HomeMy WebLinkAboutExpense ProposalJones Lang LaSalle City of Miami Orange Bowl Fee and Reimbursible Expenses Proposal Price Proposal: Program Management Services for the Renovation of the Orange Bowl Stadium City of Miami RFI Number 05-06-022 Proiect Number B 72910 Instructions for Use. Price Proposal Forms 1. There is a separate tab or worksheet to be used for each Phase of services as indicated in the RFI document, commencing on Page 9, Paragraph 15 - le Analytical, Pre -Design, Design , Construction, etc. 2. Each Phase should be itemized within the subdivisions provided in each worksheet. You may not delete these categories, however you may add sub- categories within each subdivision to suit your business model and areas of responsibilities 3. Actual proposed staff names shall be provided for key Core Program Management Staff. Blank name area or TBD's (To be Determined) are not acceptable_ 4_ There is a column for comments, clarifications and remarks that should be used sparingly when you feet it is necessary to support the specific line item. 5. The City of Miami is not responsible for math errors in sub -totals or totals. Each firm is responsible to load Excel formulas in the worksheets and check their own work. Therefore the form provided has no formulas loaded into it 6. The City of Miami reserves the right to waive any irregularities in the submittals. instructions for Use. Reimbursable Expenses Forms 1. A separate expense worksheet to be used tor each Phase of services as indicated in the RFI document, commencing on Page 9, Paragraph 15 - ie Analytical, Pre -Design, Design , Construction, etc. 2. Enter your expense subtotals in the corresponding spaces in the Price proposal to3 n5_ 3. The City of Miami is not responsible for math errors in sub -totals or totals. Each firm is responslole to load Excel formulas in the worksheets and check their own work. Therefore the form provided has no formulas loaded into it. 4. The City of Miami reserves the right to waive any irregularities in the submittals. Variable Reimbursable Expense Category Line items shown are to provide guidance only. They are intended to provide illustrative items under this category and insure due consideration has been given items that should be included based on your experience in similar projects. Line items may be deleted amended or expanded at your discretion. Recurring Reimbursable Expense Category: Line items shown are to provide guidance only.. They are intended to provide illustrative items under this category and insure due consideration has been given items that should be included based on your experience in similar projects. Line items may be deleted amended or expanded at your discretion. Additional Requriements; All overhead expenditures must be in accordance with GARP. In addition a copy of the firms latest audit is to be provided. A certified audit is preferred. 2/16/2006 Instructions 1 of 11 .nn ,yam 4..e.41.11.2 Oty of Miami Orange BON! Fee and Reinbursl43e Emenses Proposal City of Miami Program Management Services far the Renovation of the Orange Bowl Stadium Name of Flrm: Jones Lang LaSalle abase: Analytical Arsa.WRe9Ponsba+t) - - ._7asttobe:PeAorined .::-' Utla;agof, ji5urao0 , .fin RR Number. 05.06022 Project Humber. . f3-72919 Submittal Dale: 02f0612006 Phase Length: March 200610 February 2009 --'7ef5Ls ::-:. Chritipitlorrs-wi rks .. :. Varable Remo.. E?tper1ses ' . ,Rewmng-Roan: .. (From 'Wends I t/dnrlcstaeG). (FminTyiparascWartottieet) - Profess Oefteltion Strategic Analysis John Volt Executive Vice Pnesident i 20 240 430 S103,200 20%tor six months Financial Analysis Larry Benton Associate 130 1040 190 S197,600 100 %ter sit months Financial Analysis Justin Bates Consultant 20 209 165 . 334,320 20% for sex months Project o iwi%y Program Management Ann Carey Project Executive Varies 1309 230 5301,011 Length of Phase Program Management John Pacaone Project E cu0ve ✓ l 10 Program Management James Cowdery Vice President SO Program Management Hank Pohl Senbr Project %tanager S0 Program Management Project Manager Project Manager 40 Program Management 1 Project Manger Project Manacles S0 Program MAanagtenent Project Coorglna1or Protect Coordinator S0 prolect 0peratlons A J ...'...: Cujeul511ve Hwtis - _ 2797 3536,131 § . ;... - - . = -' S ..t supp1er11entai Staff _:::- Project Definition Project Delivery Project Operations Cceratcror Support Michael Dodoy Director Varies 686 125 S85,370 Length of Phase Operations Support Steve Root Vex President Varies 686 125 S05.870 Length of Phase Retail Feasibility MarketAnalvh Vice President Retail Vice President Varies 40 300 St2.000 Scimonths Financial Analysis Project Analyst Retail Analyst Varies - 86 150 512,900 Sir months Conf Center Feaslniltly %lancet Analysis Vice President hotels Vcs President Varies 30 300 59,000 Set mouths Financial Analysis Protect Associate Hotels Associate Varies 85 200 S13,000 Sit months Financial Analysis Project Analyst Hotels Analyst Varies 120 150 518,000 Six marlins -'Y Cwriailative Heinii: i::b:: 1713 5236,640 .. S - - ..::...- _- - S -- - -'. . ... .:'.i>B Ograml.d>gtrS .: Stippiemental star ^-A tvrrlIi Supplemental Services: To be provided 5500,600 £ngineeringSerb eb Reproduction Servleas - Saety & Security Community Out Reach ' ..--;: C 'Otusitjlallee Holies-:;; 0 5500.000 .3'-: - - '. - - S- - . - - • ' - .. :.• :':%v.'rirtdCVlorrtal1V6:tiottfs::._ 1 4510 S 1,372,771.90 $ - S .-:..:.:.� . ', :21,240.00 2116.'2006 Malrical 2 of 11 Jones Lang LaSalle City of Miami Orange Bowl Fee and Reimbursible Expenses Proposal Program Management Services for the Renovation of the Orange Bow! Stadium ANALYTICAL PHASE / ESTIMATE OF REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES VARIABLE: IMB EXPENSE„ -,LUMP SUM -ProjectNo B 7291I3 : : .• Assumptions: Total phase length of 36 months from March 2006 to February 2009 1 Total phase hours of 4510 divided by 1900 hours per FTE equals 2.4 FTE's for this phase Item No Description Amount per Month or FTE Number of Months or FTE's Base Unit Cost Total Fee Remarks 1 Shipping (Within Florida -Miami, Next Day, 1 Lbs) $24 36 5864 2 Shipping (Within Florida -Miami, Next Day, 5 Lbs) $112 36 $4,032 3 Computer Software $1.600 2.7 $4,320 4 Loral Courrier (Estimate) $120 36 $4.320 5 Outside Reprographics $200 36 $7,200 6 Fax Cartridges (Small S & W )- Field Office 50 36 $0 7 Fax Cartridges Additional Larger HP Machine- Field Office 36 50 8 Printer Cartridge- Field Office $0 36 $0 9 Travel - Rental Cars $400 36 .$14,400 11 Travel - Air Fare j'ro-From) $1,000 36 $36,000 15 Travel - Hotels $1,000 36 $38,000 - 16 Travel - Meals $200 36 $7,200 17 Travel -Mist. $50 36 $1.800 18 Travel - Parking FLL $100 36 $3,600 19 Travel - Parking MIA 5100 3E $3,600 20 Field Vest/Safety Glasses/Ear Plug/Gloves SO 0 50 21 Mileage $120 36 $4,320 Total $127,656.00 ....:: , :. :: : RECURRING:REIMB::EXPENSE *- LUMP: SUM Project:NO • B 729` 0-!:...::_ 22 Cell Phone Service $175 36 $6,300 23 Parking (Visitors) $50 36 $1,800 24 T1 line (Bell South) S0 36 $0 25 Laptop Lease $600 2.7 $1,620 26 Color Printer Lease SO 36 $0 27 $/W Printer Lease S0 36 $0 20 Fax Machine Lease $0 36 $0 29 Copy Paper $100 36 $3,600 30 Couriers, Mesengers $120 36 $4,320 31 Misc. Office Supplies (Folder/Binder/Pend/Pen/Posit/ CD/Notebook) $100 36 $3,600 33 Vehicles (Including Gas, Maintenance, Lease) 0 $D Total $21,240.00 2/16/2006 Analytical Reim 3 of 11 Ja1esLang LaSaae city of bonne Orange Bowl Fee and Retheu sole Excerrses Proposal City of Mlaml Program Management Services for the Renovation of the Orange Bowl Stadium Name of Firm: Jones Lang LaSalle Phase: Pre-0eslgn Toecap be- PerfoRmbd ... .!lame:_ -:: _ :..::� :FesiDon :. StlI1 khon 1parafars7-(Irf 1-IOYr1y -.Penuintag► .-• '!Soars)--- -: RR NlnnbeS Project Number. Submittal Dade: Phase Length: 05. 6-022 B-72910 02.0012006 March 2006 to August 2006 �-.:..--�Camneer!CGfad�imhon�3iemaArs.:: VarobleReimb: Ethretraes .-Recumng-2een. Expenses IFforri' en l MitlitSfieet) -r. - {Plorn 51erit+e3RrotrLs]nect) :. ofe:Ptogran:#a .. -: Project Dennhlan SVrteQk Analysis Fnandai Analysis Financ1e: Analyse r. John vek ✓ Securer/ Vice Presider* tam Benton ✓ / Associate Just* Beep Consultant 20 100 20 104 520 104 430 190 165 644,720 698,600 617,160 2096 for three months 10096 for three months 20%for three months Project Delivery Program Management Program Management Program Management Program Management Program Management Program Management Program Maasgement Arm Carey . / Project Executive John Paccione Project Erxct>twe - James Cowdery ` Vice President Hank Pohl J Senior Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Manager Project Corndeator Project Coordinator 33 Varies 100 100 100 400 491 629 1040 1040 1040 1040 226 171 145 124 124 93 60 3110,755 6107,261 5150.E-30 6129,459 5129,459 696.244 Length of Phase Length or Phase Length of Phase Length cf P1>9e Length of Phase Length of Phase Prairie! Operations MOB SBB4,386 :. SUppjeTne lt9 5t3ff Prefect DeflnHlon Project Delivery Prolect Operations Operatlons Support Operations Support fifexeeel Godoy Steve Floor Director Vice Presider* 50 Retail Feasibility Market Analysis Vrce President Reim Vice President Furancta1 Analysis Project Analyst Retai Anal Coal Center Feasibility Market Paralysis Vice President Hotels Vice President Fkancal Analysis Financial Analysis Project Associate Project Analyst Hotels Assocmte Hotels Analyst Gamellative Hours 0 S0 Supplemental:Staff.- am. M S':":.: 'Supplemental Services: Engineering Services Reproduction services Safely 6 secudty Community Out Reach 0 S L Ceiand ilriurs':: mos S 864,336,00 •3::::: :i.i..:.:.:f 40.21Z00• .6::: is is :r:::ii.i ':12,240:00. 2/16/2006 Pre -Design 40111 .Jones Lang i.aaaI�e City of Miami and Reunbursible Expense$ Pro Program Management Services for the Renovation of the Orange Bowl Stadium PRE-DESIGN_PHASE / ESTIMATE OF REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES : VI RIABLE.REIMBs EXPENSE :-_LUMP: SIJM.:-:Project No:.:B-72919 .. :: : .: Assumptions: Total phase length of 6 months from March 2006 to August 20061 Total phase hours of 6008 divided by 1900 hours per FTE equals 3. FTE's for this phase 'Item No Description per M Amountonth or FTE Number of Months or FTE's Base Unit Cost Totat Fee Remarks 1 Shipping (Within Florida -Miami, Next Day, 1 Lbs) $48 6 $288 2 Shipping (Within Florida -Miami, Next Day, 5 Lbs) $224 6 $1,344 3 Computer Software $1,200 2_5 $3,000 4 Local Courrier (Estimate) $240 6 $1,440 5 Outside Reprographics $200 6 $1,200 6 Fax Cartridges (Small B & W)- Field Office 5100 6 $soo 7 Fax Cartridges Additional Larger HP Machine- Field Office $200 6 $1,200 8 Printer Cartridge- Field Office $100 6 $600 9 Travel - Rental Cars 5800 6 $4,800 11 Travel - Air Fare (To -From) $1,600 6 • $9,600 15 Travel - Hotels - $1 600 6 $9,600 16 Travel - Meats $400 6 $2,400 17 Travel - Misc_ $50 6 $300 18 Travel - Parking FLL $200 6 $1,200 19 Travel - Parking MIA $200 6 51,200 20 Field Vest/Safety Glasses/Ear Plug/Gloves 6 21 Mileage $240 6 $1,440 _ Total 540.212.00 :.....: RECURRING REIMB:°EXPENSE..- LUMPa 1M-Project:Jalo„ B42914..:::... 22 Cell Phone Service $350 6 $2,100 23 Parking (Ursdors) $100 6 $600 �k 24 Tt line (Bell South) $0 6 $0 25 Laptop Lease $600 2.5 $1,500 28 Color Printer Lease $300 6 $1,800 27 B!W Printer Lease $500 6 53,000 28 Fax Machine Lease $0 8 $0 29 Copy Paper $100 6 $600 30 Couriers, Meseng rs $240 6 $1,440 31 Misc. Office Supplies (Folder/Binder/Pencil/Pen/Posit/ CD/Notebook1 $200 6 $1,200 33 Vehicles (Including Gas, Maintenance, Lease) $0 6 $0 Total $12,240.00 2/16/2006 Pre -Design Reim 5 of 11 Coy of Meemi Orange Bowe Fee and Reimbwaible Egeenses Proposal' City or Miami Program Sesnagement Services for the Renovation of the Orange Bawl Stadium Name of Fhn+: Jones Lang LaSalle Phase: Design RR Number Project Number. Submittal Date: Phase Length 0 06-022 8-72910 0210812006 September 2006 to April 2007 ` . Area, cl Responsrdlty - - ----'-,, Tssirto be Performed UGfatwrt P8 tent g Dwaoon' QP`Nou l Tatah. Common., CtarliYafions fiemaik; : !Zetb:`!u5: . (trwriegdenae.Woiksbeet) J:'From% enseWarkstieei}. Variableiterob?rYpenses :. Ptisgr.itts- rne7lr.OflS11U000rt16R:D1lI1lDlC:r;:::!'� n r Project Definition Strategic AnaIysls Jahn Vick Execu0ve Vice President Financial Analysis Financial Analysis Larry Denton Assam Justin Eratet Consultant Project Delivery Program Management Fenn Carey Project Executive 50 Program Management Program Management Program Management Program Management Program Manir0_ernent Program Management John Paccione James Cowdery Hank Pohl Project Manager Project Executive Vice President Senior Project Manager Project Manager Vanes 66 100 100 343 686 1040 1040 228 172 146 126 $78.264 S118,182 S152,035 S130,753 Length of Phase Length of Phase Length of Phase Length of Phase Project Manager Project Coordinator Protect Manager Project Coordinator 100 100 1040 IW0 126 93 S130,753 S97,207 Length of Phase Length oT PTaSe Protect Operations A - Cteirwlailvr:Heiris :':<: 6189 5707,194 SUppiernental Stall_ '. Project Definition Project Delivery Project Operations Operations support Michael Godoy Deeds OperI1k ns Support Stet Front Vice President Retail Feasibility Nlareet Analysis Vice President Retail Vice President Ftlancgl Analysis Project Analyst Retail Analyst Corer Center Feasibility Market Anaysi5 Vice PRSident Hotels Vice President Financial Analysis Project Associate HotelsAsociate Financal Analysis Project Analyst Hotels Analyst j 0 80 S Supplemental 5tatt.=:Sub.Program Supplemental Services: _Engineering Services Reproduction Derv' Salety & 5ecurity Community Out Reach 0 S :Grang Cumuldtire Motes::.: 5199 S 707,194.00 ..:::-. 61,760.6g :..17,880.00 2/1612005 Design 6 af 11 .ones Lang Laaaae Chy of Miami Bowl Fee and Reimbursable Expenses Proposal Program Management Services for the Renovation of the Orange Bowl Stadium DESIGN PHASE I ESTIMATE OF REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES VARIABLE;l EIMB EXPENSE. -.'LUMP SUM :-.ProjectNo... B-72910, ' :. Assumptions: Total phase length of 8 months from September 2006 to April 2007 f Total phase hours of 5189 divided by 1900 hours per FTE equals 2.7 FTE's for this phase Item No Description Amount per Month or FTE Number of Months or Fres Base !Snit Cost Total Fee Remarks 1 Shipping (Within Florida -Miami, Next Day, 1 Lbs) $96 $ $' 68 2 Shipping (Within Florida -Miami' Next Day, 5 Lbs) $224 8 $1,792 3 Computer Software $1,200 3.6 $4,320 4 Local Courrier (Estimate) $200 8 $1,600 5 Outside Reprographics $320 8 $2,560 6 Fax Cartridges (Small 8 & W )- Field Office $100 8 $840 7 Fax Cartridges Additional Larger HP Machine- Field Office $200 8 $1,600 8 Printer Cartridge- Field Office $100 8 $800 9 Travel - Rental Cars $800 8 56,400 11 Travel - Air Fare (To -From) $1,200 8 $9,600 15 Travel - Hotels $1,600 8 r . $12,800 ` 16 Travel - Meats $400 8 $3,200 17 Travel - Misc. $50 8 $400 r 18 Travel - Parking FLL $200 8 $1,600 19 Travel - Parking MIA $200 8 $1,600 Field Vest/Safety Glasses/Ear Plug/Gloves 8 21 Mileage $240 , 8 $1,920 Total $51,760.00 'RECURRING REIMB-.EXPENSF..LUMP:StlM,= Project=Na-B-7.291.Q-. i.. i:. 22 Cell Phone Service S525 8 $4,200 23 Parking (Visitors) $100 8 $800 24 T1 Tine (Bell South) $0 8 $0 25 Laptop Lease $600 3.6 $2,160 26 Color Printer Lease $300 8 $2,400 27 B/W Printer Lease $500 8 $4,000 28 Fax Machine Lease $0 8 $0 29 Copy Paper $100 8 5800 30 Couriers, Mesengers $240 8 $1.920 31 Misc. Office Supplies (Folder/Binder/Pena/Pen/Post/ CD/Notebook) 5200 8 $1,600 Vehicles (Including Gas,so Maintenance. Lease) 8 - Total $17,890.00 2/16/2006 Design Reim 7 of 11 JDneS LAN Laa4I ClCity Miami Orange Howl Fee and Reirrtbursble Expenses Proposal City of album Program Management Services for the Ranowation or the Orange Sown saadlme Nemo of Flrm: Jones Lang LaSalle Phase: Construction RFj Number: Project Number: Submittal Date: Phase Length: 05-06-022 B-72910 020/112006 January 200710 Decenhber 2a08 taco:. Area of Respo ility Tast..to,loe.F4ifolrined- artre tithtatcn aurabon Alp lfortrtl..'. t:Remarks. Yanabie Reimb; Expenses .- Rearrnn9-Rem. Expenses reroer+se'tniasxsesset3.'I':•(FIx+ enm.+uaercr,ee0 Pruiecl Definition Strategic Analysts John Vick Exe utire Vies President Financial Analysis Larry Benton _ Associate Firrncpi Analyses Justn Bates Consultant Project DetIvery Prografri Management Program Management Program Management Program Management Prgrtarn Management Program taen9gement Program Management Ann Carey John Paxton! James (;oerdery Flank Pohl Project Manager Project Manager Project Cooroinattr .Project Executive Project Executive Vice President Senior Proffitt &tanager Project Manager Project Manager Project Coordinator Varies 20 66 100 100 100 100 381 803 2517 3813 3813 3813 3813 237 238 178 152 130 130 97 $90,133 $190 747 $449,145 5577.804 6496.922 3498,922 535,430 Length of Phase Length of Phase Length or Phase Length of Phase Length of Phase Length of Phase Length of Phase Project Operations 18953 $2,671,104 8 •�:5upplemefitaA Stair::r Protect Delinhlon Project Delivery Project Operations Operations Support operations Support Michael Goofy Diector Starve Froot Vice President Retail Feasibility Market ArtatyaiS MC* President Retai Yre N ..li..nt Financial Analysis Project Atnadyst Retail Analyst Corti center Feasiatilty Market Analysis V.ce President Motels We Presklent Financal Anatys'e Pnijem Associate Hotels Associate Financial 1 Analysis Project Analyst Hotels Analyst • •:. '8 ; cinit iiitiite tlritirs:-`;'.-. 0 S0 ;S.uPplemer41.:5ta ff Sub.Psscgram_.Maalfgas Supplemental Services: Engineering Services Reproduction Services Safety & Security Community Out Reach 0 5 $. :Grand GU a 4I44 MOMS 18953 $ 2,874,104 t44;208.o0. :$ 7d 165:00- 1 2J1612006 8 of 11 City of Miami Orange Bowl Fee and Reimbursible Expenses Proposal Program Management Services for the Renovation. of the Orange Bowl Stadium CONSTRUCTION PHASE / ESTIMATE OF REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES VARIABLE REIMB. EXPENSE ;L JMP SUM =Project No 8- 7 1. _ .: . . Assumptions: Total phase length of 19 months from January 2007 to December 20081 Total. phase hours of 18953 divided by 1900 hours equals 10.0 FTE's for this phase per FTE J Item No Description Amount per Month m or F Number of Months or Base Unit Cost Total Fee Remarks FTEs 1 Shipping (Within Florida -Miami, Next Day, 1 Lbs) $250 19 $4,750 2 Shipping (within Florida -Miami, Next Day, 5 Lbs) $400 19 $7,600 3 Computer Software $1,200 9.1 _ $10,920 4 Local Courrier (Estimate) $400 19 $7,600 5 Outside Reprographics $2,500 _ 19 $47,500 6 Fax Cartridges (Small B & W )- Field Office $100 19 $1,900 7 Fax Cartridges Additional Larger HP Machine- Field Office $200 19 $3,80D 8 Printer Cartridge- Field Office $100 19 $1,900 9 Travel - Rental Cars $.400 19 $7,500 11 Travel - Air Fare (To -From) $800 19 $15,200 15 Travel - Hotels $800 19 .$15,200 - 16 Travel - Meals $200 19 $3800 17 Travel - Misc. $50 19 $950 18 Travel - Parking FLL $100 19 $1,900 19 Travel - Parking %CA $100 19 $1,900 'Field Vest/Safety Glasses/Ear20 Plug/Gloves $100 19 $1,900 21 _Mileage _ $360 _ 19 56,840 Total $141,260.00 RECURRING:REIMB: EXPENSE LUMP .SUM -- Proiect:No-- , B�Z2910 :.. :: ::.., 22 Cell Phone Service $1,575 19 $29.925 23 Parking (Visitors) $100 19 $1,900 24 T1 line (Bell South) $200 19 $3,8C0 25 Laptop Lease $1,000 9.1 $9,100 26 Color Printer Lease $300 19 $5,700 27 BM/ Printer Lease $500 19 $9,500 28 Fax Machine Lease $0 19 $0 29 Copy Paper $200 19 $3,800 _ 30 Couriers, Mesengers _ $360 19 $6,840 31 Misc. Office Supplies (Folder/Binder/Pencil/Fen/Posit/ CD/Notebook) $400 19 $7,600 Vehicles (Including Gas, Maintenance,Lease) 18 Total $78,165.00 2/16/2006 Construction Reim 9 of 11 City of Miami Orange Bowl Fee and Reintwrstie Expenses Proposal City or WWII RFI Member. OE-Yynn Program Management Services for the Renovation of the Orange Bowl Stadium Project Number. -72910 Name of Firm: Jones Lang LaSalle Submittal Date: 02/0812506 Phase: Post -Construction Phase Length: January 2009 to February 2009 hew of Respon2004 7asktobe Perks:66d Post,rah :libMatipn- Ltrir on: (M PioCfCllr4}.= .,:Totals - .... af;ni*i.ctikiaciolorss.Rdiratlz:. Venable Rsrnb PiRances I' _: Rea rrici9.l 1.. parses . {FrOUI-15**itstiMaif j': {RmtriExp nSaWaitslleet) :G6sc,Prograns:Managt !tlsrtageenent, Project Definition Strategic Analysis Financial Anaysis Financial Analysis Larry Benton Justin Bates Associate Consultant Project Deltvsry Program Management Program Management Program Management Program Management Program Management Program Management Program Management Ann Carey John Passion James Gowdery Hank Pohl Project Manager Project Manager Project coordinator Project Executhe Project Executive Vice Pfesldenn Senior Project Manager Protect Manager Project Manager Project Doocdirator varies 20 100 100 100 100 35 66 229 347 347 3,17 347 244 248 186 158 136 136 101 S8,553 S17,106 S42.621 $34,836 S47,154 SA7,156 s35.056 Length of Plisse Length of Phase Length of Phase Length of Phase Length of Phase length of Phase Length Or Phase 7 Project Operations 1721 5252,474 S 5uppteinentat :Staff::::.: Protect Definition Protect Dotivery Protect Operation Operations Support Operations Support Michael Godoy Steve Front Vice Preedertt 30 30 104 104 136 S14,146 136 S14,146 Ler[gttl of Phase Length d Phase Retail Feestufty Market Analysis Financial Analysis' Vice ?resilient Project Analyst ROM Vrrs President Retail Analyst Cord Camel Feasibility Market Analyse financial Arta alit Vice President Project Associate Hotels Vice President Hotels Associate Financial Analysis Prayed Analyst Hotels Analyst :: Clitrwlithee Heuer: ..._ 208 $28,292 • tel:$tat[.:su b-Prograis'l iartpgess Supptememai Services: Engineering Services Reproduction .Services Safety & Security Community Out Reach Gusuttattre Holtts`:�: 0 S G:r'1d CUmUJattee IicUMS'. 1929 S 280,766.00 0313.46. 1 2/16/2006 Post -Construction 10 oT 11 Jones Lang LaSalle City of Miami Orange Bowl Fee and Reimbursible E Program Management Services for the Renovation of the Orange Bowl Stadium POST -CONSTRUCTION PHASE / ESTIMATE OF REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES = ., :'... ...,VARIABLE.REIMB EXPENSE:.:..LUMP SUM. Lt i Project 1404 B. 72910... :.... ; Assumptions: Total phase length of 2 months from January 2009 to February 2009 / Total phase hours of 1929 divided by 1900 hours per FTE equals 1.0 FTE's for this phase Item No Description Amount per Month or FTE Number of Months or FTES Base Unit Cost Total Fee Remarks 1 Shipping (Within Florida -Miami, Next Day, 1 Lbs)00 2 $400 2 Shipping (Within Florida -Miami, Next bay, 5 Lbs) $SQO 2 $1,200 3 Computer Software $0 1.0 $0 4 Local Courier (Estimate) $400 2 $800 5 Outside Reprographics $2,500 2 $5.000 6 Fax Cartridges (Small B & W)- Field Office $100 2 $200 7 Fax Cartridges Additional Larger HP Machine- Field Office $200 2 $400 8 Printer Cartridge- Field Office $100 2 $200 9 Travel - Rental Cars $400 2 $800 11 . Travel - Air Fare (To -From) $800 2 $1,600 15 - Travel - Hotels 5800 2 • $1,600 16 Travel - Meals $200 2 $400 17 Travel - Misc. $50 2 $100 18 Travel - Parking FLL $100 2 $200 19 Travel - Parking MIA $100 2 $200 20 Field VestlSafety Glasses/Ear PlugIGloves $100 2 $200 21 Mileage $360 2 $720 _ 1 Total $14,020.00 RECURRING REIMB :EXPENSE .:LUMP SUAI(. Project: No .B-7299P:: 22 CelIPhone Service $1,050 2 $2,100 23 Parking (Visitors) $100 2 $200 24 ..T1 line (Bell South) $200 2 $400 25 Laptop Lease $1.000 1.0 $1.000 • } •26 Color Printer Lease $300 2 $600 ' 27 BIW Printer Lease $500 2 $1,000 28 Fax Machine Lease $0 2 $0 29 Copy Paper $200 2 $400 30 Couriers, Mesengers $360 2 $720 31 Misc. Office Supplies (Folder&Binder/PencilLPenlPositl CD/Notebook) $200 2 $400 - 33 Vehicles (Including Gas, Maintenance, Lease) 2 Total $6,820.00 21 1612006 Post -Construction Reim 11 of-11