FILE ID: O 7 Sr(
Date: 4/24/2006 Requesting Department:
Commission Meeting Date: 5/25/2006 District Impacted:
Type: Resolution Ordinance ❑ Emergency Ordinance
Subject: Resolution accepting FIND Grant
Public Facilities
Discussion item
Purpose of Item:
TA Resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept funds from the Florida Inland Navigation
District Waterways Assistance Program (F.I.N.D.) for the amount of $28,350, with the required
matching funds of$34,350 to be allocated from Department of public Facilities FY 2006 General
Fund Operating Budget, Account No. 414000.350506.340, to replace existing deteriorating Seminole
Public Dinghy Dock in the Dinner Key area; to eliminate the potential hazards and provide safe
dockage for the dinghies and transient vessel owners desiring to go to the mainland from Dinner Key;
further authorizing the City Manager to execute all necessary documents to accept said grant.
Background Information:
See attached.
Budget Impact Analysis
YES Is this item related to revenue?
YES Is this item an expenditure? If so, please identify funding source below.
General Account No: 414000,350506.340
Special Revenue Account No:
CIP Project No:
NO Is this item funded by Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bonds?
Start Up Capital Cost:
Maintenance Cost:
Total Fiscal Impact:
Final Approvals
CIP 1f I Budget
ii'usbag ccgya id Rinds ;sr46/to Risk Man
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Dept. Director
City Manager
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Subject: Resolution accepting FIND Grant
Background Information:
The waterways of Dinner Key provide access to the Atlantic Intracoastal, Biscayne Bay, Florida Straits,
and the Atlantic Ocean and rest directly adjacent to the public boat ramp that services the transient
vessels docked at Dinner Key Marina and the proposed Dinner Key Mooring Field. The current existing
wooden dinghy dock is deteriorating .from use and weather and poses potential environmental and safety
hazards to the public and maritime community. The new Seminole Public Dinghy Dock will provide a
safe place for transient boaters to dock their dinghies and continue to the mainland.
Pursuant to Resolution No. 05-01 O4, the Department of Public Facilities submitted a grant application to
FIND for funds in the amount of $28,350 and was awarded the amount requested.
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