10 1 0.58 0.58 0.58 1 17 1 2 -- -_ 0 1 LTR No Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound 7 8 L T 9 R Eastbound 10 11 12 L T Volume 6 1 13 2 1 2 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 8 1 17 2 1 2 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 2 2 2 2 Percent. Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage No / No / Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 17 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Config LTR LTR LTR LTR v (vph) 2 1 26 5 C(m) (vph) 1599 1490 915 890 v/c 0,00 0.00 0.03 0.01 95% queue length 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.02 Control Delay 7.3 7.4 9.0 9.1 LOS A A A A Approach Delay 9.0 9.1 Approach LOS A A HCS.2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY DPA 11/17/2005 Analyst: Agency/Co.: Date Performed: Analysis Time Period: EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW 10'STREET / SW 3 AVENU Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2005 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 10 STREET North/South Street: SW 3 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments major Street: Approach Northbound Movement 1 2 3 L T R Sou thbound 4 5 6 L T R Volume 79 9 3 1 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.82 0.82 0.31 0.31 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 96 10 9 3 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- Median Type/Storage Undivided / RT Channelized? Lanes 1 0 0 1 Configuration TR LT Upstream Signal? No No Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound Eastbound 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 L T R I L T R Volume 10 28 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.70 0.70 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 14 40 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 2 Percent Grade (%) 0 Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage No Lanes 0 0 Configuration LR 0 _Delay, Queue Length, and. Level of Service Approach NB SE Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 Lane Config LT 1 LR 1 v (vph) 9 54 C(m) (vph) 1485 930 v/c 0.01 0.06 95% queue length 0.02 0.18 Control Delay 7.4 9.1 LOS A A Approach Delay 9.1 Approach LOS A HCS2000: Unsignaiized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW 11 STREET / SW 2 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2005 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 East/West Street: SW 11 STREET North/South Street: SW 2 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 d 4 5 6 L T R f L T R Volume 8 362 18 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 8 397 19 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- Median Type/Storage Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Upstream Signal? 0 1 0 LTR No 18 0.86 20 2 513 0.86 596 0 1 0 LTR No 20 0.86 23 Minor Street: Approach Movement Westbound 7 8 L T 9 R Eastbound 10 11 L T 12 Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage Lanes Configuration 0 0.92 8 2 3 4 0.92 0.92 3 4 2 2 0 No 0 1 0 LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SE Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 17 8 9 l 10 11 12 Lane Config LTR LTR ( I LTR v (vph) 8 20 C(m) (vph) 961 1143 v/c 0.01 0.02 95% queue length 0.03 0.05 Control Delay 8.8 8.2 LOS A A Approach Delay Approach LOS 15 269 0.06 .0.18 19.2 c 19.2 C HCS2000: Uns.ignalized Intersections Release 4.1d TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: DPA Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 11/17/2005 Analysis Time Period: EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: SW 10 STREET / SW 2 AVENUE Jurisdiction: MIAMI, FL Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: 2005 Project. ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - * 05220 East/West Street: SW 10 STREET North/South Street: SW 2 AVENUE Intersection Orientation: NS Study period ihrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume 8 349 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.88 0.88 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 9 396 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 -- Median Type/Storage Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 Configuration LT Upstream Signal? No Minor Street: Approach Movement Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (%) Flared Approach: Exists?/Storage Lanes 0 Configuration LT 543 0.87 624 1 0 TR No 28 0.87 32 Westbound Eastbound 7 8 9 } 10 11 12 L T R I L T R 7 6 16 7 4 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.46 0.46 11 10 27 15 8 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 No / No / 2 0 0 0 TR LR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NS SE Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 ( 10 11 12 Lane Config LT LT TR 3 LR v (vph) 9 16 32 23 C(m) (vph) 931 204 498 231 v/c 0.01 0.08 0.06 0.10 95% queue length 0.03 0.25 0.21 0.33 Control Delay 8.9 24.1 12.7 22,3 LOS A C B C Approach Delay 16,5 22.3 Approach LOS C C HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4,1e Analyst: DPA Inter.: SW 8 STREET / SW 2 AVENUE Agency: Area Type: All other areas Date: 11/17/2005 Jurisd: MIAMI, FL Period: EXISTING PM PEAK HOUR Year : 2005 Project ID: WEST BRICKELL CENTER - # 05220 E/W St: SW 8 STREET NIS St: SW 2 AVENUE No. Lanes LGConfig Volume Lane Width RTOR Vol SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Eastbound Westbound Northbound L T R L T R L T R 0 3 0 LTR 168 880 294 12.0 0 0 0 0 2 0 TR 313 55 12.0 0 Southbound L T R 0 2 0 LT 114 322 12.0 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 EB Left A NB Left Thru A Thru A Right A Right A Peds Peds WE Left SE Left A A Thru Thru A A Right Right Peds Peds NE Right EB Right SE Right WE Right Green 32.0_ 32.0 5.0 Yellow 4.0 4.0 3.0 All Red 0.0 0.0 0.0 Cycle Length: 80.0 secs Intersection Performance Summary Appr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound LTR 1951 4877 0,74 0.40 22.0 C 22.0 C Westbound Northbound TR 1387 3467 0.29 0.40 16.4 B 16.4 E Southbound LT 1433 3501 0.36 0.51 11.8 B 11.8 B Intersection Delay = 18.8 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = 3 Existing Conditions West Brickeg Center - Intersection Analysis INTERSECTION MOYEM614T EXISTING PM PEAR FIR BACKGROUND GROWTH Gfoy" tatc 1.0% No. 0!years: 3 COMMITTED DEVELOPMENTS FUTURE pR^JECT PROJECT TRIPS FUTURE TUR TOO 28 rFUTH T NBL 0 0 0 0 0 0 NBT 313 322 27 349 2 351 NBA 55 67 0 57 2 58 SBL 1.14 117 64 102 0 182 SBT 322 332 39 370 5 -375 SW8Street !SW SBA , 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Avenue ESL 168 173 30 253 0 253 EBT 880 907 156 3093 0 1093 ESA 294 303 0 303 6 309 WBL 0 0 0 0 0 0 WST 0 0 0 0 0 0 WBR 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 2146 -... 2211 3B6 2607 15 2021 196E 6 8 0 8 0 8 145.7 340 300 27 386 1 387 NBA 0 0 0 0 0 0 SBL 0 0 0 0 0 0 507 543 559 39 598 1 S99 SW 1❑ Street! SBA 28 29 0 29 10 39 SW 2 Avenue EN. 7 7 0 7 2 10 EST 0 0 0 0 0 0 EBB 4 4 0 4 0 4 WBL 7 7 0 7 0 7 WEFT 0 8 0 5 0 6 4YBR 18 16 0 t& 0 16 9t36 997 65 t003 35 1077 NBL a 8 0 a 2 10 NBT 302 373 27 400 0 400 NBA 1(3 19 0 19 0 19 SBL e0 19 0 19 0 19 SBT 513 529 39 567 0 567 SW 11 Stree1 r SBA 20 21 0 21 t 21 SW 2 Avenue EBL 33 0 0 a 1 9 EBT 3 3 0 3 33 3 EBR 4 4 0 4 1 5 WBL 0 0 0 0 4 0 WBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 YW6P 0 0 6 ❑ 0 0 s-°4 954 963 65 1045 5 1053 NBL ,4F41 • 0 0 0 0 0 NBT 81 0 01 0 61 146R 9 0 9 0 9 SBL, 3 0 3 1 4 SOT 1 0 1 0 1 SW10 Street 3 SSP 0 0 0 0 0 5W 3 Avenue ESL 0 0 0 0 0 EBT 3 0 ❑ 0 0 E6R 0 0 0 0 0 WBL 10 0 10 0 10 3987 4 0 0 0 0 WBR 29 0 29 5 34 TOTAL 134 5 140 N94. 1 2 0 2 0 2 NIT 78 60 0 80 0 50 NSF( 11 11 (1 11 0 41 561.. 1 1 0 1 0 1 SBT 10 10 0 10 0 10 SW 11 Street r SBA 1 1 0 1 0 I SW 3 Avenue ESL 2 2 0 2 0 2 EST 1 1 0 1 2 3 ESA 2 7 0 2 0 2 WBL 6 0 0 0 0 6 WST 1 1 0 1 2 3 WBR 13 13 0 13 0 13 TOTAL 128 —13r' 0 132 4 136 NBL 9 0 0 0 5 5 N67 0 0 0 0 0 0 NBR 0 0 0 4 2 2 Sot 0 0 0 0 0 0 SBT 0 0 0 0 0 0 SW 10 Street 4 SBA 0 0 0 0 0 0 Dtiveway EBL 0 0 0 ❑ 0 0 EBT 1a 11 0 11 0 11 0336 0 0 0 0 1 3 WBL 0 0 0 0 10 10 WBT 40 41 0 41 0 4I WBR 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 51 53 0 53 19 72 NBL .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 N8T 0 0 0 0 0 0 N8R 0 0 0 0 0 0 $IL 0 0 0 0 2 2 SST 0 0 0 0 0 0 SW 11 Street 1 SBR (1 0 0 0 2 2 Driveway Eat., 0 0 0 0 2 2 EBT 14 14 0 14 0 14 ERR 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 4BL tt t) 0 0 0 0 WOT 24 25 0 25 0 25 WBR 0 1 0 0 2 2 TOTAL 38 39 0 39 9 48 005220 - ir;tersac5an analysis x}s Appendix D Intersection Capacity Analysis Worksheets 2044pr2001 ROADWAY FROMFROM 1.195 SR 836 NW 5 STREET SW 1 STREET SW a STREET SW26ROAD TO SR 836 NW 5 STREET SW 1 STREET SW 8 STREET SW 26 ROAD S. OIXIE HIGHWAY DtR 4C161514igaV5 TABLE 51.010 DOWNTOWN MIAMI DR11W0ATE YEAR 2008 PERSON TRIP CONDITIONS MIAMI FACB_ITY ADIOP. TYPE TED MUTING L LANEB IOLO IOLD 10LD TOLD 1t1LD 1 41-0 NOTES: III THE EXISTING PERSON -TRIP VOLUME 15 OBTAINED F'RDTA TABLE 21.A7. i21 YEAR 2009 BACKGRQUND PERSON TRIP VOLUME WAS DEREED SY APPLYING THE APPROPTATE GROWTH RATE TO THE EXISTING P5115084 TRIP VOLUME THE GROWTH RATES ARE OBTAINED FROM TABLE 21.a1, i3J COMlISTTED DEVELOPMENT TOTA1. PERSON TRIP VOLUME IS OBTAINED FROM TABLE 21.09. (4) THE TOTAL FUTURE PEAK HOUR PERSON TRIP CAPACITY IS oeTAtNEO BY ADDING AU. #CODES OF TRANSPORTAT C44 cvemcvLAB, BUS, METT2MgyE}T. AND A4ETRORA1LI (51 THE PERSON TRW IOS 45 PROVIDED CONSISTENT WITH THE 1890LOS MANUAL (SEE TABLE 21,,44 [6I INCRtOAVIT IF PROJECT PERSON TRIPS ARE OBTAINED FROM TABLE 21.A9. ART PM COUNT DATE PM 0917199 PM 08117/99 Pµ 08117199 PM AM AM 0 417190 08/17194 08t17193 OUSTING PERSON TRIP VOLUME 10,850 8.382 8.974 7,204 8.24E 7,204 8.246 7.204 5.977 3,704 5.977 3.704 Y112G aim Poison TRIP VOL 11.731 9.029 9689 7,7711 6,903 7,778 8.003 7.778 5,454 3,999 6,454 3.999 I3I COMO- 1550 1.486 1,179 1,706 1,313 1,943 1,484 844 1,080 351 254 204 139 YR 2000 TOTAL Blia FeBs0N TRIP 13,217 10,236 11,307 9,001 10.840 9202 9.747 0,844 6,815 4253 8.558 4,13a FUTURE PERSON TRIP CAPACITY TOT 21,558 17,104 21,560 17,104 17,104 17.104 17.104 17,104 17,104 17.104 6.544 6.544 INC1 PERSON TRIP l0 LO YR 2000 FUTURE TOTAL PERSON PE45001 RIP TRW CAPACITY TO TOTAL PERSON T147P 0.013 0.597 0.528 0.532 0.634 0.542 0.570 0.517 0.390 0 249 1.017 0.833 C C C 0 C B F 0 704 B00 547 735 877 701 300 352 238 143 130 84 14,011 10.890 12,244 9,62E 11,773 10.023 10 0L01 9,19E 7,053 4,396 0.797 4.222 21,556 17.104 21,568 17,104 17,104 t7,104 17.104 17.104 17,104 17.104 6,544 6.544 0.850 0.037 0.588 0.574 0.66E 0.588 0.588 0.538 0.412 0.257 1.039 0.545 D C 0 C C 9 A 0 PROD. AS PRO,/ A%OF TRIPS MAX 113RER1FJ1 SERVICE THAN 5% VOLUME YEBA40 3.50% 4.03!(. 3.93% 4.30% 5.13% 4.45% 1.791E 206% 1,39% 0.04x 2.12% 1,28% gM666,g6666 20—M v-2001 ROADWAY se 8 57886T BRICKELL AVENUE 3, MUM AVENUE SW 1 AVENUE SW 13 91puttt BRICKELL AVENUE S. MAW AVENUE SW 1 AVENUE ER 1354.39504ACARTNUR PALM (SLAW ENTR 8AY3NORE DRIVE N. MW$1 AVENUE 1.96 NW 12 AVENUE NW 17 AVENUE NW 27AVENUE NW 37 AVENUE NW 42 AVENUE NW 57 AVENUE NW 72 AVENUE SR826 NW 87 AVENUE N A SOURCE: KE1Ti1 AN09CHNAR$, P i. TO S. M1AMI AVENUE SW 1 AVENUE 1-95 S. WAR AVENUE SW 1 AVENUE SW 15 ROAD CI WY SAYSUORE OR1VE N, 04.141 AVENUE 1-05 11W 12 AVENUE NW 17AVENUE NW 77 AVENUE NW 37 AVENUE NW 42 AVENUE NW 57 AVENUE NW 72AVENUE 641623 NW 87 AVENUE NW IO7AVENUE 015TREUT0R SR#1CKELLAVENUE E8 E8 4LU 4LU 41.4.1 OLD 6LQ OLD 81.0 OLD 8L0 81.0 6.0 OLD 6L0 OLD OLD 55.0 AM AJd AM 05/1099 O'521699 PM 05/1d99 PM 0100099 PM 08117499 PM 06/17/99 AM 0E01569 PM 051590 AM 095500 AJJ 0929000 AM 09,0600 AM 09112V0 AM 09105t93 PM 05962P9 PM 05/17199 PM 0610569 TABLE 21.010 130W1(TOWN MIAMI OR1 UPDATE YEAR 2009 PERSON TRW COMMONS 2089 3,370 3,474 1264 860 1.264 673 624 1,820 3,533 4.014 3,709 6,068 3,709 8,0E8 8,120 5.622 5,891 5.714 3,887 6.647 7,329 8,395 4.434 5751 8674 7,640 4,415 7,532 8,105 6.271 3.750 8.504 4,515 7,419 1,721 1.942 13 3,530 3,633 1,319 911 1,339 713 861 1,929 4,187 4,370 4,033 6.537 4,033 6,597 13.820 7,417 6,403 7,1E0 6,132 7,167 7,902 6.595 4.781 7,279 9,332 8,237 4,761 8121 5912 8,993 5263 7,396 4,909 8,066 394 490 625 88 53 167 10t 305 415 273 224 1,448 1912 1,447 1,811 1,1132 779 1,134 1,469 1.155 764 1,22E 795 1.173 762 1.147 738 /.104 705 1,044 1,390 378 4813 307 400 1,858 290 2.097 397 2,607 4.020 4264 1,427 964 1,505 814 986 2.346 4.446 4,594 5,479 8,409 5,450 8,405 10,010 0.198 7,538 0.786 7290 7.931 9,130 7„e90 5.954 8.041 10,499 8,975 5,685 0.825 9,858 10,333 $841 7,686 5216 0.485 10,955 10.966 9.584 9,584 9,554 9,584 13072 13,816 8.584 9,304 13,072 13,072 13,072 13,072 9,554 9,584 9.564 9,584 9,354 9,554 9,684 9.584 13,072 13,072 9984 9,584 2,148 6,240 2.494 1 6240 0.406 0.419 0,572 0.877 0.572 0.877 0.786 0.593 0.787 0.915 0.556 0.607 0.696 0.586 0.621 0.839 1.095 0.935 0.512 0.971 1.028 1.083 0.508 0.553 0.044 0.853 0.344 0.400 E 6 C 0 8 C 8 C 261 331 400 46 28 128 77 234 292 142 124 468 540 472 1,004 754 453 758 884 772 464 530 499 795 478 772 464 748 450 600 922 2114 292 215 24? YJ4 2005 TOTAL PERSON TRIP U11E 2,085 4,351 4,654 1,473 992 1,834 891 1320 3.838 4,536 4,715 3.947 5,949 6,352 9.412 10,764 8,649 8,307 9,853 5062 8.395 9.980 6,199 13,749 8,519 11271 9,439 5,513 9275 10,856 11,305 6,895 6178 5.431 6,713 2.610 3,026 E TURE PERSON TRW CAPACITY 8,535 2,832 3,578 2,832 2.832 2.584 2,832 10,955 10,956 %564 9,584 9,384 9 554 13.072 13,816 9,584 8584 13,072 13,072 13,077 13.072 9,584 9,384 9504 9,584 5,584 9,594 9,584 9,684 13,072 13,072 9,584 9,584 . 335 .768 0.714 0 0,520 0 0277 C 0.077 0 0.315 0 0.472 0 0.931 E 0.419 0431 0.621 0934 0,663 0.902 0.823 0.628 0.887 1.007 0.817 0.642 0.752 0,625 0.704 0.889 1.178 0.965 0.690 0.908 1.112 1.180 0.527 0.625 0.557 0.909 6,240 0-418 6,240 0.485 6 a e E 0 E 0 C E 7 6 6 C 0 S 0 fl 8 7 C C C 0 B C 5.06% 5.84% 6.12% 1.62% 0.78% 4.52% 2.72% 9.63% 10.31% 1,30% 1.13% 4,88% 5.63% 9.10% 40.48% 5.77% 3.25% 0.01 % 9.22% 3.91% 3.55% 5.35% 3.82% 8.30% 4.99% 8.06% 4.84% 7.50% 4.70% 5.3511. 9.62% 1.24% 223% 224% 2.58% 7.40% 9.53% YES Y0S NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES • F YES NO YES NO YES N0 YES •1' NO YES NO YES +1" YES • F N0 NO NO MO YES YES 167181TA8LIw3117MAT 0XYOU "MVP 01. 1 TAKE 21.D40 DC Wf108 M MIANI DM UPDATE YEAR 2008 PERSON TRIP COMMONS ROADWAY ,FRS TO DR 441A16 ADOP- TED LOS 4_2LD % FACILITY TYPE EXISTING LAMES AIN PM COMIT DATE EXISTING PER90N TRIP VOLUME illill YR 2009 64E8 PERSON TRIP 4 VOLUME 533 COM- TIED DEY. YR 26)9 TOTAL BED PERSON TRIP FUTURE PERSON TRIP CAPACITY 107*1. C51 BK11 PERSON TRIP fig 1NG4 PROD. PERSON TRIP TR 2609 TQ7AL PERSON TRIP VOLUME FUTURE PERSDK TRIP CAPACITY TOTAL E51 107AI. P6R80M TINP PR0J. A0 A %OF MAX SERVICE VOLUME rltOJ, TRIPS 13REA THAN 5% Y8&580 WC LOS WC BISCAYNE BLVD NE 2 AVENUE j Sf> $- E Pm 041255111 178 186 67 253 1,592 0.150 C 32 305 1,592 0.192 C 3.2Y% NO NE 2 AVENUE WS E 972 1,018 92 1,110 1,314 0.626 0 g0 1.170 1,344 0.871 0 4.468. NO N. mum AVENUE £B E 2LD PM 0425101 126 132 67 199 1,344 0.145 C 56 295 1,344 0,192 C 4.397E NO N. 11414A9 AVENUE WO E 972 1,018 92 1.110 1,344 0_626 O 67 1,177 1,344 0.875 13 4,9916 NO NW 3 AVENUE ES E 2LD PM 44 25+01 125 132 89 221 1,34E 0.104 C 111 332 1.34E 0247 D 62811. YES V'JB = E 072 1,1319 122 1.140 1,344 0.948 0 127 1,267 1,344 0.943 E 9.45% YES NE 1 STREET BISCAYNE BLVD NE 2 AVENUE W9 6+20 2L AM 515 540 138 678 4,104 0165 C 35 713 4,104 0.174 C 0.65% NO NE 2 AVENUE NW 2 AVENUE WB E+20 2L AM 04725421 704 737 42 779 4.063 0.168 C 106 887 4,893 0.11311 C 2.30% NO NW2AVENUE 1-95 WB E+20 23. PM 04726901 1.766 1,950 62 1,912 4,352 0.439 0 97 2,009 4,352 0.462 0 223% t NO 61*05,ER STREET 615CAYNE BLVD NE 2 AVENUE 1AS E+20 2L PM 0Fi1099 1,388 1,471 551 2,022 9.858 0.209 C 90 2,112 9,656 0219 C 0.93% NO NE 2 AVENUE NE 1 AVENUE W8 E+20 2L PM 03116199 1,244 1,318 306 1,824 9,856 0.166 C 97 1,721 9.668 0.176 C 1.0D% N0 NE 1 AVEMJE NW 1 AVENUE we E+20 2L PM 05718Y99 1,518 1,806 245 1,853 13,498 0,137 C 112 1,96.5 13,496 0.146 C 0 J33% 140 NW 1 AVE$AJE NW2AVENUE WB E+20 25. P14 05116Y99 2311 2,449 153 2,502 8.100 0.321 D 90 2.582 6.500 0.331 0 1,11% NO NW 2 AVEMJE 1-95 EB E a PM 05107001 358 375 156 533 3264 0.163 C 96 631 3.264 0.193 C 3.00% 140 S1STREET BISCAYNE BLVD 5E 1 AVENUE ES E+20 3L AM 05i1659 1,977 2,095 425 2,520 11,652 0216 C 364 2804 11.6152 0.241 C 2.44% N0 SE 1 AVENUE SW 1 AVENUE ES E+20 31. AM 05018199 2,496 2,647 234 2,061 15,153 0,193 C 133 3,014 15,153 0.199 C 0.86% I0 SW 1 AVENUE SW2AVENUE EB E+20 3L AM 05r18199 2,167 2.317 161 2.478 11,332 031E C 110 2,568 11,332 0228 C 0.W% 140 SW 2 AVENUE 1-95 ES E+20 41_ AM 04118169 1,550 1,642 145 1,787 6.74E 0265 C 99 1,886 6,748 0.279 C 1.478. NO SE 2 STREEi7 R...4A 1 BISCAYNE BLVD. se 3AVENUE V48 E+20 51. PM 0Q529199 3,510 3,719 265 3,964 9,930 0.401 D 120 4.104 9.938 0.413 D 121% NO BE 3 AVENUE NE 2 AVENUE W5 E+20 4L PM 0029199 3,643 3,860 591 4,451 10,434 0,427 0 247 4,698 10.134 0.450 O 2,377E NO SE 4 STREETt6R517S-1 BISCAYNE BLVD. SE 2 AVENUE EB E+20 31 AM 01129,93 2,727 2,689 425 3.315 7.394 0.448 0 250 3.970 7,39E 0 483 0 3,45% SE 7 STREET BR1CKEU. AVEi4UE SW 1 A5EN5E WB E+20 3L PM 05i1N99 1,459 1,546 403 1.949 6,180 0.378 0 300 2249 1_5,160.; 0.436 0 5.81% YES SW 1 Ave** 1-95 WB I E+20 3L PM 04117801 2,268 2,375 495 2,870 5264 0.543 0 282 3.132 5264 0593 D 4.96% 140 SOURCE: KEJTIs AND SCHWAS, PA. N1 1N6719TA9LES111MATRIXWK4 P8QS4 at 20 N0.-2001 TABLE 211310 DOVRITO 01MRAUIDPIUPDATE YEAR 20E4 POLSO 4 TRIP CONINtmows ROADWAY FA04F TO RE 14 STREET" — - BAYSI'ICRE DRIVE BISCAYNE BLVD 6ISCAYNE BLVD TEE 1 AVENUE NE 1 AVENUS N MNA149 AVENUE N MIAMI AVENUE NW2 AVENUE NW 2 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE 1-95 NE 11 STREET NW 3 AVENUE 14E 10 STREET NW 3 AVENUE 1.95 NE 5 BTREETIPORT BOULEVARD E. OF PORT BRIDGE 811SCA 34E BLVD 6ISCAYNE 9LVD NE 1 AVENUE NE 1 AVENUE N MIAM1 AVENUE N MAW AVENUE NW 1 AVENUE NW 1 AVENUE I.W I CT 1d1V 1 CT NW 2 AVENUE NW 2 AVEIJUE NW 3 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE 1.95 5 STREET 915CAYNE BLVD NE 2 AVENUE NE 2 AVENUE NE 1 AVENUE NE 1 AVENUE N WWI AVENUE 14 MMANI AVENUE NW 2 AVENUE NW 2 AVENUE 1-95 SEA KERN AND SCHNAR9, PA 4@gmlaggvmgmli WB 65 ES WB E3 68 MIAMS ADOP- TED LOS E+20 E+20 E E+20 E+20 E+,20 E+20 E+20 E+20 E+20 E+20 E+20 E+20 E+20 FACILITY TYPE EXISTING VINES 4LU 2L IL 2L 1L 73.1.1 2LU 2LU 3L 2L 4L 3L 31. 31. P1.1 0907100 PM PM PM CAM PM PM AM PM PM PM PM P1�4 P114 Pf1 Iti YR.2006 940811ma EKO PERSON COUNTPERSON TRIP TRIP DAZYOLVME l UNE 0907830 1,143 1204 921 970 510 +537 462 508 0907A0 270 294 258 272 09+07100 270 264 256 272 06707.00 338 358 306 407 04124,00 241 254 274 289 04Y24430 04124/99 0006199 04/25101 0U25131 0625001 QU25101 04t2591 04025001 04125101 PM 0425101 P94 04t28831 PM 04125431 PM i 04r25431 0472401 266 282 240 254 1,709 832 1,074 1,263 1,215 1.074 935 902 992 1,529 1,529 1.529 1,378 1,810 1596 582 1.125 1,323 1273 1,125 • 970 1,039 1.0.39 1,601 1.801 1,601 1,443 1,686 YR 2005 FUTURE T � TOTAL PERSON we INC41 TOT POISON TOTAL COMM- ONG TRIP PERSON 4RGl. PERSON TRIP PERSON TTE0 PERSON CAPACITY TR@t PERSON TRIP CAPACITY OOP OM 115114 T©TAL WC LOS # Title VOLUME TOTAL INC LOS 266 367 365 499 141 194 194 255 141 194 30 41 519 496 395 240 273 191 191 171 171 161 1.472 1,337 902 1,007 425 466 479 537 497 601 234 330 800 752 z,276 1,122 1,398 1,514 1,464 1,299 1,150 1.210 1.200 151 1,752 156 1,759 136 1,737 136 1,579 52 1,736 444 3,204 1,900 2,708 1,404 1,404 1,404 1,714 1,714 1.250 1,280 3,366 3,388 4,096 4,018 6,752 7672 7,600 7,104 3.574 3,574 5,222 9,672 8.752 6,762 4,912 5,222 0.303 13 0246 C 9282 0.530 0.157 0.332 0,340 0.382 0290 0.351 0222 0256 0.238 0222 0.556 0.274 0,160 0.160 0.193 0.182 0.322 0,339 0230 0.177 0201 0.198 0.321 0.333 0 0 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 C c 0 13 C 1: 0 1: C 1; 0 0 58 262 293 337 111 127 208 240 159 195 182 210 127 PROJ. AS PRO4. A 1E OF TINPS MAJf 13NEATE SERVICE MAN 5•4 VOLUME YEW 1,700 ; '4,76,Z3 0.357 0 4.79% 1,599 3444 0.294 13 4,51% 1,195 3.204 0.373 D 17.1433 1.344 1.900 0.707 0 17.74% 538 2,706 0,196 C 4.10% 593 1.404 0.422 0 9.05% 666 1,404 0.489 0 14.01 % 777 1.404 0.553 0 17.0914 666 1,714 0.309 i3 9.86% 796 1,714 0.464 D 11.35% 466 1.260 0.964 0 14.22% 540 1,280 0.422 0 16.41% 3,386 0.274 C 3.75% 3.366 0245 1+ 2.30% 139 2,415 4.096 0,590 D 3.39% 64 1.206 4.095 0.294 0 24533 127 1,525 6,752 0,174 C 1.45% 105 1,619 7,972 0203 C 1,3233 60 1,524 7,600 0.201 C 0.79% 46 1,341 7,104 0.190 C 0.8333 37 1.187 3.574 0.332 0 1.04% 37 1.247 3.574 0,349 0 1.0433 ! 1,252 5222 0240 C 1.00% 72 46 91 35 3,Btt 9.811 0.163 C 0.60% 1,831 6,752 0.208 C 0.8333 1,783 6752 0204 C 0.53% 1,670 4.912 0.340 0 1.8533 1,773 5222 0.340 D 0.57% NO NO YES TF.9 !1© YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO 940 No NO NO NO NO NO NO NO 140 167161TA6 M1911 MATRIX W K4 1 Pays 3. 7 20-Nw-2001 ROADWAY FROM N4T 2 AVEM E NW 11 STREET row 8 STREET NW 6 STREET NW 5 STREET NW 3 STREET NW 1 STREET sw 1 STREET SW 2 STREET SW 7 STREET Sw 8 STREET SW 11 STREET SW 13 STREET 14200,1E NW 20 STR2t NLN 17 STREET N1tT 14 STREET Nw 9 STREET NW 5 STREET TO NE 20 STREET NE 2 AVENUE N. ROAM AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE NE 15 STREET1V814E78AN C BISCAYNE ISLAND SAYSMORE ORIVE BISCAYNE BLVD SOuRCIW KEITHAND 50HN,R3, PA NW 8 STREET NW 6 STREET NW 5 STREET NW 3 STREET NW 1 STREET SW 1 S7kee SW 2 STREET SW 7 STREET SW 8 STREET SW 11 STREET SW 13 STREET SW 15 ROAD NW 17 STREET NW 14 STREET NW95 nrxl NW 5 STREET SW 1 STREET N. ARMS AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE I-95 FAVY SA/SNORE DRIVE BISCAYNE BLVD N. MIAA8 AVENUE 0414 NB SR N8 MB 58 812 58 NB 38 MB N8 88 W8 EB W8 E8 wa IRANI *OOP- TEO Lt7& FACILITY TYPE ezonoto LANES 2LU 2LU ZL0 21.0 2L 1L 2L 11. 4LU 21.0 4LU 21.0 au 4LU 2Lu 2u 211 21,U 4LU 41.0 2L0 3L0 PM 1$4 COUNT DATE TABLE 21,010 DOWNT08W1 MAIM OM UPDATE YEAR 2900 PERSON TRIP CONCRTIONS r11 EXISTING PERSON TRW UNE YR 2066 ORO PERSON TRAP VOL 04/2410/ 0411580 PM 0425101 PM OW2591 PM 04t25101 PM 040301 PM G 25R91 PM 04P2301 PM 04125101 PM 0:P25001 PM 04/2531 PM 04117701 PM m0890 PM m106R1a 1#4 07,92600 PM 0412561 PM 04125/01 M4 0404/00 AM AM 04724000 0444)00 PM 09112A0 PM 164 09112400 0072100 1.173 1.050 2,528 1.196 2.448 1,055 2.448 1,150 1,399 456 1026 456 987 913 1,246 1,805 1,248 1,611 7243 k871 1,243 1.805 302 325 260 211a 478 428 330 304 1,543 1,343 818 715 878 775 876 715 48O 468 550 520 255 3657 1,100 2,848 1,255 2.564 1,105 2,564 1,04 1,485 478 1,075 478 7.013 950 1,307 1.261 1,307 1,037 1,302 1.887 1,302 1,681 316 414 295 301 504 449 356 320 1,616 1,61E 923 753 923 753 923 753 474 494 579 548 269 376 C034 TTE1 DEV. 435 376 374 332 381 324 374 332 435 376 506 428 294 223 390 297 230 304 353 212 156 202 74 90 20 15 51 37 82 60 122 254 148 96 219 141 t78 134 80 az 168 255 112 153 YR 2000 TOTAL 8KQ PERSON TRW 1,58A 1,478 3,022 1,507 2.928 1,429 2,836 1,535 1,900 8S4 1.581 906 1,307 t,179 1,703 1,978 1,537 1,991 1,465 1,899 1,4+4 1,083 390 504 315 316 555 486 436 360 1,738 1.670 1,071 651 1,142 694 1,028 EST 534 575 765 803 381 529 FUTURE PERSCM TRW CAPACITY TOTAL 4,515 3.053 6,979 3,239 8557 2807 6,a5t 3.427 7,172 1,900 2.708 1,900 2504 2,584 2,743 2,743 4,047 4,179 2743 2.675 2,743 2.743 2,504 2.504 1280 1.280 1,830 1,136 1,404 1,404 4,912 ri 8K0 PERBON TRW WC 0.389 0483 0.337 0.490 0.331 0.'009 0.332 0.440 0.265 0A49 0.564 0.477 0,506 0.45E 0.02t a.721 0.380 0.476 1534 0.861 0.632 0,606 0.151 0.195 0.246 0247 0�72 0.264 0.312 0.,271 0.354 3264 0.573 11,486 0,731 s 1.488., 0.560 2.770 0.412 2,710 0.323 2,906 0.378 2,906 0.305 1.443 843 1,69E 1280 0370 0.390 0.394 9.474 0.290 0.413 0 19 C 0 0 0 0 53 0 0 O C C 0 0 R a 0 D 0 0 0 L3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161 MCA POOJ. MOON TRIP 202 176 112 90 87 88 112 98 187 163 172 150 150 130 247 215 160 172 96 112 91 105 26 30 § 4*RMISIS 48 28 I19 5R 104 63 53 80 704 120 124 YR 2008 TOTAL 98 4a0N TRIP FUTURE PI*R00N TRW .APACITY AL 151 TOTAL PERSON TRIP PREM. AS A%OF MAIL SERVICE Y UME PR03. TRIPS TV THAN 5 TESORO 1,65E 1,852 3.134 t,885 3,025 1.514 3,000 1,634 2.087 1,017 1,753 1,058 1,457 1,309 1,960 3,193 1,667 2.163 1,363 2.011 1,549 1,900 416 534 337 336 545 512 490 426 1,635 2,350 1,117 879 1,241 953 1.202 950 388 636 M69 923 .505 671 4,515 3.003 8,979 3239 8,6177 zeal 8,867 3.427 7,172 1,000 270E 1,900 2,504 2.504 2,743 .74a 4,047 4,179 2,743 2.875 2,743 2,743 2,664 2564 1260 1260 1.636 1,638 1,404 1,404 4,912 0.413 0 0.547 t3 0.349 0 0.520 0 0.342 0 0.530 0 0.344 0 0,477 0 0291 0 0.535 0 0.847 0 0.586 0 0.564 0 0.507 0 0.711 0 0.789 0 0.617 0 0.511 0 0.570 t} 0.160 0 0.565 0 0.725 0 0.181 C 0.201 C 0.283 0.263 0.318 0.279 0.349 0.303 0.374 3264 0.720 1.486 1,468 2,770 2,770 2.90E 2,90E 1,443 1,443 1.943 7,09E 1280 1280 0.762 0.800 0,44E 0.344 0.414 0.327 0.406 0.441 0,447 0 545 0.395 0-524 0 0 0 0 0 D 11 0 0 13 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.47% 5.76% 1.25% 3.03% 1,1*% 3.03% 1.207E 2.85% 2.61% 8.58% 8.35% 7.89% 5.80% 5.03% 9.00% 7.84% 3,71% 4.12% 3.57% 3,90% 3.32% 3.53% 1.01% 1.18% 1.72% 1.56% 1,83% 1.41% 3.70% 3.78% 1.97% 14.71 % 3.14% 1.91% 3.07% 2.13% 3.58% 217% 3.60% 4.16% 5,5% 7.00% 9-60% 11,09% 6666666Eggigwi688666S6a8 140 NO I40 NO NO 140 NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES YES YES M.iTRANPLAMP1 TS429011187101T4 .ES 11MATROL1A64 Paps2d7 ROADWAY FROM TO ISMM O. M CAIR 0S AMITY TYPE LANES PM COUNT DATE rxj I' Y gdd NE 17 STREET NE 14 STREET N9 Na E E E+20 2LLI 3. WA PM WA 94/25101 NE 14 ST11tr1 1.395 1-395 NE 6 STREET 151 E+20 3L PM 0501/01 14E 6 STREET FLAGLER STREET NS E+20 3L PM 05.91.91 FLAGLER STREET SE 1 STREET Na E+20 31 PM 05101131 SE1STREET' SE2STREET NB E+20 3L PM O'3001/01 I4. MIAM Anima. M1MS AVENUE NE 20 51 /itt 1 NE 17 STREET 53 E.20 3L AM 0425101 NE 17 STREET N£ 14 STREET S8 E+20 31 AM 042591 NE 14 5114991 NE 6 STREET 58 E+20 3L Am 0425A71 NE 6 STREET NE 4 STREET NE 4 S1+LtET 58 E+20 3.. AM 04/25001 FLAGLER SI Rt t 1 SO E+20 2L AM 04425'01 FLAGLER STREET SE 6 STREET 56 E+20 3 PM 042s471 1 SE 8 STREET SE 0 STREET N8 E+20 21. PM 04✓25 1 5E 6 STREET SW 12 STREET NO E+20 21. PM 04 25'0t SW 12 STREET SW 13 STREET N6 E+20 2L PM 04/2 j101 2 SW 13 STREET SE 15 ROAD N8 E 2LU 1 AM 04/17701 ; SB E 4W 1 AVENUE NE OS i xkET NE 7 STREET NB E 4LD AM 13425/01 1, NE 7 STREET NE 1 STREET S$ E 1, $65 E 410 AM Ei4/25181 1, NE /STREET FLAGI,ER STREET SR 148 E E 11. AM 04/25411 1. 1, FLAMER 58 E 2L 1, STREET SE 2 STREET N8 E 41.0 A14 04125001 `SO E 6 WY1AVENUE N. MAMA AVENUE AVENUE SW 7 STREET S6 E+20 3L P114 84T25431 1,1 SW 7 STREET SW 8 STREET 5a 8+20 2L Pm 04125A1 3,: 3 STREET SW 13 STREET 38 E+20 2L PM 041 pawl 2,: SOW/CCKEITH AND SCHWAS. P.A. TABLE 213310 0 VWT0 4 Name OR, UPDATE YEAR MOO PERIDlt TROT COMMONS (1pYT3Ri0 0450N TRIP 3LIA4� WA WA .112 .320 .506 ,315 ,013 553 553 809 693 .708 2,232 2434 434 13 77 512 142 504 142 504 142 z46 1 i21 YR 2009 --', A YR 26q s FUTURE DI pi YR BKt3 (3I TOTAL PERSON MO949.3 2061 TOTAL FUTURE PERSON psi TOTAL PRO.I. AS A %OF PRDI TRIPSPERS TRAP TT68 A£R00N CAPACITY PERSON PROD. PERSON PERSON TRIP Ptlg4N TRIP 1lAk. 04EA = y VOLUME 1--- - DEY. CTt1P TOTAL TRIP 1101,0111E CAPACITY TOTAL SERVICE THAN 5% yE_ WC LOS TRIP VC LOS .VOLUSIE WA 1414 2.212 772 753 874 772 758 3,086 1,733 1,780 6.841 0.439 0.431 0.451 0 0 0 120 104 247 802 862 3,333 1,760 1.760 6.841 0.507 0.490 0.467 17 0 0 8.82% 5.91% 3.61% YES YES NO 1,383 1,057 2.440 0,641 0.357 D 420 2,800 8.041 0.418 D 6.143. YES 1,579 6255 2,504 3509 tt 0.299 C 337 2,841 8,609 0.328 D 3633. 140 1,363 935 2,315 6680 0,207 C 2,2S L540 0,099 0.293 D 2.603. i40 1,061 1.005 2,067 7,336 0.252 C Y10 2.337 7.33E 0.319 0 3.68% NO 371 950 5.044 0"156 C IF3 1.110 5,014 0.222 C 3.33% NO 579 339 916 5,044 0.162 C 157 1.075 5,044 0.213 C 3.11% NO 847. 332 1,179 5,507 LL18t C 191 1,370 5,507 0.211 C 2.94% NO 924 413 1,337 6,679 0.194 C 215 1,552 6,879 0226 C 3.13% NO 625 421 1,348 5.231 0.257 C .249 1,595 5.231 0.305 0 4.70% NO 1.769 560 2.439 5.415 0.450 0 550 2,990 5,41E ' 0.554 0 10.32% YES Z359 449 2.80E 7,653 0.367 0 348 3.153 ' 7,653 0.412 0 4.51% N0 2.549 360 2009 9,381 0310 0 267 3.176 9,381 i 0.339 0 255% NO 2.549 255 2,004 9:301 0.299 0 163 2,967` 9,391� 0.310 0 7.743. NO 037 185 210 t34 753 319 2,240 2,240 0.33E 0.142 0 C 99 54 852 376 2,240 2240 0.380 0,159 0 G 4.42% 2.8314 NO 140 1,564 1.196 1.575 1.19E 60 06 70 102 1,644 7.282 1,645 - 1296 5,64E 5.645 5,645 5,645 0.291 0227 0.291 0.230 D C 0 C 31 S2 45 75 1,675 1.334 1.090 1,373 5545 5.845 5.645 0.297 0.238 0299 0 C 0 0.56% 0.923. 01803. NO 140 140 1.575 1,19E 258 79 118 94 14i 1.654 1.314 ' 312 301 I 4205 5,645 2,584 3 0.393 0.233 0.310 0 C 35 58 1.689 1,372 390 5.645 4205 51345 2.564 0.243 0.402 0.243 0.151 C 0 C C 1.3314 0.83% 1,03% 1.473. 10 NQ NO NO 0 38 655 2,554 0.335 0 2.48% NO 1.728 164 1,892 5,416 0.349 D 143 2.035 5,416 0,370 10 20411 Nq ' 3.462 179 3,041 8,680 0.514 0 170 3,817 6.093 0.570 0 2.833 140 2.913 305 3218 8.189 0.520 b 251 3,472 6.169 0.301 D 4.103. 140 141871 R7A6LESV11MATPOLVIKA i7-7 TABLE 21.010 DOWNTOWN YAM OW LWOATE YEAH 2100 PERSON IRW COMMON ROADWAY FROM TO ImumFAC0.t1'Y SOP' TED L0S TYPE EXISTINGJ4w LJ►NE8 PM CO4i47 DATE VI Enema POISON TRIP VOLUME 121- vik 2810 SKO PERSON TRIP %ME PI 0011161, TIED DEY. YR 2100 T0740. S4C44 P988014 TRIP tit FUTURE PERSON TRIP CAPACITY TOTAL OS 16K0 MOON TRW fie SIC -I PROJ. PERSON TRIP YR NM TOTAL PERSON TAP • UNE la FUTURE IR TOTAL PERSON TRIP VAC Lim AS OF At% MAX SERVICE ', _ TRIPS ORM TNANS% Miaow TR1t CAPACITY TOTAL `V.. BISCAYNE BLYD NE 54 SIPtt7 NE 46 STRET NS E 4L0 AM 9711800 1,596 1,083 119 1,502 3,950 0.456 C 56 1,855 3.950 0,4711 C 1A2% NO NE 46 STREET 1.195 SB NB 58 E E 6 4L0 AM 090200 2.833 2.172 2,964 2266 163 136 3,147 2.426 3.950 3,950 0.797 01114 0 0 93 70 3249 2,490 3050 3,260 0.820 0.632 D C 2.36% 1.77% 740 NO 1-195 NE 30 STREET NB 96 E 41.0 PM 062900 3,107 2207 3.273 2.325 195 325 3.468 2050 3,260 3.960 0.0773 0.671 0 D 116 180 3,564 2,030 3,950 3,950 0.907 0.716 0 0 2.94% 4.56% NO 190 NE 36 STREET NE 29 STREET 1 8 So 14B E E E E 410 44.0 PM PM 0S11590 05I11301 2.473 2,391 2041 3,204 2.605 2.519 2762 3,356 255 519 410 682 2.851 3436 3,192 4.030 3900 4,445 0,6781 s 4,350 , 0.724 0.663 0.478 0.926 0 D C E 453 240 200 300 3,017 3275 3.400 4.338 3.250 4,446 6,678 4.366 0.764 0.737 0509 11997 0 0 C E 3.95% 5.40% 3.11% 390% NO YES NO YES NE 29 ST RE1:T NE 20 STREET SO N3 SB E E 4L0 F1d 060329 1,002 2,770 1,741 2035 529 773 2.214 3208 0345 O152 0 E 260 292 2.530 4,000 6.582 4,350 0.364 0.920 D E 3,95% 6.71% ND YES NE20mtntt( NE19STREET NE 19 STREET NE 15 STREET NB E E 4LE3 PM 000700 1,774 2.949 1,1010 3,107 596 620 2.476 3,727 6,582 5.310 0.370 0702 D 0 254 315 2.730 4042 6.582 5,310 0.415 0.761 0 D 3.8811 5.93% NO YES NE 1S STREET NE 14 STREET SB N6 E E 4LD P 4 04073499 2,159 3.066 2,306 32249 464 645 2,790 4,094 7,542 4,942 0220 0.1126 D 0 273 240 3,063 4,334 7,542 4,942 0.406 0.677 0 E 162% 4.66% NO NO NE 14 STREET NE 13 STREET 68 E 1,625 1.934 648 2.502 717. 0.360 D 206 2,720 7,174 0.369 0 2.901E NO N8 E 12.0 PM 040309 3,140 3.327 1,090 4,426 6,604 0.650 D 412 4,695 6.604 0.711 0 6.067E YES 58 NS E E 6L0 PM 00/17329 1.846 3,215 1.956 3,406 834 1.313 4790 4,719 9.036 BAN 0.309 0.694 D D 350 749 3,146 5.450 9,036 SA04 0.348 0.604 D 0 3.9611 1t,01% 740 YES NE135,17*L., 1-395 1-395 NE 6 STREET NB E A. AM 06111199 2 2,578 842 3.420 9.964 0.343 D 457 9.03043.877 9204 0.389 D 4.59% N0 NE 6 STREET NE 3 STREET SB NB E E 3. ELD PM 04/25101 2,559 3,142 2,714 3,391 1,263 1,138 3,974 4.429 6,904 7.732 0.604 0.673 0 0 780 496 4,734 4,924 6.804 7,732 0.696 0,637 0 D 11.17% 6.401E YES YES NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET SB NB E E OLD PM 04/2557/ 1,603 3,114 1,679 3,201 661 4,220 2.540 4,401 9.904 10,924 0.235 0.470 0 0 429 632 2.989 5,013 9,964 10,924 0.292 0.459 0 0 4.31% 4.87% NO NO NE 1 STREET SE 1 STREET SB NB E E BM PM 0541998 1,494 3,766 1.565 3,990 920 965 2,485 4.955 10,676 11,764 0.233 0.421 C 0 462 3E0 2,947 5,345 10,578 11,764 0278 0.454 C D 4,3311 3.32% NO NO SE 1 STREET SE 2 STREET Se NB E E 64.13 PM 05110709 1,346 2879 1,496 3,050 734 047 2,180 3,597 1250 9178 0.298 0.392 D D 336 222 2.496 3,089 1,251 9.176 0.344 0.424 D 0 4.66% 3.18% NO NO SE 2 STREET SE 4 STREET 58 NB E E+20 2LOW AM 0W2999 1276 2733 1.354 2,698 429 179 1,753 3.075 0,944 7,104 0.257 0.433 C D 254 91 2.037 3,186 0,914 7,104 0293 0.446 D 0 36611 1.28% NO NO NE 2 AVENUIEMMCKEU, AVENUE NE 20 STREET NE 19 STREET NB E 4L11 PIA 07j00430 12271 1205 636 1,922 3.111 0.018 0 350 2292 3,111 0.734 D 11.5774 YES NE 19 STREET NE 14 STREET 98 NB E E 4LU Pod 0710030 836 1,045 091 1,101 529 647 1,410 1,146 064 0.453 0570 0 D 312 307 1,722 2,145 3,111 3,064 0.554 0.700 0 0 10.03% 7296% YES YES NE 14 STREET 88 E 822 871 637 1,406 405 0,414 0 345 1,753 3.405 0.515 D 19.1311 7E9 NE 13 STREET 149 6 4711 PM 07306100 1,045 1,101 524 1,625 - 0.530 D 345 1.970 3.034 0.643 I1 11.26% YES NE 13 STREET 59 6 1,054 4,107 447 1,564 " 0.396 0 290 1,853 3,901 0.475 0 7,6016 YES a 7495 SB E+20 3L 414 002501 1.962 2,055 493 2,548 6.799 0,380 9 207 2.915 6,709 0.420 0 3.98% NO I-295 NE 3 STREET 08 ! E+20 34. AM 0425101 1,359 7,423 38 1,821 6.709 0271 C 197 2.018 6,709 0.301 0 2.94% 140 NE 3 STREET NE 1 STREET 5B E+20 3L AM 04125101 1.264 1,545 436 1.783 7,417 0325 C 244 2,027 7.917 0.256 C 3.06% NO NE 1 STREET FLAGLER STREET 58 E+20 3. AM 0412591 1,141 1.495 461 1,656 7,320 0.225 C 244 1.900 7,321 0.259 C 3.33% NO F1ADLER STREET SE 1 8T ntET SS E+20 31. AM 0412101 1.053 1,103 474 1,577 6,832 0231 C 302 1,879 6,632 0.275 C 4,42% NO SE1STNtEt SE2Sr34EE1. S9 E+20 3. AM OW2301 1.441 1,509 347 1,856 9,560 0.194 C 160 2,038 9.560 4213 C 1.88% NO SE 2 STREET SE 4 STREET 58 E+20 41 AM 040501 1,460 1,524 713 2242 12,68E 0,117 C 441 2,003 12,66E 0.212 C 3,48% ND SE 4 STREET SE 8 771 t4EE 1 148 E 71 P59 0612009 2205 2,336 860'' 3,201- 0.494 D 818 3.519 6.474 0.590 D 9.55% YES SE 0 STREET SW 13 STREET 98 349 SS E E 3. 41.0 981 050599 2,351 1.794 2,491 1,901 1,453 ' 4116 3,044 2.357 8,705 0.534 0.418 0 0 712 345 4.356 2.732 5,576 5,705 0.662 0,479 D D 10.02% 0.06% TES 7E5 1 97313 STREET SW 15 ROAD SW 15 ROAD RPC73948ACNER CSWV 14B 98 NB E E 6 E 47.0 41.11 PM PN! 06297'99 ' 08129199 3.054 1,367 2.861 1,272 3.236 1,442..... 3.053 1.348 643 16T... - 225 174 3079 1,633- 3.278 1,522 6, 5.457 3,034 0.502 0,297 0.601 0.502 D D D 0 397 96 112 90 4,276 1,771 3,390 1.6ffi 6.665 5,457 5,457 3,034 0.642 0.315 0621 0.034 0 0 0 0 5.96% 4.80% 2.0611 3.23% YES , N0 N0 ' NO 96 E 1,932 2.047 215 2,362 3,034 0340 0 112 2,374 3,034 0.762 0 3.809, NO SOURCE: KEITH AN0 901*44RS, P.A. NATRMAPLANWROJECTS1200111671047415.EMI IMATRIX.WR4 Pya 541 Thal 21.47 VAN mom Ora UPOPAN Plemom illiw VOLii1NDAND COACT" E30!21140 Ca o!llfllli 1MT11o[ 50APMAT T 1fOLYfEi1 Avi70J5 5. 444A4 AYESLE 5L 1.4446 AVEASE err 1 AVENUE SW 1 4VE1111.1E 1W 754040 1R�C *1234401E ONYE 54504011E Cg3E 7t LAM! AVENUE N. WAS 49E744 LOi 145 INr12AVENUE PIN 12 MENA W 171NEME D!W 17 AKE IE NW 27 AVENUE PAN 27 AVENUE Ntr 3r A5E7WE 14W 37451E*IE NW 42 45E34UE WV 4} 4Mal5E Not 57 AVENUE 14 W 57 AVENUE 44 72 AVENUE fAr 72 AVE4A4E 90124 3R46 NA, Sr AVENUE km 47 AMA.* ma 107 AVENUE 1R17sesnwit1d11N a rria1U7d! 445 6117[KELLAYENUE €•115 6R 13S 5A 431 NN 5 STREET NW 5 START 551 STREET 5515514E11- 55547075E7 SITY55T44EET SW 24711040 IN A ROAD L 0170E 55075447 iMiatioilicsisSisSMIMS; E1 WS 111 SS 7* 11 NO 66 /66 56 HI6 A170P- 715a L04 E E E E E 311 7811fAW6 TYPO! L4 I4S H46 peRL31116 4111I.14d4 mom leo 110914111044 0.40444TY 14414014Ar YPLU1* 414401 41 M W1471 r1/4Ga.A11 area. Tar 1 14 L t4 , S41NA431Y,-ii 1,415 2,544 454 1,110 1,414 64 1,415 2.564 121 MO 1645 02 1,416 2,354 434 1.155 1,414 0.4 1,515 1.415 2,514 2414 421 444 551 534 1,9115 1,160 02 al 1.155 2,564 1334 1,724 66 0.1 3,110 0,544 tau &a5/ 5,001 4.7 3940 1.5114 2.564 1.761 6675 0I 1,160 1.11441 4.334 1,051 7,614 41: 5,140 5,164 2041 3,701 5,675 0.3! E1li0 5 13,072 Ex* i6 Re 4,5562 6.i: 1,110 33.077 4,ri3 6450 4510 0.3' 5,46E 4,554 4,201 1,141 *1153 04' 5.09E /,164 4,745 4,714 2.470 0.71 4,170 13472 4,017 5,547 7.305 0.4, 6,170 1302 4,744 1,447 4,424 0.5 5.17E 13072 5,4711 7,229 6,743 0.51 1,17E 13,073 4451 I.315 5.677 0.41 9,440 1.264 3.717 4,474 4,150 041 5160 1.144 4,422 1,751 2.132 0,71 5.40E 1,514 1.101 5,674 910 411 5,445 1.4M 4447 7,44E 1,144 4.44 5910 1054 3,164 4,411 5,55* 015 5.54E 1,544 5.340 7,512 3.042 0.71 1,6a0 1,554 6,75* 6.101 1,470 0.55 1,65E 9,144 5.601 6,171 7,313 0,54 6.170 13,013 4,114 3740 7,372 0.44 4,170 13,072 4,55E 4164 4255 05.3 5,55E 4544 3,225 4.515 5,066 0.47 SW 9,55E 9,210 7.41E 2_144 0.77 3,65E 6.24E 1.226 1.771 4514 074 3,110E 1,244 1.317 1,142 4,260 0.37 10150 17,104 7,241 10.137 1,11177 0.94 10450 17,144 5,573 6,712 4,742 049 1045E 17,10E 5,656 1245 4454 a.44 10410 17.10E 5.146 7204 9,40E 0442 10156 17.4174 5,566 5.744 5,454 0.411 10546 17,104 5.145 7204 1,10E 0.42 10155 17,404 5:460 1,244 6,47a 044 16.60E 17,104 5.044 7204 6910 042 1446E 17,14E 4,734 6,677 11,137 035 10460 4010 1710E 2,44E 3.704 13.400 422 4,61E � 2,444 3,704 2,440 0.67 Aotwr u54111 NIP Lae !4 114a 54Gr11 WINN APA16fT n 4: C C 4: 0 5. 1 6 C a C C C 0 6 C 41 C C 0 E C O E C a C C i 4: 6 C 1 6 A E 6 1 1,550 1,5114 34I Ph mom r CAPACITY , tY1aw Poi mi. 244 4l511Y , 0- n11 703M, fr4 T41AW, l[ III! TOTAL T pm& F65UL 17E Pit 141:11 f 1145cm MJIOR45 ill PR STr/14111T rlit5* YOLp lin t17414 QA PR '., 0M6762. a1054154i ! 11414 �Tr +rp AaTAGrfl W lIRI110. 11!'fR04 aryl. CCI►ACfI"f 5 526 271 04 IN 2.144 1A44 1.150 0444 41 6 M0 46 277 244 3,104 IW 2,244 0477 C 0 150 M N 2444 1 73 1,171 0.44 4 i* 2,174 pa7 y-, 3 2Ew aQ Y2 N5 2.144 2,444 i.20 INS i 44440 41 1.SN /62 4162 I 1.34a 431 Ni IOU 7604 3:261 6 431 MC 10,632 4,015 4,1771 5,91} 0.;716 6 2.644 3,105 6475 0.117 a 1,144 6.056 3,411 0433 C 9,564 3.7571 6,175 6..167 1 5,164 4,415 3,6N 1153 C i I60 140 s40 130 1.1,fip 3,102 �5M 1,511E 621 00..112 CC 1,5M 5,501 i,543 4.016 C 4.464 1,714 2.17E 9.701 0 13,072 6.M7 7,551 0.435 r 73072 1441 1.426 WW1 C 13,072 7,331 5,743 6461 C 13A77 6.165 1,1T7 0,4f4 C 1.514 4,454 6,15E C.4* C 5.514 5,751 2393 6:134 41 0.3M 1.f74 1t0 aAaa 5 a.ir 7440 14144 0.77 O 4.5M 4.414 5.144 17.451 C 1,514 7,532 2.052 1.14/ 0 1244 4,H06 1,479 03744 E /.4M 1171 1,311 0463 E 13.912 1.74E 7,313 0441 C 13072 'a,104 a166 4r41 C 4,344 4,315 6.1M 0.47i C 1,514 7,4N 2.145 517E !i 124E 1,771 4,619 Oil! A 1.240 1,142 1,75E 0.311 a 1,5 121 721 55 11.M4 10413 7,755 5.512 C Lao 1i6 17,104 1,312 4,742 Walt C 771 a32 15.4M 4174 IAN 0.441 G 17,104 7,264 4,050 0.421 C 17,10E 4244 L534 4,442 C 17,10E 7,254 5,10E 0421 C 47,104 0241 5,451 5 NT C 17,164 7244 1,40E 4,421 C 17,104 5,577 11,127 0144 1 17,104 3.8.0E 13.407 0217 A 4,544 5077 547 0E13 E 4,544 3,78E 2,44E 4.54a O 113 Cz14aMOOR 7Y77E61YiE ANNINED471M40 NE at1(IELF4E4 MEM THE T5A15*0R[AT10N C0444130114 SETMOCOLOOY. 121 T7411104544A7 W54401L44 CAPAC1lY I4 OeT0.0cT3 P7M7Y 3444.E 2142. P3 49400N.35* i+VACITY E DNINED5h A/P171474 A 1.5 M5}10}.£ OCCUPANCY To THE VEHICULAR CAPACITY 71E 1.0310153LE OOCUPA40,Y E 0lT40E0FR TN CfreiiADOPT15:'1 O04.1111 751WE NAN M413*4A5 443557 . I41 77N /1041344AY 94440.3411 YO4ta1E 44047414E0 i4RD55 TIME 2142. 155 5554 71 P row". oERNED 41414.4940 A 1.156518.E OCsA.FAMCYTO THE MF35CULM CAPACITY. THE 1.11.1540..E OCd1P484C7 4X OPT4/1E13154047 ! COMPNE Ellp{1E STUDY 7934444414ED MY THE CITY 44 it5a. 141 THE E E1iPE141ON TRIP CAPACITY * 4 157T SNITRACTINO COLUMN {S(fACM COWIN 213. m T14E mum 1.510410EDCON6mYEl4 r57N THE 11N 1.04 WWWL 440E IMRE 2141/ ill THE W R P610641-TRIP CAPACITY E =TARI f PROM TAKE t144 FOR AN 464 24 A6 4061 P* . 191 ON 4ET1 34404151111i11ON.T7*P CAPACITY *CST41f1Ea1 FROM WALE 21246. 1104 THE 1EY9I4444 P'EMC45474111 04AteYPY E 0117055 Mai/ TAMA 21A7. 3i11 THE TOTALT*A14411 PEONICIFTI* MACAW( M4T11AIlE0Rr AMINO 1N6, IETR01143991, ANC lari4103. , GPMl1lE71 n21 THE PEARIC1FTTMVOli1E FOR aU4140*TAP415:.raw TAM* 21A4 COR AM 445D 2141 ECR P7t. THE 6614104 4164EWILE FOR mentOMOr5R A7D 4E740N444. ARE MANED FIRM TAME 27.44. !4>t THE TOTAL MINT P59EOPI MIME E M040410p AWNS SUS, 111479106109ER, Pitt 511411O 1AL YC1,411E$ €T41THE VAMP P61f6ON.TTIPt"sSO SCorACITYll042401816AfaurTgACTN10catmint 4401OOILArsn4 1t5E 4E04 162T PEp'6ON TRIP CAPACITY E Op741 M5W MO4N015E M/ 1 P r9*7{tAll OAPAQFY l71+OL1ANppAPO THE TOTAL TRANSIT PENNON COMM (OOLIAN MD. FM1 IE5EtEr PENNON 15* VOLUME M C*TA161 rr AWNS THE velem.AR VOUA4 M POI/D45TS6P MOWN) paAND T5E TOTAL TRM61.T P5**O04 VOturE 40015A44 (T3* N 3353 THE Pap** LOS 41 Ea gORI1414147 MTH THE LOB r3. 1111E MU 31451 r SOURCE: KEIT11ANC 4094445, P.A. 47744W44469143,4441NottifY164TA4i1 744447444,444 20-tby2001 /WE Oars TAKE 21,47 04230470949410.4611040 4541041E PER14N•ner roues AN4 CAPACITY MEOW CQI41T14N64Y4TRIX M 0 ROADWAY P1104t NE a1T11E=7 104440 *SOP- Y4Q TO rJ 6040194 8N50AYtEKO 14E2AVENUE EB E-W V NE 241N0*5E NE 1 AV0A4JE EA 6.1 W NE 1 AVENUE N MAW AVENUE 58 E•1W N11AA8 AVEM]E 4452 AVENUE EB E-1W PAY 2AVENUE 145 ES 1469 NE3STNEET SECATI4EBLV0 NE2AVENUE ES E WB E NE 2 AMERCE N. KAY1 AVENUE 04 E W61 E 0i- ?AMU AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE ES E W8 E 1E 1 MINT &WAYNEELMO NE 2AVENUE WB E•40/ NE 2 AVE1A4 WV 2 AVENUE WB E-1W 5482 AVENUE 145 1 TUB E4W *LAMAS 114*67 BISCAYNE9LV0 NE 2.41E0.14 NE1AV5JUB NW 5 AVEC, MV2AVE*JE /46- 6E 1 min BISCAYNE 64.10 5E 1 AVENUE SE 1 *510*5E SW 1 AVE741E SW 1 AVENUE SW 2AVENUE SVr2 AVENUE 145 11E2 6TREk r81113414.1 846CAYME 8.V0. 8E 3 AVENUE SE 3AVE161E 8E2AVENUE NE 2 AVENUE ME t AVE4IE NW 1 AVENUE NW 2 AVENUE 41E 44TREET'J4R5014.1 BISCAYNE4LMO- 502AVENUE 1147:mmen- SN1C14ELL AVENUE SW 1 AVENUE SW 7 AVENUE 1.45 SE 8 STREET 8fsC ELLAVE 405 S. A4*54 AVENUE 2. 34A84M4 *VENUE SW 7 4VENLE 1 AVE3AE 1-95 SOURCE: 5E!7N AND SCr4144R9, P.A. ES 1w El ES ES W8 519 Ea E•1W E-1W E-1W E-1W E-tW E-1W Etta E•1W ES H8 1r5 LS LB LS LS LS LS LS 445 L5 NNS LS LS HS 4. 3.0 3.0 3,15 4,0 R 2: 2. 2; 2, 2, 2,: Rd 3,0 3.0 3.¢ 3.T 3,773 HS 9, LS LS LE LS LS 3,070 3,070 3,070 3,071) 3.079 3,770 AW670411111OG[-- 04 04 INIFTIAllif woe 911tiTNIP 5 CAPACITY Arm. 7 45 1006114MAY Imecuti11 MOLUSE rW T1g19 10421.11411 erPM. 14 !I Mt 111904 Tip DAtvirrY 110r OF P011411 Ter SUS ►15.710114 CAPACITY T.0A0. EOM P69l .7RIP CAPACITY 40404 Mk 1N846119118 CAPACITY L00404 701*4. MEOW PER4T70P CAPACITY TRANSIT P10060M4140 M4LUM TOTAL 710.41I015 TRAMP 01114031011. Weft CAP1CtTY BR01110IT PWOi Tier CAr*C4TY seaugaf7 /60YiM PWRi4M Tar MQLiNN TeTA1. 4E0Y4N/ Pl19.T115 4]4C181 C*?ACTTY vaam T 14p400W T741P VJC 4.0( 408 61tTR0. MOYER 6�TN PAIL POq MANE 0 4.0442 94 1,378 4,154 0.23 C 2,800 2500 151 151 2,729 E,112 1,520 7,30 0.172 C 0 4512 964 1.370 3.434 021 C 2,440 2,8401 181 151 2,721 7.742 1,529 4.243 0.5.44 C 0 4.412 9414 1,371 3,534 028 G 2,560 2,060 Si1 101 2,724 7,712 1,520 4263 0.546 C 2 4912 444 1,378 3.534 028 C 0202 1,371 3,534 05141 C 3 4,412 5,004 1,937 3,375 4.31 0 309 3170 73 73 2.31 6221 1.810 9,611 0.296 0 '. T 1,344 T 2,344 T 1,344 4 1.3N f 1.344 1 1,344 90 844 90 44 00 404 176 972 125 9n 126 472 1,240 372 121a 312 1,248 372 0.04 0.74 OE On 0.00 072 C i1 O C Q 240 260 52 52 206 1,804 1.344 1.344 1,344 0,344 1,344 171 072 124 $72 120 412 1,426 372 1210 372 1,258 372 0.111 0.721 0144 0.723 0. 414 0:123 0 C 0 C 4) 5 3.264 326 450 2,008 0.14 C 946 1341 60 40 ate 4212 5E3.106 4123 C 1 3,254 320 454 2501 0.14 C 1,726 1.726 240 240 1,478 4E0 704 4,208 0.141 C ". 5 3,244 671 1.226 2,038 0.30 I) 1,208 1,206 540 540 444 4,472 1.764 R70S 0.'J45 iN 1 3,264 424 544 2,670 0.40 C 3,528 3,521 794 714 2,734 4.712 1,381 6,404 0:04 C € 3204 424 504 2170 0..15 C 3.526 3.524 Rio S50 2,478 5,702 1244 5,5411 0183 C 1 3254 424 5W 2,874 O,t5 C 3.626 2,yp 4,404 872 252 424 5.484 4.872 1,518 6,154 0.157 C 1 3.204 3964 1,254 759 1,784 356 1.506 2,f106 0.04 0.17 73 C 1.939 1,950 660 550 1,306 5,214 2,3111 R403 0.443 1) 9 1,012 4,037 4,452 3,4830 0 1) 3,494 1�140 4,814 423 102 525 4,314 3,264 9,716 356 1977 2,9114 7.609 0.110 0.202 C0 C 4912 1,037 1.452 3.460 030 0 5274 2,800 8.154 730 910 1,046 7,101 13,060 3,494 10,582 0.i91 C 4.312 075 1,306 3,947 021 , c 3,801 3.000 422 122 2,44 4.716 2147 0,631 0.751 C 4132 894 1252 4,700 021 C SE430 291 294 532 8,947 1,550 6,312 0.220 C 0,032 2,402 3,363 2,800 0.56 4 30 2,840 2,910 1 146 147 2,713 8942 5.510 5,492 0.393 4 8,032 2.402 3,363 2,660 054 17 516 2.800 3,446 t34 146 200 2,14i0 0,471 3.443 5.435 0964 4 4 012 1,826 2.558 2,396 0.52 D 566 1,440 2.506 69 3Q7 171 1,036 5116 2,727 4,191 0.334 0 4,012 1,025 1,435 3,477 020 C 278 374 24 24 212 5,148 p 1464 3,729 0.211 C 4,012 1,470 210561 2.414 0.42 O 374 371 210 210 160 6,200 2.266 3,022 0,458 0 4,312 '4,361 1,033 2,979 OE0 278 270 158 /84 120 S,i44 4,089 3,090 0474 •0 4,9f2 2.183 3,014 7,442 053 A i10 610 300 303 510 5,722 3,370 2,362 0.5J4N 4 4.032 2.235 3,124 2.903 0.52 0 534 494 345 545 in 8,681 3,4741 3,042, 0,55!41 0 I ! 1 N.4 1T071014Ef5T115yUR! W54 pups at MILE 21 AT 00W01T0161411AM OIS 691341E PERSON -TOW 160L11114 MKI CAFACItY 1I1451840 CONDITIONS MATRIX ROA-COW hW 712 STREET MY 17 BTREE/ !SB NW 17 STREET NW is 'TREE'? NW 14 STREET MN9 STREET 4N41 STREET NW S SIRE? D4V 3 STREET SW 1 STREET NE 20 STREET NE 2 AVENUE N. 1,96E AVENUE 14- 24A411 AVENUE NW 3 AVENUE MV 3AVEMX s.96 15 #TREWAREMETS I cew 819C4Vr4E RELNC BAV340REORNE SAYS1122116 wan BIS'CAYNE BLV31 112CATM£ BLVO N. 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RA'. 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Pat:-790 CApAC[T 91M 15E711 - 11000 iRTiM- RA9. 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3,140 6,024 5,024 1.154 744 1.044 2,374 3.990 2.660 021 0.47 C 0 3445 2.446 103 5440 3.446 3,121 411 667 70 13 6S9 140 2667 3,1*5 6.470 5,900 1,403 3514 4,407 5,130 0,t19 0.349 C 0 3,140 3,140 3,140 6024 6,004 1,047 sit 1,044 2546 7,200 3.1450 2.434 3,019 0.21 0.61 9.24 G 0 C 2,221 3,434 5* 1,440 1.440 11402 3,065 4174 1,744 394 5105 61 50 74 50 450 1,100 141 3211 304 105 6390 5,154 6.770 1,414 3159 1.340 7,106 4.132 5,424 0.172 0.310 0590 C 0 C 3,t40 2,040 5,024 6,024 3,204 1,047 651 1,107 2,555 1206 2,430 3,919 0.5t 074 t7 C 750 1,4 0 1,440 220 1.440 157 105 73 293 73 1,927 1,317 7,24E 4,444 2,179 1270 4,315 6,1416 0.307 0.194 5) C 2,630 734 0.71 0 25* 2419 203 203 2077 1.144 2,733 3,414 1.445 0 1,615 1,615 1.615 2.664 2,164 2.564 731 312 1,023 717 1,641 1047 0.40 020 0 C 713 713 713 7t3 191 119 191 119 576 994 3297 3,297 1021 535 2.071 2411 0.370 0254 0 C 1,815 2,564 731 1,033 1,555 0.49 0 460 440 22 22 454 }3394 1,046 2.010 0341 0 1,015 512 717 1,837 026 C Ste 469 551 54 21 110 555 `,3,..re 627 2.756 02 it C 1,913 2344 731 1033 7,351 0.40 0 460 400 22 22 456 3,054 1,041 2,019 0.341 0 3,070 2,554 4,112 512 717 1.517 019 C 1070 460 1,350 301 26 334 1,216 14,334 1.1761 3653 6.264 C 5127 1,570 3,354 0.62 0 1.070 946 2.030 264 100 304 151446 5. 102 400 0203 C 3070 4,912 471 939 3.173 039 c 1,070 000 2,0110 204 1R 420 1,910 9.942 1,360 5,361 0.106 C 3070 4,112 071 PIO 3,412 0.19 C 1,630 1,440 2.770 234 111 345 2625 7,662 0204 &XS 0.117 C 3,076 4012 171 130 3,073 0.11 C 542 1,440 1,912 1IT 714 202 1,790 9,904 1,141 3,763 0.146 C 3,0712 4,912 671 330 3.973 015 C 1.440 1440 114 114 1,326 1,362 1,053 5204 0.156 C �. 3,070 4412 671 930 3,073 0.14 C 1,314 1,44E 2,766 351 151 502 2354 7,561 t.441 62271 0.115 C 3,770 6,032 671 530 52003 0.1E 0 1,345 2.060 4225 370 151 524 3,705 40,231 1.410 5,791 0,142 1: 1,709 2.340 2,720 1,107 1,674 1,044 0.62 0 1,344 910 2,201 356 146$ 621 1.T77 Isom 2205 2.121 6.434 0 1.700 4096 1,340 1.179 2,220 0.41 0 511 1220 2411 110 360 475 2,211 r5.512 2,361 4,231 0,367 0 2,720 755 1,114 1,506 6.4t 0 545 950 1,413 2.903 216 04 270 600 2304 ,5,7139 1,794 3110 0.714 0 1,700 2,720 1,344 1,653 637 049 0 611 7,120 1,463 3.144 111 300 492 1,171 2,770 5.---- i 3,064 30/6 1606 0 1.700 1,709 2720 503 544 1,571 0.31 13 301 960 1,163 2,729 115 15 231 317 2212 -.440 1,161 4,010 0350 G 2,720 1,470 2.601 064 0.75 0 305 SOO 1,463 3120 to 97 02 415 5 914 309 2.111 2,511 03.49 13 1.700 2.720 110 t 134 1,6116 0A2 0 301 300 135 135 564 3,090 1,272 1,704 0420 0 1,150 2,790 1,314 1.510 010 0.713 0 XS XX 22 22 754 3.051 1.833 1554 0.515 0 NATRbPLAMPR❑A CT821011167110A6LES IMATROL20.4 LEVEL OF SERVICE TABLE CLASSIFICATION TYPE FDOT'S 2002 QUALITY / LEVEL OF SERVICE PERSON TRIP LEVEL OF SERVICE A B C D E , A B C D E CLASS 4 ARTERIAL 1 LU 0 0 270 720 780 0 0 0.35 0.92 1.00 2LD 0 0 650 1580 1660 0 0 0.39 0.95 1.00 3LD 0 0 1000 2390 2490 0 0 0.40 0.96 1.00 4LD 0 0 1350 3130 3250 0 0 0.42 0.96 1.00 CLASS 4 ARTERIAL [2) 1LU 0 0 324 864 936 0 0 _ 0.35 0.92 1.00 \_ 2LD 0 0 780 1896 1992 0 0 0.39 0.95 1.00 3LD 0 0 1200 2868 2988 0 0 0.40 0.96 1.00 4L0 0 0 1620 3756 3900 0 0 0.42 0.96 1,00 usl€iylLeve l ai Service an boo urce: s 200Z c k NOTES: [1] THE PERSON TRIP LEVEL OF SERVICE IS DERIVED BY DIVIDING THE FDOT'S 2002 LEVEL OF SERVICE BY THE LOS E FOR EACH TYPE OF ROADWAY. t2; FOR ONE-WAY FACILITIES, THE CORRESPONDING VOLUME HAS BEEN INCREASED BY 20%, 411404 TABLE 4 - 7 GENERALIZED PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL VOLUMES FOR FLORIDA'S URBANIZED AREAS* UNINTERRUPTED FLOW HIGHWAYS Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided Level of Service A 8 C D E 100 340 670 950 1,300 1,060 1,720 2,500 3,230 3,670 1,600 2,590 3,740 4,840 5,500 STATE TWO-WAY ARTERIALS Class 1 (>0.00 to 1.99 signalized intersections per mile) Level of Service Lanes Divided A B C D I Undivided r. 220 720 860 2 Divided 250 1,530 1,810 1,860 3 Divided 380 2,330 2,720 2,790 4 Divided 490 3,030 3,460 3,540 890 *4* *.a ... Class 11(2.00 to 4,50 signalized intersections per mile) Level of Service Lanes Divided A $ C D E 1 Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided 4 Divided *o .a .. .a 100 220 340 440 590 1,360 2,110 2,790 810 1,710 2,570 3,330 850 1,800 2,710 3,500 Class 111 (more than 4.5 signalized intersections per milt and not within primary city central business district of an urbanized area over 750,000) Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided 4 Divided A *. ** a. a. .. 4* .* Level of Service 3 C 280 650 1,020 1,350 13 E 660 810 1,510 1,720 2,330 2,580 3,070 3,330 Class IV (more than 4.5 signalized intersections per mile and within primary city central business district of an urbanized area over 750,000) Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided 4 Divided A *a .. .. .a Level of Service 13 C D ** .. *. 270 720 650 1,580 1,000 2,390 1,350 3,130 E 780 1,660 `2,490 3,250 4 Lanes Divided I Undivided 2 Divided 3 Divided Lanes Divided 1 Undivided 2 Divided NON -STATE ROADWAYS Major City/County Roadways Level of Service A ** .* a. B C I) a. ** .a 480 760 1,120 1,620 1,740 2,450 F 810 1,720 2,580 Other Signalized Roadways (signalized intersection analysis) Level of Service A B C D E '* *. 250 530 660 580 1,140 1,320 Source: Florida Department of Transportation Systems Planning OfEcc 605 Suwannee Street, MS 19 Tallahaasec, FL 32399-0450 02/22/02 FREEWAYS Interchange spacing > 2 mi. apart Level of Service Lanes A 13 C 1] E 2 1,270 2,110 2,940 3,580 3,980 3 1,970 3,260 4,550 5,530 6,150 4 2,660 4,410 6,150 7,480 8,320 5 3,360 5,560 7,760 9,440 10,480 6 4,050 6,710 9,360 11,390 12,650 Interchange spacing < 2 mi. apart Level of Service Lanes A 8 C 13 E 2 1,130 1,840 2,660 3,440 3,910 3 1,780 2,890 4,180 5,410 6,150 4 2,340 3,940 5,700 7,380 8,380 5 3,080 4,990 7,220 9,340 10,620 6 3,730 6,040 8,740 11,310 12,850 BICYCLE MODE (Note: Level of service for the bicycle mode in this table is based on roadway geometries at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, not number of bicyclists using the facility.) (Multiply ntotoriZed vehicle volumes shown below by number of directional roadway lanes to determine maximum service volumes.) Paved Shoulder/ Bicycle Lane Coverage 0-49% 50-84% 85-100% ** 160 A aa* 130 380 Level of Service C 170 210 >380 D 720 >210 a.. E >720 .a., *4* PEDESTRIAN MODE (Note: Level of service for the pedestrian mode in this table is based on roadway geometries at 40 mph posted speed and traffic conditions, not the number of pedestrians using the facility.) (Multiply motorized vehicle volumes shown below by number of directional roadway lanes to determine maximum service volumes.) Sidewalk Coverage 0-49% 50-84% 85-100% Sidewalk Coverage 0-84% 85-100% A a* a. *a 13 4*. . 120 Level of Service C ,s a .a 590 A 330 520 >590 BUS MODE (Scheduled Fixed Route) (Busts per hour) Level of Service A 8 C *• >5 ?,4 >6 >4 >3 13 >3 >2 E 810 990 .a. E >2 >1 Lanes Multi Multi ARTERIALJNON-STATE ROADWAY ADJUSTMENTS DIVIDED/UNDI V 1DED (alter corresponding volumes by the indicated percent) Median Left Tuns Lanes Adjustment Factors Divided Ycs +5n/m Undivided Undivided Undivided No Yes No -20% -5% -25% http://wwwl 1.myfloritfa.cordplaaninglsystema/atn/iosldefault.htm ONE WAY FC1Lfr1ES Increase concsiloding volume 20% -Thus table door not constitutes surtdatd and should he used only for gennsl planning applictiiueet. The Cvtnputet models from which this cable is derived should be used for moor apeeifw planning appliutions. The table and denting COMMIX models should ami be used for corridor or isarratation design, where more termed techniques exist Values shown an hourly directional voliumei for levels of service and ■re fat the avtomobit0Aruck motto unless specificallystaved. Level afservice tenor made with caution. F iglade lay level of probsblyD not comparable . ross mach soil dxrefa a emu modal vidwrawns should he Furthermore, combining levels of service of different medal into ante overall rsrsdrray Leval oC service is nni ratuntmrmded. To woven to annual swage daily traffic rulunxa, these. volumes must he divided by appropriate b and K facsms. Tbt table's input versa defaults said level of service criteria appear on die following page. Calculations we based ter planning applications of the Highway Cspecity Manual, blicytde LOS Model, Pedestrian LOS Hater and Transit Cepeciry and quality of Service Manual, reapectiveiy for the sutoarobilehruck, bicycle, pedestrisa sod h,n males. "Cttluwt be acl eval wing table iapw value technics, ...Not applicable for that feral of service bent grsda. For sutomobikvttuck modes, vofasnes pester than level of service U become f because intersection capacities have bean seachsd. For bicycle and pedestrian moles, the level of service knot grad* (inaludiog F) is not achievsbte, because them is no rgsxknwo vahioie volume threshold using table input value defaults. 97 Appendix c FDOT's Quality/LOS Handbook Generalized Tables Downtown Miami DRI Increment II Transit Ridership PATTERN SCHEDULE FOR TIME PT OFF NSW F MIN; 7- 8 0 22 33 17 8 30 23 25 17 8 100 19 25 12 8 600 4 7 18 8 700 1 57 11 8 930 6 45 22 8 1530 7 14 24 8 1830 8 58 28 8 2130 9 29 17 8 2300 22 33 17 8 Y 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2246 SW 2 EW F Y 7 10 14 10 4 14 10 4 14 10 4 18 10 4 55 10 4 14 10 4 22 10 4 8 10 4 14 10 4 14 10 4 Signal Timing AVE Sc 8 ST SL Y 5 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 FOR DAY # 4 (SECTION 24) S Y M CYC 65EARLY NI 65NIGHT 21 60LATE NIG 70PRE AM P 100AM PEAK 70AVERAGE 80PM PEAK 70POST PM 65EVENING 65EARLY NI Signal Timings DAVID PLUMMER a ASSOCAIES. u. 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: West Brick°II Center MUSP Location: Brickell Avenue South of SE 14 Street Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. BEGIN TIME - NORTHBOUND 1s1 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 'ro-rAi. 12:00 AM 40 37 28 24 129 OTDO /v! 22 14 15 9 60 0200 AM 7 8 8 6 29 93:00 AM 4 6 3 3 16 04:00AM 9 4 6 13 32 OSOOAM 16 14 25 21 76 os,o0 AM 43 64 111 133 351 (moo AM 122 140 153 226 641 osoo Am 251 316 ' 336 351 1,254 09:00 AM 329 302 235 229 1,095 /t/00Am 218 214 161 197 810 1 1:00 AM 179 159 184 195 717 t 2:00 PM 205 189 192 208 794 01:00 PM 182 161 184 203 730 0200 PM 154 186 143 167 ' 660 03-00 PM 166 180 177 179 702 0400 Pm 170 178 188 185 721 oaoo PM 186 171 195 183 735 96!30PM 200 190 170 190 750 oToo PM 154 140 133 165 592 0800 PM 145 115 133 136 529 Moo PM 130 105 100 92 427 1040 PM 91 92 64 68 315 11:00Pm _ 73 59 71 46 249 24-HOUR TOTAL 12,414 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour: NORTHBOUND Project No.: 05220 Count Date: 10/20/05 BEGIN TIME SOUTHBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4_3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 62 40 34 36 172 Ot i)0 AM 24 23 17 11 75 02:00 AM 14 11 11 7 43 0100 AM 8 2 2 5 17 04:00 AM 11 9 7 15 42 05:00 AM 20 10 16 35 ,-- 81 06:00 AM 35 42 77 91 245 07:09 Am 93 112 150 146 501 oe:oo Am 158 180 190 204 732 09:00 AM 190 172 171 179 712 10:00 AM 167 162 155 221 705 11:00 AM 170 159 166 230 725 1200 PM 189 247 235 246 917 01t00 PM 235 220 175 228 858 02:00 PM 207 245 224 240 916 moo PM 226 237 241 , 207 911 04:00 PM 256 253 230 273 1,012 as:co Pm 305 313 349 347 1,314 06:00 PM 353 340 287 310 1,290 07:00 PM 275 258 201 164 898 06:00 PM 183 156 166 146 651 09:00 PM 160 128 100 115 504 10.00 PM 124 129 87 10/ 441 1700 PM 93 77 85 75 330 124-HOUP1 TOTAL 14,092 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Time: 09:15 AM Volume: 1,332 Time: 12:00 PM Vokone: 794 AM Peek Hour: PM Peak Hour: 'TWO-WAY TOTAL 301 135 72 33 74 157 596 1,142 1,986 1, ao7 1,515 1,442 1,711 1,538 1,576 1,613 1,733 2,049 2,040 1,490 1,180 931 766 579 26,506 AM Peak Hour 11:45 AM Medurne: OP, PM Peek Hoer: Tens: 05:30 PM Volume: 1,359 NORTHBOUND AND SOUTHBOUND Tine; K -factor. D•factor, Time: K•lacter: 0-lector: 06:15 AM 79% 63.5% NB 06 30 PM 8,1% 64.9% SB Volume: 2098, PI-IF: 0.94 Volume: 2,157 0.96 Bncle0 Ave 3 of SE 14 91.x1e °AVA1 PLUMMER b ASSUcIATES, INC, 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: West Brickeil Center MUSP Location: Brickeii Avenue North of SE 10 Street Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. BEGIN TIME NORTHBOUND 1st 114 2nd 114 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 1200AM , 68 55 37 31 191 01;00 AM 27 20 15 11 73 02.00 AM 9 13 14 7 43 03:00 AM : 8 6 6 7 27 04:00 AM 7 8 5 18 38 05:00 AM 19 18 17 33 87 08.00AM 42 77 109 136 364 0i:00 AM 131 147 175 214 667 08:00AM 3 244 291 291 284 1,110 09:00 AM j 266 283 198 171 898 IOEOO AM 214 122 186 207 729 11:00 AM 193 ' 177 216 290 876 1200 PM 162 251 214 236 863 01:0D PM 197 228 175 219 819 02:00 PM 227 194 206 216 843 03 001'M 212 219 223 248 897 04,00 PM 225 222 219 216 882 05:00PM 193 261 285 272 1,011 06:00 PM 295 268 213 205 981 07.:00 P14 ' 185 179 172 193 729 05:OO PM , 154 11 B 162 148 582 09.00 PM i 167 135 142 113 557 iC 00 PM 116 108 104 84 412 11:00 PM 105 87 91 73 356 t24-HOUR TOTAL 14,035� AM Peak dour: PM Peak Hour NORTHBOUND Project No.: Count Date: BEGIN TIME OUTHBta`DN0 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 r TOTAL A 12.00 AM 70 51 33 34 : 188 01'.00AM 29 22 25 14 90 02,00 AM 21 17 15 13 66 03:0M1AM 7 7 5 5 24 04:00 AM 13 15 12 19 59 05.00 AM 27 16 28 57 128 06:00 AM 57 90 116 136 399 07 00 AM 135 167 189 217 708 f3t1 D0 AM 233 256 270 326 1,085 09:00 AM 259 260 218 244 981 10OO AM 313 186 258 336 1,093 11 0o AM 265 244 228 322 1,059 12.0a PM 227 347 304 322 1,200 o1:OO PM 290 268 237 257 1,052 02:00 PM 291 254 276 281 :. 1,102 D3:00PM 269 303 293 289 1,154 04:00 PM 291 291 266 315 ' 1,163 05:00 PM 304 358 435 409 1,506 06:0o PM 390 382 312 '322 1,406 07:00 PM 302 275 209 180 966 06:oo PM 195 158 200 160 713 09 00 PM 166 151 113 150 58C1 10:00 PM 127 135 105 105 472 11:0C3 PM 103 78 82 89 352 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Time: 08,15 AM Voiurne. 1,132 T'eve: 05:30 PM Volume: 1,120 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: 24-HOUR TOTAL j( 17,546 05220 10/20/05 ‘TWO-1/1/Al" TOTAL 379 163 109 51 97 215 763 1,375 2,195 1,879 1,822 1,935 2,063 1,871 1,945 2,051 2,045 2,517 2„?87 1,695 1,295 1,137 884 708 31,581 AM Peak Hour: Tame: 11:45 AM Volume: 1,200 PM Peak Hour: Time: 05:30 PM VaINNRI 1,616 NORTHBOUND AND SOUTHBOUND Tirrte; 08:15 AM VcBume: 2,243 K.tactor: 7. i% PHF: 0.92 17-lactor: 50,5% N8 T me: 05:30 PM Volume: 2,738 K-tactor: 8.7% PHF: 0.95 D•tactor, 59.1% SB Bnckelt Ave N of SE 10 St.xls DAVD PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES, NC- 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: West Sriciteil Center MUSP Location: Brickeil Avenue North of SE 7 Street Observer: Traffic Survey Specielistst inc. BEGIN TiME NORTHBOUND 1st 1/4 2nc1 1 4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM.4 47 38 35 182 01:00 AM 21 13 17 12 63 - 02.00 Am 16 12 12 7 47 03.00Am 6 10 8 6 30 0400 AM & 13 14 17 50 05:00 Am 10 25 30 46 111 06:00 AM 79 101 166 173 519 0700 AM 133 229 217 233 812 0100 AM 256 286 286 237 1,067 09:00 Am 219 213 123 295 850 10:GO AM 183 58 274 182 697 11:00 AM 273 196 210 216 895 12:n0 Pm 264 253 263 227 1,007 01:00 F'M 278 229 145 316 968 02:00 fAm 238 212 237 224 911 0300 PM 253 230 255 231 969 0400 Pm 263 186 240 268 957 0500 PM 219 362 304 282 1,167 06:00 PM 308 247 222 215 992 07:00 PM 197 168 176 157 698 08:010 PM 157 127 '153 142 579 moo PM 162 125 121 106 514 I coo Pm 122 98 82 104 406 1I,o0 Pm 111 75 97 72 355 ..0 , t24-HOLIFI TOTAL ' 14,846 NORTHBOUND Project No.: Count Date: BEGIN TIME ,.. SOUTHBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 65 47 32 42 206 01:00 AM 29 25 18 19 4 91 02.c0 Am 16 22 11 6 55 03.40 AM 8 5 12 12 37 04:00 AM 13 18 11 25 65 05:00 AM 19 21 42 51 133 06:00 AM 79 84 102 134 399 07:00 AM 53 238 218 256 765 08..00 AM 303 331 356 295 1,285 03'00AM 299 250 179 362 1,090 10:90 Aivi 208 74 385 181 848 11,00 AM 291 229 231 205 956 12:00 PM 261 263 301 175 1,000 pi :00 PM 347 197 177 308 1,029 02:00 PM 234 224 315 211 984 03.00 Pm 306 257 287 239 1,089 ocoo Pm 269 230 309 298 1,106 0S:OOPM 216 393 379 368 1,356 370 226 334 277 1,207 0700 M 272 189 195 171 827 08:00 Pm 175 148 148 130 601 09.00 PM 133 138 136 137 550 MOO PM 115 95 104 103 417 11.00 PM 93 63 73 59 . 288 •j24HOUR TOTAL 16,384 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY 05220 10/20/05 TWO-WAV TOTAL 388 154 102 67 115 244 9/8 1,577 2,352 1,940 1,545 1,851 2,007 1,997 1,895 2058, 2,063 2,523 2,199 1,525 1,180 064 8 643 31,230 AM Peak Hour: Time: oa cio AM Volume: 1,067 AAA Peak Hour: Time: 03:00 AM Volume: ,285 PM Peak HOLM Ti& 05:15 PM Volume: 1,256 RV Peak P-rour: Time: 05:15 PM Volume: 510 AM Peak Hour. PM Peak 1-four. NORTHBOUND AND SOUTHBOUND Time: 08:00 Am Volume: 2,352 K-tacitor 7.5% PHF: 0.92 D-facbr: 54.6% 58 Time; 05:15 Pm Vairne: 2,786 K-factor 8.9% 0.92 D-factoc: 54,6% 58 Brickell Ave N of SE 7 St.xfs DAVIO PLUMMER & ASSOC TES. NC, 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: West Brickell Center MUSP Location: SW 8 Street East of SW 3 Avenue Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. BEG1N TIME EASTBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4-44th 114 rcirAC 12:00 AM 4 59 51 68 51 239 0:1:00 AM 39 25 39 28 131 0240 AM 17 18 31 12 78 oa:00 Am 15 . 14 15 24 68 04:00 AM 14 29 30 32 105 05:00 AM 32 46 84 129 291 06:00 AM 139 246 360 467 1,212 07:00 AM 376 364 464 517 1,741 08:00 AM 542 535,_671 6 7 2,535 09:00 AM 671 533 471 467 2,142 10:00 AM 459 424 397 391 1,671 11:so Am 350 340 1 389 379 1,458 12:00 PM 376 487 449 420 1,732 atm Pm 402 442 425 478 1,747 02002m 457 366 343 385 1,551 03:00 Pm 364 353 345 318 1,380 04.00 PM 322 275 303 318 1,218 0500 PM 323 , 346 314 374 1,357 i Wool PM 350 344 349 292 1,335 01.00 PM 282 309 259 202 1,052 08 00 PM 221 195 196 170 782 osrso Pm 178 170 165 151 664 1C1;(X,1 PM 138 t 8 169 142 587 it,so pm 119 109 97 98 423 24-HOUR TOTAL 25,499 AM Peak Hour. PM Peak Hour: EASTBOUND Project No.: 05220 Count Date: 10/20/05 BEGIN WESTBOUND TIME 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 120D Akt 0 0 0 0 0 01.00 Am 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 AM 0 0 O 0 0 03:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 AM 0 0 0 0.5:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 06:00 AM 0 0 O 0 0 0700 AM 0 O 0 0800 AM 0 O 0 0 0900 AM 0 0 O 0 10-00 AM O 0 0 11:00AM 0 O 0 0 12.00 PM 0 0 O 0 111:00 PM 0 O 0 0 02:00 PM 0 0 0800 PM 0 0 O 0 0 04,0(1PM 0 0 O 0 0 :05:00 PM 0 0 O 0 0 060D PM 0 O 0 0 07:OOPM 0 0 0 0 05:00 PM 0 0 O 0 0 09:00 PM 0 0 O 0 0 10 00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 11 00 PM 0 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Tirne: Oa:15 AM Volume: 2,664 Time: 01:15 PM 'Volume: /,802 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak HCl: O 0 0 124-HOUR TOTAL 0 WO-144 TOTAL 239 131 78 se 105 291 1,212 1,741 2,535 2,142 1,671 1,458 1,732 1,747 1,551 1,380 1,216 1,357 1,335 1,052 782 664 587 423 25,499 AM Peak Hour: Time: 12:00 AM Yoiume: 0 Pm Peak i-sout: nme; 12:00 PM Vokne: EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND Time: 08:15 AM Volume: 2 664 IC -factor, 10.4% PHF: 0.97 0-factor 100.0% ES Time: 01:15 PM Volume: 1,802 K•factor 7.1% PHF: CS 94 D-faclor, 100,0% ES SW 8 St E of SW 3 Ave,.xs CAVIE, PELONA:A i• ASSOCIATES, INC.. 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: West Brick°II Center MUSP Location: SW 8 Street East of SW 1 Avenue Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc BEGIN TIME EASTBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/43rd 1/4 4th 114 TOTAL 12:00 Am 47 38 49 30 ' 164 01:00AM 35 18 ' 26 10 89 . 0200 AM 16 19 18 16 69 03:00 AM 11 12 9 11 43 : 04:30 AM 19 22 17 23 81 : 0500 AM 22 34 50 72 178 06:00AM 95 138 233 296 762 0700 AM 273 251 308 341 1,173 ; 0800 AM 376 442 507 499 1,524 0900 AM 454 374 361 301 1,490 10-00Am 348 294 297 288 1,227 i 1 00 AM 278 286 302 286 1,152 12 010 PM 303 380 318 329 1,330 moo PM 300 313 309 307 1,229 0200 PM 330 282 257 281 1,150 03:00 PM 277 305 251 2.43 1,076 04,00 PM 232 212 234 259 937 00:00 PM 261 258 248 309 1,076 PM 269 250 214 237 970 07.00 PM 178 203 177 128 686 08:00 PM 159 130 140 121 550 0600 PM 109 116 110 114 449 10.00 PM 98 99 118 96 411 i 1 '00 PM * 74 4-. 76 124-HOUR 68 72 TOTAL 290 18.406 AM Peak How: PM Peak How: EASTBOUND Project No.: 05220 Count Date: 10/20/05 BEGIN WESTBOUND TIME lst 1/4 2nd 1443rd 1/4 4th 1A TOTAL. 1200 AM 0 O 0 0 0 01:00 AM 0 O 0 0 02:00 AM 0 0 0 0300 AM 0 O 0 0 0 04:00 AM 0 O 0 0 0 05:00 AM 0 O 0 0 0 06:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 0700 AM 0 0 0 0 0 06:00 AM 09;00 AM 0 0 10:00 AM 0 0 0 0 11:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 12:00 Pm 0 O 0 0 0 01 00 PM 0 0 0 0 02:00 PM 0 O 0 0 0 03 00 PM O 0 0 0 04.:00 PM 0 O 0 0 05:00 PM 0 O 0 0 06 PM 0 0 0 0700 PM 0 0 0 0800 PM 0 0 0 0 04.00 PM 0 O 0 0 10:00 PM O 0 0 0 11:00 PM 0 0 0 124-HOUR TOTAL 0 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Time. 06;15 AM Volume; 1,902 Time: 1200 PM Volume: 1,330 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour, AM Peak How: Time: 12:00 AM Volume: TWO-WAY TOTAL 164 89 69 43 81 178 762 1,173 1,824 1,490 1,227 1,152 1,330 1,229 1,150 1,076 937 1,076 970 686 550 449 411 290 18,406 PM Peak Flour: Time. 1200 PM Volume: 0 EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND Time: 08:15 AM Volume: 1,902 8-factor 10.3% PHF: 0.94 0-ra1or: 1 00 .0% E8 Tm 12:00 PM Volume: 1,330 K-factor: 7.2% PI -IF: 0.88 0-factor: 100.0% 68 SW 8 St E cif SW 1 Ave xis DAVE1 F,LUMMER 5 ASSOCIATES, MC 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: West Brickell Center MLJSP Location: SW 8 Street East of South Miami Avenue Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists. Inc. BEGIN , TIME EASTBOUND 1 st 1/4 2od 1/4'43rd 1/4 4th 1/4 -TOTAL 1200 AM 39 24 47 26 136 01:09AM 25 13 20 6 64 02:06 AM 12 20 15 13 60 ' [ado AM 7 9 8 1 o 34 04,00 AM 11 17 13 15 56 05:00 AM 17 27 42 61 147 0500 AM 52 120 184 , 244 630 07.00 AM 235 233 280 316 1,064 09:00 AM 328 418 476 523 1,745 0E00AM 466 394 366 262 1,488 1o:e0 Am 309 256 256 250 1,070 i t :00 AM 235 217 257 259 968 1200 PM 246 301 273 277 1,097 01.00 PM 282 278 279 263 1,120 02.00 PM 303 239 236 258 1,036 . 0100 Pm 219 264 203 221 907 0415 ffM 187 180 191 195 753 05:00 Pm 216 208 198 222. 844 08:00 PM 220 206 178 188 792 OTOD PM 162 174 148 115 599 0800 PM 131 124 116 111 482 09.00 PM : 96 115 105 98 414 10.00 Pm 86 87 102 87 362 11:00 PM 57 67 62 61 257 24-HOUR TOTAL 16,125 AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour: EASTBOUND Project No.: 05220 Count Date: 10/20/05 BEGIN T1ME WESTBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/4 3rd 1/4 4th 14 TOTAL 12:00 AM O 0 0 0 0 01:00 AM a 02:00 AM 03:DO AM 0 0 0 0 04:00 AM 0 05:00 AM 0 0 a 06:00 AM O 0 0 0 0 07:00 AM 1 08:00 AM O 0 0 O 0 0 0 09:00 AM 0 0 a 10:00 AM a MOO AM 0 0 0 0 0 12:00 PM 0 01:00 PM O 0 0 0 02:00 PM 03:00 PM O 0 0 0 04:00 PM O 0 0 0 0 05.00 PM O 0 0 0 06:00 PM 07.00 PM O 0 a 08:00 PM 0 O 0 a 09:00 PM a 0 0 a 10:00 PM O 0 0 0 0 11 00 PM O 0 0 0 0 24-HOUR TOTAL 0 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY Ttme: 08:15 AM Volume: 1,383 Time: 01:15 PM Volume: 1,141 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour: TWO -WA)/ TOTAL 136 64 60 34 147 630 1,064 1,745 1,488 1,070 968 1,097 1,120 1,036 907 753 844 792 599 482 414 257 16,125 ' AM Peak How: Time: 12:00 AM Volume: 0 PM Peak Hour. Time: 12:00 PM Volume: 0 EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND Time; 08:15 AM Votome: 1,883 K4actor; 11.7% PHF: 0.90 0-1aden 100.0% ES Time; 01:15 PM Volume: 1,141 K-laolor: 7.1% PHF: 0.94 D•tactor 100.0P/a e0 SW 8 St E of South Miami Ave.xls OA41n Pl,t MME4i t As:00ATFs, W 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name; West Cricket' Center MUSP Location: SW 7 Street West of SW 2 Avenue Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. BEGIN TIME EASTBOUND '1st 1f4 2nd 114 3rd 114 4th 1/4' TOTAL 12:00AM 0 0 0 0 0 01:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 02:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 05:00 AM 0 0 W 0 0 0 0000 AM r 0 0 0 0 0 07:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 08:04 AM 0 0 0 0 0 09.00AM 0 0 0 0 0 10:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 1 1:00 AM 0 0 0 0 0 12:00PM 0 0 0 0 0 01.00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 02;00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 03:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 04:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 05--00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 06:Q0 PM 0 0 0 0 0 07:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 08.00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 09:00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 10:00PM 0 0 0 0 0 11 00 PM 0 0 0 0 0 124-HOUR TOTAL!. EASTBOUND Project No.: 05220 Count Date: 10/20/05 BEGIN TIME WESTBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 114-3rd 1!4 4th 1/4' TOTAL T2:00 AM 93 84 47 52 276 01:00 AM 29 30 27 40 126 02:00 AM 26 14 22 19 81 03:00 AM 11 8 10 10 39 04:00 AM 13 20 13 18 64 05;00 AM 25 40 30 47 142 06:00 AM 56 69 96 133 354 07:00 AM 164 202 , 204 204 774 013:00 AM 219 251 260 246 976 09.00 AM 244 267 234 243 988 i0:00 AM 326 286 268 341 1.221 11:00AM 292 305 372 378 1,347 12•00 PM 350 363 336 335 1,384 01:00 PM 310 361 . 343 339 1,353 02:04 PM 395 385 370 330 1,480 03:00PM 400 432 413 386 1,631 04:00 PM 423 420 400 447 1,690 05;00 PM 518 571 618 499 2,206 06;00 PM 491 488 429 338 1,746 07:00 PM 350 287 277 223 1.137 06:00 PM 223 224 194 164 805 09001'M 198 182 190 157 727 10:00PM 136 137 142 111 520 11:00 PM 124 112 101 92 429 224-HOUR TOTAL 21,496 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY ` rWO-W AY' TOTAL 276 126 81 39 64 142 354 774 976 988 1,221 1,347 1,384 1,353 1.480 1,631 1,690 2,206 1,746 1,137 805 727 520 429 21,496 AM Peak Hour: Time: 12.00 AM Volume: 0 AM Peak Hour: Time: 11: 30 AM Volume. 1,462 PM Peak Hour: Time: 12:00 PM Volume: 0 PM Peak Hour: Time: 05:00 PM Volume: 2,206 AM Peak Hour: PM Peak Hour; EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND Tx11e: K.-factor: 0-factor: Time: K-factor: D-factor. 1:30 AM 8.8% 100.0%5WB 05.00 PM 10.3% 100.0% W8 Volume: 1,463 PHF: 0.97 Vaiume: 2,206 PHF. 0.69 r SW 7 Sr W of SW 2 Ave xis OAV4 PtURIMER6 ASSOCOUTS. 24-HOUR COUNTS Project Name: West Brickell Center MtJSP Location: SW 7 Street West of South Miami Avenue Observer: Traffic Survey Specialists, inc. BEGIN TIME 12:00 AM EASTBOUND 1st 1/4 2nd 1/473rd 1/4 481 1/4 O 0 0 0 TOTAL OF:00 AM 0 0 0 0200 AM 0 0 0 0 0 63:06 AM 0 0 0 0 04:00 AM O 0 0 0 05:03 AM O 0 0 06.00 AM 0 07 00 AM a0 0 0 0 0800 AM a 09.00 AM O 0 0 0 0 10.00 AM O 0 0 11:00 AM O 0 0 0 12:00 PM 0 0 0 0 01:00 PM 0 0 0 0 02:00 PM , a 0 03:00 PM 0 0 0 04:00 PM 0 0 0 05:00 PM 0 0 0 0 06.00 PM O 0 0 07 00 PM O 0 0 0 09 00 PM O 0 0 0 09 90 PM a 0 1060 PM 0 0 0 0 11.00PM 0 0 0 0 4-14 UR'TOTAL EASTBOUND 0 Project No.: 05220 Count Date: 10/20/05 BEGIN TIME WESTBOUND 1st 1/4 2nct 1/47-30:1 1/4 4th 1/4 TOTAL 12:00 AM 72 55 45 33 205 01700 AM 19 22 23 15 79 02:00 Am 15 7 13 5 41 °Too AM 10 , 9 5 1 25 04!00 Am 19 9 7 16 51 05:00 AM 20 35 20 23 98 0690 AM 24 39 61 82 206 07:00 AM 98 130 119 123 470 06:63 AM 158 177 178 177 688 oSoo AM 192 194 180 188 734 10:00 AM 221 169 228 205 L 823 11-.00 AM 202 207 230 274 913 /200 Pm 245 284 269 244 -1 1,042 01.00 PM 268 295 271 233 1,067 02:00 PM 270 263 1 983 0100 PM 307 270 265 276 1,118 04:00 PM 289 259 2'75 337 1,160 05:00 PM 400 412 434 368 1,614 06:03 PM 371 339 283 230 1,223 07:00 pm 224 200 172 153 749 0e:00 PM 174 128 136 136 574 09:00PM 144 120 151 110 525 10:00 PM 95 103 100 70 369 11:00 PM 88 83 87 67 325 DAILY TRAFFIC COUNT SUMMARY 1124-HOUR TOTAL116,0 ‘TWO-WAY TOTAL 205 79 41 25 51 98 206 470 688 734 823 913 1,042 1,067 983 1,118 1,160 1,614 1,223 749 574 525 369 325 15,082 AM peak Hour: Time: 1200 AM Volume: 3 AM Peak Hour; Tana: 11:45 AM Votume:. 1,072 PM Peak HP057 Time: 12,00 PM Volume: 0 PM Peak Hour: Time.' 05:00 PM Vo1urner 1614 AM Peak Hour: PM Peek Hour: EASTBOUND AND WESTBOUND Time, K-tacsor: 0-factor: Time: K-factor: D-factor: F 1,45 AM 7.1% 100.0% WB 05:00 PM 10 7% WB Volume: 1,072 PHF; 0.94 Volume: 1.614 PHF: 0.93 SW 7 St W of South Miami Ave.xls Note: DAV34 PLJMMER & ASSOCIATES, Project Name: Location: Observer: ? ME TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS West Brickell Center MUSP SW 11 Street and SW 3 Avenue Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. INTERVAL 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:15 PM 04;30 PM 04:3 PM 04:45 PM 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:30 PM 05.45 PM 05:45 PM 06:00 PM TIME INTERVAL 04:00 P 0 NORTHBOUN) f 11 0 23 0 23 2 2 0 0 0 23 SW 3 Avenue 1' TOTAL L 3 4 14 0 3 26 0 4 27 0 3 28 16 2 20 18 3 21 16 2 18 21 1 22 _ 1 Project Number: 05220 Count Date: 1 20O5 Day of Week: Thursday OUTI#BOUfdl3 EASTBOUNC R TOTAL '1 t a 0 1 1 _ 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 .2 4 0 .5 0 4 1 5 2 2 0 1 Stree ESTBOUND T A TOTAL T L T R TOTA 0 1 i 2 1 0 0 - 0 ' 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 AVERAGE PM PEAK PERIOD HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 4 5 2 4 3 6 7 2 5 6 3 4 5 GRAND TOTAL 22 31 33 40 ,, 27 SW 3 Avenue 00 PM L 2 NORTHBOUND T 78 R 11 TOTAL 91 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0,79 2002 FDOT Seasonal Weekly Volume Factor = 1.03 SOUTHBOUND T 10 TOTAL 12 0.48 2 I EASTBOUND 2 SW 11 Street TOTAL 4 0.44 6 34 28 29 WESTBOUND R 3 TOTAL 20 0.68 GRAND TOTAL 126 ._ 0.84 SW 11 St & SW 3 Ave .xls DAV D PLUMMER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Project Name: Location; Observer: INTERVAL STI INTE 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04'30 PM 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS West Brickell Center MUSP SW 10 Street and SW 3 Avenue Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. Project Number: Count Date: Day of Week; 05220 1 d120l2005 Thursday SW 3 Avenue SW 10 Street ME �Q4:t5 PM 04:45 PM 05:30 PM 04:30 PM 05:00PM. 05:15 PM 05:45 PM NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND T R TOTAL L f T R TOTAL T R TOTAL T R TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 0 0 16 21 0 3 16 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 8 6 9 25 32 0 0 0 19 24 14 3 3 3 22 27 17 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 0 5 5 5 5 9 6 28 38 23 0 0 22 14 0 4 22 18 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 7 6 12 9 35 27 05:45 PM 06:00 PM 0 24 25 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 AVERAGE PM PEAK PERIOD (HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 0 12 15 SW 3 Avenue SW 10 Street 44 TIME NORTHBOUND 1 SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND ESTBOUN INTERVAL L T R TOTAL e T R 1 TOTALp L T Fl TOTAL L- T R TOTAL TOTAL 04:00 PM 06:00 PM 0 79 9 88 3 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 10 0 28 38 130 PEAK OUR FACTOR 0.79 0.25 N/A 0.61 0.73 Note: 2002 FDOT Seasonal Weekly Volume Factor 1.03 SW 10 St & SW 3 Ave .xls °AVMD PWMMER & ASSOCIATES, $NC. Project Name: Location: Observer: TIME INTERVA 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM 85:00 PMS 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 M 04:45 PM OS -0t3 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM 05:OOPM TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS West Brickeii Center MUSP SW 11 Street and SW 2 Avenue Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. NORTHBOUNb 74 80 100 77 105 Project Number: Count Date: Day of Week: SW 2 Avenue OUTtBOUND EASTBOUND AVERAGE PM PEAK PERIOD HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 05220 10/20/2005 Thursday WESTBOUND SW 2 Avenue SW 11 Street GRAND TOTAL 217 195 197 243 246 240 277 234 TIME INTERVAL 04:00 PM 06:O0 PM NORTHBOUND T R 362 18 nTOTAL 387 18 SOUTHBOUND T 513 R 20 TOTAL 551 Aur- L EASTBOUND T R TOTAL WESTBOUND T TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 3 4 14 0 0 0 0 952 PEAK 1-1Oufi FACTOR 0,85 0.77 0,44 N/A B 0.91 Note: 2002 FOOT Seasonal Weekly Volume Factor = 1.03 SW 11 St & SW 2 Ave .xis RAVip PLUMM R S ASSOCIATES. INC. Project Name: Location: Observer: Tint INTERVAL 04;00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 05:15 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM 06:00 PM TIME INTERVAL TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS West Brickeli Center MUSP SW 10 Street and SW 2 Avenue Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. Project Number: 05220 Count Date: 10/20/2005 Day of Week: Thursday 1 0 2 2 4 bRT 90 77 78 96 74 97 82 83 GUND 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 Avenue TOTAL 93 78 78 97 76 99 85 0 0 87 0 SOU 156 127 170 139 8 161 131 178 152 EASTBOUND 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 G SW 10 Stree 'TOTAL L 4 2 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 6 2 3 2 AVERAGE PM PEAK PERIOD HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WESTBOUND T 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 7 4 0 2 3 7 - GRAND Tl' TAL TOTAL 7 217 7 203 11 " 210 6 244 4 242 5 236 6 275 11 253 SW 2 Avenue NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND SW 10 Street WESTBOUND T R TOTAL , T R ' TOTAL L TOTAL R TOTAL GRAND TOTAL P 06:00 PM 8 349 0 357 0 543 28 571 7 4 11 7 '29 968 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0.88 0.78 0.44 0.65 0.91 Note: 2002 FDOT Seasonal Weekly Volume Factor 1.03 SW 10 St & SW 2 Ave .xis DAVTD PLUMMER $ ASSOCIATES, INC ProjectName: Location: Observer: TIME INTERVAL TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS West Brickell Center MUSP SW 8 Street and SW 2 Avenue Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. Project Number: 05220 Count Date: 1012012005 Day of Week: Thursday SW 2 Avenue SW 8 Street 04:00 PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM 05:00PM 04:15 PM 04:30 PM 04:45 PM 05:00 PM 05: 1,5 PM L 0 0 0 0 NORTHBOUND T 82 9 57 € 8 63 90 74 15 17 16 TOTAL 91 65 78 107 90 SOUTHBOUND t.T .-.w-.__......TOTAL 20 45 0 65 19 57 0 f 76 22 63 0 85 26 80 0 106 32 114 0 1 146 41 22 32 46 51 EASTBOUND 19 191 216 207 216 R TOTAL 78 312 80 293 75 323 64 317 53 320 0 0 0 0 WESTBOUND T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 GRAND TOTAL 468 434 486 530 0 556 05:15 PM 05-30 PM 05:45 PM 05:30 PM 05:45 PM 06:00 PM 0 0 74 84 83 17 15 83 101 98 20 68 0 88 38 113 0 85 151 129 52 47 35 236 197 253 68 356 0 75 319 0 77 365 } 0 AVERAGE PM PEAK PERIOD HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMARY ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 SW 2 Avenue SW 8 Street 527 571 592 TIME INTERVAL NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND EASTBOUND WESTBOUND T TOTAL L 7 R TOTAL L T R TOTAL L T TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 04;00 PM 06:00 PM 0 313 55 367 114 322 0 436 168 880 294 1,342 0 0 0 0 2,144 PEAK HOUR FACTOR 0.83 0.70 0.89 N/A 0.95 Note: 2002 FOOT Seasonat Weekly Volume Factor = 1,03 SW 8 St & SW 2 Ave.xls Adjusted Traffic Counts Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D1020007.PRN Station : 000000101904 Identification : 004117430002 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Oct 20, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Oct 20, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : Brickell Avenue South of SE 14 Street ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Total Volume for All Lanes End Time 00 01 02 15 30 45 00 102 77 62 60 Hr Total 301 03 04 05 06 07 08 12 20 36 78 215 409 8 13 24 106 252 496 5 13 41 188 303 526 8 28 56 224 372 555 135 72 33 74 157 596 1142 1986 46 37 32 20 21 19 19 13 09 10 11 519 385 349 474 376 318 406 336 350 408 418 425 1807 1515 1442 End Time 12 13 14 15 30 45 00 394 436 427 454 417 381 359 431 371 431 367 , 407 Hr Total 1711 1588 1576 15 16 392 426 417 431 418 418 386 458 1613 1733 17 491 484 544 530 2049 553 530 457 500 2040 18 19 429 398 334 329 1490 20 328 271 299 282 1180 21 290 233 200 208 22 215 221 151 169 931 756 23 166 136 156 121 579 24 Hour Total : 26506 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 2096 Peak hour factor : 0.94 PM peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 2157 Peak hour factor : 0.98 ******************************************************************************* Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D1020007.PRN Station : 000000101904 Identification : 004117430002 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Oct 20, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Oct 20, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : Brickell Avenue South of SE 14 Street ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 00 01 02 15 40 22 7 30 37 14 8 45 28 15 8 00 24 9 6 Hr Total 129 60 03 4 6 3 3 04 05 06 9 4 6 13 07 08 16 43 122 251 14 64 140 316 25 1/1 153 336 21 133 226 351 09 329 302 235 229 29 16 32 76 351 641 1254 1095 10 218 214 181 197 810 11 179 159 184 195 717 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 15 205 182 164 166 170 30 189 161 186 180 178 45 192 184 143 177 188 00 208 203 167 179 185 Hr Total 794 730 660 702 17 18 19 20 186 200 154 145 171 190 140 115 195 170 133 133 183 190 165 136 21 130 105 100 92 22 91 92 64 68 23 73 59 71 46 721 735 750 592 529 427 315 249 24 Hour Total : 12414 AM peak hour begins : 0815 AM peak volume : 1332 Peak hour factor : 0.95 PM peak hour begins : 12:00 PM peak volume : 794 Peak hour factor 0.95 ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 03 15 62 30 40 45 34 00 36 Hr Total 172 24 23 17 11 75 14 11 11 7 8 2 2 5 43 17 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 20 35 93 158 9 10 42 112 180 7 16 77 150 190 15 35 91 146 204 42 81 245 501 190 172 171 179 732 712 10 11 167 170 162 159 155 166 221 230 705 725 End Time 12 15 189 30 247 45 235 00 246 Hr Total 917 13 235 220 175 228 858 14 207 245 224 240 916 15 16 17 18 226 256 305 353 275 237 253 313 340 258 241 230 349 287 201 207 273 347 310 164 911 1012 1314 1290 898 19 20 21 183 160 156 128 166 100 146 116 651 504 22 23 124 129 87 101 441 93 77 85 75 330 24 Hour Total : 14092 AM peak hour begins : 11:30 AM peak volume : 832 Peak hour factor : 0.84 PM peak hour begins : 1730 PM peak volume 1389 Peak hour factor : 0.98 ******************************************************************************* Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Plorida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D1020006.PRN Station : 000000101905 Identification : 000210521005 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Oct 20, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Oct 20, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : Brickell Avenue North of SE 10 Street ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Total Volume for All Lanes End Time 00 01 15 30 45 00 138 106 70 65 Hi Total 379 56 42 40 25 163 30 30 29 20 109 02 03 15 13 11 12 04 05 20 46 23 34 17 45 37 90 51 97 215 06 07 99 266 167 314 225 364 272 431 763 1375 08 477 547 561 610 2195 09 10 11 525 527 458 523 308 421 416 444 444 415 543 612 1879 1822 1935 End Time 12 13 15 389 487 30 598 496 45 518 412 00 558 476 14 518 448 482 497 Hr Total 2063 1871 1945 15 481 522 516 532 2051 16 17 516 497 513 619 485 720 531 681 2045 2517 18 685 650 525 527 2387 19 20 487 349 454 276 381 362 373 308 1695 1295 21 333 286 255 263 1137 22 23 243 208 243 165 209 173 189 162 884 708 24 Hour Total : 31581 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 2243 Peak hour factor : 0.92 PM peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 2736 Peak hour factor : 0.95 ******************************************************************************* Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ******************************************************************************** Data File : 01020006.PRN Station : 000000101905 Identification : 000210521005 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Oct 20, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Oct 20, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : Brickell Avenue North of SE 10 Street ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time. 00 01 02 15 30 45 00 68 55 37 31 Hr Total 191 27 20 15 11 73 9 13 14 7 7 43 27 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 8 7 19 42 131 244 266 214 193 6 8 18 77 147 291 263 122 177 6 5 17 109 175 291 198 186 216 18 33 136 214 284 171 207 290 38 87 364 667 1110 898 729 876 End Time 12 13 14 15 15 162 197 227 212 30 251 228 194 219 45 214 175 206 223 00 236 219 216 243 Hr Total 863 819 843 897 16 17 18 19 20 225 193 295 185 154 222 261 268 179 118 219 285 213 172 162 216 272 205 193 148 882 1011 981 729 582 557 412 356 21 167 135 142 111 22 116 108 104 84 23 105 87 91 73 24 Hour Total : 14035 AM peak hour begins ; 08:15 AM peak volume : 1132 Peak hour factor : 0.97 PM peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 1120 Peak hour factor : 0.95 ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 15 70 29 21 30 51 22 17 45 33 25 15 00 34 14 13 Hr Total 188 90 66 03 05 06 07 08 09 10 7 27 57 135 233 259 313 7 16 90 167 256 260 186 5 28 116 189 270 218 258 5 57 136 227 326 244 336 24 59 128 399 708 1085 981 1093 04 13 15 12 19 11 265 244 228 322 1059 End Time -------- 15 30 45 00 12 227 347 304 322 13 290 268 237 257 Hr Total 1200 1052 14 291 254 276 281 1102 15 269 303 293 289 1154 16 291 291 266 315 1163 17 304 358 435 409 18 390 382 312 322 1506 1406 19 302 275 209 180 966 20 21 22 23 195 166 127 103 158 151 135 78 200 113 105 82 160 150 105 89 713 580 472 352 24 Hour Total : 17546 AM peak hour begins : 11:30 AM peak volume : 1124 Peak hour factor : 0.81 PM peak hour begins : 17:30 PM peak volume : 1616 Peak hour factor ! 0.93 ******************************************************************************* Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 2 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D1020001.PRN Station : 000000101906 Identification : 000058410124 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Oct 20, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Oct 20, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : Brickell Avenue North of SE 7 Street ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Total Volume for All Lanes End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 ------------------------------------------------------ 15 147 50 32 14 19 29 158 186 561 518 391 564 30 94 38 34 15 29 46 185 467 617 463 132 425 45 70 35 23 20 25 72 268 435 642 302 659 441 00 77 31 13 18 42 97 307 489 532 657 363 421 .....— Hr Total 388 154 102 67 115 244 918 1577 2352 1940 1545 1851 End Time 12 13 14. 15 16 17 18 19 15 525 625 472 559 532 435 678 30 516 426 436 487 416 755 473 45 564 322 552 542 549 683 556 00 402 624 435 470 566 650 492 Hr Total 2007 1997 1895 2058 2063 2523 2199 20 21 22 23 469 332 301 237 204 357 275 263 193 138 371 301 257 186 170 328 272 243 207 131 1525 1180 1064 823 643 24 Hour Total : 31230 AM peak hour begins : 08:00 AM peak volume : 2352 Peak hour factor : 0.92 PM peak hour begins : 17:15 PM peak volume 2766 Peak hour factor : 0.92 ******************************************************************************* Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 r**********************************alp*********irk**********lot**********+ter*fir******* Data File : D1020001.PRN Station : 000000101906 Identification : 000058410124 Interval ' : 15 minutes Start date : Oct 20, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Oct 20, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : Hrickell Avenue North of SE 7 Street ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Northbound Volume for Lane 1 End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 62 21 ___ 16 6 ___6 10 `�79 r133 W258 219 183 273 30 47 13 12 10 13 25 101 229 286 213 58 196 45 38 17 12 8 14 30 166 217 286 123 274 210 00 35 12 7 6 17 46 173 233 237 295 182 216 Hr Total 18263 rr�RW��` 47 30 50 11.1 519 ~812 1067 r850 �697 895 End Time 12 13 14 15 264 278 238 253 30 253 229 212 230 45 263 145 237 255 00 227 316 224 231 Hr Total 1007 968 911 969 15 16 263 186 240 268 17 18 19 20 219 308 197 157 362 247 168 127 304 222 176 153 282 215 157 142 21 162 125 121 106 22 122 98 82 104 23 111 75 97 72 957 1167 992 698 579 514 406 355 24 Hour Total : 14846 AM peak hour begins : 08:00 AM peak volume : 1067 Peak hour factor : 0.93 PM peak hour begins : 17:15 PM peak volume : 1256 Peak hour factor : 0,87 ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Southbound Volume for Lane 2 End Time 00 01 02 15 85 30 47 45 32 00 42 Hr Total 206 29 25 18 19 91 16 22 11 6 55 03 04 05 19 21 42 51 37 65 133 8 5 12 12 13 16 11 25 06 07 53 238 218 256 399 765 79 84 102 134 08 09 299 250 179 362 1285 1090 303 331 356 295 10 11 208 74 385 181 848 956 291 229 231 205 End Time 12 13 14 15 261 347 234 30 263 197 224 45 301 177 315 00 175 308 211 Hr Total 1000 1029 984 15 16 17 18 19 306 269 216 370 272 257 230 393 226 189 287 309 379 334 195 239 298 368 277 171 1089 106 1356 1207 20 175 148 148 130 21 139 138 136 137 22 23 115 95 104 103 93 63 73 59 827 601 550 417 288 24 Hour Total : 16384 AM peak hour begins : 08:00 AM peak volume : 1285 Peak°hour factor : 0.90 PM peak hour begins : 17:15 PM peak volume 1510 Peak hour factor : 0.96 *********,ter******************************************************************* Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D1020002.PRN Station ': 000000101901 Identification : 009701450015 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Oct 20, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Oct 20, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : SW 8 Street East of SW 3 Avenue ******************************************************************************* act 20 Eastbound Volume End Time 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 15 14 32 139 376 542 671 459 350 14 29 46 246 384 635 533 424 340 15 30 84 360 464 671 471 397 389 24 32 129 467 517 687 467 391 379 Hr Total 239 131 78 68 105 291 1212 1741 2535 2142 1671 1458 15 69 30 51 45 68 00 51 39 17 25 18 39 31 28 12 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15 376 402 457 364 322 323 350 282 221 178 138 119 30 487 442 366 353 275 346 344 309 195 170 138 109 45 449 425 343 345 303 314 349 259 196 165 169 97 00 420 478 385 318 318 374 292 202 170 151 142 98 Hr Total 1732 1747 1551 1380 1218 1357 1335 1052 782 664 587 423 24 Hour Total : 25499 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 2664 Peak hour factor : 0.97 PM peak hour begins : 13:15 PM peak volume : 1802 Peak hour factor : 0.94 ************************************** **************************************** Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phore (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D1020003.PRN Station : 000000101902 Identification : 009841110007 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Oct 20, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Oct 20, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : SW 8 Street East of SW 1 Avenue ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Eastbound Volume End Time 00 15 30 45 00 Hr Total 164 47 38 49 30 01 35 18 26 10 89 02 16 19 18 16 69 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 rw 11 19 22 95 273 376 454 348 278 12 22 34 138 251 442 374 294 286 9 17 50 233 308 507 361 297 302 11 23 72 296 341 499 301 288 286 43 81 178 762 1173 1824 1490 1227 1152 End Time 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ___ _ 15 303 r300 330 277 232 �^ 261 �269 178 ^159 �109 �T98 30 380 313 282 305 212 258 250 203 130 116 99 45 318 309 257 251 234 248 214 177 140 110 118 00 329 307 281 243 259 309 237 128 121 114 96 Hr Total 1330 1229 1150 1076 937 1076 r970 686 550 T449 411 14 15 23 74 76 68 72 290 24 Hour Total 18406 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 1902 Peak hour factor : 0.94 PM peak hour begins : 12:00 PM peak volume : 1330 Peak hour factor : 0.88 ******************************************************************************* Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 1 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page ******************************************************************************** Data File : D1020005.PRN Station : 000000101903 Identification : 009701450001 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Oct 20, 05 Start time : 0000 Stop date : Oct 20, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : SE 8 Street East of South Miami Avenue ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Eastbound Volume End Time 00 01 02 15 30 45 00 39 24 47 26 Hr Total 136 25 13 20 6 12 20 15 13 03 7 9 8 10 04 11 17 13 15 05 17 27 42 61 06 07 08 09 10 11 82 235 328 466 309 235 120 233 418 394 255 217 184 280 476 366 256 257 244 316 523 262 250 259 64 60 34 56 147 630 1064 1745 1488 1070 968 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 ----- 15 246 282 303 219 187 30 301 276 239 264 180 45 273 279 236 203 191 00 277 283 258 221 195 Hr Total 1097 1120 1036 907 753 216 208 198 222 844 17 18 19 162 174 148 115 220 206 178 188 792 599 131 124 116 111 482 20 21 96 115 105 98 414 24 Hour Total : 16125 AM peak hour begins : 08:15 AM peak volume : 1883 Peak hour factor : 0.90 PM peak hour begins : 13:15 PM peak volume : 1141 Peak hour factor : 0.94 ******************************************************************************* 22 86 87 102 87 362 23 67 67 62 61 257 Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (561) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D1020008.PRN Station : 00000010190e Identification : 009845970075 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Oct 20, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Oct 20, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : SW 7 Street West of SW 2 Avenue ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Westbound Volume End Time 00 01 02 15 93 29 26 30 84 30 14 45 47 27 22 00 52 40 19 Hr Total 276 126 81 03 11 8 10 10 39 04 05 13 25 20 40 13 30 18 47 06 07 08 56 164 219 69 202 251 96 204 260 133 204 246 09 10 11 244 326 292 267 286 305 234 268 372 243 341 378 64 142 354 774 976 988 1221 1347 End Time 12 13 14 -------- 15 350 310 395 30 363 361 385 45 336 343 370 00 335 339 330 Hr Total 1384 1353 1480 1631 15 400 423 432 420 413 400 386 447 16 17 18 19 518 491 350 571 488 287 618 429 277 499 338 223 690 2206 1746 1137 20 223 224 194 164 805 21 198 182 190 157 727 22 23 130 124 137 112 142 101 111 92 520 429 24 Hour Total : 21496 AM peak hour begins : 11:30 AM peak volume : 1463 Peak hour factor : 0.97 PM peak hour begins ; 17;00 PM peak volume : 2206 Peak hour factor : 0.89 ******************************************************************************* Traffic Survey Specialists, Inc. 624 Gardenia Terrace Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Phone (56.1) 272-3255 Volume Report with 24 Hour Totals Page 1 ******************************************************************************** Data File : D1020004.PRN Station : 000000101907 Identification : 009600270003 Interval : 15 minutes Start date : Oct 20, 05 Start time : 00:00 Stop date : Oct 20, 05 Stop time : 24:00 City/Town : Miami, Florida County : Dade Location : SW 7 Street West of S Miami Avenue ******************************************************************************* Oct 20 Westbound Volume End Time 00 15 72 30 55 45 45 00 33 01 19 22 23 15 02 16 7 13 5 Hr Total 205 79 41 03 10 9 5 1 25 16 51 04 19 05 20 9 35 7 20 23 06 07 98 130 119 123 98 206 470 24 39 61 82 08 09 10 11 158 192 221 202 177 194 169 207 176 160 228 230 177 188 205 274 688 734 823 913 End Time 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 -___ ......_ ........ ____ ......... 15 245 268 270 307 289 400 371 224 174 144 96 30 284 295 263 270 259 412 339 200 128 120 103 45 269 271 231 265 275 434 283 172 136 151 100 00 244 233 219 276 337 368 230 153 136 110 70 ......., Hr Total 1042 1067 983 1118 1160 1614 1223 749 574 525 369 88 83 87 67 325 24 Hour Total : 15082 AM peak hour begins : 11:30 AM peak volume : 1033 ' Peak hour factor : 0.91 PM peak hour begins : 17:00 PM peak volume : 1614 Peak hour factor : 0.93 ******************************************************************************* 10 sw ST. U sw II sr. v M%AMI ,' FLsaR.J DA 0GTolsE-' . ,,1 ti 200S DRMNN By , M I CH AE Z. MAL0N C 01" C3 % "Z. T. SW 11T14 STREET i. SW 3RD AVENUE MIAMi, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: MIKE MALONE NOT SIC,NAI.ILED SW 3RD AVENUE Prom Werth 1SW 11TH STREET (From Seat TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 rnatENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, PLDRIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX {S61) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES A PEDE Site Code 00O502.20 Start Date, 10/20/05 Vile I.D. 11ST3AVE Page 2 jsW 3RD AVENUE 12rom South � I Pede Right Thru Left j Peda Right Thru Left Peda Right Thru Date 10/20/05 ----- Peak flour Analysis By Entire Intersection for the Period: 16:00 t Peak start 16:30 Volume 0 12 Percent 04 Pk total 14 Highest 17:15 Volume 0 Hi total 6 PHF •50 2 864 144 5' 1 1 16:30 21 16:45 7 .75 0 SW 11TH STREET 4 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 14 1 6 670 54 29% 6 1 IsW 11TH STREET 'From Wet Left 18:00 on 10/20/05 16:30 12 80 4 12% 83% 44 96 16:45 2$ •86 SW 3RD AVENUE 12 2 1 8 2 14 108 23 2 0 80 14 94 • ALL VEHICLES Sr PEDS Intersection Total 134 6 12 2 20 116 SW 3RD A 36 I Vehicle Pede Right Thru Left 1 Total 21 96 80 80 16:30 2 1 0 670 334 04 3 1.6:30 0 1 .75 1 1 0 1 14 14 1 6 6 2 15 1 12 SW 11TH STREET 12 1 SW 11TR STREET f. SW 3RD AVENUE MIAMI= FLORIDA COUNTED BY: MIKE MALONE NOT SIGNALIZED TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY REACH, FLORIDA 33444 {561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES i PEDS Site Code : 00050220 Start Date: 10/20/05 File I.E. : 11ST3AVE Page 1 SW 3R3 AVENUE 1SW 11TR STREET (SW 3RD AVENUE 7 SSW 11Ti1 STREET From North From East Efrom South Front West 1 1 Vehicle Peda Right Thru Left 1 Pede Right Thru Lett 1 Pedo Right Thru Left 1 Peda Right Thru Left 1 Total Irate 10/20/0$ ------------- 16:00 0 1 0 0 j 0 4 0 l 1 0 3 11 0 1 0 1 0 1 22 16;15 1 0 I 0) 0 2 1 2 3 3 23 0 0 0 0 0 31 1.6:30 0 0 2 0/ 0 1 1 L 0 4 23 D 1 0 D 1 0 33 16:45 0 0 4 1 1 0 6 0 1 1 0 3 23 2 1 0 0 0 0 40 Fir Total 1 1. 7 I 1 0 13 2 4, 3 13 80 2 1 0 1 1 1 126 17:00 0 D 1 0) 0 2 0 3 I 0 2 16 2 I 0 1 0 0 1 27 17:15 1 Q 5 11 1 5 0 1 1 1 3 18 0 1 0 1 0 0 34 17:30 0 1 4 0 1 0 1 0 21 3 2 16 0! 2 0 0 2 E 26 17145 1 0 2 0 J. 5 4 0 1 1 0 1 21 0 1 0 0 0 0 I 29 Hr Total 2 1 12 1 1 6 12 0 7 1 4 8 71 21 2 2 0 2 1 118 .TOTAL* 3 2 19 2 1 6 25 2 11 1 7 21 151 4 1 2 3 1 3 1 244 It Nth MI AMI 1 FLORA Oh oC`TCZ►E t 9 , zoos W3t•AWt4 '►y , 'ttcNA.ez- MA 0N.E N 0.-T S I GO ALV zt SW 1OTH STREET & SW 3RD AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: SUSAN MALONE NOT SIONALLZBA SW 3RD AVENUE Prom North Reds Thru Left Date 20/20/05 Peak Hour Analysis Peak start 17:00 Volume 1 4 Percent - 204 801 PR total 5 Highest 17:45 Volume 0 4 Hi total 4 PHF .31 TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 834 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH FLORIDA 33444 (551. 372-3255 FAX (581) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES 4 PEDS ISW 10TH STREET fSW 1RD AVENUE I 'From East I Frcam South 1 I I 1 Vehicle Other Ped,e Right Left Reds Right Thru f Total Total By Entire Intersection for the Period: 18:00 0 0 17:00 42 17:45 15 .70 } 30 12 711 294 12 3 to 18:00 an 10/20/0S 17:00 8 74 I I01 90* 1 82 17:45 1 1 24 1 25 .82 Site Cade : 00050220 Start Date: 10/20/05 File I.D. 145T_3AV Page : 2 SW 3RD AVENUE 1 4 0 74 30 6 1 4 104 6 5 1 109 t 30 30 • ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Intersection Total 129 12 1 0 13 95 ( 0 SW 3RD AVENUE 42 0 54 82 • 74 74 12 12 12 SW 10TH STREET 4 0 8 TAZ 580 2010 Cardinal Distribution . ._ Direction „.....,,.. . TAZ 580 '----NNE 13.60% ENE 3.3E3% ESE 0.37% SSE 0.95% SSW 3.68% WSW 28.73% WNW 19.96% NNW 29.33% TOTAL 100.00% #05220 - TAZ 58o TAZ.xis SW 11TH STREET & SW 2No AVENUE MIAM',I , FLQRIFSA COUNTED 13Ya ISIDR() GONZALEZ NOT SIGNALIZED TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GlrRDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Site Code : 00050220 Start Date: 10/20/05 File I.D. 119T_2AV Page 2 S14 2ND AVENUE ) 9W 112'A STREETS' i S14 2ND AVENUE ' SW 11TH STREET From North (Froth East 'From South 'From West i « 1 Vehicle Peds Right Thru Left I Pads Right T'hru Left f Pede Right Thru Left j Peds Right Thru Left Total Date 10/20/05 Peak Hour Analysis By Entire InteraeCtion for the Ped= 16:00 to 18:00 on 10/20/05 Peak start 115:45 f 16:45 Volume 18 556 22 Percent 31 931 4% 0t 01 01 Pk total 596 0 Highest 17:30 # 16:00 Volume - '7 157 9 1 0 0 0 Hi total 173 1 0 110 8'FIF .e6 1 .0 SW 11TH STREET 6 0 24 18 9 9 18 L 18 0 0 0 16:45 16:45 19 374 b 4 5 2 - 51 941 21 1 361 451 181 399 1 11 17:15 4 105 16:4.5 3 91 I .92 SW 2ND AVENUE 556 556 596 5 11 4 4 6 35 22 22 `972 2 374 0 376 • ALL VEHICLES & PEDS Intersection Total 1,00E 0 556 4 560 959 6 SW 2ND AVENUE 46 399 • 374 374 1 i 2 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 46 SW 11TH STREET 22 5 19 19I 17 West Brickell Center Commited Developments - TAZ 580 Locations! information Units Sq Ft. Name Ty Pr Address Description Net Area Res � nit � Hotel Office Retail South Bayshore Tower MUSP 1390 Brickell Bay Drive 1201 Bricked Bay Drive Mixed Use: Residential & Retail Downtown Downtown 364 787 0 0 21,388 Villa Magna MUSP Mixed Use: Residential, Retail, Restaurant & Hotel 209 0 32,950 ., Total 1,151 209 0 54,338 #05220 - TAZ 580 Comm_ Developments.xts SW 10TR STREET & SW 3RD AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA COUNTED BY: SUSAN MALONE NOT SIGNALIZED TRAFFIC SURVEY SPECIALISTS, INC. 624 GARDENIA TERRACE DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33444 (561) 272-3255 FAX (561) 272-4381 ALT, VBit1CLES & PEDS SW 3RD AVENUE From North Pella '1"Ytru Left Date 10/20/05 1SW SOTS STREET 1Fro n East 1 Palle Right 1 SW 3RD AVENUE From &Oath Vehicle" 0ther Left 1 Peda Right Thru 1 Total Total Site Code : 0005.0220 Start Date: 10/20/05 File I.D. 1OST 3AV P.,gs : 1 16;00 0 0 16:15 0 0 16:30 0 0 16:45 0 1 Hr Total 0 1 17:00 0 0 17:15 0 1 17:30 0 0 17:45 0 0 Hr Tota1. 0 1 O 1 0 8 1. 1 0 0 0 1 0 6 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 5 O I 0 3 1€ 1 5 4 1 9 3 2 1 2 24 7 I 2 9 O 1 0 5 1 1 0 3 0 1 2 7 5 1 1 0 O 1 1 6 3 1 0 4 4 1 3 12 3 I. Q 1 4 1 6 30 12 1 1 g *TOTAL* 0 Z 6 1 18 21 1.4 24 80 14 22 14 24 74 25 32 20 2$ 123 23 35 27 44 129 8 54 19 I 3 17 154 1 252 0 2 1 1 4 0 3 1 3 7 11 s i 4 N0Lb r sr. 1 ricks i LboN J MtI1/4MI ) F'L.ORADA o i'o r 1 at , ZOOS MAWN $y , iICK ... MAWt.tE. NoT St C311/41Lt 'LEA TAZ 580 PM Peak Hour Trip Generation Analysis USES UNITS ITE Land Use Code PM PEAK HOUR TRIPS IN OUT TOTAL %A Trips % Trips Trips High -Rise Residential Condominium Hotel Specialty Retail 1,151 DU 209 Rooms 54,338 SF 232 310 814 62% 54%© 44% 276 38 65 38% 46% 56% 161 46 83 437 84 148 GROSS VEHICLE TRIPS 57% 379 43% 290 669 • Vehicle Occupancy Adjustment @ 16.00% of Gross External Trips Transit Trip Reduction @ 14.14%a of Gross External Trips Pedestrian / Bicycle Trip Reduction @ 15.00%0 of Gross External Trips (1) (2) (3) 57% 57% 57% 61 53 57 43% 43% 43% 46 41 44 107 94 100 NET EXTERNAL VEHICLE TRIPS 57% 208 43% 159 1 367 Net External Person Trips in Vehicles @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle Net External Person Trips using Transit @ 1.40 Persons/ Vehicle 57% 57% 291 75 43%0 43% 223 57 514 132 Net External Person Trips (vehicles and transit modes) 57% 366 43% 280 646 [Net External Person trips walking / using bicycle 1.40 Persons! Vehicle 1 57% 80 1 43% 61 I 140 Notes (1) A 16% reduction to adjust for the difference between ITE auto occupancy and local data (Miami's 1.4 vs. ITE's 1.2 pers/veh) (2) Transit trip reduction based on projected modal splits used in the Downtown Miami DRI Increment II (3) Pedestrian and bicycle trip reductions based on Downtown characteristics used in the Downtown Miami DR Increment II (4) TAZ 580 includes South Bayshore Tower and Villa Magna # 05220 - TAZ 580 T-gen_PM.xls Appendix F Traffic Control Measures Plan West Brickell Center MUSP TRAFFIC CONTROL MEASURES PLAN The project's design and location will reduce the project vehicular traffic volumes as follows: • The project is a proposed residential development which includes retail. This type of development will result in a portion of the trips being captured within the development, or internal to the site, • The project will also provide residential units with accessibility to mass transit. This feature will allow residents to use mass transit for their trip to work. The development will also do the following to further reduce peak hour vehicle trips: • Will encourage employers/landlords to participate in ridesharing programs through South Florida Commuter Services. Available information will be obtained and distributed to all employers/landlords in the development. • Miarni-Da.de County Transportation Agency current local and regional mass transit route and schedule information will be provided to potential transit users in a prominent public area of the development. The information provided and maintained on the premises will be updated, when necessary, at no less than six month intervals. • Promote mass transit use by encouraging employers/landlords to purchase transit passes and make them available to employees and residents at discounted prices or no charge, or in lieu of subsidized parking. • Encourage employers to implement staggered work hours. implementation of these items will result in a minimum of ten percent (10%) reduction of peak hour vehicle trips. The performance of the plan will be monitored by measuring actual afternoon peak hour volurnes at the project driveways and comparing the counts against total project trips based on the institute of Transportation .Engineers (ITE) trip generation rates. 1)5220/11/TRAFFICCONTR0LDOC