HomeMy WebLinkAboutPrice QuotationSENT BY:BUDGET UNIT 4. I'?. •5 � 2-22- 6 ; 11:42 ;CITY OF MIAMI POLICE-) ;# 2/ 4 New Heights Manufacturing, Inc. 1640 Powers Feny Rd, Bldg. 16, Suite 330 Marietta, GA 30067 770-850-1550 / fax 770-850.1551 Name / Address Miami Pulice 13espt. Officcr Raul Poro2 400 NW 2nd Ave. Miami, FL 33128 Price Quotation Date Ounlct tf 12/2/2005 20263 Tarmr FOB Lead Time Not 30 New Haight 30 00 days ARC) Hem Description Oly Rate Total SW Sentinel Sky Watch Sentinel 1 46,500.00 46,500.00 • Serial N: TI3D Features: 5,500 watt generator, 22.5 Aal lon film tank, extended stabilizer Jacks, dual axles, swing -out outriggers, flood Tight pttakttye, tinted sliding slant -cut windows, roof mounted A/(, heater, smart chorSc system, generator start battery, cellar panel for charging generator stunt buttery, and OWE. Upgrade Generator Upgrade to S,SkW Diesel Generator 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 D1,5000 ,_,,. D115000 (50tnm lens with 31 micron detector) I 43460,00 43,560.00 Self Conlainod Panf1'ili InlYared and Color CCD Camera aupportod by a passive, rent -lime thermal imaging system that operates in the R to 12 micron spectral . range. Unit includes Joystick cnntrollcr and !t" LCD monitor. • T111S QUOTC I9 VALID FOR 30 DAYS " LEAD TIMES MAY CHANGE DEPENDING ON WIIfiN ftur1C0 vc nr 1(+cn ne cAO t'I1 t •eTRn 11IDt liagn Total ORDER tS SUEMITTED FOR ACCURATE LEAD TIME. woo WE PREFER FOR ALL CONTRACTS THAT QUALIFY TO HAVE PAST PAY STATUS Page SENT BY:BUDGET UNIT . ; 2-22- 6 ; 11:42 ;CITY OF MIAMI POLICE- ;# 3/ 4 New Heights Manufacturing, Inc. 1640 Power Perry Rd, Bldg. 16, Suite 350 Marietta, GA 30067 770-250.1550 / fax 770-850-1551 Names / Addreee Miami Police Dept, Officer Raul Parer 400 NW 2nd Ave. Miami, FI. 33128 Price Quotation Date Quota # 12/2/2005 20263 Terms FOR • Lead Time Nat 30 New He ghts 30 90 days ARO Item Description Qty Rate Inlet Spotlight 6,000,000 e.p. Mantuan' Spotlight 1 2,850.00 2,850.00 "Must be condoned with specific pan and till vendor before order can km accepted Digital Video Rec... Digital Video Rttcurdcr with 120(38 Hard Drive (213 hours) with DV1 -R Digit Burner 1 1.950.00 1,950 00 Public Address Sy... installed Public Address Syttlt;m -- I 4,021.00 4,925.00 Feature): Four roof -mounted spaakern with selector panel. 5 t. or mlc cable and a push to talk mic Extended Warranty 2 Year Extension of -Standard 1 Year parts and Labor 1 2,500.00 2,500.00 Warranty Rtr a Total or 3 Years Mainmonance Pau... Inoludoo: 110 Point loap,wtiun, Nom Cenerator Sorvico, Minor Wiring Repairs. Install Complimentary Up:wiles, Lubricator Unit, Visual Anatyauo of all Slruoturiil Joints, Tact all EquIprnant, Peribmt any needed Warranty 1 1,000.00 1.000.00 Installations, Analysis of General Operation. bummaiy airport, Uptlptetl Material, Suggeatlnns on Training and Malnienanca, On -Site Q&A Training * Travel costa are not Included In 31000,U0 charge. • THIS QUOTE IS VALID FOR 30 DAYS '• LEAD TIMES MAY CHANGE DfPRNf3rNr3 ON WHEN ORDER IS PLACED. PLL*AStt CALL AFTER rURCHASti Okl.)I?R IS SUBMITTED POI ACCURATE LEAD TIME. '•*WE PR IF R FOR AI.1. CONTRACTS THAT QUAL11'Y'ro HAVI: PAST PAY STATUS Page 2 Total SENT BY:BUDGET UNIT r i . 1• 2-22- 6 ; 11:42 ;CITY OF MIAMI POLICE-1 ;# 4/ 4 New Heights Manufacturing, Inc, 1640 Powers Ferry Rd. 133dg. 16, Suite 350 Marietta, OA 30067 770-650-1550 / fax 770-850-1551 Name 1 Address Miami Polieo Dope, Officer Raul Porn 400 NW 2nd Avv. Miami, FL. 33123 Price Quotation Date 1 Ouolo # 2/2/2005 1 20263 Terms FOB Load TImc Nei 3(1 4 New licighla 30-90 days ARD Item Description 01y Rate Total Main1enanue Pas- Shipping Units Estimated Travel Enronaw Air Maintenance Man (Included Mr (Fare, Car Rental, LAWN; and Per Diem) Shipping from Ellaville, OA to Miami, PL I I 1,030.00 1,024.20 1,030.00 1,024.20 • THIS QUOTE 13 VALID FOR 30 DAYS •• 1-14.0 ITMAS MAY CHANGE DBPfii 4 XNa ON WI•MN effir PR 1[ PLACL Pi:RAMP CAL.I. AFTRR PIIAti IASP_ Total S I I I,2S9.20 ORDER IS SUEMITTI3D FOR ACCURATE LEAD TIME. •" i t4 roit ALL CONTRACTS THAT qIsALIFY TO HAVE FAST PAY STATUS FF gu 3