HomeMy WebLinkAboutItemized Budget 2FY 10/1/05 - 9130/06 Exec. Director - Miriam Urra Program Director Patricia Miro-Tumes Activities Coord. - Candelaria Prieto Computer Operator - Angel Arias Outreach Worker - Nieves Betancourt ITEMIZED BUDGET 2,855.58 2,112.50 1,013.33 1,295.96 867.50 Meals Coordinator - Elizabeth Ramirez 945.79 Francis Arias Program Assistant 1 - Jose Miro 500.00 628.46 Asst. to the Program Director - Dolores Valdes 1,272.63 Program Assistant 2 - Zoila Leon Bus Driver - Juan M. Garcia Senior Aide - Purificacion Garcia Senior Aide - Obdulio Orozco Child Care Salary Total *Childcare pays $34,915.32 of Elderly Salaries 1 875.00 580.58 333.75 252.00 24 68,534.00 84.63% 24 50,700,00 70.40% 24 24,320.00 100% 24 31,103.00 80.21% 24 20,820.00 100% 58,000.00 35,691.00 24,320.00 26,949.00 20,820.00 24 22,899.00 26.43% 6,000.00, 24 12,000.00 100% 12,000.00 24 15,083.00 46.96% 7,083.00 24 30,543.00 32.57% 24 21,000.00 79.0596 24 12 24 } 13,934.00 10096 4,005.00 100% 6,048.00 100% r->t 414,939 56 I 9,949.00 16,600.00 13,934.00 4,005.00 6,048.00 FY 10/1/05 - 9/30/06 FICA/MICA Health and Life Insurance Woker's Com • Unem • o Rent Fidel' Bond Professional Services ` udit Office Su j • Phone Rent and Maintenance Co •-er P • !ram Activities Liabir and Theft Insurance Buiidi • Maintenance/Fum- ! ation $1200 Vehicle Gasoline Vehicle Maintenance MZEME Po':'e Electricit MTEIM Su ! • ies/Com • uter Travel, Out of Town/Educational Suns ies, Maintenance Su l• ies Co e'er Publications Supportive Services ITEMIZED BUDGET see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative see attached narrative Child Care E • =nse Child Care E •- se Child Care • -nse Child Care Ex • -nse Child Care E • -nse Child Care • -nse Child Care Ex • nse Child Care Ex• =nse Meals, etc. for the Elderly Clients and the Child Care Children 56,284.08 80,104.60 11,609.00 4,328.00 700.00 228.00 20,620.00 12,000.00 18,313.00 400.00 11,000.00 1,133.00 1,800.00 24,466.00 4,499.00 3,000.00 9,470.00 550.00 400.00 7,800.00 3,800.00 1,563.00 11,748.00 427.00 2,300.00 1,500.00 464,656.32 12% 14% 100% 10% 55% __ 100% 100% 33% 43% 89% 100% 36% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 18,467.00 35,434.00 4,800.00 500.00 100.00 228.00 2,100.00 6,600.00 1,409_00 400.00 5,200.00 1,133.00 600.00 12,000.00 8,500.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 3,130.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ALLAPATTAH COMMUNITY ACTION, INC. ITEMIZED BUDGET NARRATIVE FY 10/01/2005 - 09/30/2006 SALARIES $ 241,399.00 Executive Director, Miriam Urra - Annual salary of $ 68,534.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 2,855.58; 84.63% charged to City (=$ 58,000.00) Program Director, Patricia Miro-Turnes- Annual salary of $50,700.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 2,112.00; 70.40% charged to City (=$ 35,691.00) Activities Coordinator, Candelaria Prieto - Annual salary of $ 24,320.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 1,013.33; 100% charged to City (=$ 24,320.00) Computer Operator, Angel Arias - Annual salary of $ 31,103.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 1,295.96; 86.64% charged to City (=$ 26,949.00) Outreach Worker, Nieves Betancourt - Annual salary of $ 20,820.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 867.50; 1000/0 charged to City (=$ 20,820.00) Meals Coordinator, Elizabeth Ramirez - Annual salary of $ 22,699.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 945.75; 24.43% charged to City (=$ 6,000.00) Janitor, Francis Arias - Annual salary of $ 12,000.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 500.00; 100% charged to City (_$ 12,000.00) Program Assistant 1, Jose Miro - Annual salary of $ 15,083.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 628.46; 46.96% charged to City (=$ 7,083.00) Assistant to the Program Director, Dolores Valdes - Annual salary of $ 30,543.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 1,272.63; 32.57% charged to City (=$ 9,949.00) Program Assistant 2, Zoila Leon - Annual salary of $ 21,000.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 875.00; 79.04% charged to City (=$ 16,600.00) Bus Driver, Nelson Clarens -. Annual salary of $ 13,934.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 580.58; 1000/0 charged to City (=$ 13,934.00) Senior Aide, Purification Garcia - Annual salary of $ 4,005.00 Semi Monthly payroll of $ 333.75; 100% charged to City (=$ 4,005.00) Senior Aide, Obdulio Orozco - Annual salary of $ 6,048.00 Semi -Monthly payroll of $ 252.00; 100% charged to City (=$ 6,048.00) ITEMIZED BUDGET NARRATIVE (cont.) FY 10/01/2005 - 09/30/2006 FICA/MICA $ 18,467.00 7.65% of salaries; Total FICA/MICA is $ 56,284.08. City is being charged for 33% of total FICA/MICA. HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE $ 35,434.00 The yearly estimate for health and life insurance of the entire agency is $80,104.60, or $6,150.33 per month. The City is being charged for 44% of this total. WORKERS' COMPENSATION $ 4,800.00 Yearly estimate of $ 11,609.00 based on salaries. 41% charged to the City for the elderly program. UNEMPLOYMENT $ 500.00 Yearly estimate of $ 4,328,00. 12% charged to the City, RENT $ 100.00 Our agency pays a total of $ 700.00 per year for the space rental of both the Child Care and the Elderly Program building. 14% of this is charged to the City. FIDELITY BOND $ 228.00 Yearly estimate of $228.00. 100% charged to the City. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ 2,100.00 We have a yearly estimate of $ 20,620.00 to pay for professional services. These services include a nutrition consultant and an accountant. The City will be charged for 10%, or $ 2,100.00 this year, which will pay for the accountant at a monthly rate of $ 175.00. AUDIT $ 6,600.00 Our estimated total audit cost for this year is $ 12,000.00. 55% will be charged to the city. OFFICE SUPPLY $ 1,409.00 A yearly estimate of $ 18,313.00 for office supplies. 8% charged to the City to purchase office supplies such as paper, pens, file folders, tape, staples, printer cartridges, ribbons, etc. for the elderly program. PRINTING $ 400.00 The yearly estimate of $ 400.00. 100% of this will be charged to the City. This will be used to pay for the elderly programs printing of business cards, letterheads, envelopes, and other misc. program forms. ITEMIZED BUDGET NARRATIVE (cont.) FY 10/01/2005 — 09/30/2006 PHONE $ 5,200.00 The yearly estimate for phone service in both the childcare and elderly building is $ 11,000.00. The City will be charged for 47% of this to pay for the phone service in the elderly building. RENT AND MAINTENANCE COPIER $ 1,133.00 Estimated yearly expense of $ 1,133.00 for the rental and maintenance of the copiers and telephone equipment. 100% will be charged to the City to pay for the expenses of the copier of the elderly program. PROGRAM ACTIVITIES $ 600.00 Estimated yearly expense of $ 1,800,00. The City will be charged for 33%. This will pay for the materials that the participants use for the activities at the elderly program. LIABILITY AND THEFT INSURANCE $ 12,000.00 Estimated yearly expense of $ 28,145.44 for liability and theft insurance of both the elderly and child care buildings. 43% will be charged to the City to pay for the insurance of the elderly program. BUILDING MAINTENANCE/FUMIGATION $ 8,500.00 Our estimated yearly expense for the building maintenance of both the elderly and childcare buildings is $ 24,466.00. 35% of this total will be charged to the City to pay for the maintenance of the elderly building, $1,200 is for fumigation, which is paid at $ 100.00 per month. $ 3,000.00 is for the lawn maintenance of the elderly building, which is paid at $ 250.00 per month. $4,300.00 is for cleaning and maintenance of the Elderly Center which is paid at $500.00 by -weekly. VEHICLE GASOLINE $ 4,000.00 The total estimated yearly expense for gasoline is $ 4,499.00. 89% will be charged to the City. Our agency uses gasoline to operate a van that picks up clients, transports them to our center, and then takes them back home again. We also use gasoline to visit our homebound participants, and to attend trainings. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE $ 3,000.00 The estimated yearly expense for the maintenance of our agency vehicles is $ 3,000.00. 100% is charged to the City to pay for tune-ups, oil changes, tire maintenance and misc. repairs for the elderly program vehicles. VEHICLE INSURANCE $ 3,130.00 Estimated yearly expense of $ 9,470.00 to pay for the insurance of our agency's vehicles. The vehicles are used for the elderly program. The City will be charged for 33% of this total. POSTAGE $ 200.00 Estimated yearly expense of $ 550.00 for postage. City will be charged 36% of this total to pay for the postage of the elderly program. TOTAL $ 349,200.00