HomeMy WebLinkAboutSummer Food Children AgreementFOOD AND NUTRITION MANAGEMENT SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AGREEMENT Address: INSTRUCTIONS: (1) Return two copies of this agreement with original signatures prior to the beginning of the program to Food and Nutrition Management, Summer Food Service Program. 325 West Gaines Street, Room 103Z. Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0400. (2) When the agreement is approved, one copy will be returned to the Sponsor. . In order to effectuate the purposes of the Summer Food Service Program for Children. the Florida Department of Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Department') and the sponsor whose name and address appear on the Application for Participation (SFSP-F1) (hereinafter referred to as the "Sponsor) acting in behalf of each site listed' on the Site Information Sheet. (SFSP-F2), covenant and agree as follows. A The DEPARTMENT AGREES TO THE extent of funds avaiable from USDA. it shad teirnburse the sponsor in accordance with applicable requirements and regulations of the Summer Food Service Program for Children. and any amendments thereto. 1. in connection with meals served to children only at approved sites during any fiscal year for sponsors approved to operate the Summer Food Service Program. 2. The amount of operational reimbursement for meets shall not exceed the lesser of (a) An amount equal to the total number of meals, by types. multipfred by the rates assigned by the Deparbnent or (b) Actual operating costs incurred by the sponsor. 3. The amount of administrative reimbursement for meals shall not exceed the lesser of: (a) An amount equal to the total number of meals. by types, multiplied by the rates assigned by the Department (b) Actual administrative costs incurred by the sponsor, or (c) An amount estimated in the sponsor's approved administrative -budget 4. Program income accruing to a sponsors. program stall be deducted from either aperating or administrative costs, whichever is apptcable.before a comparison is made with the maxirnun rates and the administrative budget S. The SPONSOR being the authority for supervision and control over the program. warrants that it accepts final financial and administrative responsibility for the program and that it win: 1. Operate a nonprofit food service -for dnldren an school vacation during the months of May through September or during the months of May through September and at some other time or limes during the year for children on school vacation under a continuous school calendar system; 2 For school food aultiorities, offer meals which meet the requirements and provisions set forth in 7 CFR 225 during times designated as the meal service periods by the sponsor, and serve the same meals to ell children; for all other sponsors. serve meals which meet the requirements and provisions set forth in 7 CFR 225 during limes designated as the meal service periods by the sponsor. and serve the same meal to all clyldren; • 3- Serve meals without cost to all children, except that camps may charge for meals served to children who are not eligible for free or reduced price school meals; 4. Issue a free meal policy statement in as ordannea with 7 CFR 225; 5. Meet the training requirements for its administrative and site personnel, as required under 7 CFR •225; O. Claim reimbursement only for the type or types of meals specified in the agreement and served to children at approved sites during the approved meal service period; except that camps shall daim reimbursement only for the type or types of meals specified in the agreement and served without charge to children who meet the Program's income standards; ESE 198 SFSP-F3 C. D. • 7. Submit claims for reimbursement on a farm provided by the Department in accordance with procedures established by the Department 8. Maintain, in the storage, preparation. and service of food, proper sanitation and health standards in conformance with all applicable state and local laws and regulations; 9. Accept and use, in as large quantities as may be efficiently utilized in the program, such foods as rnay be offered as donated by the Deism-Mierit 10. Have access to fact sties necessary for storing, preparing and serving food; 11. Maintain a financial management system as prescribed by the Department 12. Maintain on file docurnentatfon of site visits and reviews in accordance with 7 CFR 225; 13. Maintain hill and accurate records of all program operations under this agreement. Upon request make all acrounts and records pertaining to the program available to slate, federal, or other authorized officials for audt or administrative review, at a reasonable lime and place. Such records shall be retained for a period of three years after the end of the fiscal year to which they pertain, except that, if audit findings have not been resolved. the records shad be retained beyond the three year period as long as required for the resolution of any issues raised by the audit 14. Maintain children on site while meals are consumed. - The Sponsor hereby agrees that it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1984 (Public Law 88.352, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) and all requirements Imposed by the regulations of the DeparUnent of Agriculture (7 CFR Part 15), Department of Justice (20-CFR Paris 42 and 50), and FNS directives or regulations issued pursuant to that Act and the regulations. to the effect that. no person in the United States shall. on the grounds of race. actor, national origin. sex. age. or disabilty be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected io discrimination under any program or activity for which the sponsor receives federal financial assistance from the Department and hereby gives assurance that it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement This assurance is given. in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal financial assistance, grants. and loans of federal funds: reimbursable expenditures; grant or donation 'of federal property and interest in property, the delall of federal personnel: and the sale and lease of. and the permission to use, federal property or interest in such properly or the furnishing of services without consideration or at a nominal consideration, or at a consideration which is reduced for the purpose of assisting the recipient, or in recognition of the public interest to be served by such sale, lease. or furnishing of services to the recipient. or any improvements made with federal financial assistance extended to the program applicant by the Department. t This includes any federal agreement arrangement, or other contract which has as one of its purposes the provision of cash assistance for the purchase of food, and cash assistance for purchase or rental of food service equipment or any other financial assistance extended in reliance on the representations and agreements made in this assurance. By accepting this assurance. the sponsor agrees to compile data. maintain records. and submit reports as required. to permit effective enforcement of Title VI and permit authorized USDA personnel during normal working hours to review such records. books. and accounts as needed to ascertain c omptiance with Trite VI- tf there ate any violations of this assurance, the Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, shall have the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance. This assurance is binding on the sponsor, its successors, transferees. and assignees as long as they receive assistance or retain possession of any assistance from the Department. The person or persons whose signatres appear below are authorized to sign this assurance on the behalf of the sponsor. The terms of this Agreement and the detailed information contained on the Application for Participation (SFSP-F1). and the Sde Information Sheets (SFSP-F2), which shall be cnnsideted a part of this Agreement, shalt not be modified or changed in any way other than by consent in writing of both parlies hereto. (Continued on Reverse) DOE Page 1 of 2 SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AGREEMENT E. This Agreement may. be renewed annually by the Department and the Sponsor by mutual agreement in. writing. Renewal ME be contingent on the Sponsor meeting program requirements in this Agreement and those outlined in part 225 of the Code of Federal Regulations and other pertinent instructions from the Department or the United Slates Department of Agriculture and shall pertain to programs under Sponsors jurisdiction that have submitted annual applications and said applications have been given Department approval. F. This Agreement may be terminated upon 15 days written notice on the part of either party hereunto, and the Department may termtnafe this Agreement immediately after receipt d evidence that the terms rind conditions of this Agreement and of the regulations governing the program have not been fu8y complied with by the Sponsor. Any termination of this Agreement by the Department shall be in accord with applicable laws and regulations. No termination or expiration of this Agreement. however, shall affect the obligations of the. Sponsor to maintain and retain records and to make such retards available for audit. Termination of this Agreement for noncompliance with Tdle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1904 shaft be in accordance with applicable Irma and regulations. Sponsor C My signature correct. I am prosecution u CERTIFICATION SPONSORING AGENCY M • , mi Coin Miami Dade ties that the inf re that den' applicable s' and its attadlrnenis Is true and ing of information rrtay result in Signature and f die of Authorized Representative —City Manager Date: MAY 0 1 2006.. ESE 198 SFSP-F3 G. H. The Department may lake such action. including prosecution for fraud under app& able state and federal statutes or initiate a reclair% if any part of the money received by the Sponsor. through improper or negligent action, is diminished..fast. misapplied, or diverted from the program. This liability on the part of the Sponsor sheN remain in effect for the applicable periods or limitations es called for by law after the effective date of termination of the Agreement The Department shall inform the Sponsor of its right to request a review of decisions made by the Department which affect the parlicipalion of a sponsor in the program or the Sponsor's dein for reimbursement II is understood and agreed by and between the Department and the Sponsor. whether public or private, that the regulations at the United States Department of Agriculture relating tip the Food and Nutrition Services. Regulation number 225, attached, are made a part of this Agreement and that the Department, Sponsor. and sites are to abide by aft of the conditione.and terms set forth in the regulations. AND APPROVAL FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Recommended for Approval by Administrator, Food and Nutrition Management Period of Agreement: From: Approved By To: Date: Date: Coinmissioner of Education or Designated Representative (Both conies must have original sionatures) DOE Page 2 of 2 FOOD AND NUTRITION MANAGEMENT SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AGREEMENT Address: INSTRUCTIONS: (1) Return two copies of thus agreement with original signatures prior to the beginning of the program to Food and Nutrition Management. Summer Food 5enrice Program. 325 West Gaines Street, Room 1032, Tallahassee, Florida 32399.0400. (2) When the agreement is approved, one copy wilt be retuned to the Sponsor. In order to effectuate the purposes of the Summer Food Service Program for Children, the Florida Department of Education (hereinafter referred to as the 'Departmenr) and the sponsor whose name and address appear on the Application for Participation (SFSP-F1) (hereinafter referred to as the 'Sponsor") acting in behalf of each site listed - on the Site Information Sheet. (SFSP-F2), covenant and agree as follows. A. The DEPARTMENT AGREES TO THE extent of funds available from USDA, it shall reimburse the sponsor in accordance with applicable requirements and regulations of the Summer Food Service Program for Children. and any amendments thereto. 1. to connection with meals served to children only at approved sites during any fiscal year for sponsors approved to operate the Summer Food Service Program. 2. Tire amount of operationat reimbursement for meats shall not exceed the lesser of (a) An amount equal to the total number of meals, by types. multiplied by the rates assigned by the Department or (b) Actual operating costs inoxured by the sponsor. • 3. The amount of administrative reimbursement for meals shall not exceed the lesser of: (a) An amount equal to the total number of meats, by types. multiplied by the rates assigned by the Department (b) Actual administrative costs incurred by the sponsor, or (c) An amount estimated in the sponsors approved administrative budget 4. Program income accruing to a sponsors program shall be deducted from either operating or administrative costs, whichever is applicable, before a comparison is made with the maximum rates and the administrative budget. B. The SPONSOR being the authority for supervision and control over the program warrants that, it accepts final financial and administrative responsibility for the program and that it will: 1. Operate a nonprofit food service for children on school vacation during the months of May through September orUluring the months of May through September and at some other time or times during the year for children on school vacation under a continuous school calendar systerrc 2. For school food authorities. offer meals whic}r meet the requirements and provisions set forth in 7 CFR 225 during tines designated as the meal service periods by the sponsor, and serve the same meals to alt children; for all other sponsors. serve meats which meet the requirements and provisions set forth in 7 -CFR 225 during tunes designated as the meal service periods by the sponsor, and serve the same meal to all children; 1 3. Serve meals without cost to aq children, except that camps may charge for meals served to children who are not eligible for free or reduced pries school meals; 4. issue a free meal policy statement in accordance with 7 CFR 225; 5. Meet the training requirements for its administrative and site personnel, as required under 7 CFR 225; 6. Claim reimbursement only for the type or types of meals specified in the agreement and served to ctsltdren at approved sites during the approved meal service period; except that camps malt claim reimbursement only for tha type or types of meals specified in the agreement and served without charge ,to children who meat the Program's income standards; ESE 198 SFSP-F3 7. Submit claims for reimbursement on a form provided by the Department in accordance with procedures established by the Department 8. Maintain, in the storage, preparation. and service of triad, proper sanitation and health standards in conformance with all applicable state and local laws and regulations; 9. Accept and use. in as large quantities as may be efficiently utilized in the program, such foods as may be offered as donated by the Department 10. Have access to facilities necessary for storing, preparing and serving food; 11. Maintain a financial management system as prescribed by the Department 12. Maintain on file documentation of site visits and reviews in accordance with 7 CFR 225; 13. Maintain full and accurate records of all program operations under this agreement Upon request make all accounts and records pertaining to the program avaitable to state, federal. or other authorized officials for audit or administrative review, at a reasonable time and place. Such records shall be retained for a period of three years after the end of the fiscal year to which they pertain, except that, if audit findings have not been resolved. the records shall be retained beyond the three year period as long as required for the resolution of any issues raised by the audit • 14_ Maintain children on site whits meals are consumed. C. The Sponsor hereby agrees that it will comply with Titia VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Public Law 88-352. . 42 U.S.C. 20e0d et seq.) and all requirements Imposed by the regulations of the Department of Agricutture (7 CFR Part 15), Department of Justice (29-CFR Parts 42 and 50). and FNS directives or regulations Issued pursuant to that Act and the regulations, to the effect that; no person in the United States shall, on the ()rounds of race. color, national Origin, sex, age, or +flsabi lty be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of. or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the sponsor receives federal financial assistance from the Department and hereby gives assurance that it will immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement • This assurance is given. in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all federal financial assistance, grants. and loans of federal funds: reimbursable expenditures; grant or donation "of federal property and interest in property, the detail of federal personnel: and the sale and lease of, and the permission to use. federal property or interest in such property or the furnishing of services without consideration or at a nominal consideration, or at a consideration which is reduced for the purpose of assisting the recipient or in recognition of the pubirc interest to be served by such sale, tease, or furnishing of services to the recipient, or any improvements made with federal financial assistance extended to the program applicant by the Department This includes any federal agreement anangement or other contract which has as one of its purposes the provision of cash assistance for the purchase of food, and cash assistance for purchase or rental of food service equipment or any other financial assistance extended in reliance on the representations and agreements made in this assurance. By accepting this assurance. the sponsor agrees to compile data. maintain records. and submit reports as required, to permit effective enforcement of Title VI and permit authorized USDA personnel during normal working hours to review such records, books. and accents as needed to ascertain compliance with Title VI. If there are any violations of this assurance, the Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, shall have the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance. This assurance is binding on the sponsor. its successors, transferees. and assignees as long as they receive assistance or retain possession of any assistance from the Department The person or persons whose signatures appear below are authorized to sign this assurance on the behalf of the sponsor. D. The terms of this Agreement and the detailed information contained on the Application for Participation (SFSP-F1). and the Site Intonation Sheets (SFSP-F2), which shall be considered a part of this Agreement, shall not be modified or changed in any way other than by consent in writing of both parties hereto. (Continued on Reverse). . DOE Page 1 of 2 SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AGREEMENT E. This Agreement may. be renewed annually by the Department and the Sponsor by mutual d writing. Renewal will be contingent on the Sponsor meeting program A d antn those' outlined in pact 225 of the Code of Federal Regu a s and other pertinent instructions from Department or the United States Department of Agriculture and shall pertain to programs under Sponsors have been given Department juristiclion that have submitted annual applications and said applications approval. F. This Agreement may be terminated upon 15 days written notice on the part of either party hereunto, and the Department may terminate this Agreement immediately after receipt of evidence that the terms end condoms of this Agreement and of the regulations governing the program have not been fully compiled with by the Sponsor. Any termination of this Agreement by the Department shall be in accord with applicable laws and regulations_ No termination or expiration of this Agreement, however, shall affect the obligations of the - Sponsor to maintain and retain records and to make such records available for audit. Termination of this Agreement for noncompliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 shaft be in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Sponsor City of ami My signature certifies correct. I am aware prosecution under a Signature and Title of Date: the in liberate state CERTIFICATION SPONSORING AGENCY bounty Miami —Dade its -attachments is true and of Information may result in tttorized Representative — City Manager 900Z pill ESE198' SFSP-F3 ra li. The Department may take such action, including prosecution for fraud under applicable state and federal statutes or initiate a reclaim, ff any part of the money received by the Sponsor, through improper or negligent action, is diminished, lost, misapplied. or diverted from the program. Thls riabiitity on the part of the Sponsor shaft remain in effect for the applicable periods or imitations as called for by law after the effective date of termination of the Agreement. • The Department shall inform the Sponsor of its right to request a review of decisions made by the Department which affect the participation of a sponsor in the program or the Sponsor's claim for reimbursement.' It is understood and agreed by and between the Department and the Sponsor. whether pubic or private, that the regulations of the United States Department of Agriculture relating iri the Food and Nutrition Services, Regulation number 225; attached, are made a part of this Agreement and that the Department, Sponsor. and sites are to abide by all of the cohdili01 sand terms set forth in the regulations. AND APPROVAL FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Recommended for Approval by. Administrator. Food and Nutrition Management Period of Agreement From: Approved By. • To: Date: Date: Commissioner of Education or Designated Representative (Both copies must have original signatures) DOE Page 2 of 2 { FOOD AND NUTRmON MANAGEMENT SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AGREEMENT Address: INSTRUCTIONS: (1) Return two copies of this agreement with original signatures prior to the beginning of the program to Food and Nutrition Management, Summer Food Service Program, 325 West Gaines Street, Room 1032. Tallahassee. Florida 32309-0400. (2) When the agreement is approved. one ropy will be returned to the Sponsor. • In order to effectuate the purposes of the Summer Food Service Program for Children, the Florida Department of Education (hereinafter referred to as the 'Department') and the sponsor whose name and address appear on the Applcation for Participation (SFSP-F1) (hereinafter referred to as the "Sponsor) acting in behalf of each site listed on the Site lnfonmation Sheet, (SFSP-F2), covenant and agree as follows. A. The DEPARTMENT AGREES TO THE extent of funds aver -ratite from USDA. it shall reimburse the sponsor in accordance with applicable requirements and regulations of the Summer Food Service Program for Children, and any amendments thereto. 1. In connection with meals served to children only at approved sites during any fiscal year for sponsors approved to operate the Summer Food Service Program. 2. The amount of operational reimbursement for meals shall not exceed the lesser oft (a) An amount equal to the total number of meals, by types, multiplied by the rates assigned by the Department, or (b) Actual operating costs incurred by the sponsor. - 3. The amount of administrative reimbursement for meals shall not exceed the lesser of: (a) An amount equal to the total number of meals, by types, multiplied by the rates assigned by the Department (b) Actual administrative costs incurred by the sponsor; or (c) An amount estimated in the sponsors approved administrative budget - 4. Program income accruing to a sponsors program shah be deducted from either operating or administrative costs, whichever is applicable, before a comparison is made with the maximum rates and the administrative budget R. The SPONSOR. being the authority for supervision and control over the program warrants that it accepts final financial and administrative responsibility for the program and that it wilt 1. Operate a nonprofit food service for childrenon school vacation during the months of May through September or during the months of May through September and at some other time or times during the year for children on school vacation under a continuous school calendar system; 2 For school food authorities, offer meals which meet the requirements and provisions set forth in 7 CFR 225 during times designated as the meal service periods by the sponsor, and nerve the seine meals to all children; for all other sponsors. serve -meals which meet the requirements and provisions set forth in 7 CFR 225 during times designated as the meal service periods by the sponsor, and serve the same meal to all children; 3. Serve meals without cost to all children, except that camps may charge for meals served to children who • are not efigibia for free or reduced price school meals; 4. Issue a free meal poky statement in accordance with 7 CFR 225; 5. Meet the training requirements for its administrative and site pensonhel, as required under 7 CFR 225; 8. Claim reimbursement only for the type or types of meals specified in the agreement and served to children at approved sites during the approved meal service period; except that temps shall claim. reimbursement only for the type or types of meals specified in the agreement and served without charge to children who meet the Program's income standards; C. • D. 7. Submit claims for reimbursement on a form provided by the Department in accordance with procedures established by the Department; 6. Maintain. in the storage. preparation. and service of food. proper sanitation and health standards in conformance with all applicable state and local taws and regulations; 9. Accept and use. in as large quantities as may be efficiently utilized in the program, such foods as may be offered as donated by the Department 10. t-lave access to facilities necessary for storing. preparing and serving food: 11. Maintain a financial management system as prescribed by the Department; 12 Maintain on file documentation of site visits and reviews in accordance with 7 CFR 225: 13. Maintain full and accurate records of all program operations under this agreement. Upon request make all accounts and records pertaining to the program available to state, federal, or other authorized oftrciats for audit or administrative review, at a reasonable time and place. Such records shall be retained for a period of three years after the end of the fiscal year to which they pertain, except that, if audit findings have not been resolved. the records shall be retained beyond the three year period as long as required for the resolution of any issues raised by the audit 14. Maintain children on site while meals are consumed. The Sponsor hereby agrees that d will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Public taw 88-352, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) and all requirements imposed by the regulations of the Department of Agriculture (7 CFR Part 15), Department of Justice (28'CFR Pads 42 and 50), and FNS directives or regulations issued pursuant to that Act and the regulations, to the effect that, no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, aex, age, or disability be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to disaaninatian under any program. or activity for which the sponsor receives federal financial assistance from the Department and hereby gives assurance that it will Immediately take any measures necessary to effectuate this agreement This assurance is given .in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and aft federal financial assistance, grants. and loans of federal funds; reimbursable expenditures; grant or donation 'of federal property and interest in property, the decal of federal personnel; and the sale and lease of. and the permission to use. federal property or interest in such property or the furnishing of services without consideration or at a nominal consideration, or at a consideration which is reduced for the purpose of assisting the recipient, or in recognition of the public interest to be served by such sale, lease, or furnishing of services to the recipient, or any improvements made with federal financial assistance extended to the program applicant by the Department This includes any federal agreement arrangement, or other contract which has as one of its purposes the prevision of cash assistance for the purchase of food. and cash assistance for purchase or rental of food service equipment or any other financial assistance extended in reliance on the representations and agreements made in. this assurance. By accepting this assurance, the sponsor agrees to compile data, maintain records, and submit reports as required. to permit effective enforcement of Title VI and permit authorized USDA personnel during normal working hours to review such records. books. and accounts as needed to ascertain compliance with Title Vt tf there are any violations of this assurance, the Department of Agriculture. Food and Nutrition Service. shall have the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance. This assurance Is binding on the sponsor, its successors, transferees, and assignees as long as they receive assistance or retain possession of any assistance from the Department The person or persons whose signatures appear below are authorized to sign this assurance on the behalf of the sponsor. The terns of this Agreement and the detailed information contained on the Application for Participation (SFSP-F1). and the Site In onnation Sheets (SFSP-F2), which shall be considered a part of this Agreement, shall not be modified or changed in any way other than by consent in writing of loth parties hereto. ESE 198 SFSP-F3 (Continued on Reverse) - DOE Page 1 of 2 SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN AGREEMENT - be rammed annually by the Department and *the Sponsor by mutual agreement in E. whis g.Agreementnwway- in this Agreement and Ming. Renewal will be contingent on the Sponsor roasting Program requirements those outlined in part 225 of the Code of Federal Regulations and other pertinent instructions from the Department or the United Slates Department of Agriculture and shall pertain to programs under Sponsors jurisdiction that have submitted annual applications and said applications have been given Department approval. • F. This Agreement may be terminated upon 15 days written notice on the part of either party hereunto. and the' Department may terminate this Agreement immediately after receipt of evidence that the tenns.and conditions of this Agreement and of the regulations governing the program have not been flay compied with by the Sponsor. Any termination of this Agreement by the Department shag be in accord with applicable laws and regulations. No termination or expiration of this Agreement however, shall affect the oblgatons of the - Sponsor to maintain and retain retards and to make such records available for audit. Termination of this Agreement for noncompliance with Tale VI of the CNN Rights Act of 1964 shall be in atmrdanoe with applicable laws and regulations. SPONSORING AGENCY CERTIFICATION Sponsor Cit of Miami County Miami Dade and its attachments is true and ng of information may result in My signature correct. I am awa prosecution under Signature and Title thorized Representative — Ci y Manager MAY-0 1 2006 Date: ESE 198 SFSP-F3 G. The Department may take such action. including prosecution for fraud under applicable state and fedbrat statutes or initiate a reclaim, if any part of the money received by the Sponsor. through improper or negligent is diminished, lost, misapplied. or diverted from the program. This fiablUty on the part of the Sponsor shell remain in eft for the applicable periods or limitations as called for by law after the effective date of termination of the Agreenent . H The Department shall Worm the Sponsor of its right to request a review of decisions made by the Department which affect the participation of a sponsor in the program or the Sponsors claim for reimbursement. it is understood and agreed by and between the Department and the Sponsor, whether public or private, that the regulations of the United States Department of Agriculture relating to the Food and Nutrition Services, Regulation number 225, attached. are made a part of this Agreement and that the Department, Sponsor. and sites are to abide by as of the conditlons.and terrns set forth in the regulations. AND APPROVAI. FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Recommended for Approval by Administrator, Food and Nutrition Management Period of Agreement From: To: Date: APPmved BY: Date: Commissioner of Education or Designated Representative (Both copies must have orininat sionaturesl DOE Page 2of2