HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid Response Check List 25.0 BID RESPONSE CHECK LIST
This checklist is provided to help you conform to all requirements stipulated in this IFB.
1. Bid Certification Form (Form 4.1.)
This form must be completed and signed to validate your bid
2. Bid Form- (Form 4.2.)
This form must be completed and signed by bidder
3. Bidder Qualification Statement (Form 4.3.)
This form should be completed in its entirety to verify the capability of
bidder to perform/deliver the services/goods specified in the IFB
4. Minority/Women Business Affairs Registration Affidavit, if
applicable (Form 4.4.)
Must be completed only if one or more of the owners in the business
enterprise is at least 51 % owned by a Black, Hispanic or Female.
5. Affirmative Action Policy for Equal Employment Opportunity
(Form 4.5.)
Should be completed by Bidder.
6. Office Location Affidavit, if applicable (Form 4.6.)
Section 18-85 of City Ordinance No. 12271, states that the City
Commission may offer to a responsible and responsive bidder, who
maintains a Local Office, the opportunity of accepting a bid at the low
bid amount, if the original bid amount submitted by the local vendor is
not more than ten percent (1O°/q in excess of the lowest other
responsible and responsive bidder. (Must be signed and notarized by
the local bidder, only for use in attesting office location). The City
reserves the right to verify local status.
7. Statement of No Bid, only if applicable (Form 4.7.)
If you do not intend to submit a bid on this commodity or service,
please return this form in the bid envelope on or before bid opening. If
the "Statement of No Bid" form is not completed and returned, your
company may be deleted from the City of Miami bidder's list for this
commodity or service.
8. Statement of Compliance with Ordinance 10032 (Form 4.8.)
This form must be completed and signed by bidder
9. Performance Bond, if applicable (Form 4.9.)
To be completed and executed by bidder.
10. Occupational License — copy to be provided with bid
Required to be
Submitted with
Yes ® No ❑
Yes ® No ❑
Yes ®No❑
Yes ®No❑
Yes ® No ❑
Yes ® No ❑
Yes ® No ❑
Yes ®No❑
Yes ❑No®
Yes ® No ❑
City of Miami page 66
Bid No. 04-06-116