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EMERALD PLACE ADDRESS: 244 N.W. 72 ND TERRACE ZONING DESIGNATION: C-2 LIBERAL COMMERCIAL REQUEST OF SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMIT Pursuant to Ordinance 11000, as amended, Supplement 13, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal for EMERALD PLACE, at 244 NW 72°d Terrace, Miami, Florida, has been reviewed to allow application for the following Special Exception Permit subject to the applicable criteria in Section 1305 and all the applicable criteria; The proposed project will be comprised of a 124 Units Multi -Family Residential Project with approximately 115,811 SF of Floor Area. The residential structure will have a maximum height at top of slab up to 120' and will provide 139 parking stalls out of 216 parking stall required with reduction of thirty-six (36) percent in parking requirements for low income families as per City of Miami Ordinance 11000 as amended, Article 9 Section 917.6. These SPECIAL EXCEPTION PERMITS encompasses the following Special Permits and requests: SPECIAL EXCEPTION, as per Article 4, Sect. 401, under Conditional Principal Uses of C-2 zoning classification numeral 12, to allow Multifamily Residential structure of a density equal to R-3 or higher , in this case as R-4, subject to the following criteria by Special Exception only, upon finding that: a. The proposaI's site proximity to other residential zoned property makes it a logical extension or continuation of existing residential development; and b. Adequate services and amenities exist in the adjacent area to accommodate the needs of potential residents. SPECIAL EXCEPTION, as per Article 9, Sect. 917.6, to allow reduction of generally applicable off- street parking requirements in connection with housing for low income families and individuals to an amount no less than one-half (1/2) of the spaces generally required.. The following criteria requirements and limitations shall apply: a. The project shall otherwise confoiiu to the requirements of state and/or federal program for this purpose. b. The Zoning board, in its consideration of the application, shall determine and make a finding that the reduction in off-street parking requirements is justified in view of the nature and type of prospective occupancy, the economic circumstances involved, and the traffic and parking problems resulting from such reduction will not unduly burden traffic facilities in the neighborhood. c. The zoning board shall, as part of its grant of Special Exception, specify that the city, upon notice and hearing as for Special Exception, may later require that the one-half (1/2) of land area set aside be converted and devoted to off-street parking, if it is demonstrated that traffic and parking conditions together with impact on the neighborhood requires such conversion. d. After such permit shall have been issued, the premises shall not be used other than as low income housing, subject to the exceptions and limitations set forth in (a) above, unless and until any parking requirements and all other requirements or limitations of this zoning ordinance for the district involved and applying to the new use shall have been met. 1 CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, Sect. 923.2, to allow reduction of stall dimensions from two (2) 12'x35'x15' to four (4) 10'x20'x15', subject to the criteria set forth herein and the applicable criteria in Section 1305. No such permit shall be issued except upon finding: a. That the manner of operation proposed is such that stalls of the dimensions generally required are unnecessary because, among other matters, the size, character, and operation of the use will not normally involve service by motor vehicles requiring the dimensions of an off-street space specified by Section 923.2; and b. That the use involved are likely to continue or to be succeeded by others for which the same stall dimensions will be adequate, or that any additional loading space necessary could be provided in a logical location without creating violations of other requirements of these regulations. CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 903.1, to allow a project to be designed as a single site which it occupies lots divided by a street or alley. CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 927, Temporary structures, occupancies, and uses during construction, criteria for special permits, to allow temporary structures, occupancies, and uses reasonably necessary for construction such as construction fence, covered walkway encroaching public property must be approved by other city departments prior to the issuance of a Class II Special Permit, and temporary off -site parking subject to the applicable criteria in Section 1305 and to the following criteria, it may be located only in districts more or equally permissive as to the one where the principal use is to be served is located. Such parking is only to be permitted where there are practical difficulties or hardships, involved in providing the required parking on the site during construction. In addition, subject to the following criteria: 1. The applicant shall provide to the City a copy of the lease or other parking agreement which will fulfill the parking requirement during construction. 2. In cases where the parking is offsite, the parking for commercial project shall only be provided in a commercial zoning district and parking for a residential project shall only be provided in a commercial or more permissive residential zoning district; 3. Relocation of required parking shall be limited to specific length of time (i.e., one (1) year with one (1) year renewal) or limited to the duration of the construction up to the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, whichever is less; and 4. The distance between the principal entrances of the parking facility and the use being served shall be limited to six hundred (600) feet. CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 906, Accessory uses and structures, Sub - Section 906.9 Temporary special events; special permits; criteria, to allow temporary carnival, festival, fair or similar type event on privately owned or City -owned land such as a ground breaking ceremony, shall be subject to the applicable criteria in Section 1305. In addition, the following conditions, criteria and limitations apply: a. Adjacent property owners and residents shall be notified of the temporary event by the applicant, and the applicant shall submit to the zoning administrator an affidavit signed by the residents certifying such notice before the Class I Special Permit is approved. b. Temporary events proposed on public property must be approved by other city departments, prior to issuance of a Class I Special Permit. c. The City Manager is authorized to establish required procedures and to attach any further limitations or conditions deemed essential for the health and general welfare of the public. CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 918, offsite Parking, Sub -Section 918.2 temporary off-street offsite parking for construction crews criteria, to allow temporary off-street, offsite parking for construction crews same as in Section 927. In addition, subject to the following criteria: The parking capacity for temporary off-street offsite parking shall be limited to four hundred (400) spaces. 2 CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT, as per Article 9, Section 920, Parking andlor storage of certain vehicles prohibited or limited in specified districts; limitations on occupancy, Sub -Section 920.1.2 Limitations on occupancy of mobile homes, to allow parking of mobile homes, trailers or manufactured homes, when authorized for security or other purposes in connection with land development and other temporary construction offices such as construction trailer(s), watchman's quarters, leasing and sales centers. REQUEST, for a VARIANCE, as per ARTICLE 19. APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE FROM TERMS OF ORDINANCE, to authorize a building structure of thirteen (13) stories within a maximum allowed height of 120' A.G.L. at top of slab; Maximum Number of Stories allowed Maximum Number of Stories proposed Variance for Number of Stories Ten (10) Thirteen (13) Three (3) REQUEST, for waiver of CHAPTER 36. NOISE, Section 36-6. Construction Equipment (a) permitting the operation of construction equipment exceeding the sound level of a reading of 0.79 weighted average dBA at any time andlor day subject to the City Manager Exception pursuant to Section 36-6 (e) and all the applicable criteria; REQUEST for applicable SPECIAL EXCEPTION following conditions to be required at the time of issuance of Shell Permit instead of at issuance of Foundation Permit; a. The requirement to record in the Public Records a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner or a mandatory property owner association. b. And the requirement to record in the Public Records a Unity of Title or a covenant in lieu of a Unity of Title. p—/a«,/?1 6 Manny A. Vega, P.E. Date Zoning Development Supervisor 3 MERALD PLACE 244 NW 72 Terrace - Miami, Florida ALBAISA ARCHITECTS 2964 AVIATION AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133 INDEX OF DRAWINGS 1 a- SURVEY - NOTES Ib- SURVEY - PLAN 2- AERIAL PHOTO 3- CONTEXT PLAN 4- SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA 5- PARKING GARAGE FLOOR LAYOUTS PROPOSED REDUCTION 5a- PARKING GARAGE FLOOR LAYOUTS SECOND PHASE 6- LANDSCAPE PLAN 7-SITE PLAN / GROUND FLOOR PLAN 8- 2nd FLOOR PLAN 9- 3rd AND 4th FLOOR PLAN 10- 5th THRU I3th FLOOR PLAN ELEVATIONS: I la- NORTH 1 Ib- SOUTFI 11c- EAST & WEST 12- ONE BEDROOM UNIT PLAN; 13- TWO BEDROOM UNIT PLAN 14- THREE BEDROOM UNIT PLAN 3/4j1,1- CITY OF MIS/II HARi V.?3" A z•Vi " ALSAISAL ARCHITECTS • 12A.T. r.tO2. 2006 • I.AYOkr, Cover FILEw P:',Ernernid.„P19.0.13bliaErrkarad•A•00Ctuier&C.4.-SI[eZeM-dwg CrTY OF MEM HEAPING 00AHD9 EVIEW EAST COAST AAltiVAY 04 r = . T2AR, • • !,.'2 4 8J j • ry6.171, „ ,r7.48) A " =t 3ES-,2PIP03N. -P,o1 121, .2, tr., 1 ▪ 1C.-.7de non. os FI,Ho 1.33/0 .31.25 te, of LO`, d 33„ LESS EY,C.-EPT 37 Vas'. L:21 21, -,,,.t E.MERSC,1 sL;divis-:ao I uf E., 12, is,,,hv 5.7 5, Pict 0= 11 P.11. .'iioi>x o1, P1,,b1I2 Coun,y. irC:R 2.MER01:C TERRACE H.E2,E(-3', Tr,t SKL7,2,H ▪ of thc- ▪ pfop,,,Ly ^11,e1, Or. the, ,m,,,r, ':rl 1 1311/‘:/.2-rc, d fiecUO2-. WALDC- F .S31qCYC:0 ANC- ,,,APPEP. CERTHC.="E 103.7137/3 1,* 3356 SL.P.,,,L,CrqS, PA'<L, NC. 0;52 NC. or THA.T ARE 1C.T 1E. Pi8L:C 1ECCFC5-. -::22,1NTY 4TPACT ArEF.C11,`,'G PRC.PETT, II2ENT5FICATh`21, A.N-r :ORE S40,.31, PECCr:DED 1.27. SI22_,FC:',111.1,"VrLE ON SKE C".PF C:F3. -L.,F{T 7,F1-E 2R-OPER'Y 17..f,SUF,../112 0=5E5 S.N.2,:,',"4 01/0,10E11 EL, ‚3/,T03, 11; ANL,10 RAISED SEn.„ 50 Y HAS BEEN ,FE-J,F,ED FC.P. 11-E ,j.SE 0' • E EN'iTIFE, 1,,."..1:C.:",001, 111_11:ES ARE 1,CT EPIC7.2:, HEREON, GON'AC.." TO WORK OP, 31313T31UCT:.'&-.1., T,,r1 RE NO AN't DDSS NE --7.21n,33 ,ENCF2. CEPICT L:-.,1,!:701., OF -xPE".-"E:2, ,.7.•••:-/1R4CY E S 7,5C0 . 2,STA3CE.5, 13EPREF.E:N1r.:.0"...S 01EN 3.X.,,3GERATED RE:.,"IONS,PS P. L 1 ALL AT'EVP" 1,4.,DE La'. rL ANY OF.5.:7,f/ 71,q, AND .NFOR,,V,MON LI.,SED ANC nri :2;"30 '3L1:','/7133/41i0173'1'HE'S1T"0Fl,10'.!J[,/,Ti.1/C011.'ODT311-'3D30/3 D Or 'NE FLCRE., _„_ ,„„....„ • : 044. 1,4 2-3 116.,21. 1.1.11:16A-1.1V N .W. 75th STREET . , .ri 4 I < 7 . I , i 71 St STREET FAR AREA CALCULATIONS PROPOSED Total Apartment Area 44 (1Bedroa€n- 15a11) v€T TYPE "A' 44 x 585 S.F. . 24,860 SQ.FT. 24,860 SQ.FT. 36 (2Badrocme, 1Bath) UNIT TYPE "PC 20 x 793 S.F. . 28,546 SQFT. 28,548 Sa,FT, 44 (38edmoms, 2Bath) UNITTYPE"C" 44 x 1,025 S.F. = 45,190 SQ.FT. 44,100 SQFT. (I) 124 APTS 98.508 SQ-FT. Corridors Area: GROUND FLOOR (5'-0"x109'-6") 548 SQFT. x 1 FLOOR = 548 SQFT. SECOND FLOOR (5'-0"x 79'-9") 395 SQ.FT. x 1 FLOOR = 395 SQFT. 3RD THRU 13TH FLOORS l9-0"x254'-9") 1270 SQ.FO. x 11 FLOORS = 13,970 SQ.FT. Elevator Lobby Area ROUNDFLOOR. (34'-81x12'-9") 416 SOFT. x 1 FLOOR .- 416 SOFT. SECOND FLOOR (7'-0"x 18`-0") 126 SQFT. x 1 FLOOR = 126 SQFT. 3RD THRU 13TH FLOORS (T-0"x24'-01) 168 SQFT. x 11 FLOORS = 1,848 SQFT, 17,303 SQ.FT- FAR Grand Total Area 115,811 SQFT. Notes: (1) Stairs, elevator shafts, mechanical and electrical rooms and public areas are exr3uded.. (A) PROPOSED TOTAL NUMBER OF STALLS BASED ON ONE STALL PER UNIT PLUS 101 OF TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS FOR VISITORS. A1.9A1SA ARC,RTECTS • CA1E= Fe, Lb. 2015 • IAYfll31=4 - FILF"A:'.Emerald_PlacelfilNe31Emeral3-k.00Cover3,02 1lr,Data.dwg SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA REQUIRED / ALLOWED ZONNING DISTRICT ...NET LAND AREA GROSS LAND AREA (GLA) C•2 10,000 S.F. (MIN) NET + 1/2 R.W. + 70' RAILWAY PROVIDED R-4 ALLOWED BY SPECIAL EXCEPTION (HOUSING FOR LOW INCOME FAMILIES) TOTAL: 35,000+1.7,043 SQFT. = 52,043 SQ.FT. (1.19 ACRE) Lot A: 35,000+(5,750)+ Lot 6: +17,043+(21,405)+ Railway: +40,320 TOTAL = 122,518SQ.FT. (See GROSS AREA CALCULATION on Sheet 7) SETBACKS: FRONT (NORTH) REAR (SOUTH) SIDE (EAST & WEST) NONE REQUIRED 10'-0" NONE REQUIRED 0F1. = 10 FT. = 0FT. HEIGHT DENSITY LOT COVERAGE (FOOT PRINT) F.A.R. GREEN SPACE PARKING (3) 120 FEET OR 10 STORIES 150 U/NET ACRE (MAX) 179 UNITS (MAX) 0.60 x GLA 73,51.I„SQ.FT,. (MAX.) 120 FT. [13] STORIES (VARIANCE REQUIRED)', [44] 1B [36] 2B [44j 3B TOTAL: 124 UNITS [^' 103 U/ACRE] WITHOUT GARAGE ADDITION = 23,322 SQFT. WITH GARAGE ADDITION = 6,033 SQFT. TOTAL = 29,355 SQFT. 1.72 x GLA TOTAL: 210,731 SQFT. (MAX.) 0.10 x GLA TOTAL: 12,252 SQ.FT. (MIN.) [181 X 1 (1B): 44 X 1 -- 44 t28] X 2 (2B): 36 X 2 = 72 (3B] X 2 (3B): 44 X 2 =..58. TOTAI. = 204 VISITORS: 1L10 UNITS = 12 TOTAL = 216 STALLS (MIN.) 115,811 SQFT. 22,500 SQ.FT. (SEE GREEN AREA CALCULATIONS ON SHEE!6) PARKING REDUCTION REQUIRED BY SPECIAL EXCEPTION PARKING PROPOSED (4) PARKING GARAGE (4 LEVELS): =139 STALLS PARKING ON GRADE: 0 STALLS TOTAL PROVIDED: 139 STALLS (INCLUDES 4 STALLS FOR THE H.C.) SPECIAL EXCEPTION, as per City of Miami Zoning Ordinance 11090 as amended, Mick, 3, Section 917.6 to allow a reduction in parking requirements for multifernily [2% f1 C = 4 STALLS (MIN.)] re(5E[ sidentialSHEEdevT 5aelop)ment for housing for low income families. (3] 12' X 35' BERTH (1] 12' X 35' BERTH CITY OF M [4] VAN STALLS (10' x 20') HEARING olARDB (BY CLASS II PERMITS AS PER` Evlaw ;r�i 923.2.1 ANDM2j 11,0 2954 AV,4ITION AVE M1FM1. FLORIDA 105-442- MK SITE DEVELOPMENT DATA Adolia Aibsisa R,A.d 4690 -. Date Rev/ 4 NOTE: - WHERE A SEOE OF ANY STALL •OUTS A WALL OF2 COLUMN, THE WIDTH OF 'fHE STALL MUST BE 1NCREBED 1 FOOT. WHERE THERE IS AN OFISTRUCTON ON BOTH SIDES OF A STALL, THE WIDTH 0+ THE STALL MUST BE INORESED BY 2 FEET. drat 0,Y rwe.nvenv 2.1£ PRECAST CONO. WHEEL STOP (TVP.j 4" WIDE DLUE PANTED STRIPING THERMOPLASTIC A" WIDE BLUE FAINTED DOUBLE STRIPNd0 THERMOPLASTIC 4' WIDE WHILE PAINTED -- DOUBLE STREP{NG STRIPING THERMOPLASTIC a EY 42 k CONC. WALK FLUSH W! ASPHALT PVMT. ,WHI'1"E - BELIE\ ON GRADE PARKING: = 0 STALLS TYPICAL PARKING STALL FOR THE HANDICAP SCALE: 1/16' = 1' PARKING GARAGE LEVEL 1: 8+9+17= = 34 STALLS GN eN��41II W +20,90' i t9TrcT CO +25.00'_ F- 00, W o 7.1N!P DN n PARKING GARAGE LEVEL 3: 9+9+17= 35 STALLS 6156 -- sniroNcu ern III II N II WHEEL STOP DETAIL SCALE; 1%x"= 1' PARKING GARAGE LEVEL 2: 94-9+17= = 35 STALLS PARKING GARAGE LEVEL 4: J+9+17= arm architects. z664 AVIATION AVE FLORIDA. = 35 STALLS CETY OP AR MATING HOARDS AN�S4 PLS REVIEW PARKING LAYOUT°- [BY SPECIAL EXCEPTIC I _ Adolfo Alba,. SCALE: 1" = 50' PM16,66 'S5.6 R,A.0.4969 °j"ey.•.m,. „o1+.+ «'inn �owr/`➢afe:...Q2-o2.06 Rev.: ON GRADE : = o TS IA LS PARKING GARAGE : H WS TOTAL: er Ai.AAISAARCHITECTS - DATE- Feb CT. 2006 • LATOWm5 FVLE=P'.0ErTerald 01 e00lble04Err ald0025-Pa&ngLapoutdwg Sheer ON GRADE PARKING: = 8 STALLS kC 0.00' HC HC HC N C7 a 11,0 LO WIM +5.00' li eV3C9C101,4,0--.laylen8. PARKING GARAGE LEVEL 1: 8+g+17= = 34 STALLS PARKING GARAGE LEVEL 3: s+20+29 = 58 STALLS NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROVIDED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF PROVING THE TOTAL NUMBER OF REQUIRED STALLS COULD BE ACCOMMODATED WITHIN THE SITE, SHOULD IT BE NECESSARY. PARKING GARAGE LEVEL 2: 9+20+29= ---- .._____ 58 STALLS +38 00' PARKING GARAGE LEVEL 4: 9+20+29= = 58 STALLS PARKING LAYOUTCITVSroAfisl 11EA#II40 BOARDS SCALE: 4" w 60' cLA �{'rlfi v$Ew i f HasAN 9oad• ON GRADE: PARKING GARAGE TOTAL: P., 4ae,216.2-72,l ofc_81. Or ' ,,,c rALLs_.....- ALOAISAARCHTECTS • DATE. Fob 02, 200M • LAYOUT. FILEm P:Emerek6Ft ALAihk3lERArxW-A-M-p Ing1.AYout arm anhr. 29*4 AVIATION AVF. FLORIDA ;lC5-4,2,. a181 W zcz p < a_ Adolfo AElieiss R.A.#4869 . 0444:..02A2d1S. Shoat 5a EAST COAST RAILWAY NEW PLANT SCHEDULE CODE BOTANICAL. RARE Y NATIVE kN 5141ET NIA M1IAHnGON'. 0 Tn61l631ACALLI0A I. i4^J:LOuaa0PnMffiN555. SP f 5AHA1 PALMETTO PR � AOYSTONta wF.01n r_ �F uure� caa c'�NO[;tHVW FRk.C�v85fVl,v8 ' Y 1 MVERpv'TOrv'x 000 -c.......... ... .......__._ !. R'F...._.."_. 5pi.frenPE COMMON NAME uAFac wv '011a041, .RIND 25 freAL paLkl.Die] .n2R81. f;+W OOCCDLCEA UVREi1A INALk1 .PAT '..AJOJSTENF GRAM X. .._wr VFEn f. R1,ORMA .. 0 TS' 30' 72 TERRACE 6 P, LANDSCAPE PLAN 1'=40-0 PLA :55E PIA =ao. (25) LE LANOSGAPING NOTES: 1 ALL PLANT LOCATIONS ARE TENTATIVE AND SHALL BE ST ACED IN TIME FIELD FOR ARCHITECT5'S APPROVAL. 2. WHERE CONSTRUCTION OR JTILITIES UNDERGROUND OR OVERHEAD ARE ENCOUNTERED OR WFtERE CHANGES HAVE SEEN MADE IN THE CONSTRUCTION NECESSARY ADJUSTMENT WILL BE APPROVED BY THE ARCHITECT. 3. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE GRADED 'FLORIDA NOV OR BETTER AS OUTLINED UNDER 'GRADES AND STANDARDS FOR NURSERY PLANTS' BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA ©EPART0EN0OF AORICULTUR0, A. PROVIDE2" MIN, LAY216OF MDLCFl AV0NE TOP SOIL LAYER. S. NO PLANTING IRRIGATION IS 60026E3 BY CODE. (5j SRA CES CES GR0EJ•t AREA GRAPHIC . CALCULATION. TOTAL 22,MI6 S4.FT. NW 2...AVENUE ALBAISA ARCHITECTS • DATE.- Feb62, 2006 • LAVO0T=6 • 611_Ee PlEmerai],I 902'Blbi00'0nte1sld•A.0-1ands6666664/6 10 •ni i:rY`Fmei yjlx'f& awhlwas 28E4 AVIATION NYE c*. M1aas FL.110A -1n+ LANDSCAPE P Ade€f) Alh4i0e RA #4658 Date'. 02-42-Q6 Rev.:_,......._...._..... Sheet 6 PROPOSED DIVISION OF LOT 21 / 101' KT SETBACK --. • -••• - LOADING BERTH EAST COAST RAILWAY (4) IDx 20' VAN STALLS (CLASS II AS PER 903.1) (BY CLASS 0 TO REDUCE SIZE FROM )2x35' AS PER 923.2.1) 541' -a< NW 72 TERRACE 33 -6n 44 I 43-4 ;NOTE: I 9! SEE DWG 4 FOR TABLE OF REQUIRED: ) AND PROVIDED SETBACKS. • • • • • . : • FUTURE (4) STORY GARAGE ADDITION (50 STALLS) E E • • . . • • EMERGENCY VEHICLE. EXIT PATH 0 1.6: - YESIBILIITTRIANSL.6. $ETPACK <>./7-2;///,... 41-1.t4s•gs. f7/' . /VIICK %?:IP 0 FT. SETBACK 225 F.A.R. CALCULATION: GROUND FLOOR ELEVATOR LOBBY AREA: (34'..8" x 12%0") --. 416 SQ.FT. CORRIDOR: 5I-0° x 1091-6') 548 SQ,ET. TOTAL GROUND FLOOR . 964 SQ.FT. NOTE 2: • ' BUILDING AREA CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE BY COMPUTER US[NO D1MEN$0N5 SHOWN. GROSS AREA CALCULATIOR LOT (A1 flET, 14046143- 35,00) SaFT o RW. 364044104 8,260 SO IT LOT(S) NET: -0745-11- 34613.4374235 17,043 SO FT 030104 2sx.626, -NET 21_405 SO FT RAILWAY: 70S576, 40,320 SO FT. FAL fSROSS AREA 6 122,513 St,/ FT. 35' • PROPOSE() 10ET+ 25' R DEDICATION NW 2 AVENUE CITY OF MIAMI LICARINO BOARDS A.6,2,,, 6'06" RA 6 REVERW ,,i; '''' ' 7 f' f, SITE PLAN - PARKING GARAGE AND TOWER GROUND FLOOR PLAN .„': , - * „ 4,r .r, ifr, q6-62.,) ,! MIEEVEI, ALSAISA ARCHITECTS • !TAT'S= Feb OS, 2006 • LAYOUT. 7 (2436) • FILER R1EmarsId_PlacallIble3f,Emer61[1-A-076,10•Site.c3•61 641i albaisa architects. 2864 AVIATOR AVE 0413444 FICRIC6 206. 442- 1l94 PARKING GARAGE AND TOWER GROUND FLOOR PLAN Dais: 02-06.06 Rev.: Shee1 7 (-8 NW 72 TERRACE PARKING GARAGE AND TOWER 2nd FLOOR PLAN Ai.PASiSARGI-FITECTS • onsrr Feb M 2004 1..AYOUT - FILE, PALrnenelrk.,Ptimia4,10.E.....1.4.-0711,10-50•64,3 F.A.R. CALCULATION: SECOND FLOOR ELEVATOR LOBBY AREA: (18`,0" x 7',01) = 126 SCLFT. CORRIDOR: x 79'.-0") e 395 SCLFT. TOTAL SECOND FLOOR 52t SCLFT. NOTE 2: BUILDING AREA CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE BY COMPUTER USING DIMENSIONS SHOWN, CITY OF 9IAM1 HEARING SOARDS PLAIr3 albaisq. nAitras. 305. 442 118s 2nd THRL1 ilth FLOOR PLANS 4p; 8 PM 1.7 :fl3 Z rt:$ 4; NI Nbeisa R A14 4559 Rev.: Shaer 8 NW 72 TERRACE F.A.R. CALCULATION. THIRD FLOOR {FOURTH SIMILAR) ELEVATOR LOBBY AREA: x 7'-D") = 168 SQ,FT. CORRIDOR: 5'•0" x 254'-0") = 1,270 SQ.FT. [4] 1 BR APT. 4 x (565 SQ.FT.) = 2,260 SG1.07. )4) 3 BR APT. 4 x (1,025 SQ.FT,) = 4,100 SQ,FT. TOTAL PER FLOOR: W 7,796 SQ.FT. TOTAL SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS = 15,598 SQ.FT. NOTE 2: BUILDING AREA CALCULATIONS HAVE SEEN MADE BY COMPUTER USING DIMENSIONS SHOWN. 0 15 10' 87 C9:\k.PARKING GARAGE AND TOWER 3rd AND 4th FLOOR PLANS 1 _400„ RLBAIBA ROCI-1TECTS • DATE., fib06, 2040 • LAYOUT.9 • FLE. P19,014k1FYece76il40Eme•al6A-ll71a14SMe.wv; C0TY OF MAAO HEARING BOARDS PLAry REVIEW 50 h' maisca. udiirects. 2404 AVIATION AVE 1110.1,1, HAAI9A 20$-412. 1%1 4th THRU 13th FLOOR PLANS V pi ro A�IW Z ry Adage Alhpl5e R.A.if 4668 n91B: 02 os-06 Sheaf 9 NW 72 TERRACE 0 15 30 TOWER 5th THRU 13th FLOOR PLANS = 40`-0" ke.AISI4 AFIC.IliTE6T,..: • DATE.= fob ad, 20•G•6 • LAY011in 12 ' FILE, P ierwall_Plam•BibEsa,,Emould-A-07,01-9-ite,* 6IY F.A.R. CALCULATION: FIFTH FLOOR (67H THRU 13TH) ELEVATOR LOBBY AREA: (24'•0x 7-0'') 168 SO.FT CORRIDOR: x 2544') = 1,270 SQ.FT. [4) 1 BR APT. 4 x (565 BO FT ) = 2,260 SQ.FT. [41 2 BR APT. 4 x (793 SQ.FT.) 3,172 SCLFT [43 3 BR APT. 4 x (1.025 SQ.FT.) = 4,100 SQ.FT. TOTAL PER FLOOR: = 10,970 SQ.FT. TOTAL 5TH THRU 13TH FLOORS .= 98,730 SOFT. NOTE 2: BUILDING AREA CALCULATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE BY COMPUTER USFNG DIMENSIONS SHOWN. N CITY OF rollAMI HEARING SOAIIDS PI•k7EV.E.W J Lfr albaisa architects 4944 AVIA WI", AVF FLOAT. 3¢5 -4•1?, 1444 4th THRU 13th FLOOR PLANS W C.) 1 s i1--2 "E. z .10 14 f,t1PvillW Adak, Afla,*e R.A.13 4969. Date: 32-05-06 Rev.: 09192? 1 0 LOT#8 C-2 I AC ALSAISA ARCH1 CIS iJATE. Feb DE. YOUT., .{ta • ELE, PAErloteld_Placd,bibleTEmeiVkcE,A,11..Erwa.EoAl TOP OF MAIN ROOF SLAB 1 EL f130.5 N LOT#20 C-2 0 FT. SETBACK FINISH GROUND FLOOR EL +10.5 FT. N.G.V.D. SCPLh /:-."32" albaisa architects. 384 AVkATA,N AVE MIAMI. FLORIDA 235—“E NORTH ELEVATION Adolfo A{boisa R 4869 Date. 02-02-06 Rev . HEARNE. 60.4 MS Shoe: ens. flEV3EW ..E,A74.044 lia TOP OF MAIN ROOF SLAB EL 4130.5' N.O M.D. i LOT#20 C-2 0 rr. SETBACK FINISH GROUND FLOOR -- , EL +10.5 FT. N.O.V.D. •", ALEIAISA ARVRETECTS • DATEre, (12, 2006 • LAY-OLI'N 1th - P..T-Trmrtilil..Placriq3NO•Z•nerekt•A•11•Ek.s.d.g 111l1I1l ;i113ENE.9•:. MN 111 MENEM MOM ..6E.E;E• am 0., •, • 'V - • Ate,. SOUTH ELEVATION 11 b LOT#8 C-2 ET. SETBACK CAL_: 1 /3.2" CITY OF MIAMI HkAF4f46 ROAN'S PLIKOEW 1./ 7•F•E -----;— I a Amis. 2E164 aWirkal AVE P.1.0.11. WADS. 105.1E2 • 11g.. SOUTH ELEVATION Adae Absisa R.A.# 4000 Date: 02-02-06 Rev.: Shoat lib 0 T. SETBACK WEST ELEVATION. ' 1"=3,y=c1^ PAISA ARCH7C7-- • DATE. Fob CIC 4U • LAYOM4 .t.Sc. • FIE P Trrern€.3_P4,4,751bleaener.a141 A.11.-.51,444 LIJ F— C - 0 FT. SETBACK 2 EAST ELEVATION 0.-0" /324s,,—; jit Maisel archiircts. 2E1e4 AVIKTIOR AVE MAK R,DIRCA. EAST AND WEST ELEVATIONS Adele) Altaasa RAM 4559 Dale: 02-96-96 ay.: Sheat 0 22'0" BEDROOM 1 T-0" 22' 0" 3 6'-8 LIVING/DINING 11LO UNIT "A" FLOOR PLAN (1 DEDKOOM, 1 8ATf1) IA" = I'-C" 565 SQ. T. p 2 4' 8 SCALE: 1(4" - 1'-0" n 0 00 Q Y OF MEWL HEARING @pARO$ pL�LF6�iEY€@W P.mINo 2 fP• F.A.R. TOTAL'. 565 S.F. Ai2AISA ARGNiiECTS • DATE Feb02, 0000 • LAYOUT' 1.2 • PILE,PO0meeld_PlacoBEbie31Emem'A.A-12014•ELF0009 2Nfi4 A1AATE0N AVE PAW. PLOR' TA 5115-am-+.ton ONE BEDROOM UNIT FLAN Adolfo Albaise R.A.2 4669 Date: 01.13-06 Sheaf 12 KITCHEN BEDROOM 1 BEDROOM 2 10,_0' ijf18rniIiI _.._ -IA1�� 4.10" 9'-10' LIVING/DINING UNIT °B'I FLOOK FLAN (2 BEDROOMS, ! BATI1) i/4' = !'-n" - 793 S©. FT. 0 2' SCALE: 1/4' OILY OF MIAMI HEARING BOARDS >ro PLANS VIEW f d.� F.A.R. TOTAL= 793 S.F. 9 0.1 VAAISA ARCHITECTS • DATE< Feb02, 2006 • L•AYOUT-f3 • k_E=R:1Emm2k1 Plata'Sfble9l&rtmaEd-A•12o14-t:6lg yg 26n4 AVl rrIO. AVE WAIF. KLGRIPa !06•442 5194 TWO BEDROOM UNIT PLAN Mob 0 Albaisa R.A.0 4669 Dates 31.13-06 Rev.: Sheen 13 w.I.C. 5'-10' B R MASTER BEDROOM 2'- BATH P 1 9' KITCHEN CL. 10'-2" u BEDROOM 2 10'-2' CL. ;� BEDROOM 3 10`-2" LIGHT FIXTURE LIVING/DINING 11'-2" O Q 0 0 ?111111 I •IlU hqu111111- 2' 4" /8 "f 21'-6' 43'L8" UNIT 1[CII ELOOR FLAN (3 BEDROOMS, 2 BAT S) 1/4' = ;'..p` .. I025 3 0 2' 4` 8' b, e ld""%milll SCALE: 114" = 11_0e AS.FAISAARCHITECTS • DATE Fe502. ZW6 - 14106T-f4•F3l,ExP:+.Emera:d_PIureIRible3lEmeraldA-121014-EsIgd 43'-6" 1(Y-4" 22'-4" 10'-10" 2 8" F.A.R. TO CfYY LIF 1591ASII HEARING BOARDS PLANyREV]EW Me+^ry • 7s1., .w 01, Afirgee- 6c G�1�rii5a architrcts. 2654 AVIATION Ave ARI, CORIPn 4 2-1184 THREE BEDROOM UNIT PLAN Adolfo Aibslss R-A.# 4669 Wale. 0 Rev, 13-06 44ee1 14