HomeMy WebLinkAboutTraffic Impact Statement• • • HOTEL DE L'OPERA Modification To Phase III of Miramar Centre MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT Prepared By: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 5100 NW 33rd Avenue, Suite 157 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309 03/01/2006 14t31 FAX URS €41002/002 • March 1, 2006 Ms. Lillis I. Medina, AICP Assistant Transportation Coordinator City of Miami, Office of the City Manager/Transportation 444 SW 2"d Avenue (10th Floor) Miami, Florida 33130 Rix Hotel ,De!' opera (WO # 151) Sufficiency Latter Via Fax and US Mali Dear Ms. Medina: Subsequent to OUT February 2, 2008 review comments for the subject project, we have received a revised traffic report along with a formal response from Klmley-Ham and Associates Inc. an and a v e) on -mail )bruary 18, from FDQT2008, anniinng office. IPhotocopies of the responsd site e letter from satisfactory revised site plan and the a -mall from K&A are attached herewith. At 'this time, we conclude 'that the revised traffic report along with the subsequent submittal meets all the traffic requirements and the report is found to be sufficient. Should you have any questions, please call Quazl Masood or me at 954.739.1881. Sincerely, URS Raj Shanmuga Se • r Traffic Engineer cra Southern Attachment Cc: Mr. Kaxfn Watford, Planner it, City of Miami Planning (Fax - 305.416.1443) Mt Manny A. V gL Engineer:, City of Miami Zoning (Fax - 305.416.2153) Mr. John McWilliams, Pf, Klmley .Hon and Associates. Inc. (xtrA) URS Cain Likamatore ConspioX sioo NW 33rd AVafuac Suite 115a Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309.6378 Tell 954,7aLL* 81 Faz Qf4.732.1789 03/01/ Dfl WO 13 : 21 (TX/RX NO 7W311 • • Revised Traffic Impact Analysis for Submittal to the City of Miami Hotel de 1'Opera Miami, Florida Prepared for: Hotel de 1'Opera, LLC Miami, Florida Prepared by: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Fort Lauderdale, Florida ©2005 Kimsey -Horn and Associates, Inc. Fehniary 2006 0430000000 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. • • • Revised Traffic Impact Analysis for Submittal to the City of Miami Hotel de 1' Opera Miami, Florida Prepared for: Hotel de 1'Opera, LLC Miami, Florida Prepared by: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Fort Lauderdale, Florida ©2005 Kisnley-Flom and Associates, Inc. February 2006 0430000000 • • • Ksmley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Revised Tragic Impact Analysis TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 DATA COLLECTION 3 CAPACITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY 7 Level of Service Standard 7 Transportation Corridor Level of Service Methodology 7 Intersection Level of Service Methodology 7 EXISTING CONDITIONS (2005) CAPACITY ANALYSIS 9 Transportation Corridors 9 Intersections 14 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC 15 Background Area Growth 15 Committed Developments 15 PROJECT TRAFFIC 18 Existing and Proposed Land Uses 18 Project Access 18 Trip Generation 18 Trip Distribution and Assignment 19 TOTAL TRAFFIC 22 FUTURE CONDITIONS (2008) CAPACITY ANALYSIS 24 Future (2008) Background Traffic Conditions 24 Future (2008) Total Traffic Conditions 26 TRANSPORTATION CONTROL MEASURES PLAN 29 FUTURE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS 30 CONCLUSIONS 31 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Methodology Correspondence Appendix B: Traffic Count Data Appendix C: Miami -Dade Transit Data Appendix D: Existing Conditions (2005) SYNCHRO 6.0 Outputs Appendix E: Growth Trend Analyses Appendix F: Committed Development Data Cardinal Distribution Appendix G: Cardinal Distribution Appendix H: Volume Development Worksheets Appendix I: Future Conditions (2008 Without Project) SYNCHRO 6.0 Outputs Appendix J: Future Conditions (2008 With Project) SYNCHRO 6.0 Outputs Appendix K: FDOT Future Project Information G:A043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV_TIA.doc Page - I February 2006 • • • © —11 Ki -Hom and Associates, Inc.. Revised Traffic Impact Anai sis LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Project Location Map 2 Figure 2: Intersection Lane Configurations 4 Figure 3: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 6 Figure 4: 2008 P.M. Peak Hour Background Traffic 17 Figure 5: Project Trip Distribution & Assignment 21 Figure 6: 2008 P.M. Peak Hour Total Traffic 23 LIST OF TABLES Table I: Transportation Corridor Level of Service Thresholds 8 Table 2: 2006 P.M. Peak Hour Roadway Volumes 9 Table 3: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Miami -Dade Transit Conditions --- NE 15th Street 11 Table 4: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Miami -Dade Transit Conditions — Biscayne Boulevard 12 Table 5: 2006 P.M. Peak Hour Transportation Corridor Segment Conditions 13 Table 6: 2006 P.M. Peak Hour Intersection Conditions 14 Table 7: Proposed Trip Generation 19 Table 8: Cardinal Trip Distribution 20 Table 9: Future (2008) Background P.M. Peak Hour Transportation Corridor Segment Conditions 25 Table 10: Future (2008) Background P.M. Peak Hour Intersection Conditions 26 Table 11: Future (2008) Total P.M. Peak Hour Transportation Corridor Segment Conditions 27 Table 12: Future (2008) Total P.M. Peak Hour Intersection Conditions 28 G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'operalReport\REV_TIA.doc Page - ii February 2006 • • • E1111111111111 Kmley-Ham and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis INTRODUCTION Hotel de 1'Opera, LLC is proposing a mixed -use development (Hotel de l'Opera) located on the east side NE 4th Avenue between NE 17th Terrace and NE l8th Street in the City of Miami, Florida. Figure 1 depicts the location of the project. The project proposes to build a 400-room hotel, with 7,000 square feet of retail space, and 45,000 square feet of office space. Construction is expected to be completed and fully occupied by the year 2008. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. has completed this traffic impact analysis for submittal to the City of Miami as part of the Major Use Special Permit (MUSP) application. The purpose of the study is to assess the project's impact on the surrounding roadway network and determine if adequate capacity is available to support future demand. The study's methodology is consistent with the requirements outlined by the City of Miami for traffic studies. This report summarizes the data collection, project trip generation and distribution, and capacity analyses. A methodology meeting was conducted with the City of Miami's traffic consultant on December 20th, 2005. Methodology correspondence is included in Appendix A. G:\043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV_TIA.doc Page - I February 2006 FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATiON MAP In Kimley-Horn E and Associates, Inc. IGrnieyHorn and Associates, Inc. Revised Tragic Impact analysis DATA COLLECTION A study area was examined for this traffic impact analysis commensurate with the anticipated increase in traffic associated with the project. The study area for this project is defined as: • I-195 (north) • 1-395 (south) • I-95 (west) • Biscayne Bay (east). Additionally, eight (8) intersections were examined within the study area including the following: • NE 17th Terrace and Biscayne Boulevard • NE 17th Terrace and NE 4th Avenue • NE 17th Terrace and Connector • NE 4th Avenue and Connector • NE 17th Terrace and North Bayshore Drive • NE 18th Street and NE 4th Avenue (Westside) • NE 18th Street and NE 4thAvenue (Eastside) • Biscayne Boulevard and NE 19th Street Lane configurations for each of the examined intersections within the study area are provided in Figure 2. The following corridors were identified for analysis: • Biscayne Boulevard • NE 15th Street P.M. peak period (4:00 PM to 6:00 P.M.) turning movement counts were collected in the study area on August 31, 2005 (Wednesday) and on January 9, 2006 (Monday). The study area peak hour was determined to be from 5:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV jilkdoc Page - 3 February 2006 • • .41L. 441L. O O NE 19th Street w z 4. STOP a) TOP STOP NE 17th YNE 18th Stree . T* —tg Terrace NE 15th Street lac* N Bayshore Drive 0 0 LEGEND LANE CONFIGURATION FIGURE 2 INTERSECTION ..ANE...........CONFIGUR.ATIQ.NS.............. rand Associates, Inc. • • 1 V I Kimsey -Horn and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic impact Anahvsis The traffic count data is included in Appendix B. The FDOT seasonal adjustment factor was applied to the traffic counts to adjust the traffic typical volumes. The appropriate seasonal adjustment factor for the traffic counts collected on August 31, 2005 is 1.07, and the seasonal adjustment factor for the traffic counts collected on January 9, 2006 is 1.03. The conversion factor table is provided in Appendix B. Figure 3 presents the 2005/2006 peak season transportation corridor volumes (person -trips including transit riders) and peak season turning movement volumes at the study intersections. G:\043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV TIA.doc Page - 5 February 2006 • 1 1- ce 0 z CD QCO Vi7 70 35—� 74� 17 O1 nEV N 0 sr C3 a) CCI 1,„ (NI v L1 z 4J 1 L. 135 4----- 36 27 lj —5 1112 I 13 ---� ��r°°i 2� NE 19th Street 1�1E 4{h A/el-1` e 4 20—IP' 1' 80 4----197 NE 17th Terrace `-► 251-01' O o 0 4-1,397 1,393 ----► 251-110' NE 15th Street NE 18th Street 252 �-197 FIGURE 3 2006 P.M. PEAK LEGEND XX P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (VEHICLES) P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (PERSON —TRIPS) x,xxx HOUR -PEAK SEASON TRAFFIC imIrlIi ley-Hom and Assoiates, Inc, —) • • • nKi -Honi and Associates, Inc, Revised Traffic impact Analysis CAPACITY ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY Level of Service Standard Level of service (LOS) is the traffic performance measure generally used in traffic impact analysis. Levels of service range from LOS A (free flow with negligible delays) to LOS F (heavily congested with long delays). The City of Miami has adopted LOS E as its minimum level of service standard. Transportation Corridor Level of Service Methodology Transportation corridor traffic conditions were examined applying the methodology outlined in the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan. This methodology considers the person -trip capacity (including transit) for transportation corridors rather than evaluating only the vehicular roadway capacity. Level of service analyses were performed to assess the capacity of the transportation corridors evaluated in this study based on a comparison between person -trip volume and person -trip capacity within the corridors. The analyses of person -trip volumes and person -trip capacities account for both passenger vehicle and transit service within the corridors. Table 1 illustrates the level of service thresholds for each study corridor. The corridor level of service thresholds, measured in volume (v) to capacity (e) ratios, were developed from the 2002 version of FDOT's Quality/Level of Service Handbook. Intersection Level of Service Methodology Level of service analyses were performed for study intersections using Traffacware's SYNCHRO 6.0 Software, which applies methodologies outlined in the Highway Capacity Manual, 2000 Edition. G:l043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\RFV JIA.doe Page - 7 February 2006 • • • © K imley-Hom I•and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis Table 1: Transportation Corridor Level of Service Thresholds LOS A Biscayne Boulevard NE 15th Street Peak Hour Directional Volume Thresholds (2) V/C Ratio (2) Peak Hour Directional Volume Thresholds (1) (2) VIC Ratio (2) (2) (2) (2) (2) c 650 0.38 480 0.59 D 1,510 0.88 760 0.94 1,720 1.00 810 1.00 >1.00 >1.00 (l) Peak hour directional volumes adjusted for median type, presence of turn lanes, and one-way operation. (2) Cannot be achieved per "Table 4-7" from FDOT's 2002 Quality/Level of Service Handbook. G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV_TIA.doc Page - 8 February 2006 ��© Kimiey-Hom and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis EXISTING CONDITIONS (2005) CAPACITY ANALYSIS Transportation Corridors Vehicular roadway conditions and transit ridership were examined to determine the current level of service for the transportation corridors examined in this study. Table 2 presents the unadjusted 2006 P.M. peak hour directional traffic volumes, seasonal adjustment factors, and the 2006 peak season P.M. peak hour directional traffic volumes for the study corridors. Table 2: 2006 P.M. Peak Hour Roadway Volumes Roadway Segments Direction ; Biscayne Boulevard NB 725* 1.07 776 SB 620* 1.07 663 NE 15th Street EB 254* 1.07 272 WB 310* 1.07 332 * 2005 counts were adjusted to reflect 2006 conditions using a growth rate of 0.25 percent. See Appendix E. Existing transit conditions were examined considering the ridership and capacity of the Miami - Dade Transit (MDT) service operating in the corridors. MDT staff was contacted to obtain the P.M. peak hour ridership and capacities. The only information readily available was the ridership by route on a typical weekday. Therefore, additional research was conducted to determine the transit ridership and capacities in the study corridors. One (1) Miami -Dade Metrobus routes presently serve the NE 15th Street corridor adjacent to the project site during the P.M. peak hour. ■ Route 101 A operates with 20 minute headways in both directions. In addition, the. NE 15th Street corridor is served by the Metromover which operates with 1.5 minute headways in a loop (eastbound). G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'OperaiReport\REV_TCA.doc Page - 9 February 2006 • • • ©©K►mley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis Seven (7) Miami -Dade Metrobus routes presently serve the Biscayne Boulevard corridor adjacent to the project site during the P.M. peak hour. ■ Route 3 operates with 15 minute headways in both directions. ■ Route 16 operates with 15 minute headways in both directions. • Route 32 operates with 15 minute headways in both directions. • Route 62 operates with 20 minute headways in both directions • Route 95 operates with variable minute headways in the northbound direction. In the southbound direction, there is no P.M. operation within the study area. • Route Biscayne Max operates with 15 minute headways in both directions. • Route T operates with 20 minute headways in the northbound direction. In addition, the Biscayne Boulevard corridor is served by the Metromover which operates with 1.5 minute headways in a loop (northbound). MDT staff indicated that the Metrobus routes on the studied corridors sometimes use different bus types on the same route with variable capacities. For purposes of this analysis, an average capacity for each route was determined using data obtained from Miami -Dade County. The ridership capacities for the bus routes were calculated for the P.M. peak hour using the appropriate headways and capacities. Metrobus route schedules and headway calculations are included in Appendix C. Tables 3 and 4 summarize the transit capacity provided by the routes. Data were obtained to determine the existing P.M. peak hour ridership for the identified transit routes. The data reflect typical ridership on the routes using the most recent ridership information. The P.M peak hour ridership data is also presented in Tables 3 and 4. This ridership data is also included in Appendix C. G:\043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV T1A,.doc Page - 10 February 2006 • • �I Kmiey-Horn and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact 4nailsis Table 3: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Miami -Dade Transit Conditions — NE 15th Street it Route iformation Direction of Travel P.M. Peak Hour Headways Vehicles per Hour Average Vehicle Capacity (riders) P.M. Peak Hour Directional Person -Trip Capacity P.M. Peak Hour Average Directional Route Ridership Route 101 A Eastbound 20 minutes a 3 41 123 12 (4 riders/bus) Westbound 20 minutes 3 41 123 12 (4 riders/ bus) Metromover Eastbound 1.5 minutes 40 75 3000 1000 (25 riders/ train) Westbound 1.5 minutes 40 75 3000 920 (23 riders/ train ) Total Eastbound - 43 3123 1012 (24 riders/ vehicle) Westbound - 43 - 3123 932 (22ridersl vehicle ) G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'OperalReport\RFV_TIA.doc Page - 11 February 2006 • • • Y-Horn Associates, Inc, .Revised Traffic Impact Analysis Table 4: 2005 P.M. Peak Hour Miami -Dade Transit Conditions -- Biscayne Boulevard Transit Route Information Direction of Travel P.M. Peak Hour Headways Vehicles per Hour Average Vehicle Capacity (riders) P.M.Peak Hour Directional Person- Trip Capacity P.M. Peak Hour Average Directional Route Ridership e: ai a 0 0 et 0 Route 3 Northbound 15 minutes 4 53 212 ,. 96 (24 riders/bus) Southbound 15 minutes 4 56 224 68 (17 riders /bus) Route 16 Northbound 15 minutes 4 53 212 72 (18 riders/bus) Southbound 15 minutes 4 53 212 44 (11 riders/bus) Route 32 Northbound 15 minutes 4 53 212 28 (7 riders/ bus) Southbound 15 minutes 4 53 212 8 (2 riders / bus) Route 62 Northbound 20 minutes 3 56 168 27 (9 riders / bus) Southbound 20 minutes 3 58 174 12 (4 riders/bus) Route 95 Northbound Variable 8.5 53 451 0 (0 riders/ bus) Southbound No P.M. operation within the study area Route Biscayne Max Northbound 15 minutes 4 59 236 76 (19 riders/bus) Southbound 15 minutes 4 61 244 92 (23 riders/bus) Route T Northbound 20 minutes 3 53 159 45 (15 riders/bus) Metrornover Northbound 1,5 minutes 40 75 3000 680(17riders/train) Total Northbound - 70.5 - 4650 1024 (15 riders/ vehicle) Southbound - 27.5 - 1066 224 (9 riders/ bus) In order to determine person -trip level of service for the study area's transportation corridors, total person -trip volumes (vehicular and transit) were compared to the total person -trip capacities. The person -trip volumes to capacity (v/c) ratios were compared to the person -trip v/c level of service designations outlined in Table I. Table 5 presents the existing transportation corridor level of service. As indicated in Table 5, the transportation corridors have excess person -trip capacity during the P.M. peak hour and operate at acceptable levels of service. G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV_T1A.doc Page - 12 February 2006 ©g�Kimley-Hom and Associates, inc. • Table 5: 2006 P.M. Peak Hour Transportation Corridor Segment Conditions • Revised Traffic Impact Analysis Principal .Roadways Peak Season P.M. Peak Hour Roadway Volumes P.M. Peak Hour Transit RidershipCapacity p M. Peak Hour Total Volume (V) Directianal Peak Hour Vehicular Capacity (2) 'P.M. eak CapacityCapacity P.M. Peak Peak ' Excess P.M. Peak Hour Level of Service Vehicles Person- Trips cif Person- Trips Person- Trips Vehicles Person -Person Trips ttj - ps Person- Trips Person- Trips V/C Ratio Biscayne Boulevard ....... NB 776 1086 1024 I 1,720 2,408 I 0.30 SB 663 928 224 1,720 2,408 1 I .33 cil In z EB 272 381 810 1,134 I .33 WB 332 465 810 1,134 ; 0.33 (I) Volumes (vehicles) were converted to person -trips using 1.4 person/vehicle occupancy (2) Directional peak hour capacity derived from the 2002 FDOT Quality/LOS Handbook and the Miami -Downtown DRI. G:\043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV_TIA.doc Page - 13 February 2006 • • • 1:1iiiiitiiiii-� Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Analysts Intersections P.M. peak hour capacity analyses were also performed for the study intersections. Table 6 presents the results of the analyses. As indicated, the study intersections operate at acceptable levels of service. Detailed SYNCHRO 6.0 outputs are included in Appendix D along with existing intersection traffic signal timing plans. Table 6: 2006 P.M. Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Intersection 2006 P.M. Peak Hour Overall Level of Service (Existing Timings) LOS Delay (s) US 1/Biscayne Boulevard and NE 17th Terrace A 9.2 NE 17th Terrace and NE 4th Avenue A(1) 8.9 (1) NE 17th Terrace and Connector B (1) 13.0(1) NE 4th Avenue and Connector A (1) 9.4 (1) NE 17th Terrace and North Bayshore Drive C (1) 16.9(1) NE 18th Street and NE 4th Avenue (Westside) B (1) 11.6 (1) NE 18th Street and NE 4th Avenue (Eastside) A (1) 9.0 (1) US 1/Biscayne Boulevard and NE 19th Street B 14.4 (1) Overall intersection LOS not provided for two-way unsignalized intersections. The worst sidestreet movement is indicated. G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV_T1A.doe Page - 14 February 2006 • t lmley-Hann and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic impact Analysis BACKGROUND TRAFFIC Background traffic conditions are defined as the expected traffic conditions on the prevailing roadway network in the year 2008 (corresponding to the build out of Hotel de 1'Opera) without the development of the proposed project. The background traffic volumes are the sum of the existing traffic and additional "background" traffic to account for expected traffic growth in the study area. Background Area Growth Future traffic growth on the transportation network was determined based upon historic growth trends at nearby FDOT traffic count stations. The nearest FDOT count stations referenced for this analysis are located along Biscayne Boulevard (US-1/SR 5): count station number 5053 is located on Biscayne Boulevard north of NE 13th Street and count station number 5056 is located on Biscayne Boulevard north of NE 19th Street. The growth rate analysis resulted in a growth rate of -4.67 percent (-4.67%) for count station number 5053 and a growth rate of -1.72 percent (-1.72%) for count station number 5056. To be conservative an annual growth rate of 0.25 percent (0.25%) was applied annually to traffic counts to attain future (2008) background conditions. Historical traffic count data and growth trend calculations are included in Appendix E. Committed Developments The City of Miami staff was contacted to determine if any projects that have been approved but not yet completed in the vicinity of the project site should be accounted for in this analysis. The Large Scale Development Report (December 2005) was reviewed and nine (9) committed project were identified. These nine (9) projects are listed below. 1. Performing Arts Center of Greater Miami, The 2. The 1800 Club 3. Quantum on the Bay (Metropolis at Bayshore) 4. Bayview Market 5. Ellipse G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV_TIA.doc Page - 15 February 2006 • • • K ndey-Hom and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic „Impact Anah, 6. Paramount Bay (Paramount at Edgewater Square) 7. 1650 Biscayne Boulevard (Cardinal Symphony) 8. Portico 9. Omni Mixed -Use Project It should be noted that the Hotel de 1'Opera project will take place of the previously approved MUSP for this site (Miramar Centre Phase IUIII). Therefore, traffic from the previous MUSP was not included in the committed list of projects. The projected traffic from the committed projects was added to the background traffic. Please refer to Appendix F for committed project trip assignments to the Hotel de 1'Opera project study intersections. Figure 4 presents the 2008 background traffic for the study area. G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'QperalReport1REV_TIA.doc Ave -16 February 2006 • N W .J 0 Otl 161 4---- 76 64 N 0 CO OTir z J NE 19th Street 4-5 119 ----► 0 ----377 NE 17th 10 378 - --� -f ) 2 n o o 96 1r Terrace 315----1110. NE 18th Stree 275 —288 FIGURE 4 FUTURE (2OO8) NONPROJECT P.M. PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC N Bayshore Drive Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. _' 1111 Kndey-Horn and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis PROJECT TRAFFIC Project traffic is defined as the vehicle trips expected to be generated by the project (Hotel de l'Opera), and the distribution and assignment of this traffic over the roadway network. Existing and Proposed Land Uses As previously indicated, this project proposes to build a 400-room hotel, with 7,000 square feet of retail space, and 45,000 square feet of office space. To provide for a conservative analysis, the existing site was assumed to be unoccupied. The build out and occupancy of the project is expected to occur in 2008. Project Access The site will be accessed via one (1) site driveway. A site driveway is proposed along NE 4th Avenue. Trip Generation Proposed vehicular trip generation for the project site was calculated using rates and equations contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Trip Generation, Seventh Edition. The trip generation for the proposed land uses was determined using ITE Land Use 310 (Hotel), ITE Land Use 814 (Specialty Retail Center), and ITE Land Use 710 (General Office Building). Project trips were estimated for the P.M. peak hour. ITE trip generation assumes a vehicle occupancy rate of 1.2 persons per vehicle; however, the City of Miami has determined that 1.4 persons per vehicle are more appropriate for the local area. Therefore, vehicular trips were reduced by 16 percent to adjust for these vehicle occupancy assumptions. The vehicular trip generation calculations for the project are presented in Table 7. G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'OperaiReport\REV_T[A.sioc Page - 18 February 2006 • • • Kiimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis Table 7: Proposed Trip Generation Future Land Use (ITE Code) V, w' P.M. Peak Hour Volumes Gross Total Internal Capture Net External Pass -By Capture Net New External Entering Exiting Trips Reduction Trips ReductionTrips Hotel (310) 400 room 236 5.5% 223 - 223 53% 118 47% 105 Specialty Retail Center (814) 7 k.s.f. 38 21.1% 30 - 30 47% 14 53% 16 General Office Building (710) 45 k s f 129 5.4% 122 - 122 15% 18 85% 104 Total 403 375 375 vph 150 vph 225 vph ITE/Miami vehicular occupancy adjustment (16% reduction) 315 vph 126 vph L 189 vph Person -Trip Conversion (1.4 persons per vehicle) 441 p.t i'1 176 [ 265 p.t. (I) ('> p.t. = person -trips It should be noted that internal capture was assumed for the proposed mixed -used developments. Internal capture calculations were performed in accordance with ITE Trip Generation Handbook. Trip Distribution and Assignment The likely distribution of project traffic was forecast for the trips expected to be generated by the project. The trip distribution was based on a cardinal trip distribution obtained from the 2005 Cost Affordable Plan for the project site's traffic analysis zone (TAZ 507). The cardinal trip distribution for TAZ 507 is provided in Table 8. The detailed cardinal distribution is included in Appendix G. i 043000000 S otel.L e L'operaeport\REV T1A.d c.. ...Page = 19 • • Krniey-Horn and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis Table 8: Cardinal Trip Distribution Cardinal Direction Percentage of Trips North -Northeast 10.33% East -Northeast 5.38% East -Southeast 5.05% South -Southeast 3.43 % South -Southwest 18.90% West -Southwest 21.46% West -Northwest 19.29% North -Northwest 16.15 % Total NQ0.00% Figure 5 shows the project trip distribution and assignment at the project driveway and adjacent intersections. The project trips (vehicular and person -trips) were then distributed and assigned to the roadway network. As part of the directional person -trip distribution, the maximum project traffic assignment was determined for the transportation corridor segment. G•/043000000 - I tote] tie L'®peralReport1l2E Fage - 0 February 2006 LD x x *IL 6%/8 —110 2X/3 4X/8 6X/11 6X/8 —1/ 3X/4-T 6X/11 30X/57 10x/19 NE 19th 6X/8 10X/19 ♦-8X/11 Street 10X/19 ---16%/30 2X/3 NE 18th N Bayshore Drive • c N Ld Z 5X/10 50X/63—Ow -o 0 0 41-5X/10 r-- 25X/47 41A/76 NE 17th ctor '0449 56X/71 58,03 t .14%/18 28X/35 ti* Terrace �— 4X IN/7 3% IN/5—* NE 15th Street LEGEND XX%/XX<XX> NEW DISTRIBUTION/NEW ASSIGNMENT<PASS—BY ASSIGNMENT> r ng Street 4%/7 o 4X/5 FIGURE 5 TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT KI€eley-Hom and mates, Inc. XX% IN/XX ,PERSON TRIP DISTRIBUTION/ASSIGNMENT (MAXIMUM) • • iimley-Hom C and Assoc ates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis TOTAL TRAFFIC Total traffic volumes (vehicular and person -trips) considered in the future year (2008) analysis for this project are the sum of 2008 background traffic volumes (including committed project traffic volumes) and the expected project traffic volumes. Figure 6 presents the 2008 total traffic for the study area. Total turning movement volume development worksheets for the study intersections are included in Appendix H. G1043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Repart\RE. '_TFA.dac Page 22 February 2006 tc„....„, .L1L. 75 52 —+ 78� 218 �--- 95 r 64 N cnm 228 4-136 �135 NE 19th Street 22 4.) lir Into 86 3 n 14j* �----• 377 53 '7h NE 17th r r13 NE 18th Street �— 293 4-288 165 76 —♦ 191 1 1378- 4 t fth 2� o 0 ♦-1,632 1, 569 ---* Terrace NE 15th Street 7 40> N4r \ a1 XX jx,xxx LEGEND P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (VEHICLES) P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES (PERSON —TRIPS) FIGURE 6 PEAK HOUR TOTAL TRAFFIC / \ Kimdey-Ham and Associates, Inc, _ N Bayshore Drive • • • om -© and Associates, Inc, Revised Traffic Impact Analysis FUTURE CONDITIONS (2008) CAPACITY ANALYSIS Two separate future conditions peak hour capacity analyses were performed. • A transportation corridor capacity analysis was performed examining person -trip volumes and capacity. ■ Intersection capacity analysis was performed at the study intersections. The future conditions analysis were performed for the 2008 background traffic conditions and the 2008 total traffic conditions, which included the 2008 background traffic and the new trips expected to be generated by the project. Future (2008) Background Traffic Conditions Table 9 presents the results of the transportation corridor capacity analysis for the 2008 P.M. peak hour background traffic conditions. As indicated in Table 9, the corridors have sufficient capacity and are expected to operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS D or better). Table 10 presents the results of the intersection capacity analysis for the 2008 P.M. peak hour background traffic conditions. The intersection timings of Biscayne Boulevard and NE 17th Terrace were optimized to reflect the change in traffic patterns in the year 2008. However, this intersection is expected to operate at LOS E in the year 2008. The rest of the intersections operate at LOS C or better. Detailed SYNCHRO 6.0 outputs are included in Appendix I. G.1043000000 - Hotel De L'OperalReport\REV_T1A.doe age 24 Febnlary Kimsey -Horn and Associates, Inc. • • Revised Traffic Impact Analysis Table 9: Future (2008) Background P.M. Peak Hour Transportation Corridor Segment Conditions Principal Roadway 2008 P.M. Peak Hour Background Volume Committed PeakPeak Hour Volume (2) 2008 ' 2008 P.M. Peak Hour Total Capacity (C) t� 2008 P.M. Peak Hour Excess Capacity 2008 P.M. Peak Hour Total Level of Service Person- Trips Person- Trips Trips Person- Trips Person- Trips VIC Ratio LOS at v a m 0 NB __.__ 2,121 1,051 3,172 7,058 3,886 0.45 D SB 1,158 851 2,009 3,474 1,465 0.58 D 'B,,, a —q W 4- 4 "' EB 1,400 164 1,564 4,257 2,693 0.37 C WB 1,404 221 1,625 4,257 2,632 0.38 C .1) An annual growth ra e (0.25 Percent) was aDPlied to the 2006 P.M. peak hour total volume to determine the 2008 background vo (2) Total traffic generated along the corridors by committed developments (3) The summation of 2008 peak hour background volumes and committed trips. (4) Total capacity determined in Table 5. ume. G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV_TIA.doe Page - 25 February 2006 • • • r' Kraley-Flom and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis Table 10: Future (2008) Background P.M. Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Intersection P.M. Peak Hour Overall Level of Service LOS Delay (s) US 1/Biscayne Boulevard and NE 17`h Terrace E (2) 76.5 (2) NE 17th Terrace and NE 4t Avenue A (1) 9.5 (1) NE 17th Terrace and Connector C (1) 15.6 (1) NE 4th Avenue and Connector A (1) 9.5 (1) NE 17t Terrace and North Bayshore Drive C (1) 23.1 (1) NE le Street and NE 4th Avenue (Westside) B (1) 12.5 (1) NE 18`h Street and NE 4`h Avenue (Eastside) A (1) 9.5 (1) US 1/Biscayne Boulevard and NE 19th Street C 34.7 (1) Overall intersection LOS not provided for two-way unsignalized intersections. The worst sidestreet movement is indicated. (2) Signalized intersection show optimized phasing splits. Future (2008) Total Traffic Conditions Table 11 presents the results of the transportation corridor capacity analysis for the 2008 P.M. peak hour total traffic conditions. As indicated in Table 11, the corridors have sufficient capacity and are expected to operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS D or better). Table 12 presents the results of the intersection capacity analysis for the 2008 P.M. peak hour total traffic conditions. The intersection timings of Biscayne Boulevard and NE 17th Terrace were optimized to reflect the change in traffic pattetus in the year 2008. This intersection is expected continue operating at LOS E in the year 2008. All the other intersections will operate at LOS D or better. Detailed SYNCHRO 6.0 outputs are included in Appendix J. G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera'Report\REV_TI-A.doc Page - 26 February 2006 • ❑ iom© and Associat es, Inc. • • Revised Traffic Impact Analysis Table 11: Future (2008) Total P.M. Peak Hour Transportation Corridor Segment Conditions Roadway 2008 P.M. Peak Hour Volume (Principal 1) Committed Peak Hour Volume tit 2008 P.M. ` Peak Hour Total Volume {3t Volume Project P.M. Dist tion Peak Hour (Maximum) Project P.M. Peak Hour Assignment 2008 P.M. Peak Hour TotalVolume04 ume 2008 P.M. Peak Hour Total Capacity (C) tst 2008 P.M. Peak Hour Capacity 2008 P.M. Peak Hour al l ofExcess tService Person- Trips Person- Trips Person- Trips Person -Trips Person- Trips Person- Trips Person- Trips V/C Ratio LOS NB 2,121 1,051 3,172 30% OUT 80 3,252 7,058 3,806 0.46 D NE 15th Bisc Street Boul SB j 1,158 851 2,009 43%IN 76 2,085 3,474 1,389 0.60 D EB 1,400 164 1,564 3% IN 5 1,569 4,257 2,688 0.37 C WB 1,404 221 1,625 4% IN 7 1,632 4,257 2,625 0.38 C (1) An annual growth rate (0,25 percent) was applied to the 2006 P.M. peak hour total volume to determine the 2008 background volume. (2) Total traffic generated along the corridors by committed developments (3) The summation of 2020 peak hour background volumes and committed trips. (4) 2008 P.M. peak hour total volume (V) is defined as the sum of the project P.M. peak hour assignment and the background volume. (5) Total capacity determined in Table 5. G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'OperalReport\REV_TIA.doc Page - 27 February 2006 • • • K nie„ -Hom and Associates, Inc. Revised Trafc Impact Analysis Table 12: Future (2008) Total P.M. Peak Hour Intersection Conditions Intersection P.M. Peak Hour Overall Level of Service LOS Delay (s) US 1/Biscayne Boulevard and NE 17th Terrace E (2) 76.8 (2) NE 17t Terrace and NE 4'h Avenue A (1) 9.9 (1) NE 17th Terrace and Connector C (1) 16.4 (1) NE 4th Avenue and Connector A (1) 9.9 (1) NE 17t Terrace and North Bayshore Drive D (1) 25.0 (1) NE 18th Street and NE 4th Avenue (Westside) B (1) 13.8 (1) NE 18th Street and NE 4th Avenue (Eastside) B (1) 11.2 (1) US 1/Biscayne Boulevard and NE 19th Street D 45.4 NE 4th Avenue & Driveway B 10.1 (1) Overall intersection LOS not provided for two-way unsignalized intersections. The worst sidestreet movement is indicated. (2) Signalized intersection show optimized phasing splits. G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV_TIA.doc Page - 28 February 2006 • • • Kirniey-Hom and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic impact Analysis TRANSPORTATION CONTROL MEASURES PLAN A Transportation Control Measures Plan is required to demonstrate how the developer plans to alleviate traffic from the proposed site on the surrounding roadway network. Miami -Dade County provides Metrobus and Metrorail public transit in close proximity to the project site. In addition, other measures of transportation control can be used by the developer to encourage people to use public transportation, promote bicycling and walking, encourage car/vanpooling and offer alternatives to the typical workday hours. In fact, hospital shift changes typically occur outside of the peak traffic periods. Examples of these incentives that may be offered at the site include, but are not limited to: ■ Provide transit subsidies for employees of the site ■ Provide transit information within the site, including route schedules and maps ■ Provide convenient and secure areas for bicycles ■ Provide other transit -oriented amenities The applicant intends to make the site pedestrian- and transit -friendly and will consider these features for incorporation into the site. G:\043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV_TIA.doe Page - 29 February 2006 • • • K coley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Arta} 'sis FUTURE TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENTS As part of this traffic impact analysis, future transportation improvements (programmed and planned) were identified within the corridors adjacent to the project site. Project documentation is included in Appendix K. The following projects were identified: ■ Premium Transit ---- According to Miami -Dade County Long Range Transportation Plan (2030 LRTP), there is a project that will provide premium transit service between Downtown Miami and the Broward County line along the U.S.1/ FEC Rail corridor. This project is a Priority IV project scheduled for implementation between 2021-2030. G:1043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\RFV_TIA.doc Page - 30 February 2006 • • • Kiimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Revised Traffic Impact Analysis CONCLUSIONS This traffic impact study assessed the impacts of the Hotel de l'Opera project on the surrounding transportation network. The analysis was conducted in accordance with the City of Miami requirements and included data collection; project trip generation, distribution, and assignment; transportation corridor segment capacity analysis; and intersection capacity analysis. This report is being submitted as part of a MUSP application. Transportation corridor capacity analyses and intersection capacity analyses were performed for the existing 2006 peak season conditions. Results of the analyses demonstrate that the transportation corridors and intersections in the vicinity of the project site currently have sufficient capacity and operate at acceptable levels of service. Trip generation calculations indicate that the project is expected to generate 315 new vehicular trips and 441 person -trips during the P.M. peak hour. These trips were assigned to the roadway network based on a cardinal trip distribution obtained from the 2005 Cost Feasible Plan. Capacity analyses were also performed for the future (Year 2008) with project conditions. Results of these analyses demonstrate that the transportation corridors and major intersections will continue to have sufficient capacity and operate at acceptable levels of service. G:\043000000 - Hotel De L'Opera\Report\REV_TIA.doc Page - 31 February 2006