TO :
Joe Arriola
Chief Administrator/City Manager
en 4 arcos, f rector
Chief Proc -me. t Officer
March 7, 2006
Sky Watch Sentinel Observation
An investigation was conducted by staff to determine whether New Heights Manufacturing, Inc., a Non-
Minority/Non-Local vendor, located at 1640 Powers Ferry Road, Building 16, Suite 350, Marietta, Ga. 30067, is
the sole source provider for the purchase of a Sky Watch Sentinel Observation Platform, for the Department of
Police ("Department").
The Department is seeking to obtain the Sky Watch Sentinel Observation Platform to be used at major events that
are potential targets and Homeland Security incidents. Previously, on October 14, 2004 the City Commission
approved the sole source purchase of one Sky Watch Sentinel Observation Platform from New Heights
Manufacturing, Inc. Due to an increase in multiple, large scale events, i.e. Calle Ocho, Three Kings parade,
MLK parade, MTV award, an additional observation platform is beneficial to ensure excellent observation at
multiple observation points and high profile physical presence of an officer working the event/incident. The
platform will be equipped with a generator, spotlights, digital video recorder, public address system, extended
warranty maintenance package, and A/C, heater. The platform will rise to approximately 24 feet above the
ground, and is trailer mounted with a hydraulic lift mechanism and generator.
According to New Heights Manufacturing, Inc., the Sky Watch is a patented product by New Heights
Manufacturing, and it is the sole manufacturer and distributor for their products. No other product combines its
many features and construction into one system, and its unique features include elevated surveillance and
deterrence; a fully enclosed cab equipped with heating and air conditioning; stand-alone capability; portability;
generator as well as shore power source; and more. Staff was unable to locate any other observation platform
with all the unique features of this product.
Based on our investigation, we have discovered that market conditions have not changed since 2004 for this type
of observation platform, and we are; therefore, recommending that the requirements for formal competitive
sealed bidding be waived, and these findings be approved: New Heights Manufacturing, Inc., a Non-
Minority/Non-Local vendor, located at 1640 Powers Ferry Road, Building 16, Suite 350, Marietta, Ga. 30067, is
the sole source provider for the purchase of a Sky Watch Sentinel Observation Platform. Funding, at an amount
not to exceed $111,259.20, is available from the Urban Areas Security Initiative Grant Program, Account Code
No. 110143.280911.6.840.
Joe Arriola
Chief Administrator/City Manager