HomeMy WebLinkAboutTabulation Sheet3?! LZ Pipperm 20710 N.W. 41 Ave. Rd Miami, FL 33055 Dade/Mick Priors shell include 1labor, supervision, transportation, e quipment, seaman =Id caw predicts to provide aN work , arnordance with SmaTionions. hem Locations. GROUP 1: Miami Riverside Center 1 2 3 Tract 1 Tract 2 Tract 3 GROUP 2: POLICE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS AND SUB -STATIONS Item Locations: 1 Headquarters - Central District a. Inside the Suiting Perimeter and Parking Garage b. Under 1-95 Between NW 4111 Street and NW 8th Street c. "Dust Baer and outside perimeter 2 North Mali & Perineter 3 South District & Perimeter 4 David Herring Canter & Perimeter Prepared By: Tony Byrnes, CPPB 4114106 Morality Cost NQ /mo NQ Imo NO Imo TOTAL FOR GROUP 1: Monthly Cost 3600.00 Imo 5420.00 hno 540000 Imo TOTAL HEADQUARTERS COST: $500.00 Imo $530.00 /mit $240.00 Imo TOTAL FOR GROUP 2: TABULATION SHEET BID NO. 04-05-11$ GROUNDS ILASITENANCE SERVICES - CITYWIDE .„. Extended Amount •Item NO (Yr 1 NO /yr 2 NQr 3 .• Extended Amount ..!Item 47.200 /yr $5,040 /yr 44,800 /yr 417,040 lyr 56,000 lyr $6,3130 /yr 52,880 /yr 432,280 lyr Vendor Tropical Evergreen Landscaping 5111 NW ILINSI. Hialeah, FL 33915 Dade/Hispanic Primo shall include all labor, supervision, trinspodation, equipment. empties and other products ta provide all mark in :recorder= idi Specifications. Locations: GROUP 1: Miami Riverside Center Tract 1 Tract 2 Tract3 Monthly Cost 2215.00 Imo $215.00 /mo $215.00 Imo TOTAL FOR GROUP 1: Extended Amount 42,580.03 /yr 42,580.00 lyr S2,580.00 /yr 47,740.00 GROUP 2: POUCE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS AND SUB -STATIONS Locations: Headquarters - Cenlral District a. Inside the Bullring Perimeter and Parking Garage b. Under 1-95 Between NW4th Street and NW eth Street c. "Dun Boer and outside perimeter Norlb District & Perimeter South CaStrict & Perimeter David Herring Center & Perimeter TOTAL. COST: Monthly Cost Extended Amount 4395.00 Imo 44,740.00 /yr 4369.00 Imo $4,428.00 tyr 4391.00 Imo 44692.00 lyr HEADQUARTERS $13,860 /yr 4478.00 Imo 45.73600 /yr 4348.00 Imo 54,1713.00 /yr $155.00 Imo 41,86000 /yr TOTAL. FOR GROUP 2: 425,832.00 lyr Vendor LZ Pigpens 20710 N.W. 41 Ave. Rd. Mai, FL 33055 Dade/Black (Aires doe include ell lobo, aupwvRion, Memlpartel on, .upend. suppers and odder products le provide MI week in aoundaece rise Sp. tines. GROUP 3: FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT CENTERS AND FIRE STATIONS Locations: 1 Fee Stator #2, 1901 N. Miami Ave. 2 Foe Station /3.1103 NW 7Ih 5t (including Shop/Croat Union). 3 Fre Station 14, 1105 SW 2'4 Ave. 4 Fire Sbntiore #5,1200 NW 20r St 5 Fire Station M. 701 NW 36 St 6 Fee Station d'7, 314 Beacon Blvd_ 7 Fre Station #8, 2975 Oak Ave. 8 Fee SlZLn #9, 69 NE 62 St 9 Fire Station #10 and Parking Lot, 4101 NW 76 St 10 Fire Stetson #11, 5920 W. Fleglar St 11 Fee Station 112, 14e St NW 46 St 12 Foe Station #13, 185 NE 82`e Terrace 13 Fee Stabon #l4, 2114 SW 19th Terrace 14 Fee Cvlege, 3425JeBersan Street EXCEPTIONS pQ&OON/ HOURLY RATE! auuntF6 a1WEEALYr YEARLY Laborer t 57.00 2 91,120.00 526,1380m Laborer 11 58.56 1 8680.06 816,320-011 Total $15.50 3 51,800.00 543200.00 Prepared By. Terry Byrnes, CPPB 4/14/06 TABULATION SHEET BID NO.04D5-116 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES-a1YWIDE Monprhr Cost blended Amount Alin $150.00 /rno 91,800.00 Tyr _ 4 9250.00 hno 53,000.00 /yr 2 9156.81 Imo 91,881.72 /yr 3 515621 1min $1,881.72 /yr 4 $278.78 lino $3,345.36 yr 5 9185.73 Imo 92.228.78 lyr 6 $196.02 Ana 92,35224 lyr 7 9160.00 Imo 91,920.00 /yr 8 Vendor Tropical Evergreen Landscaping 6111 HW199St Nealeak FL33015 DadoNispenie Prices shall include all Tabor, supervision, transportation, equipment, nappies and sew products to prod.% a# wart in. acoadarce With Specrscma%s. GROUP 3: ARE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT CENTERS AND FIRE STATIONS: Locations: Fere Statical/2, 1901 N. Miami Ave. Fee Stabon d3, 1103 NW 7th St fmaluang Shop/Grade Union) Fire Station 04, 1105 SW 2a Ave. Fire Station #5, 1200 NW 206 St. Fare Station 46, 701 NW 36 St Fire Station #7, 314 Beacon Blvd Fee Station #6, 2975 Oak Ave. Fee Station #9. 69 NE 62 St 9100.00 Imo 51.200.00 /yr 9 Fee Station #10 and Parking Lot, 4101 NW 7'" 51. 9121.97 Imo $1,463.64 1yr 10 Fm Station #11, 5920 W. niggler St 9289.67 tiro 33,476.04 /yr 11 Fire Station #12, 1411' St NW 46 St $103.00 bees 91236.00 /yr 12 Fire Station #13, 185 NE 8 .° Terrace $125.00 Imo S1„500.00 /yr 13 Foe Station #14, 2114 SW 19th Terrace 9350.00 Imo 54,200.00 /yr 14 Fire College, 3425 Jefferson Street TOTAL FOR GROUP 3: 531,485A3 tyr 2 Monthly Cost Ertended Amount 578.00 /ma $936.00 /yr $136.00 hew $1,63200 /yr 378.00 imo 3936.00 lyr $78.00 Mao $936.00 /yr 8107.00 Imo 91,284.00 /yr 578.00 brio $936.00 lyr 575.00 !ono 5936.00 lyr $136.00 hna $1,632.00 /yr 5304.00 Imo 33,648.00 /yr 99200 /mo 91,104.00 /yr $107.00 !min 51,284.00 /yr $203.00 Imo $2,436.00 lyr 9203.00 Imo $2,436.00 /yr 9162.00 Imo 92,184.001yr TOTAL FOR GROUP 3; 922,326.00 lyr Vendor L2. Pigpens 20710 N.W. 41 Ave. Rd. W arm, FL 33055 Dade/Black Prices shit nano ao labor, supernsion, tranpmhtMwn, e quipment, simples sod other modems so provide aN teak in eeccrelance web SpecrradLna. GROUP 4: PARKS AND RECREATION Item oca s- 1 Bele Meade, NEBeAve./T/6St 2 ..lackawh House, 190 SE 12e Terr. 3 Me River Comm., 181-85 NE 80e Terr. 4 Paint (Magnv9.), NW 6AveJ38-39 51. 5 Sterns, NW Ed otTurtle Cray. 6 SoiBnide", 100 SW 11e St 7 East Say Vista. NW 8e AveJ47-48e 51. 8 North Bay Vela, NW 6 AveJ48-49e St 9 Pullman Mini, NW 49e St/1 N. Miami Ave. 10 Siren of - 54th St, NW 54e St /18-19e Ave. 11 West Buena Vista, NW 45e St/11 12 121h Ave. Mitt, NW 126 Ave./626 St 13 South Bay Vista, NW S Ave./46 & 47e 5t 14 Muni Rivarwalc, NE 26 Ave/Bra:MI Bridge 15 Muni Riverhant Der. , 234 SW North River Dr. 16 Mate9, NW 3' AveR6 Ave. 17 Second Ave. Mid', NW 26 AveJ10-11e St. 18 Town". NW 4e AveJ17e SL at -95 19 Elegant, 7121 SW 36 St 20 Hagler Terrace, SW 56 AveJ36 St 21 Grove Cite, NW So. River Dr1166 Ave. 22 Blanche-, Virginia & Mary St 23 Coconut Grove Mini', Grad Ave./Elizabeth 24 Coconut Grove Tennis Ct, Appor. 2975 Oak Ave. 25 Silver 9kdt"'. 2901 SW 226 Ave. 26 Trianglee', SW 15e Rd. & 11e St 27 Hi1dand Cade Wei, NW se AveJ13e St 28 Melrose'. NW 30e StJ25' Ave. 29 Range di-. NW 4e AveJ10-11e St1I95 30 Rainbow Village', NW 4' Ct21e St 31 Grove Mini, NW 8e St/15 to 176 Ave 32 Riverside", SW 8I Avel3rd SL 33 Buena Vista ". 5250 NW 2nd Ave. 34 Henderson', NW 9thAveJ2 St 35 City Cemetery, 1800 NE 2nd Ave. 36 Bayaood, NE 71 StJ9th PL - Dry per week snake - Days weds service Prepared By: Terry Byrnes. CPPB 4/14A6 Monthly Cost NO /mo NO km NQ hno NO ten NQ hno NO hno NQ hno NQ hen NQ hen NQ hen NO hno NQ hen NO hno NO hno NO /ma NO teen NO /mo NO hen HQ hen NQ hen NO hen NO hno NO hno NO / no NO hen NO Imo NQ hno N Q hen NQ hno NO hen NO Inc NQ hen NO hen NO hno NQ hen NO Inc TABULATION SHEET RID NO. 04-05-116 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES - CITYWIDE Extended Amount NQ /yr NO /yr NO /yr NQ /yr NO Via NO /yr NO /yr NO /yr NO /yr NQ /yr NQ /yr NQ /yr NO /yr NO /yr NQ /yr NQ lyr NO /yr NQ /yr NO /yr NQ /yr NO /yr NQ /yr NO /yr NQ lyr NQ /yr NQ /yr NO /yr NO /yr NO /yr NQ /yr NQ /yr NQ /yr NO /yr NQ /yr NQ /yr NO /yr TOTAL FOR GROUP 4: NN yr hem Vendor Tropical Evergreen Landscaping 6111NW19SSt Hialeah, FL 33015 Dade/Hispanic Prices steal include aN bent. supervision, traxporla6on, equipment, sapphire and other products so provide aN work in accordance with Sperticefieas. GROUP 4: PARKS AND RECREATION Locations: . 1 Bele Meade, NE 8e AveJ77e St 2 Jackson House, 190 SE 12h Terr. 3 L.idie River Corm., 161-05 NE 80e Ter. 4 Patht (Magnolia), NW 6 AveJ38-39e St 5 Sterne, NW Ext of Tune Carry. 6 SnMsids", 100 SW 11e St 7 East Bay Yenta, NW 8e AveJ47.48e' St 8 North Pay Vista, NW 6 Ave./48-49e St 9 Pullman Mini, NW 49e St/1 N. Miami Ave. 10 SiaoNrof- 54th St, NW 54e StJ18-19e Ave. 11 West Buena Ynefa, NW 45e St/11 12 12thAve. Mini, NW 126AveJ626St 13 South Bay Veda, NW 6 Ave/48 &47e St 14 Miami Rivarrdk, NE 2" Ave./Bridm9 Bridge 15 Miami kiwi kwdDev., 234 SW NalRiver Dr. 16 Malle$, NW 36 Ave./7e Ave. 17 Second Ave. Ykd', NW 26 Avei10-116 St 16 Towne", NW 4e Ave./17e St al I-95 19 Flagaar, 7121 SW 36 St 20 Flagler Terrace, SW 56 AveJ36 St 21 Grove Cite, NW So. RiverDr.166 Ave. 22 Blanche % Virginia & Mary St 23 Coconut Grove Mai', Grand AveJEiabet h 24 Coconut Grove Terris Ct, Approx. 2975 Oak Ave. 25 Saver Bkdr, 2901 SW 226 Ave. 26 Triang/o , SW 15e Rd & 11e St 27 Nghlald Cede Mini, NW 8e Avei13e 5t 28 Melrose", NW 30e S125e Ave. 29 Range di", NW 4e Ave./10-116 StJI95 30 Rainbow Village, NW 4e Ct216 5t 31 Grove lank NW 8e St115 to 17e Ave 32 Riverside ", SW 8th Avel3rd St 33 Buena Vista ", 5250 NW 2nd Ave. 34 Henderson', NW 9t h Ave12 St. 35 City Cemetery, 1800 NE 2nd Ave. 36 Baywoed, NE 71 St/9t h PL per week ;`.service per reek 3 Monthly Cost 190.00 kw 156.00 Inc $76.00 teen 5163.00 /mo $133.00 /mo 5193.00 /mo 1119.00 Inc $123.00 Inc $93.00 Inc $138.00 into $133.00 hen 1188.00 Imo 576.00 hen $138.00 /me $136.00 hno 580.00Imo $200.00 hno 580.00 /mo $130.00 hmo $180.00 Imo $80.00 hno 5180.00 hno 1255.00 hen $230.00 into $160.00 hno 560.00 hen $80.00 /mo $430.00 teen $180.00 hno $180.00 Into $160.00 Inc $130.00 Imo $255.00 hen 9255.00 hno $1,641.00 Inc 1400.00 I Extended Amount $1,080.00 lyr $696.00 /yr 5912.00 /yr $1,956.00 /yr 51,556.00 /yr $2,316.00 /yr $1,428,00 /yr 11,476.00 /yr 51,116.00 /yr $1,656.00 /yr $1,596.00 /yr $2,256.00 /yr 591200 /yr 51,656.00 /yr 51,656.00 /yr 5960.00 /yr $2,400.00 /yr 1960.00 /yr 51,560.00 Tyr S1,920.00 /yr $960.00 yr 12,160.00 /yr $3,060.00 /yr 12,760.00 /yr $2,160.00 /yr $960.00 /yr 596060 /yr $5,160.00 /yr $2,160.00 /yr 52,160.00 /yr 11,920.001yr 51,560.00 /yr 113,050.00 yr 13,060.00 /yr 519,692.00 /yr $4,600.00 /yr TOTAL FOR GROUP 4: $86,700.00 /yr g/e L Vendor' LZ Pippins 2(3710 N.W. 41 Ave. Rt liferni„ FL 33055 Dadeltilecic Prices shall Wu& all Ides, supervision, transpostedan, eqipmest, supplies awl altar product s 1 provide work In anatedinese 8pecibudions. GROUP 5: PUILIC FACILITIES 1 Coconut Ggl3Ve COMIN 2 Dinner Key Marina 3 Oringe BOV61 Slacken Pmpared By Tarry Byrnes. CPPB 4/14/06 Monlitiv Cost NQ Ana NQ Imo NQ /EventX14" • For eyakiaben puppies only TOTAL FOR GROUP 5: TABULATION SHEET BID NO. ot-os-its GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES - CITYWIDE Extended Amount HQ /yr ;,11 NQ NO /yr 3 haT Vendor Tropical Evergreen Landscaping 8111 NW 159 SI Erialoail. FL 33015 Dadeitaspanic Rims stall include al labor, aurerettion, transportation, egrepalert, empties and odor products 10 protide U work in accordance with Specrications. GROUP 5: PUBLIC FACILITIES Locations: Coconut Grove Etta:Aim Center Dinner Key Marina Best SMthen 4 Monthly Cost 52758.00 Imo 5888.00 Imo 5225.00 /Event/CU' For evaluation purposes only TOTAL FOR GROUP Sr. Extended Amount $33.096.00 /yr 513,656.00 Tyr 53,150.00 lyr 546,90100 Tyr Vend Sanchez Amnon Construction 8851 NW70 SL L4mni. FL 3310E Dadrhiapanc transportation, equipment. supplies end ether products to provide as wets in =somas,. with Specifications. Item Locations: GROUP 1: Miami Riverside Center 1 Tract • 2 Tract2 . 3 Tract 3 Item 2 3 4 GROUP 2: POLICE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS AND SUS -STATIONS Locations: Headquarters - Central District Garage h Under 1-95 Between NW 4th Sheet and NW Bth Street c. 'Oust Borer and outside perimeter North District & Perimeter South Dist" Act & Perimeter Darts Honig Center & Perimeter Prepared By. Terry Byrnes, CPPB 4/14106 Monthly Cast 8410.00 /me $460.00 /rrno 1460.00 /mo TOTAL FOR GROUP 1: TABULATION SHEET Be) NO. 04-05-116 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES - CfTYWmE Vendor Howard's Lawn & Maintenance Service 10755 SW. 190 SL, 660 MBm4 FL 33157 Dade/Black Pries *hall include a0 labor. supervision, transportation, repripmeni, supplies and other products to povide all work in tweordance with Specinesruss. Extended Amount tarn Lxatiorrs: GROUP 1: Miami Riverside Center 54,920.00 15,520.00 15.520.00 $15,960.00 i Tract 2 Tract2 3 Traci GROUP 2: POLICE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS AND SUBSTATIONS Monthly Cost Edended Amount Rem Locaions. 1 Headquarters - Central 004155 5425.00 /mn 55,100.00 lyr • a. Inside the Building Perimeter and Parking Garage 8360.00 km. 540000 hno 14,800.00 /yr c. bust Bowl" and outside perimeter TOTAL HEADQUARTERS COST: $450.00 kw 5360.00 /ma 5360 00 /ma TOTAL FOR GROUP 2: $4,320.00 /yr h. Under 1-95 Betxeen MN 41h Street and NW Bth Street $14,22080 /yr 15,400.00 1yr - 2 $4.320 00 /yr 3 14,320.00 /yr 4 $26.260.00 /yr North Dishil & Perimeter South District & Perimeter Dard Herring Carder & Perimeter Monthly Cost 5360A0 Imo 5400.00 Ann $250.00 /ma TOTAL FOR GROUP 1: Monthly Cost $475.00 /mo 5325.00 /mit 141500 hn0 TOTAL HEADQUARTERS COST: 1430.00 Anna 5350.00 /mo $150.00 /m0 TQTAL FOR GROUP 2: Estended Amount 13,600.00 /yr $4,800.00 /yr 53800.00 /yr 511,400.00 Extended Amount 5.700 00 /yr 3.900.00 /yr - 4,910.00 lit . 14,580.00 /yr 5,16000 tyr :. 4,200.00 /yr 1 800.00 /yr 25,740.00 /yr -. Vendor Sanchez Arnngo Construction 8551 NW 70 SL Masi. FL 33166 DedehSspanie 5vm pomrtion. +g01prnerd, suppers and ether pmdam to provide a0 work in accordance with Speddrelione. GROUP 3: FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT CENTERS AND FIRE STATIONS: ..GM Lacatiorrs: 1 Fre Station/2,1901 N.Niami Ave. Fre Station 83, 1103 NW 7ih SL (nrlWitg 2 Shop/Credit Union) 3 Fre Station #4,1105 SW 2°d Ave. 4 Fre Sta1i011 15.1200 NW 20' SL 5 Fre Station 16, 701 N1V36 SL 8 Fre Station 117, 314 Beacon Bhd- 7 Fre Station 116, 2975 Oak Ave. 8 Fie Station SG, OO NE 62 SL 10 11 fie Sletim #10 and Parking Lot, 4101 NW 7'n SL Fre Sicilian 1111, 5920 W. Realer SL Fie Stearn #12, 14e SL NW 45 St 12 Fre Station #13, 165 NE 62id Terrace 13 Fre Salim 114, 2114 SW 19th Terrace 14 Fre College, 3425 Jefferson Sheet Prepared By. Terry Byrnes, CPPB 4714/08 Month 5 Cost FJQerided Amount Item $120-00 Imo $1.440.00 1511 $120.00 Imo 51,440.00 /yr 2 $120.00 Imo 11,440.00 /yr 3 $120.00 11110 $1,440.00 /yr 4 5120.00 lam $1,440.00 /yr 5 $120.00 Imo 51,44050 /yr 6 5120.00 /100 $1,440.00 /yr 7 $150.00 hno $1,620.00 /yr _. 6 5120.00 hn0 51440.00 1yr 9 $120.03 hno 51.44.090 /yr: 10 $120.00 /100 $1,440.00 /51.. 11 $120.00 Imo 51,440.00 rye 12 $120.00 hno 5/.440_00 /yr 13 523050 deo 52.780.00 /yr 14 TOTAL FOR GROt1P 3: $21,960.00 /Yr TABULATION SHEET 81D NO.04-05-116 GROUNDS NANTENANCE 5E4/VICES - CITYWIDE Vendor Howard's Lawn IS Maintenance Service 10755 SW. 190 St, 260 Mann, FL 33157 Dadrielaok Prof earl include a9 labor, sgrenvieioo, trr1Wditim• eyranrent. rotppies and wirer product. 10 provide W work in wmarniance with Specrrea5bre. GROUP 3: FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT CENTERS AND FIRE STATIONS_ Locations: Fie Station 42. 1901 N. Miami Ave. Fre SWIM 23, 1103 NW 751 SL (including Shop/Credit Linen) Fre Stalkon *4,1105 SW 2p' Ara. Fre Statile 25,1200 NW 200 SL Fre Station re, 701 NW 38 SL Fre Station 27. 314 Beacon Bad. Fire Station 28, 2975 OM Are. Fre Mann 29, 69 NE62SL Fre Sulam #10 and Parking Lot, 4101 NW 7e1 SL Fie Station 511. 5920 W. Fleyler St Fre SIaUM #12, 10 St NW 46 St Fre Station #13, 185 NE 62n 1 Terrace Fre Station 214. 2114 SW 19th Terrace Fre College. 3425 Jefferson Street Monthly Cost Fatended Amount $80.00 hno 596000 /yr $150.013 hno $1,600.00 /yr 508.00 Imo $960.00 /yr 560.00 Alan 5980.00 /yr $115.00 hno 51,380.00 /yr 580.00 hno $980.00 /yr 580.00 hn0 $980.00 /yr $145.00 /m0 $1.740-00 /yr 58O50 hno $980.00 /yr $90.00 hno $1,080.00 /yr $125.00 hno $1,500.00 1yr 11119.00 lam 52,255.001yr $195.00 hno 52,340.00 5175.00 Imo $2,100.00 /yr TOTAL FOR GROUP 3: $10,966.00 /yr 6 Vendor Sanchez Ammo Construction 8851 NW 70 St 16amL FL 33186 DeeOeniispenic Laiapaation, equipoent, supplies and adorn products to provide all work in accordance with Spcificatiom. GROUP 4: PARKS AND RECREATION Re81 L.ocatimts: 1 Belle Meade, NE8'AoeJ771 St. 2 Jackson House, 190 SE 12' Terr. 3 Little Riser Comm., 181-85 NE8C"Terr. 4 Pallot (Magnolia), NW6Am/38-39' S1 5 Stems, NW 6d of Turtle Carty_ 8 Southside". 100 sW lit SL 7 Fast Bay Vista, MN 8"' AwJ47-48' St 8 North Bay lsta. NW 8 Ase748-49" St 9 Pullman Mani, NW 49" SV1 N. Miami Ave. 10 Smenho8-54th St. NW5401 SV15-19"Ave. 11 West Buena Vista, NW 45' Still 12 121h Ave. lAni, NW12"Avel82"0S1 13 South Bay VWa, NWBAte/48 &47' St 14 Miami Rivatwslk, NE 2a Ave7'Brickell Bridge 15 laami Riserimrd Elev.. 234 SW North River Dr. 16 Martell, N1Ne Ave17"' Ave. 17 Second Ave_ Lint, NW2ntl Aye/10-11'SL 18 Twine-. NW4"Am/17'S1. et1-95 19 Fla9ami, 7121 SW 3' St 20 Flagler Terrace, SW 58AWJ3' SL 21 Grow Grua, NW So. Riter OrJr6" Ave_ 22 Blanche", Veg00&Mary St 23 Coconut Grote Mani', Grant Ate/Elizabeth 24 Coconut Grow Tennis Ct, Approx. 2975 Oak Ate. 25 Sawn Bluff.. 2301 SW 22n° Ave. 26 Triangle", SW 15" Rd. /411' St 27 Highland Cide 106* NW 8" Ate./13" St 28 Mekase", NW 30" 51.125" Ate. 29 Range S, NW4"Ate110.11"SLA-95 Rainbow Maas", NW 4" Ct121' St. Grove LK NW 8-' sin 5 to 1i Ate Riverside SW 8th Awl3rd St Buena Vela ", 5250 NW 2nd Ate. Henderson', NW901Ave.12SL Ciy Cemetery, 1800 NE 2nd Ave. Baywood, NE 71 StJ9d1 PL. l'.4;WtIM`'8 -Day Pet in 2 Day P. week sena Monthly Cost Extended Amount $120.00 Imo $1,440.00 /yr 577.00 /me 2824.110 /yr S0.00 Ono $1,090.00 1yr $155.06 hno 31 980.00 /yr $135.03 hnn $1,820.00 Tyr 5200.00 /mo $2,400.00 /yr $135.00 /no $1 82➢.00 fyr $135.00 /mo $1.620.00 fyr 3105.00 knn 51.260.00 fyr $15300 hno $1,860.00 /yr $155.00 Imo $1,86000 ha 5200.00 Imo 52,40000 /yr $90.00 hn0 S1,08000 /yr 3155.00 Imo $1,860.00 /yr $155.00 Imo 51,861.00 Jyr $240.00 /Ma 52,880.80 ryr $200.00 Into ' $2,400.00 /yr S9000 Imo 51,080.00 /yr $135.00 Imo 11,620.00 /yr $155.00 /mu $1 88000 /yr $90.00 Imo $1,080.00 /yr $185.00 k110 32220.00 yr $26000 row $3,120.00 yr 5230.00 hno 52,780.00 151 $1135,00 Orin 52Z20.00 yr $1135.00 Imo 52220.00 Tyr $90.00 Imo $1,080.00 /yr $43000 /mo 55,160.00 yr $185.00 kno 52220-00 191 $185.00 Imo 32,220.00 fir $155,00 Into 51,86000 yr 313500 hma $1 82000 fyr 424500 5110 $2,940.00 /yr $245. 0 Ono $2,940.00 /yr $51000 h,10 $8,12000 /yr $40000 hna $4,60000 Tyr TOTAL FOR GROUP 4: $79284.00 yr Prepared By. Terry Byres, CPPB 4/14l06 TABULATION SHEET BID NO. 04-08-116 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES -CITYWIDE Vendor Howard's Lawn & Maintenance Service 10755 SW.190 SL, S60 IYfami. FL 33157 Dade/Black Prices shwa 5a:luae as labor, supervision. trawparladda, equipment supplies and other product. to Provide all ww,n n accorWeee wan S•dliierlaeo. GROUP 4: PARKS AND RECREATION item Locations. 1 Belle Meade, NE 8" Ave177" St 2 .techson Ho ore. 10 SE t2"' Terr. 3 Lade Ricer Comm, 181-85 NE 80" Tarr. 4 Paliot (Magnolia), NW 8 AseJ38-39" St 5 Stems, NW E01 of Turk Cswy. g Sou0,sIde . 100 SW 11" St. 7 East Bay 51018, NW 8"Asel47-48" SL 8 NoM Bay Vsla, NW 6 Ave/4849' St 9 Pullman MM1i, NW 49' St71 N. Suomi Ate. 10 Simenhoff- 54th St, NEW 54"' SLJ18-19" Ave. 11 West Buena Vista, NW 45'SLJ11 12 1291 Ave. Stitt 142.1le Ave 2 Sl. 13 South Bay Vista, NW 6 AveJ46847"SL 14 Miami R1erwelk, NE 21° Are/Find/ell Brittle 15 Miami River,ronl Dev, 234 SW North Mier Dr. 16 Mamas, NW 3' Mail' Ave. 17 Second Ave. Mad, NW 2v° Ate/10-11" SI- 18 Towne... NW 4" Avel17"St. al l-95 18 Fisgemi, 7121 SW 3' St 20 Fiagler Terrace, SW 56 AveI3'° 5t 21 Grose Circle, NW So_ River Drltg" Ave_ 22 Blanche-, Worm 8 Mary st. 23 Coconut Grove Mnr, Grand AvejElaabelh 24 Coconut Grote Tennis CI, Approx. 2975 Oak Ave. 25 Sher Bluff', 2901 SW22' Ave. 28 Triangle", SW 15" Rd. & 11' St 27 Highland Circle Mad, NW 8' Ate./13" St 28 Melrose NW 30 St/25' Ave. 29 Range VI', NW4'Aw110-11'8t/Lg5 30 Rainbow Vllatle' NW CAM' SL wit Grow wNW 8" StJ1510 17"' Ave 32 Riterstle ", SW 8th Awldrd St 33 Buena Vista", 5250 NW2rd Ave. 34 Henderson".NW 9th Awn St 35 CMy Cemetery, 1600 NE 2nd Aye. 36 Bayw0O6, h ESE 71 S[J92 PL _Day Pa in 2 - my Par week wawe 7 Monthly Cost Extended Amount 595.00 I1119 $1,140.00 Tyr 370.00 /rim 5840-0O /yr 565.00 Ima $780.00 /yr $165 00 Imo $1,980.00 Tyr 3135.00 Imo $1.820 00 yr 5189.00 hno 52,288.00 /yr $12500 kno $1,500.00 Tyr 112500 h110 11 500.00 /yr $100.00 Imo $1200.00 /or 5135.00 hn0 $1.620.00 151 $130.00 Imo $1,56000 /yr $180.00 !row $2,180.00 Tyr $75.00 Imo $900.00 fyr $140.00 Imo $1,880.00 fyr S130.00 /mo $1,560.00 fyr $450.00 hm $5,400.00 Ayr $803.130 Imo 591600.00 hie S55000 /mo $6,60030 rye 340000 hew 54.600.00 Tyr S590.00 trio 58.000.00 /yr 5175.00 !mo $2,100.00 A* $1300.00 /mo $9,80000 Tyr S420.00 hem 55.040.00 /yr $250.00 too $3,000.00 %9r S350.00 Imo $4200.00 /yr $240.00 hno $2 880 00 /yr $150.00 Imo S1,1300.013 Tyr $700.00 hno 18,40000 Tyr 558000 hrlo $6,36000 /yr 51230.0 hrlq S14,400.00 /yr $25000 1100 *3.00000 yr $900.00 hrd $10 eo0.00 yr $850.00 Imo $7,50000 /yr $700.60 Imo 3840.00 /yr $120000 Ono $14,400.00 Tyr $800.00 hno 57200 3 /yr TOTAL FOR GROUP 4: 5157,123.00 yr Vendor Sanchez Amngo Construction 8651 NW 70 fit IITHnv. FL 33168 DadelHrspenic transportation, equipnert, suppfm and other produota 55 provide as work in accordance with Speofie:di s. GROUP 6: PUBLIC FACILTIES Item Locations: I Coconut Crosse Exdxggion Center 2 Dinner Key Manna 3 Orange Bew1 Stad'um Monthly Cost 51,725.90 hoc 5705.00 hno $000.00 JEvertX14' • For evaluation purposes only TOTAL FOR GROUP 5: Extended Amount 529700.00 /yr 33,400.00 /yr S11.203.99 /yr 540,390A9 /Yr Prepared By: Tent' Byrnes, CPPB 4/14/08 TABULATION SHEET BD NO.04-06-115 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES - CITYWIDE Vendor HowanIts Lawn & Maintenance Samoa 19755 SW. 190 SL, 3560 L4am4 FL 33157 Dade/Black Prices shed include ad labor, e V on, transportation, equipment, suppfies and other product: to provide an work In accordance with Specification. GROUP 5: PUBLIC FACILITIES item Locations: 1 Coconut Grove Ecdxalion Carder 2 Dinner Key Marina 3 Orange Bowl Statism Monthly Cost 92,759.00 Man $20 00 lam 52,200.00 /EverdXl4• For evaluation purposes only TOTAL FOR GROUP S: Extended Amount 531000 /yr S11,040 /yr $26,400 /yr $70,440 /Yr Y/Y-t, Vander Si Landscaping & Ulm Sewias, Inc. 2200 NW 23 Avenue Miami, FL 33142 LamiNHispark Prices Mel lauds DM labor, supervision, iransporteite, ereaearet, suppros odor products ia provide al seek is accordance with SpersTestions. igm Locations: Nordhly Cost Wended Amount GROUP 1: Miami Riverside Center 1 Tract 1 2 Tract 2 3 Tract 3 GROUP 2: POLICE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS AND SUBSTATIONS NQ hno NO hno NO /me TABULATION SHEET BID NO. 04-05-116 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES - CIIYWIDE NO /yr NQ /yr NO /yr TOTAL FOR GROUP 1: NQ Item LOCII1/01121! Monthly Cast Eirtesided Amount 1 lieadquarbers - Central District a. Inside the Suiting Perimeter and Parking Garage NO /ma b. Under 1-95 Batmen NW 4th Street and NW 1301 Sheet c. "Dust Bone and outside perimeter 2 North District' & Perimeter 3 South District & Perimein 4 David Honing Center & Perimeter Propmed By Tony Byrnes. CPPS 4/14106 NCI hno NQ Imo TOTAL HEADQUARTERS COST: NCI /mg ND Imo NO hno TOTAL FOR GROUP 2: /Yri3fr NQ NQ /Yr .1 NQ NQ /yr NO tyr NO /yr NQ /yr 9 Vender Superior Landscaping & Lawn Service, Inc 2200 NW 23 Avenue Miami, FL 33142 LoaNiispaiic P iles Mud iodide a6 labor, =penniess trasPOI4 e quipment, supplies and other predicts le provide all work in menrd>iserim speerr ass. GROUP 3: FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS, DISTRICT CENTERS AND FIRE STATIONS: item L.ocabonS: Monthly Cost Edemded A,rnmpg 1 Fie Sta4on/2, 1901 N. Miami Ave. NO Imo NO /yr Fire Stalin" 413, 1103 NW 7th St Palming ShaprGeat 2 Union) NO Imo NO /yr 3 Foe Sffitia1 14,1105 SW 2itl Ave. NO hno NO /yr 4 fire Stable 75.1200 NW 20s' Si NQ Imo NO /yr 5 Foe Station 16, 701 NW 365L NO hm NQ Iyr 6 Fire St•6an i7, 314 Beacon Bird. NQ INC NO lyr 7 FreSWion49,2975Oak Ave. NQhro NO /yr 8 Fie St6tioi 19, 69 NE 62 St NQ Imo NO lyr 9 Foe Station CO and Parking Lot, 4101 NW r St 10 Fee Station 711, 5920 W. FlaglerSt 11 Fire Station #12, 14' St NW 46 Si NO hno NO /yr NO / me NO /yr NQ hro NO /yr 12 Fie Elation 1F13. 185 NE 62'4 Terrace NQ hno NQ /yr 13 Fr a Station #14, 2114 SW 198t Terrace NQ /ma NQ /yr 14 Fse Colege, 3425 Jefferson Sired NQ hno NO /yr TOTAL FOR GROUP 3: NQ Tyr Prepared Terry Byrnes, CPPS 464106 TABI11AT1ON SFEEI BID NO.04.05-116 GROUOWS MAM'ENANCE SERVICES - Cr1TWOE 10 • Vendor S ix Landscaping & Lawn Service, Inc. 2200 NW 23 Avenue Mani., FL 33142 Local/Hispanic Prime shad bchtda as labor, s prri M . transportation, e quipment. s ppies end other products fo provide as wort in accordance with Specifications. GROUP 4: PARKS AND RECREATION Ism Locations: Monthly Coat Extended Amwmt 1 Bele Meade, NE 5` AveJ77` St NO Imo NQ /yr 2 Jackson House, 190 SE 12° Tea. NO /mo NO /yr 3 Little River Comm., 181-85 NE 80° Tea. NO /mo NO /yr 4 Pa1bt (Magnolia), NW 6 Ave.138-39" St NO /mo NO /yr 5 Stems, NW Ext of Tuts Cosy. NO /mo NO IT 6 Southside", 100 SW 11` St NO hro NO /yr 7 East Bay Vesta, NW 8`Ave/47-486 St NO Imo NO /yr 8 North Bay Vista, NW 6 AveJ48-496 St NQ Ano NQ /yr 9 Pullman Maki, NW 49` StJ1 N. Miani Ave. NQ Am NO /yr 10 Simenhof- 54th St, NW 546 StI18-19` Ave. NQ Imo NO /yr 11 West Buena Vohs, NW 45° St/11 NQ /mo NO /yr 12 12th Ave. Mini, NW 126 AvweB62" St NO Into NO /yr 13 South Bay Vista, NW 6 AveJ46 & 476 St, NO Imo NO /yr 14 Miami Rives NE 2itl Ave/Bei:keg Bridge NQ Imo NO /yr 15 Miami RNerfront Dev. , 234 SW North River Dr. NQ hoe NQ /yr 16 Nadel!. NW 3id AveJ76 Ave. N0 fmo NO /yr 17 Seccod Ave. ♦I inr, NW 2" Ave./10-11* St NO /mo NQ /yr 18 Towna", NW 4° Ave/17.' St at 1-95 NO Imo NQ /yr 19 Flagani, 7121 SW 3'd St NO Ana NQ /yr 20 Hagler Terrace, SW 56 A'uJ3itl St NO /mo NQ /yr 21 Grove Circle, NW So. River DrJt6 Ave. NO /mo NO /yr 22 Blanche", Virgira—a & Mary St NQ /mo NO yr 23 Coconut Wove Mine, GrwdAve./E5zabeth NQ Ann NO /yr 24 Comma Grove Tanis Cl, Approfc 2975 Oak Ave. NO Imo NQ /yr 25 Sauer BIdr, 2901 SW 22.1 Aye. NQ Imo NO /yr 26 Tingle", SW 15` Rd 311` St NQ Imo NQ /yr 27 Highland Circle Mini, NW 8` Ave/13" St NO Ano NO /yr 28 Malrese", NW 301' St/25°Ave. NQ Imo NO /yr 29 Rangelt1", NW4`AveJ10-11°St/1-95 NQ Imo NO /yr 30 Rainbow VlNage, NW 4' Ct21" St NO /mo NO /yr 31 Grove Mini, NW li° St/15 to 17` Ave NO Imo P40 /yr 32 Riverside'', SW 8t11 AveJ3rd St NO hno NO AR 33 Hoene Vista 5250 NW 2nd Ave. NO Imo NQ Igor 34 Henderson', NW 9th Ave02 St NO hno NO /yr 35 City Cemetery, 1800 NE 2nd Ave. NO Imo NQ /yr 36 Baywood, NE 71 S1J91h PL. NO /mo NO /yr Del Per noels NY Per week Prepared Sy: Tony Byrnes, CPPB 4/14106 TOTAL FOR GROUP 4: NO yr TABULATION SFEET B® ND. W-06-116 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICES - CITYWIDE 11 VendoK Superior Landscaping IS L81674 Service. inc. 33110 NW 23 Avenue Nand FL 33142 LocellHispanic Priam AIM ifICl/Id• all labor, suparvision, traacronaline. equipment, guppies and Mbar prodeels io provide MI work la acooniance with SpeaTaiationd. GROUP 5: PUBUC FACIUTIES barn Locations: literati& Coat lxianded Aniciart t Coconut Grove Exhibition Center S4.794.75 /mo 557,537.03 /Yr 2 Dinner Kw Manna 52.836.67 mo 534,040.04 /yr 3 Gunge Bowl Stadium 12,057;15 .rEventkie 125800.10 /yr " For avekraion purposes only TOTAL POR GROUP 5: 020,37714 Prepared By-. Terry Bymee, CPPB 4/14/08 TABULATION SHEET BID NO. 04-05-118 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE SERVICESCITY1MDE 12