HomeMy WebLinkAboutText File ReportCity of Miami Text File Report City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.ci.miami.fl.us File ID: 03-0285 Enactment #: R-03-1245 Version: 2 Type: Resolution Status: Mayor's Office for Signature Enactment Date: 12/18/03 Introduced: 11/21/03 Controlling Body: City Commission A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF 29TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ("CDBG") FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $178,513, IN THE CATEGORY OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, FROM DISTRICT 1 RESERVE FUND AND CDBG FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $130,000, FROM DISTRICT 3 RESERVE FUND, TO THE AGENCIES AND IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED ON THE LIST, ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, FOR THE ACTIVITIES SPECIFIED; AND AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF CDBG FUNDS, IN THE TOTAL AMOUNT OF $811,980, FROM PROGRAM INCOME REPORTED THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 2003, IN THE AMOUNTS AND FOR THE ACTIVITIES SPECIFIED ON THE ATTACHED LIST; AND AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF 28TH YEAR CDBG FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $25,050, FROM THE 28th YEAR RESERVE FUND TO THE THEODORE ROOSEVELT GIBSON MEMORIAL FUND, INCORPORATED / THELMA GIBSON HEALTH INITIATIVE; AND AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF FUTURE CDBG FUNDS FROM PROGRAM INCOME TO THE SINGLE FAMILY PROGRAMS ON A QUARTERLY BASIS; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL AGREEMENTS OR AMEND EXISTING AGREEMENTS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORMS, WITH EACH AGENCY, FOR SAID PURPOSES. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 03-710, adopted June 24, 2003, authorized the allocation of 29th Year Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") funds in the category of Economic Development for the 29th Program Year beginning October 1, 2003, including funds, in the amount of $178,513, to the District 1 Reserve Fund and $240,041 tr the District 3 Reserve Fund; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 02-774, adopted July 8, 2002, the City Commission allocated 28th Year CDBG funds for the 28th Program Year, including $116,050 b the 28th Year Reserve Fund, the unused balance of this reserve is $25,050; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. City of Miami Paget Printed on 3/29/2006 substantially the attached forms, with each agency for said purposes. Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor. {2T City of Miami Page 2 Printed on 3/29/2006